HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-9-17, Page 4&& BEST hationan Ulu EVES` RO Pump0 iVESTOCK need plenty of fresh, clean water to maintain high production—so let DURO carry the water for you. In stables, barns, poultry houses, greenhouses and truck gardens DURO adds extra profits through extra production. And the savings iia time and labour alone will soon pay for a DURO Pump installation. Modernize With E MC O Fixtures and fittings designed for style and utility are available for simple, economical installation in idtchen, bathroom and laundry. Safe- guard the health of your family ... add to the comforts of daily living. Soo us for full particulars. • COS WILLIAM GILLESPIE Phone 68 Brussels, Ont. 11Th SS MFC. CO. LIMITED ten t:m-f1AMILTon-TORon-ro- s es ufiY-winnipkc-yancauv=R THE BRUSSELS POST We'ln+'stlay, S. ere:Wier 17111, 1047 WALTON \t'u.a !i t 1 1 r • i."1 "t 'Ire death in Vant-onvor on ',ugu,. 1l tit ' NIirtiii Ann 1 Celt; I+,o•n _+l Laud— heo. the yea n.a ,t tau nht'r of the late Mr, and .'tt s. N Bole, 1.. 'h,• le 4urviv".1 ey her husband: tlireo Rous John, Roy affil Ueoi•it': .tnddmt Mels; aretee '.11;. • 1.. .\nt;;clos, 1'a:iinrnin• her y br ..iter John , +'"dt'eased her o•ui, tet Winter -a. to August. The funeral service was held an August 16th at tite Herron tiros. 1',"eieri1 Dome, Rev, .1 1'. Cork n 'iic'atilrg. interne 1t in Mountain View Cemetery, Bancouver. Simpson, Seafur!h, Mrs. Harry Craig. The regular monthly meeting of Duff's United Cliurt•11 4P.M.S, was 11410 ill the' OM!ett hrtsonteut 011 u. t. U With 1110 president Mrs. 11. G. Jl ! .l.: a ,.al. nt•u,ldhtg. Roll ca11. "Name of n 1'(ble woman,' was we11 responded to The steward- ship seeretn.ry informed us 111'11 our allocation for 1147 was raieed to 1450,00. The topic "The Bible For England" was disc-m.4mi tinder three headings, the life of St. Teronte and ids teanelation of the Bible into levee; the life of Sir John Wycliffe, who translated he Bible into English and the story o1' William Tyndale who had the (Mlle printed and distributed to t.lte EPgli:eb people in the sixteenth "entm':, RTeeitng abseil with prayer, with .Or, and '.1r. Hilbert Mycelium left last • week on a trip to tate Wes' 11r, \Vm, Taylor, sons and (laugh• tern were visitors at the Monte tit let Mary Smillie 1h', atnl 1Tte. John ,\tm•alrall risltad '!'"ren,tc' recently. - 7,lrs. Ida McTagee rt vlett ed et Toronto. '1,•. Derry Pdee•• Lae gone nn a trip to West coast, Mrs. Huffman of (;oiler:oh visited at the Jennie of?,Ti'.TO, Ramsay and ve,itires Mr. Geo. McCall retn1•nerl to his home near Vancouver of 'Tucstlay. after vIsiUng friends 'and relatives le re ton• the past month. \ IIIc•:. -In' evelli110 was spent 1n It -II rcueliunlltr hall In boner of "e 90 1 Mee, (leer 1t'iefber. recently .':11'i They r:er0 present Cel wi'11 a purse of money. Tante% Cam- n e twt as chairmen, wide, f) tek s< read t hr ell res s. Thr rte. Ring was spent In glancing. serelt: Mr. and . lirs. Dole. eis o.t - ''is Lawless in Niieant Falls: \Vi1• P-rr,erti'. .fl•., i:' end, 1. (loc. .. ,, \It•. '11111 .,.:'e, Ha':'it•y l:nitilen. witls Mr ere Mee 1. °)s; Dobe••t ifil'ari of Trey :ewn-hip has d'..spose:1 of .0;:n stock .and implemente and is p1nv. '- Lereen: .hire. Rte Houston e 1 family w',th Mrs. Ethel Tlatrk- y 11; Bill Rae. Roy Welliaulsotl and Roy Elliott. o)- a m•)i.or drip to (':mala: . Mr. and 1Trs. - Kelly Dalton in Toronto, Miss 'Rose • In Memoriam 1 (IX In lovas memory of our dear n:atrer. who passed away 0 years ago, Sept. 16, 104L (lad took her home, It was His will. Put in our hearts, ihe liveth still. lfi•er lovingly rememberen by The Family FOR SALE— Electric molars rewound and re 'a:red, Expert workmanship. Moder :rices. New motors in stock. eettger lnoustrtea, 049 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. la siTikd Ads FouND— * * . . * rx Trucklicca,..' No. '<:itlnr'., owner W ;° D D EI N G FOR SALE— can have same by Alibi at The Post R e * a e 0 . a o 100 Leghorn pullets, laying, 1 and Daying for ad, George Blake Phone ;ter -12 FOR SALE— Lady's winter coat, size le, mete, age, Btratford, was the „citing; top —..... an a•nlnnnt tveddin 0. when etre, Edna May wee united In marriage to Norval Wall, both of Atwood, Phone :'.1•"•7 The ceremony was pedal' et Ly Rey, Olte. The bride wore a blue it,., ,•m ilo ' -.tit with blue and white accesam'ies and a c•orsuge of ridposes. She wars alt"tided by Mrs. Dave Hall, of Stratford. 