HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-12-10, Page 3tr
New Radio System
For Ontario Police
In Operation Soon
"We will be able to patrol thous-
ands of square miles of territory
with as much ease as we once pol-
iced a ten -mile area," said an official
of the Ontario Provincial Police in
speaking about the new radio sys-
tem, soon to be in operation, "In
the event of an emergency it some-
times took us hours to mobilize our
forces. Now the sante thing can be
accomplished in a mater of min -
u tes."
The new Ontario network will
eventually serve a fleet of 300 radio -
operated police cruisers, and is rated
by experts as the largest and most
modern, setup of its kind on the
North American Continent,
Four-way communication is one
of the features of the system —
station -to -station, station -to -car and
car -to -car. General Ileadcluarters of
the Provincial Police at Queen's
Park will also maintain direct con-
tact- with the network.
Atuubcr 5 District Ileadquarters
of the Provincial Police, comprising
the counties of feel, Ontario and
York, will be the first to inaugurate
the new system, with headquarters
at Aurora. Receiving and sending
equipment have been installed be-
tween the master station at Aurora,
two 00 -watt sub -stations at Bramp-
ton and Whitby, and the 21 cruisers
operating in this district. Frequency.
modulation units developed during
the war eliminate static entirely.
A new wrinkle is the magnetic
despatch map. Each dispatcher will
have a map of his district showing
all traffic arteries, villages, towns,
cities and other vital information
being shown on a linen framework.
Magnetized pieces of metal, molded
in the likeness of police cruisers, are
moved from place to place each time
a position report is received from a
cruiser. By this Method the despat-
cher can tell at a glance the approxi-
mate position of each of his cars.
Altogether there will be nine
Provincial Police Districts operat-
ing under the new system in South-
ern Ontario, and a survey has al-
re;.dy been started for its extension
to Northern Ontario. Similar sys-
tems have been so successful in
Michigan and other parts of the
United States that police every-
where are hailing it as the greatest
step forward in many years in the
battle against cringe,
Canada to Operate Atlantic Weather Station—Nearing clothing designed as protection against icy spray and wind is A
Malcolm Duction of Charlottetown, member of crew of Canadian frigate St. Stephen assigned to station "Baker" in the North
Atlantic weather reporting, radio beacon and rescue service, New Blast aboard vessel is topped by a radar aerial which will
be used in malting meteorological observations. Other instruments for giving direction and speed of wind at sea level are
fastened to ends of yardarm,
Famous Racehorses
From British Stock
The world's bloodstock buyers
are looking forward to the Decem-
ber sales at Park Paddocks, New-
market, England, where they will
be able to buy for their own_ studs
some of the finest of Britain's
bloodstock. It is not generally real-
ized that the modern racehorse of
every country in the world is de-
scended from United Kingdon!
stock. No breeder today will risk
crossing his stock with any horse of
doubtful ancestry. Instead they de-
pend on the General Stud Book,
published in London for 160 years,
for the line of the horse. These vol-
umes contain entries of all the fam-
ous racehorses, now scattered
throughout the world.
Famous Stampede Makes
Thrilling Film
The ways of the old Wild West
may be dying, but they are not dead
yet. And. if you want to see how
things were in the good old days
of Buffalo Bill and Wild Bill
Hickock, you can't do any better
than to go to thc Calgary Stampede.
OC course, many people cannot
matte the trip- west to see this ro-
mantic and exciting spectacle, so, for
their benefit, the National Film
Board produced a colour film which
will bring the Stampede, in a manner
of speaking, right into every Can-
ad1^•1 cannnlmil).
In the summer of 1040 a produc-
tion tray journeyed westward to
Calgary and recorded with movie
cameras the celebrations and events
which have made the Stampede
famons. Later, the fila) was edited,
and it is now a part of one of the
circuit files programmes being shown
this fall and winter in rural On-
tario communities..
