The Brussels Post, 1948-2-11, Page 3"Milking" Clouds
May Stir Up Big
Argument in West
Experiments in artificial rain-
making --- "milking the clouds" is
what some call it - have attracted
much attention in many parts of
the world, especially in dry and
semi-del/ea areas. Now a rancher
out in the : ia.te of Nevi.da has actu-
ally filed r elailn on the moisture
above his ranch, with the idea of
seeding the clouds with dry ice or
silver iodide, for the purpose of
filling Itis reservoirs with precious
This claim - which at first was
greeted wiih laughter and taken as
a joke - actually may he the Means
of starting a big controversy; for
water is so valuable in some sec-
tions of the west that any hold on
its possession is hotly defended.
While In the Eastern States no one
has a claim to ownership of the
water that flows through the land,
out west it is just the opposite, and
a man who can establish a claim as
the "first beneficial user" it allowed
to make use of al' the flowing water
his claim calls for, even though a
neighbor just below him thereby
goes entirely dry.
Much of the moisture which falls
on interior. 3 :.tern sts.tes comes
from the Pacific Ocean. Should
people on the western side of the
Pacific slope decide to gb in for
"milking" the clouds before they
pass across the mountain ranges it
might have a 'ecided effect on the
entire 000110 ty of the interior areas.
Whatever the final result, it would
set in as if both lawyers and engi-
neers will have many problems to
solve befure the platter is definitely
'Look who dropped in, on his
way to the happy haunting
Magazine "Facts"
Need a Recheck
• In a recent issue FORTUNE -
the magazine that sells for a dollar
a copy and seldom mentions any-
body iowtr down in the social scale
then a millionaire - published
soralethi g of a "blurt" at Canada.
The article, among other things,
said that."in an even race Kansas
wheat grower-: alight put Canadian
growers out of business" - the
reason being that our farm research
was so greatly behind that in
"God's c untry".
Canadians who pay any attention
to this kind of thing are having a
quiet smile to themselves over such
nonsense. According to the C.P.R.
"Agricultural and Industrial Pro-
gress in Canada" the world's wheat
championship - decided annually
at the Chicago International Grain
Show - has been won by Cana-
dians just 20 times -out of 33 shows
held -since 1911. More than that, all
four of the wins by non -Canadians
were on [cheat from Montana -
which lienalong the Canadian bor-
der; and the prize-winning grains
were all varieties either originated
in this country, or from a dscendant
of Canadian strains,
It would seem as if FORTUNE
alight do a 1;tole checking out its
much - publicized "fact - checking"
Bachelor and Hockey Bobby Soxers-Marlboros' Johnny Mc Cormack, leading scorer in the OI -IA senior mace, has other
worries besides bagging his quota of goals for Joe Prnneau's team. They're obviously pleasant worries, however, as you
might discover from this picture of Johnny instructing his S t. Mike's (U of T) hockey team. Left to right (front row) i
Vicky Boechler, Ann Malcolm, Betty Markle, the coach, Fran cis Conlin, Rita Bauer (sister of Bobby, ex -Boston Bruin),
Helen Martel, Babe Coughlin and Barbara Smith. Hack row: Nancy Gates, jean Rutherford and Mamie Flynn.
Sports And One Thing or Another
One of our fenlin'ne readers -we
might say that the lady is a violent
supporter of the Montreal Canadicns
and not feeling any too good about
the state of the world at present -
writes regarding a certain well-
known member of the Toronto Maple
Leafs. "I understand that many
years ago there used to be a song
wonder if you could get a copy of it,
and send it with my compliments to
'Bad Man' Ezinirki. Ever since one
of our boys gave hint a mild going-
over in Montreal 'Big Bad Bill' seems
to have lost a lot of that nsuclt adver-
tised fight of his -just another of the
kind that loves to dish it out, but
ca i t take Br
* * *
Personally, we have no particular
feeling either way regarding Mr.
Ezinicki - or any other professional
athlete, for that matter. There was
a day when we' could follow, with
intense and even passionate interest,
the progress -or lack of it -of some
pro. team. But that day is in the
dint and distant past. It goes hack
to the time when a great Canadian
Sports Editor -Francis Nelson, by
name -gave us a little advice which
really opened our eyes.
