HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-12-17, Page 7TERN -TOWN TOPICS
We are :IOW well into the se•
con,! week of December and
Christmas is • just aretntd the
cornet' S 0 e (1) 5
Bice a Month ago
t li a t we were
counting up the
:heckles arid di-
viding them
among 1 h e fa-
mily; only it
was a year ago
and now Christ -
nes is back again, This year the
speckles wont go as far, and it
means that all of us will have to
spend our Inoue,• wisely to conte
out on top of tl c pile. However,
there are two gif s we con think of
that haven't gone up in price—and
they are gifts mat most people,
young and old, appreciate. The old
reliables are books and records, and
we can add to that—theatre tickets.
1f you have been lucky enough to
have a Saturday job at the local
store, you are all set. Farther down
the column, you will find a list of
records that we think will tnalcc
welcome gifts for the whole family
and will probably meet your bud-
get. Well, so notch for Christmas.
What's the Beef?
There are two very proud young
farmers in Ontario today. Why are
they so proud? r
Well, because the
C theyraised wontop
over all other beef cattle at the
Royal Winter Fair.
Tile Grand Champion Aberdeen
Angus steer, judged "The Best
the Show" of any breed in market
c as acs, was 1.110:01 and exhibited
by Lloyd Mack of Maple Grove
Farms, Rockwood, Ontario, The
animal is really a beauty, Weigh-
ing 920 poulids of solid hanmburg-
•ers, he was bought by the T. Eaton
Co., and donated to the Christie
Street Hospital.
The other young chap, who re-
ceived the King's Guineas for his
wiping Junior Champion Steer,
was 1.8 -year --old Ken McKinnon of
Hillsburg, Ontario. Nice going, fel.
lows, and we hope your interest in
Ontario farming will continue.
On the Record
FREDDY MARTIN has a swell
arrangement of Santa Claus Ex-
press. On the other side we have
Ho•a Staccato, with Gene Conklin
•doing some real fancy whistling.
TONY MARTIN does a nice bit
of solo work on The Christmas
Song and Begin The Beguine,
This is worth a Listen to, no fool-
TEX BENEKE with the Mille'
Orchestra gives you A Girl That 1
Remember in a slow tempo, then
a fust swing number on the re-
verse side called Surprise Sym-
TOMMY DORSEY isn't to be
left out of the shuffle. Ile comes
up with The Whistler Song and I
Met My Baby In Mac's, both play-
ed in a slow tempo. These are re-
commended for December,
Records that Mom will like—
Ave Maria, Concerto in A' minor
with Arthur Rubenstien; Just For
Today, sung by John Charles
Thomas and the Warsaw Concerto.
with Leo Litwin at the piano with
the Boston "Pops" Orch.
. Dad will appreciate—Cwcerto in
E Minor featuring the eminent vio-
linist, Ychudi Menuhin; Death and
Transfiguration by Stokowski and
the New York City Orch.; Sym-
phony No, 6 in 13 Minor with Sto-
kowski and the Hollywood Bowl
That sister of yours will listen to
—Bluebird of Happiness, Because
as sung by Jan Pearce; The Don-
key Serenade by Alan Jones; and
HIungarian Dace No. I.
Junior will bend an ear to—
Finians Rainbow by Russe Case
and his Orch; \Vhiffenpoof Songi'
by Todd Galloway; The Sweet-
heart of Sigma Chi by Robert
Merrill and Grand Canyon Suite
by Toscanini and the NBC' Sym-
phony Orrhos:re.
The kiddies will enjoy—the al-
bums of The Night Before Christ-
mas, Dunhbo, Peter and the Wolf,
Pinnoccihio, - Little Black Salnbo
and Cinderella,
4t * 11
We hope that these few sugges-
tions will help you with your shoo-
ing list, If you- haven't a record
Player and only a little money to
spend, visit the local brook store.
You can Usually find choice items
Here that will satisfy all members
of the family. If you are the handy
type, maybe you could make a few
items, "
On Christmas Day
Next week will see out last col -
Unlit before Christmas. On that
'day, when the dinner- is .over and
things have quieted clown a little,
you can turn to your radio for the
best day's listening pleasure of the
whale year. We will try to give
you the latest next week en the
programs for that day.