Bronchos Cornered
The opening scene shows a cow-
boys' camp as dawn is breaking over
the Alberta foothills. if is barely
four a,m., but breakfast is over and
the cowpunchers are saddling their
horses in preparation for the round-
up of the wild horses, As the
broncos are cornered and headed for
the corral, there are beautiful "shots"
of the rivers, the valleys, and the
mountain background, The narrator
+ri0then tells the story of the wild
horses, which were first introduced
to North America some four
dred years at,o As the. centuries
passed, Many h rscs escaped, '
plied, and' roamed far to the north
and the west, and .eventually found
tothe foothills t
their way t ti of (te
Rockies in Alberta.
With the broncos safely corralled,
the scene shifts to the fair grounds
near Calgary. There are hundreds
and hundreds of visitors—farmers
and tourists from all over the con-
tinent. There are displays of modern
farm machinery, and many cattle
judging contests,
Then the big events start: the
Stampede is on! The first event is a
wild horse riding contest, and the
contestants conte from all • over
Western Canada and the U.S.A. The
daring riders arc lowered onto the
broncos, which are securely held in
their stalls, Then, the gates are open -
cd, the horses charge down the
chutes to the open 'arena, and .the
riders are on their own, It is a thrill-
ing spectacle, and a dangerous one!
There are good prizes, and the cow-
punchers hang on for dear life. The
judges mark the entries on two
points: the riding qualities of the
cowboy, and the bucking qualities of
Mlle horse,
Risky Business
The second event is calf roping.
.To qualify for a prize, the cow-
puncher must not only rope a calf—
and a skittish calf at that—but he
must pin her down on the ground.
For those who might think that'
this is a "sissy" contest, the next
one makes up for it with a ven-
geance. It is the steer -grabbing bout,
and here the word dangerous is an
understatement. More than one cow-
boy is injured, and some barely
escape with their lives.
The grand finale is the "chuck
wagon" race, where the old west
really comes back to life. Chuck
are wagons felted up to wild, praue-
ipg teats. Rvery wagon is filled to
capacity with accoutrements—every-
thing from frying pans to camp beds.
As the starter's gun is fired, the
chuck wagons roll and rattle down
the trade to the finishing line. It is a
thrilling spectacle, and brings to a
climax this most colourful event
of the year on the Canadian prairies,
Sports -- And One Thing or
Back in the days when we were
briefly connected with the wrest!=
ing business, there was one espe-
cially, valued regular customcr—
a prominent and wealthy lawyer,
whose name you would probably
recognize, and who always used to
purchase six or eight of the high-
est -price seats for himself and his
friends. Their frantic enthusiasm,
while a bout was in progress, was
really something to see. But one
clay, meeting hint on the street, we
found hint in a most critical state
of mind. He said he'd begun to
suspect that wrestling wasn't on
the level—and that Ile wasn't go-
ing to give it his patronage any
k t *
Asked for his reasons he told
hots, on Thursday evening, he had
seen one of the main-boutcls car-
ried from the arena apparently
very badly injured—and next day
had heard rumors that the wrestler
lay in hospital suffering from con-
cussion and possible skull fracture.
He had even been thinlcing of
sending flowers until—happening
to pick up a Buffalo Saturday
paper—he had been amazed to
note that this very sante grappler,
miraculously restore(: to (health,
had taken pert in a torrid bout in
that city the previous evening. "So
I think it frust be crooked, and
I've had enough," he concluded.
* 4: a
However, knowing something of
the ways of sports fans, we weren't
too much surprised to sec hint in
his regular seat the following-
ollowingweek, yelling his !lead off in a
frenzy of excitement. ".Even if they
are all a bunch of fakers," he ex-
plained, rather shame-facedly, af-
terwards, "while they're in there
they make.,nae feel that they're try-
ing to tear one another apart—
and I'nl not going to miss it."
* * 'l'
Somehow, we couldn't help
thinking of this gentleman lately.
