HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-10-29, Page 1is PUS f PUBLISHING HOUSE L1 • Wednesday, October 29th, 15i Presentations A, 117- Itertr f'qr-(r• St' resirn+l her position ;,.t the Telephone Ce, after 7 'r' -1r.. of efnrfrnt •'ervlrr the 't e a off hold a social evening at thy t hrxne of M. Itolrirlsan 1 1st meek and presented Miss Currie with o rrYs1.11 crr'P 1)t : ornflower design. Mrs Bohn read a. well worded :1,143,— end l4r,••and Miss Currie replied fn her u:rttl pleasing manner. A social Hn,e was spent by the ata0' and all enjoy- ed a tasty lunch. In SAptemher the 1.,1,Mhnn.. ,,11,r97'rA w!'tod n•i \T1•s, T.,' Brother!:. l e f•:r bet! rd'•n 1.1 0! • , 1•' ••,v r ;.0,1 p , : ,;rt.. 7 110,• 90•11 .1 tea pot in Fnl sn drit d'* -h;,' Mrs. Brother, thanked le. opt•• i fnr their lovele sift in h r.. 1� 11 russek own Hull riday, Fs iger 31s at 7.30 P. M. For the children of Brussels and. surrounding community Prizes for Best Costumes Sponsored by Brussels Lions Club 11210sz2WARs;ei&s�aa�lsra98:9IIM EUCHRE AND DANCE under auspices..pf L.O.L. 774 in Brussels Town Hall on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Euchre to commence at 8.30 pm. Lunch will be served Admission 50c Evangelistic Meetings in Town Hall—Brussels Meetings every Sunday night 8 P.M. 3 P.M.—Gospel Hall on the 2nd Concession of Grey Undenominational Fundamental. Everybody Welcome. .,....s tweameoraftwasagostICanew Fear God aa.d Keep His Commandments. Melville Church Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A. 10 a. m. Sunday ool anndSD ble Class 11 a. m. and 7p.M. Guest Preacher:— B.A., B.D. Rev. W. 0. Rimed, Louis D. Thompson, organist and Choirmaster, The Uallted Church - OF CANADA Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11 a. m. Royal Morning Lav tp "The Junior Congregation 12 Sunday School andBible Class Missionary Sunday 7 p. m, Evening Praise ieA. Growing Religion" Everyone Cordially Welcome. Church of England Pallleh of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector. 21st Sunday ACter Trinity November 2nd, 1947 • St. George's Church Walton - 9.80 a. Communion 10.30 a. n . StLnda'y School St. DaVldls Church, Henfryn— 11.13 a, m. Holy Cotnntl nee Sunday Sehobi St. John's Church, Brussels - 2 p. in. Sunday Scheel p, m, Holy Communion Don't Miss the BAZAAR in the Library SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8th under auspices of Melville Young Women's Auxiliary Sewing, Knitting, Handicrafts, Baking, will he featured. Tea served 2.00 to 5.00 P.M. DANCE under auspices of 1.0.0.F. Benevolent Committee for Community Welfare In Brussels Town Hall On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7th Muse by Ken Wilbee and His Orchestra Refreshment Booth under man- agement of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge Admission 50c 2 GOOD DANCE PRIZES REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Sint. NOW PLAYING •-- Thur., Fri., Sat. Oct. 30.31 Nov. 1 "That's My Man" with Don Ameche and Catherine McLeod They're off—and the ., crowd roars! A memorable stery.?,ti a horse the Whole nation loves racing t� gallant finish. The hear•t•Whnting. picture of•the year with, the girl.'who'�• rose to stardom 'iii ' •" I'V3 Always Loved You!, • United Church X.P.U. ,,r 1hs, Youps PC7,44 s') i i s N 1.