Comulcrciaily calmed ,foods will
keep indefinitely as long as nothing
causes the eau to leak,
New Streamlined Power—Orders for two of these powerf 11
triple -unit diesel electric locomotives have been placed by tl e
Canadian National Railways, The first road diesel's to be 1)u --
chased for Canada, they can serve as heavy duty freight loco-
motives with a top speed of 50 m.p.h., or handle standard pul -
luan trains up to 102 m.p.h. The units may be operated separ-
ately or in combinations. An outstanding feature i, ability to
start heavy trains quickly and smoothly, and to keep pulling
them at a constant speed up grades.
Sports - And One Thing
or Another
("A Sixhit Critic")
Old-time Gamblers used to havee
a variety of picturesque expressions
to describe a elan who was excep-
tionally favoured by fortune. One
of the few printable ones was "He's
so lucky f
that i' hefell l o el n a sewer
he'dcome up withis pockets full
C to the las
in November we had never
considered ourself as belonging to
the • class of those so favoured by
Fortune. But now — well, we're
not so certain.
There we were, right after lunch
that Saturday, all set for an after-
noon spent in our favourite pastime
— thinking of all the chores we
should be attending to, and not
doing a single one of them, The
East-West football final? What's
the sense of going out in that crisp
November air just to watch the
Argonauts go through the %lotions
of giving the Winnipeg Bombers a
football lesson. To Heck with it!
Argos are as good ns wheat in the
bin, and we're not going to stir a
single foot. And then, it must have
been Lady Luck herself who whis-
pered in bur car and persuaded us
to go.
4 " *
If we hadn't — Oh, brother, what
a grand succession of thrills we
would have missed! Whenever a
youthful sports fau waxes enthus-
iastic over some gams he's seen
some veteran is always around to
ice -water the ardor by saying, rather
patronizingly, "Yes — but you
should have been there back in the
old days when dear old Whoozis
tangled with \Vhatsitsnane." \Are
have clue more than our share of
that sort of tiling ourselves. But
now we freely and publically take
it all back. For sustained drama
and exciteifent there never was
anything to touch that Argo - Bomb-
ers affair before, go as far back as
you like. We doubt very much if
there will be again. If you were
one of the 20 -thousand or so at
Varsity Stadium on Not. 2911).
you'll be able to tell your great-
grrndso:s that 'they ain't seed
notlnin!" in a football way.
As to the rights and wrongs of
the proposed partitioning of Pales-
tine we have no opinion — not
knowing enough about such compli-
cations to express one. But we will
hazard just one guess. After taking
Side -Saddle Bike—'.Ctillio Lo
Monaco, of Milan, Italy, be-
ieves that a fellow should have
his girl at his side, even when
bicycling. So he invented this
side-saddle hike, on, which both
riders pedal hitt only one
look t [' dill showing !1 J k a the ! 0Tc )1! file way
they figure t0 cal'l'er n the 'lTito '
1 1 1l t( r
. fg h
between the .leets and the Arabs,
we'd risk a small leaver that — at
some tine its his career — the roan
responsible worked for a 7lona
u '
of'r sate puzzles1
q ofthe
1. r
more complicated variety.
r -
When it conics to the fine art of
sports publicity — of keeping their
game in the public consciousness
365 clays a year at the least cost —
Baseball folks are in a class by
themselves. Latest exhibit is I•Iigh
Commissioner Chandler — or sone -
body in his office — coming out in
December with a "recOnunendation"
that each of the Major Leagues ex-
pand into a 10 -club group by taking
in four cities from 1110 sun -slopped
slopes of the Pacific.
This, will be good for untold
reams of free newspaper space at a
time when really live baseball news
is scarce. But we doubt if embody,
including the I-ligh Commissioner
himself, imagines for a moment that
this "recommendation" will get any
farther, with the baseball moguls,
than "noted and carefully file'.] —
in the waste -paper basket."
Just for one objection to the pro -
905111, any real baseball matt will tell
you that a 10 -team group is too un-
wieldy — too far (rout the bottom
to the top. The fans who will sup-
port teams running in seventh and
eighth places are fairly scarce. Out
in California they might course in
paying quantities to sec a ninth or
tenth place team foe about one
season — but not much longer.
