HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-10-8, Page 1t �;' 1� 7t ' o' ' i ,Y: F "' ':5'i$' e . • -- - - .. ,®y....mw.,�.r•.•�,+a..r - -...-_ `Cl
Wednesday, October 8th, 1947
-� ��
— At —
Ethel United Church
Services at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
Rev. Andrew Lane, B. A.•, a D.
You are Cordially Invited to Attend.
Rev, J. R. Mutehmor, M. A., D. D.
Of the Department of Evangelism and Social Service
Special Anniversary Music.
Services at 11 a. Irl. and 7.310 p. sin,
The Un
fieri nh"rch Mrs. Ida Jane (Sharpe) Lowry Wins Softballt
Protest Brussels all Fair Surpasses
The Holy Communion was ate:eels-
tered at the morning worship iu the
r?niir•d (1 111 nob. A ale PI recupt'oil
service was held to wdtioh Mrs. Dr. J.
Hamper was received on Profession
of iseith and the follos''in; w,•rr
received by certificeto: Mies Jose.
phtne Medd, B,A„ from Colborne,
Ont.; Dr, J. Han•per from Hamilton;
Mrs. W. IL Bell ,:nom Stratford and
Mrs. Thomas Bullard from the
Thelon Church.
In the nvan'ing the sermon text
was from Jeremiah "Trust not in
lying words." ^ �_
Melville Church
The Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper was dispanse'd at the morning
service on Sunday. Rev. Mr, Milne
preached' ,en the subject. "Jesus.
Stranger or Frien.d," 'rhe morning
anthem wad "How long wilt Tem
forget me,'• by Ldenger. Mr,
Wm, Spear took the solo part and
the quartet campri•ed Mr. (Gerald
Gibson, Mr, Wm, King, Mrs, W.
Edgar and Mies Jung Work.
At •bhe evening service Rev, • Mr,
Milne conhinued the series of Old
Testament studies. The anthem was
"Saviour, now the 'lay le ending" by
Fall Fair Special Winners
T. Eaton Co, Special was won by
Doreen McFarlane; Ban],. of
meree Sliver Trey ,gen• by W E.
Turnbull & Son; Robert Simpson
m.-, - _ prize won by mva, lisle, w lt.on,
• Blyth Ratepayers Vote New Location
On Waterworks Oct. 24
United Church Y.F.S.
The Brussels United Church
Young People's Union held their
second meeting of the season ou
Thursday night. The report of the
nominating commitete was given.
The following officers were elect-
President—Charles Thomas
Vita-Pres,—Fre.nices Dennie
Secretary Madalon Ryan
Treasurer—Stewart Stiles
Piamiet Rnth Wilson
Christian Fallowshie—Don5:lda Wil-
lis; Assistant, Ruth Jewell
Christian Missions --John Wilson;
Assistant, Marjorie Sanderson
Christian Cttiaens;hip—Brill Rant;
Assistant, Phyllis Sullivan
Christian Culture—Dorothy Fraser;
Assistant, Miss McCntoheon,
Special Programmes --Lawrie
ins and Norm. Phillips.
BLYTH, Oet, 7.—Phe date for
voting on the proposed waterworks
bylaw hes been set for Friday, Oct,.
24, in Memorial Ha11 from 9:00 a.m.
until 6:00 p.m.
Men to repair Branch r, (tile) of
the Nichol Drain. Work to be done
by day work. Apply at the drain on
Tuesday, October 1 4b at 9 arm.
My sincere thanks to all those who
so kindly remembered rite during my
recent illness.
Cous- appreciated.
Helen McOmtoheon
Facts about
Second Series
Price $7:00
2%% interest for 10 years
Cam be castled ally time at
full face value plus
Registered in the olvner's
name for proteetion
against Ines
For full information tali
one of the salesmen In
yowl' commatilty.
Grey Township
7, I•I, FEAR
Howiok Township
W. re PATtr77RSON
Morris Township.
