HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-11-29, Page 4iud a' in til nutlet,, 4c -c r,o,- ..t the °'"'.11110 National Barley Contest lo 'Yor unto, last week. Five n- inerswere selected toago onto the lOntario-Quebec Inter -Provincial retest three ,Ois ntario judges' be run (L, (Leto R.) Prof. Robein the new rt Keegar. an, O.A.Cwn . e the t et imental Farm, Ottawa; and Dr. r.L. Guelph; P. R. Cowan, Do Central F :p on • rmer i.nnthe On Ontario Section was rHarold K.nNe Nesbitt of Britannia Bay,i near . Other Ottawa, n theirho corder lsowere William Lowe, Fort Frances; Johrst prize w,inner for Carleton n K1ukc'• Renfrew; Robert S. Sparrow. Kinburn; Martin L. Dowdall, Perth. CRANBROOK 'lL.auluas c,t: alt- 11'.a.bt au.i Young Women's Auxiliary of lz;nex aliurrit ever• oti t;'1 by th 1 niou ladies on Thursday. Nov. 20 In the Union United Chu -alt t alrin Cameron a ivr son 1;...* and 11:x erre attending .ihp ,toy tl ,Chert. Fair In Toon','. 111�, Katt, McNabb sidargently improved in health to return to her work of teselling In lemiskanning on Dee. 1. Hobi Mugol, M. sand Mrs, Engel and cordon were Snadiy visitors with Wm. and Mrd, Farrel and family-, Stratford. A nen' furnace h' being installed in the school here. MORRIS TH1: '_'.'.i ? :;,; 4 S POST FOR SALE 1.,'1 ,i FOR SALE Feer t ;James FOR SALE A glal rico: Phone 1.• t••1 ;. t woo, FOR SALE-- { Lin ted Quantity of '1-y limit wood. $5.116 per cord, delivered in Weil lots. Phone. 77 ..0 o a cotter. D. N. 11e0-uard,.. WANTED - !Moue 18•x•4, AGENT WANTED-- . We are constantly reaotving re rt glloets for our gnrnnteed products 1 Phone 25--14 in your looality. Why not handle the =prey arrive an !promo of "35. to 13, SOO. weekly? Exclusively assured.'i If yon have selling ability, start NOW! FAMILIOX, Dept. B. 1600 -Delerdmier, Montreal. FOR SALE - A anm1 - ur •_ - tailnnse go-sc suitable 0..1. 2;,.r-3 That. Tr o Phone FOR SPl r---- I Su} .s Cy. 11' - .17. 14, just ti kc new, yeti, r br, Jpp1Y .•.t ;h o.ls Post. 1 LOST - Cray r' '''"''at 100 ar 500 lbs. Runt Lot Cor 17. fir. -.y Twp. Haroldn°'r Phone 82-r•7. Th, community hall vias the seeno uc a app' 'gathering of relatives and I FOR SALE- Tr , friends when 'Melvyn Jermyn and 1 pr. hog's hail'F swatrs ihis bride, the former Ol1ve MieIn- 1 pr. skates Gaze 7, Indies. tosh, both of the 2i10 concession, Morris. were the guests of honor and were presented with a purse of money. At the weekly choir practice in the United Church Mrs. J, A. Bor- den read a complimentary address and a Bible was presented to Mel: vyn Jermyn, ,sem.. -tr ---- FOR HEW ...FOR RE'' ®..TUREVERC rt .ate......_ wa 'kk BULJVA $4950 "Her Excellency A" 21 Jewels rl\\ '2L,^e�i✓ AT TIME or ANYTIME BULOVA $3750 "Goddess of Time" 77 Jewels ULT VA 44"500 CEILEP CY "AA .2:1.Jewe!s 15 YOUR BEST BUY If you wish to give 'a gift this Christmas that has utmost accuracy - top styling and gives you more for your money - then give a BULOVA. BULOVA $4500 "Lexington" z7 Jewels Open An Actount Cash or Tel ms Prices the Same BUI.OVA $3975 "Dtel3ariy" z7 Jewels W. G. LEACH Jeweller Brussels, Ont, Phone t4, sloe 6, WANTED - Wanted flocks to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1948 hatching season. Flocks culled and blood tested free. Guar:lanced premium , Plus hatchability premium paid, 11so', wanted to purchase cockerels suit• able for breeding. For fail dot: ' write Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, "HELP WANTED -MALE" AN OPPORTUNITY-- Est.abilshed Rural Watkins District available. 1f you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 85- r - (Ian secure travel outfit, FOR SALE - 1930 -31 Model A. Forl Radiator like new. Call in ibe evening Jack Conley Phone 41-r-10 FOR SALE - 1938 Ford Coach, new motor, heater in good mechanical conclition. T. A. Dutton Brneefield, Ont. FOR SALE - 2 ~ �� pair of children's shoes and ice sicates, C.C.M. sizes 12 and 13. Mrs, Harold Thomas Phone Sex, • STRAYED - On Lot 33. Con, 9, Grey, a cattle beast, owner can have same by Per ing expenses and proving ownership. am Jes Pestell Phone 33-r-7, have n this is your opportunity to get ,stab -I fished in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Oompany. Dept 0-13-4, 2177 Mason St., Montreal,' Que. 11'. rlrt'--day, Noveml,r.a •:rt r 11147 o,; 40,06 i3 s WANTED - Man to take avar repair enol of service station; garage end o -station free of rent. Apply to Red Star Station, Brussels, dft P'E rL. IAL AT Jones Beauty SaIon - Listowel - Permanent Wave for $2.50 Evenings •nly Open every evening until Christmas. Phone,128 for an appointment" FOR SALE - 1933 Chevrolet Sedan, 4 new tires, heater, mechanically good. Apply, Sohn Schultz, Box 3, Brussels, Phone 33x. Young Women:s Auxiliary Of Melville Church • The November rn.ee'-irrg of Melville Young Woolen's Aua1liary was held last Tuesday evening' at the There home mecof Mrs. 3, A.rmsta'oug• re twenty members and two visitors present. Miss I. Lowry opened the meeting with Idynm 121 `Give to our 1 Gocl Immortal Praise," which . was followed by Meditation "For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, forever". The Scripture Les'osns *ere found in Psalm 146 and 1 Chronicles 16'83-14, Miss Lowry led in prayer. klymn 135 "Holy, Holy, Holy'' was sung, The TEACHER WANTED - For S. S. No, 9 Morris, duties to commence to Jain. 111011, 1348, Apply stating qualifications and salary to Ralph Shaw, Sec.