HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-12-31, Page 4i1 `!I", BULOVA EXC LLENICY A" 21 jewels, $4950 BULOVA EXCELLENCY A9, 21 Jewels r $4500 (1i 'i. F. *.3 T+•. a ti, .. tea,. 11,•,..11 1. i'.t 1 t ., and Mrs. Conn I•it 'Thee Teel i:.t r ,: tee fibra Mr. and Mrs ? .n, li res tet, wee 'Tr Mr- ei,e.1T N'.1 ;tee nets eta. 7Tr. era Mr,. .1. etATe' wY; _.;..mow.. �A* A�, IERMS at Extsta Cyst • VAR Gste gRUs ease 's HaFdware Store Geo. T. Pearson successor to Chas. Hansuld Ethel, Ont. Hardware Store — General Hardware _ Granite Ware, Beach Stoves, Good Cheer and Harriston Stoves Beatty and Gilson Electric and Gas Engine Washers 22 Rifles Winchester. Call and see our stock — Phone 22 -r -S. 'l.US+FLS POST t *ed.' ' i, l.. Pf'jl rr'.'' i ,, t ba.i fir,„v I WANTErt.... cer , 1 T., hay lee,. enc to: on "rho,1 Phall,,I2•r•10 Geo. 'Mao t:,,,,,1, i tis. FOR S..LE-•• t + •., 1+ i 1 uL Violin, will sell Owen n•t tic,) woc1.., (- PhOue ax I FOC SAL."...., Garage 20 x 12, plank fl .e good eandition, price i• •0 e,p, Phone' 101x-`-2 P.'irl tone e ric.:+.t• TRICK me two dantiter: 'feet ea 0,1 .. to .tw1 hun11'• FOR SALE ---. Mr. and firs, 1: enre'menet,tr, 1 rt ri it trick, thst Farin, about 00 acres, 1 nil, Fast F.i1Pen +icKinl.ev. +,don. I of the County road on OM .1. Grey, � y tt, . _• i c rl 1t ' is the nc• frame• 2-starey house ,. and ,kitchen.' 1}t her mother, 'first 1f'. 11 M-- Ai1, an4 lire. Theoric .,,,,,,,,,,el, n liar stands n Itl`le Kinney: I n r d i , h, k rm• hen tena rm.t,,. !1y1r1 C.irniss and famii,,, lir. and 11's' d h,'.,•,a till,. thrat tricpoi ht pWiell throughoutsgarage,Tap; na11 p10 BertCtarnie”, Brussel c, frith 1tr. I and hire. Burn" Moffatt; Air. rind 11'3'1'4' s"111 h1. r crntd:Lt anion Apply` at The Post. Mrs, Neil B. hlel au•Itetm T,ordee I your small fry: it's glen - good If e u 1r1 1 acinus ahem someone's LOST— Giihert and Nell, Mount lrnrest with burs, R. F. Gael -Ilse: Mr, and ' age, iSaturday a Pair of men's gloves, t (Reward). Finder leave at"the airs. H. Wheeler. Mr and Are. I Ask a p,,,,,,,,,'„ nu0.tip;y. theftBrussels Post. LOST— A red yearling bull from lot 16 and in th it p." lief. if ,t 1; leas than a 17, con. 10,, GreyAnyone knowing dollar, Hale them eubtraet the of its whereabouts klnd),e, get int number of `lays in n year, 365, and touch with Harold Jacidin then adcl 117 for good measure. phone 52•r -1S Fred Brewer and family. London. lege by 2 and add 5 to tit, resule with Mks huc4Ia Brewer, George [Then tell them to multiplw by 50, and Charley: Mr. and Mrs. Eldon I Then ask them to add tite change McKinney and son Jim, London, are spending the holdiays at their near home here. having for their Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs. Jtm Gurney and family; Mr, and Mrs. Harold Harris and family. Holstein. with Mr, and Mrs. Sperling Johns- ton; Rev. and Mrs. Leland C. Jnr;• Prtsen and baby David with Dr. and Mrs. Rhoades at the manse. Ash- . field; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Higgins with Mr. and Ars. Vernon Higgins. Toronto. BrusselsExporl Packers est Vices t ��` 1� or !t ry Dealers for Sun Ray and Blatchford Feeds. The two left hand figures or the answer will give yon their age and the two right head figures the amount of change they have in their pocket. Mir. and Mrs. James Peacock had a family dinner party on Sunday. Present were their son George. of Ottawa, Mr. and Mra, W. J. Peacock, Ross and Anne of Morris also Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnston. Personals; George Thomson, To- ronto, Miss Helen Thomson, Sar- nia, Henry Thomson, Wingham• and. Miss Maud Bt ma. Kincardine. with Mr, and Mrs, George Thorn - son; Mr, and Mrs, Harold Holmes. Toronto, with Andrew Holmes and daughter Jessie; Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Burden, Arthur and Doreen in Toronto, and with. Rev. M. Miner at Fordwich; Mrs. Edward Barn- ard and son Allan with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Barnard, Ripley. Mrs. Curtis and daughter Margaret and Mrs, Laura Kirton with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Procter