'rite groom tt1MS MttaIici'd by his brother, Dale Ball Stratford, Mr. awl Mre. Hall left litter on 0 . trip to Toronto, Buffalo and Niagara Falls N.Y., rte bride ,traveling In arose dowered silk Jersey dives% and blue coat. They will reside in Atwood, :v Hall • May Knox Presbyterian Oltureh Parson. FOR SALE— new. Phone 00. Dry hardwood. .. Chas, L. Armstrong 1'hnne 424 FOR SALE- - Mlle pup. I eouard 1..,..rent FOR SALE— yolrina York Pigs. Clarence Clark Phone 411•-24 Lot 30, oan. 5, Grey. FOR SALE— ITonse and lot in 'he t llla.ge or Ethel, good location, apply to Wm. Spence Ethel. FOR SALE -L,'— �._.— ... 1 cream separator Massey-1'Tarris 1 650 lbs• capacity, nearly new. 200 lbs. Ibeam scales; 3 rnbher tired buggies, in good shape. S. ,Tames Wright, R, R. 1, Ethel, Ont SHOP faze Acetylene and Electric aA s - ° -T' 1-•l r )t."r shoo is ed-txipptd to dio l [i'st Class :'ntre Patror_age Sol'acitort. mood Service Assua'ed. Agent for Surge Milking Machines HANDS AT - WORK... LEARNING TAILORING ONTARIO'S productive capacity is the measure of her future ' prosperity. To assure the important tailoring' industry a prominent place in the industrial life of the Province, trained hands are needed. Skill is important in the cutting, sewing, finishing and other branches of the industry. That is why veterans are being taught its various requirements ON THE JOB, by experts. The transition from appren- ticeship to permanent employment means higher wages, job security and better working conditions. Through plans sponsored by the Department of Veterans' Affairs and other agencies, hundreds of veterans have been trained in schools and ON THE JOB. They will acquire greater skill with further training and experience. Craftsmen of the future, they will have a share in Ontario's progress—an important part -to play in her industrial develop- ment. TIIE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) mraneerataans TAILORING Leo P. Halloran, 26, of St. Thomas, a veteran of 434 years' service with the Royal Canadian Navy, is shown here gaining practical experience in the alterations department of a large Toronto tailoring firm. Basic training in various departments of the indus- try gives the veteran a background knowledore, essential to sales promotion and executive work within the industry. FOR SALE— T-Tonse, in 1tIn.sesle, 7 rousts, with wood shed, possesion middle of October. \Vn1, J. Rutledge - Phone 7ilr 5 FOR SALE - 175 Rhode Island Red pullets, months old laying. Emerson Mitchel on the John Grant harm WA NTE 0— Oa.boiIilo girl or woman as baht, keeper, geed wages, ;\ti's. W. H. Porter, Walter Rose Poultry Farm Phone 3Sxr-l", Brussels MAN WANTEU— i. .. for Rawleiglt Route. Real opno'- tunity. We help yen get started Write Rawleirh's, Dept. ML -T-15.'.0. Montreal. WANTED= Organist and Choir Leader for ']te Psoases% United Ch.trcit. Duties to commence, in October. Apply to M,ir. D. A. ,Bann.. . . FOR SALE— . 70 Rock and New damp. pullets, 51/ months old, laying. James T, i\TeFerlane i'hone.21.1.->tl SUGAR BAGS— White strong -bags esefu? for. dish towels, pillow slips, tablecloths, etc. 7 for $-2.00 postpaid. or 52.20 COD. Money bark guarantee. Send rash or M.O. to:' 'EL\YJ.T, DISTRIBUTING CO., 5303 Park Ave,,Montrea.l 3, Que, FOR SALE— Dining room smite and 2 single bctl:s and nlattreeses 111 good (01) dktion, . W, Ii. Bell Phone 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE -- Part time opportunity for women et above average intelligence for occasional work interviewing in connection with • ptiblic ' oninioil .surveys. -Salary. -Write: Can• acAIan Facts Limited, 14G Wellington St., W., Toronto, Ontario. FOR SALE- - 100 acre farm, let 10, Con. 10, Grey, good buildings, ban's 87 x 50 ' with litter carrier and wa.t?r inside, hog Pens 23 x 35, implement shed 24 x 30, 5 acres of bush, 30 acres plowed Possession in November, pt'ic 14600. 7aoab Hollinger Phone S3o•cl HOUSE FOR SALE -- 1% story brick dwcllinx In lite village- of Blyth also a Int and .1 hell cf !anal, good well reel geed garden soil. For particulars apply 19 :4lcalalrcl Jackson. le R. 2, Hytlt. Phone Brussels- 171'-1:,. e 2 rI.LUEVALE The morning servme at Knox Presbyterian Cltttr"h Sunday was twanged by the W.M.S, as the annual thanicnlferiug meeting, The service was cnnrluef011 by Rev. T,. C. Jorgen- sen, who intrndti,.ad the speaker, 'Miss ' bene Strin!