HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-2-11, Page 5Asti the Earl ackin issue THE BRUSSELS POST 1i`ertnc:;day, February llbh, 1.940 LA 'Jackson jotorsLt d Listowel, Ont. are taking orders for 1948 CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS Our 1947 quota received was 91 cars and trucks, 51 tractors We hope 1948 to better this quota. Don't pay too much for used Cars, Trucks or Tractors Watch our Ads. N SAVE YOU MONEY We carry THE LARGES GENUINE FORD PART STOCK IN WESTERN ONTARIO Your local Ford, Monarch and Ford Tractor Dealer Phone -- 161 Listowel, Ont. FOR SALE 1945 Ford Truck, 176 inch wheel base and rack complete 1 T ord Ferguson Tractor on rubber and plow "Service With A Smile" La & W. JACKSON MOTORS invited Listowel - Ontario Listen to C ,.NX ten o'clock news Monday to Friday • • t 'ace Ell AM0W eleiSEASSE len °. jgWeall 841113E.S,E7 "LILY" .RRIN85 $3,7O 113; at kir 9CI WEDDING RINGS weedis 1449 arid+ Odd 88800000E r lee RE THE ATTEHOMMMI -TN toast ad =sat Es Ashton W O G. Leach - jeweller 1Ogassitied Ads LETTER TO THE EDITOR fit•. J'IIInr• Arrivihng Isere from Saskatchewan FOR SALE- - 1037 1'iymouih Seda'a Leluxe tD vtelt. relatives :tad friends around model all now tires, In pert'eet soil• l3elgrave, B1uevale and Brusselq I diltlon. Apply at the Brussels Post get so otomy questions regard+ our C.Qie. Government so 1 thought WANTED- --" your suherrihers might also like to Raw Furs, highest emcee paid aiso hear of it sexing so many are from Red Foxes. Ship to Norman Green- the wast ad moat alt have friends spoon, 223 Grace St., Toronto, and relabivens there. FARM HELP WANTED- ...First T Heinle we like our hospital scheme best. For the gum of 55 pot' Married or single man. Moat" person, with a limit of $80 per machinery, •traotor, eombine, hay family, we are entitled to Public bailer, etc. Separate house for neaadred loans state wages, cx perience, Box 50, •tlrusels, FOR SALE- M d. el A Ford Chasele, Wheelie and tiros. 28 Chrysler coupe, '80 Fordson tractor. Phone 77-r-6 Mr,Neill's Garage LOST- - -- --_.__..�.�__ A 104month-nk1 Collie pup, brown ' with white marking and white on tip of tail. .Any person knowing where• iabouts please phone Geo. L. Blake Phone 56-r-1,2 FARMFOR SALE- ' North half of lot 10 concescdno 13, i McKillop township, all in grass, Buick house, two barns, nine acres hardwood bush, hydro within half milers. Apply to Nelson Reid, Walton WANTED - Tenders for grave digging at Cranbrook •cemetery. Apply on or before Feb. 14 to secretary-treawm'er, John J. Sohnock, R.R. 3, Brussels, Ont. See,-Treas. Orsnbrook Cemetery Brd, :1:;'ar 1'l' for the Wast. settling in the Lyonshall dist riot. Mr. Agar par his lira crop in wh•h a team of oxen, 1n 1895, Mr, Agar des. posed of itis farm end moved to eats t weight . .\1;tn. Ill' went into mixed fanning on a large reale, and built up a herd of heretord and red poll cattie, which won him top honors al 171'' varinnq stook rains. Mr. Agar was known for his very fine herd of perrheren home. In 1926, owing to 'VIr. Agar's health they moved to the West Coast. with younger members of their family, locating a hone on weld aeeommo(lation Operating Vancouver Island. room facilities, Drecsing, necessary Mr. and Mrs. Agar raleed a drugs, X-ray and fob, Proc('dnres faintiy or 15 ehildr•n, 13 living, Plus anaesthetics, and it 1- in ca'r'ne There are 34 grand children and even if talceu sick 1n another prov. 10 gr•ead sranrdchildree. ince while away from hoose. Also along the salve line of thought. we have absolutely free treatment of sneer, hospital, ;lCr+arc, operations and medicine. For $6 additionai 1a our license Fee of 310 (popular prk.e cart we have an insurance policy covering accident and death, (f 1 ,Mould get killed or passengers with the while operating my ear the widow would get 56000 and if any are hurt we would get everything taken earn of (looters medicine and compensation for time lost from work. and if my ear was damaged to any extent over 5100 that also is taken. rare of. Now for the above $5 hospital and $6 one license fee of ear we Bali that compulsory ro•operation and we can t see anything wrong' with the compulsory part of it much as the other political parties cry about it. Tt rather-a,mmses m•r the news. paper spare devoted to plane rescue inis'dnns in the. east. The Saskat- eliewan Government bas two large planes .stationed at Regina one at WANTED- Saskatoon out on those missions Man for steady travel among con- mast every day. They come with a sumers in Brussels. Permanent core delete, and naha•se, land on your neetion with large mauufaeturer farm, pick you up and away to the Only reliable hustler considered, hospital, the charge is 525. !Write Ra'wleigh Dept. No, ML -J-152- No w for oar Prnvinrial House. '131, Montreal. There are T think 32 members, 5 Liberate. 