HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-12-31, Page 5UNEMPUIYIVI ENT
1`7 CE
C)i`fi AND AtTER .l:tnnitiv's.+ 1918, every
ell!ployee i11 ir1 u1: })1 t1nkly tfr int fe=tid by
the month 1VI e r- animal le 1411)1(1 tion does
)t ,1 x1'.c , tl !tri 1'O.i)O vett bl' lit ,n red Under
t',Y irec uploy nient lansutance Act.
AT PILESENT NT these paid by the Inonth
whose annual remuneration opine 1 ation is .$02,400.00 or
less aro 1nl tired llilc.pl' rho Act.
P11I'; CHANCE will not affect the coverage
of all hourly, daily and piece rated employees
and those purl on a mileage basis, who will
continue to be Llsured.regardless of oarning's.
WEEELY RATED employees «'Lose earn-
ings are expected to be e'li,12(},00 or less per
year will continue to be insured under the Act.
J. G. BissoN, Chief Commissioner
R. J. TALLOssio ,ner
CommmissioC. A. L. MURCHISON,
Personals: Mr, and Mrs, .Oar1
Mills, Watton, with Mrs. J. W. Mills;
Miss Agnes Davidson, London, Mr.
and Mra. Robert Davidson, Brussels,
Mr. and Mrs. Gearge Jackson and
May, Walton, with Dr, K. G. and Mrs.
Jackson; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bannon,
Seafortlh, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mennin-
ger, tine-lph, Mr. and Mrs, Frank
Kechnie, London, with Mr, and
Mns, Frank Benninger, Nr. and
Mrs. Garth Dobbyn and Ronald,
Chatham, with Mr. a.n11 Mrs. Cecil
Dobbyn; Mr. and Mrs, Wray Bry-
ant, Goderidh, with Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Richards; Robert Somers,
London, with Archie and Jessie
Somers and Mr's. Sadie Curing;
Mr. and Mrs. Fr:'�tl Somers, Tim
F..I1 o,inz th
Ref,.a'vs? Brea
"Western Ontario's Msec -
Modern Eye Saaece'a
'"hone 118, Harrisl�on
MORltiS A.,',..'t,..,a.a".
I , Ti;,, t t i, ,,,
11 the Tnvvu 1 it, 1.! \,
hers lU^seta{. VI -
m4na, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Her-
' rington; Phil Phi111.ps, Kingston,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
, Harold Phillips; Miss Irene Mo•
Gallant, London, with Mr. and Mgrs.
Duncan MoOallum; Miss Edith
Lockhart, Parry Sound, with Mr,
and Mrs. Stuart Robinson; Win.
Creighton, London, with Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Creighton, Miss Luella a
Taylor, Seaforth, with Mr. and
Mrs. Vern Rutherford; Mrs, M.
Corkindele, Owen Sound, with Mr.
and Mrs. R. D. Minn; Rev. Ken-
neth and Mrs. Mitchell, Betty . and
Karen, Goodal3's,Miolt., Miss )Ethel
Taylor, I4itchener, MT. and Mrs. D. $
Taylor, Clinton, with Mr, and Mrs. I a
A. Taylor; Mr. and Mrs,. R. Vin- (
cent, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Cook, $
a i. .
Mov„ ,!
"oar1 t.r 11, -•hi ill
Ir'8 1
111,1 !
'',III i
Moved by.li.try t i lu : and..
i.r rl by eb 1 c ,, ft , , p ,. CI (tt:ad 1
f ills tela h nr, n r c„ 1 d.
Moved by flan , ! 11 t t c,!.
1ntDdrrl by Sam ..1! r ,, t , t',not
o9 Ret(iaion b,• M1 1 (,r 1.
Moved by .T0f;. V0111 11 r,•r•nnrlr•r]
Chas, Cott lies that (1n° lip-prim..Ijourn to meet ovate on Jamtary
11947 at 19 a.m. carried.
The following acennnt:a were paid:
Connty of DU um (County tax)
918.104.09; Tirtise,fht Telephone,
$18.104.99; Brussels Telephone,
McKillop Telephone 930.00; R, Vr,
Kennrecly (Printing contract) $100,00;
Ivnn McArter (caretaking $05.00;
Cecil Wheeler (salary) $120,00;
Harvey Johnston (salary) 975,00;
Chas:, Coultas (salary) 975.00; Sam
Alcock (salary) $75,00; Joa. :iu111
(salary 975.00; Wm. She Id Ice, (ex-
penses) 950.00; Torrance Nutrias
(expenses) 940.00; Harvey McCirtch-
eon (expenses) 940.00; Robt. Mc-
Murray (expenses). $40.00; Kon.
