HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-11-29, Page 7Veterans' I-Iospital Open to Public—Sunnybroolc Hospitals 0 ne of the largest and must modern hospitals in Canada. First sot was turned in November, 1943. Building commenced m A ugust, 1944. First open to the public on Remembrance Day of this year. Sun roosts can be seen at the end of each w ing in the above aerial view of the veterans' hospital. Well Insulated, Well Ventilated Farm Buildings Methods of planned insulation arc being more generally adopted not only for the farm home itself but for all animal shelters on the farm. insulated homes are more comfort- able; they cost less to heat in the winter, and during Trot summer days they are more easily kept cool. Live -stock buildings are seldom heated, animal heat being relied upon to keep the building comfortable. Such buildings. says G. B. Harrison, Dominion Experimental Station, Swift Current, Sas.. should be insul- ated to conserve this animal heat as muds as possible. Concrete floors will be warmer if they are built over a cinder fill. Cinders have a greater insulating value than gravel, stone, nr the earth over which a concrete floor is often poured. Trouble from Moisture The walls of farm buildings may he filled with insulating material, such as wood shavings, sunflower seed bulls, or some of the commer- cial insulating materials such as ver- miculite or mineral wool. The space between the joists of the ceiling may be partially filled with these, or the loft may be filled with hay or straw. 1f moisture finds its sway into the insulation in walls or ceilings, trouble may be expected from con- densation, Sills 5nd studs may start decaying. To prevent water vapour passing through to the cold outer layers of the insulation, a vapour - proof material should he used on the warn: side of the wall. Two coats of an oil paint will give fairly good results, Better results will be obtain- ed by using .Vapour -proof paper, a specialty which is sold by most lum- ber dealers. Ventilation Important A tight, well -insulated building is easier to ventilate than an uninsul- ated drafty structure. 1f live stock or poultry arc to be profitable, their health should be safeguarded by properly built, well -insulated build- ings. Old buildings •may be insulated and ,made weatherproof by filling lire space between the studs of 'frame buildings with shavings or mineral wool. This can be done by removing a board near the ceiling or under the eaves. In some cases, mineral wool is blown in with an engine -driven blower. Stone, concrete, brick, or frame walls may be covered with ordinary plaster or with a Portland cement .plaster. This would be par- ticularly suitable for dairy barns, milk houses, and other places where sanitation is very important. Caution "Can ye tell the difference be- tween a taxi and a tram car, +Jes- sie?'. "No Tam." "Ween, then, we'll take a tram." Sports - And One Thing By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") We never expected to live to sec the day! A new manager was recently hired by The Toronto Maple Leafs baseball team—and on his first meeting with the as- sembled respresentatives of the Press almost knocked them off their seats by coaling out with the breath -taking statement, "15n not promising anything for next sea- son." This, coating from any sports manager, would be s u r p r i sing enough, But from a Toronto base- ball leader, it is equivalent to eith- er Vishinsky or Gromyko saying "Yes" three times 117 a'row. * * * For years past Toronto baseball fans have been living on promises. Real gluttons for punishment, they have supported—not lavishly, but a lot better than they deserved— teams that were seldom anything except painful to watch. Then the usual routine was something like this—First, fire the old manager; —Second, hire a new one; and Third,—have the latter make the breath - taking announcement that we wcrc going to have a scrappy, fighting , team to root for—next year. * * * Then, next year—the same old thing. Big crowds to greet the new outfit—loud ballyhoo — and then, after a couple of weeks or months, the realization that while the faces alight be new, the quality, or lack of it, was 'about the sameas ever. NJw arrives a new manager, Ed Sawyer, who comes out flatfooted and says "I'm not promising any- thing." Even if it gets him black- balled by the Managers' guild, his words deserve to be put in Neons over the entrance to the Ball Park. -Even if he doesn't happen to get anXwherc with the team—which is a pretty hard thing to do with the peculiar Toronto setup—!de's going on the sound horse -racing precept that, if you go to the races flat biokc, the worst you can get is an ecce break. + 4 4 One of the profoundest sayings regarding present-day life was mode by n man not ordinarily looked upon as a deep -thinker or philoso- pher. 1t was .jimmy Durante's "Everybody wants to get into (he ad"—and it pretty well sums up a publicity -conscious gcucrat iou that regards "getting your picture in the paper„ as the height of felicity. Ex- amples of this widespread love for "mugging" in front of a camera are so 11142ue5ous that we will mention 07111' one. 1t, eas a-t-Ctfre taken al she scene of a parlica7/a7'ly brutal recent murder—and of eight fairly pro7lrin- ent people facing the camera, only two, or at the outside three, had Jasper Beaver to Britain—Ent route to England as part of Can- ada's donation toward the replenishment of Britain's zoos, these beaver took along their own supply of hardtack. Natives of Jasper National Park, they will feed on tasty, vitamin pack- ed Poplar poles crit for theme by the Park's warden, George Fowile, who is shown serving them their last meal before the jotu•ney,eastward. With three bears for travel mates, the beaver left jasper in a Canadian National Railways express car and 'were transferred to an ocean lister on arrival at Montreal, or Another any reason for being there outside of isorbid Cn7•iositw or a desire lo "get into (he act," 9' * 4 When one team clearly out- classes another, should it go "all- out" g9nd run up as big a score as possible, or should it lance things fairly easy, and keep the scoring down to reasonable 'proportions? That is a question which faces ma- nagers and coaches occasionally, and there doesn't semi to be any really satisfactory answer—outside of "It all depend." * 4 4 Football is perhaps the worst of all sports in this regard; for while a 40 too beating in football is actually not much more one- sided than 7-0 baseball or hockey, it looks that way, And we thought that the University of Toronto Blues were to be criticized when, duringa pre - season trip to the west, they ran up terrific scores on teams that were helpless against their greater power and experience. R 4 * But when we said something of the sort, at the time, it was a Ll. of T. undergraduate who gave us -a clue to ,the reason. "Those guys know that when the real shooting starts, Western Univer- sity Mustangs will wipe the earth ' with them—so they're getting re- venge for those coming shcllack- ings by taking it out on those poor teams out in Saskatchewan and Alberta. 4 * 4 l(faybc he was right, at that; for it is a long time since Ire have seen any outfit dominate the op- position as those Mustangs seemed to do the past couple of seasons or so—and still longer since we have known teams to go on the field apparently satisfied that they were beaten before the opening whistle as the young gentlemen representing Varsity, Queens and old McGill. The "old College spirit"—like a lot of other spirits —seems to be suffering from a bit too much dilutiou. Talk to school teacher's anywhere, and they'll fell you that their task has become harder of recent years because of lbw lessened control they have over their pupils. They always put thr blame for it, (00, an the Parents— the trustees — on anybody anti everybody but themselves. And who are we to a'guc,wit h a school leacher? 