HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-12-31, Page 1POS i PUBLlSHlNG HOUSE W: WIedn•e:lde.y, December 31st, 1947 rP. /yrGfgoze,-b gs•:,:yiJjus oeit G.''41Melville Church • 'I.,L-n' h'uitt'r 1 w'e't Ih' ject of Rev. Me i\U ne'e eermen en mese :111,111'11!';, .111.1 "•11••1 way. beard Liu Philippians 13 et, 14. The morning anthem. was " t h.'. Wonderful Story" ey Matthew .% .et the .fuming soryiee 11r, Milne mea. 1i, d r i tee' sllbj1 ^t. "The End of the 1leginning," ant drew ieferencee from the temptations' 'opn> at the 1 heelm9nue of :fes'.liministry, Miss I Mary Lon McFarlane and ]V1is= Margaret Cardiff rendn''e:1 the duet "Sleep Holy Babe" by Plebe to the music of the -- �� � ► k Prae rp to Old Time and !V'3 ,deirn At ew s Town ear r bo ' Dancing from 10 to 1,30, The Tops in .Entertainment Admission 50c WEDDING Rawleights Winter Contest Starting Jan, 1s!t, 1248 ending March 31st, 1948, Anything bought from me or account paid, please osk for a bill which will be mnmberod and a draw made on April 1st, 1948. The number drawn will receive a duplicate order 'of purchase or cash to that amount. Call at the house or phone 66-r-9. I'll deliver. Your Rayleigh. Deader Geo, Wesenberg. Majestic Women's Institute The January meeting of the Majestic Women's Institute will be held in the Brussels Pnblte Library Thursday, Jan. 8th at 2,30 o'clock. Dr. Harper will be the guest speaker. addressing the.... meeting. All the ladies are cordially Invited to attend. GOSPEL MEETINGS in Town Hall, Drussels Every Sunday night at 7 P.M. Earl wore a figuredUtack dress with Speaker—Mr. John M. Martin a corsage of cltrysan.thfstntmis, \Jess Dunbar,'mother, of the groom teed in of Hawlsesvil`ie, Ont. a Drown wool dres's with a corsage Come and bring your Mends, a warm welcome awaits you. of marigolds: Anter th'e ceremony the .guests e,� M :' M ' ' ' repaired to the dining room which Iwas effectively decorated in pink and white where ne wedding dinner was served. The tables were attended by Mrs. Edgar Myrtle Catheeie Mae I4ollidlay, Irene Finlay, Dorothy Earl and Helen Swift, Atter dinner was served the bnlde and bridegroom leet for London and other points. For travelling Oho bride chose a gold dress and brown accessories. The brid!o and bride- groom well reside in Kitchener. The happy event took place on the bride's' parents, thirtieth wedding anniveneary. . Dunbar—Earl Christman sei•virt11 WI -1 1 • Th•]d in ; Teem Pe silyteete11 Church m Sun , day. December 21st. :1t the tnornlng eervire the Minister, Rev. T. 1). Mao Iver, preached on the subject, ee 'Berry Ch!rislmas." Carols and4 earyrnns in keeping' well the Christ- mass season were sung, an:d the choir snug the an'th'ln, "'Phe Lord • is King" by Ga!hriel. The evening service on Christmas Sunday was a choral service. The ch'oir, in a beaitd'ttil setting of Christmas d'ecoratio'ns enhanced by the soft glow a lighted candies, song .bnaddti'an!a,l Christmas' MUSIC' under the direction of Mrs, MncTver at the piano. The cherrh'was well filled an'd all who attencIn'l were int pressed by the simple dignity of the seryice, the quadety oerthe music, end the splendid. manner PT its presenta- tion, tion. • The service concluded with the singing of 'the - Hallalitiah Chorus from "Tete Messiah" by{ Handel, Folinwrm.g the servie.