Taylor (expensed` 9:10.90; Gon.
Martin (revising Voter; lists)
$18.70; W. Hackwell (Walton Street
Lights) 90.30; Geo, Martin stlary)
927'5,00, (postage) $1l.On, (drains)
9110.00, (0. A. P. .,mm�1lnaions
919,70, (Retu nli.ng officer) 915,00,
(repairs to ballot 110,51 .an; Nelson
Higgins (salary) ;ion nn; neteeecdal
tatenlent) $10.00 Relief officer)
925.00, (School Attaadan('e officer)912.00; (postage tied eupplieel
$1,3.00; C. Vam0amp (^.ra=by Drain),
95,00; M. ,To1vn on r0reshy Drain)
925,00: A. Jackson (Gmsh, Drabs)
922.00; Grasby Bros. ((trashy train)
919.00; A. Cronyn (C,rnsby Drain)
23.00; Jas. Richmond (linirllaw
rant) 910.00; .Ta,. (Bison (Laidlaw
Thain) 92,00;. Bruce, Smith (D11.0.1
4.00; Albert Nesbitt (P.;',, 92.00;
Menno ,Trarkson (7.11.0,` 94.00;
Walter Shortreed (PC.) 92.00; Hairy
McGuire (D.R.0.1 94.00' Wm. Van -
Camp (P.C.) $2.00: .Tames Bryan -9
(D.R.O, 94.00; Mervyn Pipe (P,0,)
92.00; Melville Mather, (D.R.O. 94,;
Chas. Souch (P.C.) 92 00; Snarling
Johnston (D.R.0,1 94.00; Frank
Shaw (P.O.) 92.00; Ralph Sh:tw (rent
for S.S. No, 1, 9, 5, 7 and 10) 920.00:
Jack Wilson (relief ac0cuu.t) 918.78;
Dept. or Ileal'th (insulin) 90.52; N.
W. Miller (Indigent fees) $7.85;
Hydro lDtectrle Power Co., Walton
a:nd Betigrave Lights 9147.00; A. H.
Ersleilne (collecting taxes) $42.13; R.
W. TGenaredy (printing ballots)
912.00; Advance -Times (advertising -
92,25; Be).gnave Co -Operative (trans-
portation expenses) .89; Robt. Mc-
Lennan (dog tax refund) 94,00;
James Richmond (dog tax refund)
92.00;' Jas, R. Conitea (wood for re.
lief) 943,00; Ivan Mn.,i,rtor (refund of
spraying) 93,00; Harvey Johnston
(McCall Drain 93.25; Jos, Ynil1 (Me-
C.a1]' Dra4n1 93,25 Cecil Wheeler
(expenses) 904.38; (;ea, Martin (Fed.
of Agri00Stnre) 928.45; W. V. Roy
(Fed. of Agriculture) 8885,09; Robt,
Michie (work on Bird Drain) 99.00;
A. 17. Neth cry (part salary( 9125,00,
Mirs. T. TSSdwarde, with Ray Vin-
cent and Mrs. Laura Dexter, Lon-
ondon; Miss Isabel Smith, Toronto,
with Mrs. Ida Craig; Harold Bad-
ley, Hespeler, has purchased Rob-
ert ext Me:Donadl's, farm on the 10th
ooncessdon of Morris Township;
Robert Newcombe is a patient in
Victoria Hospital, London.
Promptly and Efficiently Removed
Simply Phone Collect
Brussels 72
Ingersoll 21
Red Star Garage and Service Station
Brussels, Ont.
Special Prices on ring and valve jobs
during the winter months.
General Service Work.
Batteries and' Other Accessories
Battery Charging and etc„
Renfrew Separators and Milkers etc.
Good going: -Saturday, De-
cember 20111, 1947, to and
including Thursday, 3annary
1st, 1948.
Return Limit; -Leave desti-
nation not later than imide
nista. Wednesday, January
7th, 1948
Tickets as l complete irlJot•aep-
fMrz f, nor any Agent'.
