The Brussels Post, 1947-10-15, Page 3F THE BRUSSELS POST BUSINF SS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON William St. Phone 4, Brussels, Ont. Allan A. Lamont Agenr--•Fire, ns, end Automobile ;.et particulars pmr ular i our Sp( cital Auinmobile Po!.;.• • g• • Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 65-r-7 Walker Faneral Homo Day of Night Cabs Phone 65 No extra chuge for Use cf Funeral Home. B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. • J. F. Harper, B. A., M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 9 p. m. Also 11 12 a. m., when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p. rn. Sunday — Emergency and by appointments only. Hetl-Aeringtn, K. C. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS Tuesday and Saturday all day — Offict open every day. Phone 20x Successor to E. D. Bell Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. Phone Office 96 Brussels, Ont. Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson PHONE 18-r-661 SEAFORTH, ONT. Make arrangements at THE Brussels Post or R. S. Hetheringto, K. C. Barrister Office, Brussels. D. A. Rann & Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 — — BRUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED — PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after immediately For information etc., write or phone Lew. Rowland Or write to R. R. 3 Walton. was o string of pearls, • WEDDING Following the ceremony buffet innobenn was served to SO of the Dlegel-Bye, man immediate families. Friends of the bride. Miss Doris On Thursday, net. 2nd, 2.10 p.m. Hussey of Galt; Mies Maxine Nutley the tome of Mr. and Mrs. T°1111 of Walton: :qrs. Wilbur Tioegy of Byerman was the setting nil. la Broadhagen and Mrs, Albert Amman fire of Mat assisted in serving'. second eldest (laughter Alice, Anna - The dining mom waa Pr ettil bell, was united in marriage In decorated with pink and white Henry Carl son of Mr. an I Mrs. streamers with the bride's table Henry Diegel of Tirodbagen. in ni.nk and white ?entre-I with a 3 - Rev. W. Shultz of Broadhagen Per- ,1,-• wedding cake, formed the ceremony in the house The bride's mother received the beneath an arch of oink and white gue.ts in a dress of turnonise no streamers, centated !1v a cluster of crepe and black velvet trimmings silver and white bells. Green ferns with a Soria of nink roses, assist - and flowers wore banked beneath the f 1 by the tr.”00in's mother who chose arch. bride. t4ivan in martiage a tress ,of blue and white jersey and by her father, wore a flooplength a corsage of pink roses. -gown of white brocaded satin and , 300 guests were present st the net with sweetheart neckline and rereptiornal, which was tendered the lily-polint sleeves. Her ant:main 7°11 bride and groom at the Welton Com. was held in place with a coronet minity headdress of net and opangeblessoms . , Guests were present from Toronto, and she carried a bouquet of I wnocistIvk. Ayr, Nitchener, Galt, American Beauty roses and fem. Wateedoo. Stratford Mitchell, Sea. Her only orna.ment xns a shine''f • { forth, Clinton, Brussels, Elmira, pearls, Mies Ruth Ryermann, I Goerich, Brodhagen and Ethel. Walton, was her eleter's bridesomiti. After the reception Mr. and Mrs dressed 10 a floor -length Iowa I tirnry Ci, Dirgel left for a motor trip, cream satin end Mee with sweet- Per 11rtavelling the bride donned a 