HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-10-8, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST 4l'edlleaiday. Octobers till. H147 65I{E@� YOU ©RIVE ON EAR HI -MILER TRUCK TIRES Put extra -mileage, extra -traction Goodyear Hi -Miler All -Weathers on your power wheels... put Goodyear Hi -Miler Ribs on free -running wheels. That's the dependable profit-making formula thousands of Canadian truckers use. SEE THEM Ai YOUR GOOD/VEAR ®FAIL . ELLIOTT T BROS. Brussels, Ont. t3E_4N.,, ?A LTON ban spent the We curl with Miss Batty Qtlium. Miss Doreen :FTnrray of St. C'olnm• Duff's United Church McKilolp township, 'held anniversary services' Sunday, R•ev, J. Malv'n Keyes of St. Mara, a former school teacher in the community, was speaker and told the congregation that many people today lmow move about "the making ,of a living than the art of living itself." Is there a measuring stick 'for success in lite? Is it the length of life lived, the possessions v,e gain, the happiness in lite or the achievements in life? We should live with faith in 1inrl 101 the de• sire to do His will," he said. Large congregations Wended the services, The school children, under the direction of Mrs, .Arnold Scott, supplied the music, World Wide Comunton Day was observed in Duf'f's United Church, Walton. The folowing parent'; presented their Mr, and Mrs. Min. H. Craig. Phone 82 Ciassiried Ads FOR SALE Fall and Winter cooldat.; Phone li,x f,)nyd `;t'.,erkman FOR SALE - 1931 Model A Ford f'ome, t ac, 1 lent condition. Phnn•• 0G -r1 LOST— A new turnip fork In Rouse],. Firdr.r leave at the Ilras,el; Pos;. r?R SALE - 100 .--__-_. F Barred Rook Pullets months olti. Phone 50-.r-10 Howard (lowing FnO SALE— 100 B.P. Rock }Teas, one year old 81.00 each, Dm McKinnon. R. R. 3 Brussels. FOR SALE— A number of gond clean butter milk barrels, would make bond sap h^mrels. Flay .Brandon Phone 501.•17 FOR SALE - 20 Pianos refinished like new, re• conditioned at Schnett's Furniture Store, Mount Forest, also 3 Flonre of :New Furniture. Free Delivery, , WANTED— Man to accompany party on deer hunt in Northern Oatarlo, Leave Nov. Oth. Anyone interested Phone 70-r-12, Brussels after 0 p, nl. FOR SALE-- 011 horning kitchen range In per- i fent condition; also heavy duty electric hot plate, two burner. Rev. T. D. Mac Iver, Cranhrook Phone 52-r-11. MAN WANTEI).— . for Rawleigh Route. Real opnnr- ' tunity. We help you get started. Write Rawleigh's, !)" )t, ML -I-152 0, Montreal. LOST— babies for baptism; A Red Steer with horns Ong lbs., W. Thamer. Mr. and weight, a nick out of left ear, from Jack Blakley Fern belonging, to George Cardiff. WEDDING, Menzles—McCreary ATWOOD — The inarri,le,i of Jean Tsabell, danghterof Mr. and Mrs. O•bi.vcr MoCreery of R.R. 's, Wroxeter and David Donald ,VI•erzaes, son of Mr, anti Mrs. Robert Menzies. of R.R. 1, Listowel, was solemnized by the Rev. Mr. Hutton, at the manse in Molesworth. The bride those a li0iti blue wool with fw^o•piece ch'e, or atee-lodes in Meek. Her atendrint, Miss Freda Black, were pink with black accents, Ross McCracken attended the groom. Mr. .and Mrs, Menzies left for a. honeymoon in Ohio and Indiana. Ontheir return they will reside at R.R. 1, Listowel. .v 41•31.01M0101.1•11MINOMMIr omnia ONTARIO OPEN SEASON for PARTRIDGE 1947 There will be an open season for ruffed grouse, spruce partridge, sharp -tailed grouse and ptarmigan from the 1 lth of October to the 18th of October, 1947, inclusive, in the whole of Ontario except— the counties of Brant, Elgin, Essex, Haldi- mand, Halton, Kent, Latnbton, Lincoln, Middlesex, Norfolk, Oxford, Peel, Perth, Waterloo, Welland, Wentworth and York, and the townshies of Pickering, Whitby, and Whitby East in the County of Ontario, and the township of Puslinch in the County of Wellington. Daily bag limit—five birds. Season limit —twenty birds. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND FORESTS Hon. H. R. Scott Minister F. A. MacDougall Deputy Minister FOR.SALE— Gee polled Angus buil, also small tandem disc harrow and 7 Ft, stiff tooth culttivator. Phone 29-r-13 • Tiannetn McFarlane R. 2, Brusseis FOR SALE----_. -- 15 —15 Rich Chesterfields. new pianos, Choice stock of Bedroom Suites, Washers, Rugs, Lamps, Large and small Radios at the Mildmay Funt ture Store, Mildmay. Free Delivery. FOR SALE— (C!heap) one good driving mare 3 years old, quiet single or double. Also nes gond 'Portland cutter and set single harness. An?(1nc intet'est• ed call Wm. Spelt., Pion Ix, Ilrns. sale. %wire 00,1118' SSEPEciateMOSEMIlenaalreManynamlalsmaantermanaadrill.. _ ooc )or Aliinch vlitzif Baking SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT FOR SALE— Rubber fired wagon, with steel axles and box with shelf, spring seat, short tongue, also Holstein cow vom- FAMTLEX, Dept. ". 1005 Delorintier, M. A, Fraser, Sth Con. of Morris. Phone 17-r-10. WANTED— Man for steady travel among con- sumers in Brussels. Permanent con- n•"etion with large manita•turer Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rewleigh Dent. No. ML -J-152• 131, Montreal WANTED— Wa.n:ted flocks to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1043 hatching season. Flocks culled and blood - tested free. Gnrnatteed premium plus hatchability premium paid, For full details write Tweddle Chick TTstthchemies Limited, Fergus, Ont. FOR SALE— _ ;;pl-ing 0313.1s. Mrs. H. Ellice 1. Graham Survey, llruxsel.s FOR SALE— '.:t:ntiue engine 1'., tl.l',, la ;toed r'o11(llI10n also 10 scales 301)1 11s, capacity. 1.I10nc l)n.r-11 11i111)) 'Tonal FOR SALE— A band power .cu -lit tnaril`n.'. ntew condition also a :FTnle.; A Ford ('al'. 8'45111' 77.t'-li 31,-'1 -i!'.: FOR SALE— Four bottler Peree, 111)11 011 stove and 1)15(1. Minerva M. Atkin. 5074Fernwood Ave., Apt. 180, Detroit 4. Mich. * -* $ * a * PEOPLE WF KNOW Dorothy Armstrong spent 1115 week end at Waterdown with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lay0Octc and family. *** .Tas. 5. and Mrs. Armstrom; and Jas. Jr. were Sunday visitors in London with Mr. and Mrs. W. C Scott. • a u Mr, and Mns. Ray Fear and Idary Sperling or Clinton Sunday visitors with Mr. and TT. Manning. Mrs. were Mrs. ■ e Mrs. Dan Glassier, Mrs. W. L. TO'aeker and Mr. Louis Herman at- tended Mr. Herman's Mand• daughter's wedding in Windsor on Saturday. ¢ * a Mr, Jack Thynne returned from his Western tour Last week. He reports that Ube crops in some sections are not as good as last year. •- a Mrs, A, 10. Loffree, Toronto, enjoy- ed a few days lot week with old FOR SALE - 100 am'e farm, lot 110, con. 10, Grey, good bulldiuge, barn 33 x 50 wit?) litter carrier and water inside, hog pens 23 x 35, implement shed 24 x 30, 5 acres of flush, 30 acres plowed. Possession in Neven)ber, price $4500. Jacob Hollinger Phoma 33ere12 MEN WANTED 735. to $00. A WEEK! Your 03(01 1111.01-05 8! No boss, YID thnrclock, irtlepend.MVP I The leading line of TTonle Service Precincts. It yon own a car operate in the country, oiler• wise pick a city tertitery. Full in - fornication Flll,05 on request. FAIFTILI':X, Dept. C. 1000 Delorintt'•r, Montreal, "HELP WANTED -MALE" AN OPPORTUNITY.- lintabiisiied Rural Watkins Distrlc available. If you are aggresetv5, and between the ages 02 25 and 55— haysante travel outfit, thisis YoOi� opp this or can ortt nity to get estab lisped profitable business o yodr owing lror aril partlelhht.l's twits10 Til today to e 3. R, Watkins Company. Phone 6 13urclter Shop Brtts3el$• Dept. fu 0.3.4,a 2177 Mason tit., Montreal Que, BA K R BROS 0 lends and also took in th • Fall Fair * * M Miss Alice Stiles. Toronto, was a visitor at her home here last weak * a x Mr. and Mrs. Garfield ]ext, of saint ;U,an'ieu, lall:oruia sore aIslting friends and relatives. here. • 1 . a Miss Mae Bunt moved this we. 11 to London where alta has taken up residence In her new home there. ,M a a Miss Elizabeth Barker, London. wa-s a recent visitor with her par - ono. Mr. and Mrs. .1. C, Macke... * * * Janes Oliver, Detroit. spent few days last w"'k in town anal enjoyed ITtP BrlleeoTs fail:". he was also with his sister Mrs. MoGavin. Walton.. a m a lir. and Mos. Shobb,'nok and Charles of Huliett and Mr anti Mrs. Knox and children of Bridgeport, Mr. and AVM. Knox are staying a week end with 211'. and Mrs, H. Man- ning. * * rt Mrs; Giesler, Stratford, has been a guest at the home of her sister Mrs. Joan Henderson for the past - week. DIED 9farDONALD — In Grey Township on Fniday, October 3rd. 1947. Hugh Stanley MacDonald. In his 40th year. Fr 11 w'a, held it'nn th.