* * *
We bad been bewailing to Stir.
Nelson the fact that "Our" team --
if memory serves aright it was the
old Tecumseh's Lacrosse Team -was
getting the worst of it from some
hated rival, and appeared to be in
great danger of losing its last
chance for the Chmnpionship.
* * *
"Don't worry about it too touch,'
advised 112r, Nelson. "Just remem-
ber this -if you were to go into diose
dressing -rooms, right now at half-
time, and switch the uniforms on
those two teams, they'd prolably be
bottling one another just as hard
when they cane on ,hc field again."
* * *
Then he added something we have
always remembered, and frequently
Cup for Top Score -Cup donated by the Guernsey Cattle
Breeders' Association of Ontario for highest standing in Ont-
ario calf club projects is presented to Lloyd Balsdon, RR2,
Sharon, by Bruce Hodgins, field secretary of the association,
With them is George I-1, King of Oakville, past president,
("A Sixbit Critic")
quoted. 'When you look at any pro-
fessional sport, if you see a good
game you've had your money's worth.
If it's a poor game, CVCn the fact
that it might be for the champion-
ship of the world doesn't slake it
any different. .4 mate a r athletes,
playing strictly, for the fuel of it,
have no obligation to thick too much
about the spectators but it's differ-
ent with professionals, who if they
put 00 a fame exhibition. are cheat-
ing those Tadao make - their living
* 4t *
Here, we seem to have got slightly
off the trail of Bill Ezinicki - and
whether or not la's lost smite of the
battling spirit that has characterized
hien for the past couple of seasons.
Our personal feeling is just the same
as it has always been -that Ezinicki
is a colorful and potentially -great
hockey player who was being exploit-
ed, mostly by irresponsible sports
writers, to his own great disadvan-
* * *
Billing Ezinicki as a "killer" and
all that sort of tripe might help well
the box-office tally, and draw extra
customers who came only to holier
"Get Ezinicki" every time he stepped
on the ice. That's very fine, especial-
ly for the type of "sports" promoter
whose idea of the greatest game of
the season is the one which broke
the last attendance record.
* 8e *
But just suppose that Eginicki-
spurred to more intensive efforts by
those hostile shouts, he being that
type of athlete -should by some mis-
chance injure an opponent really
seriously, perhaps even fatally. In
less tithe than it takes for you to
read this, he finds himself suspend-
ed, maybe banished for life,
* * *
inside a month all we TP)tifers who
hammered out s0 team' greatly -
needed columna front his doings -
to say nothing of the promoters who
cashed in on his drawing -powers -
would have practically forgotten him
completely, or almost so. If II1t'.
Eeiuirki has pulled in Itis horns a
trifle -is no longer letting himself
be made the sacrificial goat for at
entire chub, et'e think he has born very
well advised. Coaches and managers
who stress the "fighting qualities" of
their teams have a Jot to answer for.
If the penalties fel! as heavily on
them as on those they incite to .such.
Prowess, maybe they too would "tool
out" a trifle.
4, * 41
A week or s0 ago we wrote some.
thing in praise of the British Boxing
Association for its action in curbing
the broadcasting and televising of
fights in future. John Lardner- son
of the great and only Ring W. and
himself a smart and thoughtful
sports observer - a couple of ..days
pIES_Modern rrledlonl ad -
j,1 once ane ovorcomo nl1-
ments formerly thought
Impaaslblo. Piles wore esasldared one
of than, Thnt'e neneenae today. The
now Pyltone treatment line proven it -
note In thousands of the most stub.-
tub•born ease., It gels results booa501
1t 000e direct to the Internet emigre
Your drat bottle (a liquid taken by
ninth) 0hewe you the difference, or
Butt price refunded at oar.. All
modern Druggieta,
later wrote along the sante line, and
spealcs about how the increasing
popularity of television threatens the
very life of sport, not only ;n Britain,
but on this Continent as well.
* * *
"It appears," he says, "that the
British fight fan is getting his enter-
tainment practically everywhere but
at the place where fighters are fight-
ing and ticket sellers selling tickets.
The boy's might be fighting at the
bottom of the Suter Canal for all they
are drawing at the gate. The big
shows are playing to peanuts, and the
small shows folding up."
