HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-11-5, Page 4FOR EFFICIENT, PROFITABLE TRUCK OPERATION . oGOOD TEAR FII -MILER TUC ,TIRES 9k• 111 -MILER Uneq pod for high wed oo when nage on fres running wheola, SEE THEM i�fiv A 'SOUR GOODA1,,� ELLIOTT BROS. RaEALES Brussels, Ont. Phone Sf 1 National Barley Contest THE BRUSSELS POST Classified Ads' MORR1S TORONTO, Nov, 5 --Judging for l;•,•t Iveia.nd has returned home regional one r•. ships' in the Ontario Division et tie- . r•ecn,ttly nu+iPrwent an operation for $26,000 National Barley Contest will , nppen,il+•lits. be held at the Royal Winter Voir Mr. and Mrs, Loa Armstrong were Iwhich opens here November 18• I week end visitors is QookeLow t. - Pmtpose of the contest is to Imer'%te Mrs. Richard Alcock and little Ithe quality and eneonrage tate in- Joan have returned home after '-•s e•1 acreage of malting barley, seen dine the past weep at Sebring Entries. to be judged at the Winter , rine with her son Eric, Fair represent the i r 11es of Ti''e' Mrs. oeg1 l tufa Nichol, hot were line Morrisded Ken'.t, Lambton, Middlesex. Pot,lt, Heron, Grey, Brace, Slmcoe, Ren- frew. „n ,,t•, ocraslon of her 83th birthday, Lanark, Carlton, Russell. Pres* Nov. 3. We wish her many happy colt and Glengarry. In addition to , r, turn: of the (lily. their Prize cheques. tethers will re' The first meeting of the 0th line reit, Awards of Merit, ['arm Forum woe held Monday even The National Barle,r conte4t is ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Cnstadl by ilte Lorne Nichol The discussion, for e industries and tit,. vv. eine toms on Youth On tine rovinsisl depart• Farm In which all took a lively ID, •e and Canadian ter,.=t. Th is was followed by a s. Barley to be est will be limited •ovihciel ch•untpion- front i4stowel hospital where, he BLUF,\TALL to ittennd the Y.P.l-. rally et Clin- ton The Hallowe'en party .,-xan-ored 'by the \roman's Institute in the community hall on Friday evening was a success in every particular, Mrs. W. J. Sebago!). tete ?era. ton su.nplled ntusi•• for• thr Personals: Miss Helen• Bea.ttin Toronto. Misses Ethel and Fleren' ,..- Seaf 1 tb, NSITT1 'gra, Gar- niss and Mesh Scott: Gordan \iuec.,t• •,"rd Wildon Robertson in Toronto; Miss Eileen McKinney, LondCn. with Mrs. W. H. McKinney; se marches and genies„ which and Mrs. Oh:arTrs• Hoffman L''xetet. cane'ucted by Mrs. Stanley who recently purchased Arnold t.g, Son!:.< were sun, by Lillow•'s properly have leaved here. "13111y and Bobbie Nsrwtek, scram• At Knox Presbyterian Church ort panted by Delores Hamiiton.. The I Sunday morning Rev. Leland re i Jorgensen preached on the sun:fete prize winners were: beat dressed , children, Marie Joheetou and Kaye , "Faith;" based on the choice of Johnston; best rami' children, Rub , Moses who refused to be called the hie Johnston Doreen Burden, liar- son of Pharaoh's dew -then. Mrs. Rae ray Johnston, Bruce Robertson: Imond Elliott sang a enlo, best dressed adult Mrs. Laura � Rev, J. A. Burden preached on the Icirton. Mrs. A. D. Smith, best . sab$ect "Foundations" comic, Mrs. Harry Elliott, and Joe I ..e.-.--.