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The Brussels Post, 1947-9-24, Page 7
TEEN -TOWN TOPICS >r= 13y BARRY MURKAR— We are now well into Septeni- ber and the most of you will have settled down to the fact, that there is a long school term ahead of you. But school can also mean 'fun— 'and plenty of it, At the mo- ment we are thinking of foot>all. The gang will be out on 11 e back field after school and you (if you are not a player) can probably be scea standing on the sidelines giving the boys the once-over and trust- ing they will be ship-shape for the first game of the season. Corn roasts on etol fall evenings with a harvest moon overhead can all add up to the fact that even if fall does mean back to the grind, it can also mean good times with the old gang. Those New Campus Sweaters Yipe' and Yow.' I-Iave you Ho- ticed the trend of those new cam- pus -styles of sweaters? The sloppy-joe is a has-been. Yes, form fitting sweaters are the cur- rent trend and we do think you'll agree that they are much more feminine than the potato° sacks we have been loking at for the past three years. We hope the girls will soon slide into the current designs, although we have no doubts, but that they will. Debates Are Good Debates are always a lot of fun — at least we think so. It ports you of the beam and clears the mind of a lot of otherwise, flunky air. With fall fairs, school fairs and the like being the highlights of the moment, debat- ing teams will be polishing up for the annual contests with their near -by neighbors. During a debate is one time, it does not pay to be ignorant. The Coke and Malt Drinkers • We had to admire the spunk of two teen-agers, who recently took Life Magazine to taslc for their continual picturing the typical teen-ager as a coke -suck- ing, Malt-slobberer with nothing to do but hang out at the local drug store listening to Frank Sinatra while holding hands under the table. The gals in their letters - to the editor; stressed the al im- portant fact, that many of the kids of today like to sit down 'occasionally and arc far too often fed up with the way, radio and the movies try to portray them. \'dc think that the kids around our town are no different from. kids of other places and the most of the younger set here, have already made up their minds what they want to be. You would be 5urpriscd to learn that most of them want a professional career such as doctors, dentists, etc. Congrats to the Soap Boxers \b'r are not thinking of racing derhys, but of the four kids who won the recent public speaking contests at the C,N.E. We conldu't get the names of the t;dmers in time for this deadline but we knew that Sudbury, Osh- awa and Brantford were among the four top winners and re- ceived cash prizes from the hands of the President of the "Ex." If anyone ever tells those kids to go grab a soap box, they'll be able to do it and make a good job of it. Clears Up a Matter of Misunderstanding The writer, along with thous- ands of others felt very, very sorry for the gal in the iron -lung at the (NE, until reading in Canadian 11igh news, that the little gal, name of Alma has two perfectly good lungs and is putt- ing herself (11005gh university on the weekly stipend received for stretching herself out in the lung for people to gape at, sigh at and go away feeling sorry for. We'll Hear From You—We Hope Py this time you may have been appointed, as reporter for your town for Teen -'Gown 'Top- ics, If you have we'll be watching for your reports. We hope they will soon be swelling the mails. We can't give you a by-line on a column that is already by-lined hut your name will appear under the news you send in. So hurry and give us the latest on the current sense doings in your To- c:ail y. Remember that even if you only have one item, we'll be pleased to receive it and to pub- lish it. 'Profiles Sone' wt'CI(s ago we mentioned doing (l profile from time to time elf certain people known to all 21f yon. 