HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-12-10, Page 10.
Wednesday, December $'O1 , 1
:mss -,e;
rr rer•'�;''•
Will visit the children of the district
At Brussels Town Hall on
Gift Bags :or Ali
(Sponsored by the Brussels Lions Club)
S.S. No.3, Grey
Wednesday; December 17
at 8 P.M.
Adults 25c Children Free
,..®nom ..••••••....001111•.r
Church attendance is not the
essence of religion but it is an
evidence neL .�-
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne,M.A.
li le a. m. Sunday School
and Bible Class
g1 e,_iit, "Prdlude to Cltrlstmas"
7•r p. ni. Old Testaanent Series,
Doc, 251. Candle -light Service ,�
Vic. 22 'Sunday School Concret
Lotals D. Thompson; Organist
end Choirmaster.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson.
Organist Miss Elva Sboldioe
J1Inn Thompson, who has been
working at the Lloyd faotor'y at
Wingham, is at his house here suf-
Tering from .an infection in his elbow.
Notice !
Seated offers will be received by
the Township of Morris for the
Township 41arm which is S''• lot 26,
,concesign 7. The highest or any offer
not neceeaan'iiy accepted. Offers
must be in not later than 2 p.m.,
Dec. 15.
Geo. C. Martin, Clerk
under the auspices of.
The Brussels . Canadian Legion
in Brussels Town Hall on
Friday, December. 19th
Musk by Ken. Wilbee and
His Orchestra
Dancing from 10 to 1.30
3 Door Prizes
Admission 50c Lunch Booth
11 a, in, lO2orninig Worship
-erelLitglit ;the Lor'd's Fact''
Misdlon Bland
112 SundaY School and
Bible Class
le p, m. 1]velli,ug Prates,
"The Lost Cohn"
.Everyone Cordialii, Welcome.
Sunday School Christman '
pntertsenment Friday, Deo. 13th
'Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kers, Rector.
8ird Sunday in. Advent
Denember 1:4ith, 1947
J 04. George�'s Church sa�ly Ooanm nieloto
,'.&,>50 p• 111.
SundaY School
St. David's Church, Henfryn-
10.80 a. m. HOLY Conmrinnton
Smiley School
5t. John's church, Brussels -
p, rte, Sunday Sah001
2 p, an. Vow °Omni:anion
Seaforth, Ont.
Thurs., Fri., <Sat. Dec. 11.12.18
The Trail To. San Antone
with Gene Autry and Champion
The wonder horse of the
• West country.
Christmas And New Year's Day ! '
The Trost office wickets 411:1 lobby '
will be closed Christutaa raid
Years Day, there will be no
mall delivorY.
II, Kerney, POet111I Utel•.
McCall -Currie
With Rev, I2. C. 'NTileon official ng
the Brusseis United Church parson-
age was the scene of a pretty
wedding on Thursday, November 20
when` ]6lisabetht (Betty) 1'eeenels
Currie, only daughter or Mr. and
M1.5. Russel. Curete was %tn'6ted le
marriage to Allan Elmer McCail, eon
of William and the late Mre. McCall.
of Morris Teevesh.ip. The brier
looked lovely in a brown pabard!m
suit with brown accessorise, Russian
squirrel furs and a enrsage of mune,
completed her ensemble. Miss Muriel
McDonald as erideanleil wore
yellow wool crepe with brown acces-
sories, Russian 5(tuinre1 fare and a
cordage sdmeler to that of the bride's
Kenneth Me111onald attended Thi
groorn. Followiing the ceremony the
happy couple left on a honoymonn
to Loudon and points south.
WALTON -. A pretty wedding
took place art the United Church
Parsonage, Welton when Lois Lor
rain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Tinton (211"pp, West Itfonleton be•
Baine the bride of Harold Ritr-hie.
son- Or Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Rit•
rbie, Lucknow. Rev. r. T-Tazelwnnd,
Walton officiated at tho eermony.