Don't Wait Until 'Too Late
Around the corner i have a friend
In this great oity that has no end,
Yet days go by and weeks rush on
And before T know It ;a year is gone;
For lire is a swift and terrible;nace,
And T clever see my old frie'nid's face.
He imows T like him just as well
As in the days when T rang Iris bell
And he rang mine, we were younger
And now we are L•nsy, tired men;
Tired of playing a. foolha)i game,
Tired of trying te' hake a name,
To -morrow, T say, I will call on Jim,
.rust to show that I'm thinking of
But to -morrow cornea and tt-ntorrow
And the dtstance between us grows
a:nd grows;
Around the corner, yet nodes away.
Here's a. telegram sarin„ Jim died
And thet's what we get and deserve
in the end-
Aronnd the corner 11 vanished friend.
Electric motors rewoundand re
haired, Export workmanship. Moder-
ete prices. New motors In (neck,
Bettger inauatt'ree,
649 Ontario Street,
Stratford, Ont.
When ironing,prepare
clothes in advance,
then turn on the iron
... turn it off as you
near the end and use
the stored heat in
your iron.
Mr. Wilfred Swift, of St. Thomas, ,
is at the home of his parents, Mr
and Mrs. Harold Swift, suffering
from an injured ankle.
• Mrs. Nichol (Sr.) Is occupying
rooms over the baka'ry 'for the winter
Mr. and Mrs, Vern Starr have com-
pleted their new home on Wallace
street, Listowel, and with their fa-
mily intend moving at the end of the
Mr..and Mrs, Don Swift ase resid-
ing in the United Church parsonage
for the winter months.
Mr. Ross Lawless is holidaying
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, P,
Lawless, of London.
The school concert was held in the
townsfhdp hall on Thursday evening,
December 18th, with a good attend-
ance. T1h,e cantata "Santa Forgot the
Smlith,s," was presented by the school
children. Santa Clams arrived and
distributed bags of candles to ).he
Mrs. A. Godden entertained the
bridge chub at her Immo on Tuesday
evening. Winners 0f ' the evening
were Mrs, Golden and Harold Swift,
Mae. L. Boyd:, of Stratford is holi-
daying with her sister, lIrs. Frank
Many children were at Brussels on
Satlumdlay afternoon to welcome
Santa on his annual visit there and
receive a bag of candy.
Figured out in miles -per -
dollar, Goodyear is the most
economical tire on the road
today. It's the best tire buy-
by miles! We have Good-
years in your size, Come in
Brussels, Ont.
L• 1
,;P.. ,lv„.. ,t , 1, lb., - .1l4 1iF'r
I efu: , .,tui el:.:;tt;.:!ti.
} lir
'(1,',,-j by ami
'' " r ra . , 'd ownahitl Couple
Married Sixty -Five Years
z.;,0,1rtio. mm ic,vi 111 1: 1, r•:' druid t
ani tr t .dry of Mr. and Niro. lmbiirt ;
1f,hrd (t:h coie,.miun of Morris;
township, Snow -coveted seal, did'.
not prevent their friends from eon -1
veying their greeting', and eongratu.I
dations in person. M». anti Mrs.
Nlehol are the old,st married couple. i
, on Concession 6, if not in all !he!
iownsh4p, On Dec.:,. Mrs Nichol
1 celebrated her 88th birthday, whiie
I Mr. Nichol celebrated his 87th birth
!day earlier in the year. They were
married in 01a Knox Chruc!t Ainlee
villa, and the ceremony was per.
formed by the late Rev, Samuel
Jones, Until 1072 Brussels was
known as Atnleyvtlle. It was named
after William Aiodey who pioneered
tine district in 1854, Knox Fresh!,
tertan Church was amalgamated wl.h
Melville Presbyterian Church in
1895. Mr, .Nichol ,an relate many
interesting stories of he pioneer
days. He tells how Ills father, the
late Alexander Nichol, walked to
Coderich on seven nreaahmnc :o sit
on the jury. He would set out
Ifrom :tete Gth concession at 3 a.m.
and never failed to answer his name
when the jury was eslied at 10 a.m.
