HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-10-15, Page 1POS 1' PUBLISHING HOUSE
will be held at
Knox Presbyterian Church, Cranbrook
Services at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. n3.
Rev. L'1and C. Jorgensen, 13. Sc., Th. B.
Of Bluevale
You are Cordially Invited to Attend.
CARD OF THANKS W.M.S. of Melville Church
I wish to thank any many friends The Women's Miselentry Society
and neighbors for the 'cindly remem of Cie}vllle Church held it , regular
brances also to Dr. Myers during monthly meeting on afterneol of
my recent illness while I was in the
hospital and Milne 1 ranee home.
Mrs. George T. Williamson
Under auspices of L.O.L. 774
Brussels Town Hall
on Thursday, Oct. 23rd
Music by CKNX Ranch Boys
Lunch Booth Admission 50c
The W. A. of Walton United
Church is presenting a 3 -act
Comedy play entitled
rr Meet My Wives ''presented by the Blyth
Junior Farmer's Institute
In Walton Community
nHallacmThursday, October
at 8.15 p.
Admission 4Oc and 20c
Evangelistic Meetings
Town Hall --Brussels
Meetings every Sunday night
8 P.M.
3 P.M. -Gospel Hall on the
2nd Concession of Grey
Speaker - John M. Martin
of Hawesville, Ont.
Everybod'' Welcome.
Whatever God will have us to
do He will help us to do.
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
11 a. m. "Sin's Five Brands"
10 a, m. Sunday School
and Bible Class
7 p, m, "Old Testament Sttldy't
(No. 5) ,
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmatrtar•
The United ihrch
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 a. m. Morning Worship
The Saorapent of
Infant Baptism
Promotion Sunday
' For the Sunday School
7 P. M. Evening Praise
"Honing and Evening"
Everyone Cordially Welcome.
Oct, 10t11. The president, Miss Grace
'Children Jean and Anne of Termite.
Stew^at•t Na nestled in thecletotirt`'were holidays visitors with bis ninth,
al period by !Mrs. .Too, Spei., errs Mrs. G. eTrl)ewell and :Wise
Meadows and Mrs. McLeod, Florence Memangbton.
Reports were received Ston, the w a
secin't:ley and treasurer and rrhm the
MrNelson Aalrin of Ha,miltnn
visiting committee. epent the past two weeks with his
Announcement uc
elmsrefs, George .*r t r
and his -tster Mrs. John Gran' and
ether friends in Grey Township.
Wednesday, Octobr15th, 1947
,aseneh..-: -- 60th Wedding
o Football { The United Church
* * " m i Anniversary Services
Thanksgiving Visitors 3.3 was the final result in fhP Rev. Dr. J. R. MuteTzmo,` was the
exhibition rinse played iu London ¢nest preacher at Anniversary ...t.r.
between nr. Brussels and the 1•undot' seecc bele morning and evening
CIQ.R. tenni. Brussels Srn•td thio trig
Align. Delaney and Lowe. Th ace"
was played at a fast pave awl
despite the forty-Rve minute p,•riuds
the fli'iiP1s hays kept up the
hi. 1
at e.
pressure until the
final , v
A return game will be played in
Pcts:"els in -a fortnient's time.
Miss Betty Best, 'Toronto, with her
mother, Mrs, M. Best.
* * *
Miss II. Porter, with her sisterdn•
law, Mrs. Louise Porter.
Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Toronto.
with her mother Mrs. D. R. Cunning.
• •1 •
W. 0. anal Mrs M,tKtnnon, Sarnia.
spent the holiday with bis brother
Dnnran McKinnon
the Invited (church. In the mei-Cin
ln•. eintehurm• spoke from the text
in Witten is the Arai of the Lord
11, vented." in the evening text was
"lent by might nor by power but by
my Spirit =cilth the Lord." Approprl'
ode music was provided by the choir
which Was assisted in the meriting
by the Junior Quaret composed nf
M.sse Dnrolhy Denis and Ruth
Melville Church Service Wilson and Messrs Lawrie Cousin;
V ii . Thn„l(eelvieg a erviee In and John Wilson. 10 the evening
• [n eon Dept of Misses T1101111
* *
Miss Joyce Porter, who is attend. Rev. George Milne preached 0n the Brothel*. Dorothy Dem11- and Ruth
in:^ Toronto Oufversity with her su1j'rt "The Duty o? Thenkeeleing." Wilson `ane nasi nceeptahly, Ti,e•
l e ette The and Mrs. Walter Porter. Th•. ;incl• rendered snerb+,l '1•h'tnits. 111013 was led by .lira, R. Ti. Cousin:.
g'vtng music Mrs. W. Kinn', A.T.('.:vi• Presided nt
1 the organ,
11.1r, and Mrs. Donald McRae and The evening service was with.
