HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-12-10, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST
ONTARIO'S productive capacity is the measure of her future
prosperity. To assure the important tailoring industry a prominent
place in the industrial life of the Province, trained hands are needed.
51011 is important in the cutting, sewing, finishing and other branches
of the industry. That is why veterans are being taught its various
requirements ON THE JOB, by experts. The transition from appren-
ticeship to permanent employment means higher wages, job security
and better working conditions.
Through plans sponsored by the Department of 'Veterans' Affairs and
other agencies, hundreds of veterans have been trained in schools and
ON THE JOB. They will acquire greater skill with further training
and experience. Craftsmen of the future, they will have a share in
Ontario's progress—an important part to play in her industrial develop-
Leo P. Halloran, 26, off St. Thomas, a
veteran of 4 years' service with the
Royal Canadian Navy, is shown here
gaining practical experience in the
alterations department of a large
Toronto tailoring firm.
Basic training in various
departments of the indus-
try gives the veteran a
background knowledge,
essential to sales promotion
and executive work within
the industry.
Calvin Cameron and sort Ross
spent a few days last wee'. in Con-
The December meeting of the
W.M.S. was held on Iv edocsd.cY,
Dec. 3 at the home of Mia, M. Engel
with an attendance of ten, Mrs,. D. t
I-Iuether presiclCed and Hymn 103 was
attnng in opening and Mr. Maciver led
in prayer. Mrs, Mat'Hn MacDonald
read Matt. 1. 18-25, minutes ware
read and approved. Roll cacti was
answered by giving a Christmas
verse, The treasurer, Mrs. Rohl,
Oaanpbell read a letter she had
received from Mrs. Daniel Strachan
regarding legacies. Hymn 172 was
sung. Mr. Maciver being the guest
speaker, brought a Christmnas•
m es.
sage at this time. Offering was
received and a.rangenioiits made ter
the January meeting. The word
"year" was chosen for the roll call
repsonse and the meeting will be in
the manse. The rand secretary gate
her report and Hymn 170 was sung
In closing. ids. MacIver led in
prayer, The annual election of ort'icer;•
was now held and Miss A. Forrest
presided. Officers for 1943 are as
9ellows: presid'enit, Mrs, Dan
TTuether; twice pies.. Mrs. T. D, Mac-
Tver; secretary, Mrs. Mac Engel:
treasurer, Mrs, Robt. Campbell;
Glad Tidings sec., Mrs. ,las, Ca.m-
eron; supply sec., Mrs. R, Campbell:
card sec.. Mos. Martin MacDonald;
organists, Mrs. Martin. MacDonald
and Mrs, 9, D. Maciver; Mission Band
Ie.aders, M,rs. 1'. D. Maciver and Miss
J, I,'orersti auditors, Miss A.
1t Good For
A II Kinds of
Peons 6 Butcher Sop aravook.
No.e. woo
Forest and Mrs. 01, Engel.
• Ic the ni clic-•, of the Ladles' ,Aid
the 1947 slut,' of ,ricers were ro-
eleeted. for 19.48; president, Mrs,
.11,o. Allen 1'iI(oiu; vice-presltlenl,
Mrs. Dau 1(nc0her; seerefury-tre.asnr-
er, Sirs, M. Engel.
The vr,cric e 111 latex 'Presbyterian
Church on Sunday was conducted by
the minister, Rev, T. D. Maciver, who
preached on the sntblect "The Bible;
"The Tloolc of Ages," The choir sang
the anth,•in. "Ho is, Mine" by Hall,
Rev. lir. W. Orr Mulligan of Mont.
real spent Thursde.y evening and
Friday here the guest of Rev. -and
Mrs. 1, 1). MacIver at the manse.