4. 4 81
We sec reason, however, why the
Pacific League shouldn't be raised
to major status for Post Season
purposes only. A Super World
Series in November or early De-
cember, played in the far West,
would draw like a poultice. 1f the
Westerners lost it could make no
difference. If they Lappened to win,
the National or American League
apologists could shrug it off with,
"Just one of those things — our
guys didn't take it seriously'.
A lady canoe all the cony flout
British Columbia to Toronto to ac-
cept a "world's championship" for
growing wheat, which she tilnllght
was worth $2000.00. Turned Pat that
the Trophy, which is "hers" fa' one
year only, is 'quite valuable — but
that, (110 actual. rash. she, teprl
amounted to only twenty dollars.
A lot ,of people seems to think that
the lady was re'her harshly used.
if'c think she was very lucky — at
least they didn't, so far as we ktfote,
ask 1ret' to pay her own admission
ticket to the short'.
* 4t 41
Are hockey players more sGsce9t-
ible to friendly atmosphere and
'home -town enthusiasm that outer
professional athletes? That is a
rather interesting question, and you
can supply your own answer. ]'lay-
ers on other National Hockey
League teams say that the Toronto
Maple Leafs are far harder to heat
on a Saturday night when they
know that the ears of all the great
coast-to-coast radio audience are
following their actions — than
they are, even 011. home ire, in a mid-
wecte game. But sone of that sort
of comment may be put down to
professional jealousy.
But here's a rather peculiar angle.
Last year the Maple Leads were the
best team in the loop — if not over
a whole season's play, at least 1011011
the chips were down at the finish.
This year, on what they've shown
they look good enough to take the
League title and repeat for the
Stanley Cup. And yet — and yet —
in their last 13 games ill the city of
Boston, covering quite a tong stretci1
of time, they haven't been able to
conte away with even a single vic-
tory, ,fust be that salt B'uston air
or something!
Classified Advertising
•1'J':5'i'11)N 3,A101(11104
1 Olt NALE, -Trat tor TIM/. mol-
r nil.d,lo for bulling on steel *he' $10•05
:tet,. roar 15 0,1,0101 5100 m,"'k, feu:!, wb,•,.ln
wh'm oohs ins Mete diameter and 0,dnl of
wheels. Nacelle! Rubber Co. LN . 6 11'(14•
nitlre A Yo., Toronto. Ont.
(1( 4154 04. 0PPOUT l NI 0IP.4
AN OFFER to curry Inventor—Um 4t hats%
114,, and 1010 IIIr01•I1,n 111'1, 111,50 I1,.,e 00,,
Raaw;,y (0. RegisteredPatent A[1n''.'•:, 111.
01 ,Il, 41,01, 0111nwn
PI{OCIUINo you ore an poerml, yi'una
meth willing to work bard le iter.1 it mit,
000401 baolnese and lullre for Vnur.,.15 nee
have an opeughn (or you, now in Ilhm dolt.
Get, us 110101 dletrlbutur of oar preerle
Proviaua experience unneen/teary. Argty to
I#oma Unite Blue brand t'ruduris rn LW„
7111 Alexandra Street. Montreal.
4)A115 CHICK).
Prices, Afnny buyers ars uld0 (50(
about ordering 01,0,11 doe to Increased feed
prk es There Ie still profit Ill 4.101:4. Fopiren
oil n reread 100) of 109 Marred WW1, 11lalr'la
oboe will) feed 01 $4,00 per hundred, 111 per-
cent meet,. 40 percent grain, birds laying
58 p"roent the feed cost of 1 donor ease in
301.1,. At el percent the feed con Is 7411.
Top Xotell pullets will enx111' rive 1140 rate
of production. Order early ,111, IN. Flo,
euhdrs;ue. Alan older pullets. Ton Notch
Chick Soho, Guelph, 'Ontario.
W14 Atilt eon supply choke ;,ull,•I:, 14 1,',•eltn
to laving: Barred Ilue101, New /ha, pshiro'
White Imghorno, White Rockk::, Light. Sussex,
51 ,1, your order naw 1101' 0110 bid chicks or
'"'lint:; delivers', Free Catalogue. 'rweddle
rhl'd, Iintcherles Limited, Yerguo, outer.