9: Y * Then,, just when Tee had ,bout cone to the conclusion that a school teacher's lot is not a happy one, the lady school leachers of a Seventy Years Only Half Span of Life Want to live to 110? You may, say leading scientists who believe that man't natural span of life ac- tually is from 120 to 140 years, says The Encyclopedia Americ- ana. Politman, a surgeon who lived from 1685 to 1821, dying at 140, would, become intoxicated nightly. Brawn, a hard -drinking Irishman who lived to 120, had an inscrip- tion placed on his tombstone 5tat- inug "he was always drunk." Ex- cessive smokers and coffee drink- ers 'are also found among the cen- tenarians. Ross, who won a long- evity Drize in 1896 when he turned 104, was an inveterate smoker. A Mme, Lazennac, who died at 101, smoked a pipe since her youth. Elizabeth Durieux, who lived to 114, drams 40 cups of coffee every day. Dr, Voronoff warns that no one should conclude from such examples that abuses of alcohol, tobacco or coffee have no prejudi- cial influence on health. The ill ef- fects of overindulgence are too well known, but these few examples are cited merely to prove that the secret of longevity cannot be found in sobriety. Magistrate: "Put why did you ,break into this draper's shop fol, nights running?" Defendant: "I got a new• drre- for toy wife and she made m.' FL' back and change it three thwe,.'• certain city elect a "Glautor,,Queen" from among their amidst and, not to br outdone, the male educationists of the sante place promptly choose a masculine counterpart. And instead of beimp properly arhamed the new "Glan,ot; Boy" defended the whole silly business, saying that it might bring before the public the fact that "the men teachers are of a calibre unexcelled in Canada." How such goings -o• affect you, we have no way of telling; but personally it Produces a not -too -faint sickish feel- ing. 4 * 4 Six months or so ago we warned our readers that phony Irish Sweep tickets were becoming more' and more common. Now the au- thorities, bound to stamp out this "evil" have gone about it in a way that will only stake things all the easier for the peddlers of the counterfeits. For now you have no check at all. on the genuineness of the ticket you purchase— for merly, if you got a receipt, you knew at least the money had got to Ireland. * 4 4 Seems to urs that these lotteries are .another of the several things— like handbook making—abota which we might very well take a more realistic view. So long as lotteries are ruts, so long as there is betting en horse races, people are going to buy tickets and back the horse of their, choice. TTTlty all the profits should go to our most undesirable e meals is just another of those ,ratters the never do slope to under- stand. Special Prizes' At Royal Winter Fair Special prizes will be given to the highest scoring boys or girls in the Cattle Division of the National Con- test of Boys and Girls Club at the Royal Winter Fair this year. The winner of the beef cattle divi- sion will receive a purebred Here- ford heifer and top boy or girl in the dairy class a well -pedigreed Holstein heifer calf• In addition to taking home these valuable anitnals, the winners will be given the oppor- tunity to show thein in their classes at the 1948 Royal Winter Fair. The two calves are donated by The Quaker Oats. Company of Can- ada Limited and may be seen on dis- play at the Quaker Ful-O-Bep Feed exhibit at the Royal Winter Fair. Are You Educated? Answer These Tests -- Most lnt'il,e»',m,'n .ire re:6,41: 11y tont (hired that 11- y are educated sten. lslany of th ,1 may Inv c a few parchutcats to ',ad( credit, Inst Ihi•p have 1't hal to wine they believe is better, the b,uah Schooliae of ex• perience. Some autbnrities believe that 'nu might have either, or indeed both, with'aR having ail0 real claim to editratiim . Sydney Herbert '4 nod, elle was the princint(' assistant se,'r„tory of the British :Ministry of Education until !di recent retirement, had three tests. Anyone passing the three tests he l,eli,rvt'd plight reasonably claim to be an "educated man.' The tests were represented by three questions: Can you entertain another person? Can you entertain a new idea? Can you eufertain yourself? How would you score 3.ourself in these tests.