* * *
Well, we can picture it as a very
sweet thing indeed -to sit by your
home television screen and, in a single
Saturday afternoon, tune in and see
a few innings of World Series Base-
ball, some scraps of American and
Canadian football, the finish of some
of the most important horse races of
the day, and various other items of
the sort -all without the slightest
exertion- If you have the only tele-
vision set in your vicinity and can
charge the neighbors a small ad.
mission fee, it will be even sweeter.
But after a few years of it - just
where the athletes are cooling front,
to keep things going, is something
We haven't yet been able to figure
One Too Many
A lad watching a house painter
at work, said, "How Many coats
do you give it?"
"Two", said the painter.
"Then", said the lad, "if you
would give it three coats, would
the third one be an overcoat?"
"No, sonny", said the painter,
"that would be a waste coat"
Streamlined Ski
Lighter and Faster
Britain has produced a new,
streamlined ski, said to be lighter
and 10 per cent faster than any
Ter.he new ski, likely to prove the
surprise of the 1048 Olympic win-
ter games, is made of steel, plastic
and wood, and may later be made
It -was tried out secretly on the
Jungfrau glacier during the sum-
mer by James Palmer Thompkin-
son, captain of the British ski
team for the Olympic games.
News of the invention is begin-
ning to leak out among the other
teams in Switzerland -and one of
the new skis has disappeared
mysteriously in the night.
A Bright Idea
Fond Mamma: "Wouldn't you
like to give your hoop to that poor
little boy who has no father?"
Tommy: "Couldn't we give him
father, instead?"
other peoples' coffee when
you can serve Maxwell
House? It's the world's
leading brand and it con.
tains choice Latin-Ameri-
can coffees for extra flavor.
or Money B
do k
For quick reilef from Bailee caused by eczema,
athlete's foot, scabies, Pimples and other Itehl
conditions use pure cooling, medlcated, 11qui
' D. D. 0. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless ea
Italdas. Soothes, comforts and quickly calm
ntense Itching, Don't .utter. Ask your ituggl4
t*..y for 0. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. ,
ISSUE 6-1048
Classified Advertising
AN OFFER to every Inventor -hist IN tneel*
Bonn and full intormution sent free. rho
Ramsey (o . itegmtered Patent Attorneye .7A
Mien S, reel, OUR we-
RaRr cutcxl. _
Aloes tett Poultry Cleat - eau 'buy baby
11111s (or one remota. To receive diet -
dentin en your bn•t•elrusnt, y'uu tenet be eer-
tele, where your emery le laveeted we atter
you baby shishe from x Poultry Parte with
every Mailer pullm'um tested ant government
banded. 'rake advontase of our early die.
00051 Write for our 1948 ,0001oquo and
erica mat. Afuninon Poultry Farms. Monk ton
Fou•-1\'ccic-Old Pullets
Two, three, note week and alder pullets
February hatched. Start with early imitated
aerie,. and get the high prle0, for ('gas next
Sumpter and early 10010. Large 'cert'• %le .
Lei:horne mud *trot other popular breeds.
Send fur Iuive 1101, Hfano(rement (tuff• and
catalogue and book your order now
Laklrvien Poultry. harm
Exeter Ontario
ORDER 5048 CHICKS 5095'
Be aure and receive Dur special preen net Oa
our chivies, Ilot oruge0Y of Regi:,tored rtnd
edi re unl od.teeled Breeders, Milted ebIrI,s
fa 23e and up. Write today
amities' Chick ILdeherles, Chatham. Ontario.
re Biotech at Brtiannla Heights, (Ottawa),
Grew g0n11ty Meda that live and 101'. II
you are really attereei ed In high quality
poultry you will not besitate to get aome or
our chicks thin year. Now, more them ever
before, quality will play a very important
part in the poultry business. The only'
sensthlr thine to do Al put the best uuality
rhlc•ks that money eon buy into year florets
t5 le year. You'll begin to natio. the differ -
5.5,0 en about fire menthe when your layers
begin to produce, Remember Just a few more
eggs from your Goths during the time of
high pr10e0 will return the added profits that
melte the dlfferenee bewtoen the average and
highly 6neemieful investment, Send Daley fur
catalogue and prim -dist. Tweddle Chick
Hendren% Limited, 1'orgu0. Ontario,
to raise. and lay better. from 4,600 high
nrndtutlos breeders. Legllo•na, Rorke and
Hybrids. Miller Poultry Four, Clarkson,
12 c Hurondale Chicks 12s -ic
All Breeders blood tested, bander, andin-
spected and backed by high pedigreed found-
eattnn stock. Su0aex x New Ramp.. heck
x New I4anp., Barred Rocks, New HUMPH
mixed Wee, pullets 250, Light Sussex MIx-
ed 14e, pullets 27r. Large tree Leghorn
mixed 1211,., pullets 20e. All heavy breed
000010rels Sr, Medium breed 2e. 01.00 Per
100 down balance C.O.D. Order from end
enelese Oda ad.
