HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-11-5, Page 6...- ..4..11...1.,...-111:1,.. UMW - r. o. �.'i'„•^' • t __=.e ?•'a. -e: ;Sr:.ant, crake architect who is working on - f"r Princess Elizabeth, surveys a replica of ::,111 made by his father for the wedding of i z:Weth. The cake for Princess Elizabeth and ;';ill contain products from all over the ANNE S --i Do's and Dont's For Bridegrooms ;:an this ::n to T. my r v;:2h all _n and ':now Ives I'm a . tied. .._ to it _ ?•ave - rn1v has ;chat riar- :hey Remember the little things that please her. Compliment her on her appearance, iter cooking, de...Con- tinue all the courtesies you show her now. Be attentive, and as polite as always. And surprise her nota and then, if it's only with a chocolate bar; Take her out as often as you can afford it. She'll be al home alone all day; you have the excitement of mingling with people; Discuss your business, and the world's affairs, with her. She's intel- ligent, and it keeps her mind active; Be nice to her family, e,5 yon ex- pect her to be nice to yours. iia any disagreement among them, side with her—yarn' first loyally belongs to your wife; Welcome her friends in your new horse, Tv/tether you like them or not; Be interested in your hamne and its furnishings, and help her take rare of them. Do the dishes together, even help with the cooking. it can he fret; Keep her proud of you—in your personal integrity, in the fine way you do your job, in your immaculate appearance. • DON'T'S Don't drink; Don't be jealous. As your wife, s/l,' is above suspicion; Don't be late coating Morar unless you telephone Iser why; Don't be too attentive to any other girl; Don't nag (and don't think ies arty 20, ”1/ Wit do)! Dart let any quarrel (and there will be soon,') last overnight. Make the first mature to make up. And 1(011e qtr a year from 11050. I'll be interested to learn hon' things ore 9'in;t. TO "1:.H.:\."; 1 could go on and on! • But clip this today and keep it in cots• wallet, Read it again and t again. 2o11 are smart to be II('rv- ♦ 111(1 ;11111)11 your (1at•1 in marriage, v and 1 commend you for it, A11 " the kirk in the world! I he t;ol;ieu little is 111' bast rule t.' Ne h., married or single. If you. .1; r et a taut, ask Anne Mist what, d.1 1,, ,tet out 0nd address her al r . I ,,%'m '1. t, �1 .Width' Si. croon, How Can 1? ny liIlllr A5ldctr 1 111'11 can 1 rrstote d :dumdum x l a4011 ..1r r.11 et hack to its rrrit;itlal 1h.1 or ' A Wet 111' ttw(ntpr, drop it into .1 pillow ei aa, Mins, the pillow-eilar• en 1l'e bile by the Itrnt end lot wale' chip 11110 it, 111 not wring 7117' r.wan10.1. 111, pin 11 10 n /Iteet, mrapu(ing s,0 tint it is the roe roti sire. and allow to thy t1 Ilon In I twat n coil; 11.11 :,a•. ,hlnnl., and iv 11'0 1,'o+" for A Mace the r,ul, Int a plot or w.ttet ,incl 0110ty (0 10 tr• 711a01 un1i1 11l,' '4100' x,1015. '1'I11/1 w 111 nosh,,, the' e01 it 1'vp,lad 10 ifs 0rrhm.,l ,doe, 0nd It will In the 1','ul,. '.auglr. l l.'11 1 an I 17071 eat 111'11 nh0ry ..,•'^, A"Irmltt the A 1n nitwit (WORM Pu, it I1111n111 i'.' '6.1 in nhalteii Into the /Moan, it w•+11 nt11p (10' Inunpgt nen4allnl(. 1'1:111(0 111 1,10? Sunday ,School Lesson Christian Standards of Conduct ,lanes 3:1-6; 4 :4.10. -- GOLDEN TEXT—Let the words of ray month, and the meditation of my' heart, be arcplahle in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and qty redeemer.—Psalm 19;14. in the first portion of the les- son James is dealing with that un- ruly member, the tongue, Who of us has not seen special friends separated by a talebearer or strife stirred up by angry words when a soft answer would have turned away the wrath? Flow a slander- ous story grows as it passes from mouth to mouth! The lien who lost one feather is finally stripped of them all. Truly the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. No one is so devout but who has to brid- le his tongue. Even so great a non as Moses was prevented from entering the promised land because when Israel provoked his spirit, he spoke unadvisedly with his lips. (Ps. 106:33). Here is the reason for unwise speaking. It is not the tongue that is to blame, but