The Brussels Post, 1947-11-19, Page 7Machine Cuts Grass Disposes of Leaves And Shovels Snow One-time farm boy, but now a resident of Buffalo, Bernard L. Larsen has invented, or at least con- structed, a contraption which sounds like the solution to many a house- holder's problems. Powered by a one and one-half 31,1?. air-cooled gasoline engine, the new machine has two distinct units, For picking up fallen leaves, there is something that looks like an over- size vacuum cleaner, in which a powerful blower is connected to a series of revolving brushes. These pick up the leaves which are shot Through a four -inch pipe into a bur- lap hag. The sante section is used as a snow -plow, with a front section re- moved so as to let the brushes contact the snow. With the burlap hag removed an adjustable elbow is trained in any desired direction, the blower tossing the snow fifty fret or more. For mowing lawns, after removing the blower -unit, a cutting attachment is easily slid on. Then two revolving disks, kept always at the sante height from the ground, do the cutting. With his machine Larsen takes care of his own lawn, also six be- longing to nearby ncighboues. After the grass is mown, he slips on the leaf -picking attachment to sweep up the grass cuttings, In wintertime his yard is said to be the delight of delivery -boys. forced to battle with snowdrifts elsewhere. Excepting for the motor, the entire affair is said to have cost Larsen something like $-1S for materiftis--and it is reported there is a possibility of it being de- veloped commercially. Now a Maple Leaf—One of only 3 players in modern hockey history to win the league .scoring crown two years in a row, Max Bentley now comes to the Toronto Maple Leafs in a big swap which takes Bob &jldham, (aye Stewart, Gus Bodnar, Bud Poi -le and Ernie Dickens to the Chicago Blacks. A na- tive of Delisle, Saskatchewan, • Bentley, together with his big brother Doug and Bill Mosi- cnko have formed one of hockey's most effective scor- ing lines—the only real threat the Chicago team possessed. In an effort to strengthen the Black Hawks generally, Own- er• Bill Tobin has traded .Bent- ley, together with Rookie Cy Thomas, for three Maple Leaf forwards and two defensemen, in the biggest straight 'man - for -man' deal major league hockey ever knew. More Than 600 Dogs To Be Benched at Royal Winter Fair Eight outstanding judges from the United 'States and Canada will be on hand to select the prize winners at the two dog shows on November 20, 21 and 22 at the Royal Winter Fair under the aus- pices of the National Kennel Club. Blanche Saunders, New York, editor of the book "Train- ing You to Train Your Dog," will judge the obedience trials, a fea- ture at the championship dog show. This year a championship• show for six different breeds will be held on November 20 and the seventeenth annual international all -breed show will be held on the following two days, A number of entries have al- ready been received for both shows and preliminary estimates are that more than 600 dogs will be benched, His Excellency Field Marshal the Right Honourable Viscount Alexander of 'funis is patron of the Rational Fennel Club. No Dust Bowl Here—Most Western Canada farmers have quit plowing. Instead, they turn the land over shallowly with a "oneway disc" and keep the mulch at surface of the soil. The "trash"—straw, stubble and greenery—they put into the soil is good fertilizer, and also keeps it from blowing away. Sports — And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixhit Critic") The people of the United States claim—perhaps rightly—to lead the world in most lines of human en- deavor. Some of those claims we might be inclined to challenge just a trifle. But when it comes to slopping over into sickly sentimentality, we freely admit they arc tops This somewhat acid thought comes to iniad on reading a front-page story to the effect that the race horse MAN 0' WAR is to be embalmed, then buried in a silken -lined oalc coffin—and that the city of Lexing- ton, Kentucky had gone into it -morn- ing over his passing. 