'There 5vlh be one coating no soon, If yu have any certain radio star, writer or anyone that you would consider good read- ing materiel, lel tis know about it and we will do our best for You. Until next welt then, so - tong And best of luck, HORSE SHOW at the Windsor fair brought honors to "Black Bess," seven-year-old dairy delivery horse held by Kay Coyle. "Black Bess" won open class for wagon horses. Sports And One hin, or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic') It has long been customary for us sports fans to assume the superior attitude of being wiser, tougher - minded, and infinitely harder to fool than the non -sporting public. Person- ally, we are beginning to suspect, instead, that we are just about the biggest suckers and softest touches on earth—the kind that will hold still for almost anything money -hungry promoters care to dish out. 8 5 The Toronto Argonauts—to single out just one front many—recently played two games in Winnipeg, to large and profitable assemblages, with a bunch of athletes, many of whom hadn't been even formally in- troduced to one another. They then journeyed to Ottawa for a regular league game; and it required no ex- pert eye to discern that they were still a couple of weeks short of even passably decent playing form. In other words they—and all the rest of them—were learning their rudiments and getting their preliminary train- ing in public, and at public expense. * h * Now if Sir Ernest MacMillan, for example, were to announce that he was starting n neW symphony orch- estra, a11(1 then invite music -lovers to attend his early rehearsals at reg - lar concert prices, we doubt that he'd get very far. Or if an automobile Manufacturer, readying an entirely new model, were to ask folks to pur- chase same during the period when it Was undergoing road-tests, and before its bugs had been ironed out, we imagine he'd run the risk of being laughed to of business. Yet we hard-boiled sports addicts, year after year, fall for exactly that sort of thing, and with hardly a murmur at that. * * * Tt has long been one of our favorite dreams to attend some such contest, with the athletes appearing pounds overweight, short of wind, and with no desire beyond going through the motions as painlessly as possible— and then have the referee declare it NO CONTEST and tell the folks to demand - their inonc'y hack. We have grave doubts about ever living that long ---hat still we can dreamt, can't * * * l ,010' - poker is undoubtedly the finest of all card games; and it is a great merry indeed ihat the ladies have never token to it to any large extent. Thar pions thought comes right after reading the statement of the (einsoue young 11a.0 zt'ho placed Nerd in the "Afiss .4 nrrira" contest. ff''ith a- perfectly straight face sire declared .she was really very glad ,she hadn't won top honors, as it would have meant the obscuring of her "Afiss Canada" tilde 7ohielt meant so melt to her. Just imagine sitting in n game with one like that, and /13111g to figure wltrllrer .she was bluffing Or Holl * * * The quality known as 'color' in an athlete cannot be exactly defin- ed; or if it can we don't intend to bore you more than usual by try- ing, to, fro so, But it exists, never- theless, and stands out just as pro- minently as IL shiner on the eye of an usher at a church wedding. It's worth money too, batt to the ath- lete himself, and at the Lox -office —although really, 110\V We conte to think of it, those two are one and the same 111(11g. * * * Take, for instance, 111e eases of George Herman Ruth and John Mize, Jnst tta ycal•, ago, tabor The Mahe was setting his all-time honk -run record, the whole world Was watching with intense excite- ment, and every time lie bust an- other one it was front-page news. Today as we write this, Mr, lIlize is ahead of Ruth's mark of the sante date, and is a real threat to top hint at season's end. But tell anyone that Johnny ?