HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-10-29, Page 3TEEN -TOWN TOPICS
it's afoul Linne you got
her," snorted Susie, as 1 came to
a step at her front veranda,
41I had to polo up the tire on
toy bike," I shot back, "Are you
!cid; all set? I've got the weincrs
and the hens."
Susie, Gwen and.
Doe got 1111 off the
step and proceeded
l0 lie the bags
containing t h c
lunch to their
"1.)0 you think
it will rain?" ask-
ed Gwen, "It's
getting a little
lark in the west"
"Neth," I replied, "I cant tell by
the eluhuuhts, or whatever it is."
"Just what arc you trying to give
us now?" scoffed Susie,
"An air force guy told me all
about it. You can tell the weather
by watching for the cold fronts.. ,
1 think, No rain today, kids. Take
it from an old weather prophet."
"Lath and pools and huh," cltor•
used duce voices,
We started out north of town
with everyone convinced there
would be no rain. 1t was a bcauti-
fnl day. One of those cool fall days
—that slake you feet glad to be
Hive. The bright sun brought out
IiI Lite antunul hues of the turning
leaves, and the brown stubble in
the fields beside us looked lonely
slid forgotten,
"Let's go up to the 7111, along to
the Brock Road and down to the
5th," I suggested. "We can cook
fuplter over an open fire in the
bush, and I know just the spot."
Everyone seemed satisfied with
this idea and we rode gayly along,
Singing told talking. '.1'hree miles
porlh, lay hack tire went down and
1 slliwly bumped to a stop.
"1 t's beyond me how you do it,"
troaned Susie. "If anyone can
°use up a plan, it's you.'
"Now don't get your braids tan-
tled," I cracked. "it's only a
"Look's like a hole in the tube,"
offered 1)on. It was. And there
we were.
\1•e hailed a kind-hearted motor-
ist and hoped that he would hate
soniC patching equipment,. To our
surprise he did have, \Ve soon had
the tire fixed and were on our
Four miles and eight conces-
sions later, Susie was chinning the
handlebars from exhaustion. Gwen
groaned with every push of the
pcdal, while I tried to cheer then!
an. And Inc with calluses on my
We reached the bush at last. A
petit winding off the roadway • to
the right led into the heart of the
tall gree! trees, Digging a hole in
the ground in a nice clearing, we
soon had a crackling fire going.
Gwen and Susie sprawled out on
the ground, weary and sore.
"Reminds inc of my Loy scout
days, lion. If we had time, 1'd
start this fire With just tivo sticks
Of wood."
"We have to get home Tonight,"
moaned Susie, ":hake with the heat
and get those hot clogs roasted."
"There's a woman for von, Don.
They don't get the feeling of the
woods like us mien. No sense of
pioneering, no feeling of hieing
alone 111 the Iltlsli to survive or
die and only your bare hands to
Co-Eds Invade Boys' School--,-
chool—Tradition ivas shattered at St.
Ierctne's College, Kitchener,
Ont., when four girls were ad-
mitted to the university course,
Since its foundation in 1854, St.
leloinc's had been a boys'
boarding School. The girls,
part-time Students working for
arts degrees, are among the 47
ttl tits at the new university
., (lc e\
to lecl jointly bythe Resur-
J )
1 tl�t I'ile1S and School
recto! 11 c o0
Sisters of Notre Dame. At the
sante time; 500 male students
ire enrolled in the highschool
section A new building is to be
erected for tate university, Rita
1:oslulee, one of the four girls,
is 50011 doing an experiment In
the chemistry laboratory.
Memorial Service in memory of the ,,len who di ed at Hong Kong was held in front of the City
Hall, Toronto. Wreath was placed by the wi clow of Rfm• William Nicholson, Royal Rifles
of Canada. Veterans received colors from Mayor Saunders.
provide. They want it just like at
home. Served up out a platt—"
"Olt, for goodness .sake, shut up
and get those hot dogs on," inter-
rupted Susie again.
In a few minutes, the smell of
hot dogs, mustard and roasted ap-
ples permeated the air,
"Aly gosh, it's starting to sprin-
kle," warned Gwen.
In a matter of minutes, a wild
and windy thunderstorm broke all
around us. Running through the
torrent of rain with what Toad we
could grab, each of us stood under
a tree.
"I'm soaked and my hair has
all conte out," nailed Susie.
"I'In cold, [vet and 1 ache all
over," sobbed Gwen. "Solna %emic-
e11d this is."
