HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-2-11, Page 1low L'ir trija111,74 ,f4 POS r PUBLISHING HOUSE ears in etI tcat en's Ht Across from Canadian Bank of Commerce Egg Grading Station Now Open Full Line Of Watts & Sun -Ray Feeds Your continued patronage will be appreciated. 1 Notice To es All dogs running at large without proper tags by Feb. 15th will be destroyecL A large number of complaints about dogs not being licensed have been made and the above will be strictly enforced. W. H. BELL, Chief of Police Sale of Home -Made BAKING and Afternoon Tea By Melville Ladies' Aid In Public Library, Brussels Saturday, Feb. I4th at 3 o'colck AILING LIST CORRECTED - Renew your Brussels Post no', e $1.50 per year. ete ). 11 Blessed are they that, dwell in thp house. Melville Church lillnIster'Rey. G. A. Milne, M.A. 10 a. m. Sunday Selma] and Bible Class 11 a. m. Divine Service 7 p. m. Divine Service. 4nri. 13 - at 3 1?. 111. Womews World Day of Prayer joint Service. Louis D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. The United Church OF CANADA Minister Roy. Hugh OWiloon Organist Miss Diva Sholnioe 11 a. m. Morning Worship Leave The Door Open For Faith Senator Congregation 12 Church School and Bible Class 7 p. m, Evening Pra,lse Followers With Faults niveryone Cordially W elCOMe. Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector Fret Sunday in Lent Feb, 1.501, 1948 at. George's Church Walton - 8.80 p. n, Evening Prayer Sunday School t. David's Church, Honfryn- 10.80 a, M. IVIOrning Prayer Sunday School . JoloVe Church, Brustiels.* 1 I). m, Sunday School 2 P. m. Evening Prayer Brusesls Branch or too Canadian Legion BENEFIT DANCE IN BRUSSELS TOWN HALL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13th Music by WIlbee's eichestra Dancing from. 10 to 1.30 Benefit for Ken. Celernans whoEe furniture was destroyed in Pearson's Produce fire. LUNCH BOOTH ADMISSION 50c 1.0.0.F. and Rebekah Five Hundred and Enclave. BENEFIT PARTIES In the 1.0.0.F. Hall Five Hundred Party on Friday, February 20th Euchre Party on Wednesday, February 25th Admission 50c Net proceeds for on. Coleman who lost his furniture in Pearson's Fire. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. Wednesday, February 11th, 1948 Chopping Mill Fire District Governor Visits Melvin Thompson Quickly Extinguished Prolipt Retina '1nto:10y 1401101' w h a i M.A.( have resulted in a eeritette 110? under con 1 rol 11111 i King saw emote, corning from the bele! Thursday night he thanked the . onion of the Mame chopping mill Rapper was eerved In ibe library firemen for their itleiiiitil:,u-one,i- corillelitnixy wrolothmbyalailagdrienstthoifbethreprtleisteltneid Chureh tion during his term of (Olive, shortly after noon on Monday. ' Oldfield and 11111 Coleman :lane -area 011 (.110 '''5'OSIC with " Clarke Moses, preeident 01' the Other appobetmeets mad. were 1 exbinguieher and had the blaze under At't OW_ I T4rssse preset? t ell 1). A. depaty chief, 0. Elliott ; seeretary, control when the fire department Ram with a key for having secured A. MeTaggaet; raptaine, Robe firm- anived. ---- •-• Lc 'el Lions Club flititriet Governor Lloyd halls- hoffer, accompanied by members nf the Mt/itch alit') paid An official visit to this Weal Liente Club on Monday night. Appointed Fire Chief Melvin Thompfon :succeeds Rola.: Gemmell as fire chief. Mr. (lenimpl resigned after eerving as shier for a number of years. A`. a mereime The United Church ' I The text for the mornii14. sormon at the United Church we the Larcre eneetion to hie Dieelpiee "Whom say ye that 1 am?" For a moment .anithent the choir .eang "Ss gates 11.111 en your heads 011 high" by A. M. Thom son. In the evening the subject was the lesson learned by the Master from the SercePhoenieien woman. Miss Femmes Dennis sang the sole "Am Welling Prayer" ',vitt great effec4. • NOW PLAYING-- Thurs., Fri., Sat. Feb. 12-18,14 Don't Fence Me in with Roy Rogers Dale Evans George "Gabby" Hayes A „knock -out ..western musical -a sure-fire winner is this picture „with the king of the cowboys In his best performance. _Special „musical lilts too with Dale Evans and „the .sons of