(line has hit another four -bagger, and the chances are the response, if any, will be "So what?" * 'k * The difference? Babe Ruth had the quality which kept every eye glued to Rini even if he was only striking out, or plowing the suds off another scidcl of soda -pop: while his present-day rival, to the man in the street, is just another guy muted Johnny. It's color that does it— and it pays off too, but bigl iVc dote that some of Over con- temporaries are protesting against the modern trend toward longer skirts. :ls a veteran observer, who has watched the heal -line climb all the (tiny from rem -minus to 120% in the shade, and bark again, 151' would advise them to be of good cheer and save their breath. Io the first puns, Clothing a mere male could pns.fihly say (ril! ever make the slightest difference anyway. * * * Secondly, we emu recall some fair- ly (.1(411 y and pleasurable moments even in the erns when skirls trailed fm' in the dust, and a windy day drew nu01(3'intent onlookers to dawn - town ro'ners "for to admire and for to sec"' as 1110. tiiplinp pal it. Such memories !ming to mind the remark of the London bas-randaclor to IIIc lady reductant to mount to the upper deck in Nle presence of observers. "Just (10 right ahead, lidy,", he. ad- vised her. "I'm directly behind you— and I might inform you that, to n mon in my position, legs ain't a bit of a treat," * 4 * \\'e would like to be 1110 first to give y-01 the absolute low-down of the conning \\'orld Series between New Yoric Yankees :and Brooklyn Dodgers; and if the latter should fail to get in, the stone thing goes for the Cardinals. Regardless of which has the better hitting, field- ing or base -running averages, the series will he won by the team that gets the better pitching; and the quality of baseball displayed will be greatly inferior to what has been seen in the past, It always is; and ten years from n010 1110 experts will be fondly recalling the mighty clubs tint used to perform bark in 10.10 and 11.17. * * * 771' fatest protest We have heard about fmodern automobile stylings comes from a lady who attended one of the Aforalhon szeials at the Can- adian National Exhibition, "It's p1y rideulous," she said. "Half the ears parked, at the waterfront had no r11n(nrn f//oards, and there wasn't any glare to sit down and eat l4mc111" And so streamlining, too, 11101(/d term to have its drawbacks as well as ifs advantages. `10 Stearn Press To steam press, cover fabric with a dry wool press cloth, then with a cnttoln 010111 dampened in warns water. Use ,t 1050m iron, set down, Mtn lift it --don't slide it back and forth. If there is still a shine after this, try raising the nap with a clean brash or rubber sponge.. CHRONICLES OF GINGE' By )wendoline P. Clarice Even though it is all over do you suppose you could stand hearing a little more about the Exhibition? You see we went again during the second w•ecic and saw and did things that were not possible the first time, It so happened 1 had an invitation from the Directors to a luncheon on the Wednesday and there being no logical reason to refuse it — not that I wanted to — we went in on that day. The luncheon was really lovely, I ant going to tell you about it so that if an invitation should conte your way another year you will not hesitate to accept it, Well, you know what the Ex- hibition crowds are like and what an ordeal it is to stand in line, often in the hot sun, and wait your turn for a table or even a cup of coffee. Imagine then leaving the milling ;(Soowd behind you, walking into a cool, airy lounge where a hostess — Mrs Aitkin— waits to greet you, If you are early you relax in one of the many comfortable chairs, if you are not so early you stand around talking with your friends and acquaint- ances until luncheon is announc- ed. nnouncecd. Then away you go into the balcony dining -room to sit at a table for four with cool breezes blowing- in from the lake. No waiting or crowding — you know when you wall( in there will be a place for yott. The service is good; the meal appetising and suffic- iently satisfying; the company congenial. After the meal 21frs. Aitken stakes a few introductions and weldones by name those who are present. Then the guest speaker is given the floor. Last Wednesday it was Mrs, Futcher, from St. Thomas, a