The beide wore a li:'bt blue wool
snit with black sedtin trim, Meek
accessories anal carried a match-
ing pues•e. She was attended by
Miss Doreen Smith, Brussel?, wear-
ing a gray wool suit with baa...i.
accessories. The beet. man was
Leonard Ritchie, brother of the
bridegroom, Tnnckncw. A reception
was held at the brtrle's home, where
Mrs. (luipp received In a lime green
dress with gold sequin triol. She
was aseitsted by the bridegrooms
mother wearing a hlasic crepe dress
with black accessorise. The home
was decorated, with pink and whilst
streamers and hells', ., The bridal
table 'MA centred with a large wed-
ding cake and pink roses in shier
holders. A wedding dinner was
nerved to 35 guests by Miss Winni•
fled Fho 6r West Moutton, and
Mists Donne ITodge, In Dungannon,
Aster ,a honeiymoon In Hamilton,
and NTiaga:ra. Fats the couple win
reside in W4ngihanl. Guests were
present from Dungannon., Spn-
du'idge, Flet, Mich„ Luckuow,
Stratford and West Monlcton,
Mon., Tues., Wed.... -Dec. 15-16.17
The Verdict
Sidney Qi'eenstt'eet Peter Lorre
and Joan Leering
An exciting adventure plotuee which
will keep you In suspense al the way
through, .
Next Thurs., Fri., Sat, ' Dec. 18.19.20
Able's Irish Rose -
Michael Chekov Joanne Dru
Richard Norris
A Bing Crosby production, the most
beloved story of youth and love. It is
without a doubt the moat riotously
romantic hit In pictures, Don't miss
this comedy classic,
Dana Andrews and . Jane Watt
Little Iodine
in Town Hall, Brussels
Every Sunday night at 8 P.M.
Speaker -Mr. John M. Martin
of Hawkesville, Ont.
Subject -The Coming of Christ
(continued from last Sunday.)
A hearty welcome awaits you.
Come and bring a friend.
Capitol Theatre
Wed. Thurs. Fri.
Dec. 10-11-12
"1 Wonder Who's
Kissing Her Now"
Double Attraction
"Song of the Sierras"
"Mr. Hex"
Saturday Matinee 2:3e
Mon. Tues. Dec. 15 - 16
"The Kid From Brooklyn"
with Danny Kaye
OFFER $1.00.00
Monday Attendance Card Night -
Wed. Miura. Fri. Next
"Claudia and David"
"Crimson Key"
Listen for your mune
CKNX Mon. ,• Fri. 6 p. nt.
Grey Township Election Results N,otine se hereby elven that the
Sub -Div. 1
For Reeve
:4iar•isalu n stn
McNubb ._. 16
For Deputy Reeve
McDonald ill It 31
Rowland 34 40 17
Coldfars 25 11 9
Johnston 55 7.! 38
'McFarlane 43 So 29
Ward 117 51 14
3 3.A
4 5 c 7 Total
21 23 95 55 27 341
13 35 04 58 101 71tl
44 20 if 54 .35
118 143 211 39 :+lei
9 10 35 35 '40 153
41 83 100 54 70 feee
12 89 85 49 92 457,
5 75 105 49 81 117
Morris Township Election Results
Sub -Div. .. .., . .. 1 2 3 4 6 6 Total
W. Peacock..........24 30 64 76 81 112 389
11 Parma 107 73 19 69 17 4 320
S. Alcock ..t 43 58 107 27 15 365
(', Conites31 70 42 331 4 217
.T, Veils 1: 19 72 50 23 9 1's9
Melville Church
In the morning 5050701 on Pllnday,
Rev. 111•, liilne drew n parallel be-
twen the experience of 'ate author of
Psalm 73 and thoee of the average
man and women of 1a-dt1v. Mr, Milne
poinded out that peri':—, of keen busi-
ness r.nmpetition eon.-titate a ender
test for all who P"oines Cheistien
allegiance, The morning anthem was
"Send opt Thy lien- 33 Gentled.
At the evening se1•vire, the call and
response of the prophet Jeremiah was
I reviewed. -
Hockey Meeting
An enthusiastic• meeting was held
in the Library on ?teeny. Des. 5 to
determine whether Ihneeele woull
lye represented in the W.O.A.A,
hockey schedule this winter.
With D. A, Rano 5' eltairnloa the
meeting proceeded •'nroot1115 It was
voted nnaninuely tint an Teter-
ediate team be entered aleo that a
Jttvendle team be set . t „
ed if at all
possible but to date, (hie is not
definite int pending; certain arrange -
A number of yolmgater.e under the
age of roarteen years were: at the
meeting •ansi requested that a team
be formed 1115 their benefit, so it was In the :chair. The meeting was opened
decided to delegate I'Tr. R. Ashton by prayer. Mrs. R. Thomsons led in
.and Mr. D. A. Rano. to approach the meditation on, the last petition of talo
Diens Club to tied out if they would Lud's Prayer, Mrs. G. Evans read the
sponsor a Bantam team. Sorilpture lesson. Prayer by Miss
Officers sleeted for the Tater- Stewart. hymn 254 was sung. 'The
mediate team for the coming season: secretary's and treasurer's reports
President -D. A. Rana were: read. The topic "What of the
Vice PrSsfrlrnt-Tt..4shlon future'' was ably prepared by Mrs.