the pioneers. Mon., Tues., Wed. Feb. 16-17-18 In Technicolor let shOw 7 p.m. Caesar and Cleopatra with Vivien Leigh and Claude Rains Shafts of Shavfin Philosophy and sauce satire Make this production n classic delight for the discriminating theatre.goer. -Tills „literary ..labor of G. O. Shaw Is a treat to the eye... Next Thurs., Fri, Sat. Feb. 19.20-21 Love And Learn with Jack Carson Martha Vickers Robert Hutton Bopmeets.girl double romance story told lightly and pleasantiy. ,„. „„„ Automotive Trade School To Be Started An. automoblve trade schoe., 15) sound clit the apprentiel training pregrenetne for automotive mechan- ics in Ontario has been approved by he Ontario Minister of Labour and will open in the very neat future. William D. Wells, Clinton, president of the Huron Counter Garage Oper- ators' Association, announsed today. Explaining the P1101051 of the Eabool, hir, Wells 4lete'l that its ob- ject was to augment the training of anternobile aprentIces In the Pre- vite-. •,.1.1 v.10.1 this cud in view, the Mirage Oeeeatars' Asancistion of Ore tario has requestedthe Ontario Gov- ernment to establtiti,h 511,4 school., The plan had been enclorxed hy 41.3 local branches throughout Ontario, repro, seating ma members. The sehnel will Provid,t a 'high standard of training for apprentices recommended by the garage men. It will be lusted in 'Porento and part:lei expenees of board and lodging will he paid, Mr. Wells said. wiliiam A. Burnett • ELORA, Feb. 11 - Funeral services were hold today For William Alex- ander Burnett, 83, Will died at his form home in. Upper Nichol Town. ship following an illness from a heart condi:lion,. Boat in Upper Nicbt-}1, a son of the lat" Mr. and Mrs. James Burnet, be married Miss Rubella Rendell in 1899. She Pre- deceased hien eight years ago. 14e was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church, Elora. Surviving are two time, Xamee, on the heinesteady and Rev, William W. 1311rneet, of Torun• to; three clang:hem. Tsabel. et home; Sarnh, Toronto, and Mrs, William Smith of Brussels; two slaters, Sarah and Clara, both of Toronto. Rev. IT. G. Lowry conducted the aervioe In 1<nox Presbyterian Church, Flora. Interment was in Mora Cemetery, tc:5AV *._•5 ftt5 Gift Capitol Theatre LISTOWEL ••••••••• ,•,••••• COMING - 'Gone With The Wind . In Tohnioolor Clarke Gable Vivian Leigh 1 ' Fob. 23-24-26 .,.. Wad, matinee 2 p.m. 1 b 1 Otto show '69011 night starts 8 p.ni, i 1 Wed. Thurs. Feb. 11-12 "SONG OF LOVE" Fri., Sat. Feb. 13-14 "KILLER McCOY" with Mickey Rooney Plus an outstanding short on Harness Racing Sat. Mat. 2:30 Serial itAttAlit OW OW Azi,O0%, Mon., Tue. Feu. 16-17 "The RETURN 'or --- MONTE CRISCO" • Tuesday FOTO NITE OFFER $150.00 Mon. Attend. card, night two new members for the local club. mei]. Alvin Logan; firemon, hill Musical selections ineluded piano Stephenson, Tack Logan, Tom solos Lion Le D. Thompson, meet Gentles, Jack Miller, 1 -Tarry solos Lion L. W. Eckmier, Men Wm. Chas, T. Davidson, Dick McQuarrie, Speir. , 19s1 Jewell, Bert Gn eies, Wilisisi The =voiding was presaled over by Clameron, (Jordon Stephenson, Htirt- Linn president Hugh Wilson. Wm. ley Fischer. Carroll, internal/meal councillor of A lengthy dtscusision on ways end complimented the Brussels means of Improving the local fire Rants that 955 many of their members department took place, were prevent for the eupper, al- though some had to trowel as far as nine miles after doing fatm chores Lion R. B. Cousins introdnced 1). G. Edigtoffer who gave an enlightening and interesting talk on the Inter- nalional office at Toronto and streased the value of leadership mei cooperation. The business discussion included the completion: of plans for the skating cernival to be Presented in the arena on Friday night of this week. Melville Church At the morning service on Sunday Rev. Mr. Milne preached on the subject "Our Supremo Security" The subject was taken from Moss,' farewell speech to the Children of Israel . and stressed fleire ere of the believer even In the face of modern evtle. Miss Ante Work sang the solo ,'Sweet is Thy Mercy" by Barn- by. The morning anthem was "Crusaders for