Mrs, Ida Jane fShed. pet Lowry Tete 13rnser,ls (leensoftball tram Keener
� r
who pasee,1 away on Friday. Oct, 3rd, won their pretest ageing! ('l:ffor,l Last
' ��y�•g R4 cane ' ® � i�inFxi
at She home of bar sonde -law, K. 71, over the game played enteral '01 4+ ! s a G�
Mmtthews, Forest, in her 87th Year, two teams here Iasi. will
beThursday atter ?Arne. one year, H. Bolger; James
'Phe ii46 'lrttandanrr, record of th<
was horn on the family Parra neer ,noon. The gaime will hP re•ptavel
Brussels Fall Fair was surpassed at Smith; A. Cummings. 'Span of heavy
Godet'foh, Ont„ on Qct, both, ismo, .in Wingham park on Friday a)•cr ., this years fair on Friday of la=t draught hon=es, W. Lupton; W. Male;
Sha was the eldest member of a 'noon at 3 o'clock. Our girls deserve A. aught hors. Span of sues . e;
family 1(P twelve nhildrea of ;lames your support and this may he your tt w.•,� open^.Pot. Thnonlay, that Belgian 11or4es L. L,-trtan•. Jane
and Mary Frain. Sharpe and in her last opportunity to see them play would greatly exnepd tlmee 1VhpPIPr, Bru;cels. Wagon ,horse
early chilrlltno,1 moved to the fifth this season. Be there Friday after• ,af`• ' hcfc•hr i A. rses, t Mnnkton, 1
line of Muerte T y e,f th • i't' sinus y.ar paperiallq in
Twp., Huron County, noon to cheer them to victory, If a and '. Wagnn horses, team hitched,
the horse classes, Norman Engle.
ids. sane Sharpe was married to fifth game is neeseaaiy it will be An exC0Pw'es'' ly large 5rhnnl )
Alfred James Lowry •on Aimee", 10Th, played in Brussels. Harness Races
1886 and moved to Brnase)s where Parade m,arrhed from Vittoria Park•
Lefty firarves' G. Aerie t 1 1
to t]te fall' grounds led by the
the maria her permanent residence to tseels bond. the err'tl eat of the y TnPsy HarvPstel, J.
until the last two years whish she Honored By fall' beard. ;Wilbur Ternhull sari ! Rannet-man 2 2 8
spent at the home of her daughter. le"'
ids L,tt. F. Yearly 3 3 2
C,rarbroolc Friends Tehn Henn. M,P•P„ who erect illy '
M,'e. Lowry was ,,,n active c1 1(,''b opened the fair at t.45. Donnie Loa H. Th,l '1 en 4 8 13
worker in the fernier Metisal Mr, and Mrs. Henry (,,-,res11ul '011.1 Lee C. BreTler, L. I' -k ,
recently took u n Prue Tanners in the achol parade
church, Brussels and later in the p residoere r Ethel, T , driven by HQblrirk 4 iS
weep sttrprl,eed when a temp of. were S.S. \n, 11 1i i t ,, Donato, 11
Mitred Church, inrlulina leaden a' t .. ,•,,,•• Nn r;rr•v Beef Cattle
Young )Ten's Bible Claus conttnn. I Cranitrnnir friends vi'ol'et their dtomr ma, years of
amply for 46 years, Inn Tuesday meat, Rept. "nnth. Their teacher, Tionald Dstrbar. The mtrade Shorthorns — Bull,
Following .the death of her him f fermre• nelehbnors prer4ented them was bulged s,,s, by .T. eleheltz and Rev ever Santee Smith. 1,,111. year Wm.
head in Tanatairy 1817 Afrs Lowry with a silver tray seri an electric
L. lergnneree Str Turnbull and Sae. P,nii. 1('d.
became Librarian in Bt resets. being 'tamp. The presnet.ntien.- war^ rand,• An innovation this year was .a rare Strong Tiros., Carrie 1 and 2. Roll calf.
peril•` '11 this j gramme 1(r children's .sport; t,W4'1 s,,nior. Tornh!tt1 'incl Son. T1n11 r•a1f.
post for 23 venni On, Mrs. Harry Heys aril spa. Dan
To addition to bee many friends in iHneth:rr. Tho acamm,a11vine ad- weer morb enjoyed by oy Th. iia tar, Turnbull an i fine 1 end 2,
of fnPrs sled ft flue by 1Tr Champion bull, eibbe,n award. lames
Bruesele she haat malty more all ere,. (dress was read by 1T1'' "Mee For . -'"
T-'- Harte. Con. 3. 1Terri' dr."; nary
who have had the beer' of iter , Cnanh„rank. Sn1)1. 30, 1917 i' ' 1 .t' l )1.-.l''a:trn•T.
guidance either through her Sunriuy'Dear Friends.Large.' Entry Lists
School tca,rh,ing's or her T,ihrarian I We, your friend,, of Crnnbronk ; Te the
take indoor exhibits the -e urea
worktake creat pleasure in gathering at e very derided irnreac' in tit^ m n• 21. 1 t ren1 TT - ser «elf. senior.