Be certain thus you buy good. toanlly
clicks rite coming sermon Insure delivers
data by placing yo0r order now All breeders
Government banded and pullorum tested
tl rile for our 1048 catalogue and nrlce list
PULLETS for immediate d111verY 18 w eke.
to laying: \Chit Legh
n1,nBarred Rn:
New Ira I ; LI t
llpfl, 1 s get 500000 1000Yy
other popular breeds. Aldo day old
old chicks
far Immediate and Spring delivery. Free Cato -
!ague. Ton Notch Chick Soled, G"olph, Ont.
CJIICI S -Framed and Onyol11s, promo thIa-
ment. Order clicks for January -February
delivery 11(01. Brny Hatchery, 13q John N..
Hamilton. Ont.
1045 poultry prospects. The most important
world commodity le food. The hon is 0ti11 the
t,o•t manufacturer of food, A Bushel n(
wheat or Ito equivalent produces only 43:4
lbs. of beet 5'IL Ibti. 1(0170 but all the war
to 10 lbs. of eggs. 11000, production sprains
'reducing far beyond 10 lbs. of eggs. Even
100051h poultry feeds are high In price don't
0011 ,your poultry Industry short. Raise the
Usual number of chicks In 1048, the pr0fits
are bound to be there for an Indurtry that
Manila neer the top as a producer of the
world's most bnportnnt commodity. Last
Word—and very Important for your profit—
Start early- batched chicks. they 0,1(0 Dhow
an extropreflt of 750 per bird over Tule
Mork. Free catalogue. Aire older pallets.
Twaddle Chlelr Hatcheries Limited. Fergus.
HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to us for Information. We ore
glad to answer rear (mations. Department
H, Pa,ker's Dye 0.0000 Limited 701 ?mage
Street. Toronto. Ontario
FUR SA1.15
cuter PIECES—Hand size and huger all
laid flat. Cotton prints and strives. Four
(4) pounds for 51.00. Guaranteed or mono'
refunded. Free -1G Milli patterns and Ins,rue.
lions. Free—Detailed carpet knitting 1n0truc-
tons. Large Quantity cotton, afllt. wool under-
wear, towelling remnants—full widths, un to
5 11,10, long For full Information write Asso-
ciated Convertors Inc.. 4084 St Lawrence,
Parts and Service. Bert E Kennedy & Son.
410 College Sl, Toronto.
d0IONSON Iron Horse engines, 94. H,P. 551.40
1,94 H.P. 570.00. Immediate delivery. Cur.
rcy Balmer, EOlinton & Bathurst, Toronto
RECORDS. Free catalogue of favorite hill-
billy and donee artists. Nntlonnl Molex
Ltd.. Dept. 0. 419 Portage Ave.. Winnipeg.
NEW Holland Automatic Pickup 11111• and
Straw Balers. Tobacco & Potato Planters,
etc, Bale Loaders, Snv Prattles, Hammer
Mills. Service guaranteed, Order now from
Brant Farm Ecelpment, Colborne at nlnrenec,
Brantford, Ont.
1110 SALE—Brown brief eases with zipper.
Size 10x11, An attractive useful lasting
gift for etu0ents and others, Price 558,00
postpaid. Canada Merob"ndisere, Poet Omec
Box 308, Toronto.
BATTERY operated Radio Set for sale. De-
ferent Crossley' Corona model, 8 tubes,
specially equipped with Rotnnco Eliminntor
Mr nee with either etnrage battery or dry
colla, New Cost 0ve1' 3309. Make offer, A
fine and lasting Chrlstmos gift. Box 151, 73
AdelalOe w.. Toronto,
Fine wool knitting yarns '4.4 oz. el0elne, 51.98
pound. Fine botany wood dinnhoud sock%.
Saucy colors, 81.05 pall, Direct from our
woollen mill. Atone' back guarantee,
Darla, Ontario,
COAL Conveyers, Portable Coal Trimmers,
Cement ,Mixers, 12f, 1,u, ft. 548.00. Saw
Framer! take 32" saw 500.00. Saw Mandrels
all tins, Babbit Benringa. Steel Slone Doats,
Arnelrong Foundry & Machine Shop, Oraunge-
vine, Ont
RING necked pheasants, 30,00 oath. 013.00
Per trio, E, V. Whitmore, l94,elev, Ontario,
WELL Drilling Tools, 2" String reinitiate,
Sand Pump, Mn thew Gough, Str,14000',
3 10L'(71t1.311 01 1101(51)0515
Children's, Abodes', Boys, first qunlliy 3
buckle, fleece -lined, cashmere ovel,hoo,. 5
to 11 $2.20, 12% to 3 51.05 postpaid, Meg-
eloson 0 Shoe Store, Sault Ste. Merle, Ont,
famous 190111111 breeding, sable and while.
