HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-2-4, Page 1t' OS f PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, February 4th, :194'8 BRUSSELS, ONTAiii, ,C' Cow Establshes Record 1 The United Church " Br easels United Church i A leirliete tem. ,'.vm''1 by Bert I on i,ol ditlerrtl! ,,,,,,„,,1„;,. CIU';,,,, Annual Meeting I Hastings of the 2n'd ranceseien e f appeared to people who were in '1'b' Snnund t en,4rexatlulial Meet. the 1401 ' Morris, 114, given birth to 5 s,'i• hcuLt :tial they failed t" r:;co ni:,,P lila of the Brussels :nil (1 Church. 'in a y"a1• and 1[, month,. 111 rice nay h�drl (Ams:::::::: ia Thvredry a+,mini ('r n , let y l ] 1 healthy 1 liinl. "1'4 l h, � nt,uy II" , take ti .,�; l,root 1t: snieHs y on .Jou. dn(nt, ttcll' tr,tiltze Isis pre,�'ncre. "'p31u 1'n ,utterd.tuc, hurler inn' auspices of the Woman's Assonieilnn a. bountttul cold :station NOTICE Majestic. Institute Members Please bring your donations of used or new clothing in and leave at the house of Mrs. B. Walker or Mrs. Wm. Speirs, at your earliest convien^e. We would like to ,ship it as soon as possible. Thank You. t In Case of Fire rural subscribers are asked to ring one good long ring on their line, wait a minute and ring again, to summon neighbors. W. S. Scott, Manager Brussels, Morris & Grey Telephone Co. tike T All dogs running at large without proper tags by Feb. 15th will be destroyed. A large number of complaints about dogs not being licensed have been made anti the above will be strictly enforced. o/V . H. BELL, Chief of Police MAILING LIST CORRECTED -- Renew your Brussels Post note, for $1.50 per year. Search me 0 God clad know my heart: try me end 1110ly my thoughts. Melville Church Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A. 10 a. m. Sunday Sclt.00l and Bible Class 11 a, m. "rhe Light that Guides.” '1 p. m. "Religion or Superstition." Louie D. Thompson, Organist and Clloirmaatar. 0/911.1/5111112,0.11, e.111.611...A2.1.12111•101•1•6 The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson Organist Miss Elva Sholdioe 11 a. m, Morning Worship "Peter's Confession." Mission Band' 12 Church School and Bible Class 7 p. M. Evening Praise "The Teacher At School," Everyone Cordlatlly Welcome. Church of England Parish of Brussels lieu: J. M. Kerr. Rector. Qu1•ngn8,gesumna 9undaY Feb. 8111, 1948 at. George's Church Walton --- 8,80 p• m. livening Prayer Sunday School 110.80 a. m. Morning Prayer yn� Sunday School • 1t, Johne- Church, Brussels'- 1 p, m, Sunday School 2 p; m. ideating Prayer Sale of Horne -Made BAKING and Afternoon Tea By Melville Ladies' Aid In Public Library, Brussels Saturday, Feb. 14th at 3 o'colck SKATING PARTY Melville Church Mission Band Skating Party on Friday, February 6 at 7.30 p.m. Admission -25c and 10c Refreshments will be sold at the Arena booth. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING— Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. 5.6-7 Pursued with Tehesa Wright and Robt, Mitchum -A tale of twisted personalities—rates as .,first-rate ,."class" „western, ., A sound dramatic offering, holding attention from beginning to end. Mon., Tues., Wed. - Feb. 9.10-11 Nora Prentiss Adult Entertainment with , Ann Sheridan and Kent Smith Something of "the .gay of ail flesh" thls one Is a potent story--bullding to an intense climax. The moral tone of the play strikes a profound note, Next Thurs., Fri., Sat. Feb. 12.18.1', Apache Rose In technloolor with Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. Another special for the Rogeo's fans. COMING— Caesar and Cleopatra In Technicolor with Vivian, Leigh and Claude Reins, It Kenneth Coleman, who with ills wifo end three 'i1411lren, was t Ioccu.py the apartment today, ins Il 1118 ac'w fnrn441n'e which 110 ha ;moved In only the night before. - ;1•Teavy clamaga Wag al all snff4r,'d front smoke and Water. by the T), A Rain furniture store, 'elle colonic 1 restaurant anti 111)0 .i:s apaflnt0'8 were also non, derably damaged. Smoke was first