. n .,r•ount od tl, • .lnniversaey
day visiters at the h"m• of err:. e ' brat one a }
t the United Chert, A.v'ardn Presented At Grey
viltr Chn••rI on Snu.da,; ntm•nin''
Miss Rnby Smith r0:oi (. w, i hr,'.i- rh , 1(1 n , ,
T. McRae. ----
8 5 ,s Grey Township lrPrlrratinn of Agri.
Mr. and ,:dill. W. MrDnw•ril and William E. VaeVciser eeltnre held their naneret in ,'ret
\C.11i.nn Eugene :'stn \'elsnr rlie(1 brook Friday night with a splemlid
on Tuesday .at WInoleant Ilse el ettendanee.
Willee's nrrhestre prrn'ide" re
Hospital In his 7Stle year Surrivine
l'. pointe pingo while the g11e t=
besides his wife are hie son Lawrie.
of Hamilton, and las ),ter Rona, nf
xoOne daughter, Mrs. 1 r
• ,pt. t
(Hazel) Me5sellan me deer re r l hint.
The body is reefing a -t D. '. Rahn s
funeral home, Betts cies A private
end Sweet Afton,
-...,.Y Try:it-1 .in Rasaquet
Sectional meeting of the W.M.S. C.
Maitlmtd Presbyterial to he held in
Bluevale Preshyte'ian - Church cn
Thursday, Oct. 1Gth at 7 psoas
The Roll Call was answered by a
verse on "Thanksgiving"
Mas, Sao. Bowman and Mrs
Hamald Speir had charge of the study
on "India" dealing with "The mins
istry of ITealing' 'and 'The Church
takes root in India.' Pointing oat
that through methal missions the
church endeavors to -day to carry
0n "Tt•sns' ministry ni Healing. The
Gospel hes gone to India through
the witness. of faithfal ambassadors
The church hes taken root in Indtn
and today bears W1tae"s to its Own
people, The president closed the
meeting with prayer.
Please take note that effective
lease take note that effective
November' 1, 1947, Mr, M. Yelleck
has disposed of his business to Mr.
L. Waxman who will operate from
the same location,
Mr. Yolleck wishes .io thank his
Many businees acquaintances and
fetends fon' their cordial relations
toeing past associations.
Seafo'i'th, Ont.
* 0 0
Mr. and errs. Harold Wlnittnrd and
son Richard, Miss L, Me(I111. Earl
. Whitford and Mien .Tune T)earhorne
of St. Catharines spent Thanks.
eivine with Mr, end Mrs. Ben
n o *
'Ms's Muriel Brothers left Toronto
last week onronte to lndie, where she
will serve tinder the Canalien TeP-
tiet Foreign Mission Boa •i1 4",lac
Brothers returns to her work which
she began in 19111 also Rev. Mr. and
Mrs. Rushton are ;nine for the first
time other missionaries are following
later on.
a a el
Saturday's Globe ronta-Ind a
picture of the Rev. John P. McLeod
formerly of Melville Church, in can-
necteen with 54th anniversary of the
Emmanuel Presbyterian Church.
Toronto of whiolt he Is pastor, the
occasion was also the burning of the
mortage. Members of tho session
were also Present.
Court of Revision on The Assess-
ment Roll of tie Townehip of Grey
P Town.
9.7 will be
held at •
a 1.4
ship office at Ethel on Friday the
21th day of October 1947, at 8
- o'clock P.M, Parties interested will
please govern themselves according- Ing the Institute Creed the Roll Wes
alt ,1111 >I.e. t' 1 • •'t..i 1 11.
(nese IIehecee P• •11 i et it :.0 L!'