Three pair of eyes from under
three different trees turned—and
the burning gaze of all three
stretched across to the tree under
which I was standing—with the
rain dripping down my neck from
the branches above.
"There now, smarty," sneered
Susie, in my direction, "my week-
end guests are sorry they carne,
and it's all your fault"
"Stay here and I'll run down the
road 'to a farm house and phone
to town for a taxi," I offered.
"Forget it, we'll all go," said
Don. "\1\'e can't get any More wet
than we arc."
So we started off. splashing our
way down the muddy road. Pant
legs lost their creases, sweaters
turned colo' from red to pink and,
could f
walked, each of us co c
a we
the water oozing out of our shoes.
Riding home in the taxi, 1 could
hear the muffled roic.'s of the
other three in the back seat. I
think it was Don who said: "well,
if he didn't know how to prophesy
Me weather by looking at the sky,
why didn't be shut 'up?"
"You could ask that question
after a lot of things he says," an-
swered Susie.
And so we finally arrived home
after a bike hike and picnic in
the country.
Creat Wealth In •
Northern Canada
It is being proved day by day
that the lands of the North are
adapted to the uses of man in ways
that are almost astonishing, Wheat
has been grown as far north as
Dawson City. Today settlers are
raising wheat in the North, where
a' few ears ago anyone suggesting
that wheat could be matured and
harvested, before the advent of kill-
ing frost, would have been laughed
at. But it is a fact—and a much
better crop than many of the more
favored parts of the country can
show, says the Port Arthur News -
As a matter of fact there passes
across Canada from east to west,
a broad isothermie belt, ranging
from a few hundred to over a thou-
sand miles in width, And this belt
O1' even temperature veers In01'e
and more to the North, and the
weaklier, year in and year out, is
about the same, whether north or
Ottawa lies between the 411th and
40th parallels, and Prince Rupert,
the northern Pacific, coast city, lies
over sop miles northward, between
the 51st and 511nd parallels. But
Prince Rupert's climate is more
equitable, less cold in winter, less
warni'in summer, than that of the
The possibilities the Dominion
T pos b sof
have been only half revealed.
Daunt, bythe vigorous winters,
Daunted v6 ,
n until the airplane Pale into
general use had not ventured far
north. Accumulating evidence
shows that great wealth lies hidden
in this immense tract of land. The
day is now at hand when the
secrets of the North are being
!!robed. Canada should lose no time
in proving to the world that its
North is not uninhabitable above
a certain degree.
Sports — And One Thing
or Another
("A Sixhit Critic")
Down in [wartime \\'ashington a
couple of reporters, just as a gag,
coked up •l highly imaginary yarn
about the Emperor Hirohito having
made a hush-hush flying trip to
Allied headquarters fur the purpose
o: talking peace terms. They confided
this piece of "infol7natiml" to just
one man, swearing hint to secrecy,
Inside of six hours that identical
story, having taken wings to itself,
was -back to \\'ashiugton as an
authentic piece of "news" frost, the
l'acitic Coast.
4 * '1'
This was cited, by the newspaper
from which We clq,icd it ON a start-
ling instaucc of the speed will, trhk h
gossip gets aronncl in tAllc 01 tear.
But to anybody at all familiar with
the way rumors travel at tt race-
track, it will sects comparatively
snail-1ihe1 b\'e recall 151 afternoon at
Thonelilie schen a couple of guys,
for no good mason except that they
had nothing better to da, decided to
fabricate a cell -hot "tip" start it an
its rounds, and then see !that would
4 4 4
They selected it steed we'll call
Rl'111' ROAST—the very worst
horse in the race just coming up.
secluded or-
t I 7 C 1
Getting together CI t1 C por-
tion of the paddock, but faking care
there was a single bystander within
earshot, one of them murmured cou-
fidentitdly 111 the other, "1 just got
word from the stable that this is
going to be a shoo-in for hl'MP
ROAST—every jock in Ihe race will
have a ticket on it, and the owner
has wired away five fraud on its
nose." (This owner, by the way,
didn't have five thousand cents to
bless himself with, let alone That
minty dollars, and everybody knell'
4 4' 4
ITnving thus sown the good seed
the two conspirators proceeded, in a
leisurely manner. through the
crowds, Before they had travelled
the length of the grandstand they
had received no less tient seven
difTercnt tips on RUMP ROAST,
one good pal even dashing down
from the press box to let them in on
"the hottest thing of the meeting";
and the probable odds on that steed,
which had opened at a legitimate 50
to 1, now stood at cl to 5.