The choir of Knox Church ',vial
hold a Christmas oaadle4ight service
on Punchy evening, December 21st,
at .s n'c?er';. .1 good program will In
prr,, 11 1. n special feature of which
wit he a splendid 'undi-ion of "The
thorns" from 1-Ta.nclel'e
lesions oriterlo, "TIe Messiah,"
tim.. awl Mrs. 1. D, Miniver ntteud-
,'i1 the fin'i'al of trite lata Roc; li,m-
n,ih ?tl,'r,,-an in Exeter on 'Phnrsaatly,
Mr, Wm. Leach and Jim Symbtu•nor
Towner, , North Dakota visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Arntslroine
and family.
Brussels Export Packers
Best Prices
For Poultry& Eggs (;
In Memoriam
in loving memory of Warrant Officer
Willis E. R. Machan, Incl int plane
Crash, Dec. 13, 1943:
No finer lad from hour of birth
TILL duty called him 1 -Tome from
To serve the 961ng of kings.
Because .he showed the way
,And took the risks, nor shirked the
tediouia and the tough,
He was n. soldier and a gentleman.
He te11 in dtuity's line
That's how the message ran
The Airman's crest ho wore with
dignity and pride,
And gave his all, for freedom and
the world he loved
rout, world and mite.
ITe died In duty's line,
ilii daily lives again
in memory fine,
A stoldier and a gentleman.
Classified Ads
i. Carl Hemingway Phone 211 r-5
Christmas Turkeys.
(leireral Rleot•rie nefrigerefoe. 1940
model, 7 cubic ft., 25 cycle.
Phone 11.r-10 Brnwselo.
A child's table and chair :o ❑lnat
M. In fond condition.
,Apply at the Posit.
Ladies Black Boccie Con 1, sit,er
fax roller, 717,e 18, may be seen at
Wo, id's Stone.
. .. 1 New W'eyttinsltnuse gasoline
Washing Machine. No Raise in Price.
Riverside Motors, Brussels.
Piano. Cabinet Grand ht peifcct
Torrance .Dundas
Myth, Phone 13-1,-15.
A Bealttie gasoline washing machine
in good condition also a Coleman's
gasoline iron anyone Interested.
Phone 99 x 9.
2 young Ayshire cows, will freshen
early in March, also a brooder house
10 x 12 and 5 range shelters,
Elgy Brandon Phone 50-r-17,
For S. S. No, 9 Morris, duties to
commence to Sam. 5th, 1943. Apply
stating qualifications and salary to
Ralph Shaw, Sec.-Treaa„ Biuevale,
. . . for Rawleigh Route. Real oppor-
tunity. We help you get started,
Write Raawleigh's, De7t. M i-152 0,
Large stock plain case pianos, re-
finished at Schuett l; .Sons, Mildmay,
Also 60 cycle washers and large
refrigerators; beautiful chesterfields
at Bargain Prices. Free Delivery.
Man for steady travel among con -
1 earners in Brussels. Permanent con-
neotion with large manutataturer.
Only reliable hustler considered.
Write Ra,wleigh Dept. No. ML -J-152-
131, Montreal,
Always remember e.1 by Mother,
Dad. Sisters and Brother.
iElectric motors rewound and re -
aaired. Expert worlunanship. Moder-
prices. New motors in stock,
Elettger inausU4ea,
649 Ontario Street,
Stratford, Ont.
Dealers for Sun Ray and Blatchford
for Sun Ray Blatchford
COUNTY ASSESSOR - wanted for the
County of Huron. Permanent employment
for the right party. Applicants state quali-
fications and salary expected. Duties to
commence on or about January lst, 1948.
Applications to be in the hands of the County
Clerk, Goderich1, Ontario, not later than
December 18th, 1947.
N. W. Miller, County Clerk,
Goderich, Ontario.
Wanted flocks to supply ue with
het -cluing eggs for the 1943 hatching
season. Flocks culled and blood -
tested free, Gurauteed premium
plus hatchability premium paid. For
full details write Tweddle Chick
Hathcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont.