near Bel- , grave; Norman Ohem with his bro• they and sisters at Ayton; George Garnett is a patient in the Wing - ham General Hospital, having su1 feted a stroke of paralysis; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stench and two chil- dren from Alert Bay, 11. C., with the , former's father, William Souch and other relatives in Morris Township, Mr, Souch went to the Canadian West 29 years ago, later going to British Columbia, Bad road conditions forced cam. Reflation of the afternoon service at Ebenezer Ohurch and the evening service at the United Church here on Sunday. At the morning service Rev. J, A. Burden preached the fourth in a series of sermons on r, °C!a' \ : 4 e efore you turn the toaster on, Please have the bread at hand; And if to "OFF" in time you'll turn, Know what? Your toast will never burn! (ENVELOPES Brussels Hydro Family From England Take Up Residence In Morris Township On Monday evening Cyrli Rich - FOR SALE - 2 young Ayshire cows, will freshen early in March, also a brooder house 10 x 12 and 5 range shelters, Eigy Brand -on Phone 50-r-17. WANTED— Man for steady travel among con- sumers in Bruseels. Permanent con - neaten with large manufanturer Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh Dept, No. ML -S-152• 131, Montreal. • ee WANTED— Wanted flocks to supply ns with ands welcomed his wife and family to hatching eggs for the 19.48 hatching their new home on con, 4, Morris season, Flocks culled and blood- township. The Richards family hall tested free. Guranteed premium from Sheffield, England, where plus hatchability Premium paid. For Mr. Richards was employed as a I full • details .write:• Tweddle Chick steel works nlana.acr. Mr, Riche Halthehea'tes Limited, Fengus, Ont, aria exp &nal 'hat the many short- .. ages in England et present made FOR SALE— it extremely diffisnit for liim to Order Bray, chicles this year, Provide for his family, which num. We suggest.you.get price list nOW hers 10 in '11. At the same time be and order soon _for delivery 1048.. contradicted several of the adverse Rim now J3altchery has some day reports eoncerning present - day old and started, for .prompt ship, conditions in Enstaald, "Happily meant. Agent :s Writ Bray, Ethel, struggline" was they dlesortpticn he SCHOOL CARETAKERS— gave of the people in England. He Applications for the position of said that they Pail '.heir taxes 1 caretaker in cash of the schools of cheerfully and continued to hope 1 Morris Schaal Area will be received that brighter things were just ( until January 6. Duties to com- arnund the corner. He also said mance February 1. 1948. Information that there was a narked absence as to duties may he obtained from or erumnhling 800,00 the English one of the Trustees or the Secretary. People despite the rigorous condi- RALPH SHAW, tions under which they are living. Blaevale, Ont. Mn.1...11.14u,:x",u,+1+vAW+>+w,4..44." rvfA...,1.4.40.[.. 111.4411th.1.1r'mu,4wn•vnMe..f.a.Vsf0.......11. \,,P1/:,1"c 07;11 Ir VA' �1 1`ua • It f .n .'Le. ' ••1.�. (.! . �':i 1' a+l f,. wt C.A i✓. w. 'r, ttA r s•i';•1.P o 444 n f: fattiterd1 '?.cm !Ain& 9. 7pid'1"r, r,n71 ,se l„ 21;g1 ZETA Successor to M. Yolleck • Phone 107 x .2 or Phone 23-r-12, George Thornton. llr. Ricbercis took over his farm on ecu. 4 in October and has since been busily engaged preparing for winter. He visited Prince Edward county In 1929 for what was intend- ed to be a three-month holiday, but he was so greatly impressed that he stayed for a year. Airs. Rich. aria is a skilled pianist, and holds the L.R.A.M, degree in music. Gwendolyn, the oldest member of the family, a sherthand typist and skilled nurse. decided at the last minute to remain In England. This decision was made in view of • her house, 214 miles from Highway priceforthcoming marriage, Mr, Rich 84,500.00 arcls was unaware of Gwenciolyn's 100 acre farm, brick house, bank barn, drive shed, hydro price 85,200,00 close to store, school and church, J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker. Brussels, Ont, Phone S4. WANTED— Flocks to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1948 hatching season. Flocks culled and ' bloodtested free. Guaranteed premium plus hatchabil- ity premium paid. Also wanted to purchase cockerls suitable for breed. ing. For full details write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. FOR SALE--' ' 60 acre farm fraIne house, hank barn, olose to Highway, ,price 82000. 