41 * * Now ALAN 0' WAR was un- doubtedly quite a race -horst — al- though by no means the unbeatable ball -of -fire some of his adulators would have you believe. We saw him run a couple of times; and while we make no claim to be a real judge of horseflesh, we had an idea that some of his superiority was due to the fact that he didn't have so very much to beat. To us Ile calls to mind the ancient saying "In the country of the blind, the one -eyed elan is king." * * However, 11e caught the public fancy; and his owners were smart enough to retire him at the peak of his fame. Whenever some sports cobbler found himself down Lexing- ton way, and short of something to write about, he would turn out a piece about "Big Red"—and so the horse became something of a legend during his •lifetime. Still, stuff like "Man 0' War did more for this coni- munity than any other creature, human or animal." Silk -lined coffin! Black -ribboned floral wreaths in shop windows. Twenty gallons of embalm- ing fluid! Maybe were a bit too squeamish but,somehow or other, it' all gives us a sickish feeling. * * * ?"here are Many who hail the abandonment of price controls as n triumph for the system of free enter- prise—and personally we believe that there is ju.et as great danger in too Much governmental control as (here is in too little. Still, if there were only one solitary occasion when dropping of controls was followed by n drop in prices, instead of an immediate increase, it would be a rather pleasant • change, and a boost for "fret competition" as 7acll. * * * By no means for the first time, Conti Smythe has proved himself to be just about the most far-seeing operative in hockey. Everybody else connected with tine game recognized the sorry plight of the Chicago Black Hawks—but the Maple Leaf boss was the only one, apparently, Who foresaw how the Hawks weale- Hess might eventually prove bad for the entire league, and did something about it. For in a small group like the N.H.L, one bad team could be as damgerons as one rotten apple in a barrel of good ones. * * * But with hockey business as good as it is, and folks fairly falling over themselves to get tickets, everybody else just sat still and let the Black Hawks steadily become more painful to watch, But now Smythe has pro- vided then with what looks like the makings of an entirely new team— and before too long this move shouid prove of real value, not only to Chicago, but to the box olhces of all ether five teams. * * * We wouldn't advise you to feel too sorry for Smythe either. While he has done his good deed toward the Hawks, we don't figure he has done too badly for his Maple Leafs either. In getting Max Bentley he has made the Toronto team just about a cinch to repeat last year's triumph—for if Bentley could he one of the league's outstanding performers in his Chi- cago surroundings, he should rise to real heights with the sort of support his new teammates can give him. * * * It will he interesting, too, to watch the future career of Rookie Cy Thomas, tossed in with Bentley as part of the five for two swap. For it is just within the bounds that he might turn out to be wortih more than all five Leafs involved. We're not saying Ise will—hut it could be. We have said some harsh things about Conn Smythe in the past—and probably will be in the future. But when it comes to evaluating the fu- ture possibilities of a hockey player, we rate him as tops—and would hate to try and swap with hien, even if he gate us the first three picks. * 0 * Riding on a bus the other morning we happened to sit next a High School teacher of our acquaintance. Thinking to cheer him up a little, we read him a few lines appearing in that day's paper. "Next to the Church, tine teaching profession is the highest calling in the land. On our teachers, to a great extent, de- pends the whole life and nature of Canada." After informing him that these were the words of the Premier of Ontario, we asked him if such nice things didn't snake him feel proud. "They'd make one feel a lot better," he replied, somewhat bitter- ly, "if my grocer or coal -dealer would accept then. in place of cash!" * * * Probably you've heard this one before, but if you have, you're not going to slap u4. anyway. It's abaft the Sunday School teacher who was talking about different sorts of thirsts. "Sone people thirst after righteousness," he said, "other's thirst after learning, wealth, fame or ex- citement. Now, just what do you boys thirst after?" From