'heart neckline, Her should er- length veil of pink net was held in Place by a halo headdress of Pink dress of heavenly blue crepe with black accessories and blue shortie coat with black and a corsage of flowers. She carried a bouquet of sed roses, pink roses and fern, The couple will reside on the groonits farm in Logan. Mr. Wolfred Diego!. Brodliagen brother of the groom wan best man. Mr. Melvin Tlyermann, brother al the bride played the weddins; march, The groom's gift to the bride was a chest ot Community Plate Silver and to the best. lin a silver F. hr..,rnuth ReseT.9fred Opton-iptrix) "Western Onkel Mosi 1;t Pali raw mvfl, 11 lt:10.1 r 0,0's t. LAD'11.11' (not n,i eet,,whis „,• 4,0, I i:P..na Section M 1 1.), t Dennis. Tilnevale . IbnImingway T,auttdry 11,0 110'. 1 I A tier Living Room ‘1,oes,or;!s , ATartroret Dale Waltim Ichn's 1 .1 P01(1111'0(1 ‘1,-. Mrs M. Dale. Walton. Bridge c.or-r--- 1, Ale, 1". VV. ., !lvorai. olet.....--- lf IC 'fireman. Drowiels• 2. Mrs. m thie, Walton. Chesterfield set Mr 10,111i, 21100vole; 2.lir. K. 'r3'ermatt, Itres. sets, Afghan wool knit -1 Mrs. 011,. .'t, • • Mr, W Atwood. e70..7:n wool or,..."...t I 1 M 1v1,1, ,um. yth ; *1, .y 1. Baker, Wool Cushion. I Walton; 2 .1. %. Irene, 1,101. -I. Mrs 111k, c. : 2 Mrs. K Tyer- man. Brussels -'11rolof fr1014,101--- t 1 TyPro in a. rirmss.01a: 2. 1111saos Liviaaraton. 1113,111. Nerd] 550101 t•.,e11.1 peons, - te article- -1. Ina:. Tymanan, Bras. sels; 2. MIs. R Livingskm Illyth, Afternoon toa-c',,th iind four 7, • y 1 ‘1' !,!(.111,I, wriOti: 2. strs Tre-te,,t s, Dining Room .• ••110, !It 12::04 Mrs, TT. rampholl. E.',11.7.1: 2. M. Dale, Walton, ttit fs,:c serviettes-- 1. :kit's T‹. Tyermou, Brussels; 2, 'Alses Livingston. Blyth.. T. -top berm set. manes stal four place mats- 1. Misses Liviqgston. 'M. TNI.s. viiiieb.1- -1. Mrs. M. Dale. 'Walton: 2. ".17 A. K. Ty''an, :Brues.els. Table ce ntre, embroidered, white- ; 1, Mrs. M. Dale. l'alton; 2. Misses TAving'sten Myth Buffet ROL three pieees-1. Al Dale. Walton; 2, Mrs, H. Campbell, inapt. Bedroom Pair pillow eases, embroiciered-4. T.Ivingston, Myth: 2. Marjorie 2, Brussels. Pair Dillon, cases, cut work --1. 'Livingston, Myth. Pair Pillow rases. any other -4. , Misses Livingston, Tilyth; 2. Mrs. M. j Dale, Walton. 'Matching pillow VARA.; and sheet- ' 1. Misses Livingston. Biyth; 2, Mrs, :M. Dale, Walton, T.rifl'ns' Wear Lady's S711 InesMs•.2,1 iitug.. stor, RM I: 2. Mrs, (I, Marks. Brus- sels. House dress, best idea -1. Mrs, H. flampl0s11, Knell 2, Mrs. M. Dale, Walton, Misses Livingston, Myth: 2. Mrs, W. Peelties„ktwood. Kitehen apron. most serviceable - 1. Tsabel Blyth; 2. Mrs, C. Marks. T1 1.11RSC•114. T.01,1if.s. wool bed iselset-1. 'Mrs. 21, Pale. Wk aen; 2. Mrs. .1. A. Hone, 1,1.1 made cdovs, in WO() - 1. Blyth; 2. Gnome MeDonald, Brussels. T..1dies' hand made gloves, any othrr---1. Misses Livingston, Myth; 2, Mrs, IT, Campbell. Ethel. Fancy ten apron -1. Mrs. TZ. Tyer- man, Brussels: 2. Mier.; Liyfpgaton, Myth. Work bag -1. Misses Livingston. Mth: y 2, Mrs, 3', H. Hone, Atwood. Fancy pu?ise. haid-nind fs--1 , 714.1 Livingston, Myth; 2. . Mrs. J. A. Nene, Atwood, -Specimen tatting -4. Misses Liv- ingston,. Myth; 2. Mrs, D. McLeod, Brussels, Specimen faggoting -1. Misess Liv- ingston, 'Myth, Crochet work in won], 2 articles-. 