prominent member of the W.I. who address- ed us urging us, as women of On, tario to take a more active inter- est in the problems of today .. . All in all the luncheon takes up about a couple hours from your busy day - time that you will never regret if you accept such an invitation should it come to you. By the way nearly every woman is curious as to how she conies by her invitation. Mrs. Aitken ex- plained it this way. She said — "bVe write to the mayors of the various towns within a hundred mile radius of Toronto and ask thein to send us the names of the smartest women in their district! Well, you can swallow that one or not, as you like. I thought the explanation was quite under- standable when Mrs. Aitken hap- pened to mention that her folks carte from Ireland, Isn't it pos- sible Mrs. A•, that you took more than a passing interest in the Blarney Stone? So much for the luncheon. Over at the Band Shell I found my patiently waiting partner and our next adventure was an inspection tour of "The Train of Tomorrow" That was really something to see. Yes, it was even worth the effort of standing in line for thirty-five minutes. I won't attempt to de- scribe it — you probably read all about it anyway. Let me just say, it is every bit as wonderful as any, thing you heard or read. With the blazing sun beating down on to the specially constructed glass windows they yet remained un- believably cool to the touch. Yes, we really thought it was quite marvellous, but Partner, with his practical reasoning remarked as we came out — "Yes, it is re- markable all right but at the pres- ent I'm wondering how anyone would ever get out if there was an accident. There wasn't a win- dow open that I could see nor any that appeared as if they would open." After that we left the "lex" and on our way to meet Daughter we bothagreed that for the present we would be more interested to learn something about the Stt'et-Car of Tomorrow. Not that there is anything wrong with the present vehicles — if there were enough of then. Pellet's it would be an improvement if the doors were invented that would have sufficient flexibility to bulge a little so that when one is press- ed fore and aft them would be a chance for one's lungs to 'function properly even if it were only onae in five minutes, FA NI By seven o'clock were all together again --- Partner and I, our son and our daughter, and then to round c', the day we all went to see "Welcome Stranger" and how we enjoyed it! 1t is a grand show. On the way house there was a traffic jail at the beginning of the Queen Elizabeth Way. From a Mall directing the traffic Boll in- quired the trouble. He answered— "just a bad accident up 1115 road— a three -car smash-up, that's all. You'll soon be moving." 1t was the .way he said "that's all" that got ane, Surely that was indicative of the very peak of public indiff- erence. Incidentally the accident was causal by some driver travell- ing west on the east -bound traffic lane. Auld now in case you don't think we do any work let ale tell you there is a large field ready for wheat -sowing. second crop of hay on the way to the barn, and one night this week I was baking un- til twelve -thirty and up the next horning at five with my wash on the line before eight, Monty Expects Viscount Montgomery's idea that soldiers should be allowed to read in bed is being interpreted rattler too regimentally in some:, quarters. One recruit, as soon as be ar- rived at his training center, was sent to buy a book, "Any book," was the instruction: "it doesn't matter what, so long as you're read- ing in bed when the C.O comes round." ,JUGS" q ice,GS White strong hags useful for dish towels, pillow slips, tablecloths, etc. 7 for 12.00 pontpald, or 52.20 COD. stoney book guar- antee. Send cash or M.O. to: ELw1(L DlSTR1nUTINO CO.. DEPT. 11. 