Hurondale Chick Hatchery
London Ontario
BEEF and pork are stili high. Moreover all
Mdicatione 00111t towards continued prem-
ium on all Lynes of meet. The alert poultry-
man who wisely Invests in n floek of fast-
growing chicks that will mature oto broilers
and roosters In n Yeti abort week. stands to
make an extremely handsome profit this
year. NO matter whether you are catering
chickens fnr the eggs they w(n produce or
to self as brollers or reenters you ran slake
more money If your chicks are front muick-
maturing, heavy -laying ancestry. Re owe
to buy the kind of chicks that NV iet Ilor.
grow rapidly. feather out early nn1 not on
lots of weight. They will return greater
profit on your investment an less time. Ton
Nolen reticles will do the above. Free cata-
logue and nrieellat. Top Notch L0,01, bites,
Guelph. Ontario.
with 5chummer'a Quality Chicks. Govern-
ment approved, R.O.P. Sired. Mahe no mis-
take. Cateingne free. Scbummer's Hatchery.
Linwood, Ont.
000 (11(10x3 PREF:
With every order 01 100 pullet chicks the give
130 free heavy breed chicks. Barred Rork
Pullets 520.05, white Rock Pullets 1=5.50,
White Ler-horn Pullets 120.90, Brown Leghorn
Pullets 028,033, Red -Rock Pullets 120,95. Leg-
horn -Rock Pullets 820.05. New Hamrehire
Pullets 10000.93. All clucks -old are from
blood totted 0(00)0. backed by high pedigreed
stock. Also get our special prices on Mixed
chicks and Cockerels. 01.00 honks 0000 order.
Balance C.O.D. Guaranteed delivery. Kent
Ha allay. Chatham. Ontario.
Drenlah Brown Lec'Ilorns, Marred Rocks
Rhode Island Keds. All (1,,''0;0,57t en -
moved whleh means Government msPeetora
lemma our brood flocks and h tlr1,-,y and
01.101 nesuree you high gentile chivies, Write
for nr(000. Cocltrnne'a Puultry Fa•nu, nage•
town. Ontario
"Oxford" Approved ('lticite 1100, lay and pay.
They are the results of twenty-two years
of careful selection end breeding in O.B.S.
They have to be good, because are want the
very best hind of chicks for our own flake
-big, vigorous and early maturing. We
stress erg alae tend uniformity. Burred Rocks
-White Leghorn -Hemp. x Reek Crossbreds
-Hemp F Leghorn Crowe/reds-Rork x Leg-
horn Cm. libretti, Write for free folder. The
Oxford Partnere' Co -Operative Produce Com-
pany, Limited, 934 Main Street, Woodstock,
A0A(220, 0 good poultry year for COnad tun
producers. Early chicks are in motheaten
for the beat markets. We ean sive prompt
0klpment of doyolde or malted If you're the
equipment. 00 we 0uggest you get prepense
and place your order note before the later
rush, if you prefer later delivery. rontec0t
11ea0eet Hatchery. agent or Reny Il atonery'.
130 Jolm N., Hamilton, Ont.
Lakeview Chicks for 1948
front n real laying and breeding plant, over
10,000 breeders inspected, banded and blood
tested. Arany customers here hod' years of
00n11ott0ua emcees with Lakeview Chide%
This year It may he even more important to
btu' the best, err, and Mrs. No -1100 Meanrd
of Parkhill, Ontario, have had 15 consecu-
tive yenr0 of cmulnuous amass with Lake-
view (121(0lm, Why can't 3'O0 too: Start
your chicks early. There will be a shorh1ge
of Ma next Fall and Preva are bound to be
higher. Send for large Illustrated catalogue
and Poultry Alenngenaent Guide with big
early order disroulta,
Lakeview Poultry Farm
Wein Bros, Exeter, Ont.