-: 1u4d On Thurs. L ',resident, Charles hli:. A brier 81r:u• sn r:r,4duntei by 13Oi•een • ,I,•• meeting, Miss Christian Felowship dint !. of the .i':. to. John Wilson ...ails. and Miss Franees - u,pi alis:. Betty 0,-1 a pinto solo. see -.4 attendance. \dr•lvli}r Church Bible Society United Church W. A, ' Th.. W.A. of the ['Idled Chir, It was held Tuesday evening, W. 21st . ,., 1 .. Mrs. L. A rm t. i Pit the home of M s, wilb about thirtytwo present. The president Mrs. R. Co» larva was in the chair and opened th meeting by singing hymn 370. Mas. M-anmhing -thu'n read the Srri»it re lesson followed by prayer offered hY Mrs. H. Wilson. The s'ecr'etary mid treasurer's marts were read and adopted. After the collection a shore hnsiness disensalon took purse with • reports from the conveyors of 111 different committees. Hymn 11S was then sung followed by +h-, llizpnh benediction. T1 1 enton 1 .joint i._rt:c•:, a. '-.•i .1 villi- Chnrell ton Surat -yin Itr`:. Walter Mr,. Leach conducted the aortal h'unr assisted by Mrs. Manning nnlition •, fp • good contexts enjoyed. A a P• 1' °'r•' t , *„ •n"d t splendid lunch was served by tl o 'hn 1^F_ '., ••r•r:-.:n•• •.,rlemen'1' for T: v and \T's of tale r 'l,;rr,atin" B'b1r;. Pel J. FT. h"�,rr. ctirdne#ed hearty vote or thanks tenet.•.,,', the lava 1 ,n'; Tr e tin anthem �' Armstrong for the use of; her j y• "TT' sr nor P ,vi-; '1)t Pyde. The 1001111 busing-, meeting was head 91 t", r- ra" t ,r t1), service M1•. Jnhr. Sc ,rk ore-l1el over the eet•nn 1 r:seer d to th.• n••nt,le,nP Melville Young beim. fared in the 111^'1e' of nhtain•> Women s Auxiliary ing' the services of rntl,rtnt•a Mrs. 13. Walker presc'nke, the treasurers The regular meeting of the Mel !report and alsn tite secretary's rifle Ynnng W rnen'1 Auxiliary was i report. Mr. Schnook was re•e10. ted held last Tuesday evening at the president. and Mrs. Welker.. res !home of Mrs. Joe Martin. There were elected s,eretary-treasnrer. Rev.1 twentyom,e members and one visitor Walter McCleary intimated Ihat it !present. The meeting opened with singing and Psalm 23 was read in unison; The mission study 'Indian Leademship for the Churches of In- dia" was given by Mrs. H. Gibson. Mrs, Wm, Martin, Mrs,. 10. Mart,n. Mrs.' A. Logan, Each member outlin- ed the excellent work of Miselan,lar- ios im India, The devotional period. led by Mrs. H. Gibson. - Mrs. Sweeney presided over the bneiniess period: The roll call "A verse on Thanksgiving" was well responded to. The remainder of the business period was. used to roan-- pleite plans for the•basear to he held in the Library, Saturday, November 8th. - At the close of the meeting coffee was served by the hostess and com- mittee .and a social hour was enjoyed by all Present. was the intention of the Bihte Society to donate a pulpit bible. to St. John's Church of England. At the merning s^,;•ire on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Milne prearhed on the sub- ject "Following the Instnctiotis of Si' Paul." The chn:r rendered the anthem "Bot the Lord 1e Mindful" by Mendelssohn. CARD OF THANKS Sincere thanks to all those who sent gifts and mosanges of con- gratulations when.,Linda Miry was horn. Mrs. 11011.: Tnrvey - CARD OF THANKS The Widow and Family of the late Bernice Payn wish to thank ail the friends whose sympathy and kindness made their bereavement a little easier to hear. Oor thanks to those who sent flowers and to Rev. Wilson whose kindness avid ;mg be remembered. Mrs. Payn, Pearl, Gertrude and Ceetl. Notice The Court of RevisiO0 of the Assesment Roll for 1347 w•117 hp 11513 in the basement of C.' Pnhlic Library on 7th of Novorillp, at 1,3o P.M. All Ratepaye.s 'should cavern themselves accordingly. ; i G. R. Campbell, Clerk Village of Bl'llaaei9 .!