-, there was sit informal meeting of • the choir members in the schoolroom of the church when Lytle Gar*ran read an address to Mrs'. Me elver, and lite 1el McDonald. In behalf of the choir, , presented , ]lets with a !teaufief; string of pearls. The service on Sunday last wee' in keeping with the year -ending, met Cr, MacIver preached on the sub- Jeri[, "The God of Time and et Eternity." The choir sang the anthem, "Clod of our Fathers" by Warren. Among holiday visitors in the community were Miss Kate M.Nahll, Tenelskanl:ing and Mrs. Lloyd Bark will, Guelph with th'e4r parents John and Mre. McNabb and other won burs of the family, Alvin and Mrs. Pride an11 8asnlly, Waterloo and Jar. and ••Mes. Keys and . Gamily, Sea forth. with H. A. and Mese Keys, Fred and, Mrs, Martin, Thainesrttillt with Peter and Mrs. Baker, Bob end— Morgan Ca'meon, Jas, and Mre. Ritchie and Dougtes, London; with Allem and Mrs. Camel an, Will Forrest, Mt, Forest, with his Meter Miss Alice J. Forrest and Mrs, R. K. McDonald. 24r. and Mns-.'1i • Gorsedltz, Ethel, slpeat Ohriabluas with Lynn and Mrs, Evens, Mis:-Gorsalitz is ewtending her visit with lues Oster. Calvin Cameron and son Alex are ,. a"t andMrs. in Conestoga thisa R Wm. Cameron is holidaying at the hinie of Alex mud Mrs. Clark, Brussels, The home of the bride's parents was the scene of the nrarrlage. on Friday of Rota, daughter of Mr, end Mrs. J. Leslie Earl, gthel- to Lune,. Dunbar. sun or Me. and Mire. Alex- .audra' Dunbar of Ethel. Rev. H. Y. Snell pertorined blue ceremony under an arolt of evergreen and roses. Traditional wedding niltsih was played by the bride's brother, Arnold Earl. Given in marriage by her . father the bride chose a floor -length white sheer gown. A hernlengek veil wee held in place by a lily-of-th.e-valley head-dress: The bride: carried a white Bible. Attending her Miss Laura Earl. sister of the bride won a pato bine net over satin with a full skirt. She wore gloves matching her shoulder veil. John Dunbar, of Toronto attended the groom es hest ratan, Por her daughter's wedding Mrs 1 "And another Book was' opened, i evbloh is the Book of Life." Rev. xx, 12. " Melville Church _ 1 i i Minister Rev. G. A. MIIno, M.A. 10 Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. m. Holy Communion, 7 p. in. Women's Auxilltery Society De.dioatien Service, Louis D. Thompson, 'Organist and Choirmaster. _ `Teleltrliieai Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson Organist Miss Elva S'hoidice 10.45 am. The Session will meet 11 a. m, Morning Worship The Holy Communioo Sermon Subject;— The New Convsuant • Junior Congregation 12 Church Sohnol and • and Bible Class 7 p. m. Evening Braise "Lastdng Fame" Begin The New Year By Attending Church, a■M Church of England . Parish of Brussels Rw. J. H. Kerr, Rector. second Sunday After Christmas January 4111, 1948 Georgers Church Walton -- 8.80 D. m. Holy Communion Sunday School St. David's Church, 1•tenfryn- 10.80 a. m. Holy Communion Snnrlay School St. John's Church, Brussels.