The sport of boxing has been shak-
en by a series of scandals, the lat-
est being the very smelly L,a Mot-
ta-Fox affair in New York. "These
fakers are killing the game 1" wail-
ed the sports scribes from Coast to
Coast. So what happens? The Joe
Louis -Joe Walcott heavyweight
tiling—a worse 'overmatch: than
David vs Goliath because Walcott
won't be allowed to carry rocks.
and probably couldn't wits even if
he did—will draw a sellout gate of
over a quarter of a million, And if
they'd had the crust to charge
$100 'tops' the place would hare
been just as crowded. The moral
Aw—just write your own!
* * *
Perhaps you have noticed some.
thing Of the sante kind too—belt 10
fa the most anmming thing about the
recent Ottawa announcement of va-
rious Imo bans and `austerities' 50115
the n,rnllier of ort: friends who had
been preparing for winter trips to
pIJ_IE Nolltng elan you can buy
1�" 1155 rho 00100 Internal n0•
REMEDY. This IlOUld (Mime by month)
I Hina
s tomo 1 t l D
n unclad from al s. M1
Guild, and Plant Uxtrnrta. It gala ra•
Milts beenuso 11 ante stream, to tb, la'
tarngl came of Pllen, Tint's the reason
tot' Its sulacbos en the elect a1Obbord
epees. This Modern War et (resans
that Internal trouble gate results tint
last. Ona bottle of PYLTONI) Is enough
le 1 or price re-
bore Ion hennas ironer
funded al mice. Thera our enameled 501
Minter .hew long standing your eine 5101'
bo, Your Drugght big It: or can order
(6 for yea,
("A Sixbit Critic")
Florida „r California, Previously, we
had heard nothing of any such in-
tentions—but a5 50011 a5 news Came
that all such unnecessary travel was
"Off" their moans of disappointment
Hero pitiful to Hear.
* * *
When we pause to watch a game
of corner -lot football among the
shall fry, we always note about
ten forward -passers, or pass re-
ceivers, to every kid willing to get
in there and learn the rudiments of
tine-play—and this in spite of the
fact that every coach in the busi-
ness would give Isis eye-teeth for
the kind of front -rank material
that has made the Toronto Argo-
nauts supreme over the years.
Similarly, as we see younger
generations taking their licks at
becoming future hockey stars, wa
cannot help noticing that it is
practically- always the smallest kid
in the gang who is set to guard
the nets. All the others are up
there emulating Apps, Richard and
the rest of the great goal -getters.
Those who aim to become Turk
Broda's, 13i11 Durnan's or Frankie
Brinisek's are few and far between.
Perhaps this is only natural, as
goat -trading is — according to
those who do it for a living — a
thankless business. Still, if we
were advising any kid who really
wanted to shine at hockey, our
advice would be to take a real
whack at twine -tending. Just think
of what the Chicago Black Hawks
would give for a goalie of any-
thing like the class of the three
just mentioned, for example` right
this minute,
* ' * 5
771' whole world is suffering from
a .severe attack of the jitters—wor-
rying over a heap of things that will
probably never happen and which, if
they do, zoo are helpless to prevent.
rr'e can't help wondering if a lot of
it isn't due to most of us trying to
absorb far more nears of the world
than we can digest. We know one
real who, in addition to reading
three daily papers, listens to at least
six daily newscasts and SOWS com-
mentaries, and is in a constant stare
of apprehension that threatens this
mental and physical health. His great-
grandfather didn't event hear of the
Rattle of Waterloo till six weeks
after it was decided—and wouldn't
have been a bit better off if he'd
had a ploy -by -pint' dccriptiosl,right
from the battlefield,
* * *
It may be I sign of the times—
and then again it may not. But
spectators at Big League hockey
games are getting much more cri-
tical than they have been in the
past few seasons. Booing, and
that special sort of :laud -clapping
which is by no means applause,
both break out among the fans at
the slightest provocation; and
players who have been wont to
hear their slightest moire greeted
with approv,l are having their
ears shocked by the raucous Razz -
berry and shouts of "Get in there
and show us something."
Well, retail merchants with
plenty of goods on their shelves
find buyers more "choosey" than
when there is a buying panic on;
and although attendances have
shown little sign of falling of ds
yet, it may be that hockey custom-
ers, too, are looking for quality,
and are getting a bit tired of hav-
ing a combination of speed, skat-
ing and duck -on -the -rock passed
over the counter as "Canada's
greatest sport."