Alexander Nichol performed another
amazing walking feat, when he left
the 6th cnucesston at G a.m. one
morning and walked all the way to
Brantford where he arrived at n0nn
the foilnwing day, immediately
after he arrived he commenced word
in his uncle's harvest field. Mr. and
Mrs. Nichol recall the* on their
wedding day. there were nitch-holes
on the road capable of accommodat-
ing a horse and nutter, Mr, :itch,.
Is caretaker of S.S. No, 4, which
stands on part of his farm propert7.
'fleapits the severity of last winter he
visited the school every day and car-
arrued ont his dauties, Tie erenten a row
of high stakes to ,guide him through
the snow. lie doe, not desire to con -
time as caretaker beyond the end of
January. lint will carry on if a suc-
cessor e.anntot be found. In the fam-
ily there are two sons and two
daughters. The sons, Frank and
Lorne, are oro adjoining farms on
Con, 6, One deughtee, Mrs. J.
Rhodes, resides in Brussels, while
the other daughter, Mrs. A. McGee,
resides in Long Branen. They have
12 grandchildren and two great-
grandchildren. Mr, and Mrs. Niched
remember when, the junction of
Con. 6 and the sideroe,d known as the
Sunshine, boasted a sawmill, a black-
smith shop, and two stores. It was
thought. in the early days, that Sun-
shine would develop into a thriving
town. Today, Sunshine has nothing
distinguish It from any other side -
road Junction.
Mrs. Robert Shortreed
A ftmeral service was held Wed-
nesday afternoon for Mrs. Robert
Shortreed, a lifelong resident of this
conimnnity who died in Scott Memor-
ial hospital. after an illness of 10
days from a heart cnndtion. She
was in her 73rd year.
:firs. Shorlreed, the former 4u.
sac Searle, was a daughter of the
late Mr. and life, John Searle,
and was bole on eon, 10. Motels
township. In 1912 she was 105514ed
to Robe.nt Shortreed, ant: together
they took up farming just across
the road from the Searle farm and
where they have continued to le
edd,e. lvfrs. Shortreed was a mem-
ber of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church ,here and was active in all
the church organizations, being 'a
life member of the W.M,i:i, Besides
her husband she is survived by
one daughter, Mot, ]algin (Mae)
Johnston, Tnrnnerr9 township;
one son, Walter, at home; two
graluddanghters; five sisters and
one brother; Mrs. Duncan Johns.
ton, Walton; Mrs, T -tens, Young,
Blyth; Mrs. Wil:idnnh Fear. 15n.st
Wosesutoelt; Mrs. B, Mitchell, Cal-
gary, Alta,; Mrs. Russell Rich-
mond, Morris township; ,and Wes-
ley Searle, on the Searle home.
The funeral was held from the
family residence, with Rev, L, C.
Jnt,geuseu of Bhtevalo conducting
the service. The pallbearers were
six nephews, Allan Searle, George
Fear, Henry Young, Mervin Rich•
mond, 101wood Shortreed and Wit.
fred Shortreed. Burial took plats
in Brussels cemetery.
i Vitt at i ®i
`rO ER''.
Dealer e - J. H. Stretton
Phone 5x Brussels
Paid for 1948?
\ene It•Now
$1.50 per 'year
Tne Brusselsost
C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. /
William St. Phone 4. Brussels, Ont.
Allan A. Lamont
Agent for -Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile lass
set particulars of our Special Automobile Policy lieu [area
Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 65-r-7
Walker Funeral Home a
Day or Night Calls Phone 65
No extra charge for Use of Funeral Home.
B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. -
J. F. Harper, B. A., M. D.
Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 . 9 p. in.
Also 11 - 12 a. m., when possible.
Saturday evenings until 10 p. m.
Sunday - Emergency and by appointments only,
R. S. Hetherington, K. C.
Tuesday and Saturday all day - Offict open every day.
Phone 20x - Successor to E. D. Bell
Chas. T. Davidson
Automobile and Fire Insurance
Accident and Sickness . -
Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co.
Phone Office 96 - Brussels, Ont.
Harold Jackson
For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson
Make arrangements at THE Brussels Post or
R. S. Hetheringto, K. C.- Barrister Office, Brussels.
D. A. Rann & Co.
Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer
PHONE 36 or 85 „-- BRUSSELS, ONT.
Lewis Rowland
(Licensed For Huron County)
For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and tiny
will be looked after immediately
For information etc., write or phone Lew, Rowland
Or write to R. R. 3 Walton,