- 1 p. m, Sunday School 2 p. m. Holy Communion BORN FISCHDR To Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Fischer in Grey Twp., on Dee. 10th —a son, Robert Charles, REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont, NOW PLAYING— IN TECHNICOLOR Show starts 7 p.m. Mat. Jan. 1 & 3rd Till The Clouds Roll By with June Allyson Robert Walker' Judy Garland Van Johnson Lena Horne Frank Sinatra The mammoth musical of Jerome Kern'a dramatic life' story. —Be sure yousee this one. ' Mon., Tues., Wed. Jan. 6.6.7 The Ghost and Mrs. Muir with Gene Tlerney and Rex Harrison This story, It can be said quite honestly stands to outdo' all' ghost stories.' Rex Harrison is' enjoyable to watch and listen to In. the character of the Ghost of the :Seamen.. ., Next Thur., Pri., Sat. Jan. 8-9.10 In "lechnioolar- The Bells of San Angelo With Roy. Rogers: . and bale Evans CCMiNG:- Possessed "Adult Entertainment" With Van Heflin Joan Crawford' Raymond Massey Capitol Theatre LJSTOW GEL Wed. ONLY • Dec. 31st "THE PLAINSMAN" MID -NIGHT SHOW STARTS 12.05 Thur. Fri. Sat. Jan. 1-2-3 "THE ROYAL WEDDING" Technicolor 30 Thrill -packed Minutes. also "SONG OF THE SOUTH" In i'echnlcoiour Matinee Jan. 1st at 2.30 Mon. Tues. Jan. 5-6 "MOSS ROSE" FOTO NITE TUESDAY OFFER $100.00 Mon. Attendance' Card Nite. COMING WeThurs. NEXT `(IVY" ing Out he al s -n'4 The Ring In h 9 WISHES YOU ALL THE BRUSSELS POST AND AROSFERDUS NEN YEe,e 1.1 !:it.• h,Inn!ing til ail, Sew }'ear thee es _ rotted, m , ,lint anolhei' neileetene hue trice t . • brrttr'r 111111;0. 1947 will certainly not stand we: e. hiceee e year of acblevernent. It was ,Ioeided ha f1 1 ', tri, a antl foreboding. A rapid upward:OK tin, 111 1'1r' r• '.•r ,,: 'i:''1 - 11nr1 f1 er lest the spectre of inflation sthe ,1d do not encourage the spirit of enterprise. We have. 111111' entered upon what may w. 11 nt. .f 111.1 1) 1+.t crucial but at the same time most 4t t n,, e,-1 , 1:+' suer:•. llnring tlbe past decade we were taught neve: 911•1.r1 1, -",,Lie n:i shy dangers of neer-aptireisan. which ream ?bat t in 't h ;I. - welch we entertain for 1948, are not rooted in mere t:l>hiut thinet1 . The r,':,lis:t,6lne of our hopes will depend in large n1,as>urr- on r" quality of the servele which we render in our difreeeut +allirt We mey debate and legislate and improve our s•nci,1 conditions but, still, ewe will he only 9tvhere we have always hem'. If we fail re, realize, thea New Year, that there le- required. of Its that fn1th In fled which transforms life because it transforms men. It ie character tle.et dents, end its character that will determine the basteninee er retarding• of the dawn of a better day. �( z:! gnsr lst^z�:"t �i9:1t -.t w� � t19 771:7�(io9( Shit. Flecteen Results Hay Township For Reeve: Geeree Armstrong, Oscar Klnpn. Earl Campbell, Wil Item Hough. For Council: genteel Hendrick, Oscar Klapp. Erwin J. Willett. $are Campbell, Valentine .Becker, August Ruche. Scheel Trustees; Theodore Stein - ben. Raymond Fisher (aeol, for two-year terms). • McKillop Township For Reeve: Dart Benertertnn. Geom. R. Campbell. For Colmar: Jeremiah Doerr, Prank Kirkby. Wilson Little, Har- vey Metlwain, Earl Mills, Matthew Murray, James T. Sentt, Albert , Sta- men, Stanley Township For Reeve: Elsner Webster, Clar= puce Parke, Alvin MoBride, John Pepper, - Pnt' Canned Clarence Parke, Al- len McBride, James ]McBride, rear- vsy Taylor, Harvey • Coleman, Carl Houston, • W. R. Stephen%, Elgin Melted ey. Schooi Area -Trustees• •'Archie Parsons, Willeean Caldwell, John ()strain Wel.), Tuckersmith Township For Reeve: Arthur Nicholson (ascii. For Council: Harold - eackson, Charles MacKay, Cordon Richard- son, Roe Peeper, J. W. Grich, Wil- liam Rogerson, Roy Bell. For School Trustee: Tames Me- Tneosb. Usborne Township