.'her r'P Pxhthlts as cmrpomd 1(i 1i T'ill'''' S ,! 1 Tnrmltmil anal 5071;
Mrs, Lowry is. serviyeri ey three Ivettr Immo= .to mend tits rveniee' „.
chdlc7rrn W. Herold floral, NP1r (with you and wish yea well le vrntr '''I 0.
Ttir meat marked torrenap fit 1(r ,l's Tr i 1f. loftier. Turn-
( : „ t1,,, 7-1•;1 r. tr.,. 1611. Th(a was 1,u11 end Sem' Strong Erns. Champion
Liskeard; Mrs. B. H. 'Matthews ;new home. „1•,• n, i• ' ry elte,rn 1l' fool 1 ribt,nr. guard- ctrnng liens.
(Hazel M.), Forest; Jan1Pa 5, NPw 1 'fon have spent many year• • ith , c•Ila . r'.,, Tn 11'7 nnri
Ins 1(112 we are 00107 to miss ;iv, , the barley ctandine. erne remn.t'• 1'rro.
Teen -
York; Russel C., redereaned her in Ition. which reline far an exhibit of Son Get -of -sire, 5."011^ Rrns.• Teen -
a a C e Q T
lieu. 1933. Vmt were alway. ren i -t rat in y n
• D - ,-f ha el- r'frtrt that mum
Canada ,anti the 'United States, many hest:
Seth Tireseele. Cntt three years and
e,' 1
5t.•ri• r Ft .s, 1T P two years,
Strong Bro.: Turnbull and ern
Hoffer. year old. Strong 'erne., Roes
She is also :survived by Seer Is»Pnort of a.11 gond causes, 11wa8" ( at ibe toil'. To the adJudging. George Merrreanrting rum•n= ,tt-
grandchildren, Barbara and JamPR VIM” to help to every •••av
7oorr'v. Raymond L. Mstthews and Possible. Tour )tome 1159 ever beenI winner. hut Wilf-tri Chert •r ''•
.711(11t11 Lowry; also Your brothers, opened to ua and veerlvnlj,ie a'nl line �,altnn rarr1' 1 oP 8a berate- f,
Sandy and Milton of Toledo, Ohio-
hio.Tames of Chicago, John of London
R. A. Reid, Eyesight Specialist is and three slaters, Mrs, W. Lnwrl have made to the, life of oar men -
now located at his new' office at (A?imute), Mrs, A. i, Affleck (clonal, malndty. Anel now ae you here left
Queen's Hotel corner on the main t n d,en and Mrs, (Dr 118', leeerson our midst we wish re pmt {hese feel•
doom, in Miss Flingston's store. (Pearl), Vancouver, B.C, Ings into practical form with bast
All the surviving momeers of the wishes for e. happy home for many
family attended the funeral services -Years In Ethel. We hope the coming
conducted by Rev, Andrew Boa, Years will be very kind to you.
Forest U'ttdted Church and Rev. Hugh As a token of our esteem for fen
pitsiity apPreclated by 1(4. 'Chnrpfm' I the fair r hihit Mr. Shortened clan rear. rir aver. heifer, two years o18,
we shall miss the contribution you .
won the open badly cronnolt?r1( all In Glen r'syn •hell. imekno-v,
hull and firer 2 and 3.
Aberder•r, Antra •— l'tntl, two years
or over, hon one year and melee taro.
lee 0,er rr.. 311118 ^•,!f tr. rh•amn-
pion hn11. ribbon award. cow. three
Evangelistic Meetings
Town Hall—Brussels
Meetings every Sunday night
8 P.M.
3. P.M. --Gospel Hall on the
2nd Concession of Grey
Speaker—Clifford Smith
Shelbourne, Ont.
Everybody Welcome.
Ira I am with you uluays even
nn,Go the end of the world.