�--- • Smith: hest caupiee, ;sirs. Harry Elliott and `Mrs. Alvin Smith, Ken- I Free Moving Picture Show meth .Tohaeton and Billy Reberts0n. Massey -Harris dealer J. W. Fischer The pupils of the Public schoot is sponsoring a free moving picture entertained their mothers and show in Brussels Town Hall on friends Friday afternoon. They I Thursday, Nov. 6th at 8 gen' .lir', presented a short program under `Charles+worth of. the Massey -Harris the direction of the teacher, Roy ) Company will be in charge of the 'Mooney. showing. A special invitation is The Y,P.D. met et Ebenezer, Melvyn Jermyn bad ebarge of tho meeting. Arrangements were math sponsored across brewing and malting ie celldnoted by P netts of agriculture agrienitura+l college entered In the cont to Montcalm O.A.C. 21, M'nsnty rind 0111 vedettes. Field judging was conducted during the ,timer. '011 Ontario Divts,io't judges wl'1 be P. R. Cowan of the Dor inlun Experimental Farm, Ottawa: IT. Newmann, Dominion Cereallst, Ottawa, and Prof. Robert Noe 7,1111, Ontario Agricultural College, (loelph, Ontario -Quebec inter • nrctineiel judging will take place early in 11'49. extended to farmers and their families. Everyone interested is welcome to attend. A BRAND NEW SEQUENCE. DICK WITH THE PILC1RIMS Boys and etas. Matte your own "DICK'S ADVENTURE. SCRAP- BOOK,' . Fallow the exciting new sequence in "DICKS ADVFINTC;L111S• in PUCK, The Comic \reekle, with The Detroit Sunday Times. entre have lots of fun keeping a scrapbook of Dick's adventures among the Pilgrims. Get Sunday's Detroit Times. FOR SALE— About 125 cement blocks'. P5aone 24 A. Wood TRUCK FOR SALE— One bon Fargo panel, 1940, BruSeeis Creamery FOR Hard maple mtalple wood. Phone 25-a•-19 pert Hemingway FOR SALE - 12 pigs, 7 weeks old $3.60 each.. Plume 84-r-11. ntneh v030101 social and recreational per:nd. Tile next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ii,••ree McCutchean. Wc f• ei that these meetings aro bn•rlr relticntlonal and entertaining and are a benefit to any rural 'com- munity. FOR SALE - 2 Stares with an apartment over on Turnberry Street, Brussels. Apply Box 822, Goderich, Ont. rieeeettie VOTERS' LIST 1948 TOWNSHIP OF GREY COUNTY OF HURON FOR SALE— Set of double Harness Apply to Mrs. Wm, Dunn, Brussels. Nonce is hereby given that 1 hare complied with seutinn S of the VOTERS' LTST ACT and that I hire posted up at my office in 111.0 Townohip of Grey on the 9r8 day of November: 1947, the list of all pe,wor: entitled to rove in the said MnnioiPality at Munleipal Elections and that such list remain there for ieeneetion, And I hereby call upon all '•rotors to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omisittons . cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeal being Monday, November 17th, 1947. J. IL FEAR Clerk of Munielpality of the Township of Grey. a Amos 49,4 p. * including such outstanding extra features as: SAFETY RIM WHEELS FULL FLOATING RIDE SIX -CYLINDER BRAKES L -HEAD ENGINE AN OIL FILTER POUR RiNGS PER PiSTON 0 ALL -FLUID DRIVE ON • CUSTOM MODELS RRIMIENMS ALE 0 WHICH PROVIDE GREATER ECONOMY, GREATER SAFETY, GREATER COMFORT, MAKE D E E NDERS BRUSSELS P ONE S2 FOR SALE - 100 hybrid Sussex Red Pullets, about 6 months old, Clarence Martin Phone 17-r-23. FOR SALE - 7 Hydro Poles, els:o a number of eerier poles. Louis Blake Phone 42 -r -S, EXCHANGE— Will exchange one three shear Ox- tord Down ram for 'another of the same kind. Phone 84-r-16 Charles Simpson FOR SALE -- Washing Machine and wringer, in good condition, also a cement water trough. Frank Llbtls Phone 04-r-16. FOR SALE - 50 acres Lot et. 4, Con. 4, Grey twp., 15 acres cleared, balance bush, some hardwood. APPle tto Mrs, H. C. Lawson, Oldnton, Ont. FOR SALE— "Elertnic and Gasoline Mrashers. immediate delivery, from $139.50. Transportation prepaid. Budget Terms, special discounts- to dealers. Chris'tian's Electric and Hardware Oshawa, Ontario," TRUCK FOR SALE— By tender --one ton Chev. 1927 model. Track may be seen at fire hall. Tenders to be in the hands of tee clerk on er before Nov. 12, 1947. G. R. Campbell, Clerk FOR SALE.