HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-2-4, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST 1Pelli e>sda y. 1 8 i :;a: v ","'«.""""".,,.....""---.-~~~,.-.�..-..,'.,,..�.,,' ' w,.,...-...--�•-�.,�.,.-. --- The Great Cigar Bult Mystery ri Q t�hg7��[�` Gj {{� �" ,��(((( ,ali, paI 11•hr s filching a senator's hilt Nf `'f'l if Jacks 7 ( n'l° :OtCtarW Pr Poi '„,.,„, 1 is ,r>:-,nl�l,ph.. A then. with shorter butts. Be Haire to read George Dixon': entertaining Listowel, Ont. a±ocund or oils 1liltitoa; niyelr'ry, In CA are taking orders for 'I94 S y TRUCKS - RS Our 1947 quota received was 91 cars and trucks, 51 tractors We hope 1948 to better this quota. Don't pay too much for used Cars, Trucks or Tractors Watch our Ads. WE CAN SAVE YOU MOSEY We carry THE LARGES GENUINE FORD PART STOCK IN WESTERN ONTARIO Your local Ford, Monarch and Ford Tractor Dealer Phone - 161 Listowel, Ont. FOR SALE 1945 Ford Truck, 176 inch wheel base acrdrack complete F ord Ferguson Tractor on rubber and plow "Service With A Smile" Lo W. JACKSON MOTORS Limited Listowel -- Ontario Listen to CKNX ten o'clock news Monday to Friday • • • • "Well, That' El H e shing lou," a feature in l/lotot•iel Review, maga. 'slate of humor, tini11,0, cantons Toll mood reparl s and sltrprIRPS, With this Sunday's (February SI iootuo of The Detroit Sundya Times. Claes hiAds NOT ICE- Pnre bred registered Porkshlie hog for service or would sell. 'Phone 55-r-10 Lorne Stevens FOR -SALE - . 1 black U'lycle mare rising 3 yrs. 15 chunks of pigs; '1 sow with 2 pigs also 5 dread of yearling cattle; 1 cow 'due 15111 of Feb. Phone 44-r-19 Arthn+- Rut.tan FOR SALE- Model A Ford cha,s:is, wheels and tires, ! '28 Chrysler conpo, j '30 Fordson tractor. i Phone 77-r-6 McNeilre Garage WANTED- ' Tenders for grave digging at Cranbrook cemetery. Apply on or before Feb. 14 la secretary -treasurer, Jahn J. Schnook, R.R. 3, Brussels, Ont, Sec.-Treas. Crambrnok Cemetery Brd. FOR SALE - The right chicks at the night time Inc,the good markets assured poultry keeper's. As agents for Bray chicks we suggest you size up your needs 'and order now, for immediate 0 AUCTION SALE of Farm Stack no;+ Implements will he rend at Lot 22, Con. 11, Grey Township one and one-half mile east of Cranbrook FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1948 at 1 o'clock .h•trp HORSES 1 Clyde Hot', e II years Old 1500 IIs work doable oe thiel•• 1 (Myth' 1141.1'1 10 yrs. Old 15(.0 1114, work double or single CATTLE 1 I7ereford cow 5 /1' old, dee June 7 1 part jersey cow r yrs. old,rhr"Mar 1 1 Ayotsitite caw 0 jt . +1111 da» Jule -9 1 Durham heifer '1 yr= o1,1 i1tr• June 1 Durham belfar 1 , r. ,,1,1 der June 23 1 Hereford heifer 2 yr. old due June 10 1 red Durham row s yr•+. 0111 freak. calf at foot 1 Jersey raw 6 yr- (1111. fresh, calf at foot PIGS 1 sow bred 2 weeks 12 ohnttics ial T'L1131L1NT 1 walking plow 77 Fleury 1 Crown gang plow 2 sulky riding plows 1 soupier 1 dump rake 1 Dane hay loader 1 Deering mower 6 -ft. cut 1 13 -hoe disc seed drill, Cnckshntt 3 section diamond harrows 1 Deering binder 611e. out 1 manure spreader in good repair 1 good farm wagon with hay rack 1 MOLa,le1111n dubber tire buggy 1 Clinton fanning mill 1 hay fork and 130 ft, rope 1 set bench sleighs 1 sat double harness 1 set new lines, double 1 set htavy breeching 1 Renfrew crease separator leiter delivery, dayolds or started- 1 Daisy churn Wm. Bray, Ethel 2 80.11). tnillc eons ' ATTENTION LADIES- ! Marls Foundation Garments one- ' piece girdles and bras: Our repre- setntatiive will be at the New .American Hotel, Brussels, Thnixdsy, February 12th from 9 a.m, until G 0.m. Appointments can be made 'by ,phoning Brussels 14 or 2 . Sold 'en stoney hack guarantee, Price range $4.45 to $21.10. I WANTED - Man for steady travel among con- sumers in Brussels. Permanent con- nection with large manutaaturer Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh Dent. No. ML -J-152- I 131, Montreal. iteitieee DIAMONDS FREE /utawv L WEDDING RINGS Eaqulsliel6 haat awed Ia 1411 1010 Set THE ATTEPbDAIWA -t '�Ii10 ,A W . G. Leach - jeweller WANTED-_ Flocks to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1948 hatching season. Flocks culled and bloodtested free. Guaranteed premium plus hatchabil- ity premium paid. Also wanted to purchase cockeris suitable for breed. ing. For full details write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. FOR SALE- 100-aore farm ea buildings, bush, hyd 40 -acre farm near ploughed. Brick house in Highway, good re. village, 30 acres thriving village, balm and hydro, price $2,100.01 37 acre farm in a village, frame house and barn. J. C. Long, ]Leal Estate Broker, Phone 84 1 cream can 1 strainer and pails 1 cross cut saw 1 cow leader 2 steel pig troughs 1 wooden pig hough 1 water trough, 1 wheel harrow 1 roll barb wire, new 4 sacks fertilizer 1 -sack 0attie salt 1 extension table 1 hanging lamp 2 team neck yokes 1 set donblctrees, heavy I1 set doubletrees, Light Forks, shovels and numerous other articles 1 Good 1va.t1h and cattle dog I No Reserve es farm is Rented. TERMS CASH IHAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer CLARENCE ELLACOTT, Prop. I''EL(IR..AVE Mr. Albert Bacon Is a patient in the Winch= General Hospital, suffering front blood poisoning. Farm Fortran 73he Sixth Line Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor with an attendance of twenty. eight. it wos deckled that no farmer should sacrifice his health just to pay the mortgage, but modern eon- vwldenres sllmnk1 he installed wher- ever and whenever pessibl0. Any thing that helps: to lighten the physical labour on a farm should not Brussels, Ont. J be 1"onsidered a lnxurv, •lively games, were enjoyed and I telegrams written. Lunch brought "HELP WANTED -MALE" AN OPPORTUNITY-. Established Rural Watkins Distract available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55 - have or can secure travel outfit, this Is your opportunity to get estab- The annual mectiner 01 the 131• llshed In a Profitable business of graver School T'ah• was hold with tics your own. For full particulars write president R. H. CaOltes presiding today to The T. R. Watkins Company. Dept. 0-13.4, 2177 Mason St, Montreal, Qua. an enjoyable evening to a close. She next Sleeting will he held at the home of Mr„ Tommy '(110ans011 with Mr, Melvin Taylor as Recreational leader. WANTED - Grey twp. School Board will re- ceive tenders for the following amounts of hand body wood deliver- fair in September. ed to the different oeh,lnls by Angost Tyle Kopper, n farmer president, 1st, 1947. Tenders will be received tank charge of the elective of 0l'• until Feb. 18th. The Board prefers flcers, who are as fellows: pretai- to bay locally if passible. dent., Lawrence Taylor; vice -pros• S.S. No. 1,, 0 card 14 -inch wood dents, 11..7, MBolt; cMurray, Les11n No. 3, 8 cord 14 -]moil wood seer etary4reasnrer, Stewart Free - tor; auditors, Mrs. J. VCickstead Mrs. Lyle Hopper. Directors were also appoitned, ri. wars dreided In ask .T TT. Kin- keacl, 331011 MI of se7,1on1s, and a committee or teachers to prepare a supplement of school work to be sent to the teachers as soon as Possible. it was doeided that. (3(0 - aid Nelson. be asked to arrange Por n speaker for fair day. A com- mittee twat appointed to secure do- nations and special priaes. Beef' caif jhdging and weed -naming over a well -attended session. The secrettll'y reported tint there were 2,102 entries at the 1047 fair, an e+11 -time record, The Financial statement showed a 1)alanee of $92.- 68, 92:68, it was decided to hold a mu- sical festival t11is spring, and a No. 4, 16 cord 14 -Inch wood No. 5, 15 cord 20dneh weed No. 6, 16 cord 14 -inch wood No. 7, 12 cord 144ncii wood No. 8, 10 cord 14 -Inch wood No. 9, 10 cord 14 -inch wood No, 10, 10 cord 14-3neh wood No. 11, 14 cord 14 -inch wood UOS No. 4, 12 cord 12dnctt woad USO. No. 12, 10 cord 14 -inch wood .T, Carl Hemingway, Sec.