Per Reeve: Hugh Berry, Wiiliam lellerington, Por Council (ace,.) Oscar Tuck- ey, James Simpson, Wellington Blew t, Verne Pflaaombe. For School Aroa, Trustees (acct.). Harold Taylor, Harold Hern . (elec- ted for two Vase.. • Teeswater REEVE — A, H. McTavish (Heel,). COTTNCdL--M. A. Donahue, L. T, Meyer, W. G. Church, F. T., Field. (1ccls.). HYDRO COMMISSTON — Bert Freetllnn David S. Houston • t Word was received from Los iAngeles, California, David 1S, TTotts'ten flied suddenly on .Dec. 27811 of a heart 'attack. Aged 60 years-, He Listen id CKNX from Moe - Fri. 6 p. nr. Your name may be called. A HAPPY NEW YEAR To All Our Patrons Dick Main — Peggy Francis and The CapitolTheatre Staff. -solivoifiv% Recently Married Couple Tertd:=red Shower A mtscelleneons -'brier crus heel Tuesday evening, Dec. "'el in the Brnscsls Town Hall for Mr. nue Mrs. Allan Mellon tee -merry P ttv Currie) recent newly-weds. at uheeh time a levee green of friend, roll neighbours honored the happy cnnple with many useful sifts ani 1 111'1 •, of money. The following arllees wee read by Rose Duncan: Dear Betty and Allan, We your neighbours anri rrienl's have .gatherer, here futile -let to extend to you our renzeatulettens and heat wishes rn yeur recent 1 marriage. d 10111,• 11). 11, Wt.. 1 1 Mee "I, eek season, oral mart",;. bar. ht 1 • 0 .r;tet 1I31' 1.-y ,. est li . 1 i theete eeeter. Len. r1 '., ee e '11 --: e;ce.i �, . Al- eel •.Ira J. (. B;ieker. Mies. tS•i:y 31, 10•-T. 311) .re. With Mr, and Mrs. Thr,!. \1 ,tkt1 •. O O ,l Mrs. \i 1;e. -t w1'11 relatives in leer, , ;eel Termite. • o \1r. anr1 Mrs. Ti. 11 Allen anti , daughters with :1Le eel air: Stanley . Elliott, Listoweh i w fi v , Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Rushton, Pais- ; ain; ley, Mr. and Mrs, W. Williams and Mr. anti Mrs. D Stowe, Port Mehl and Mr. anti \ire. P ea,cen Yo'ing and Susan, Sehrdngvllle. with Mr. anti Mrs. 11. F. Dawi;nn. * at * Pownien Galbraith, Taranto. with i 111= nu:A.1er \h., 1. 1.a.10,et.h a a » . ! air. and Mrs. ,8su 31eia'e and \1iss Margaret Gibson, Toronto. wi'h end Mrs. Jim. Gibson. •111 8111 511 1:1 •los TTynic"" and f>nniri. Lii,tenel with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Rowland. * u * j Mies Mayme Thompson, Toronto I1w'tit 11•' eel M. R'. 17. Willis. i u * Air. end Mrs. D. C. Werwiek, We are glart to lcnnev you are net going too far away to ,Hake your new hone, so we shall still be able 1 to enioy your friendly associations. i Betty's voice will be missed sae. ing "Number Please,' 'in the Central Office, and we feel this wonirl be an 'oppontnne time to say "Thank you, Betty," and tell you we did appreciate your efficient service. As a token of our esteem and best wishes for a long and happy married life, we would ask you to accept these gifts and as yon use them you willremember your friends in and around Brussels, We trust your Journey on the Matrimonial Sea of Life will he a very happy and prosperous one and "May your joys he as deep es the ocean, Your sorrows as light as its foam," Signed on behalf of your neigh bolus and friends. leaves to mourn his, widow and one son Maynard; two brothers' in the + West, Woe, .T, of Dattplitn, Man,: Samuel at Grand View; two sisters i Mrs. J. H. Sollars, Meals! and Mrs. J. A, !Deign in Grey. Two brothers,, James and Robert deceased. - AY%ORAS Mr, and SSee. Geo. E. Pollard, Yvonne