Sec.-Treas.--71% Bowler H. Dennis ami read by Mrs. W. Kerr.
relayed b
Mattagel-W. P. Willis The Christmas :message P 1 Y
Coact -IT. Bowler Mists, B. Moses was reed. by Mrs, C.
Assistant roach -A. Relies Baeker, Hymn. 552 was sung and the
Transportation -D. 4l. Rano, W. E. mating closed with the Mizpah •bene-
\Vi114s deaden.
P'ctuipmen-3 Manager -G. Stephenson
Assistant Equip. hTanager-J. Mi11e3
Advertising -G. Stelnhenson .and T -T.
Bowler -- _- . _ _ I
Ont. Pub. School Teacher's '
Federation' Banqueted
The Ontario Public- School Men
Teacher'.s Federation of° Huron ,
Looal held a banquet in the 'Hotel
I Clinton D11 December 2, 1947. et
Iwas decided le set aside 515 to send
delegates to the Provhlcial Executive
I meeting 111 Toronto at Christmas. Mr.
I Robert Reid and one member of the
1 Pxeontive were appointed ilelegades
'to attend the meeting in Toronto.
It was also decided. to 'set aside
525 to send delegates -to the Annual
Meeting le Toronto at Darter. 1145,
Virt,a• Delwin. 7uricll. was appointed
('nnnseitne and Relations chairman
to 911 the vacnucy created when Mr.
J. C. Sneler left Goderioh, to teach
in Mnn.fnrd.
Tn lfls rnmaelee, Mr. Staples, In-.
sweetie. of Seen Heron eepreeend
the nerd of the good teacher In the
small eenlrllellay and- in the Tura,
Mr. Rinicend of North Huron ex-
ereeserl the same need and also
rxtlleined that we nest sell the
hero's we're doing in the schools.
Thr guest speaker of the evening
was tee Rev: Gordon, Hazelwood of
Walf.0n. ITe :spoke about bow to get
along wittl people. He expressed
the idea filet we must make people
re-epeet leachers as a group, We
1 meet eomet!lrnes show people; that we
are w•illiog to Play seetnd fiddle, lit
le only by means ,0f OJ -operation that
we can work together 111 harmony in
Evangel Meetings
The metings in the Town TRH ill
Brusels are oonl.inulag every Sendnv
night and messages' of interest are
delivered by ministers from different
Places. The speaker on Sunday
evening was Mr. Johns M. Martin of
H,awkesvile, Ont. Mr. Martin spoke on
tate coming of tate Lorca Jesus Christ,
-and ,the rapture of the saints. The
speaker pointed out that there are
three conslaliga of Christ taught iu
Scripture. First He carne to make
atonement for sin. 3;0701111 lire is eom•
ing to take His, redeemed ones home
to Himself. Third He is coming in
power enol great glory to exepnte
Judgement on the ungodly. The
second •corning ,the rapture of saints
can be expected at any time, and
because of this .an earnest appeal
was made that people should be ready
when He 0011101; in closing the
speaker emphasdze(1 that the only way
to get ready is to trust Jesus Christ
ea Saviour now.
W.M.S. of Melville Church
The Women's ATissionare Society
of Melvile Presbyterian Church held
their regular meting on Friday
Dec. 5th, The president Mise Stewart
CAMPBELL -Me. Ned Mr•s, W, D.
(41,01316011, Lief owel, (nee DerottTly
53 flsnt.yue) !ase happy to+annolmce
the birth Of a daal1ilter-"datha.t'tne
Ann Cempbel1, we.tg'irt. 9 lbs, 2 Or„
nn SundaY, nee, 7.
hen your kettle
starts to "sing",
Turn the switch "OFF'•'
there and then.
The stored heat will
•- the water bring
To the boiling point,
ye ken.
(and if you keep it
free from lime,
you'll shorten up
the heating time!)
(Utility Name and Address)
Brussels Hydro
'l',ru•m=Mdp of (trey is not responsible
for damage done to private 1) 3131e!'ty
by .411uw removal .'rluipnlent,
Th.. nubile :owl make way for
snow -plows at .ell tmer• rod 11+,1
interfere with their work In any way.