HAVE 1'0U anything nada dyeing or elean-
ing7 Write 10 tie for Information We are
glad to mlawer your question.. Dornrtmont
H, Parker'. Dye Works Llml led. 701 YOnge
Street. Trireme, (Mtn Flo
Parte end Service, Bert le Kennedy & Son.
410 College SI Toronto
REGISTIOliEp Wire Fox Terrier Pelp!ie0
126. Also brood mn.trona, Westmont -Noun
Kennels, Res'd, Berwick. Novo Scotia.
320 ACRES, going ronreen, three amerces
income. Timber. Fnl•nl, Denver. alt rash
or Part Londe, balanee ensh, hnmrdlnt0 poo.
0000ton. write 10. C. Cou5lmld, Golden, B.C.
BIG, Husky, Heavy Breed Coe/korai,. special
for Feb, 18021 and 20rd, 52.00 per 100, [leo
non -sexed ohlclt0 0nd psUete at bargain
priee0, Write today for petalled and free
calendar. Big Rork Farm, Mille Roches,
155 to 0 horsepower. Garden Pleas, Disol.
Cullivectnre, Melee Mowers, etc. Write:
arenlltnet0r0t'd seenllare.
liurtenrille (Hamilton), ontaflo.
5 LBS. FINE QUILT PC$. $1,89
Volnriul assortment. Pret0eet deslgrw.
(lunrnntcoa wadeable cottons, prints, brood -
001e, e10nnine Bilk Malting patella, assorted
brood -
Moo, malting other, live. melte. Proferred
nelostlon, 50 50 C90 16e. 55.20). 10155103/ 16
quilt designs: Needles; Thread. Remittance
whit order. Dettvery extra.
Vashuble Colton Prints, Broadcloth, Piques,
pre. About 10" to 30" width. Lineal mea-
serententa. Pose age 30e.
Station H. Dept. 4, Wert:real.
Fon SALE,one A0l0nlatio Oliver Wire -T(6
Pi rime- Baler. Used one 0000011, Laney
Coleman. ILR, 4, Blenheim, Ont.
Oln rbr Chinchilla
affiliated will,
Fur Farms. Inc„ California, 11500 an on0tdn[
for an aggressive mol to sort a Chlnch(Iin
rmn•h, re your
011 opportunity Ranee
our salen
0)10, 111' yam' one ansa, 054100 Chlncatt4
end work with one Of the Lyell h lar00ae
c pita, a organizations. 1f 0'Oo have the
rappel and can measure un t0 our require-
0010, your tut0,', is areared. Write on,
H. Irritant., 30 Delaware Ave., Hamilton,
Just wipe it eta want u powder puff, Aman -
Ing new enamel SIVA on smo0Lhly, garage
permanent, gleamy fi010h to your car or
truck. Guaranteed Vivo years, not to peel.
chap or fade. Nine beautiful Culottes: maroon.
bright red, dark blue, evergreen, desert top.
gunmetal gray, ocean green, golden yellow.
biselr. Ono quart paints your car. Send
cheek or money order far 54.95 to Warman
Corporation, Thorold, Out.
Broad -Breasted Bronze Turkey
Reserve your Order for 1948. We turned
down anter. for 00,000 Poulte last season.
Poulin 011 hatched in brand new special tur-
key incubators, all turkeys (no chicks), Wo
expert there will be more money in turkeys
In 1548 than 1947 an tt is likely feed prices
n•tl. he -peeper next summer when the new
crop comes along. Send for turkey manage -
meet guide and price list and book Yost'
order for 1048.
Lakeview Turkey Ranch
Exeter Ontario
FOR SALE. 01160 re5mr equipment and ulna
1lailit spraying machine, complete. Inquire
Pete I,aba.dle, Tilbury, Ont.
BATTERY-OPERATED Radio Set for elle.
Deforest Crossley Corona model. 8 tubes,
specially equipped with Romero ri,'Ifillinrator
for tis with either 0100050 battery or dry
cells. New cost over 8200. Melte offer. A
fide and lasting gift. Box 151, 73 Adelaide
1V., Toronto.
