HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-12-17, Page 2OF REVENGE Y J A C 9'C S 0 NC 0 L E Synopsis CHAPTER XVII: El Caballero Rojo boldly rides through the fiery rear door to escape. When Con- roy tries to shoot hint, Michael draws first and kills the second matt on his list to avenge his par- ents. He is amazed to Find Juanita waiting for him. CHAPTER XVIII "But I have decided to go with you, senor," the girl said simply. "Wherever you go, I ani going. Is not this my fight, too? To what bet- ter purpose could I devote my life? I have nothing else to lire for." "But you still don't understand," Valdez told her a little desperately. "I am going now to Deep Water Valley, and there is much trouble there. There will be bloodshed, and you will be in danger. You must—" "Then we are going to Deep Water Valley," the girt answered hint, still calmly, and Valdez did not know how to handle such a situa- tion as now confronted him, Not knowing, there appeared only one thing to do. There seemed noth- ing for it now but to give in — at least for the time being. w• * * . When Michael Valdez made no further protest, the girl fell in be- side him on Pedro, and they rode 0n1, stirrup to stirrup. "Tell me about Deep Water Val- ley." she said presently, "It is not a pretty situation there." Valdez said, and Itis face clouded. "As I understand it, a man named Don Attero used to be a priest down in Sonora, Mejico, Once, when there came a change in government down there, the new authorities didn't like him and told hint that he -could not be a padre any more and told him he weld(' have to get out. "He drifted up to Deep 'Nater Valle with a good many of his former parishioners, and they help- ed hint get started again. Just so there would not be any wrangling over property, he kept the title to all the property in the valley that they had settled. But he's dead now, and without hint to rule, it seems that eome other folies Have got ideas in their heads about the property. That's always a cause of trouble, and t' ere is trouble there now — plenty." Juanita nodded understandingly. "And you always seek out trouble," she said. "Is there no longing in your soul for peace?" Ile did not answer. His thoughts sped to a blind man in a mission far to the south. How could he know that at the salve moment the thoughts of the girl who rode be- side him were also of the same ratan, and that her woman's intuition had told i-cr that the blind mat's hope was that soon, soon, this son of his would know peace? "Those letters I took from Gar - A .,5.allow•tail p Allem to round your hips gracefully. Scallops and a hack i!ncrcct hate, All tht' a on 1111 eaiy'•t0.i ttw I t,n pi_ver, 1'a.ttcre 4824 foevste, edmiriug eyes nit you! Pattern 1814 cmc• in sire- 12, 14, Pi, lK 20; 0, .12 34„36, 38, 40, 42 ' :::c to taketakei 3s i yds. 30•fn, Send TWENTY—:.VE CENTS (sec) in mine e•t1m;rs coram be accepted/ for th (ea ere to ilnon, 471 111(1'^de `t, Wier, l'ornntee Print 11 miy GIZr, NAME, AD. TY'RE3ul, STYLE, NUMBER. ISSUE 8.—:117 vin, remember?" Valdez said to Juanita. "They point to the fact that the big boss of the whole shebang of crooks who have been stealing one range after another is some man somewhere in Deep Water Valley." His lips tightened in the same grim mark of determination, "I've got to find that man, "There is another reason I want to go to Deep Water Valley, too. There is another man there for whom I have been looking for a long time, but not until recently did I have any idea where to find him. He is an hombre by the name of Train Carter. When I get the man who is the moving spirit back of all the devilment, and also get this Train Carter, I reckon my venge- ance will come to an end — and maybe there will be a chance for some of this peace you speak of, Juanita. It can't be long now. We should get to the valley by tomer- row omerrow night, and then—" There was no need for further words- The two horses jogged along together. * * * Juanita, too, was silent a .long time after Michael Valdez had fin- ished speaking. But what thoughts were in her mind would have sur- prised him. This man beside her, this champion of the oppressed, El Caballero Rojo, had stubbornly re- fused to admit it, but in her heart she knew that he needed her now, and that front now on Ise would always need her. Their trails had finally cgpverged and merged into one. For she loved him. Subconscious - I3' she had known it before she had ever ridden to the Mission of Corp- us Christi, but the btind man who would never again look at the light in a woman's eyes had opened hers until she had seen clearly into her heart. She glanced over at the silent man, wondering what thoughts were now beneath his furrowed brow. "And so we go. you and I, side by side." she said in the soft voice that somehow always soothed stint, "to Deep Water Valley." Michael Valdez nodded slotwle and did not protest this time. Feria seemed to hhn, without giving the matter conscious thought, that des- tiny must have ordained that this beautiful, half wild young girl should join forces with him in battle for the right, N: * * All day and all night El Caballero Rojo and Juanita de Cuevas rode, like two crusaders ofpeeleMeuntil the beautiful spot that wag' Water Valley was reached. It was another garden spot such as Paisano Valley had appeared to the rider of the vengeance trail 1011011 he bad first set eyes on that green valley. Like two ghostly- figures the rid- ers moved through the darkened hours, the low murmur of their voices blending with the night sounds. What