-Troaa., R,li, 3, Brussels rn uroggtgte, ing T1s `about tity? IS IT STiLL NECESSARY TO SAVE ELECTRICITY? Yes. Not nearly enough saving is yet being made, especially in the home. Result, for some time past several large industries have had their power supply cut off for lengthy periods in the 24 hours. IS IT NECESSARY TO SAVE ONLY AT CERTAIN (HOURS? No, it is vital to save at ALL hours. While electricity cannot be stored, water that generates it can be stored. The water storage for the AP, Hydro plants in the Niagara area is provided by the Great Lakes. Thig assures a continuous flow of water sufficient to enable these plants t� go all out 24 hours a day -still there is not enough power. In 48 other Hydro generating stations throughout Ontario the water supply must be very closely guarded -if too much electricity is demanded one day, the next day's power supply must suffer. This condition is aggravated by the abnormally low rain fall last Autumn. MUST HOMES O ALL THE SAVING? Not by any means. ALL consumers must play their full part. Modified rationing has to some extent reduced the consumption of electricity in stores and by other commercial consumers, but still greater voluntary savings are urgently needed. HOW CAN I SAVE M RE ELECTRICITY? Don't leave lights burning in unoccupied offices. Turn idling motors off. Use range elements as short a time as possible. Turn off verandah and all other lights when not needed. Use electrically heated water sparingly. Do not use electric heaters or grates. Avoid All W• ste - SAVE ELECTRICITY! THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO - competitions will be held this 1' a r, A meeting of directors will be held at an early date to revise the prize list and plan for the 1941 fair, The following committee was named to take charge of the music festival, which may he held In Wingham this year: C. R. ('01111 s (convener), Miss Wailit Mrs, C. Wade, Mrs. R. J. aic,Kcnzie, Mrs. L. Wil htnlan, airs, \'anion. :tire. Leslie Bolt, Earl Anderson. 30, Grasby, R. J. DlrMurray. The following are the dtreelnts' .Morris No. 1. Albert Nesbitt, Mrs, T. Dundas; No. a, Tvan meArter, Mrs. 05. Clarke: No .4. Tont :]Tiller, 1 11Trs. L. Nichol; No. s. Ertl Ander- son. Mrs'.. R. Proem,- ,- N o. (i .0. Black, Mrs. J. Bowman; No. 7, M. Mothers, 31rs. 1.. ,i. McMurray No, 9, Ralph Shaw, Mrs, c'. Rouoh. No. 9. Clarence Muttn, Mrs. A. 3(0Call; No, 10, Alex Shaw, Mrs, William Peacock; N. 11, W. R. Shold3eP, Mrs, Pies, liaehwrll; Nrl. 12, R. -Griffith, Mrs. R. GrWith ; Wawanosh and Morris 1'. No. Walter Oster, Mrs. E. Caldwell; U. No. 17, Abner Nethery, Mrs, J. Anderson; East Wawanosh No. 1>, J. F. McCallum, Mrs. J. McBurney. No. 9, Phil Dawson, Mrs, W. Po - cook; No. 11, Henry Pattiso1, Mts. FOR SALE - Electric -motors rewound Hud re attired. Expert workmanship. Moder• tt,a prices. New motors in stock. Bettger Inoustrlrs, 669 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. F. F, Ho.anutfit Regosoered Optometrist "Western Gmtario'a Mose Modern Eye Serntesa" ''hone 118. l'Ilar riato12 KE.FFER'', MACHINE SHOP fall Acetylene and Electric Welding Our shop is euuipped to do First Cass Welding And Lathe Work Yule' Patronage 3oticitul. Good Service Assured. Agent for Sturge Milking 1Nalchinen L. 1i'ightnlon; No. 13, Lewis Cook; Mrs. S. Cook; East and West Wa- wanosh No. 7, Albert Bieman, Mrs. Clarence Chantney; ITo. '1, Ho'war'd Campbell, Mrs. Earl Wighttnem,t No. 16, John. Lockhart, Mrs. T. Jardine; East Wawanosh and Hui lett No. 13, 'Wilmer Howatt, Mrs. - C. Falconer. - - Is Your Sulscri r tion Paid. for 1948? Rene w 1t o $L50 per year The russets Post Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs - REPAIRED and RECOVERED - Also Rebuild Mattresses FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY n a, c Stratford U holstering Co. 43 B.rmrawack Street Sit afford, Owl, Enquire at - A. RANN A. RAN N Fonr'seita-o and Funeral Service. Phone 36 or 88 -- Brussels, Chic1 w 11 �. l t �'.+J,!ml1 .f _ f Imo, r