notle",l by Mr. and Mrs, A. Coleman in their next door apartment and upon inlestien. tion they observed :molt? issuing from the second storey .1'ati of the Pearson store. They turned in the Iahem which was quickly responded to by the local_ vahu1teer !ire depart- ment. Efforts of the Brussels brigade and tlta Wine'hern II re brigade which arrived on the scene at eight o'clock were hampered by ',mince(' water supply from ice con- ditions on the river. The Flames ' which bad gained great headway when first discovered, quirkily swept through the entire building and the roof caved in at 7;20 o'clock. Damages were estimated to reach $26,000, Robert Gemmell was burned on one aide of his Moe and his hair was singed when 11e opened a door in the burning building and the filmes rushed through about his face end hea(1.. Chester Wilton' Ila.$ the misfortune !to trip over a fire hose and suffered a fractured shoulder. This le the third major fire in Brussels in the past 13 months, Pearson Produce Store Destroyed in $25,000 Fire A $25,00(1 blaze ('0lnhletel witted the Hugh Pearson produce glare thie Wenn(.,11ty morning, Fire, ,of un• determined origin, swept 1hr0ugh the ib oilding consuming the egg grading Annual Meeting Of Cranbrook Cemetery The Inta•nai Meeting of owners of the Cranbrook was held at the h'nne r Bros., Lot 19, Can, 14, Gra 23 tut. 3 p.m, Tho preeid raves are norma and nt:' .lauuary 'rb'+re 14151 11 good Tel; hrdl u,ru-ins s,� lou wa-Y nail en,'. Ne'1 'er'' 1h1e,1 ('1111f0 ' wits the subject ,',,,,,., e•'•••"''" ,*••••,•, McNair acted as eh.:airman cull ,1 ,1111 I storage locker room and a newly J. Schnook acted as secretary for 'finished apsta:irs apartment. the meeting. The attendance was small. 0 t Moved by John ,T, Schnook, s„cool d ud by John Slnteils that the tuluutes ut' the last meeting he adopted, --Carried n Moved by Alfred Knight, soe_oud1'1 by Gordon Knight tbah the tinanelol report he adopted as road. ---,Carried :Moved by John 51110,144, sec„ude by Cordon. Knight, that we approv the fire insurance pulley taken cu by the secretary -treasurer as :he ea Fire At Home Of J. Lowry A fire, which did (1au111ge estimated at $300 brake out. 8t the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. J. Lowey on Salturday morning last. It 418.8 believed to have been caused by overheated stove pipes in an tippet' morn. The local volunteer fire iiri;;ad? answered the 8111111110na of the siren promptly bust were rendered impotent when it was found, at the fit.), that the waster in the recently 8000118300 fire 1ru0k was frozen. The prompt notion of Mr, 0. VanNorman with his hand extinguisher soon brought the blaze trader control. Brusesls Branch of the Canadian Legion BENEFIT DANCE IN BRUSSELS 'TOWN HALL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13th Music by Wilbee's ')rchestra Dittoing from, 10 to 1.30 Benefit for Ken. Coiemene whose furniture was destroyed In Pearson's Produce tiro, LUNCH BOOTH ADMISSION 50c Capitol Theatre LISTOWEL Wed Thurs. Feb. 4-5 "The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer" Fri. Sat. Feb" 6-7 "`Slave Giri" (Technicolor) Sat. Mat. 2:30 Serial Mon. Tues. Feb. 9-10 "Winter Wonderland" Thrilling Romance of Cinderella on Skis Tuesday FOTO NITE OFFER $1.40.90 Mon' Attend, card night Weed, Thurs. NEXT "Song of Love" The love story of Clara and Robert Schumann CKNX Monday to Friday at 6 P.M. LISTEN your name may be called, Mitr:hel Child Dies After Swallowing Pills MITCHELL, te'eb. . ]idle airl who wonlrl have r•^l, brat( l 'ter second birthday vl echo'-d.,y et this week, died suddenly taaey ;.t her home on the out1l it is of libell- e11 after she had 1 11co'111 wet- lawe d .pills width n • had pi 1.:'d ftp 111 the bonne. The little gir1, Joy,.', seeseoe Thslrntnn, d1nuthirr of 71", and 11,15 l • Cobh Edward Thornton, found tie a' pi11s In tdh' 1101190 :10.1 ,4'';'11011'1' i (t11e111 b,d'ore anyone r•eallzad whet g` had happened, instructed to 110 111 the Mutual Eire insurance Co. to $400.00 on 111e tool 101 tiding tui (1011,tents, and that we enlarge the building 118 e0011 11, funds '1111 material are avtlila'?I'r. - Carried of the morning sermon in the United rut,,,e, was nerrr.,t. church. :1 ,•torus ref venlig leclbs Mr, W. G. Leach woe appointed. sant "In the whudnw of the ('inn•: secretary 41111 act0t1 in a very capable by whit,..Chnraet0 wag tit,. manner. Every department of the jun., in th,. 