Get The Habit Of Forthright Think -
Inc. To Foster Healthy Baalea. Spur
Agile Graces And Vitalize The Facul-
ties You Have, To Gain The R0nvardi
05 Etlleeney and Service! How?
Flee Poeltet Leeturest RI Per Bet:
Ten Sets, 5101 100 Sete. 5100 etc.
6007 Ambrose Avenue
Los Angeles 57.
May beWarninq
Backache may be a signal your kidneys
are failing to filter excess acids and poison-
ous wastes from rho system. Dodd's
Kidney Pills help relieve this condition,
often the cause of backache, headache,
rheumatic pains or disturbed rest. Dodd's
contain essential oils and medicinal ingro-
dients which act directly on the kidneys
and help them regain normal action.
Get Dodd's Kidney Pills to -day, las
ISSUE 40-1047
Classified Advertising
A1"I'I:N'TION 5'011711:110
1'u1: :1.11.1:- Trie 100 Ti FOP, made or rubber.
4,1,1,1.• for bnlunr 001 f0.001 whole. 515.00
ch, rear ,,bels: 17.50 curb. 10051 wheels
Whin Mb! 1.1104 0141,, dianeaer and width of
unwept National Rubber Co, Ltd., 0 Wilt -
Mer, Avu.. Tient,,, Ont.
D US N18SN Ol'POR7'll Nt 11ES
AN 0515211 to every Inventor—Liar of mace.
Pons and tult Information arae free. the
I(00,9Oy (..6., ttegintercd Patent AttorneYe 075
Bann Street. Ottawa.
09 1,1, un 1m' pens WW1 Cho!.,' IMO etu 10
v:,•.d:, u, Wying, Barred haat.. New
1lampslir,v, White Leghorn,, White Beeks
Le;h,. Sustvs. BOA your abler now for
day old clue!, for immediate or Luring deliv-
ery. Free catalogue. Tweddle Clltck Hatcheries
IJlniu'd. Frsus. Ontario.
O0 certain that you buy good, heullhy
theta thla coming Beaton, lemur, delivery
data by placing your order now All breeders
Government banded and pulior'um Leered.
Write for our 1040 catalogue and mere lieu.
Fen aan, ,'ll,ap--2 llunkey° Combination in-
rWxuors, 1::,o90 egg setting rapro:By, 4.000
lmteleug rapaa ly. 1 Buelceye Turkey mr-
rll'au•. 0700 S'itiug ('0pa0rty, 1580 hnh,luag
cape, we. Twiddle Chick Ilatrheries Limited.
1.•,1001.• on Ie r:o.
11' r0 006 t,." 000,, to he ordering your 1948
chicks. W" predict that them, who ran)
with the paltry buaincoa 1,111 raielve high
pekes for '01110 nrxt Bummer aril fall. Order
early handled chicks. 00000 catalogue. Tap
Rotch ('hick: 40 100. 1:501011, Ontario.
11, :me leant J:u: nary chicks. they /Mould b0
ordered now. There's Immediate deivery
on heb3' :licit.., heavy breeds: cockerels,
nen-sexed. Inquire Bray Hatchery,
130 ,loin N Iiamilton Ont.
W E hive 111101:0 puttees for tnune,l,nte deliv-
ery 18 weeks to laying: white Leghorn',
Barred Reeks, New Nompdhlres, White
Rocks, Light Sussex and many other popular
breeds. Ala, day old chicks for hmuediate
delivery and Spring delivery, .Free eatslogue,
Top Notch ('nick Sales, Guelph, Ontario.
EARLY hatched chick,. are more profitable
and you will and them particularly profit-
able In 1948 We predict high egg and pouiry
meet prices for the summer and fait of
1048. The time to make the Brost money
Put of the 'sentry business. Is when there are
not too many going, Into 11, Book your or-
der now for your 1948 chicks. Free sato-
Iosue. T,eeddle Chick Hatcheries, Limited.