—The Financial Post. 4 Catty Jane—"How, old are you?" Mabel—"I just turned 23." Jane—"I get it. Thirty-two." HUSBANDS WHO ADORN coffee deserve Maxwell House. It's so utterly deli. cions that it's bought and enjoyed by more people than any other brand of coffee in the world. • SPECTACLES, AND OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED LENSES DUPLICATED L. P. TROTTIER Optometrist and Manufacturing Optician Mount -Royal Si. Montreal 84. On hand: high grade imported Binoculars Efficient man service To Tree' ;COCKED NOSES • ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA PALLS OP'P. — C.N.R, STATION TNfi ES,ONETHINCfogPAINOf For constantSmoking Pleasure Cigarette Tobacco ALSO AVAILABLE IN 1 POUND TINS Classified Advertising A'r'1'ENTION PAIt51180a POR NA41d—Trnelor lime, made of eubhor, minable for bolting on ,leo( wheeta 110.00 ear h. rear wheels: 7100 each, front wheek/ w•her ordering state diamele, and width of whte,e Nu (tonal Rubber Co. Ltd.. 6 Wilt. .h+l'e Av0. Toronto. Get UCSIN RSS W'POSTUN.11'1E2 AN O5'19(477 to every Inventor—List of Inved. tions and full Information tient free. The Ramsay la. , Registered Patent Attorney), 175 (lank CP reef, Ottawa. BART CIIICEa 11'104 are mel the beat paying thing on the farm. 1•',11 up your perm with chide,. pulleto. 10 weeks t, Wring. Barred Reeks, New llampshi rev, White Leghorn, White Rocks. :$ass"7. Mao day old chick, for lin- «'1,0e and ,Spring delivery, Free catalogue. 'rwedJle Chick Hateherlee Limited. Fergon, Ontarf.:. ORDER now for 1740, po01t., 'eggs. breeding Meek. Broad Breasted Breese, the [moan Jar,,, Bar Strain Texan, Gov't. approved, Bleodtemed and banded. Members et butchery oho neon turkey ona a; and f tthhe ahem ed reseed at toll turkey show, Windsor, IDID, Brown's Pool - try Farm and Hatchery, Dutton. Opt (0,G price, are good. Fill up your peon with pullets 16 weeks . to laying, white Leg - horns, Barred Rocks, New Hampshlres, White Renk,, Light Sonnex and many other popular ('1 45, .alio day old chicks. Free cats: ion,u'. Top Notch Cluck Sales. Guelph. Out. BABY CHICK BUYERS Be certain that you buy good, healthy elheito tine coming reason. Insure delivery data by placing Your girder now. A11 breeders Government banded and punorutn tested. Write for our 1948 catalogne and price Rat. MONKTON POULTRY FARM MONKTON. ONTARIO BABY chlok., prompt ahlpment—heavy breeds: •ncltelvin, pullets, non -sexed, Order now. Also order for January delivery. Bray Hatch- ery, 10 John S. Hamilton, Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE 10U anything needs dyeing or clean- ing" Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your g0ent(Ona, Department LI, Parker'a Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonne Street, Toronto, Ontario. P'Oit SALE • QUILT PIECES—Hand 0I,e and larger all laid flat. Cotton prints and stripes, Four (4) pounds for 71,00. Guaranteed or money refunded. Free -16 quilt pattern. and Wstruc- tlone. Free—Detailed carpet Knitting lu,truc- 1000, Large quantity cotton, .71k, wool under- wear, towelling remnants—full widths. un to 0 yds, long. For full information write Aeso• Mated Converters Inc,. 4084 -St: Lawrence, Montreal, WOLF, Fox, Slink Trappers use only the best, complete system, Fishers trapping course one gland °cents. Full particulars. A, E. Fisher, Box 420. CotgorY, Alberta. I-IARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts and Service, Bert E ICeonetly & Son, 419 College St, Toronto. JOHNSON Iron Horne ens -ince, 9u H.P. 151.45 1.34 H.P, 870,00. Immediate delivery. Cur- rey Selmer, Eglinton & Bathurst, Toronto, SHELLCRAFT SUPPLIES Beginner's kit—Contains enough ntaterinlu to make live complete brooch and oaring riots. complete with Inutructlone and diagrams, 82,55 plus 15e postage. Complete line of shells and acceasorlea, Free catalogue. Dune Dee Sheliaratt Industries, DenL S.F., Box 3, Station IC, Toronto. PLUMBING FIXTURES Cast Iron bunt -In bathe—Lavatory Baelns— Compaet toilets—Soil pine—Sept(e tanks. 