Onbnrl ee--,ear' Iii-: t :,.•11!1',1
w'0r' 015(1'le.1 e1 do 1t - ,
wee loin ' .eatsd and also late e r 1;1, u a -
the en11r4Ps. Robert Bell in a (1
e v
• the tie. -1., n
r t the toast to the Kin- 1 •r l)n' asps r n v lr -
Junior Quartette of Bruseel9 Waited 21st, 1987 They resided reser i r -
C'hm•r.h *long Wait for the Wrenn town after the •ri'••les: '
ssrvice will he held there on Then.
The president. 11ir. Orval Hardee..
day at 2:00 Wroxeter
P em ter . doled'- reviewed the work of the Fe1Pt•ltien
meat in WrOx ter r.enteterp. for the year stressing the form tee
of the cream producers organization'
and the work with the Grain and
VW C1nhs. Ile then called on the
Agricultural Representative Na.
Lee Roy Brown to present. the prizes I
'o the members of the Baby Beef
Calf Clip sponsored jointly by Grey
Twp. Federation and the Bra=• is
Fall Fair Boan•d. Prize, as follow?:
Derene McFarlane 97.00
The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian
Church inet last Tuesday afternoon
St the home ,of Mrs. E. Bowes with
Rftreu ladies present. The president
Mrs. MtbInnt-s 'was In charge, the
meeting opened with Hymn 94. The
Prayers from the C-154 Tidings were
read ending with the Lord's Prayer
repeated in nelson, The Srriptnre
lesson was read by Mrs. C. Cardiff.
Tire minutes of the last meeting
were read by the se.eretarY and Frets martin
approved. The .Roll Call was en.
Mr. Jerry Nelson thein presented
swered with a verse of escr1ptnre the Prizes to the Grain se Olub which
containing the word thanks. 'Phe tzeeparula.rly successful thfs
offeirm.^' was taken. 1•IYmn 091 was year. Prized as follows:
sung. The Topic from the .Study Ross KnightBook was taken in two parts by Mrs.Kenneth Knight
E. Richards and Mrs. E. Tbompson. (Marne Turnbull
The meeting closed with Hymn 899 Bert Alexander
and prayer by Mrs. Mcivo•. Lunch BEdgereatBrown
was Peeved by Mrs. Bowes assisted Flora Turnbull
by the committee in charge.
011101110 hiaeDonlad 3.00an
Tames Knight .............. ....... . . 2 00
The Women's institute met nn 8,
Thursday afternoon, Oct. 9th at the •Tack knight
tTelen TOlittton 1 on
home of Mrs. E, Bowes with a good
attendanrP. The president Ales , T,.. rn nn Johnston
Bowes was in charge after the sing. 'Hervey Clarke
Inc of the institute Ode and repeat. Donald Baynard
Ross Deltner
Donald McDonald 2.130
Kenneth McDonald 2i11
Ross Knight
74111en Smith
Flora Turnbull
(•admit. 7,0
ne bate on a Palm in r.tt'n(1 tw•',
They 111,: t m it r it e'., ., n I':. 'a' •,
B•-ids*e where they l'•,•3311,1 n•13'3.
moving to their nt es• nt plans 0'
Dean Lake. 0)31 t t" age, 'Ale
they ha-ve operated e „e• 'ling leen
store and post office eves neen
lig. and Mrs. llenharr'ei1 are s)
and 79 years young respectively.
Their family of thirteen. 9 of
w•h0n1 are still Heine. lived for the
most part not so far away.
They have 21 gi'4n1cldldrel. '' n
21 great granlohildren.
Charlie Turnbull 4 00 Brussels Girls Lose
Graeme MacDonald 4.00
Ross Deitner 1,pn Championship By Close Score
Majestic Women's
The Qetobwt' msrtin- ut the
11aj •s, 11• \\room's [net elite ,e•1• h. Id
iu that Brussels Puitli 141(111 on
Thuredgy, Oct. 9th with +aselir's
pr••: lie Mrs Earl ('1111100'' ere -
1 nd np •oral the 1 ce + us with
the. neuai opening exerei ee. The
3011 (:111 was "My Resprneihility to
my community"and ner,.l.hotdtness
popular lar
- r• the meet I p i
•mrd to h
01' a gond e'ttizeu, 'Mr'' Deft, 1'• 13'
ingwav gave the financial report
whish ':Mowed a. mos nre:tra:>ing
l:4a.nr:e largely due 1<: lie a;
of the rti to TT••tL„a rP,trv•,1 011 -r 1110.