Fergus. Ontario.
HAVE YOU anything neede dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to ue for Information, we are
glad to answer your questions, Department
H. Parker'. Dye works Limited. 791 Ponce
Street, Toronto, Ontario.
QUILT PIECES—Hand size and larger all
laid flat. Cotton prints and stripes. Four
(4) pounds for 51.00. Guaranteed or money
refunded. Free -10 0ullt patterns and Metsuc-
Dona. Free—Detailed carpet knitting Metrue-
tone. Large Quantity cotton. MM. wool under-
wear, towelling remnants—cul( widths, up to
6 yds. long.. For full Information write Am -
elated Converters Inc.. 1084 St, Lawrence,
Parts and Service, Bert E Kennedy & Son,
419 College St, Toronto,
JOHNSON Iron Horse engines, 4i H.P, 561.46
1.34 H.P. 570.00. fmmedlate delivery, Cur-
ren• Bulmer, Eglinton & Bathurst, Toronto.
LADIES white Peelle Smock 05n0orized. prin-
ce. style. 00pulur mance, sizes; 14 to 20
53.60 each noetpald. Refund guarantee,
Garry Sales Co. Box 144, Station G.
Aluminum roo0ne and siding glvea you life-
time 010(00tion at the lowest prices In
history. Flat. 0orregnte0 and rolls, prices
67,76 per 100 en. ft, and un. Write, for
price list. Newson & Campbell Co. Ham ion,
RECORDS. Free catalogue of favorite hill-
billy and dance arts... National Rados
Ltd., Dept, 0, 410 Portage Ave., Winnipeg,
NEW Holland Automatic Pickup Hay and
Straw Balers. Tobacco & Potato Planters,
ole. Bale Loaders, Saw Frames. Hammer
511118. Service guaranteed. Order now from
Brant Farm Equtpntent, Colborne 0.t Clarence,
Brnnttnrd, Ont.
for mareing Bale Weight.. Price 60c per
f.o.b. here. Put us In sacks of 1.000.
Samples sent on reeucot. The Bale Label
Co.. Mnlmalson, Que.
RIO SALE—Brown brief eases with zipper,
Size 15011• An attractive useful tasting
gift for students and others. Price 891.00
postpaid. Cnnnda Merchandisers. Post Odic,
Box 318, Toronto.
BATTERY operated Radio Set for sale. De-
forest Crossley Corona model, 0 tubes,
specially equipped with Romaco )eliminator
for nee with either ttornge battery or dry
cells. New coat over 0300. Male offer. A
fine and lasting Christmas gift. Box 151, 73
Adelaide W.. Toronto,
ion blood lute.. Hardy farm rained puha.
Conroy Marsh Kennels Reg.,. Boulter Ont.
logue, free. Tooled purses, repairs, Mail
aorviee. 342 Bank St., Ottawa.
5 H,0', Chain Saw for sale, only used two
weeks, reduced. Y,'tn, Gale, Sebringl'nle,
INDUSTRIAL Engine for erne. General Mo-
tors truck engine, mounted on steel frame
complete with clutch and nulle3', 05 l.n, on
belt. Practically now. Box 494. Penetang.
CLOTH bound Stam Album, 000 mewled
stamps, 600 hinges, watermark detector,
perforation gauge, boxed. Ideal, for Christ -
nae. 01.60 postpaid, Slebart, Balfour Bldg.
0 for 300, 12 for 60e. Choice Metallic
Christmas Seals, ea for 200, Robert Hnrvle.
239 King St. E., Toronto.
HEAVY 14'001. WORK SOCKS 00o
Pine wool knitting YOrtle 4.4 oz, siccin0, 51.00
Pound Flue botany wood diamond socks.
Laney colors. 51,55 pair. Direct from our
woollen hill. money back gearantoe.
Paris, Ontario.