34- alt ,il5xa-odor, Nord 41121., noon. Townships represented were'
Colborne (ndariele linnet, East
Wswanosh mild West Wewanosh..
Parking Meter Annoys Charles (10101e5, Rrinra.ve, gave e
Motorist From Brussels reportet the last ldreaters' Ine031111
KiTCHEN1214, 2)ec. 6.-A Brussels of the Ontario Hog Prndtteers' As-
nlan, who claims he had never beard societion in which he said that
of periling nu'ters, !uctool up at tip, George 5)1(1151 on of Owen Sound'
3103150 offlce ivit:11 )l parking meter was eleeted dieeet.or to represent
r Charles Coultes Heads
Huron Hog' Producers
CLINTON. Dee, 8 ---The annual;
emoting of the Heron County Noe
Producers' Asn:intim) was held in,
the hoard room of the agricultural
of flee orf Satat rdav after -
often,. tisitot and a -crew.. effetely.
"Whet did 1 not Hee tor. 1 olds'
Parked 15 minutes •' he asked
relief arra-ace.
"Probably you fm•'oi to put a
penny 111 the parking 111 001.." said
the chief.
"Parking roster - I'vo 1(555• heard
of that" said the motorist. Hi=
confusion looked Prim 1110 511011511,
"I'll pay my dollar, but T think
it's the moat rirliculmis thing I ever
beard of," protested the visitor.
"I'm going outside and have a
good'ioolt at talose )peters," said 110
motorist as he walked out.
The United Church
The definite unfan•ness of life was
discussed in the morning meditation
in the United Church. Some people
go through life enjoying every n.d-
V1lI11(Ige. w'11i1e nlit-l's, who are just as
deserting suffer all planner of mis-
fortune. is God finally just? The
carol "Theresa snag 01 the airs' w -ss
sting as a rimer by Mese; Dorothy
Dennis and Ruth Wilson,
i11 the evening the sermon dealt
with The Lost Sheep. The Crusader's
'Hymn, "Fairest Lord Jesus" ware
eung by the <ltoir.
W.M.S. of The United Church
The December meeting f the
o ti
W.M.S. was held in the Sunday
school room Of the United Church on
Tuesday evening, Der. 2. After the
devotional service end the reading of
the usual reports, Mars. A. Brown
read the names of the officials for
1948, as prepared by the nominating
committee: president, Mrs. S
Davison; 1st sloe Pres., Mrs. H. C.
Wilson: 2nd vice pies., Mrs, L.
Nicoll; 9rd vice pres., Mrs. R. S.
Hamilton; treasurer, Mrs. R. J. Me-
Lauchlln; secretary, Ms E. Down,
ing; corr. sec„ 1lfiss F. Buchanan.
The members of the Irriend.ehip
Circle were the geese of the W. M. S.
and presented a very interesting
program of Cdlristntas carols and
Moa Garniss. was the leader of the
Oandee-ltghtiug cermony when die
ferent members lit the candle of
good.wdll and friendsbip for the
Jews of Canada, for the Indians, for
the lereineleCanadians, for those
whose ancestors came to Canada
Pelona Europe, Asda, and Attlee, end
for all new-comere. to Canada from
many different ]ands, Appropriate
carols were sung atter the lighting
of melt candle. Mrs. Dean Davison
sang. `7'm going home for Christ-
i 11148"and Mrs. Wilson gave a Christ
j mass reeding. Ae the close of the
i meeting a social 110111' sae, enjoyed
and 1111150 was served by the 00111•
mittee in c'trarge.
Mrs. T4en Tyerman, president of
the Circle, thanked the W.M,S. $0r
Itheir 'hospltaelty, 'rind presented a
donation of twenty-five dollars from
i the Climbs.
Engagement Announcement
i Mr. and Mrs. Lesley .Earl, Ethel
wish to ennounee the, engagement of
their daughter Reta Pearl to Aimee
McKelvey Dumber, sots of Mr, and
1 Mrs. Alex Dunbar, Ethel. The
1 wedding will take place tills month.
Wertnley, Mr. and Mrs,
' 1\T, E, M,Canley end sons Donald
Gerald, ,nd Mrs. G. Bone, all of
Bru.esele, were victors at the home
of 411e rot -merle daughter, Mrs. M.
Cns'(liff, 9.23 nitro St.. Stratford.