the bark rola piped up a small voice—"Right after salted peanuts." That's Different Pat: Lend me a shovel to get my friend ottt of the bog. Farmer: How far has he sunk down? Pat: Up to his ankles, self? Fainter: Can't he , get out him - Pat: Ah, but he fell in head first. PILES Ailiartsno o y,I0erlmlnl hu Hon as PYLTONE MLT: REMEDY, This liquid (taken be, mouth) is compounded DOM oueelal Bnlammfts. Grams, and I'lnnl-Extrnrlo, It gels re - refits beenug° 1t goes directly le the 5n• tonal muse of Plies, Tha10 the reason for Its 01100050 on the snot stubborn engem. This medern way of treating that Intermit trouble seta Mulls that 5051. One bottle of PYLTDNE 511 enough In prove 150 heeling Doter or price re. PlmdOd at mme. Thal'a oar guarantee nm matter beta long Mending 50511 case mos' be. Tear Druggist hes It: or can order 1t for you. Ontario Bees May Sumner In North Of passing interest to those in Northwestern Ontario is news from the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege that in the future bees may conte north with the birds in the spring. The district of Temislcam-. ing and Cochrane have already ex- perienced the migration, several thousand colonies having been .loved up there by truck this sum- mer, says the Fort William Times - Journal. It is expected that about 10,000 colonies will go north in 1048. The transference of bees is not new in the United States. From California, bees are moved thou- sands of miles each year, following the various honey crops. The first is the orange honey in the south, ending up with the clover flow in the north. The new trend in Ontario is in- dicated by the fact that the produc- tion of honey has not proven pro- fitable in several sections of South- ern Ontario. By bringing the little workers to the north, the beekeep- ers can obtain a crop from the clover during July and then trove to the burned -over areas for fire- weed honey during August. Sugar is one of the purest chem- ical substances known to man. Classified Advertising ATl'14N'rlON t AS'.15 5)'1 FOB 01.1:--1 .00 '1',0 , m:l• of runnel. 11100151,• h„ boildra , 5)1„01 , or...;n ilu 09 0arif tea, wheels, 5+ ' ark. 11„11 Wherlu N'le•1 orn,•i o,n 5,an ,llaarl,•r ,mu wWO, 01 W [Weld N'm I,mtral I .101,1'1 CO 5.1.5. 6 Wtlt- 11,,,,' Ave To! unto (tat 111.51'4 1:NV tsemsu'lt 3 1)1;1" AN 05t1:151rralf,ytt '1n r 1 I t ttivt.11 irons 01,5 foil 'fl0,U11al , 0,10 t,,•,• Rams,,,'', I m. I(,';,nt,•n.,1 t'., 1, -„I A11 ,Sen„5e 071 INVENTORS Let us n.-,rma 0,•11 11::,, :,, vn•:”, Wernn4let lou, da,•i, tit 0,1110 10.11•,14 5)n 00n1 i,h•na. Innr,:n0111 An+•m'y. 264 1✓: ,-.i., at 45.0., 'om, o. IlA11Y ('111('10. 1•:V ready to MY 1,"11,-f +. n.vli 1'011 list. D y„u want Novo/altos-Ua,•0mlr.,. vita 'It, noir r now. 5001,5 H:Orhery, l"0 .John I,limed on Ont. 11II11I{I1 how Inr 150i, penito, 4.41:0, bro,ohan rdm,dt 11r, ,5 measled Ifrm,,,, IL.' Monate 4:m,•, 11:u Ntr:,iu Texas. Gov't approved. Itl,.h,abl and handed. 6lembets of hatche0Y aphrov:li and O.T A. Mitoses; of grand 1d1.n,r.on Inrlt,'v of the shoo tires: ,d at all Isrliov show, N'b,dnor. 5945 nr,trn'n Poul- try I', ,,, r,1d IL',lehsry, DUOuh, Old 1:1't'I'1•: 11,,, 11,11.10 5011 need no 14n'eVlce d, (,rout- 55'hd•' Loghor'nn, Darted !Melts, Now Hapie.lio white Iucks, Light Nua04s andtour m, ' popular breed Y. A1::0 day Old rbie6.8. l l'o' 4.,tnloru0. Ton Notch ('5115 Nabs, 'Metall. Ontario. BABY CHICK BUYERS Re c,•rOuu Mat yon bur. nnorh teal! 5)Y elnek,, this ,•ounng sen: on. tnsnro delivery 1135, by V'.urhur y'lmr Order now Alt hreedet•e Government Landed and puhloron, tested. N rile for our 1313 martin:Pm and price list MONKTON POULTRY FARM 1111N55TON, ONTARIO 1651110 are non? the beet peeing Thar on the tarot. Fill no your p0na with choir.. pullets 16 weeks t , losing. Marred Itneks. New TLm ndlims, White Legborns. white Rocks. Light Sussex. 111.,0 tiny Old 0111•ks for im- mediate and apr155 delivery. 1'rroo rntalagae. '1'o"11dle Chick nntener/es L'm" ed, lrergua. Om•tleo 005100 AMD CLEANING HAVE roe anything needs dyeing or clean. Inn? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Department It. Patlrnr's Dye Works Limited. 