5300 Park Ave. Montreal8. Que. SIMPLY DELICIOUS! The Superb flavor of Maxwell House makes it the most popular of all brands of coffee, It has extra flavor because it contains choice Latin. American coffees, FAIdI3III IPlRE-WAR QUALITY CIGARETTE PAPERS The only Cigarette Papers MADE iN PRANCE on Sale in Canada BLUE COVER Pure White Free Burning W'1YIi 1IE COVE Thin Paper Slow Burning DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOK -100 LEAVES 7.3 Classified Advertising AGENTS 15'ANTp:l, OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Ineeeticlden. Eleeule Ponca Controllers Wm. Mel Bern Paint. hoof Coalinga, etc. Dealers wanted 51''11* Wet. Grenee & 011 Limited, 1'oroedo 0310500 fore*C1.EAN I NO HAVE 2'0U anything 00000 dyeing or clean. mg? Write (n tie for Information We aro glad to answer your onnntlona Department 14, Parker, Dye Worsts Limned, 751 Yonge Street. Toronto. Ontario BABY CHICKS PtmuvrH — 8d0-12 week. Pronlnl nhipnitnt. Cull older nwek. Replace with new. n0 prepared for good fall -winter. markets. We have ah,o dayoid and started *11.01 Send for lint. Ortnber-November chlnlia should be ordered now. Bray Hatchery, 1.30 John N,. Hamilton, 0,0. 1,111011 range pollen. 10 weeks to ltymg. Mao day old chicle, booked to order, Prep cata- logue Twaddle Chick Iiatcheriee 1181w, Per- ms. Omni lo. Hl x, neVen and 0101,1 week old pullet bar - Ratite mulls they (081. Wille 1,001* „a, White Leghorn X ]tarred Rocks, 100,1,1 Rook X White Legli.r,IN, Aonlra Whim Only a n•tleil quantity. Heed for nnegriul roduped r ]txl Teeddlo Chick Iiatcher,.a Lona., I% rum, Onto: io. P10217 range pulleln 10 weeks to laying- AI - no day old ehlrlts hooked to under. been eahllugu.•, Top Nnleln Cb101releo, Guelph, Orl- 13Altl(.t1N 1,1'1008 on White Leghorn. While Legion u X Barrel Rock and .t:,e'ra While pullets, ('hit, they last: 0 weeps aid 440. 7 week oat Sae, a week 010 56e. Angieted Light and Medium Breeds 6 week old 40e, 7 week and 600. 8 week old 600. Ton Nnt,h 11ueh'IL Ontario. 1'AaMB FOR SALE 120 ACRES seven miles from Orlllla. Hydro water oyn(em. Darn 64 x -80, driving abed, nig and hen pen, brick house, ninety flue hm1- (Men, three thousand down, balance at 3 per cent, Wm. 101no1L R.R. No. 4, Orillla. CHEAP for 05101, mole, farm 01 acres, good !mune and barn. 70 a0reo of bush and swamm game back to farm after Lugo tum• her In off. M. (Intimi, Nenotadt. FOR SALE CEDAR Poets and 1.o1ce all 51200 cord wood. hard and flora M, Lipstick, Neuatadt. Ont. FOR Halo Fan-banlro-aforoe 26 MP, Diesel Engine 10" McLachlan Grinder, nearly now• 18" Grey .double roil roller mill; 21' elevators, belts, shafting, nulloyn. Excellent condition Alvin stark, Columbus, Ont, C014111 nupmes, beautiful champion Flock. 977 1"htinlo .100., Toronto. Romer Kennels. 2'I" t'OCKHH11TT Combine Pickup and all attachments price 5122.00. Onna,der trade for Trailer. car or truck. Apply 1., Caul, atallon, ontnrin. ('0111(1(10 spaidele. registered and unrestele•- ed from 1, uiaed hotting Parente Oeuld Vary, time 1:llalg. Que. GOR 01(1.111 registered Brittany Smn„rin, doge end perigee. A. G. MacLellan, Burnside Farm, Amheral, N.H. 11.10I'1ERl0Y raven, Lathan, or Taylor 06.00 prat hundred. Red or black 0neral(, a for 51.00, >01i Walk.. Platteville, Ont,, In. BOOKS, novelties, Magic, Hobbies. ,•0nd alio for world's funniest novelty and large cm- tninguce. Parse. Co.. 2 Hammet Iva., Tor- onto a. ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE—Tractor Tires, made or rubber, suitable for bolting On nleel wheels. 011.00 (mob, rear wheels( 57.60 each, front wheelo. When ordering state diameter and width of wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd., 6 Wilt- shire Ave.. Toronto, Ont, • 00(0D heavy used Military Wagons. suitable for farms, lumbering, mining and contract- ing Alen five louts, and 2 bob olcighn, Write for 0arlleularo. Percy 5. Borbfl,gc, 505 PM. bldg.. Ottawa. MALC01.M aleGregor, Polled Hereford breed- er, Brandon, Manitoba, will Void a sale of &50005imately fifty head of ,'0001ered rattle on Monday, October 20 at 1:00 SEBA troller booster braltea fifth wheel brake. controls 31 X 020 nren (2 1100) 15 Pt. with racks, dollies and an steel wnoruman. Phone 2, Neuotndt, 01. (Motoek. THE ESTATE of the Isla Joinen Turner, Carrot, MAmtoba, twenty miles mouth of Brandon, will. en Snturdny, October 25, at 1100 P.M. standard time, them.? the tegist- ere4 bend of pure bred Aberdeen A11000 enttlo cumprimlag 01,081 fifty head. Theme cattle aro all the deecendentu of the famous ltaramo 2nd of (ilenelunoelr. WHY pay more? New 45" electric drill, So - cubs chuck, 934 96, uhlppieg weight, 14 rounds. 