1 Cansrr r,i,tive end 46 0.f',F. members. Of the 46 C.c '. members .33 are farmers. 1 lnwerer, -. WANTED- , Flocks bo supply us with hatching eggs for the 1948 hatching season. 11 minister 1T. 0. Dmlglas, premiers Flocks culled and bloodtested free. ithe rest are teaehels and labor I Guaranteed premium plus hatchabii-members. Now we hear a lot abont ,Ity premium paid. Also wanted to I Weiner our farms away from ns, Purchase cockerls suitable for breed. ing. For full details write Tweddle Chick Ha.teheries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. IFOR SALE - mostly that cry originates in Ontaree, the anti publications all cone from Toronto, that we know from cxperienee, Now can you by anv stretching of imngina4.inn believe 33 farmer mem 100 -acre farm ole highway, good hers ort of s party memberehtP of buildings, hush, hydro. 40 -acre farm near village, 30 acres ploughed. Brick douse in thriving village, ban'u and hydro, price $2,500.09 37 acre farm in a village, frame house and barn. J. C. Long, Phone 84 Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. HELP WANTEU-Mt.LE" AN OPPORTUNITY- Estsbilshed Rural Watkins District available. It you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55 - have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get estab- lished in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars, write today to The T. R. Watkins Company Dept. 0•B-4, 2177 Mason ?t., Montreal. Qu. FOR SALE - 200 acres, lot. 32 an•i 38, con, 13 in Grey township. Large new Lip roof barn, driving shed, milk house silo, garage and house. Hydro in all buildings waiter preexnre, furnace with air conditioner and bathroom, Buildings all painted and in very good condition. Land in Mgt silt(' of cultivation, For further particu- lars apply to 33111 Stratychuk, R.R. 1, West Monkton Phone 49-r-6 Brussels a WANTED - (Trey twn. School Board will re- ceive tenders for the tedlbw'ing amnanrts of hand body wood deliver- ed to the different soltonis by Atigest let, 1947, Tenders will be received until Feb. 18th, The Beard prefers to buy locally if passible, S,S, No; 1, 0 card 14 -inch wood No, 8, 8 bond 144,ech wend No, 4, 10 cord 14-1nch wood No, 5, 15 cord 20 -inch wnod No. 6, 16 cord 14 -Inch wend No. 7, 12 cord 14'nch wood No. 8, 10 cord 14 -inch wood No. 0, 10 cord 14 -inch wood No. 10, 10 cord 14 -inch wood No. 11, 1.12 curd 14 -inch wood 735S No. 4, 12 cord 124nch wood 7355, No, 12, 10 cord 14 -inch Wood S. earl Hemingway, E3eb: Treas,> RR, 3, Brussels 10 cora grime to do any snob a thing. Notice the membershin, 1 lawyer, the opposition have 6 member -A. 3 of them lawyers. We cin not think any lawyer has 4the farmers' interest at heart. Regarde campaign funds, T ached several stere if they ever 'ionated any funds to either of the two old parties. the answer was a.lWaya no new we nil donate there, a few large farmers 5500, more $100 and mune, more from $5 to $50, my own for instance is 315 yearly and we are clad to do IL The Government has no strings tied to 1t by accepting large donations from large com- panies who have favors to a -k. We also have a Government fire Insurance company. Praviolis to tltjs Government the rural Ora inenrnnee prrmitlanc all went not or the Prnv- Inre. In other words the motry is Ovine.: in the Province now, The (lnvernrlret has .