-Treas., Bluevale. STRAYED - A red beast around 600 lbs., stra,ye.d from Lot 4, Con, 5 Grey Twp., slit in right ear, Rus. Wilbee Phone 40 -r -t FOS SALE - 2 Shorthorn bulls a red and roan serviceable age, choice quality and priced to sell. Chas, H. Bosman, Con, 2 Morris Phone Brussels 11•x.8. FOR SALE - Beatty gas •washer, goad as new„ .9.h• Motor windmill, 50 ft. tower, in good repair; Alladdin Lamp, practi- cally new, coal oil hanging lamp, Phone 21-r-18 Jack Work FOR SALE. - Electric motors reWound and re paired. Expert workmanship. Moder, e� prices. New motors in stock. Eettger tnaust)Ies, 049 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. goal chapter of the Study book, "What of the future of India?" was Presented by Mrs.. C. Lon; and Miss S. Little, Bach reviewed the mis- sionary work acaemplished in India up to this time and gave an idea - of the vast amount still to be done. The derc)tibonal period closed with the singing of Hymn 541 "Stand up, stolid up for Jesus," followed by The Lord's •'Prayer repeated- 111 110.15611. Mrs. Sweeney, the president, took - charge of the business meeting. The toll call was answered by "A Re- m:embranee TAY 'Plough The various reports were read and approved, It was decided that the next meeting would be held at the home of Mrs, J. Yni.11 an December lath. There will be a exchange of Christmas gifts at this meeting as well ,as a special Christmas pro- gramme, At -the close of the business meet- ing a social hour was enjoyed with lunch served by the hostesses. MAN WANTED - for Rawleigh Route, Real oppor- tunity. We 'help you get started, Write Rawleigh'e, Dept. ML I'192 0, Montreal. WANTED - Man for steady travel among con- sumer, in Brussels. Permanent con- nection with large mamufaaturer. Only reliable bustler considered, Write Rayleigh Dept. No. ML -J.152. 181, Montreal. WANTED - Wanted flock to supply as with hattchdng eggs for the 1948 hatching season, Plonks culled and bleed - tested free. Gurenteed premium pins, hatchability premium paid. For full details write Tweddle Chick Haith'oheotes Limited, Fergus, Ont, Mrs. Alex McKay ATWOOD, Nov 10 -Death came Tuesday morning to a well-known and respected resident of. Atwood, Mrs, Alex Mclfay, at her home on 111015 et, She was in her 70th Year. Mrs. McKay had suffered a heart attack on Friday, Born in Grey township on Dec. 17, 1871, she was a daughter of the late Mawgiar'et McLeod and Hugh McNay; She was married to Mr. McKay on March 25, 1891, and they 'first farmed on con, 15, Blma, later moving to con. 8 3talmna, where they farmed until moving to Atwood 10 years ago. They celebrated their golden wed- ding ,anniver,aa'y six years ago. Mrs. McKay was a, member of the Presbyterian Clinch and of tate Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. She 10 surviived by her husband and four deugiirhters, Mr,. Roy (Agnes) Cie. land, Guelph; Mrs. Percy (Ruby) Stephenson, 13thel; Mrs. John P. (Jean) Fraser, Burford; .and Mrs. Willis -(Isobel) Walker, Toronto. Two sons predeceased her, George in 1907 and Donald in 1984; Sae also leave, six grandchildren; two sisteps, Mrs, Harry Makett, Van - waver, B. 0,, and Mrs, Jalm Piow- ard, 1+3the1; and three brothers, Gedrge McKay, Vancouver; Angus McKey, Straesbrn'g, Sask.; and Rodricic McKay, Wingham. . A private fttmer'al service was held on Titmrsday afternoon at 2100 o'clo.ck from- the family residence, Icing et. Rev, 111, A, Pritchard of the Presbyterian Ohuroh will oonduot tiro serv1'50, awaited by ltev, (l. T. Simpson of the 17nited Ohutch, FOS SALE -- Frame 2 story House, and Kitchen (attached can be moved or torn down, Price reasonable, also a number of real good farms, Y. 0, Long, Reel Bstato Broker, Brussels, Phone 034. LOOK AT YOUII LASED-'- es AND GOOD TO KNOW! Here is your bank manager. Serving you is his job -and he is as proud of serving you well as you are proud of your. own work. If you need credit for business or per- sonal reasons talk things over with hila. I'Ie will respect your confidence. His knowledge and experience, with the whole organization of the bank behind him, can provide for you a wealth of information on conditions in Canada and -elsewhere too, if you need it. • - Your bank manager is easy to meet and a good man to know! THIS IS ONE INSTANCE OF horn Canada's 3,200brandi basks play their part inthe daily life oat work of Canadians. 8110-NSOR,ED BY YOUR BANK