0 a: 4
The sequel? Well, by the time they
reached the Ott') Mouse lawn, Sega
of file coming 'killing" had reached
such proportions, and bore so many
earmarks of authenticity, that it ap-
peared to be an opportunity ton
golden to he overlooked. And yon
needn't peg this as surely a flight
into the realms of faller y either,
seeing that we were one of the pair
that started this wild rumor --and
ended tip by betting on our own
fabrication. As for RUMP ROAST,
he finished a hang-up ninth in a field
of ten, one of the others pulling tip
with a bowed tendon,
4 4 k
Our educational and rina'rh auth-
orities are continually deploring the
evil effects of .sensational "comic"
books, Aurid tno7.'irs, amd crime- f -
tuning radio dramas of young r
growing 4rhiid,, and wishing 0O1'
boys and girls would take greaten'
interest in literature of the better
How to Comiat
Rheumatic paint.m
may often 1
en ke caused h
man uric acid, a blood impurity that
should bo extracted by the kidney!. If
kidneys fail, and excess uric acid remama, it
may cause wore discomfort and pain'
"Treat rheumatn pains by keeping your
kidney,' in goad condition, Get and use
Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dadd'a help your
kidnoya gat rid of trouble -making poison%
And exeeas acids—help you feel boner.
See what Dodd's can do for you. I37
sort. Snell being the case, why is it
that they still insist on building Public
Libraries which, from the outside,
are just about as attractive and glam-
orous' as some Morgue or Isolation
Hospital/ In these days of modern
merchandising, paeknging is almost
as important as contents; and if we
cz'er sale n Library that was even
one-tenth as inviting to youthful eyes
ns an alp -to -dale Soda Bar or Movie
House, we world have greater hope
for the success of the "bcter'read-
ing" mot'clri til/.
4 4 4
After hundreds of years devoted
to the improvement of The Thor-
oughbred that once -proud institution
known as The Turf hasarrived at
a point where the chief topic of in-
terest is mi duel between two horses
named ARMED anti STYMIE --said
contest being based, not on which of
the two has the greater speed, sprint-
ing ability, or staying -power, but
which will top the other for amount
of money won, with the lead fre-
quently depending on one of then[
finishing as good as fourth.
5 4r 4
And somehow or other, of listen-
ing to Boar of the diatribes from
our political and financial traders
against modern "agitators," "reds."
and "trouble -makers" zee cannot help1
thinking of the late Gold'eiri Smith.
Seated in his mansion at The Grange
--1100 one of To•niltos show placer
—and ,surrounded bi' every conveni-
ence and comfort great wealth cot
provide, Professor Smith had Leen
rending of some labor riots itt Chi-
cago. "I 'Wander :why it is," said he
in (waded tones, "that people rannot
be satisfied with what they hat'rP"
Prairie Whaling
Whaling seems a highly improb-
able industry to become established
on or near the Prairies, Neverthe-
less, an effort is reported tutdcr waY
to develop it in Manitoba. A Tor-
onto company pants to start hunting
white whales in Hudson 13ay next
Summa': the carcasses will be dealt
with at a plant on the shore of the
bay, probably near Churchill,
The enterprise is not without pre-
cedent. Hudson 13ay was a famous
whaling ground for many years,
much frequented by ships from New
England, This is the first time,
however, that any attempt has been
made to process the oil and other
produce in Canada.
Good for
Classified Advertising
.00J N'rS WA5' 0011
nu,eleudeo, Electric 5' .'0 Controllers House
and ttmn Paint. ICON Coalinga. Pte. Deniers
wanted Write Wa, a Grease & 011 Limited.
i' i',,.k,btn Inc'nnor.,has all111hg for halt'!-
notitos, d'•i,rn.lrl,l, epnllrnnta 1101,011 211 60,
Par( or full limn basis,. Excellent rrnl,,nerlt-
lionn. 1:1,0 fer.,nd pr,ear•tn, 7"-27 ,Ah• o,l'Ir,,,
Moll. I, ai
AN OP•'FE:IR to every Iavcalor—last of toren•
dons find full Infers/intim sent free. The
1tanlslly ('n. , Registered pole,,[ 5010*n5Ys 473
Dank Street, Ottawa.