'Mohan Sinks—OIs burning ranges—Space heaters Everything In [stock—Immediate delivery, Plumbing and Heating Dh'telon— F. T. Hill Co. Ltd.—Orangeville, Ont. LADIES white poplin Smock sanforbzed, prin- cess style, popular make, eizea; 14 to 20 83.30 each p5417(0d. Refund. guarantee, Garry Sales Co. Box 144. Station G. Montreal, TRAPS, and Trap:era' 7550090 at attractive delivered prlres. Write for free price list, SIett•. J, Saes, Bear Line, Ont. ROOFING — SIDING Aluminum roofing and siding gives you life- time history, o Vint, protection corrugaat ited land n rolls.pricesprides 57.75 ser 100 ea, ft. and up. Write for price list, Newson & Campbell Co. Hamilton Ontario. GIFT PARCELS TO ENGLAND A latt;ng gift of rationed fabrics: 4 yds. printed cotton dress fabric .... 11.60 4 yds. printed or plain plat, 1.00 4 yds. striped mittou shirting fabric, 1.60 1: yds Total 14,80 Send us 96.00. we pity all silinpng charges• 3\0sac(ated Converter. Incorporated 4084 St. Lan•ren', Blvd., Montreal 18, P.Q. 10.7o INTERNATIONAL Tractor 1500; Buck Rake 1800; 1037 Chevrolet Se ton Truck 1011. Allan !Vann, Peterborough, Ont. RECORDS. Free catalogue of favorite hill- billy and dance artist.. National Radek Ltd., Dept, 0. 419 Portage Ave., Winnines. Man. NEM' 01011and Automatic Pickup Hoy anti atStraw t• Bale Loaders. Saw Frum'.u,o Hammer 50111e. ecrviee guaranteed. Order now from Brant Virg Equipment, Colborne at Clarence, Brantford, Ont. STILLS, *7aili10,, ,keel, two gallon rupee! w. Writ burner 006.00. SURFACE PLATES, m8rhine shop, Dost steel, 12” x 18" regular 073,00 for 013. (New), Arra Navigation Service, 054 St. Santee 'W. Montreal. 6213 HORSE POWER H, R. T. Railer with a 120 Ib. hydro.,tntic. Tested by Cbletrmuent Inspector. Complete with harness, Molter end 111 valves and fittings, Available iumtediate4. Apply Manager, Purity Datrle, Ltd., Wiwi. nor, (Int, 1100.00 BUYS 80" Barber ((rater wheel in good condition, vertical. G. W. Lawson, RR. No. 2, Sleekdae, Ont. RIOt.ISTERI:D Leicester Rams of all ages from n allow Moot. Priced for qui'ie °ale. Apply 001 der Moe., BlacktMclt, Ont. GLADLOLO8 — Outstanding. 1948 releases fimn various parte of the world are con. reined in our rot Catalogue. "Willow .\revs." 1towuanville. Ont. GEnnt;1.\N BAY Tourlat site 790010,', beach, train and bum, eervlee, good buildings. w. Tanner, w'n:hmashe t Ontario. M0DE1, D John Deere Tractor—Al condition, on imbiber. Apply William Houghton, c/a Earl Chamberlain. R,n, 2, 5hed0o0. Ont. BIG SALE—Brown brief eases with zipper. Size 10011, An attractive 0,'efnl lasting gift for etudenta and others. Price 112.00 postpaid. Canada Merchandisers, Post Office luatoseentsmemerieromitessuesessismans Ito, 308. Toronto. FOR SALE HAY 041,0008--TI(Y 0f11t Woof) Leurehn for marhise Bale (titch(,. Price 000 pee 07. Loll. here. Put up in toren of 1.005. linmpleu gent 011 minuet. Tito Bale Label nu.. Malmaboon. Que. G111.U1CN Ifumrtere resemble tat11c0u chlp- rnnnks delightful pets.(lean. °darken. lump, prohtic• entity fed. 91,00 pale. P. 1iarr'yeh 137 Annette, Ter"oto. TIRES We are everetnelled 7n good need Trade -Pe Tote, who, .high Bolide—all guaranteed to be Iu exeeneec owe, Mewls] price on ear Tire. ALL SIZES $4.50 BIG SAVINGS ON NEW TIRES & TUBES Guaranteed for one year sex31&-8R. 96 Tube 71.20. 460x21-99.00• Tubo 91.90. 000x10-910.60, Tuba 92.36, 509 x10-810,77, Tubo 91,06. 621x18-972.60. Tule 8155. 660217-914.00. Tube 11.65. 600x10- 814.23. Tube e2.20. 650x16-117.60, Tule 68.16. 31x6 -700x10-943.76, Tube 81.76. 709 4:30-143r7114.00, Tube 96.60. 116x28- 302.50, Tube 97.76. A.I,o a full line or retread,, alt order, ebbs. peel C.O.D. Dealers wanted. BEACON TIRE Cor. QUEEN & roan STS. HAMILTON 8„ ONTARIO. HA— LEARN Hairdressing Hairdressing the Robertson method, Information on r0500et regard(ng alao.en. etobertoon'e Halydre.slag Academy, 117 Avo. nue Road. Toronto. MEDICAL A TItIAL—Every aufrerer of Rheulnatte Peluso or Neuritis abound try Dixon'. Remedy,. Nunes Drug Store. 286 Elgin, Ottawa.. PontpeL0 01.00. BASE you heard about Dixon'. Neuritic and Rheumatic Pala Remed37 It glueg godlll results. Munro's Drug Store, 331 Elgin. Octaves. Plstpnid 81.00, OPPORTUNITIES 50(5 WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER J0IN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignlaed pretension, good wages thousands successful blared grad0at4, America's greatest system. Illustrated canoe town tree. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W„ Toronto Branches 44 Ring St„ Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa EARN MONEY AT HOME Snare or full -tone money-mak(ngl Learn to snake candy at bomo and earn as you learn. Correspondence course, National Inatttute oe Confectionery Ret'd., Delorlmier• P.Q. Box 162. Montreal, Que. PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent Solicitors. Established 1880. 11 Xing West. Toronto. Booklet of Information n request. P504550NAL LONESOME7 Romantic Correspondence Moro - :mine contains photos, descriptions. largo lisle. One year 92. Sample ropy 10c, World Federation Club. Parkerview. Seek. WANTED 'WANTED docks to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1948 hatching season. Flocks culled and blaodtested free. Guarantee pro - alum plus ltatohabltity premium paid. Also wanted to purchase cockerels imitable for breeding. For full details write Tweddle Chick Hnteheriee. Limited, Fergus, Ont. WANTED—All bind, 00 dressed poultry. Top prices for ton birds, Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept, 8004 Danforth Ave., Toronto 6. (tie do 50stmn grading.) PILES Nothing else you can bur ban tho eame Internal ac - PILE . as T1tlsl liquid on takenONE by mouth/ to compounded from [special Manama.. Gunn., and Plant -Extracts. It gals re- sults beoaue It goes directly to the In. ternal cause of Piles. That's the reason for 1t8 0ncc0,0 on the most stubborn cases. Tble modern way of treating that Internal trouble gets results that Mat. One bottle of PYLTONE is 071005s to prove Its healing power or price re- funded at once. That's our guarantee no matter how long standing your eerie mar be. Tour Druggist has it: or can order It for you. ?"40,40,eeedff 4 EEI ACHES Blinding pain, con- stant throbbing cad make life a misery. Many headaches may be caused by the fail- ure of tho kidneys to perform their normal duty of filtering poi- sonous wastes and excess acids from the blood. If kidneys fail and poisons romainiat the system, headaches, backache, rheu- matic pains, disturbed rest may often fol- low. Dodd's Kidney Pills help your kidneys dearouttrouble-making poisons and excess acids so that you feel better—rest better— work better. Get Dodd's today. 148, TC CHECKED be a Jiffs/ -or Money Back For quick relief from itches used by&memo: nthlete'e foot, ,cables, pimples and otherltchl conditions. use pure, cooling, medicated, l(g,d, 0. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless nn stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly cal Intense itching. Don't eager. Aek your dmeahi today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, , 4 RELIEF FROM ECZEMA A Lady wdles71 had Eczema break out on my loss and triol almost everything, but it did 00 "ed. Then I tried Mecca and got toilet from the smarting, and itching. 1 cannot speak too highly of Mecco. tfr ISSUE 47-1947 POP—On The Move -r,N0,5 oet.tw'r v,'fU seg You FOR 'Mg MR$TTIME CLeALtY Get''rtNra A N+ove ON THIS MORNING, SMITMA t a SDp,NtSi pi t AK EscA(_^troll By J. MILLAR WATT