- 6 ft One panel door 34 inches x 10 inches and frame For same. Also three window frames 20 tnch- es x 41 inches and ea:sh for same. P10110 Brussels 86-r-7 John Kreuter Fithe1 WotLrnseday, November 6th, 1947 Otaelt '7 it John G Spelr R. R. 2 BRUSSELS, ONT. WALTON Pupils of Walton school were en- tertained at a Halloween party. Mrs. W. C. Hackwell was pianist for the grand march with Mrs. S. Hum - Philos" Mus. E. Stevens and Mrs. S. ' Johnston judges of costumes.. Prize winners were: best dressed girl, B. Bettger; beset dreseetl bay, L. Fox; best Hallowe'en cea erne, Shortie Quinn; beet dressed couple, A. Achilles a+ud J. Johnston. MAN. WANTED— . , . for Raw1'eigh Route, Real oppor- tunity. We help you get started. Write Raw*lelgh's, Dept. ML -I-152 0, Montreal. Rev. D. Wren of Stratford occur Pled the pulpit at Duff's United Ohuroh, speaking on the subject "Temperance." Personale; Stewart Bryan% WANTED— Man for steady travel among con- sumers in Brussels. Permanent con- nection with large manufanturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write RawleiO+h Dept. No. ML -J-152- 131, Montreal. _ --^-eeeee WANTED— Wanted flocks to supply us with hatching eggs foe the 1948 hatching season,. Flocks culled and blood - tested free. Gurantned premium plus hatchability premium paid, For full detains write Tweddle Chick Hattilchemies Limited, Fergus, Ont. Guelph, with hie parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Bryams; Mrs. Horace Rut- ledge, Leduc, Clue., with Mr, and Mrs. William leumphries; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Buchanan, Mr, and Mrs. Ken Rea and Eleanor, Stratford, wroth friends here; Mr. and Mrs. W. 0, Bennett in London. Personals': Thomas Oakley, Lind - , say, with relatives and friends here; Rev. and Mrs. Mains, Glen- coe with 3ltte. 11. Ramsey; Joe and Ross Taylor, St, Marys, wit12 Miss Mary Smillie; .Tolr Ifodgine and son, Preecott, Mich., with friends here. FOS SALE— Fname 2 story House, and Kitchen .attached can be moved or torn down. Price reasonable, also a number of real good farms, J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Bruesels, Phone 84, AGENT WANTED— We are canetamtly receiving re- quests for our gnranteed products in your locality. Why not handle the agency derive an 10001115 of 935, to $00. weekly? Exclusively assured. If you have selling ability, start NOW! FAMTLEX, Dept. B. 1600 Delonimier, Montreal: WANTED— Wanted flocks to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1948 hatching season. Flocks culled and blood• tested tree, Guaranteed premium Phis hatchability premium paid, Ais'o wanted to purchase cookerele . suit- able uitaisle for breeding. For full details write Tweddle Chick Tiatchariea Limited, Fergus, Ontario. "HELP WANTEU.—MALE" AN OPPORTUNITY— Established dural Watkins District. available, 11 you are aggressive, and between the ages of 26 and 55-- have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get estab- lished fix a profitable business of your awn. For full particulars write today to The 3, R. Watkins Company. Dept, 043-4, 2177 Mason dt„ Montreal, Que. Brussels Export Packers Sgs Dealers for Sun Ray and Blatchford Feeds. NOVEMBER 11 t is GO- RE Id2:00 P.MeTu oda aY, Nember r 10th, Inter TURN:.., Leave dontiY November nth. Nava than 12:00 midnight, Wednesday not tuber 12111. e For in(orrnalton a �aY, anti your nentew rasa �8e;yaaOns r:nn. waY Iic;ket aAen,. MIAMI 'li` ;ry r rilteA Itt ,-anwewaverenormaraousaornewmogeM. M T. SPENCE. utte1ai`, 'VICE; DISABLED Oki .... . CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Siniply Phone Collect Brussels '14 Ingersoll .4i WE DO TKE REST! 4,t'le: