HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-1-21, Page 411:44114.....T.44444444m4:4144144.4.,,4+44",4,4-.4,<4,44-444,44.44444.,wratet...ac444.444,44444.4......-.4444,444.4444,44.4...4444444e444444444444.4.4.4...44.14444.4.4 xpert rackrs Phone 70x Our latest prices for poultry :— Fowl A Grade-- 511over 29.-23c 4 lb over 20c 4 ib over 18c 3 lb. over 14c eaters or JUIA 1Ira In view ...f I of 1i0E1.1, 1,4 ICI :110 1,11..,4,111. K 0` Ill 0011111.Y iti l'c1M1t.,,, fit ; 11111'011 101,1 1.14 1110 011111 11IV, M.' -ii; will elw,ty, 1111.'rlig0 hi trade ...VP 1..aw 35. 1917 ie. nufair 1,, Town:hi v. W0 tIlrgV that the Orttn,v gaid et the (*.minty (.t liar etwh, b r, • ed the said ninth line to 1 tl 1 ,.ipallity. 11 "Moved by Chas. t'utlic4, by Stun Alcoa :hal salary be raised to SlIene and 111..1 1 Councillors :salaries be . —Carried. I it.19100.00. it Moved by Chas. Cohlte:. 1 by Wm. Peacon tri( By -Law No. 1 :4' 1 1948, appointing Township ofileinit. .............--...,.....,=,..-4, Patrolmen. Petted R eepev.. e. 1.1v Deed Roads AsoseiaLien. C.mvention 1 stock vs -wows, peoc"ice,,,,s. w,,,,r1 Morris Township Council—Carried. I inspeelor and Gradermen. new 'hew: 2, Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded „ti rthe lira, second „„..1 Me?tint Jan. 1 1948 ,hiyci gall on the above date with all the open portion of the grant Drain members pre 't removed from the Concession road: Zoltnston Presided. —Carrieo., The minutes of the last meeting : Moved by Chas. Conites, seconded Tram read rind adOPtea 011 motion .1iy Baillie Parrott that we send Mr of bas. Coultas and Sant Aleock I „ 4 A the JIllillic4m1 World for the Town - by )3aillie Parrott that the CouncR meveci by Sam Alcook, —sCeeaerirtideedd Moved by Wm. Pw,,sues, Bec°11"6 !ship Officials. sat aside 950.00 to cover the ex- by Chas. Coulter that we recent- .penses of delegates to the Ontario mend that the following resolution 11, h Oft by Sam Adcock that the clerk reda.Ft times be passed. —Carrie .1 Moved by Sam Aleook, seconded by Win. Peacock that a grant o $15,00 be given to the Bluevale Library Board. • —Carried Moved by Chas. Coultas, seconded by Bairns Parrott that a charge of eight cents per minute to the nearest five minutes be made Dor doing work for ratepayers with the TownshiP snow plough. --Carried. Moved by Sam Alcock, seeontled by Wm. Peacock that the road tills be paidMoved by Sam Alciack, --sCecaLrideedd. . by Baillie Parrott that By -Law No. 2 1948 Providing Mr 1948 road expeudi!- -...--=-7-...r.---c....- tare as read the 0 ret, second and C. AP Myers, M. D•,1.• M. C. C• third thues be passed subject• to PHYSICIAN and SURGEON the approval ot the District 'Muni - Willem St. Phone 4. Brussels, .Ont. t 011/111 Engineer, —Carried Moved by ones. Coultes, seconded by Baillie Parott that By -Lew No. 8, Allan A. Lamont 1948 adopting the Assessment* Roll Agent for --Fire, Windstorm, and Alston:lob& hastst&matta let pardculars of our Spacial Automobile Polka ior essisawa as read the first, second and third lo 'Phone 65-r-7 times• he passed and that the asses- sor he paid the balance of his —Carried salary. Moved by Sam Alcock, seconded by Wm. Peacock 1,hat we advertise for applications or the position of assesor. Applioants to state salary expected and applications to be in by Fn. 2, 1948. —Carried, Moved by Chas, Cenites, Seconded by Bantle Parrott that the meeting adjortrit to meet again on Pei). 