Let ux help You Roil that 1nv,mllon. n4'e
1m11111O Lao I,*1, of 51101, avn,hnll for gaud
!,idem, Burnt weal Age1ey, 204 Yams« 5,11 Ave..
limns, CttIClte
104 WHIT'. I.I:Itll/noS pullets, 8 npmtint,
51. 40. !mean Slurllonldd. Ethel,
1151'T WAIT till you ,,'ant Mem-,-t)cder No -
comber December chichi! now. Asir for Aar-
tlr,l:uw. lh'sy Hatchery, 13U John N. Ham -
Mon. nut.
Pt'LLET 1!11111.5,111:5 while they fast. 1Shit!
foghorns, I11ark arinnreaa x wale I.eg-
huln0, 551101' Leghorn x 1:"1,.41 Ito k., 'Park
.luetralurp x White Leghorns, sus , Pelts, 1410
7 wv,l, ,010. 8 weeks .551, Assorted 'dant
and 1,1.•41010 Ilr.',ds, 6 Weeks 4s , '1 weaken
.100, 8 weeks, .505, Ton Notch r'111rherteo.
(tuelph. Ontario.
1''1:1'16; mem. muses,. 12 weeps to Laying
white Leghorn... !tarred Rork„. New Halm+ -
34111'014, 1'illite !!odes, Light Suss:' and many
other pn0,10r breeds. Also daY old ddel:m
booked to 011,','. ',roe entalogue. Ton Notch
C1lirltenes. (hlelnh. Ontario.
Daley Mt814 then. pullet bargnms” 0,0, seven
and eight week old white I.egh,rrl u, white
Lemhorn x 7farred Ik,r1,,, moored !locks x
55'!ule Le;horu:r, Austria Whites. 11n15 a lim-
ited au:unity. Send for reduced pric011:.1.
To/sidle thick hatcheries Limited, Fergus.
PREF, RAN(11. Pullets. 12 0''410 to tering.
Sherrod I1, 1,,, New JLuupnitir"s, while
Leghorn., White 'Ruder, Light Li laxex. 51,0
dn::•nld ,111111,, baolp:d to ord., Free rat'lanOP,
TwEibile Chick hatcheries Limed, 1•ergus.
HAVE YOU anything needs rlYelna or clean•
Ing7 Write to tie for Information We are
clad to answer Your 50,0111115 Department
H, Parker a Dye Works Limned, 191 Ynns,
Otreet Toronto. Ontario
mow run SALE
FARM for snit, 300 acres, 15 miles east of
Party Sound. For full portirmin'0, 101110
5, J. Fisher, Parry Sound, Out. 1015. 1.
FARM F011 F5l.1.-100 acres, gond hu:ld;nn,
2 miles eros! Sr. Thomas On 1o. 4 ITigh,cs ly.
Knovmi as D. L. Gilbert farm. Exam -w. crap
arty and send offer to executor. W. L.
011hsrt, no rale Street. London.
5Uit SALE—TYartOr Tiree, made of rubber
suitable for bolting on steel wheels. 51100
enrh, ren, wheels; 17 05 each. front wheels.
When ordering mete diameter twirl width of
wheels National Rubber Co Ltd.. 5 n'llt.
shire Ave . - Toronto. Ont
J0111 DE11111: No, 101, one -row 1550 Picker
used 2 0:asnns. International No, L 0'111
Harvester, usl•d one season. al. o Door 11,10,
Allen Welter. Elmira, R. 1, Mn.
ICOR 851.11
'Young pair Cocker Spaniels mreedersl,—
Sev,aniy-ries 0,110 s the pair, renistered.
Proven. bent breeding, blonde. Cocker l'unl"e0:
females fifteen dollars. papers r•xIra, Iflark
termite six 01001110 seam. Yorkshire. Timmins,
On lario,
0001 Li. nressee cnnlplete ,v1111 111"to1. 1111110.,
'a enpneils• m'ecision chola. marl:0'•110 01-
larinnelit, mortising hit*. sander attachment.
Sell in whole or Parts. Write Tool & 110-
gllioreing Co, nos 462, St, Cnlllarinro, 01,1.
FOStil 0:0, Pounds, bred from Choice mule,
E. 1?. Trion, 12.0 No, 3, Oshawa Ont.
ro ,Masher.
> S f �— ¢ cutter.
• 1' .. .1.D Pmrrr Ic !fe
Irndnr and ice tools. A. Leclerc. Box .".a0.
Chnplraa, Out.