• Notice Court of Revision on The Assess- ment Roll of the, Township or Grey for 1947 will be held at The Tnivn• sfldp office at Ethel on onlay the I 24th day of October 1947. at S o'clock P.M. Parties interested will , Please govern themselves aur'rd'ng ly. J. H. Fear, Clerk. CARD OF THANKS suesusessausisoseasermimsa Mon., Tues., Wed., Nov. 345 Adult Entertainment Notorious with Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman The story deals with the efforts of the Government agents to uncover a plot by a Nazi Group In Brazil to manufacture Atom Oombs for a. third world conflict. A masterpiece j of mein drama. Next Thurs., Fri., Sat. Nov. 6.7.8 The Return of Monte Crisco with Louls Hayward and Barbara Britton An Impressive entertaling historical story with characters, settings and holies stemming from the original works by Dumas. CONI ING•• JOHNY O'CLOCK With Wok Powell and Evelyn Keyes ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Capitol T'he. art TONIGHT-, THURSDAY OCTOBER 30 "SINB'AD THE SAILOR" (Technicolor) Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Fri. Sat. Oct. 31 •• Nov, 1 Roy Rogers in "HELDORADO" Plus Jane Withers In "AFFAIRS OF GERAi-.DINE" Sat, Matinee 2.30 Mon, - Tues. - Nov, 3 r 4 James Mason &. Ann To:id In "SEVENTH VEIL" Drama — suspense •-•• Music London Phllharmo'+ie Orchestra FOTO NITS10 V$. OFFER Mon. Attendance Card Night Wed., 'llwr .,y ., Sat. Nov, 8. • "HOMESTRETCH" Picture The Magnificent Raring Free Moving Picture Show Tr, t' II'rr11" dra',e,• ,L AV• -i i"•pb• ; is sponsoring a free atnving'pit in,. •'' i+! lnri r+•in !',wn '10,11 on Thursday,110 •. n lfr. Nov.4 kb t p Ohallesw, th of the MitssryH,rre! r 1 ,.• 11.• 111 charge' 'Cr the ebowing. A speeja1 invltatfnn 111 extended In farmers and thr'tr families. F, etvon. inter( ";IPI 1s weieame to attenri. BRUSSELS, ONT. .RILQ ,Tact Day For Blind T.; Pr ,3riorraored By Liens Th; 11i.niar zupp itr: of the I,i,1,,,1,1 ('.1111) ua,a hr13 llul:da+'' avenl05 when five. new menthes : ,• ' its o the • '. 1 The FFI • 1,11111. li t 11 club. new .members who were introduced by secretary D. Lawless :sora Me lsrs, George Me..Ni+•bol Max old - field, Dr. J. H. Harper, 1Tt roll I{erney and Vert Johnston. 'Easy Stanley Brenton of Ethel, the guest • speaker. ,i-ntroduced by Lion i'ingen Wilson, gave an Interesting .,led instructive geological add'-••_ on "Tlr• History Of Th.- Earth. P.*.zst neaa inrtndrd arrangements fol. the Hallowe'en Party ft.! he 11 .1,1 1„ t?xe Town Ball. Friday nt It ,. 19.. .�sxs• for the Blind will h rn'•11 by of an oretnrieal c nt 1tr, fntu a wr, also di -errs. 1----------- 511111 nT P,rnssela" wa: ?lin t•1, 1)+3 ': ' Trn:-ls Delivered Tuarelal' Thr• rlrw Orr, trnMr. roceull3 eh:r"ed by th,• 10011 t•non,'11 '1•' j d'+livered in Ilr u - r -is '[ n -.els.✓ morn- I ing by a represente.t've of the Cnn1p4,07 ut \\ cod, l •k. 711,'trruk fO a -ern. d tit.ned re 1 1?t 11 .r mrl'tir rn unlet to is pity lT1i 1'• hOgP 0,rid+ rcsiren, r t.• Ahnet 40 .1)1,40- .•1 '1 rl11,0 - e'o'h„r•-d at Co. hr,,:' 111 11,•.. '1+'•1- 1Trinilton l-'J't1fly 111•'1)nonan'• �Tipr Florets^n WiPannton. 1, ids-0llr-1 or the month. C, man were p1a7, 1 throughout the e, en11v \Tu bon.., \t•it9i 1 ,• •Icen ,•P 1 rig r.. 1,..1 n p'•,ally rlo•r•nrat 1 eat• .A mock wr-rights was 51.1 zed with Clifford 'Ritchie aelln: nx 1,101.111 -' Ire. Jag. Cnnt.ts 1,•1.1., Ml•'. C",11 Dnitnn hrirlrsma'd. ,lits. Harry Bolger groom. MN!. 9Taiir 11,,1110,11 hest man. \lis' . V-.rt11yn Bot' -r,.. and Jerre Hamilton 'hen (•a,"ied it :1 well leaden basket of whit, and ...Kt eon^n'•hvare an•I rosily nth -r n••eful gifts. Florence then exprese.l .lar thonits for al the lovely gifts after which :alt jnin.orl in singing "For