Mr. anal Mrs. Fuanere Dnnran who
celebrated their 6530 weddtrlg anni.
voltsary on Der.. 415 were surprised
on that (erasio11 by a group of
Montle fr0n1 the 415 1ine of Morrie
who called at. tllteir home end pra
serted them with n gift. An enjoy-
njoya.111e everting wee spent.
etre. M. Tl'awkeshaw inns gone to
SIOUX Lookout. for the winter to be
1 with her brother whose wife passed BORN
' newly recently and lir. and Mrs. Geo, A1.COC]t__.Tn Brussels to 3eft. raid
Menzies and family have taken 211) Mrs. Lloyd Alcoa Friday, 1]ecetribat
r, s -id 1ll10 in the honor. Mrs.
a sell,
gun r• 6. which carers Yrodttcc:lti As-
sociations 111 FItlron, (;trey itnd
Brae.... 2.1r. (',,Iter went en to say
that it wcl; owing 1.0 $ r•4mmnitler r 1'
h,. 12,..?: Producers net<crtiatiuc; with
the packers that 1104s did not fall
below 52:1 per WA for 'A' bogs de'
115ered at Teronte,
There was some dicussion as to
whether Meir assot'iatioll ' should'
continue as a unit or the Huron
County Federation er Agriculture or
break away end form a separate
organization. It was• decided that
they remain with the Federation
but Mat the hog prodneel's would,
choose their threecotnmitee mem
begs who farm the executive of the,
associait!ion• rather than Have them'
chosen by the Federation . as form-
erbJ' done. The committee for 1948
was then appointed by the members
es follows: C. Coultes, chairman,
Tian Smith, R. R. 2. Brussels, and A.
Warner, Bay95Td; W. Victor R.oy'
Lnndesboro was 14110lnted seers,
tary'treasurer for a second term.
The retiring committee were; Wil-
liam Turnbull, R.R. 2, Brussels-.
chairman, W. R. Lobb. R.R. 2, Clin-
ton, and C. Coulter. Bill Turnbull
has seared on the enmmittee since
it was nest formed four years ago.
A resolution was drawn up stat-
tatiug that in view of the bog situation
today and because the hog peodnc
err Have no support mltside of On-
tario. A Dominion Hog Producers'
Organization be formed and a Do-
minion marketing scheme be estab-
lished. This reeolution will be Pre'
seated at the next meeting of the
County Federation.
Following the meeting of the hog
producers the Huron County 'Verb -
shire Breulers held their meeting
at welch the election of new ott`ic-
es Ter 1948 Wok place. It was moved
and carried by the members that
the officers for 1947 be reinstated
for t91e new year. They are: A. Bat-
tles, R.R. 2, Bayfield, president;
LeRoy Brown, Clinton, secretary;
Wildlten Turnbull. vice-president;
directors: R. Johns, Centralia Jim-
Loble R.R. 2, C16nton, John Bowel,
Seaforth, end A. Werner, Baydeltli.
Mr. Brown and Mr. nettles were ap-
pointed to make arrangements with •
the Agrtoulitnu'al S0()e`.•y of Clinton
for the prize list for the, 1948 Spring
Show for the showing of hogs. At
the show the breeders are planning
to hold a sale, if poslble, and hope
for more entries than there have
been in the past. The age limits for
entries 01 tlt•e sale were decided
upon. For bred Monk: born ou or
atter July 1 of tilts year, for hoar
stock: Oct, 1 and tor open sower.
Oct. 1.
St. John's Women's Guild
The December meeting of the
Women's GUM was held at the home'
of Mrs. H, Bryan. The meeting open-
pened with the Advent hymn -- "Hark
the glad soused, The Saviour comas,
followed by prayers led by Mr. Kerr;;
end Hie general confession relleate(
in unison. The Rector then read the
711413tle for the first Sunday in Advent,
Roar, 18:8 nand presented a beautiful
lesson in unselfishness. Thou shalt
love thy neighbour as thyself. Loves
worketh no ill to his neighbour, there
fore love is She fulfilling of the leer -
Tim minutes of the previous heating
were read and adopted. An 011000004
ing report. (lent the treasurer Was.
given. It was deoided tr. eonernie
the cent -a -clay for 11149. 170119ttntla
greetings will be sent to sick arra
shut -inns. A 11101121 was made out for
the Lines Dinh dinner of Dec. 8t1t.
Mr, Kerr acted as ellairinaa for the
eloetimr of officers for 1949, The
meeting •closed with prayer after
wbiiclr a dainity tea was served 1)1
the hostess nssited by Mrs, Russell
Bryon and Miss Geraldine Stretton..