2, at 1 pan. —Carried. The following is a list of the offloials appointed by By -Law No. :`,, 1948: 4.r.arsaossrrnoovx4.4.4as000aes•ct.4.4.*smmla44.4muao...*44..ms44m444*.4eom000pm.4.sosin.cs44m4.oar.dtw4.44.14.444es•o BUS1NFSS CARDS Queen St. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge for Use of Funeral Home. B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. J. F. Harper, B. A., M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours -1 - and 7 - 9 p. AIso 11 - 12 a. ro., when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p. m. Sunday — Emergency and by appointments only. R. S, Hetherington, K. C. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS 'Tuesday and Saturday all day — Offict open every day. Phone 20x Successor to E. D. Bell Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS • Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. Phone Office 96 Brussels, Ont. Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For informadon, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson PHONE 18-r-661 SEAFORTH, ONT. Make arrangements at THE Brussels Post or R. S. Hetheringto, K. C.. Barrister Office, Brussels. D. A. Rarm & Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Ucenaed Funeral Director and Embahner PHONE 36 or S5 — BRUSSELS, ONT. .4.oe...,44.44-44.4rnix4,44a4”4,444.4.or....44.44.444.444.4. CIGekerlille. Pa t rolm en :- 1 No. 1.—Ian Brewer and Arthur Bdger No. 2-8leming Johnston No. 8—Chas. Sorrell . No, 4—Ross 'Purvey •. No. 5—,jack Winstead and Robt. Orates No. 11—Chas. Warwick No. 7—Clarence Yuill No. 8—Russel Currie No. 9—Allan Pease No.10—Loune Nichol No, 11—Wm. *Kelly No. 12—Robt, Bird No. 13—Milier Richmond No. 14—Edward Bryans No. 15--Thotatts Brydges No. 17—Chester Rintonl t No. 18—Jobur Eaggitt No. 19—Bernard Thomas Pound Keepers; -- Carl Johneton, Stewart McLennan, Alex Shaw; Robt l MeMmmay. Sohn Bowman, Stanley Hopper, George Sone, John McGill, Mervyn Pipe, James Clark, Wm. MC- C nt neon, Ernest Miettle, Robert Bird. Bernard Craig, Arthur McCall, Albert Nesbitt, George Mc.Arthur, Lewis Rowla.nd ; Livestock N'aluators: -- Northwest (Licensed For Huron County) ' Harold Procter, Russel. jermyn, Bert SATISFACTION GUARANTEED — PRICES REASONABLE obt, Porrest, Russel Bone. South,- Hastings. Northeast — Jos. Shaw, For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they west—Albert Nesbitt, 'Bruce Smith, will be looked after Immediately Santee Phelan, Southeast — Morino For information etc., write or phone Lew. Rowlaml Jackson, Leslie sairnes, Thos. Miller. , Weed Tnspeeter:—Robt. 11/fichle. � write to R. R. 3 Walton. , . . ;77.7.**---ar_7=7;777.::-7777,Z7a.,..-7;a7rR. • Gradetrinamaos. Smith, ET Frie- Phone 86-r-5 Ethel Repair Your Tractor — any make Remember we Repair all Farm Equipment Dominion Nobby Tires Otaco Farm Implements Pedlar Barn Equipment Book Your Oil Now for Spring rhe Price Right. 011041106-600Mle MOW a4illt- FV‘60V; OW. *4'"-CAt The following accounts were pad: Crawford anl Betherineten, fees 98.55 Brussels Telephone, tolls ........ 1.42 Jack Wilson, relief acconir 11.85 1"Iem Black, dog fax rotund . Ian Mrs. Wm. Mc:Money, avant to Bluevale Library 15.1to A. Id Nethery balance of molars/ 27 84 ' George C. Martin, clerk. WHAT'S THE SPEED OF A SNSEZE? 