701 Yonne Street, Toronto. Ontario. FOIL SALE (411110 Ptlt'EN—flood dee and larger all laid mat. Cotton prints and stripes. Four (41 pounds for 51,00, Guaranteed or money refunded. Free -10 quilt patterns and Mame- Sons. Free—Delalled carnet knitting Marne - tons, Large quantity cotton silk. wind under- wear, towelling remnants—full widths, up to 6 yds. long. For full Infnrmelion write Asso- ciated Converters Inc.. 4084 St. Lawrence, Montrtnl. WOLF, Fox, Mink Trappers uee Only the best, complete tyarem. Fishers trapping course and gland scents Full particulat'a. A. E. Flatter, 13nx 41'0, Calgary. Alberta HARLEY DAVIDSON i\LOTORCYCLES Parts and Service, Bert B Kennedy & Son. 419 College St. Toronto. JOHNSON Iron Horse engines, :a H,P, 501.46 1.11 13.P, 070.00. Immediate delivery. Cur- rey Bulmer, Fglintnn & Bathurst. Toronto. SHELLCRAFT SUPPLIES Beginnor'a lcit—Contain, enough materials to moire five complete brooch and paring arta. complete with instructions nn.i d'iegrams, $2.96 plus 110 postage. Complete line of shells and accessories. Free ealnloguc, Dun. Dee Suelleraft lndustrics. Dept. 9.10., Box 3. Station 15, Toronto. PLUMBING FIXTURES Cast iron built -In baths—Lavatory Basins— Compact toilets—sell pipe--septle tanks. 8ltchen Sinks -011 burning ranges—Specs heaters Everything in stock—Immediate delivery. Plumbing and Heating Division— F, T. 10111 Co. Ltd.—Orangeville, Ont. PC'l157 131591) White 055150s. one blue Peafowl mole. 11 abet &, Love. Smith Fahr, Ont. LADIES white poplin Smock sanfo'I::rd, prin- cess style, popular snake. sizes: 14 to 20 51.60 each portnaid. Refund guarantee, Carry Sales Co. Box 144, Station G. Montreal. REGISTERED Black Labrador Retriever Pune. 0 months old. Ed. Cribb, Drornauurs, Que. TRAPS, and I:Madera' supplies at attractive delivered prices. Write for free price ,11at. Metro J. Sass. Bear Line, Out. FOR SALE ROOFING — SIDING Aluminum 00005,0 and siding gives you Ilfa- t51ne protection at the lowest price. In history, Fiat, corrugated and rolls, prices 57.75 per 100 es. ft. and un. write for price Iist, Newson & Campbell Co. Hamilton, Ontario. SHO& Repair & Shoo .Shine, small stead for two persons. Fully equipped, all new maohlnsry. Good stock In leather & rubbero Situated In the buslnesa block of a efts', over 5100 weekly turnover. Can be seen till 0 Path 03,200 or best offer. For particulars Write Port Colborne Shoo Repair. 11 Charlotte Street, Box 070, Pott Colborne, Ont, HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method. Information on request regarding cinsse0 Robertson's Hairdressing Academy. 137 Ave nue Rnnd. Toronto, D ELP WANTED I0OUSEI(EEP10R for farm, convenient to Toronto, ndult0, good Immo, Box 149, Room 411, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto, . MEDICAL 0001) adelool beery sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis Should try Dixon'. Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 11.00. IT'S important: Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis Should try Dixnn'0 Remedy, Munro's Dreg Stare. 530 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 31.00, OI'I'0RTU8ITIES POR 5Yn31ES BE A HAIRDRESSER 40110 CANADA'S LEADING 5001005. Great Opportunity Learn t•Tnit'drensing Plangent dignified profession, good wages thousands 'successful Martial graduates America's 000000at system. Illustrated 00)10 loguo free, Write or Call MARVEL 51AIR001055ING SCHOOLS 388 Moor St. W„ Toronto BrnnM,os 44 Tang 81,, Hnmlllon & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, 01•POIlTI' 0ITI11* 0011 55'(1511.1,1 E.ARN M5)NlfW AT.IOMI' :'p: u'•' or (till-t:nm n'nney-mdl,uxi Learn to ❑ slm , 00.50 nt lima. and e i 1 h 4ru, t',m'rr`y,00d,.11 t 5 .1�0e. It:,ti.tl',lf )n,ill?U1, of lr.. ;of,' !te'd.. D,4or,nu••r, 15Q. 10ox '.. n r,. 1 ,t,p•. PATENTS 1'1.1111.1 11 t,fl & 1. mpninv I'n lent ,et -v. I;,,,, chi,sb,d 1)95, 11 500,5 West, '['n nn•n. 50,,,111,•? of Informal,,,. 15 rlOU'et. 1'1:11.80NAf. '1'111'; 1..,•v 1. ,t)' 1101 n1' 5'o1,. ,n115',on oaf uu,nt„r'•. n fart 1 and k by s.,raIden 1'b I' 3 „ ImnuM,, Box 1474. flare D'.1 .oh.