1 F,31. Ay the lr.-filet".
e70eltnr,r•e10,1 .v1re
la:o1. 1,1' lt' j,'. ;or,. t '
d',;" \t. ,..i I 'it. ,a.
101(11 } wielnee 'e) '111` i'l. ,
i. 1. 1,.. rt ,11
103711 Traders btf.r': :en, . 1st
1 dSsem,eine .,t, lenelle... .:
j tures. clam (11111 If w d' Ori t rt;
(bold a Pot Leek Snnpw in �< .,.','•r
iii the Town Hatt. A cowmen,. eon -
1i:sting 01' eiesdame4 Lone. Lets.
1<-tv. Bell, Werk. Peerle etel eleeel
' w• -,.s :t sm01111(r1 TO oink? 0r^141-3000-
1 ments for the night's entertnite
111• ITPJrdt1 Dentis, ^nest speak-
er then gave a splendid paper on
:t1;,.n for Cltivenship." She
:tressed the respon0ilt:1tv of the
, en,. 0 in t -^icing the child befome
he gees to school. They ehonid Le
1 Re p•r: for anthnrity wbtch
leering in the home.
nl. dtenrq.
Trnstw•arthinas end reliability.
4. The inevitability of punishment.
Inneelile:hflege for other people.
The District project "Personality
and Dress' 'is to lee held in the
Library on Nov. lath from 10 a.m. to
4 p.m. All ladles of the 50lmmenity
or, welcome to attend.
The local Institute course on.
"Dressmaking" Is to be held from
Nov, 24-28. It will he all day
every day except Monday when it
will be in the afternoon only. if
interested In taking this (merge call
Mrs. Buscltlen or the president Mrs.
Mrs. Sweeney then conducted an
interesting Hallaw'en Contest.
The hostesses, M^a. Carl Heming-
way. Mrs. Doug. Hemingway. Mrs.
Oliver Hemingway and \Rios Beth
'Tone r served a dainty lunch.
100 ! The Brussels Girls' softliall trans
lost the W.O.A.A. championship clip
to the Clifford Imperials by the 31005
score of 11-10.
The lasec. game 111 1113 thrv''-not-nf-
ta+ ('0 five series for the eha.mninnenin wee
8.00 Played in Victoria park here en
4,00 Monday afternoon.
3.111 Both teams fought bar& 011ffnnd
0.00 to retain the cup and Brussels to
wrest it from them. Clifford team
was unbeaten throughtout the
season until Brussels elle .lefeat:-1
them twiee,
riens•ie fans are pa'ntd of their
2.50 • .afthall team, who. though they
2.50 didn't win the o1P, cavae, s.n clasp
2.5e to doing so. It took a tine ball
•'v0 team to beat them. Coneeatnlations
to the girls. their cavil. manager
and captain,
MT. T, Baker of the New Amrriean
Hetet entertained the team at it
banrinet after the game on Monday.
I1y J,
Thur., Fri., Sat, Oct. 16.17-18
--'41r1 34th Street
�^-- livith
Maureen O'Hara grid- John Payne
Here again we feel we have some-
thing to shout about -loud and long•
A story In which Edmond Gwenn
ernestiy believes himself to be
Santa Claus --Be sure to see the fun.
Mon., Tues., Wed. Oct 20, 21, 22
I„ Teohnicotor with
In Tech.nicoi'ir
Cornet Wilde and Maureen O'Hara
A tale of the track that unfolds in
varied settings from Soston 'to
England, to the Argentine and finally
to Churchill Downs In Kentucky.
'To set it apart from the usual
theme, there Is offered ,.the .,corona'
railed answered by naming my most
H. Fear. Clerk, I hnmlliaaing experience. The minutes
( 0f the lash meting were read by the
secretary Mrs, E, Richards and
adopted. Different items of business
The Majestic Institaite is sponsor- l were disease¢ and it was derided
ing a short ,Doose in stewing con- ton send n lox of 10011 end 3101hi110
mencing Nov. 24 to the 28ta, This I each month to the fleetly in Britain.,
merge is (mean to the public' and I Plans were made for a HaReveen
anyone wishing to take it get in 1 party to he held in the Hall 011
touch with Mrs'. Cliff Baschien not Friday night, Oct. 51sto watch for
lager than the 15th of Nov, further particulars of this Popular
Mrs, Long event, Piens Were also made for the
-_- family eight. 'Banquet to be held the
tessessessasuseermeesesentasesseetessenamseataa eecond Friday night ip November. et
,,,,.-` 1 teen of the present King and Que
u of England, official color films of the
Church of 1ng►and doings about Buckingham Palace and
Parish of Brusaeis St. James Park.