1, Mrs. J. Wheeler, Brossels; 2. Mrs. S. Sweeney, Ethel. Tea row In woOI-1, Mrs. Wheeler, Brussels; 2, Mrs, A. Hone, Atwood. Three now novelties, handmiade- 1. Mrs. S. Sweeney, Ethel; 2, Mrs, cigarette lighter. Modern Eye Serinee'' Prain, Bluevale, 4 "'hone 118, Haryiston J. A. T-ToitP, Atwood; t. Mfg. M. NIP. The bride's gift le the bridesm.aid Horn e-ina de stuffed toy -1. Mrs, . Mrs. K. Tyerman, Brussels; 2, Mrs. 7------------1,7,-S.1"- egaRMZSMINMWMAIZARMSINWROMMYMANONSEEMTZSMWIELMMSISEMSEMLTKAPEr. Good For Kinds of Balking 4'.'itvite go. SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT BAE,KER BROS. Phone 6 Butcher Shop Brunel Pair guest towels -4 Airs. K. TYer• Wei ten. Throe artieles snitabl for gifts not exceeding Sac -1. Airs, T -T. Camp - Mel; 2. Mnit. R. Sweeney, Eth el, Two Articles made. front flour hags or sugar sta0ks--1. Mrs. Dale, 'alton; 2. 11/frs, D. McLeod, TIrussekl, infant's jacket and bonnott, in woot-1. AT.rs. Wheeir, BrUssels; 2, Mrs, P. Ilnussels, Bath towel and wash cloth tn nein, fancy trim -1. Airs. S. Sweeney. Ethel; 2. Misses nirm. , 1 Inli, f,,,,,,.l,,, :if i, .1 • Nlolepfla lostlt..sts , 0,1 1 2 11 1 1 at .1.. Slip, juniors 1 tuo heme of Mrs. Roy 11,h r"1"'11il1nr11..c'i: j111 ' r,"' ". with ton memb, vs o-e4ent Mut, Ttrussels. oponod %viol hymn 30", we all tun' and" followed by 07.711, led by the Guild president. Airy Davis. The seripttire les,on lako,. it, st linkbew "bat, wss read by Mrs. Thuell. Gelid hnsines.• t 1,71,1/14 'v' /.14. setttn, a date for flip Pale..• FS, Sale and Apron table for Rat., yr.,. lir 16th, The "foocl for Bltain" c000. t under discussion and after mneh Astor -in-law Mrs. Roy Bennett. ninny -lit It was derided to send a 1 7 '17 if foodstuff to Mr. and Mrs I Ta t 2 T'Fsr77.-P7fi in Ku alang for dIstri. -;, • : days with Mrs. Roy I. firm. Mr. and Mrs. Pedgrlft Bennett. ware at one tinio very faithful • members of St. .TMrs. L. io-t.r•ohn's. Each lady Is asked to donate MIS 001111,1 / and Mrs. T. Boyd, -11 dad sot, T 1 of food as son is 113g.ii1,15 and t. I i 4/ n 1 ,•?i I,ave it at the Rentory or at fbc I ':1771Roy and t:, III.7., 1,"',' of Mrs. rb rla-Pie for packing, Teens., Mrs. Bryan reported vei-N. 1 Mr' 'I" ":. satisfactory returns from the "Fair 1 Al"nre''5 If ' 7'1"" Booth 0. Fees and yenta,. lay Naas 11'4 11"s an Mr, i"i`iinott 1,t1 ptittpr relattro,-: iti ler, for home a7,*0 collet:fed and flailrl adjourn,d on for W, A, business, Mrs, Rev, Ki-ar Tuesday of this week Presiding. Business of the W.A incindod the making of tit- mis.sten quilt Offering was taken. The roll yer a n :1 fl, Lord's prt.i.tri• was said in unison and a prayer of thanksgiving was off'," by Mrs. Kerr for the beautiful weather and the help and material mode tivatlable for the re-Mildinz or our church. Ant interesting meeting 1 Inc brought to a close with the benediction by Mrs. Kerr. '14ss. was ; served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. J. Fischer and a rote of thanks was accorded Mrs. Thnell for her hospitality. . fl. as mot s 91-7(1 -1. Dont redmorr. Tirussels. TfoluSiltehing guest tnwel hullo, fl 2-1 111--1, Afsrtlyn Nickel, Alii•ood 2. P4111,t1 Take. Tiros lets notricitifilli fru; stint tnwp1, soy, in, (10-20-1. Donna rininfore. Brii 3515. rsefal artlelP 10:14P from flon saek-1. Lillian 1.,01p, Briissol,7 B. :Chulmore. Bratasr.ls: 3. Tien' Knialit. 13PusePls. Knitted virl1s sockPeR-- 1 . Mary 1 Mnrwy, Dublin: 0. Loa's,' Borman Tirusi.P1s. Wednesday, ant011fr 5Pit7 The Quality T rmr.onrws RErrrrrirsi Dressed loli, mod Pan 170 d.