To the promises of the unders.ignnd
on or about Nov. 9 (lied Dehorned
Heifer) Owner may have same by
proving ownership and paying ex-
Leo„7, Kelly, R. 11. 2 Blyth. Ont.
Phone 14-r-9 Blyth,
We are constantly receiving re•
Quests for our guranteed products
in your locality, Why not handle the
agency derive an income of '35. to
$00. weekly? Exclusively assured,
If yon have selling ability, stars
NOW! FAMILEX, Dept, ' B, 1600
Delarimler, Montreal
Wed nos day, Member IJtli, 1047
Expected this week " a car of rang
coke, car of stove coal and a car of Albert
J. H. Fear
Phone 22-r-14 Ethel, Ont.
Pearson's Hardware Store
Geo. T. Pearson successor to Chas. Hansuld
Hardware Store --
Ethel, Ont.
General Hardware — Granite Ware, Beach
Stoves, Good Cheer
and Harriston Stoves
Beatty and Gilson
Electric and Gas Engine Washers
22 Rifles Winchester.
Call and see our stock — Phone 22-r-5.
One portrait free -- absolutely no charge —
this offer good until Dec. 15. — For appoint-
ment see Le Verne Vodden, Ethel or 'phone
Brussels 22-29.
Give your portrait for Christmas — the
gift that only you can give.
Flocks to supply us with hatching
eggs for the 1943 hatching season.
Flocks sidled end bloodtested free.
(guaranteed premium plus hatchabil-
ity premium paid. Also wanted to
Purchase coekerls suitable for breed-
ing. For full details write Tweddle
Chick Hatcheries, Limited, Fergus,
FOR SALE -a 4451
00 acre term frame house, hank
barn, close to Highway, price 32000.
200 acre farm targe barn, cement
house, 21,!. miles from Highway price
]:00 acre (51.10, brick house.. bank
barn, drive shed, Hydro price 35,200.00
close to tore, scdtcoi and church.
7, C. Long, Real Estate Broker.
Brussels, Ont., Phone 34,
Estabilshed Rural Watkins District
available, If you are aggressive,
and between the ague of 26 and 66—
have or can secure travel outfit,
this is your opportunity to get estab'
listed In a profitable business of
your own, For full particulars write
today to The 3. R. Watklne Company.
Dept. 0-84, 2177 Mason St., Montreal,
To the Ratepayers of Grey Township
To My Supporters — —
To each and every one a sincere "Thank
You." The trust you have placed in me is
indeed gratifying. 1 shall endeavour to
serve the people of Grey township faithfully
as Reeve for 1948.
Wishing you the Compliments of the Season.
Yours sincerely
To the Ratepayers of Grey Township
1 wish to thank all who did give rate
their support in the recent election. Having
served in your best interests as councillor
and deputy reeve for the past seven years,
1 did not try to deceive you in any ivay, not
did 1 make a promise which I could not ful-
fil. Honing for better service now, in the
coming year.
1 remain yours truly
W1101111101=0, aniumemmasomeireeemillnliffilliN
To the Electors of Grey Township
Ladies and Gentlemen
To all those who supported me at the
polls Monday and to those who worked on
my behalf 1 exend my sincere thanks. 1 as-
sure you that as depute -reeve I will work for
the best interests of Grey township.
Wishing you the Compliments of the Season-,
Yours sincerely
To the Electors of Grey Township -
My sincere thanks for the support ac.
corded me in the election on 'Monday, Dec,
8th. 1 will as councillor endeavour to be
worthy of the confidence displayed in elect-
ing me. •
Wishing you the Compliments of the Season
Yours sincerely
To theEl f G T
Electors o fey Township
At this time 1 wish to thank all thosg,'
who supported me for councillor at t1,1
election held on Monday, Dec. 8th.twill tri
and fulfil the confidence you have place"
in me and will do my best to serve yeti as
have done in the past.
Wishing' you the Compliments of the Seaabtt,.,
ours Sincerely• ,