HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-12-17, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST • • "Itsikas • 43% BULOVA "NER EXCELLENCY A" 21 jewels . . $495° BULOVA EXCELLENCY AA" 21 Jewels 1C0S e - .441 • e , 13,P,USS'11,3, ot:fr. tretr...•-• W. G. LEACH - JEWELLER THE SPORE FOR BEAUTIFULGIFTS A full line of Sheaffer Pen and Pencil Sets All the patterns in Community Plate 1847 and 1881 Roger Bros. and Tudor Plate A beautiful assortment of Ladies and Gents Toiletware. Adorna Jewelery and Novelty Pieces by the score. All these and many selection silver and crystal will make your Chirstmas Shopping a pleasure at Leach's. 31-.UEVALE Rey, Dead .Torgen sea eon - ducted cerartimtion service at Ktox Preshyierlan Clad t-i.y rnern- ins. 1 resit --i oa the kuh.?ect 'God's Giving, and Reviving" At the I-nited t'ilmreh Rev T. A Burden eon:lune/1 his seriez ef ser. Mots "On the Bethlehem Road," speaking on the theme. "Missinv. Christmas 'I Mrs. Alex 'Nit Creeltin and Mr. Charles 111Inta: sang a due The regul.4- ueeley meeting of the V.P.F.was- ht.ld in the SundaY school room on PrIlay evenint: The pressieni. Miss Br:A- m-laze conducted the Rev. T. A. Burden nat'e. I talk en "The Triangular rthrleien," point ing out that health. work and wor. ship Were the three std. The regular Mtssinn ntao Mg was bed Friday af-arncon with telores Hantilei presiding, The scripture lesson was read by Mary Mrling. Birthday greetings were sung for Sisan Sellers. MIS.3 3lar. tae!. Curtis told a. story. At the preparatory serviie in Knox Pt•esbyterlan Chursb Friday evening Rev. Leland C. Jorgensen spoke on I'Beems, and :gotes." The sacra- ment ee baptists was administered /4- That Patrielt. son af Mr. and M... X. v. Sanies --Nr. of Mr Mrs. E1.1.n Iiir.!orl: end I'M T."/.,:n 'Roller:. son lf -.nil 'Mrs :NkTavlsh. M Gord•an Greia Iva/. :es,c-ired tht ntentl>ership hy vertideate tram, Wr P.rscrals1*s. Alex fkrm strong. Brussels, with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. :',Icrslinnon: 4r. M Murary LIStOwel, wtTh ;1 •1 ',AVAlt1/45$4,,Sft•Ml!L.V13tejl.V4-1451%,,VAtelvw Washing Machines — Irons Vacuo Cleaners Pump facies — Water Bowls .0 • z:rg /1„etPC1 cf w f the above appliances be sem. and see Ho A. iSCUER "—"" Brussels Alto. and Mre. . .1 .T. :refl.:aro, with• ETHEL s.,11.•!!$, • l• tort , man anti Joyce at tlxst, Airs, Wilma. To-ttatel. Crsy rep • n.l r..11 *.b. iCt. at her Mem., teratilm/. 11— •cg, Wes., cnthill wac naTo.'n"1-.• 11."In., at a wood -Putting. hoc :it Mr. Wa SID n. A et tb" \‘' fvoi ci-eniar saw un 1 s,trucl; Mr. (Tnthill in the 11..s • on,1 calli;111:1 19..r'r SUNKIST— Yes itors it is De! J r":'- OrSurros In a Free Sic. . Bag for Only 81.157 a.' SI I've,- .1's Grocer erte. She wlier.! your 0/.1.ir buys *lc mrtst. rvery.hing in Fruit. PHONE 5, BRUSSELS Before you turn the toaster on, Please have the bread at hand; And if to "OFF" in time you'll turn, Know what? Your toast will never burn! ; KEEP PAY ErAl 0.112•1., • Brussels Hydro Mr4. (*hosier Bari was hostess for •'.., W. IsIt's Institute last Thurs. oft. •a,,,In. Doe, 11, The rooms of te• wnrP itrettiler decorated and there was a rrond :.'tcrldllnee. The president, yr, B :lowest was in charge of the tup Mitch opened with singing ,11,, al•t; oda and repeating the Tht.Unt • Creed. The Roll Wee answered with a "happy t!•malt•". The minutes of the last inoctln.t t. -.re read and aphreired ter which several matters of busint.,,t wore discuss•ed. The sending the hex of ,r1 food to ITallend for the month •,1 November. It was de - t•• hold a eerie% of parties ,arly tho new year, further par. fielders later. Mrs. O. Rowland Olen units iho topic, "A Christmas ,Mossas.." The mouth.; closed nth Anthem. Tameh ss,‘,..(1 by the hostems assisted by th.• ...titimittee Mid a social hoir was spent SUNKIST— Yes ilsrs it is apsin-3 Doz. Swest Juicy Oranges in a Free Shopping Bag for Only $1.05 at ;Greyer's Srocetoria. Shop \\Mere your dotter buys ths most; 1•Ve ?we. everything In Pruto. PHONE 5, BRUSSELS . . of its whereabouts kinqv get in touch with Harold Jacktin ° home 52-r•18 WEDDING u.,c •Nr Ire A Course starts January 4th, 19413 at centrally loccated schools Kingston- - Wont° - Triontitton • Puy white terandsp . Uniforms provided Ki • Free tronspolittlIon • Certificate on grodUotIon • Good prospects of interesting employment . Entrance Requirements - Age 18 to 40 years Grade VAR Education - Good Health um Course consists of throe months' classroom Instruction and six months' proctirol Instruction in hospital. Upoa successful cthe Deportment oMpletion of the Course, graduates will meets,. a cortificom from oi Health. While training you receive $60.00 per month less Ma maintenance. 