^,ane into other proration's snob as woolen mdse, stint fortnry. brick and tile, , mintier limber, eleettle power and ethers n11 to malls work for nor people, The electric power iS not much use to the rural ponllation W11,11 WV have no more than two tunnies to the mile, the rest • is excessive, A word about feed grains, they are the (inst. grainsharvested and were Practically ,all sold before the prices ern Se went into effect. The price we received was Kee for nuts. 79c for barley and now the pries is 66 and 105 respectively. Might say Tam no pnllitehl l only a straight grain farmer, living on the fapin, but I like to say a good word, When oppo"•tultity nrigee tar our Government. Yours truly, Thynne Kray Former Killarney Couple Mark 50th Wedding. Day KILLARNEY, Treb. 4 -Mr. and Mrs, .Toon Agar, former resicdents of the Lyonshall d6oa'ict now 00 Nanaiano, B.C., celebrated their 00101 wedding anniversary Sunday. Mr. Agar, bola at Brussels, Ont., 1ti 1868, married Jessie Nfo1{ay botn in 1871 at Tnioan, Ont. They were married 1888, in. lfltlevale, Ont„ by the Rev, .5, Y, Hartley. The neat year Mr. and Mrs, AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements will be held at Lot 22, Con. 11, Grey Township one and one-half miles east of Cranbrook FEBRUARY 13th, 1948 1 o'clock sharp HORSES 1 Clyde Horse 9 years old work double or single 1 Clyde mare 10 yrs. old, 1500 lbs, work double or single CATTLE 1 Hereford cow 5 ;yrs. old,,eene June 7 1 part Jersey cow 7 yrs. old,dueMay 1 1 Ayershire cow 5 yrs. old due ,Tune 9 1 Durham heifer 3 yrs. old due June 5 1 Durham heifer 3 vr, old due June 23 1 Hereford heifer 2 yr. old due ,Tune 10 1 reel Durham cots 8 yrs, old fresh, calf at foot 1 Jersey row 6 yrs old, fresh, calf ah foot PIGS 1 sow bred 2 weeks 12 chunks IMPLEMENTS 1 walking plow 77 Fleury 1 Crown gang plow 2 aniky riding plows 1 souffler 1 dump rake 1 Dane hay loader 1 Deering mower 6 -ft. cut 1 13 -hoe disc seed drill, Cockshutt 3 section diamond harrows 1 Deering binder 6 -ft. cut • 1 manure spreader in good repair 1 good farm wagon with hay rack 1 liivLa.uclvlln rubber tire buggy 1 Clinton tannt tg mill 1 hay fork and 130 ft. rope 1 set bench sleighs 1 set double harness 1 set new lines, double 1 set heavy breeching 1 -Renfrew enema separator 1 Daisy churn 2 80 -Ib. milk cans 1 cream can 1 strainer and pails 1 erose cut saw 1 cow leader 2 steel pig troughs 1 wooden pig troll -eh 1 'water trough 1 wheel barrow 1 roll barb wire, new 4 seeks fertilizer 1 sack cattle sett 1 extension table 1 hanging lamp 2 team neck yokes 1 set daubletrees, helve, 1 set doubletrees, light Forks. shnvels :ntd numerous other articles Good watch and cattle dog No Reserve as farm Is Rented, TERMS CASH HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer CLARENCE ELLACOTT, Prop. FRIDAY, at 1600 lbs, FOR SALE - Electric motors rewound and re. wired. Expert workmanship, Moder- -: prices, New motors in stock. 5ettger inaustrles, 649 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. ',, F. Ht. niluth Regis; erect Optometrist "Western Ontario's .Piaci Modern Eye Sar iicei 'hone 118. ilarristrsil'i KEFFER', MACHINE SHOP Acetylene, and Electric Welding Our shop is eduipped to dao First Class Welding And Lathe Work Your Patronage Solicited. Good Service Assured. Anent for Surge Milkitg Machines Cash for You! OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD FARM ANIMALS COWS - $10., HORSES $8. HOGS -(300 lbs. and over) $3. per 100 lbs, at your farm, according to size and condition Small animals -• No Charge for removal. Our same prompt, efficient courteous service Simply Phone Collect Brussels 72 - Ingersoll 21 -NE - 1ieeu's Pirk Report; iToo 4" lay PREMIERCER GOGE D , EW "A RECULTLJR LOOKS AHE Wi gham Fri ay 8.00 to CKNX Feb. 13 8.15 IL m. 99 Is Your Subscri aid lor 1948? Renewlt Now $i5O per year T e Brussels ost i ij Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs - REPAIRED and RECOVERED - Also Rebuild Mattresses • g3 fa FREE MCK-UP ND DELIVERY Sift"s�II1 i3 Lr�tlZ 4t8 Brza-ansicic Street Enquire at " - s Do A. RANN al Stratford, Ont. Furniture and humus! Service. Phone 36 or 86 Brussels, Chat.. • You might fro the next victim of fire -fire that can quickly destroy your home, your business, your pro. perry, your whole life's work. Let Pilot Insurance accept the risk -ready and quick to pay any just claim. The cost is very low.. We write Pilot Insurance to cover selected risks in, ilutontobile, Pire,llurglaryt,. Plate Glass, Pub. lic Liability and other general insurance, P' � SURAIKE COMPANY