(011 1-7A051
1;111:1':0 1.115!' farm dant--Purpose Short-
lannn: uff,•r,nn 2 year old proven sire. hull
r sires li to 11 111„11111x. sev„15! Young felnt4OO'
1:01'/ion A. 11',001*. Rout,. 2, 1111,1Polo:
11111'UltIJ::. Errs catalogue offavorite hill-
bi11Y ❑54 111100 er1ix41. National ltodorf
Ltd., Dept. 0. 471 Portage Ave. Winnipeg.
S'l'l'1l It Letllaal Ro0pbIrry Callen for fall
pinut,ng, 56 00 per 100. Premier 8(raw-
be1fi1•n 52 00. A. Crowle. R.R. No, 1, 1n -
Wigton, Ont,
1001.1', 1bx, 511nk Trappers ono only (110 hest.
er.nlnlnla 'ya141n. Metiers lrllptniln CO0106
0111 51:11,1 ummtp, 101111 particulars, A. 10.
F 01:.,, sex 425. Calm/CY, Alberta.
3ll1liL14AUND Rossekesp'r for farm hunm,
pe11' 111001 nod cool[. Melvin reenmaL
Box 751. (9u•slerville, Ont.
LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method.
reformation on reoueet regarding classes.
Rnherta0n'o Nalydreaslpa Academy. (('5 Ave.
nue Rued, Toronto.
'1'Llt 11'1 Evers, sutfertr of Rheumatic Pains
or Neuritis rhould try Dixon's IternedY.
Munni,, drug Store. 330 Elgin. Ottawa. Post-
paid, 01.un
P11d:34-7401 ang 0100 you ran buy ham the
0:111.' 1ptnrnal ,lotion an Padtnne 1'lie Itentedr..
This 'MOM ([alum by mouthl is compounded
ftnn, epeeist Daloa111R, Gums, end Plellt-
Extrarte. It gels results because It goes
directly to the Internal cause of Piles. That's
the reason far 140 01/0010110 on the most stub-
born eases. This modern way et treating
11114t Internal terath10 gels results that last,
ono bottle of I'yltorie In enough le prove its
Lolling power or price refuded al ones.
That's our guarantee no matter how long
standing your cane may be. Year Druggi01
has it: or earl order It for you.
(1110(1 RhdsDLTS—!:vers' sufferer from Mtn -
moll, Pains or Neuritis should t.ry Dixon's
Rol,,"dy, 0D7wn's Drug Store, :133 Main, 01-
ta,va. Posintid 51.00.
Great Opportunity Learn
MRS/III dignified profession. good wages,
thousands successful. Marvel graduates.
America's greatest sYatam tllnntrated eats-
Ingue free Write 0r Call
MARVEL NAfnDf1E88i110
368 Blom 81. W., Toronto
Branches 44 King S0, Hamilton
& 74 Rideau Street" Otto,vn
FETHERSTON At'OH & CompnnY Paten,
501,011000 Entnbllshed 1850 14 ring West.
Toronto some!,! of Information m• renuost.
YUI'It LETTERS mailed front Hollywood or
Lo .\U0,ao, 10* each. 32.00 month. 6
nu•reunnx answered 51.00. Hansen. 1036
:birth "51301'+l3, Loc Angeles 21, California.
WANTED—All kinds of Greased poultry Too
Prices for top birds Joseph Cooper Limited,
Poultry Dent. 2054 Danforth Are.. Toronto
g Me do reels grading/
Logs Required
0'0 PL'RMi 501: HnrdWond Ind Softwood logs
for rash. wr.le Dox 07. Henneler. Ontario.
rawsnc s 017E Angoras. Excellent weedier,.
developed frons highest prize winning Can -
adieu strains. 00feetr,1 80010108 end Juniors,
(10,00 mut 50,00 each A, 0ebcrdt, staple
Drive -thence 111001,. 31nute 1, Ayton, Ont.
501(1501 Iron 111r0e 0115111011, ' H.P, 55101
1.34 11.5, 870.00. Immediate delivery. Cur-
rey ilnl5,m•. 11.11 in (MI & noutura,. Tnrnhto.
I'PP'S. purl 141. Denoted end Creel Dane.
fawn with Mark mask, 7 weeks std, male,
3,111. F.ddle Hnmmvt. Down. .,an,
01101111.1.11 females, year &,l. $1:.sn, 010'!,
and Ton Purple%, 50.00. Varney -Wickens.
Frank ford, Ont,
('01'101:11 fnr 0,1*, 75'. Most he m,Ll—no
wader storage. First clan running orler.