--1 Mkt ATirks. Brnssels• 2 T,P.tre Johnston, Tiralto5. apron., hand finished -1 Marlin Ntieb ol, .5711 nel 7 0 Boris P.,Pres11. Walton, rilotliP pin hag -1 Allertlyn Nick. ol, Atwood. Crossed stitch of, bestir/1Pd tra toiVP3--1. Faye Ward. Brussels: 2, :1inna Meehan. Brussels, patching on t• orft gal TI1Prit—.1. srva Bin gh t. sel ; 2. jnyee hillier, Brussels, pet.boiders, two, hand-2.inde----.1. Louise Bowinan, flrassel7i; 2, Joyce Miller, Brussels. Covered dress hanapr-1. fleorgia Dunbar. Ethel; 2, Isalr?1 Denis, 71100 58,75. Handkerchiefs. Georg. 'a Dunbar, Ethel; 2, Lena 'Miller, Brussels. Laundry bag --1, Marilyn Nichol, CRIS•116.6 .....[9.,^7,2,051,6113C1SEIr31.1111.15.1611, 1733MINCIPM21.• The rPetilli• rtiorthly ••::: • wa, ':,.' I in Tr:, nient of the plotroh ilot 3, Mrs IT-.7.710w4.ral ecoside?. 'Ph 'nil pall "Thanksgiving Thoeghts' was well responded to. The seet1onsi moetin- ' is to be tread at Map,-j'r ''n net, 17 Delegates to rite E. Brya.n.s and Mrs. ‘1' nav,rpon Horner 731.61{11, returned mi,..:ionary is to be speaker wa, d, -111,4 not to have a greets! Thankof(oring meeting but everynno Is g.q1;p41 to turn in their SOrelop's at the next meeting, The topic "Bringing The Bible to North American Indians', was ably tat, hy O.. I.lib of ilros group. We ware told of John tipe,,It's !settee., end :soe:d':en :Tt%sg:" work among the 1)akot1 Indians, • 1 n (Ilan 111h1,'f." la .2... V 1 11 • Inter notional Biblei4oc.1.--ty las over 110 . a pony it his nicet- jeu c I 51-111 prayer. KEFF)- MACHINE SHOP Acetylene and Electric Om shop is ecitaippecl to de First Class Welding Work Your Patronage Solicitei Good Service As:sin-eel Agent for Surge Milking Machines LOOK AT YOUR LABEL HANDS AT WORK... LEA.RNING TO 13U -1:M FURNITURE ONTARIO'S productive capacity is the measure of her future prosperity. To assure this Province a prominent place in domestic and foreign trade markets, skilled hands aro needed. In training schools and ON THE JOB, veterans are being taught bow to make furniture— urgently needed for homes that nmst be built hero and abroad. They know that higher wages, job security and better working conditions are within easier reach of those who have mastered individual skills. of veterans have been given basic trai Through plans sponsored by the Department of Veterans' Affaiiirisnganild other agencies, hundredsi various trades. They will become more proficient with further experience and training ON THE JOB. Taught to use their hands in fashioning wood products and in upholstering and finishing furniture, these craftsmen of the future will have a share in Ontario's progress—an important part to play in her industrial deYelopmorit. THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) Castamenstammuturamtrouseinzentammontrtscrarmayme. top CABINET MAKING Harold Geddes, 20, of Parry Sound, a veteran of 4 years' service with the Royal Canadian Navy, is shown here sanding the base of a Grandrather's Clock, The finality of workmanship in Canadian Vocational Training Schools is high. Expert instructors cheek every detail. Courses in the furniture trade give the student a basioknow- ledge of period and custom built furniture, wood finish- ing and upholstering. A thorough study of every type of wood. Canadian and int. ported, is also included. 3!