0vaulna sr,rmnn ebtarclt was reprPs'nted and every F.erly f',nl..tn, ,erne, ,,.. :1 :11(41 the organization was pignuts$ to report hTmu `1 would he true." a c•om.fortabl1 haianwee with which to '•('''•4 upon ihr new year. A very comprrh nssive picture oi? Auxiliary Power Unit Installed 111" llttin'aal st•,4'l of oil the ee_neral' fund, of flee eln1'rh was presented TTI5 Walter R,ese Poultry Perm by Mr. R. B Cousins. Mrs. R. B. 1Tr�nr:l7r_r ,u":dn�t hydro nrtl�•r• (':,twin;. - .e.ur(ed the ;1118-,;0441•'0 and. rup'tion nor= installed rill an xiIbay . Maintenaulcre 1:40101;8, It w.az. telt power unit. It Ja driv"e by a. Per(' that the mpmhrrs of rho nmlgrega mumu'• with hath •aerator ,1111 .•.,,- tion had been most 0011151•nu5 and Or mounter] 1'oulpa.'t10 en un, frame. toyed 1Ii •,•111^haat the year In their It is capable of generating , amps. financial support. ,Vii. A. STeTaggart,. that ,.le I both '(;tier and ;'.stents • and a few • C'row'n At urnr•r "1', F: Rnnrllchi. r TLC., announced lay ,'t 9a volt.. This 's lt"flr-lent to ran ga0e a report of the Cemetery General :\mount. :11'^4. Beret Games fatality was "ninety aeridental and thele will be no inquest," "'nye? Eleanor Tho'n:on. was born Feb. li, 1946 :n Scott Memorial 344oc1piltul, Seaforth. 11^. and Mrs. Thornton came to Mttebeil free Brussels ,two years ago last .7nnr sly and slime that time Mr. Thorn tot has been employed by W. A Titer, They reside 013 one of Mr Tuer's farms Suet eon:h of 'Mitchel on No. 23 highway itno'.'n as fhe Parrant farm. Mrs. Thornton is the former Daisy lllernor 11111", formerly of R.R. 2, Listowel, 13e. sides her parents ane brothe' stir vives, Bitty, four yea'•s alai; and two grandparents, Mrs, Martin Thorn, ton. Brussels, and Jnme1 Mills. To moot, The funeral will he held Thursday at 2:30 •1.10. with rev. 11. A. Hunt of 7'rinity Anglican Church in charge. The seeI'etat'y-treasurer Rafe a reporton the work don" :or the year stating that 111er0 10415 1:1• hours work costing 3:r 1.90 and :;9.00 was spent to Operate the power lawn plower. The g1.:180 Wil 8 ant 12 Times inuring the year. Moved by John 111111415, seconded 1by John J. Sohnock that w( appo!nl. Alfred Knight as. a delegate to ask the council of Grey f'» • a grant of money $'mounting to $100.00 for the year 1948 to aseist in the upkeep of 100 plots that there the no relatives living to Pay the annual fee. ---Carried Moved by John J. Schnoctt, serond- 011 by Gordon Knight, that we neeept the offer of the Ifthel Cemetery Board for the use of their milt fry the storage of caskets 'n raft( (4 emergency, for the fee of $5,00, the cost to be borne by the persons I'M/MISHAP. - —Carried. Moved by John Shiells, seconded by Gordon IC1ight, that we instruel the sec.-treas. to buy a Dominion of Canada Bond, preferably 8th o' 1.111 Victory Loan, paying the expens- 05 noir of the general fund.--clarireri. 1I0ve1 by Alfred Knight, secrt►lded by John Shiells, that. we appoint the pr081(10111 Neil IVGoNair, seel'etary- ta'eas'nrer, John J. Sehneck and the, following directors, Joint Shiells, R. L. Taylor, Malcolm McLean. Adrian McTaggart, 'Jaanes McTaggart, Gordon Knight, Alfred Knight,. Blair McIntosh, omitting Jolla 1VGcNahh and Thos. Dougherty and, adding Robert Shdells' 811d Kenneth McFar- lane to represent the council .of Grey and Rosso] Knight and Alfred Knight as endltors for the year 1048. •—Cerried. Moved by John J. Schnook, second. ed by John Shiells that we accept the resignation o4 Geo. Hart as grave digger ,and that we advertise for tenders for a. grave digger In the Brussels