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The Brussels Post, 1947-10-8, Page 4
niffifetfiViLLKIIHIEWHETRIMitel Maintal 5 E I: n ploy e t a„ Keeps Pay Envelopes Full DSTE iT! L'; ;+^ Fy :rT Electric power is vital to Industry, and Ontario is experiencing an era of high production, tulparal- leled in its history. Contrary to expectations. the demand for electric power did not drop sharply following the war. More electric power is actually being used today .for production of peacetime goods than was required at any time to forge Weapons for Victory. This demand is constantly increasing and, during the next :,ix months, hydro facilities will be strained to the utmost. New Hydro developments, planned to keep pace with Ontario's growth, were halted during the war years. They have since been hampered by shortages of men, materials and equipment. However many new stations to deliver electric power are being rushed to completion. Some are already in operation. But the need for saving electric power in your own home, during the Fall and Winter months, is urgent if the needs of Industry and Agriculture are to be fully served and employment maintained at peak levels. Won't you please play your part? Remember— even a little bit of electricity, conserved by hun- dreds of thousands, helps a lot. It's your Hydro. Use it wisely so that Hydro facilities can more adequately meet the demands of all consumers: TE HYDRO -ELECTRIC i OVVER COMISSION OF ONTARIO •a BLUEVALE The Cnited Church :Women', sect• sties met to the parsonage with as attendance of 22 and were welcomed by Mrs. 'Burden. One new member was received. 1-lostes ee were Mrs. W. J. Johnston. Mrs. Card .Tohnsten tad Mrs. Ninley McNaughton. Re- kreelment assieeett.e wore Mrs. Thomson and Mrs. Mcrrackin. Roll tall was anewerr'd by a Thanlm— giving quotation 'end Mrs. George Thornton read a Thankegiving poen. Mr.. Dai'1i11z meeill.tl for the Moments Association meeting, Mrs. J. H. Smith read the 23rd Psalm, The business period was taken up with planning for the November bazaar. Clip out and retain for reference Here are a tete ways you ran Save ELECTRICITY Turn off all unnecessary lights. Don't forget about burning lights in empty rooms, balls, basement, attic, porch and garage. Eliminate all colored bulbs. Keep lamps. reflectors and shades clean. Dusty fixtures waste as much as 25% of your light. When kettle sings, turn off switch. Stared heat will bring it to a full boil. Seep kettle free from lime. When cooking, use "High" heat for as little time as possible. Then turn to "Low" and use stored heat. Use oven for cooking complete meals, rather than the cooking surface. Only one element is required for the oven process while three or four elements are needed for the cooking surface. Eec the correct size of cooking utensil on the proper size clement. When cooking vegetables, use a minimum amount of ,vatcr. Defrostrcfrigcrator,regularly, when 4 inch of frost bas accumulated on the evaporator. Where water is electrically heated, please use it sparingly. A drop a second from a leaking hot water tap can waste as much as L75 gal- lons n month. only and washiog ke p 11(1t ono water tub when washing. Do not overload. Wherever possible, use the wringer at same time as clothes are being washed in the tub. Please do not use portable electric heaters as they place a heavy strain on your Hydro System. Your toaster, vacuum cleaner, elec= tric iron mother electrical appliances should not be used any longer than required. DTrs. Earl Hamilton presided for the Wolnaat's Missionary Society. The leaders and readers tor the study lesson. "The Bible for the North American Indians," were Ars. Barden, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Mr- eraeldn, Mrs. W. T. Johnston, Mrs. W. .T. Peacock, and Mrs. James Johnston. Mrs. W. J. Johnston and Mrs. McCracken sang a duet. The lesson described the difficulties of .Tohn Eliot in the 17th C retury in his efforts to translate the Bible into Massachusetts. Indian, and o1 Stephen Riggs translating it into Dakota Indian. Plane were made for entertaining the W.M.S. Presbyterial on Tues. day, Oct. 28, - Mrs. P. S. McEwen, president of the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church, Dreaded for the monthly NOTICE Expected this week a car of Range Coke, car of A1harta Coal, also car of hard coal Briquetts. J. H. FEAR ETHEL. SM i' AUCTION SALE of Household Effe,ts Queen Street, Brussels 1 SATURDAY, OCTOBEL lith at 1 P.M. i 1 dtnnette set -piece chesterfield saute and feat stool to match 1. ch'ster8Pirl table 1 coffee table 1 end table book sage floor and table limns 2 steel beds and springs 2 springfllled mattresses 1 wooden bed, spring and mattress and chiffonere lr, users 1 kitchen cabinet 1 kitchen table kitchen chairs Frigidaire Teangette, electric Washing machine Cook stove Sewing machine Wicker rocker and inert chair Fern stand Child's rocker Sites: coffee maker' TERMS CASH WILLIAM JACK RUTLEDGE, Pro ROBT. PATRICK, Clerk LEWIS ROWLAND, Auctioneer meeting .held at her home, Mrs, Les- lie Greenaway read Psalm 23 anti Mrs,. Walter Smillie led in prayer. Notice was given that the sectional meeting would be held at Pineville on Tot, 16. The topic, "The Witness of Indian Christians," was taken by Mrs. Burns Moffatt, A letter was read from Capt Frank F. Beckworth telling of his missionary work in Central India. Mrs. L. C. Jorgensen closed the meeting with