Christ." with We. M. Edger taking the solo parts. Al the evening service Rev. Milne preached on the subject "The KIngs.h.;p of God." and based the address on Ttov. 19:0. Friendship Cisee Wednosdny, Pelnlia!"7 41h the Friendship Circle met at the home of Mrs. R. Cousins. The meeting was conducted by the president, Miss Helen Cook. The evorthlp eerviee, conets4od Of two hytnns. the Scripture reaffing by Mrs. G. Meflutobeen and prayer offered by Mrs. H. Wilson. Following the 111.18,1ns:4s peril& Mle. TT. Campbell sane; a pleasing solo. The chapter from 1110 study book was interewtingly presented by Mrs. G. Menzies. Might members took Pant in a quizz about the study. A spelling matt% was conducted by Mrs. MoCutelloon with Mrs. 11, Tyermen and Mrs. J. Turnbull the 'winners. A seeded half hour follow- ed, Mrs. H. Bell invited the Melo to her teem for the March meeting, Melville W. M. S. The 'Women's Missionary Society of Molvihe Church 'heal its 1150011117 meeting ott Friday afternoon, Feb. att. The president Miss Grace Stewart presided and was assisted in devotional exercises by Mrs, Nelson Cardiff Fund Mrs. Mrm. Spell% The SecretatrY's and treasurer'a reports were given. by Mrs. D. noLend and Mrs, R. Thomson respectively. Announcement was made of the World Day of Prayer service to he held In Melville Clinirch on Web. 10111 at 8 Man, The studY "011 this, we build in Canada" prepared by Mrs, .t. Armstrong WM road by hire. Porter dealing with pioneer life of Rev Ino, Black. Rey. Sas, Nisbet and Rev, Itis Robertson and the Influence th,ese men have exerted on Church and country, Wed., Thurs. NEXT Greer Carson " sa "DESIRE ME" ox..........arnmserammemestOmollosirmovammmene. CKNX Monday to Friday at 6 P.M. LISTEN your name may be called. *Vitt AterNtteittatRA ••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••• BRUSSELS, ONTAIRical Sees World Danger Morris Township Council Unless Children Fed s 0.,.11.1, 10 _ ti coentries in Europe anti Aele are t eat, y t timing i..)ward Canada as lite 0505)11114 iley noon: for I he Canad Ian upon! for 5111111 "11, an appeal in which canadianf ar,, ioug to con lFileil 4 10,(1110.0o to ',U1 v.1111(11'6'1 wlio,s. 11ve,, have bevy, blighted by war. The Appeal 51511 s tart on February Pitt 'did on that day similar drives will gm ender eininetimeously in 24 other countr,,, in the world es the "have" naliceie come to the aestetance of the "have n ot's." Meeting Feb. 2, 1948 Th.. Connell met in lite Township liall no the :dere dee with all the nuonhers present. Reeve pre- sided. Thc mine., of the last mewing - were read and adieu el en motion 01' chafe Coultes and Sam Aleock. Moved by Millie Parrott. seeontit- ed by Sons Alcock tbet gran. of $20.00 be given to 511, Salvation Army. --Carried. c,r1 tian eletiek peconded by Chas. Coultes that the fee ot. $10.0e be paid to 511.1 Asi,ociation ot AS:4,4;1411g officers '-Carried Moved by Ralph" Parott seeonded Baeked by organized 1"1" -'sr at° by Sam Aleoek that Mervyn 'Rich industry In Canada tInd sonnoritql 110 mond be appointed as a repress/use Charitable and seriloe clubs -- as welt as women's organisations church groups, fartnera' eo operative es and cultural soeletiea - the cannOrin Appeal ofr Children eeelte to breathe life and knowledge into y'etete e of the children who herve survived man's most determin. ed effort. to kill ibem. C. IP, Fraser, chairman of the campaign operating calamities of ;he Canathen Appeal for Children, hes deseillbed the appeet as the most cdrallenigiug of any appeal 3 PVer organized in Clainada. "Casette will reap credit •- or tire for Morris Township on the Clinton High School Area Board. -carried' Moved by Chile. Coultes. seconded by Sam Alcock that we diseoutinue- inow ploughing nnless in case of Brussels Municipal Council emergency 1111131 smell time its there is a good thaw. Those in favor of February 3 1943 A regular monthly meetine of tee nietiOn, rottlf 0,, S44441 poonek, firusels Municipel Connell was held Bailie Parrott. Oppeoed. Wm-. Peacock. Motion eerie& on the above date. Moved by Sim Alcoek seeonded After the 131411,lliPS Of 1110 Meet, by Baillie Parrott they By -Law No. Ing wore read, They were adopted 4. 