1)14 Adam and Eve eat bananas? Hew fast does an ant walk Do plants breathe': Dolfgh IN 11 v different, guest - ions like these mark Pete trowe's insulated quiz imee, 019114105 ROWE". 10 Pictorial Review, maga.- sine of humor, fiction, earloon, NollY wood repor,ls. and, 41(11),914(.3 with 11115 Sanday's aTaniatiat 231 14sue of The Detroit Sunday Tames. THE BRUSSELS POT expatla../..11111M.......11.10.014404.0. •44C, 1+4 WC 4 u4. .444 00.1, SUPEP e1t0t4 161E5 EVW $TAMD.8.2.D rf,..i.1117,111 • Afat,. 61306k PASSEAGtai Cie sat, ODGE SACE11,14 IlEas Mt San. CUS %0 TAIES tIVE IOU DOID SWAY A S 00111ER, MOE 14 DODGE again adds a luxury car "extra" to all its passenger cars nique, new Super Cushion tires to assure you greater comfort and safety. Combined with thevilder 'Dodge "Safety - Rim" Wheels, these bigger tires set a new standard of safety. They rue. cooler which lessens the chance -of a blowout. Should a blowout occur, the deflated tire stays on the "Safety -Rim" w'heel-- even at high. speed-- allowMg safe, straight stops. . Super Cushion thes use only 24 pounds air pressure yet they carry 26% more air volume, which greatly reduces road vibration. They cushion the car against crosswise shocks softer tires tang the jars when they hit ruts, stones or rough paverneat This newest "Extra" joins such other otatstanding Dodge extra features as: "Safety -Rim" wheels; 'Full Floatiive on Custom ng Ride; 6 -cylinder brakes; an oil filter; four rings per piston; All -Fluid r)r models. • Dodge engineers cushion down ' done wonders to ears egebtsi upLateral, or and ,, shocks. (left). crosswise, shocctok 1124 never bfrily absorbe een satisad ' until Super-Cusbions were produced. These bigger, rnore cushioned tire; soak , t uplatereashock (right) giv- -.14, ingasmoother,steadier ride , .. . MI1Pr°1'' A.LEX ANDERSON PHONE 82 BRUSSELS, ONT. 4.-44,441.49=1,1,40TX4MIM4471====ranaRECIMS,41=LakIMZIX4Lre3Mr-a.4.9W4 Tr4...tiM2477:=8.7.4=147 saa.0.4.0.aorgiai Huron Federation Asks Ceiling Be Reimposed On Coarse Grain At e. n1.01.111g 4 1110 directors of the County Trederation of ,1 oieuttura hold In the board room of the agrt- (-Mane office, Clinton. a resolution was passed asking tbat price ceilings be reimposed on muse grains. The ohairman was Bert Lobb of God& rich Townshdp, prosiclent of the County F0d0r1311011. The resolution read as follows: "Whereas the 1)01111111an tiotreiar meat has seen 115 to Wake ceiling Prices 011 butter and mega and whereas the rising costa 0( coaxes grains and feeds will rosubt in au unsatisfactory relational:0.D with tontract (to Dritsta) arises tor farm products, we, the niemberd Ration County "federation 01 .Agri. culture, request that a ceiling price he placed an ail coarse grain, *mill feeds and concentrates, with ceiling to he set at prevailing pricos at titne of recent announcement of in. orea,se on prices. Or farm products." This was passed with instructions to W. V. Rey, tato secretary, to 411, ward 84 to the Ontario Pederallen, which In tura with torward it to the eanaddan raderation. FOR RAL-' bliectric motors rewound and re. Mira Expert workmanship. Moder. Me Oleos..New motors In stock. fitittipir 1nOustric5, SO Ontario street, Stratford, Ont. Is Your S bscription Paid tor 1948? Renew It Now $1.50 per year The Brussels Post