-,. .n • n:, r,. a I. 111111'(/GRA( til CRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN NEGATIVES 20 FOR $1.00 The most distinctive Christmas Cards you can get . . . cards friends 5wn1 treasure Send ua your favorite negative. H'e'll. return 20 a:Heel ive greeting ea rte 654 x 4N” with your "snap" (f rum one neva• 51005 printed on and mOlrlting eoVeloneO. Un 2 -color (older 0n ids 11.20 110 On fold er ea He with photos colored 53.00 dz. Any 0500 roll 6 Or s developed and Printed lOe. Reprints from your negatives 4 cense, DEPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE —Box 129 Post office A, Toronto WANTED WANTED—All kinds of dressed poultry. Ton prleou for lop birds, JO.epll Cooper Limned, Poultry Dept, 2014 Danforth Ave.. Taranto 0. (R'o do ..,atom grading. WANTED 51 AN'1'105' 11,11a to 0upl,ly ea W.1, 5)0001515551 ";40 1',.r the 1940 Iu)vbtug reason. Flocks milli it tint blood n•e•+•d free. Guarantee pro• loom. plus handml,iilr' VrostIUm pant. Alan nr:un,rl m parhnn,r ,oAwrols la:Ru0e for breedinn For fon 111','0, wane Tweddle Cplcte 30 I 'sone, Idintled, 1'rrgno, Ont. .h I)111.110, l'onOert 50„0 tonne reliable arm, n, 05,11.,• om:In w„od,al furniture. Orders. Wm, m•I;, tt for lmlal.loul plerra. Write A. P. 31, 51.,, ,•y, Orrv5t5'. OM arm. 5111Y 11A1.IIMS 1'55r DI'11 W0051 LABELS. for ovni:wg Ilene Wrights, Price 000 per Al. f, ph. here. Put up in Melia of 0.000. samples sent on r0tpn•rt. • The Bale Imbol 1 m . 31:duai.nn, Clue. 3114 are ios,.r,ntvd to Mr purom4eo of dos Mintier. One. two mod three inch spruce, red and white pine in tntmbor four and bet. ter. Woo (WO odd better hardwoods. When rrp!Ynng give full pnrOrulat's of stock end Mailing point, us well as 001,100 and quantities "f earh nperi0,. I), B. FTAPLPTON & CO. 5,•ntro Thentro Bldg., Ottawa, Ont. T0I191 ('OUR BAGS into cash. Wanted --Got. tun and used bogs of every desrrlptlon, whole or tont. Highest cash prices paid. Lon- don ling Company. London, Ont. CHECKED, IHa✓iffy -or Money Back 1 For quick relief from itching caused 5)Y ecremer 05511500 0 foot, scabies, pimples and other Itching condition., use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Creauelnis and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly c01m0 Intense ftchtes. Dont suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. tthwi Stops a s llo o Heart School istr 3,t n i s w ii ALEX RAINVilUU of Niontire ii performs daring feat to prevent accident The corner of Lafontaine and Letourneux streets is in the eastern section of Montreal. There are three schools in the vicinity and around 4 o'clock of an afternoon the sidewalks are crowded with children on their way home. Alex Rainville, a night watch- man employed by Canadian Copper Refiners Ltd., immediate- ly thought of these children when he saw the runaway horse its eyes frightened and crazy ... galloping at a terrific speed along Letourtleux street. DRAGGED 150 FEET Realizing that not a moment was to be lost, Rainville dashed into the street lust as the mad- dened animal came opposite him. Lunging fearlessly at the horse's harness he managed to grasp one of the reins and hang • on grimly . using his full weight in an effort to slow the wild charge. It was only after a desperate fight . . . and after being dragged about 150 feet ...that the gallant watchman suc- ceeded in stopping the animal. POSSIBLE TRAGEDY AVERTED Had it not been for the quick thinking and cool courage of this man, the episode tnight easily have ended in tragedy. We are proud to pay tribute to Alex Rainville of Montreal through the presentation of The Dow Award, THE DOW AWARD is a citation for outstanding hero• ism and includes, as a tangible expression of appreciation, a $foo Canada Savings Bond. Winners are selected by the Dow Award Committee, a group of editors of leading Canadian daily newspapers. Rainville immediately thought of the danger to the school children ... and rushed into the street to tackle the bolting horse. After being dragged 150 feet, the watchman finally was able to calm the horse. A serious accident— possibly a tragedy had been averted. MUTT AND JEFF—Jeff Got a Job as Professional Radio Laugher So fie's Saving 'Ens Up By BUD FISHER -AND ANY MORE MISTAKES LIKE THIS YoU CAN LooK FoR A NEW Job! JEFF, THE Boss IS IN GOOD NUMoR! HE WANTS US ALL 114 0 NEAR SOME JOKES AGAIN SO THE WIFE SAYS,"WNYJOE, I'M NOWIRZADY THOUGHT You WAS DRESSED AND WAITING!. . -So I SAYS, "I WAS DEAR, POT YOU'LL HAVE To WAIT WHILE I SHAVE AGAIN!* HA HA HA NO HO H' ,Yo .12E FUNNY \ BOSS! v,, tl WELL, WHY AREN'T YOU LAUGHING? oboeAtt I DoN'T HAVE TO ANYMOIRE! I'M QUITIIVG PAY DAY!