they said, and what they planned, as they rode, covered all that could have been said be- tween them had they spent weeks in their planning. E! Caballero Rojo was well used to malting plans swiftly, and to putting them into action on the spur of the moment. Signals to be used between then when necessity arose were settled upon. Juanita's eyes, in the clear moonlight, were bright and shining with the spirit of adventure. She would make no mistakes, she had Promised herself — and him, They had reached the valley, were at its very entraert', when they saw the huge crass out the top of an eminence that Valdez identified as Mis-ion Ride, by the eros.; that had bee'. erected there in honor of the dope ed priest who ?tadsettled with hi: faithful followers in this lush, verdant si.ot. And it was some - it here in this vicinity, said the letter near in .EI Caballero Rojo'; pocket, that thre would be found the two men for tweem be was still looking enc' th 111 .111! a neat p.tery. * N A: the ,, s, known far and wide as Don Attero's Cross, and a shrine for many a weary pilgrim, loomed up, Michael Valuez leaned c,ver toe weed Juanita de Cuevas and mutter - cd a soft command, est once her 0111 form astride the sorrel faded into the brush beside the trail. It wa, precisely midnight when the cry ie a mountain lion shattered the tembli;:e silence of the vai!ey. It 11r. u ed out on the crisp night air — a lent: -drawn sound. l hethy', and pregnant with warning 11 sunned to her* fee a like reser 11-,e frond some :p"t in the valley'. But there wag 11,, 3,0:er h t' Silence, intense and cle-ressive, prieped the mzrn'n s:.!,aus , meltintr, black vcl- t•ci o fv.1•i't would in the daylight hour, he a r•pet of emereld green, -Then casae the ':' :'. ee o; (wether entail) cat. • (To be Continued Youi' Handwriting and YouBy Alex S. Arnott Your Signature The signature 1•c•l c:1+ more of a writer's character than 011100 part+ of the script. This is due to the number of times the Is liter will re- peat the sante formation of script without making major changes to the strokes, letters or style of the signature. Thus the writer subcon- sciously forms a method of express- ing mental characteristics not other- wise shown in script that is not so frequently repeated in the saute way. Most signatures are written with all the true elements of per- sonal feeling, pride and individu- ality the writer possesses. The detailist, that is the person who takes great pride in immaculate Haigh, will reveal this characteristic in the signature as shown in figure 1. Notice how clear the script is and the painstaking care used to complete the signature in the most exacting way. a * * Pronounced self-reliance is shown in figure 2 to indicate confidence and ability to meet new difficulties in a very independent way. The optimistic rise in the writing is sufficient to confirm the writer's intention to rise above the ordinary things and to venture to new heights of purpose. You will newer find this style of signature in the writing of weakling. Intrigue, dishonesty, selfishness and other glaring characteristics are subconsciously written into sig- natures without the writer realizing Meet he leaves an ink trail as an adnlisst t of character. AN E 141 t ST k panaaL/ q anavA asset, Do's And Don'ts For The Bride SINCE turning rules for a bride- ' groom recently, I teats beta be- sieged by engaged girls to otter * rulers for the bride, So. following * the same pattern, here they are: * If your fiance hasn't talked * frankly about his income and the * standard of living it will allow, • -you l,re'tch the subjeet One of * the primary causes of divorce in * this country is nlisunderstalu1ug * about money matter's. The time to consider that is before your marriage starts. So get down to brass tacks. Aiake up a bud- get with the mate You prob- ably will have to revise it six months s f ter you marry, but start out with one —however simple. • GOOD MANNERS NEVER let your manners slip. Con- * battle to be as courteous to your * husband as you are during these * wonderful days of your engage- * meat. Don't forget to say please N` and thank you. Compliments, and * a little flattery judiciously applied, N' oil the wheels of daily living. * Don't snake dates for going out, * or entertaining, without asking N' your husband first. The home is * as much his as it is yours, a place * to relax in. Entertain his friends, * whether you like them or not— learn to be a goed housekeeper, but don't make that your one aritbi- tinrr. Being a good companion is as important. Keep ttp with what's go- ing on in the world; so your caat'rr- salton isn't confined to the high cost of living and mhte,hcr the laundry sept for your lirtrtrs. Keep hits proud of you—of your appearance, your pleasant disposition, ;your .tporiyt;;ansltip, your personal integrity Don't be seasons Trust your hus- band implicitly, and let dire kuon, you do. .4 man usually measures ltp to what he believes you think of hint. Don't stag—and remember if you mention a subject Melee, he's apt 10 call it that. And never let any quarrel last overnight. A'ot one of them is worth that. N+ N+ * The Golden Rule works out in trtar- riege, too, and the will to follow it becomes a habil. Ask Anne Hirst to guide you. Address her at Ao.r A, room 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Beta Can 1? By Anne R,shley Q. Ilow can 1 stake a remedy for freckiee? A, Bathe buttermilk, of sour mil with two di radish, and Spread this muslin and parts at nl as possibl get it in Q. Ho jackets? A, To