Rent beauties, Carl Montgomery, 11.5. 1,
Brinsten Ont,
LA1RUE coater Lilybulbo each ^611 3 for $2,10,
Postpaid. Culture note)/ enclosed. Iiay'per'e
Bulbs. Haute, B.0.
(014C11STERIsD Cooke' Spenlei Pu(uie0, Idont
Soma gifts, Males 510,00. ]'tomes
011.50. holuding Panora. Afe'o, V, Endow,
110anv1110, Out,
LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method
Information on tequent regarding clauses
ROberloon'e Halydroaelna Acn11001'. 187 Ave
nue Road. Toronto
FRLIIT ,(U10550: The princ10a1 IngredientsIn
DIxoa'o Remedy for Rheumatic Pains,
Vourltis,. 0tuhro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin,
Chown. Pestoold $1,00.
F-linn IJprn Prn 5(0051:
Pl.11.ltier 1,•1, •a so.r d, 111 oho, 0,1 M0,1-
(.11113 111 )1111 0'.„111 1110111 ,•,h'l,r 1. 001 navafXA•
teed Ord.', 1„d:, . cud IJuy (0'0I4,i ,',,,,,fort.
Ila,: your 11011,111.1. (' .10 porton lel, upper or
loner. 10,1,1 al Pl:m. a (50., 1',O, Rax 135.
Nlmr1 ,
1.'I't1I310nit'L .-,:tot Infect Ulu sem, w00fblly
tl'Pal'd 511, i, Valid Ol,tatem_ Arlt sour
Ileum, of 1,w• w1.11, Valid Product-, 30 Ilrork(
1011 Ar'•lup'. Tl'.untu, 51.09 '"ntl',ehl. 1te-
saltn ellnr:u,'„,I.
__.._.-. _.. Rheumatic IwAfl(,,o:I) 1 ,0Y x114. 1 t 07 Rh1"o,ed lc
Panto c , Kelrl its t0 try Damn's Itemedl'-
01n11ro's IDr:lg muco, 133 ]Toro, Ottawa.
Pesti/AM 1100.
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant d:gn If/0d 000(00011011, good 0ages
'Imusm,ds aurneentul Marvel 10051100 es
America's greatest system tllurtrntrd rata.
Matte (see write 00
01 A 11 1141. HAIRDRESSING
950 Moor St 1Y., Taranto
Branches 44 King St„ H,unilloo
& 74 Releeu Street. Ottawa
De,•unu, s„ Grapier quickly th10001I) ABC.
s!m0ltned ohor'hnnd. Pree folder
tont., ['114.0:,11 S7s(,e1111. Dept. nv.. Toronto.
PATENTS.'__...._- _--
PE•rn0ats'ruN at'GI1 de Comps DY Patent
Solicitors !Established 1500, 14 tine areal,
Tomato 00001et of Information n request.
LONEPO0(0077 ftamontle COrrexp,Om)enee eon.
'mine Contains plebs. dexerlptionn, large
Ilotn. Ono year 11. Sample cop!' 10o World
Federation ('lube Pnrkerview, Seek.
BUGS Wantal. Poultry farm white eggs
Preferred High twice, Write. Player
051 n 0Y1 n ten Tereeto.
USED DpLrO 014111110(1 PLANTS. 510 -TORS
and Genet—room Mildly state nae, type
000110lne and price, Bettger Industries,
Stratford, Ontario.
Businesses Wanted
Do •ou wisl, to sell 'our bueine10? We
y 1
ansciailze in the selling of all q'nea of
Bushman and Bushmen Properties,
We have clients halting to buy General
Stores, Hardware, Gar0.000, Tourist Resorts,
Crocerlen, ate., err.