Post. --Carried. Moved by .Jahn J. Rollneck, second- ed bp Alfred Knlght, that we nppotnt John Shiells :to interview the care- taker and sec it he would renew the contrast /die same as last year. —Carried, Moved by Atm ,7, Scllnocic second- ed by Nail McNair that we extend a vote of thanks t0 the caretakers for their splendid work during the year and also to John 4hiolle, for his a,asiatanee in besting a steel wheel' barrow. --Carried. Moved by John Slliw'lrr, 0(colrled by Alfred Knight, that we adjourn this meeting, CARD OF THANKS W .take this opaprtnn ty of thank- ing our relative, friends and neigh• bora who extended sympathy at the time of our bereavement, Speclei Menke to the men who ,assisted to Making a road, also Dr. Myers and Rev. Milne, also those who sent flowers .and baking. Yea: idimdnese wtli. always: be remembered, Mrs: Nichol and family, Engagement Announcement Mr, Mid M'rs. C. E. Rowland wish t(1 announce the engagement of (heir only daughter Marga.rot Rubens to Fredorlck 'Waley only son of i11r, enol MIS. J. W, rester of 'St. Cathar- ines, Marriage to 'taite plane the latter Part of February, Rev, T. W. Cozens MT. FOREST, Feb. 1. --Rev. T. 11'. 0nsens died at the home of ht+ 8011. Rev, C. W. D'e'li Cnsells. im Toronto in his 43rd year. Born near Trowbridge, he was "$shied in 1502 and Was minister at Ba -1 - wood, Walton. Fordwirn Westmin- ster, Brussels. Wallacehnrn, Clin- ton, London, Cornwall, Ottawa. N drnow and Linden. .After his se tirement in 1929 be ;•erred n8 gnp- ply minister ai llerhel and Mel- ville churches near :17t. Forest, Tris wife predeceased hint in 1914, He leaves one son, Rev. Mr. Cos. ens, of 'Wesley i'nited Church. Toronto: and ono aisle', firs Knechtel, of Durham. After 1401" vice in Wesley 'United Church, Toronto, tie body will be taken of Muridae to Fahrr!1w Cemelety at Listowel for interment. Edward Nichol A life-long resident. of Morris township, Edward Nichol passed away early Monday nto'nin., ,Tan 26th after being bedfast for two years: The deceased was born or the fa,rnl where his nephew Alfred Nichol now .resides 011 000, 6, 11101018 and got his schooling in R.S. No, 3. Morins. ' 'Surviving are his 1widow, the former Jennie Grieve of 1lrnase0, throe sons, Andrew of Jeddo, Miellirsal, I7vere.tt of Windsor, 0111 , and Robert at home; end two daughters 1911er (Ma's, 014fford Markel of Morris two. and Loretta (Mrs, Harris Spobton) of Wlndsne, Ont; also surviving i:s one heather Robert of the 6111 0014, Morals tem., the laser of the family. Mr, Nichol Waal s son o4 the Into Alex and Mrs, Nichol, His hrot'here David, Thomas, Alexander and Tomes and a sister Mrs. Connnn pre• deceased hien many yearn ago. One Meter Mee, Alex McNeil predeceased him one year ago. The ftntera9 1480 held from his late residence Wednesday, ,ran. 21 to Brttesels cemetery. ,Padibearers were Ivan i1.T0Art,r, Jaclt Clark, Arthur Flail, Howard Clank, Sam OWMgto'1 and Pno. White, The flowers beam's were Mervyn Pipe, Wellington 'Kerte and Rowland Marks. Rev' Mfyne of Melville Prfabyter. 180 ('hatch consented the services. Stop That Cold Vas 3,emons Do just tba:1. ril'ewar's Groeeterta 1108 t110131 25r a dbz. '4t'hy pay Moroi (rectal 'Friday - Sa31:7' clay, Campbell Totnat.o Snup 2 tine for 1.9e. We st111 have same (tanned Salmon. Tiny 11 now W11110 WO have it. CREWAR'S PHONE 8 wa lights and the pumping system, drew attention to the nue report of Failure of power during batching 11P, 1 t9end lh•ip Circle, Mr, Charles season ear cause a major loss and Thomas gave a report of the Young=, the Walter Rose Poultry g'arnn is to People"e ltnion. T1s response to the. be congratulated in obtaining this Sunday Schaal report. given by Mr: auxiliary power sta011041. Harris Bell a viral duet by 97issea Mary Beath Jewell and Katharine, i Leath was greatly enjoyed, Miss ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT Madalon Ryan 000004'1 for the VISITS LOCAL LODGE j Missdon Band and Miss Betty • Cousins favored welt a pram solo. The