CHOICE light amber h,Ire3', caro o0 six b-
ib. pails, 513.20 F.O.B. Barrie. If flag
station, mrinde freight ehargee to prepay
shipment. Stanley R. Kung. Baya'lew Lodge
Apltn•fea. Barrie, Ont.
GElia N shepherd pupa, registered, bred
Own champions, beautifully Marked.
Write J. Skcater, 230 Campbell St., Wanl-
peg, Stan.
DARK Cornish Cockerels and pullets 85.60
to 110.00 each. Geo. Fraser, R, 1, Dur-
ham. Ont.
Bnught for cash. Write Box 83. Ferrate.
Doberman Puppies -Sired by Champion Goe-
oo-the von Alannerl,elm. Show orO0peete toe
approved homes Particulars on request
Tannenwald Kennel., 09 Yorkv(ile Ave-,
Toronto. Midway 3297.
For sale In Sudbury, Ontario. One of Sud-
bury's lending and most pro0500050 taa1
business with eight new cars and all modern
0301510001. Best location In city with a
large garage tend service station. 030.000
rnoh or payments can be arranged. Write
George Appleby, 140 Edward Ave., Sudbury,
TANKS, 10.000 gals. Immediate dellver7.
Also otter saes on hand. R. St, Germain.
6778 Si. Lawrence Blvd., Montreal, Que.
70 TONS baled. hay'. 525 per 500, F.O.B.
Brinsten, B. .1. Saver, Iroquois, Ont.
LEAIIN Einlydreaoing the Robertson 100(004.
rnformietton on request regarding classee.
Robertson's Hairdressing Academy, t37 Ave-
nue need. Toronto
Al E1nC•A I.
IT'S Exc'ELLENT. Real results after tak-
ing Dixon's Re,,edy for Rheumatic Paine
and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 336
Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 01.00.
I'EOP'0.E ere talking about the brood respite
from taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheu-
matic: Pains and Neuritis, ARmro'a Drug
Store. ."•• 5 Eight. Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00.
111'P[0RTONI7'1E3 FOC 141031 lin
Great 000000unity Learn
Ha Irelreselne
Pleasant dignified profeeamngood wages
'houannd, emeeeseful Marvel gen duets
Amerlca'e greatest eyarem Illnatrated man.
Meese tree Write nr Cali
818 Blom St LV , Permit°
Branches 41 King St., Hamilton
& 74 Rideal Street. Ottn we
OPt'011TDNITIE5 roil MEN AND 41'Oa1611
SPARE or full-time money -making. Learn to.
main candy at home and earn 00 yea
Ira! It; correspondence aurae. National In-
ettute of Confectionery Reed. Betel -Miler
P.O., Box 162. Montreal,Qar,
BE00011 'I'ELEGRA0nlr,,t- -
Comnlencing eatery 5175 monthly. Me de-
mand. Learn At hems with selr-tenchIne
machines, leery erection! career, Free Colder
denrrehea. Write O0Oanit 15 vs: enl0, Temente.
111•:1911 enntedi[t0 ruse,' income? Send 250
to green's, 115 Oxford, Toronto, for hook
on tested mall buslursaes begun on ahoe-
PATENTe"..._. -
f'10'1IIERST0N A OGB 1 Calumny Patent
SNlrilnre leslnbllshrd 1850. 14 King LVee4
(mono Booklet of Information n r 0,1005.
LONE$O1lE7 801,101,110 o•reetfondettee blame
0zine contains, pirates, deserlctlone. 100.
With nddree0ea 60e. One year. 12. World
Fedora tion Club. Parlrervlew. Sask.
"E1.1,1500 00011N0 Refer° Christ", wonder.
hit book free Megiddo al (salon, ttorheoter.
11, N.Y.
Muskoka Photo Service, ltnrloohnn, Opt
Rolls developed and 8 prints 35e. 12.16
prints 40e. Work guaranteed.
POP -None Worse
is wu'- WILL tae
,nt4c.KEPT , "♦
OWE cap Six
w sieNz5
4� f
,tat. COD
d". pro..
dy and
Y Just
:Ty low.
Maks in