Contact 1111 immediately. You will be nleneed
with the re: ults,
Seale & Deering,
Buohu's, ,t Real Estate Brokers
28 College St., Toronto. Alf. 077.0
0811).? WANTED
0,00(1 private hospital. 8 hour day. Good
wages. Llbwrol time off. Living nevem-
mutations. Apply Mrs. 0L Fraser. 115 Park
St.. Chatham, Ont„
NURSES, regiotered, urgently' required for
7.80-4. 3.3e-11,30 and 11.11(o —7.15 u,m,
duty, Annly Mho D. Arnold. Director 00
Nurses. Brantford General hospital. Brant-
ford. Ontorin,
Expert Eleru•i0 wlt•Ing—anytvl,ore, wn don't
caret 'write today, Nen' Day Electric,
St. Thomas, Ont
Nothing else you can buy
lute the mane Internal ac-
REMEDY. This liquid (taken by mouth)
le compounded from special Balnumns.
Gum. and Plant -Extracts, 11 gets re•
sults because it goes directly to the In-
ternal cause of Piles. That's the reason
for rte 0000000 on the moot stubborn
cases. This modern 0OY of treating
that Internal trouble gets results that
lest, One bottle of PYLTONE la enough
to prove Its healing power or price re-
funded at once. That's our gu0rnntee no
matter how long standing your case may
be, Tour Drugglrt hes It: or ran order
0 for 1.011
Vett 11911 10.(1,y Slaying at
The St. Regis Rotel
• Every Rooth With Tub 00th,
Shower rood Telephone
• Single. 88,50 and tie—
Double. 01,50 en
• Geed Fond, Olniag and Dentine
Sberhearnr 01 Ce ,non
'rel. RA. 4121
FURNISHED $1.50 up
rift', — C.N.R. STATION
tills lip
-Spoils Sleep Tonight!
A few drops of Vicks
Va-tro-nol its each nos-
tril works right where
trouble is to open nose,
relieve stuffy, tran-
quick relief from sn101y,,
sneezy lead cold dls- r�
tress. Try it1 Follow
directIons In package.
to make
and 6 room alrurbn0nt, onutplete wit)/ 1,11
14/lap/ONO 111111 Meek, well located at the
bort/on of 4 rands anti N0. 6 Highway In
the Nheguro I)iolrlet. Makers of Cab/reef
Orelmrn Sore) ere, Immet'nle ,,0M0e04on,
ROSS A, DAMIIDE, 11114(015111
3'eolIOU, Ontnr10
noneRide,', Idle 1, 10100(002 150,1
Call of the Wild
"Don't you enjoy listening to the
honk of a wild goose?”
Not when he's driving an auto-
ISSUE 50-190
For constant' Smoking Pleasure
Cigarette Tobacco
rt: r:Gft i?�
Truck Driver Saves Two
from Blazing Car
makes wick, courageous rescue
Abig transport truck was just
beginning a night run to Wood-
stock. It was after midnight.
There was little tratlic on the
Suddenly, above the roar of his
engine, Stephen Arthur heard a
loud crash. Then, on rounding a
bend, he jammed on his brakes.
Piled up against a tree he saw the
broken'wreckage of a car. Before
Arthur could stop his truck, a
sheet of flame leaped nearly
twenty feet from the wreck.
By the time Arthur reached the
car It was blazing fiercely: The
gas -tank had blown up, spraying
the unconscious occupants with
blazing fuel. A wall of flame
confronted Arthur as be
wrenched open the driver's
door. Heedless of his own safety,
he reached into the fire, grabbed
the driver and pulled him clear.
On turning back he saw another
body in the flames. Again he
reached through the blazing
gasoline, and hauled the man
from the car. Shortly afterwards,
both men were rushed to hospital.
In spite of his efforts, Stephen
Arthur was unable to save the
life of a third victim. This in no
way lessens our admiration for
his courage in saving the lives of
two men. We are proud to pay
tribute to Stephen Arthur of
Ancaster, Ontario, through the
presentation of The Dow Award.
citation for outstanding hero'
ism and includes, as a tangible
expression of appreciation, a
$xoo Canada Savings Sand.
Winners are selected by 'the
Dow Award Contlnt5ee, a
group of editors of leading
Canadian daily newspapers,
Flames were already leaping from the
wrecked coupe when Arthur raced
to the rescue of the unconscious
In spite of the intense beat caused by
the blazing gasoline, Arthur managed
to drag two men from the car. His
bravery undoubtedly saved their lives.