Me1vi11e Church
Minlater Rev. G. A. Mline, M.A.
11 a. In, "The Church•s
One Founda.tinn.”
10 a. m, Sunday Scheel
and 73ibie Olass'
7 0, m, The evening aortic- Is
cancelled to permit members
to attend the United Church
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh 0. Wilson
11 A, M. and 7.30 P. M•
Rev, 3, R. Matchtnor b1,A„ D,T).
Cineet Preacher.
Everyone Cordially Welcome,
Church of Eng and
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. el, Kerr, Rector.
10(11 Sunday After Trinity
October 12111, 1047
St, George's Church, Walton—
A011011 T•Iarvest
Thanksgiving Seri'icos
At 11 et. in, and 7.80 p, m,
The Rev, C. P. (filbert of
Sea.tenth will have Charge of
the morning service and the
Reotor wilt have sparge of the
evening service.
St. John's Church, Braasch-•-
2 p. In. Sundry Selmoi
2 p. m. 3Svendng Prayer
St, David's Chrn'ah, Henfryre-'-
No service on Oct. 12th,
Wilson, Brusels United Church,
Miss Carrie Ringston sung "One
Sweetly Solemn Thought" 1v..1th
great sympathetic effect.
The pallbearers were four
brotJlents„ a bnoitlrer-in-lacy, A. A.
Affleck and a nephely' McCurdy
Lowry, Toronto,
The interment was in Brussels
Cemetery following the service in
Bnntescie 'united returce, Monday.
Oet, Gth.
The Trowbridge Cider Mill will he
running every clay, no appointments
n'ecesary. Cider and applebutter
made every day,
Seafc,rth, Oa'9t-
we ask yon to accept these gifts. We
hope .they will serve to reefed
you Work. and Seeder,. Tinteht wea.
of the place you hold in one hearts, the sucressfnl exhibitor,. ?, the
Little Lights in ifttl' windows vegetable ctaas1. Mrs Dale. Wal.
Over n.11 the earth to -clay, tan, had e runaway victory in the
Happy days and pear' anct plenty hakine enntests. and Meg. Welter
In tilde home, they seems to say Peebles, Atwood, eve:Tame all cm
And because we want ro show yon prls,fitnn in the dower displays
That our friendship's warm and true peeltnent e# theowerdomestic. pays
We ase giving with nor greeting factures Masa were Meg. S. Sweeney.
This light of love to you. Mire L, Tevingstene, Mrs`K. Tyra,
Here is a simple tittle trap
As you na.n plainly see
May it remind you of Cranbrook
Each time you serve the tea
Cranbrrol Friends
Mr. and Mrs, iorsalitz thanked
their friends for the gifts and gond
wishes. .A :metal svene's,: was spent.
Musical nun111e(7 were enjoyed.
Lnn:ob was served and the evening_
closed .with the sin;tile; 01 "For
They Are ,lolly Good _Fellows."
Exneptienally keen rompct'•irn
.,;}. , ,, ,i t,i., (1-sy t'rrnsh'•r
Grain Club exhibits. with the fol-
lowing results: 1. llarrov Clarlc: "-
nem ,\1rx;r°,ter:n, Fin -t
In the fruit seethe. etre P
Thomson, 'Ilrnssele, was legally,
se..rel'. .john Bowmen. Graham
Last Chance To See
The Egg and I
7 with
Claudette Colbert and
Fred MacMurray
Something to crow about—based on
Betty MacDonald's fabulously suc-
cessful hook this modern day pioneer
yarn has splendid bits of poignant
humanity, laughter, near tragedy and
a folksey tale of young love.
Friday and Saturday only Oct, 10, 11
The Sports Of Kings
Paul Campbell Giorla Henry
Harry Davenport
This will please the horse•racing
fans—plenty of thrills .,and „excite.
meet, Be sure to see R.
TCGIFFER—in Brussels to lir, ;nd
Mrs, H. Kpt'fer nn Toesclay, Sent,
30th--,adaughter, Gloria lean.
