HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-10-22, Page 7*
Photograph by your Ful -O -Pen Photographer
Beeton—Two contestants in the freckle contest at Beeton.
Beth Fletcher •of Gifford .arid Keith Robinson•of Cookstown.
Photograph by your Ful -O -Pep Photographer
Brussels -13 -year-old Jack Hart of Blyth shown above with
"13illie", his pet deer, which Jacic raised from a fawn.
Photograph by your Ful -O -Pen Photographer
Beeton—Marion Burton is seen at the mike during the spelling
snatch at Beeton Fall Fair,
"hotograph by your Ful-O-Pev I'hotograpb,
Brussels --The above photo shows the 6 to 8 -year-old girls' racing contest at Brussels.
Photograph by your Pul-O-Pro Photographer
Brussels—A view of the opening parade enterin g the fair grounds at Brussels.
Photograph by your Fu1.O-Pop Photographer
Marmora-1st heat of sulky race at Marmora Fall Fair.
Photograph by your Fub.O-Pep Photographer
Marmora—A photo showing contestants and master of cere-
monies at the "Take It or Leave It" program at Marmora.
By Your Ful -O -Pep Reporter
Your Full -O -Pep reporter trav-
elled approximately 2,800 miles
during the past week, covering the
Fairs at Brussels, Burford, Zur-
ich, Beeton, Caledonia, and Mar -
* * *
The attendance at all the Fairs
was well up over previous years
and as usual, the livestock champ-
ions were, as a general rule, raised
on Quaker Ful -O -Pep Feeds. The
only complaint received by your
reporter in all the many utiles trav-
elled last week was that Ful -O -Pep
feeds are not in sufficient supply.
It is still a little difficult at times
to secure alI the Ful -O -Pep re-
quired. The reason for this is that
quality has not been sacrificed for
quantity, and as a result, Ful -O -Pep
feeds are still the best that money
can buy.
* * *
At Brussels a concert and dance
at the Town Hall climaxed an un-
usually successful Fair, at which
the cattle entries were extremely
heavy—more than 200 entries in all,
The Becton Fair featured a bi-
cycle race for children which drew
a great crowd. This was a new
event this year and added colour
to the exhibition. The Fair Grounds
at Becton were in fine condition. It
is a toss-up as to whether the freck-
le contest or the baby show pleased
the proud parents the most.
.At Zurich, the School Fair was
run in conjunction with the Agri-
cultural Fair, and here Mr. W. S.
O'Neill, well-known cattle loan and
Ful -O -Pep feeder, won prominence
with his entry.
The attendance at Burford was
well above normal, and all entries
were substantially up over preced-
ing years, Jumping and saddle
classes drew much favourable com-
ment. A 875.00 prize was awarded
wise housewife who in-
sists on Maxwell House
Coffee. It's Radiant
Roasted to capture every
atom of goodness in the
Superb Maxwell House
,aa. ....
Photograph by your Fn1.O-Pep Photographer
Zurich—.Mr, W. S. O'Neil in left foreground with his entry for the young calves' contest. Mr.
W. S. O'Neil is a Ful -O -Pep feeder.
Photograph by your lrut O -Pon Photographer
Beeton—The baby contest was a big attraction at this Fair. Left to right, Dr, Fred Spearing
d Beeton, Dr. C. Blackwell of Bradford and Nurse Cross of Beeton.
for a field crop competition.
Caledonia Fair celebrated it s
Diamond Jubilee with record
crowds—well over 15,000 being in
attendance during the three days.
This is the only Fair in Haldimand
County. Caledonia's newly -formed
40 -piece concert band was in atten-
dance and helped create a gay and
carefree atmosphere which prevail-
ed throughout the Fair.
The Junior Department at Cale-
donia was under the direction of
Mr. A. G. Skinner and was well
supported with some 70 Juniors
taking part.
At Marmora, the attendance was
somewhat less than that of Cale-
donia, but the holiday spirit was
every bit as noticeable and invig-
orating. Fortunately here, too, the
weatherman was kind and a thor-
oughly successful Fair was held. At
Marmora, the sten who raise the
Champions were once again the men
who feed Quaker Ful -O -Pep feeds.
The Unflattering Kind
Bridget, who seemed to be bright
and willing, was applying for the
position of maid.
"Have you any references?" asked
her prospective employer.
"Yes, ma'am," Bridget r'plied,
"I've lots of then."
"Then why didn't you bring some
of them with you?" she was asked.
"Well, to tell yon the truth," ex-
plained Bridget, "they're like my pho-
tographs—none of ihcm do me