and, Kenneth spent Christ - mats with Mr, . and M•re. Edgar Hollinger in Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Pollard are limiting in i-lamiltoft with their daughter, Mrs, liklgal' Hollinger ih Tlumilton. ,,,\2.e.. Owen Sound, with relative= here. O ar # Miss Olive Smith. Stratford with her cousins Misses Heather and Barbara Allen. Dr. and Mrs. W. Merlutcheon, Ber- wick. P ., with her mother Mas. Thos. Clark. Morris. who has not been: well. i a s Mac Baeker, Stratford, George. Barrier and Win. Dttnrfcrrl, 1 ondnn with Mrs. A. C. Beeper and Mrs. Dunsford, Melville Church Christmas Service CM Sunday, Dee. 21, Rev, Ma. Milne preached on the subjectThe Miracle of Christmas," aced poinded out that t'h'e miracle of the first Cln'istnlna was not the strange happenings'. welch. accompanied 11, but the coining of that Life that was to obange the course of lumen history. The morning anthems were "The Wonderful Story" by Matttltewa; "Motes Daatghter" by Hill; "Chnisttaln0 Awake" by Maun- der. Prior to the evening candle -light carol service, Mr. Louis Thompson gave an organ reoital which Includ- ed such famous pieces as "Trumpet Tune and Air' '"Header's Firework Display Music" and " import:A Coron- ation Murch.' The carol service innate comprised several now carols in addttien to the 'Christmas, anthems. Among the carols were "Joseph was an old moat," "0 Leave your sheep t' and 'Iteioi'oe ye Christian." The anthems inelused "Night of Nights" by "Van' de -Walter, "No Flower 00 We by Ttvohy. June Work sang the solo '"Th&nk on me" by Scott, and Mary Lou McLaa'lano and Margaret Cardiff rendered the duet "Eli en Holy ,Babe" by Field, "When 150 an m * Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Long and family with her mother, Mrs. Smalldon. t. s * Mrs, A. L. McDonald and Miss Doris MoDonald were Christmas visitors in Listowel. -* * 111 - Miss Gertrude R.osr Toronto, with her parents, MT. and Mrs. D. C. Ross. :x * * Mr. and Mrs. Dou•11d McRae, To- ronto, with Mrs. T. T. McRae, 0 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Porter with relatives in Toronto. • '1' * . Leslie Lowry Toronto, with hi mother Mrs. Gen. Lowry, BRUSSELS, NTAI11 ,,,Y•1 Western Ontario to 1 U-; Al t1)'JI kI ":7 e-ereiree Ae'•ar' ed x .t,.; . (en ; re, h' 'on ,1 : 1, to c.t'_'1 'u'hl t d .sr t 1,1sv11111 -ill 1110 ,1110.,.. Si f4-41'!!,. i - 1..11'11(1' 4 1 10,,'1,1.1 :1,1,,'l-17 ,r t. 11 i. , 1 1 Po Woo, "Tor:- •s'ry _ the . 1 - ?!h' ,., 1'1a.•1 tier,,:?nee:1nm. Gr,. . -14. t •11.i.,lit1 r're reef, wee er1 .17,1 it ? ieine tr. the letermediefe e. e Intermediate Series Groltp 1'—Crntralia it n 11 , .d. 11 e.1 e11 ;rated 1 1. T !•, , i 1 i et 1 t•e BeI1+ Pend. d. Luoan, Z Hies . c un rr'nnr. Ben - Group 2—efilvert•s .1 `.Velli l'ty ;1• •,1111-': T:,;,tre. Almaden, Draytn, Bert Antir,-ws, Tray ton, eon. rr nor Grnnp 3 --Walton, Brueeelo, Lon- de=1er,. 