Rev. J. H, Kerr, Rector.
20th Sunday After Trinity Next Thugs., Fri., Sat. 001. 23.24.25
O,etober 19th, 1947 Great Expectations
John's ChUrch, Brussels- i John Mills and Valeele Hopson
This almost flawless interpretation
AnnlHarvest 1 Is a sound Job of ,storytelling• ...An
Thanksgiving Serviceppeasy way to take the work of
at 3 p. m, Charles Dickens Is via the films -and!
111 this is the story of the childhood
Iand young adult Ilfe of "PIO silt
Batelle. Be sure too gee It. I
Tv(ardlyn Bolger
Clifford Morrow
Jack Heihein
Mr. Walter Porter. manager of the
Bank of Conmtere.e was then called
upon to present their silver tree
donated to the B1•ttS0e.ls Fair to Mr.
Gordon Knight for ecorhug the
moat points, in farm produce.
The 13(1 ee again rendered Th^
New Quay FISthermen Sang an•l Old
Folks At Home and proved them•
selves worthy artists.
Mr. Russell Bolton,
the County Federatio
upon to introdnoe the
G. E. Beaman profess
the O.A.O.
Dr, Rennin spoke on the For
Horsemen Firet Sntenee which nine
be our servant not carr master; Se
h We 0157 learn
o learn to direst
are; Third Hope
le must parish:
oh is based nn
relief in others
Power. It wag a
address end I'm
should be gad
Dr. Reasnan's in-
n our Agricultural
Carl .lemlalawa3
eotcatiOn of the
Mr, Brown, Mr.
Palette for their
se of the evening.
1, past presidant
Preciat:nit of the
line services of
the orchestra and
Capitol Theatre was decided that the price Per
L I S T O W E L family this year he 50e. The Topic,
Ways of entertaining convalescent'
' children wars taken by Mr's, de
TO -NIGHT - WED.-THUR ;Dealer. A very tnteresding report of
Oct. 15 - 16 ' the Convention helt1 at C.nelph was
With Katharine Hepburn and ' given by Mrs. Wardlaw. Mrs, de
Spencer Tracy, Deolair then favored with the solo
The Rev. J. 0. Ca]ey,B,A„ L, Th.
of Gerrie will have charge.
St, George's Church, Walton -
9.80 a, m. Morning Prayer
10.30 a, m, Sunday School
• h H nfryn--
Bt. Davldtft.Ohw'O r e with
11 35 a, ill Morning Prayer
(Adult Entertainment)
T. 17 - 18
Shorts and Cartoon
MAT. SAT, New Serial
George MON. - TUES. OCT.MON. - 24
Attendance card night.
$110. "BOOMERANG."
Unusual - Startling
Based on FACT,
BrennMario Oberon
10 a. m. SilndslT School Charles Korvin
y" -
WED.. OCT. 22 - ONLY
Scottish Scenery
Star of 11Pygnlallere"
C.K•N, . Mon. -Fri. 6P. M.
1BEngagement Announcement
Mr, and Mrs. Charles 9, Van
se Otte, anneYnce
russels. Norman 0P Rtvs
Ithe engagement of their daughter,
Josephine Irene, to Dr. Harry
William Bain, eon of Mr. Bower Bain
Bay. The marriage will take place
Bay. The marirage will take inane,
presidant nt quietly on Saiarrday, Oct. eel, 1947,
n was called at 6 o'clock, in Deer Park United
guest speaker. Ohuroh chapel•
or of English at - -
Engagement Announcement
Morris Township Council
The Council met in the ToweiShip
hall 0n the above date with all the
members present. The Reeve
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted on motion of
Sem Alcock and :fog. Yui11.