She's A Jolly Good Fellow." A dainty 1nn'h brought the evening to a close. Notice Property, owners n?»erline to the erection of snow fence on their' Properly must 1115 27 tdi'e Sweerin• pendent as no alowa.nce will be made for fence or Crop damage. All road .acocunts must be hand•^d to the Superintendent prior tr, the defy of Connell n, .oting. otherwise will he held over until the fnllnwing month. Current year accounts will not be paid after the close of the present year's business. Stan. Alexander. Grey Township Superintendent Listen for your tlat.le CKNX Mon. Fri. 5 p• m• t++ end .,..1- 1,101 ht at (2900. T111 pnraha:e of .ur ari,ti nat' fire- , 11014•11 11'1-' 1,..011 1•.',.P .- 1 v for _ i P - B. cousins, . The a'tl,p r 11EG number of Y',11Tit esus i s; •std• lay , ladies of M lv i11,i f Aorrh, 1 ”"1 fr•• r• -r!t-r o „ht•1in,-•l With ll i'• n7d t11e: wl Mr. Tl,ror r::1'''', 1 T'. drrr' i nrPM,:A •rnr•i;, t ina�; It !r Notice n•w- T1C TTJi" MATTER OP Se -,•tion r'a or last week made the prompt pn•rcha, r.I.,,Th' Ctirtrarin DT+mfr •,a1 r..<, -Ira RA*" of better equipment ne e.;aity r,• Orr' insurance rates could '-,e 511mt_ i `R5.0. 1937. Chapter 001, and ly lnrrPlsed nt• 11th arc cr1,n 07+e,t_ j 1] THE Al A'PTEP. OF Seetinn 70 of entirely. the same- ant. (as re-enacted .y 1) S. ( Members of the conned] anti tt.' =1`xC Chapter 66). and 1` TFIE MATTER OF anappiicat"on volunteer fire breach .sere . (11 21.1t '14 1 by,111, (urprna.t.inn of tit' Villsgo or to rr'eire delivery ,;f the truck and instruefi,nne and prlrtlra In ill P,russeI for dispensation of 0 vete nprration• i nf.the ratepayers in re.speett s , c • I ,:npital r>penditure of $129,000.30 1 fee the installation ;,f a waterworks T'p I,J"itei Church • Iys;e•ut. At the m wntn war h'n in thy! ! ` APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING Flitted Church great appreciation 1' Dr ONT ARTO 112IINff;'IPAL was felt for the heantdful and Moving I BOARD hereby, appoints Friday, lues-:ages in song brnvtsht by Hipp the 7th day of November. A.iD, Mary Helen Eekmier and Mr. ,Lorne 1947, at the hour i-1 90.00 o'clock Eckmier• They sang together,• first,.,- t in the • foDenoor} .at the .. T3aarcl'a in the duet "Love Diyine s111,Tores Chamttore... Parliament BnSTdinga. Excelling." . After. -the sermon ltiirS: 'tR.00m•340) 111 the Gity. 01• Tomato. Eekmier sang the Gospel Message, "Jesus Whidpers . Peace." • Clear thinking was the sermon subject The evening servira was' with drawn for the Wide Sr3eiPtV th'eet'irig in the Melville Church. 'BORN •-. CARTW ItiOHf -- M1ir. • nd Ilya. Duncan Cartwright of Timmins. announce the arrival of a baby girl, Elizabeth Ann, on October 142.11. tot the hearing or all parties' inter- ested In saippoa't of or opposing this dipl)liee$fcit• Any Person or' Persons apposing; this application should Ole their mhiectlgns.• - with the undersigned, 'The Secretary. of The Ontario M'und yield Board. on or before the 8th dOY of November, A.D., 1947, otherwinh: the application may be granted. DATED at Tomato, this 21st day nt' Ot'iether, A.D.. 1947. M..13. Sanderson, Secretary. Bank Me= Y tiro pre orcirat tot nzoisstop spalding Yam tte 14114 ao hew h€Xrl o.? ,;:, :•. malt save" fa elves . •' e'ru. l t m swag week.01 moat& rl9 ptallu:%a�a 52113iptina 1,!.:,;77 fila Tout II><\--'' 'e .p.,,t 11 SIl1®tit4t ep. 7 1§1+.r tC,S2l Ilwnk of Commerce welcomes to opening of Savings Accounts at say of in more wove Caned% 500 Litman @ 1a, am32 eras Mean= 9aas arezx Bnewauta3 steeds. COM t DICE BRUSSELS BRANCH W. PORTER, Manager esen t wiled idem �hta `t/ting ry- strict O da'