the heart; "for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth Rugs for Home Just a Paint Job If I hadn't stepped on it, I might not have realized that the gay "wel- come mat” in the front entry wasn't a mat at all! But having made the discovery, I was more or less pre- pared for the other attractive "cover- ings" found here and there on the floors of tine little, old farmhouse used by my friend as a summer home, writes E. M. E., in the Christian Science Monitor. "I was determined," said she, to do away as much as possible with things that required cleaning." And being clever with her brush (though she explained that no special aptitude was required), slse had decorated her painted floors with "make-believe" rugs, clever copies of old hooked patterns. There was a large and handsome one before the big fireplace in the living -room, its bright fluter cola's in hold contrast to the black back- ground of the floor. And in the small dining -roost, she had indeed given herself a free rein; for a beautiful "rug" in soft faded colors, covered the space beneath table and chairs. "Oh, I didr,'t do it all at once," my friend explained. "1 have been working at it for several summers, and it's been such fun!" Exceptions to the Rule In the bedrooms she had com- promised to the extent of placing a real hooked rug beside each bcd,also there was a genuine stat in the bath- room. But gay scatter "rugs" ap- peared elsewhere on the dust -gray floors of bedrooms and upstairs hall. However, 1 was not prepared for the further surprise 1 received on going to the kitchen. Here the floor was covered with linoleum and need- ed no rugs; but the paint brush had teen applied to the kitchen table to produce a red -and -white checiced "cloth"! Simplified Tablecloth "No more -laundering of table- cloths!" laughed this ingenious woman, as 1 admired her clever handiwork. The table hall•first been painted red, then carefully marked off in squares with quarter -inch stripes of white, The whole was finally given a coat of spar varnish. For a finish, she had used plain red plastic. ruffling from the five-and- dime stare, attaching it to the edge of the table with white thumb- tacks. speaks." (Matt. In the second portion James points to the remedy for the cor- rupt heart, The Christian life is one of separation from silt and consecration to God, Those who would attempt to walk in the spirit of the world and yet cling to Cod are adulterers, The Chris- tian, like Jesus, is not of the wold. This is not to be inter- preted that Christians should be- come censorious "isolationists" in society. Jesus was a friend of sin- ners.'I-le appreciated their worth. IIe sought to lift them up but he did not partake of their sins. The way of deliverance is set forth. We must turn from midi and take the humble path. Sub. Writ to God and •resist the devil( Submit and resist are two key. words. If WC follow the direction( we are sure of victory over sin, As we draw nigh to God, IIe will draw nigh to us, The hands, sym- bolic of the outward life, are to be cleansed, and the heart, the foun- tain of life, purified. But having received this cleansing at the hand of God we must ever set a guard upon our lips. "If any man of- fend not in word, the same is e perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body." Vali trill 1•b11ar Starinc nt The St. Regis Hotel TORONTO • .livery Room 101(5 Tub Bath. Shower and Telephone • Single, 85.55 and 00— Double. 54.55 up • Good Nand. Dlnlne and Duncinc Inlchtly Sherbonrno nt CUM.! Tel. IIA. 4155 ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS OI'p. — C.N.R. STATION 1'F YOU CATCH COLD Quint/ TAKE !6.Rst r0 U(ts'fo/f01v i'.' .•. inshbctivns; e>SaUly `; c°ot+5 ,PA1z �r' Sure it's delicious, tvhcu you make it with Canada Corn Starch and it will be a favourite with the whole family. The quality of Canada Corn. Starch is the reason for Rs popularity with housewives from Coast m Coast: When your recipe calls for Corn Starch be sure to use Canada Corn Starch, its dependable qual4 ity ensures excellent results. Also Manufacturers of Croton Brand Corn Syrup -•11'he CANADA STARCH COMPANY •,Lttiiif ccs