200 acre farm large barn, cement decision until he met the family in Whighain on Monday evening, dune, a qualified child nurse, Was a junior technician in electro -car, dinooraphy in the Sheffield Royal Infirmary. Pamela is a student and teerluer of ballet' dancing. irat- rrie. Trina. Ea'9 f'h:trlee, Cyril and Clive are all of sehnol age. Peter the baby, is tn•n and a half Years of age. Mr. Richard is load in his praise of his new neighbors in Morris town- ship. Just as he was beginning to gl'nn- anxioes about winter fuel, a wood bee was arranged by the neigh - hers, and his aaxie*y was removed to the tune of 40 cords. ('!ntt•Pil,derahle intereet was a,rona- ed in the netchborhnnd by the ex- ported arrival of eueh a largo faun- ily. bunt the eremen of the edjolaing farms had their plasm ,made Well in advance and a wonderful reception awaited the Riehards' et the end of their long journey, As near neighbors, the Richnrrle' have Air, and Mrs. ,Joseph A11aa and family, who came from fllasenw Scotland, to settle on con, 4 earlier in the year. The neighbors did not over- look the children's love of Christ• mss and a lovely Christmas tree; provided by the Imre:" neighbor, Jesse Wheeler, and decorated hY the neighbors, adorns the living roam. Fallowing thele arrival in Wingliam, the Richards' were transported to their new hone by Cecil Wheeler. Tewie Wheeler, and Richard Procter, In the near fir tome the members of the 13ei00/e Anglican Church will hold a show er for the new arrivals, NOTICE— We have a•D4stant Chain Saw for custom service. This saw has a twin motor all/(1 develops 11 H.P. with governor., just the thing for formers cutting wood• orlogs, two melt goes with same, Geo, E. Pollard, awnse • • • Phone 56-r-18 Writ, Murray, operator ' ' "• Phone 18.1'14 "HELP WANTEL1--M,ALE" AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural ,Watkins bigtdot• available, If you; are aggressive, l' and between the: ages Of 25 and 55— have or can ' secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get estab- lished in a 'profitable business of your own. • For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company. �( Beatty Dealer -- Brussels Dept. O -B-4, 2177 Mason St., Montreal„' w'+ 9, c loggemacworzeolamara .roar- anon , Sttaeanmibiers Ordered by C.N.pT, o „ pc; fan 11iplt die e1 tleetrie locomotives • - '• ,nal Railways, The first road diesels 11, a to f' .11, ih ;• ran 0 Vc t lie,tvy duty freight ::o. i •a .1 I1g 4,14401 of ,.i) 111.014. nt handle 8I tutl•„t•ri Pnl[mnn lriine 1 ,1 OSCAR TO C.N.R.—M. A. Metcalf, C.B.L., vice-president and execu- tive assistant, Canadian National Railways, is shown, above, left, as he received the bronze "Oscar of Industry” awarded to the C,N,R. by the Financial World, New York for its annual report of 1946. The report was judged to be the best in the Canadian transportation in- dustry by a board of independent judges who surveyed 3600 annual reports of North American business firms and establislunents. The presentation, above, took place during a banquet held at New York, recently, and was made by Weston Smith, right, vice-president of Financial World. WILLIAM T. SPENCE Estate Conveyance and Commissioner GENERAL INSUARANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET -- — - ETHEL, ONT. Washing Machines — Irons Vacum Cleaners Pump Jacks ' - Water Bowls If in need of any of the above appliances be sure and see Ha A, FISCH P KEFFER' ; MACHINE SHOP tet Acetylene and Electric. Welding Our shop is eduipped to K First Class Welding And Lathe Work Your Patronage Solicited. . Good Service Assured. Agent for Surge Milking Machines Phone G od Fc A 11 ds of Baiting SOLD FN l RU AT BAEKER BROS. :�.x �; i� EWc' Shop *was.