Mowed by Tiar557 TOhneton.
sernnied by Jos. Yuill that the
motion passed at the September
1nae1dng, appointing Chas. Coultas
to the Wingham High Scheol
Beard. be remeind*d and that the
Reeve interview a prospective rep-
resentative and the 'Ipnotntment to
be made at the November meeting_
r Mr. and Merl. Fred Ennis announce
the engagement of their youngest
e. daughter Anna Isobel to Mr. Ross
Dunbar Con eingham eldest, son of
Mrs. E. Cunningham, Grey tovnshiP
and the late Roy Cunningham. The
wedding to take place the latter part
of October.
Engagement Announcement
"Mary of Argyle," a.ecompanied1ond History by Whin
an the Dentin by Mrs, L, Lake. � abclut theys est tantie s
short period of eomtmntit.Y
was enjoyed. The meeting closed 'without which peon
by singing the National Anthem. , and finlaIly Life Vitt
Lunch was served by the hostess ,111r0iet in oneself,
aseitsted by the committee in chitrge. land belief in Divine
very enlightening
sure we as farmers
to have mon of
eight avid ability i
Colleges, Briefly
vetoed the appr
organization to
Visitors over the 1PPK end were
Gordon and Mrs gleiۥhtllOi,n with
F. and Mrs, SteiPhtholm ands family.
Mr. end Mrs. Williams and son of
Hamil:tOn with G. anti Mrs, Dun11a'•,
Mr. She Dunbar of Kitchener wick
;Ins parents A. and Mrs. Dnnhar, I Nelson 1(11,11 Dr. R
I Miewes Margaret and Olive Rich- ah.nrc in the 'entree
Iarils with their parents E.' and 'Mrs. Mr, Wm. Ttiertbu;
I RtclOrds and family. Calvin and vnlressed etre ap
Mrs. Kratitem and David of .Hamilton Federation for iihe
and Gordon 0f Hamilton and Muriel the quartette and
of Ottawa with Solna end Mrs. eoni;rmtulaied th
Mies Theta Kit h nae with
i visiting in
Kreuter, '
Earl of Kitehotter
her parents L. and Mrs. Maal,
Mrs. J. l9rs.nter s
. Itamtlton.
Auxiliary M Ora
the splendid boo
51'Y canabie w
The dr140httui ev
O Canada.
Moved by Chas, Coultes seconded
by Harvey Johnston that By -Lacy
No. 8 authorizing the Treasnrar 1:
barrow money be passed. -Carrie+
Wined by Inc. Till seconded be
Sam Aleock that the road bills .tie
presented by' the Road Snpertntend.
ant be paid, -Carired. seconded
Moved by Chas. Coulter
by Sam Alcock that the usual grant
of 920.00 be given to the Itelgra�ve
School Pair. -Carried.
Moved by Harvey Johnston second-
ed by Jos. 41ti11 that 'Sy -Law No. 4,
setting the nomination for November
ngagem 24 from 12:90 to 1:40 p,m. and the
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. M. William election it noresstery on De0mber 8,
son of Walton wish to announce the he P� ese& Ins. . SPr(nded by
of thein' daughter, M naettng
.T1'Cthe n
engagement t
Floranre Ma,igeret io George Albert � Sam A1cor)r thatNovember
only son or Mr. ' and Mrs. Albert a.dionrn to meet again on
Nesbitt nt Blyth. The marriage in 13 at 'Pile following pan.
errsneoants veere'pat
take place early in November.
I Dept. of Heelttt (Tnanlinl .. 86.00
BORN 1 CKNX (0dverlisingl . 5r
11APPAPORT-Mr, and Mrs. Sam Bill 05,010 Fair Grant 3ti.Oq
TtepptipOrt' (nee Gertrude Yo11le1t] j Bllltll 7111r Genas .. --
are- happy to ant 0111100 the arrival 4 ¢tion Grant 2f'
e Yonne Ladies' of a daughter. a later to LO,riee a. r C. I lianas, relief account 20.94
Church on the Private Patients PavtHan, To' i Bel, rave ma, relief 0001 20.64
provided and the ronin General 0911 e1 ave School lativa run
ening closed 15)111 1o1n€' we1L
d h ital on Sunday,
�r it W09 aarvr•d (October 11 1947 Mother and babe' i B tee Aaut n C1efk2U 00