1948. alt(herizing 511 borrowing: - on motion of R. W. 'Kennedy eetioncl- of not more than 415,000. from the ecl by L. W. Elelnuter. On motion of I. W. Fischer. see. shame depending tee the SUCCPSS Bank for Township plcthe first, second and third timebe -poses as read s onded by 11. W. Kennedy, the follow. of the Apepel," Mr, Fraser said. 1)155151015.-- Carried. 0115 accounts were ordered to br "Tore than 400 mIllioe children in Moved by Chas. Couleee, eeenncled 1711d1.1: . Bell. :January salary $ 120.110 from hunger an.d freezing from the RS presented by the Road Superirr- nur"" "41 ASia are 510101)'43111R by Wm. Peacock that the road bill s Cl. II. Campbell, 30150507 salary told. Their need is nrgent. Can- a tendent be paid, --Carried. 45"i adieus may have rale reelaming A. A. Lamont, Div. courtlVfoved by Wm. Presence seconded clerk half of the children In the world wilt, by Mee. Creates that the rfp of 2'" (weepy oneth401 of the world'.' area." Pay for man and team be $1.00 per G. Evans, Div. court 11151011'32.0P Food high nu the list of pro. , D. N. MeDonald. fuel, relief 2S 75 fleets which will be purchased in "I'°ul% -Carried. Post Publishing, ads told Canada and shipped nverseas to feed Moved by Chas. Coaltes seconded. notices 0.00 the 'hungry children, Next immea by Seen Alcock that we advertise for Ed. Henderson. snowplowing 6.00 tenders to crush and deliver an - clothing; then medical suppliee. Nor FT. A. Workman, snowplowing ig the Appeal being limited to the 1)reminlalc4Y 8000 cubic yards of roads 89'00 nerds of the bodies. gravel, contractor to supply tb 0 D. N. McDonald, fuel. 101051 "14 may be belly gold that tlis' gravel' --Carried. hall Opening flipplie20:00 W. melee of the . world deriug the 1161 Moved by Bailie= Paere`t seconded .11c11, s 2.73 generation depends in large measure 13, Whahnittard, repair furneee, 2.P0 on the .94.10VeSt4 of the Canadian Appeal for Children,' Mr. Fraser Ntieholson. labor. streets 3.00 said. "Children who nee battery qlkci J. It:Yana labor, streets .,. 11.x11 cold and diseased de tot melte happy nrrengemonts. - Carried. RivaletlidgeaslVietors, repliers 13, A. Fischer, repairs plow 2.50 1.00 eitizens. Their- bodily 110014 must be hicohynesd. boy5,417407. t. hp:to nwric,c1r esorimr:intidtpud.,. not. But unless they are Ought to b7 think for themselves, threat et late Hervey Xehnetort nn the work len eindeee. To did in connection with keeping- the war remains an ngly 11.85 -Carried. 13, Gemenell. fire account 9111 line on ae a County road. Brussels Library. mutual Sall:art:: Army, annual grant 10.70 111e.reh 1, 194Ii at 1 o'elock on motion Meeting adjourned to most again Modem 650.00 5.00 The following accovree were paid; C. A. Bright, IVI.D„ C. A. of Chas. Conites and 13aillie Parrott. 0. 113.hdie:snl'an ect, M.D.. yet", A. Salvaaton Army. grant $ 211.00 .70 niviThil World, Alb. Brussels Hydro. street lights •SeriP•tit1115 rind town hell 110.42 Ontario Geed Roads It was moved by L. 'IV, Ecirmier Assoeiatinn, foes and seconded by J. AV, Fiseher. the Ernest Robinson, tile for . we •accept 0,, Wexmen'e offer of Bird Drain 2100.00 for the cid Fire Truck, 570.00 for tbe old st,mm engine, and One Of the oldest resident. of $25.00 for the old boiler (Two hun. Grey Townshtp paned away ,nn Mon. tree dotalre in total). -Carried day Web. 211d in ,his 87 year at the It was moved by 'R. W. Kennedy home of his daughter Mrs, Thos, and seconded by L. W. inclemier Abraham. Turnberry Township, that the Tax Rell he returned to the He was the third son of the Late David Grant and Helen Wilson who Tate Collector for another month. -Carried came to Canada from Aberdeenshire. It WEIS moved bY 11. W. NecilleiTY Scotland about 1853 and settled 15n? Morris Township Council arid seconded by J. W. Fischer that Ayr. Oat., where the family were A sceeial meeting of the 1Viorr5 Township Council was held in the Bylaw No. 2, 104 as read a first all hem, rind second time. be read a third Seventy-eight Years ago the Township Hell on the evening of time and passed, -Carried, family moved to the 14111 concession Feb. 6 for the purpose