'transpor- tation is paid from your place of residuum to 00if di SCIWA ond fcco unliorms aro provided. immediately to the Division of Nurse Registration Parliament Buildings, Queer's Park, Toronto HN 3.47 flia10112=ealeOnnerlreMleaddeideMOMainertelaersanonaiermeasaMMOinrsZOMMarelver...=starecureosts. GaSSIee ITAc's a t,n•osaur.cranomnenenaeameasn,.....0..rtneravedmamosas*.-........maammeas..m.treeamgeoestra,ut COAL COMING WANTED— A 0.31r of hockey gliiIIAL3 and boots i! slse 7. Phone 84 Mrs, C. Long LOST— Saturday a pair of men's gloves, (Rewattd). Finder leave at the 13russele Post, • LOST— A red yearlkig bull front Tot 19 one 11, con.nf 10., Grey. Anyot knowing Aitchison—Nickel I,PCKNOW-.-Rev, L. C. ,Tongenson afe..lated at the ceremony in the P1,---shyt (Tian manse, Illuevele, unit marillege .Ada. Beatrice, young. • (1,0tainer of Mrs. Illekr.1 and the tato -lam Nickel, Carrick!, to waiter • Aitableon, yatmger son ci • tt o Mrs. Hornet> Aitobison, Wiralron recall -Orly of Luoltnow. Ths bride chose a gOWTI or lupp:101, over taffeta with flee veil, and she csrristl n111013 anti rnstslen-hair • ...II, amid, Mins* Mary Niokel •t" 'Ito 'bride. was gowned in chiffon with matching T.' • ".. cht.,tee. Slut carried white • .1•1 Von, Aylmer Aitehlsna, I • I.• allemied his brother as - -a• nta.s 'held at HIP • Ia. Slc's monies, Later 1f7 il)r weldina trip, rt. /, tranting .11 a black suit t-htig accessories. They •• •'' • 10 Winetam. Pearzon Store Geo. T. Pearson successor to Chas. Hansuld Hardware Store Ethel, Ont. General Hardware — Granite Ware, Beach Stoves, Good Cheer and Harriston Stoves Beatty and Gilson Electric and Gas Engine Washers 22 Rifles Winchester. Call and see our stock Phone 22 -r -S. Brussels Export Packers B st qu. For Poultry Eggs Dealers for Sun Ray and Blatchford Feeds. ph o FOR SALE - 2 young Ayshire cows, will freshen early in March, also a brooder house 10 x 12 and 5 range shelters. 1:71.g7 Brandon Phono 50-r-17, WANTED— Man for Etteady travel among con- sumers in Brussels, Permanent con- nection with large tnanufsaturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write RawleIgh Dept. No, ML -J159 - 18I, Montreal. WANTED— Wanted flocks to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1949 hatching season.. Flocks culled Rad blood - tested tree. Gurentsed• premium plus hatchability premium paid. Pot- ful] details write Tweddie Chick Hartheheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. SCHOOL CARETAKERs— APp11C1.1i0T1'13 for ihe ln cf caretaker in cash of the sehools of Morris School Area will la/ received until January ft Duties to vont- monism February 1, 1948. Information es to duties may be obtained from one of the Pm:30es ne the Seereterv, RALPH sztAw, Blnevale, Ont. WANTED— Flocks -bo supply us with hatching eggs for the 1948 hatching season, Flocks called and bloocttested free. Guaranteed premium plus hatchebil. I ity Premium paid. Also wanted to purchase cockerls suitable for breed. r ing. For full details Write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. NOT 108— We have a Diskant Chain Saw for onettern s•ervice, This sew has a twin molter and devellops. 11 II.P. with governors, just the [thing for farmers cutting wood or loge, two men goes with same. Geo, 18, Pollard, owner Phone 56-r-113 'Wm, Menmay, Operator Phone 181.14 ''NELP WANTED—MALE" AN OPPORTUNITY—. Illtabllahed Rural Watkins District available, If you are aggressive, and betweem, the ages of 25 and 55— have or oan seeere travel outfit, this is -your opportnntity to get estab- lished In a profitable business, of Your own. ror full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0.13-4, 2177 Mason St., Montreal, Que. -00g SA1-E— , Elleettle motors rewouad and re, Palred. Boort workinanahip. Moder. -4,s prices. New motors in stock. Esettuer inaustriss, 649 Ontario Street, stritttotaf, Oa*. Expectedthis week — a car of range coke, car of stove coal and a car of Alberta coal. J. es Phone 22-r-14 ••••••••••••.. Fear • Ethel, Ont. WILLIAM T. SPENCE Estate Conveyance and Commissioner GENERAL INSUARANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET --- — ETHEL, ON T. To the Electors of Grey Township My sincere thanks for the support ac- . corded me in the election on -Monday, Dec. 8th. I will as councillor endeavour it,f) be worthy of the confidence displayed in electing, me. Wishing you the Compliments of the 5,2t-LS0111,. Y•CE/Tng sincerely KENNETH McFARLANE (To late for last week) GET THE SAFE NON-SKID TRACTION OF NEW GOOD/EAR TIRES The famous Goodyear non- skid diamond tread gives you complete mastery over icy or wet roads. Big, thick diamond blocks dig in take hold . . . grip the road . . . resist skidding M all directions. Get this Goodyear extra protec- tion before taking that out-of-town trip. See us today. YOUR GOOD, EAR DEALER ELLIon EROS. Phone 82 Brussels BE, AN, A' B -C 1:4PV R—Athw6 /-