2600 ft, 1" pipe. mid 1500 ft. 8". Other
sizes available. Wendell B, Brower. Tim-
PEACOCKS, pheasants, mandarin & wood -
ducks, 1,110 gees. H, G. Meek, Guelph,
GLADIOLUS Bulbs, Wo have the boat of the
older variation. many of Ino new. Write
for our price !let. Altlson'a Glad, Gardena,
2615 Turner Road, Windsor, Ont,
Fon 801,3
Enelo0e mann., 11ra, Ouett. Bothwell. one.
Mee 4 1,41,11(00 reserved by lending breeder.,
for 110W that cannot now be taken. Will
br, roll at low price and offers rare opportun-
ity to get collie of altperlat(vo nuality, write
for ;Metes and infornlattotl. Almidale Col -
1 i s. Glen Idaron. Ont.
LEARN Balydresalns the Robertson method.
Information on request regarding deaths.
Robertson's Ralydred0lne Academy. 137 Ave-
nue Road. Toronto
11•'14 1'ROVRN—Every sufferer of Iheumic
Palter or Neuritis /Mould Uy Dixon'. Rent.
say. Munro', Dreg Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa.
Postpaid 51.05.
SA1'1r4b'Y YOURSELF --Every sufferer of
Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis 0hou10 try
Dixon', Itenmdy. Munro's Drug store, 030
13181, uu awe. Postpaid 61.00.
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant dignified Profusion, good wound
thonoands successful Marvel graduates
Amerlca'a greatest system. Illustrated cata-
logue free. w1'11.0 or Call
118 Wool' St. 55'„ Toronto
Branched 44 King St., Hamilton
& 74 RIOe80 SLreeL, Ottawa
Spare or lull -limo money -matting! Learn to
make candy at home and earn ea you learn.
Correspondence course, National institute et
Confectionery Regd., Drlorimier. P Q. Dor
162. Montreal. Qu,.
01'PORTI'NITIES 3'Oit 0111111 AND WORM
Become Stenographer Quickly through ABC
simplified shorthand. Free folder limp
trines. Casson Systems, Dept. W.. Toronto.
i•`ETHL•`RSTONAUGii & Company Patent
Solicitors- Established 1800. 14 Klug West,
Toronto. Booklet of Information n request.
EGER70N R. Case, registered Canadian-
United States patent attorney, 82 Balsam
Ave., Toronto. Buelners by correspondence
46 years. Information free.
LONESOME? Romantic Correspondence Mag-
azine contains photos, descriptions, large
Mote, One year 82. Sample copy 100, World
Federation Club, Parltervlew, Sask.
WANTED—All k)nde or drained poultry. Top
prices for top birds. 1000911 Cooper Limited.
Poultry Dept. 2054 Danforth Ave.. Toronto
0. (We do custom grading,)
PROVIDING you are an energetic Young
man willing to work hard to build a sue.
easeful buslneas and future for yourself, we
have an opening for you. now in this dist-
rict. as district distributor of our products.
Previous experience unnecessary. APPIy to
Home Office Blue Brand Product, Co. Ltd,.
7,27 Alexandre Street, Montreal.
Businesses Wanted
Do you tvislt to Bell your business? WO
0pectalize in the telling .05 all types of
Buelnetees and Business Properties.
We have clients waiting to buy General
Stereo. Hardware, Garages, Tourist Retorts,
Groceries, etc.. etc.
Contact us immediately. You will be pleased
with the results.
Seale & Deering,
Business & Real Estate Broilers
20 College St.. Toronto. MI. 0718
Expert Electric wiring—anywhere, we inlet
caret Write today, New Day Electrlo,
St, Thomas, Ont.
A COSY HOME 1s eosieii
stili 'when you . serve Max.
well. House Coffee. So deli.
cious it satisfies completely,
Expert blending assures
you coffee that's famous fort
smooth, mellow flavor,
POP—Fare Day
,iffy i�� `Vp
a. 4*
`4JCtta. vol.;
.-mm RAGE,
Z 1'oUNP A
k i. QUACz.-res..,
`�' _n ^I.rJ
d'trrpl alema
ti ,•
r 'St
,.50 S L+IDNtr HAN M
TO »JAI.-.