Box 103, Napnno0, 0111,
TURN VO1'R 10.\08 into rash. 111111111—Col•
ton 111,1 used Ings of every drsTIPtion,
who]. 01' torn, Highest e0s1) 1,01010 paid. Lon-
don Rag Cein'onr, L0ndm1, not,
QUILT P1EC1::--11;nd lire nod Larger all
1,11,1 not. 101111 prints end sled's. rant,'
141 pnlmds foe 37,00, llnm'nnirml nr money
refunded. O'l00-.-10 quilt patterns mut luetrue-
LIOns, 1,0,'or—Dolailed entrant Militia, Innlrur-
lmur. I.nrge nunnlIU• enttmf will, wool under -
wane, towelling remnants—full 5v dila, tin to
6 yds, 1,1,15. (`nr full infm'nm 11011 ,c rite .1551•
elated ('mnvrIern Mr., 4034 Sl. Lawrence.
We nre overalocked 10 gond Used Trade -10
Tires with high trends -011 guaranteed to be
In excellent shape. Special nrlce on rnr Tlrs,
Guaranteed for one year
111x01,4-10, PO Tithe 61.25. 4501,21-85.90,
Tubo 31.50, (00x15-510.50, Tube 82,26, 6011
X20-010,75, Tubo 83,25. 02008-512.60, Tube
02 O. 560117-614,00. Tube (2.50, 500x16-
514.26, Tube 53,00. 615016-617.00, Tube
58,26, 3206-701020-341,75, Tube (4,70. 7011
x20-30:7600.00, Tubo 56.00, 825x20--
602,00. Tube 37,16,
Alan a not lino of retreads, nil or0ern ehlp•
ped C,O,D. Deniers %vented.
How Zero Point
Was Established
Why leas the zero point on the
thermometer put where it is? About
240 years ago the inventor, professor
Gabriel , Fahrenheit of Germany,
!ranted a fixed low point and fixed
high point for the scale. Forcing the
temperature of water below frtezing
i equal
IT mixing, 311011' and Sall in
parts, he thought be reached the low-
est temperature obtainable on earth
rl a calitd that low point zero. He
then established what he thought
the highest weather temperature and
called that 100• Now we know he
5100 n'nmg on both counts. Weather
falls far below zero in the Arctic and
rises far above 100 in the deserts.
in the laboratory, the cmldrst tem-
perature we now reach is 4+11 degrees
below Fahrenheit's zero. The centi-
grade scale. which is iR common use
throughout the world, with the ex-
ception of this country and the Brit-
ish Empire, fixes zero at the point
at which water freezes 517(1 100 de-
grees at which water toils, two
natural constants.
es Cuts>`,Lt c;.
Escape at 500 M,P.H0
An employe of a United King -
dont aircraft first last week made
a sneeensful descent front a jet
fighter flying at over 500 m.p.h.
'Phis is the highest speed at which
anyone las em Leen ejected front
a plane. '1'lle olllect of 1110 desreut
was to test 11eW atlpamallle 1155/01501
by the head of a tinned Kiugdont
aircraft firm.
Immigration Expert
and all dm-,mn.,::.,. 0l,'!Itr•'.t Inc
nduuayap 10 ('umldu ,If °Flt exa Dix-
forn,•0,01 etf 'rrimis t
enquiry r Feerefs 5ces No 51(1
51ri1 your urea If xnffirlent ton
rotaries 411 your 10onhly. 22 yeerx With
Irn1111gratlol 1'lepnrtrn"tit write.
2550 !Bathurst ; 1 , Toronto 14
lou (('111 33nauy 1.111;. tun at
The Stn Regis Motel
every Mann With Tub Bath.
shower: iota Telephone
5110510, 55,00 anti np-
001)1,1e, 04 .80 un
Good !rood. Dining and Dancing
huerbournn at Carlton
'rel. ICA. 4780
FURNISHED $1.50 up
01'P, — C.N,a, STATION
linesDI TRESS 11
Midi old
86 "Penetrates
deep Into boon•
chief tubes with
spacial spothing
medicinal vapors.
chest and back sur.
feces Ilk, a warm.
lug. comtoffing
Thts effective special pene-
trattng-sttmulating action
works for flours during the
flight to relieve distress of
colds while your little one
sleeps. Results are so good
often by -morning most misery
of the cold Is
relieved. Try '1
it tonigixtl VAPORUO
ISSUE 18-1947
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