of dismissing This la the Ry.Law to provide for of Grey Township. years the clenching of Cm Township expenditures on Roads for the year ago the late John VMS 0101 11015 roads, to his now bereft partner, Isabelle The following decisions were: Sane Aslein, also of concession 14, reached: Grey Township. Moved by Sam ..4.1reeek, seconded To Cho year 1994, the fandiv by Ohne. Coates thee we go ahead. moved to the smith part of Lots 6 and hire all the equIpinew. we coma and ;7, Concession 12, Grey Township. obtain and open all concession roads The late Mr, Giant tonic an active and slide -roads where petiole are Part in community affairs being living where possible. - Carried. trustee roe S.S. No. 1, Grey for some Moved by Chao, Coolies, seconded Years, oleo a member of Grey Town- by Win. Peacock that the Reeve,. ship Connell and served a term as aliolvetitel saiimupeArainenteckndentte, ilaaillicoemPuttlrltrt000tit.. Deputy Reeve. Besides his widow he Is survived to obtain ploughs. -- Carried, C ARD OF THANKS by a family of 2 daughters and !I Moved by Rail -lie Parrott, secondeN by 88111 Meock that the meeting eone. Mee. Xno. (TAzyee'l Slehnock of adjoarn. -Carried. OHO. C. MARTTN, Clerk. 0011CM00111 12, Grey Township• Mrs, Thos. (Addle) Abraham •of Turn. -- beer TOwnehin: William of Listowel and Thissell of Toronto also one sister Margaret of Brussels. Mr, and Mrs. Cl. A. Rung, Tamils Funeravi l services 10810 held at 2 and Donna of 'Bridgeport were Sun. p,in, Wednesday afternoon Min the day visitors nt. Herb Manning's, Chinch. Ilrafifins et whin We were pleased to see that Mr. tleoeitsed was a member. The servie. r. 'Kearney is Mkt to be down town. ea were conducted by the Rev. Mr, again atter his lengthy illnese. Wilson. The grandchildren acted as Mrs. W. Tucker, aroompanied by" newer -bearers and the pall -bearers risme and Raymond are in Kerwootll were near neighbours, Jack Alimek. sbaylng with her mother, Mrs. Snell; Wm, Milior, iTarohl Speirs, Carl who recently glittered a, stroke. 14(411171gwair, Bertrnin Hemingway 1 Mrs, Geo. McCall had the Pile - and 301515 Berrie, Ifortime to slip and tall, In her home, Interment Was made in 13russals TratIking her blt, we hope she 'wilt oemetery. have a speedy teeetterY. by Sam Alcock that Wm. Peacock and Harvey Johnston be a committee. to interview Jack Lowe in regard to spraying- cattle and make necessary avoid war, its cauees must he stio• troyed. HAPPY. Intelligent reople who have been trainee to live with and respect each ether 31.P peon eandidates for a war machine. We might well he saving Canadian toys and girls of ,tomorrow by saving the boys and girls of %tope and Asia today," John Grant 20,tite 5.041' 86.76 O. W. Hamm, relief account 22.18 Blyth Standard, ad vertiel tg 6515 Association of Aseeeeing Officers. fees 10 00 Harry McGuire, street lights 14,25 S. 11. Elliott. relief account 4.35 Geo. C, MARTIN, .01erk Special Meeting 1948. tt was moved by R, W. Kennedy and seconded by 3'. W. Fischer that the petition for the remainder of lire subsidy on roan expenditures tor the year 1.947, as prepared by the clerk be presented to the' Dept. of Highways, -Carried Ae 21,0 further business WAS brought before the meeting, r'onneil adjourned. Oor Pinner(' thanks is evaressed to all those who 50 getirronslY CARD OF THANKScaistoid lif in elearfng tin after the On behalf of the Ilrasselit Piro , ' ' i fire and In getting esholhow in Not our new location. T wish to thank all that helped Hugh Pearson sit the Vire Feb. 4, 1941; (Hugh PearSonS) your help was very math anPreciated. Robt. W. Clememll CARD OF THANKS An, expression of anureeintion is here given the Brussels Wire depart. CARD OF THANKS Inent.tor their excellent work 10 74y con - My grateful thanks is given to all fitting the fire that des:bayed The 1 those vibe entendoa $YraaatbS bit Pearson Prodnee store to that one word and deed at the time or the building. While we suffered ex - death of my father John Grant. It tenedve damage from smoke there was all deeply appreellated And Will VMS no damage front flames or long be remembered, m490. Mrs. 711011141S Abraham II 4, Bata PEOPLE WE KNOW