'rrotweeteee, ,llwnohl rico, Certee. Lnndeehom, convenor. Grnnp 4—Mildmay, I(ynnn. Moltke, Foriiwich. Gerrie; 'dreel'y Johnson of Mildmay, convenor. Creep ,--Southamet en A Pt rt Plein :1, CIreeley 1, \Vinseham A, Harriston .A: B !rang. T_'ieknow, Allenferd, Elmwood, Parsley; George , Grant. Paisley. convenor. Group 6 --Point I69wa1.9, Alvinsiton, Forest, 'Medford, Parkhill, Miss Craig and Merton. Juvenile Series Groiip 1-- Kincardine. Part ,:.,gin. . Snnthem.pten, Wingharn. Sohn 1tTitnh e11 convener. Group 2-- Hanneer, Durham, Waik- r•rbnc i'innal t T -,a. i etnn, convenor. Group 3 ---Listowel, Tiarrls'ton, Pal- merston: Cully Rucker. Testowei. convenor: Groan 4 Clrndnn. Gotderich, Brun sels, Lucknow: Wilfred Willis. Ilius' sell, convenor, Group 5—Wellesley. Ttostock. Dray. ton; Robert Warne. \Velieeley, con venae. Midget ee"lee Greer' 1 ---Paisley, 18inensdine• Port E1sin. Smlthatnlltnn. ('hesleee Prank Piekflt4. Te)tele.e. convener. Group -Clinton.2- Wtn1^h11m, Grnde- ririt. Lend esleoro: 'Nen" White stone, Gnderich, convenor. Group 3—Mildmay. Hawick Palmerston: Spike Vie'hoT, Palmer- ston, almerston, convenor. Group 4—Listowel received a bye. Bantam Series Group 1—Miidmay. Brussels, Palm- erston. Walkerton: 'Grey' Semple, Mildmay, convenor. Group 2-01inton, \Vingham, Luck now, Goderit'•h; 'Vi," Lougltleats- Win_ethant, convenor. Pee Wee Series Group 1—Southampton and Palle- ley; Prank Pickard, Paisley, earl- vcns r. Group 2—reederich, Wingilam, Lneknow; PPIt a'IcKc'v, Luoknow. convenor. The W.0.A.A. set the deadline for • sigtiin a players- as' January 19. Group winners must be declared by February 18 in the Intermediate series, with Group 5 using neutra. 1,referece. The Minor series deadline for group winners was set for February 10. The United Church 0 i Christmas Sunday was celebrated in the rifted Chturoh by the singing +a a * j of carols, meditating en the humble Moss Joyce Porter, Toronto TTni- i birth or Christ end by splendt vers!ity with her , parents Mr, and i leadership in melee by the choir. t: Mrs, W. 'Porter. I the morning the solo "Chris:tme * * * • Chimes" by Bernard Hamblen we. Dr. J. Harper and Mrs, Harper - capably rendered by Mrs. it. B. with Hamilton relatives. 1 Cousins. The choir also sang "0 * * * • !Little Town of Bethlehem" by Ira Mrs. Wilfred Penontvi and son 1 fR. Wilson. Tn rho evening the Christman: Mervin of Londeahnrc spent a fete story was rend by rile. Charles days with her sister ,Mre. McLeod , Thomas and the choir repeated the and family of Brussels. Christmas Massage in the Cantata * * j "Hail to the King," which was received with great appreciation Mise Mary Haien Tlchmier of organ. Miss Elva Sholdide presided at the Flint, Mich., spent the Christmas ; holidays with h.er parents Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Eckmier' On the Sunday of December 28 at the morning s,ervine Mr. Wilson's• • e w - i subject was "Equipment for the Ne'w Year" The text was taken fromMr, and Mrs. Herb Magnin;[ attend- Bozell , lot Corinthians XIII, 18. The anthem • tits funeral of ?Vie. Ernest I „The Wondrmus Story„ was sung by • (Mrs, Manning's brother) in Clinton - the ohol, on Friday, Dec. 19. In the evening the word "Brethor ro a 1 toads was presented e.1 a sett to he nourished and an ideal to be achlev , Mr. and 144rs. '['Herb Manning ea -t asci 11t Gh1 canning yetir, . duet ".Hall joyed having their family , all with i the Saviour of Mem'" was enng bi' ,them for ehiristmee. They are Mise j Misses Phyllis Sullivan and Donelda • Lantra Manning, Xitcbene.'r, iVlr, and i Willis. 121s. Harold Thomas presidedMrs, A. C. Knox, Jimmie end henna . at the organ Dor bout services, of Bttidgepart, Ont, and 141r. and Mrs. Begin the New Year In the right. 1 Clifford Shobbrook and Charles of waY by putting iirat things firstt ' 1�tr1111tR. Your Mirth needs' Yon,