FISCI•IER--1n Brussels o11 Ort, a to
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fischer—s
tlaughtee, Carol Marilyn,
Capitol 'Theatr'e
OCT. 8 & 9,
"The Great Victor Herbert"
"Jungle Princess"
Mon., Tues., Wed., Oct. 13, 14, 15
The Seventh Veil
James Mason and Ann Todd
Thls offering, meriting the highest
of praise Is tops in sueponse, tense-
ness and dremelto appeal. - An en-
thralling pietura teat grips the
interest every moment with its
superior story -telling.
Next Thur,, Frt., Sat. Oet. 18.17.18
Miracle on 34111 Street
Maureen O'Hara and Jahn Payne
Hero again we feel we have some-,
thing to shout about—loud and long.;
A story to whloh Edmund Gwent
ernestly , believes himself to be,
Santa Ciaue—Be slue to see the fan,
111 * *
In 'rechnicoi+sr
FRI. - SAT. OCT, 10 - 11
"Sioux City Sue"
"Blondie Knows Best"
Sat, 2.30 Matinee
Last episode of
"Jungtle Raiders"
First Episode of a Grand
SUNDAY — OCT. 12th•
MON. - TUES. OCT. 13.14
with Ray Milland and
Barbara Stanwyck
FOTO NITE ••—• $100.
Coming — 'Wed. -Thur. next
"Sea Of Grass"
(Adult Entertainment)
With h(atherhne Hepburn and
HniPnr, rP:17 ntrl, firrrnte 116e1)onald.
1rnasela• Glen Campbell. Heifer !all,
senior, Graeme- 1!eilnnald: (ileo
Camnh''ll Heifer e1't, jnninr. (leorge
Medan: Glen - Campbell Cttaml,tnn
f•i1t.,e. '.11,t•nn awe rd. eiraeme 1l
T-1,111 112, Tined, Glen Ca.mphell.
Hereferrl —Rall, tun years or over,
and bull. one yeas., and under two
y,:ara Cenrge K.-nneiy. Bn11 pelf.
senior, Carl lrnr•n. Peimerat•n;
George `Kennedy. Pelt calf. junior.
George Kennedy 1 and ". Champion
heal. rihhnn award. Carl Rrown. Cow,
three years or neer. Denree Kennedy;
Carl Bron. Heifer, two years old,
fe O» tee Kennedy: 'earl "Brown '2 end
ITolfer, year old. (I•enrtic T'T"i reedy
man, and 7 '. T. A. Hnno Most c'e 1 and 2: Cart Brown. Heifer e'ilf.
the p"iaee for ladies' work went senior. and heife, s?f. ;uninr. esenrge
to Mrs TvPrnlar., IT{a4 Lh•iust^'ll'. 'Kennedy. 'hampion female. ribbon
n,nd 3 1--. M, Dale. Mi's Lille=tone •tweed, Ger.. 'leen"11y Herd, George
scored most pointe in ilia fine ^Ste 31-nnpclr; Carl T -twee. 01Annptoa
mid handicrafts. bn1L en breeds, Cart 'Brown. Chart,
Th= indge, for the .miner 1" T,Ion female, Strom^' Bros.
hlhlta were: on-nin, elerald Nelson: Dairy Cattle
ladies' work, Miss 0. Scott: flow- Halst,in -- Boll. year and over
Leif,v Iwo years. beiret•, year alai,
rare, miler year, ::rad herd. 111111 and
four teener, 1'P. 7. 7,, :Virile, .At-
Ayrsh'.res -- 71,111, year and over
W. F. Beirntee Listoweit W. r'.
Leese. Atwood. Veil. ender year W
Lewis; baking, Mrs. 1ST Car
tor; domestic nta11'lt4"turns, Alra
M. e0 '17aneetmt; eine • e:. and
handicrafts. Mrs. O. )Tabltirk; chit
deems writing, J. H. 'K!nntea:9.
7nleee ie the smelt class` acre:
henry horses, T. Berry, Zurich;
light horses, T. 3fttrn^i:r1( s1r•tn F. Tlclrnes: W T,ucTs 2 and S.
and swine, D. Stewart: hoer rattier Craw. three in over, W. i' 13plrnes;
.7, Stewart; dairy cattle, Hitch
I4111; poultry, M. Fraser,
W. fe Lo,'aa. Heifer, two years, W..
Roadster and carriage — Proud
mare roadster with foal at aide {rt
5,hlenter, Tdnnrood, Spying foal
roadster. Art SebleutPr 3. Tenn in
harness, nondaters, Curt -ie and Toroth,
Wtngham, Single driver in harness,
roadster. 15 or under, Currie and
Tervitt; 7. 7,nngway, Mnnkton, Single
driver in harness, 1.5 m• over Currie
end Teredltt, (Gentlemen's road rare.
sing1P, Corrie and Tervitt 1 and 2:
.7. Longevity, 'Best gentlemen's turn•
out aneompenie1 by 'lady, Currie and
Tervtt; 8, Lengewee. Yeerliltg road or
canringe, Art SchlP11te'. 1, 2 and 1.