• 16 ne of his brother's Ales and John Mac- Donald. Lot 0, Cnncesw'on 2. Grey Township on Monday. October 0th 1947, Service at 2 p, 10. Interment was made in Brussels Cemetery. FOR SALE— Electric motors rewound and re- -sired. Expert workmanship. Moder micas. New motors In stock. &cttger Incustries, 649 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. PP IV ei6- Agricultural HighiT alts For The Week Th -e three delegates. Mils Marge ant Lobb, R.R. 3. Clinton, Mr. Young, R.R. 1, Blyth, and Mr. ditn Snell, R.R. 1, Clint.n, left Pa, Iv Monday morning' ,)n the i tn'or Fanner Bus r tit-onin East .11 Ontario and Quebec. Some of the main point, el .:111 a'i;1 be Krne•11.11 Cornwall, Montreal, M1epnnald College. Ottawa, Central Fxpe,iment- al Farm. Kemptvtlle Agricultural College and Pete.•bo-'tugh. 'fie delegates on this Mot' are chosen from Junior Farmer Clubs through - ant the Counties of Brant, Heidi - mead, Huron, Kent, Norfolk, Water, len:. Well'ngl:nu0. 'Middlesex, Grey and Bruce. This tour will take 1 Ove days, and the delegates are expected to return some time i Faturda.y eventing. The picking of apples .. (mite general throughout ill' County and some fruit growers stave, already harvested and disposed of their early fall varieties, such arc Wealthy F. Gra ve.n..steims and McIntosh. In most cases the Quality of thea fruit is excellent and with the strong de- mand, prices are remaining at a favourable level. I have just received word from Mr. John MacLeod, Secretary of the Ontario Crop Improvement 10 .oeia• tion, that Huron Cont+y has teen accepted to participate 1n rim 11011 Buehel Winter Wheat Chub Com petition. The main objects of this (•, e-,. '_itlru;, arse t 1 nil"•n"ag , rho Ilse of good fired t) inr•1 1,z toe .w.ocl1 of al.4011 ., 1, 11) - 1coU1'- atr0 iorrarVI. fertility and Letter cropping and cultural practice; by 1111 -0 at greater yields Ti'.' acre, and finally to encourage the growing of a larger acreage Of this important cash crop. To order to qualify in dos ('nmpotil'on, each County must have a minimum of ton entries, each entry being at least five acres, and sown to either Registered Dawson's ('golden Chaff, seed grown from Registered Dawson's Golden Chaff, or Sealed Cornell 595. As the title of the Competition indicates, one of the main points of scoring the various entries is on the lasts et y"eld per acre, and competitor, may use any means at their disposal who -r•1) wilt lend to produce a record yield of high quality wheat Entry forms are available at my office and anyone interested in enter. ing this Competition should fill out entry forms as soon as possible. Sub- stamtial cash prizes. are being award- ed as an added stimulus to those who participate. 01 �rt Olf POPosLiR ntG lul�77nt 1 , 13 et! tie YOU PI before When more than a million Canadians buy Canada Savings Bonds, there must be a good reasonl And it isn't hard to find It's because through Canada Savings Bonds, they can save money surely, steadily, systematically. So because you've shown you Iike this method of saving, here's your chance to keep it up. You can buy the new Canada Savings Bonds in the same convenient ways, for cash or on easy instalments. The interest is still 23/4%, and you may purchase up to $1000 in any one name (but no more). Decide now how much you want to save during the next twelve months, then place your order without delay. On Sale October 14th through your _- - Investment Dealer, your Bank, of g;,- your Company's Payroll Savings Plan.