prayer. Rev. Ledamd 0. Jorxetl .M1 it in Brussels this week acting in the capacity of judge for Ilse school parade. Mrs. Stewart McNaughton Judged the domestic mannfat't»ren and Miss M. Olive Scott w'se judge for ladies' work. Mrs. W. H. McKinney has moved ,into the house recently purchased I fnam A. D, Smith. F, ti,,math Regt.s t erei Optometrist '"Western Ontesrio's Meet Modern Eye Service. CRANBROOK . There will be eervic e: as usual 1u 1 Knox Church on anndey next. Sale i bath School tel 10 a.m. and ,er1'ice at eleven o'clock The October motto, of the W.M.S. was held at the haste of Mrs. .5:)n McNabb with goml atteednece. Mrs, Dan Httetlter, preelee'rt, tea-. n (•t11 0' of the ope1II1t?, 0:01'1,1: and business period. Tlyyenns ala and eel were used and the Levee; Pray(r { repeated in nelson. The secretary, Mss. M. 'Engel read the minutes of 1 the tlrevlpttr me eein•z whi' h were )pproyed. A11 age „( irg *Novo mfid e Iin regard to • the annual Thank- (lff.rir 'or the soviety and it was pet ided to hold 11 .nt DIP evening of Fridny, Oct. 17 with .,dtdee "We visit the Phil Field" being shown, Mention was also made of the Sectioonl meeting being held et mu -vele on Thursday afte"troop, I Oct, 16 at 2 pan. The word 'thanks" Iwas used in roll nail responses and "glory" was chosen for the "'cw. meeting. The offering was received by the treasurer, Mee. R. wit! then Mrs. Allen Cameron presided for the atndy penied consisting of the late chapter it the study book. I Hymns 124, 115 and 254 were sun„ the meditation was "For Thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever, Amen Mrs. Calvin Cameron read the-ScrlpInt's lesson from Psalm 115 and I Chnon. 16; 23-33. Mos. Dan Hnether led re prayer and Ma's. L 1). MacIver was in charge of the topic. MgO. A. Cameron pronounced the benediction and the 'meeting closed with the singing of �s "The Lord's Prayer'." A brief meet. `1'h©ITC 11 8., gxtfi9 ristor. tog of the Ladies' Aid was presided P. Wednesday, October 8th, 1047 DOMINION OF CANADA BONDS 4% due October '15, 1952 have been called For payment October 15, 1947 These bonds should be presented for redemption with all coupons of later date attached. interest will be paid onthese bonds after this date. e.c x ----.......=-....--..— over by the president. '.rhe tpusti'• e services at Ethel morning :Ind even. Creed was repeated In tutisun. Ing. ('ani,toalt anniversary ser- vices are being held on Sunday, Several taout, c 11et-essr 1 te' 1 1p with Rev. L. C. Fet'tenson of )ir•. Cameron led In tbe clo Ing Bluevale, the guest CP aker. prayer. Refreshments were 501(51 „ T. I 091100.1.1 FARE AND ONE-THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP Goon GOING, ront 12 o'clock , 13th Friday, October 10th to 2 p.m.Mondays October RETURN LIMIT: Leave destination not later than 12 o'clock midnight, Tuesday, October Loth. Consult your nearest railway ticket agent for tnfermation and reservations, Miss Essie Coghlin ATWOOI), Sept. 23 ••- Miss E:sle (loghlin, a. well-known Atwood 1'54• Idenh, who has lived in Mee Town• ship all herr life, died yesterday in Listowel Memorial Hospital, where she had been a patient far the past two weeks, She was 68 years old and was the daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. John eoglllin, pioneers of Dine Township. She is survived by three sisters, Mee, .John Peebles, Vnncout nt Mrs. Thomas Tullett, Penticton, 13, 0.; and Mre. John T, Ilcrilanntyne, Atwood; three brothers, John and Albert Coghlin, Atwood. The private funeral service will be held on Monday, September 21, from Peebles end Sons funeral parlors, ' Atwood, ai. 2 pan, Rev, W. E. Kelley, of Knox Presbyterian Chnreb, Listowel, will he 1n charge of the funeral surview. Interment will be in Elena Centre Cemetery. Girls. Looking For a 1-iusband Get the right job, girls, and you may get a husband. Read about the caret -eV with the best opportnnitiee for mattdman,y, Rescl "JOBS TITAT GETS HfISBANDS," in. the American Weekiy, great magazine with ,6his Sunday's (October 12) issue of Clea Detroit Sunday Tithes, LOOK ,AT YOUR LAll:FL — malomiaseemariak by the hostesses. Mrs. J. 1). Hiochl.) visiting with her eister. TM's, Wm. Smallden and other relative;. Friends of :tire. Lyon tiv(u1. Isom that she is not pt'ogresain; hoped for, at the %tee of writing. Miss Lena Noble. R.N.. teas r'• turned to her home here, hutch ... p ovetl 'n health. Q• uito it a member froth :hie emigre- gatirm attended n11niret'sitl•t' services in Ethel Presbyterian ('burc•h on Sunday last. Rev. I. D. MacIver wee the minister in Wbiteetnroet autl Rev. Sutherland conducted the V,,EFFLl ', , 7;4_�CHINE SHOP fel Acetylene and Electric Welding Our shop is eduipped to an First Class 1La.ee Work Your Patronage Soticits4. Good Service Assured, Agent for Surge Milking Machines T NADA SAV1NGS for sale at any branch of £ CANADIAN BANK OF COERCE N { S These Bonds are the best family investment ... for safety ... for a good interest return —2% per cent . for future needs. Buy all the Bonds you can afford (up to the authorized limit of $1,000 for any one person) ... for cash ... on a monthly savings plan . . or on other suitable terms. Cashable at full value (plus accrued interest) at any time. Denominations of Bonds — $50 — $100 — $500 — $1,000. THE CANA 1 YAN BANK OF COMMERCE The Bank will make delivery of all Bonds on 14tMi October, or as soon thereafter as full payment for diem is made.