Agrlealtnral -- Brood mare, ita'virg
raised foal in 1947. Tallies 51101,
Brilsseis. 1it:Mee or :Hare edit, Archie
Smith, Brussels: Amos Smith Three.
yeaa•,nld 2lly or gelding. ,Gordon
,Ttllaueton, Moorefield; Archie (.111M- Yorkshire Swine
mi.ugs, Atwood. Filly el' gelding. Soar. e S ire over, W. Montgom.
10110 yenta's or over, Leonard Listman,
Ember); Donlon :telt 11slnn: William Mi. Walton: 1071)llam Tnrnbell,
;,mi'l'er, streamed, Filly or gelding, Th issels. Bear, ureter year, eArilliam
two years. Archie Ctsmmhta'a; 11713- Turnbull. Roar, nnier 11s 1nront108.
Barn Tale, Clinton. ^111y or gelding, i 1\'tlltnm Turnbull 1 end 2: Fester
ntar year. 50r1011 Soltnaton. 1(11111 of
narfrnthlral hn1440'1. L. T,fsttnnn:
(%Orion 7nhnston; 1A. Renwice, Mit-
'fleecy Tiraught ..- Penni more, hnv.
ing raleed foal in 1447, TT, Bolger.
welt our, G. Fox. 'We 3rnm L1me5
Smith: Vora(' or mare colt, Tames 1 Sheep
Smelt; TT. Bolger: Cr T,"(1e, Three•yrer- hone• svooi, (imine rllnwn, Corrto:
}old filly or geldi8G, W. LuTton; e. Short went, W. A. 'rotten and fines.
Spencer Teary. - four <r 1i
F 'Soirees. Heifer. year old, W. 'f'.
Heine: 1 and "� '0 C. Luc: `-
Calf, under ever. W. ;e. nefrnee 1 a:`
Bred. W. F. VnlrnP4.
Ter4Py — 71 11, year ,and ever
Lm•ne Hood, Atwood 1 and 2 Irwin
Trewartha, Sesforth. Cow, three or
over, Lorne Hood 1 and 2; 1. Tre"
wa.rtha. Heifer, two years. 7. Tre-
wartha 1, 2 and 8, HTeifer, year old, T.
Tr'warth5 1. " and 8. Calf, ander
year, 'Lorne Hoed; L. Trewarttt0 B
and 8. Herd. 'Lorne Hoed; 1. erre.
wartha. Lorne Hood.
Grey Townelltip Baby Reef Calf Club ---senior calves. Dorene McFarlane,
Lillian 87n4414.11. Graeme McDonald.
/ardor calves. Mora Turnbull, Ross
lenielre 37110 Tlalitnae, Fred Martin.
Jndg4ng results, Harvey Clarke,
Bert Alexanrier, 'lees Turnbull,
Cha.1•tes Tnrn!hell.
Smite, Reuseeis. Sow. year and over,
O'113iont Tnrnbell 1 ;incl 22; W. Mont-
eemet'y, Few. tinder year, Vtrittiam
Turnbmll, Snav, under six mentis,
(Vitttaan Ternhnl); F. Smith, ("lv'unp•
ion hoar, William M.nntgmm:ry-
Chnminion €,otv, W)Rlasn Tln'nball
�..,.-�••--.+ I ',miimngs. FlTty or ., ,,acp1(, . TnikPminn.
„f �riso 11et w3]1 -
C.'K N,X, Mon. -Fri. 6 P. M. ' over, W. Lepton; W. Dale; U. List. The halalec,
e°""^'p'"°tl`°"`t i mam rill,.or geiciintg, two years, 1-1.1 ai,P£'ar in next week's %sane,
Bolger; Tem Pieteb, Brussels. Filly