'A" drill, a pounds, 811.80. Portable oleclr(e bench grinder, 12 pounds, 811.08.. Ponlage extra. 110/2200' are welder,' for garages, farina, industries. Com,4010 outfits $41.60 and up. Uuarunateed. Fre* detail0. Wllleuco, Box 4100, Portland 8, ()mann. • HAIRDRESSING LEARN anirdreoelng the Robertson method ln(ormonon on re0ue01 regarding Haase. Rubertoon'o Itelydresoine Academy, 127 Ave nue Rona. T0l'onto. ISSUE 39-1947 81111.1' WANTED 14ICh2NS0G1) car mec'd0ncn wattled to *om- ptoto our 01,0(1 serf, Fleec'llont wONnnft comLllono. Tip wngr0. Ht. ads, advancement. Apply lkm,etey Motors Ltd., Phone 4145, llran,pton, Ont. 8l10G051 man for unroll dalry rami (perman- ent) 61.5 monthly. All conveniences. Good heard. 71. Crossman, ItR. 14o. 2, OnhaWa. 8100)10.01, ITS excellent. Real renulla after taking Al,w wee Remedy for Rheumatic Pulite and Neu- rltls. Mauro',, Drug Store, 396 Elgin, 04, lawn. Postpaid 61,00. RHEUMATISM and 0010(100 can. be rollovrd. Tru-L'nlance atm (n5e110 Lava miraeuloosly 000,,0red stubborn cusps. Sand 61.00 to Yrie- 180500e, Dox 862, London, giving nhop oleo, PEOPLE are tattling about the good results 8roal lall;::li L'i'sa'. tomer for R1leumatto Pallid and IvebrRin. ALu"ro'p brag More, 886 Elgin, 0lniv a. l'osl,,old 15.00 O5W08e*UNITt515 FOR WOMEN BE A HAIDRESSER 00114 CANADA'S LEADING 80a000 Great Opportunity Learn I4alydreoalne Pleasant dignified profe0nlon, coed wages. 1h0u0and0 eucces8ful. Marvel graduates, Amerlca'n greatest ayntem, Illustrated oat. imam free, Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 808 Moor 8t. W.. 'Toronto Branches 14 King St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATleNTH PETHE1(STONAUCH & Company Latour Solicitors. Established 1800. 11 tens Weep Toronto Sooklet of information on regUent. PERSONAL LONESOME? Join optima -wide corre0p0n00n0 club. Romantic hi -monthly mrcastno photon, den0•iptlon0, addreosen. pull year 02 00 Sample cony 520. World Federation Club, Parkeview, Sank. ' PHOTOGRAPHY NU WAY Photo Service oftere you the latent In photo Xirllnhing. Slime developed and ono 400(1(0 craft print of each negative c0m- 5(et0 In ananohot album 90c. Reprints do,' For better quality and faster pornonal nowise send your Elmo to Nu Way Photo Service. Satlon A, Dept. C. Toronto, TEACHERS WANTED HUDSON S.S. 1, 0000(re0 exncrlenced•:atelier for Grades 11 and 0. Certiflcele In amide Preferred . salary, 51800, Apply with refer - Com to R. A, Scott, Sec, Treas., Radon, Ont, WANTED WANTED—All 5(nds of dreeeed poultry. Top Preen for top birds. .10005h Cooper Limited. Poultry Dept, 2064 Danforth Ave.. Toronto 8. (We du euatpm grading). 00(04 Wanted. Will pay 00sh for any gun in. grid condition. Rifle or shotgun. Tdsneol- ally tnteremed in automatic or over and under shot gine as Well a0 standard 00)00 and double barrel shot gutta. What !love your Send deaeriptlel age and best cash pigeon. 1Vrlto Loci- bum 021, ianeoville, Ontario, Canada, Logs Required 50000 Rh:QUm15) We numbest hardwood and Softwood los,, for cash. Write Box 017, Ileoeoler, Ontario. o. ran Vritt Relay Slaying At The Si. Regis Head TORONTO cia Steer ltoum 'W'ith Bath, Shower nod Telephone Single. 02.00 un— Oo"hlr. 03.50 tip a (Iood Food, Dining and Daimleg 14101,1 y nhrrbourno at Carlton T01. RA. 4135 ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 asp HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA 05 1.00 OPP. — C.N,R. STATION F'!i' ©©te tang Smobling Plieriaagre pia t,'+ M 799 CrigBu'etta Tobacco ALSO AVAIIILAl31141 1,6 POUND toms MUTT AND JEFF—Froin all appearances Jeff will keep his .word as far as night is concerned By BUDD FISHER. 4lZ rzfrrff I'LL, FIND IT VET/l r ? 'CNE GATe TO TRIO ?LA/ ( I'LL BIND tT IF I N.Av Tv STAY NEIze ALL NIGHT! J