purse, go with a p paper. Q. Now polishing A. Boil has been of paraffin of paraffin water and polishing. Q. Hot from faint A. By salt. Then teakettle. greatly in the face in fresh r mix two ounces Considerate A Scotsman and his wife walked many dusty utiles to the county fair, the wife lugging the heavy basket containing their lunch. But. her husband was not wholly ineon- siderats, Once they were inside the gates he said: " "e'd' best let me carry the bas - et sepa- WFIEN YOU'RE DOWN ' AND FEELING SLACK LIPTON'S TEA WILL BRING YOU BACK c' Anyo analysis slam cd 421, 73 There i SUR By Loya :8-11; 7:9.17. Golden Text — Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. — Revelation 2:10, Of all the books of the Bible the book of Revelation is the most dif- ficult to understand. If the seven churches addressed in chapters 1-3 symbolize successive periods of church history then Smyrna repre- sents the time immedeately preced- ing the conversion to Christianity of Emperonegeo est to ny Christ- ians were put to death -because they would not renounce their faith, To the persecuted Jesus sends a mes- sage of encouragement and hope. He reminds them that He died but is alive again. So, if they are faith- ful, though they die for it, He will give them a crown of life. It is not an easy way. Jews assuming to be- long to God are among their per- secutors but, says Jesus, "Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer". "He that ot'ercometh shall not be hurt of the second death" By the "second death" He is refer- ring to the lance which burneth with fire anti brimstone in which the cowardly, faithless, polluted, mur- derers, fornicators, sorcerers, idol- aters and all liars will have their eternal abode. (Chap. al t. 4, * * John's vision as set forth in the second portion of the lesson is most impresive. Those of the innumerable multitude gathered from all nations are clothed in white, waving palms and giving glory to God and the Lantb. "These are they evhich came out of the great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." They arc still serving. But 11015' different is their lot now. "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any Heat. For the Lamb ,which is in 'the midst of the throne, shall feed then, and shall lead them unto living foun- tains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tones from their eyes". * N, * The days of persecution are not past. Sense of us have persecution in mild forms. But a great tribula- tion may be coning. We may have to choose between death and deny- ing Jesus Christ. Let tis ever re- member tete words of the text: "Be thou faithful tanto death, and i will give thee a crown of life". His Business The ru:toner was choosing a iloole at the library. "}late you had 'Seven Years With the \Venlig Woman?'" asked the 110',,t' nf, "''r, 171" snapped the custeuer. "Bet es'tat'e that got to do it lilt eons" is to keep )tiny well and happy. Consumers Join New Association For the first time, Canadian women have their own independ- ent, voluntary and self-supporting organization to deal with consunser matters in the newly formed Ca- nadian Association of Consumers which is engaged in enlisting an objective of 250.000 memberships across tine Dominion. Mrs. W. R. 11 niton of Oakville who is in charge of the member- ship campaign for Ontario, points out that producers, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers all have their association; to represent then when matters affecting their welfare come up. So too, the worn-, en feel that they badly need an as• sociation to represent their views when decisions are being made out questions of prier, supply, stand- ards of quality, housing and the like, Mrs \Salta: c :plained. She said that volunteer workers are still busy enlisting members in the cities, towns and country dis- tricts of the Province. Any woman can join by mailing a 50c postal script (obtainable at the post of- fice') direct to the Canadian Association of Consumers, Box 500, Station B, Ottawa, Sore Throat Swallow one .Paradol tablet. Gargle with two tablets dissolved in water. Go to bed and rest and sleep. Soon the /eine and aehes disappear and you may avoid a disagreeable cold. Paradol in a fast relief for head- aches, neuralgia, toothache, rheuma- tic and aclatie pains. It is pleasant to use and leaves no disagreeable after effects. Paradol does riot disappoint. L, ONLY lit:kcl< "WS ;RISK -TASTING TEA GIVES YOU TmAT FOR A SWIFT...FLAVOR-LIFT GET LIPTON'S TEA BAGS,T00 ! • If you've never tasted Lipton's delicious brisk flavor ...if you've never felt the exhilarating FLAVOR -LIFT you get with Lipton's Tea, you've got a real treat corning! For Lipton's is the only tea that gives you brisk, mellow flavor—plus a lift that picks you right up. It's the blend that makes Lipton's—and the blend is Lipton's own secret. Whenever you're tired or depressed, drink a cup of Lipton's and see how much better you feel! Ask for Lipton's—the tea with the FLAVOR-LIFT—at your grocer's today! Copyright 1947—Thos. 1. Lipton Llialto4 ...no need to keep it in the ice ox! ICeeps in the cupboard for weeks! Always right there when you need it! It's New Eleischlnann's Royal Past Rising Dry Yeast—the modern baking discovery that gives you delicious breads and rolls in quick baking time. No dashing off to the store at the last minute—just keep a supply of New Pieischtnann's Royal Past Rising Dry Yeast handy in the cupboard. TJse it as you need it. IP YOU BAKE AT HOME—get Fleischmann's Royal East Rising Dry Yeast today; At your grocer's.