president of the Rebekah The 11011411 good report for the Assembly, Ruby Webb, of Prescott, Woman's Missionary Sootety 'was, paid an official visit to Morning Star ably brought in by Miss lfiergaret Rebekah lodge at a speeial meeting Robinson and in response Mrs, hold an Tuesday night' Wilson saws, a reading entitled: "Ta • Ninety -Mx Reheka.hs from i]del- . the 0Id Chnreoh." The report of the weirs lodge, Seaforth; Perth Select Women's A4asriahiotl was presented.' Listowel flan Valentine lodge, Ai by Mrs. James Rrya:ns. Mrs, R. B: woos and Morning Star lodge Cousins Ra11g "When lrislt Eyes are-- Rruss,•I, 11tt.mile,1 1 m"e' the sire';- Smiling" in excellent "oiee. The dent. , Woman's Association sport w,lc Members of 1:de1Weiss lndce later spoken of with great appree'l t-- 4nrmed a pres1d"al'8 chard n4 than and the 1Pner0sdty and kirdness4 honour, Opening and closing core- of the ladies was rer04nized. During monies, were rond1/e'e4 by Perth the evening those present enjoyed lodge. very nneeh the members contrlhntec- The president .cave an inspiring by the oreb.. tna. 1911031 wag made uT> and interesting address whish W08 of Messrs. Clifford Bnsclllhl, Kenneth thoroughly enjoyed and much ,Aurin Lill 11 'Norman Hnnver anal' npreciated by those gathered to hear Miss Ruth Wilson. her, She also ceondurred an in- in the elections the following won. formative "Question Box" period. the approval n4 the meeting, Mr. J. r' A short programme was given by Turnbull was appointed Honorary the locai lodge and a delicious Innen Bider and as such to remain as a was served by the r.tt,:'4 le member of the Selman. Messrs charge under the canveinl`llll Bert Garniss, James Felton and Carl Mrs. Jas. Armstrong. Hemingway Wore appointed Elders Melville Church "Progressive Christianity" was the subject. o4 Rev. Mr. Milne's sermon on Sunday morning. From St. Paul's advice to Timothy it 1e clearly evident that Christianity may make exacting demands wenn those Who melte a sincere profession of it. The morning anthems were "(rod he in my head" by Lavin, and "Come unto me" by Bowles. At the evening service Rev. Mr. Milne explained the modern application of the Prophet Ezekiel's vi8:iot of the man with the inkhorn and the people with the mark upon their foreheads. The evening anthem was, "Now the day .is ending" 'by Nevin. Mr. Wm. Spear took the solo parts. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank my Meads and neighbors W.M.S. and W. 1. for the kindness shown me while a Patient in the K. ,G W. Hospital, Your 'twits, flowers, (14111, letters and cards were 510emtl,v appreciated, and helped to pass many as hour. These kindnesses will long be remembered, Mrs. Stanley Speiran Messrs. W. G. Leach, D... Rain and' M. Dennis were sleeted to the Board of Stewards. Messrs Norman Hoover and Carl Hemingway were appointed auditors, j Motions n4 en:l01401 dim) were passed and extended to The Ladies- of the Congreagtion, the Leader of the Choir. the Church Tre:asnrer and . to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, The meeting Was closed with prayer by Mr. 3.413. Dennis. j. Alt the meeting 01 the Officio./ Board that followed, :lir. Carl Hent- ingway. 'Wag appointed Recording Steward, Mr. R. B. Cousins, Chureeu Treasurer and Mrs, R. B. Cousins ' Treasurer of the M. and M. Fund.. Mr. W. 'C. 17llarett was appointed as representative to Conference snit Presbytery with Mr. Welter Hngga-o ' continuing as the alternate. The various working committees for the year were set. 111) and the sleeting . ' duly closed with prayer. LOCAL LODGE MEMBERS • INSTALL ATWOOD OFFICERS' The installation team ,1f Morning, Star lodge were in Atwood on Mom dray night of this veek when Deer installed the officers of the newt"- instituted ewt 'Instituted Valentine Rebekah lodgse ,,,A,.,' ,m m. ,axvm'.•--:,emits.:..._-...tit. ,.man,urAin ... IE we thiooii's Park Itep9rt No. 3 by PREMIER GEORGE DREW tEhUCATN Vel F T..R O " Vinghaxn Friday 8':00 to CKNX Feb. 6 8J5 p. rn® 44'.