_ee, of Menet Inclia, who is hone nn furinngh. after serving In India AS, n leachee in the Helen McDonald piles' soh -'''1 for 21 years. serviw s in Knox r•ttnreh will EXECUTOR'S .ALE There will he offered for sale by Public auction nn l0rlrla:', the 10th tt•ty of September at the hoer of two ci eloc'lt in the nfternooa the follow- ing: Real slatand Chattels. the property of the late Emma Brewer, at the premises in Brussel, Ontario, The dwelling house and lot con- eistin:a of a one and otedlalf story brick hoose in eon;] eonditioa, etecirie wiriue, forme•- and water supply, two-piece hath. The following is a partial list of articles for sale: - Studio emelt 3 small lamp tJt1t1a. -.. he cancelled next Renew . e" rongnietlm rag count or anniversary. .^,vires being held at Behnor•e, the .as'soc•laterl congregation. At the maritime Ferric;• in tite [Tmtlteol Church, Rev. S. A. Berl en spoke of "In dirf'•,re'nee end \Whele- heartetlness.•' Mrs. Ales McCrae'.r- en, Miss ;Mary Darling, and Mils Delores Hamilton sang a trio. On arooalelt of anniversary services being held at Slhenezer Cbnrrh next .1'ilnilay there will be no ser- e -tees here. Personale: Mr. and Mrs. Me Coloin, Detroit, and Mrs. Ton'. Rin- eardinr'. with John Horkeridget Mr. and Mrs. titrant MrDia"mid. their niece, Miss Bessie Revie, 1Tr. and Mrs. :Ames TCotchabow, Cath- erine and May, Lutknnw, with Mns, M. L. Aitken and Mrs. Donald Street: Pearson Rolph, Myth, with his ..laughter, Mrs ,Tiny Mann; Mr. and Mrs, F. S. Edmunds, and fam- ily. Stratford, with frternds here; Mr. and Mrs. 0. Ti. Cenites. Lis• towel, with 'Mrs, Tttomee Coolies and Miss Mabel Conitea; Mrs Har- old Speir, Rrus•esle, with .Miss Olive Scott; Roy Mooney in Toronto; Mr. and 1\ire, A. D. Smith and daughter Eleanor with relatives at Lnck- now; Rimer Fowler with his sis- ter, Mists Florence Fowler, who is a patient to hospital at Sea.torth; Miss Ruby Jonleas: Who has been employed , in. the egg -grading rle• partntent at • the Thomsen cream- ery, has' reinu•ncd to ,her ]tome at Ethel, FOR SALES • Real live Country Genet'a1 Store, CLEARING AUCTION SALE good buildings, hydro and clean Farm Stock and implements stook doing a good business. Reason FRIDAY, SEPT, 26 at 1 P.M. for selling, ill -health. Also a number of good farms', .a11 sizes at right prices. J. •1C. Long, Real Hst`aate Broker Brussels, Ont. "HELP WANTED --MAL!" AN OPPORTUNITY— Estabilshed Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 54 -- have• or can secure ,raven outfit, this Is your opportunity to get estab- itehed. In a profitable bustnese of your own' For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company. Dept..0-13-4, 2177 Mason fit., Montreal, Qn.. "HELP WANTED', MEN or WOMEN FAMIO,RX 40 tire easy way to big cash profits. If you have selling ability, a small capital and a desire to estabiish a profitable business of WAIT owm, Join us! PRODUCTS KNOWN PHD WORLD, OVER FOR TH'EIGR QUALITY. Sell direct from door to door full or Part time. Pro- ducts sold throughout - the year. Donne and catalogue FRED on request, FAMILETX, Dept. D, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal, To The Consuming Puhllc-- We ere in a position to help you end bring any products you mey require of Rawleigh's •such as L4nitnerlte, Salves, Tonics, Pb'• Rlillers, D.D,P, and Minerals, You are invited 4.o Dome to my house or phone 56.0-0 Brussels, and I'll deliver or demonstrate any product You are interested in, Wo expect to have Pure Pepper this week. Ask for my Anniversary Special, Geo. Wesenberg, ' Brussels, Ont, Lot .2, Con. 14, Grey Twp 2%o. miles south and 1/5 mile east •of Brusesls HORSES 2 work horses 1'0 and 11 yrs. old 1— 2 year old tilly, 1 • set of heavy batmen CATTLE - 2 Holstein cows fresh 1 month • 4 Holstein cowls.. due In. Nov and Dec. 1 part Jersey fresh 2 weeks 1 Hereford cow fresh, 5 weeks 1 Derham to freshen In Nov. 1 Durham caw Fresh 4 wks. Tilts tis a chote.e lot of young cows 2 spring calves 1 do* due in October. IMPLEMl7NTS 1 manure spreader 1 mower binder Set of sleighs Wagon Sulky rake Diamond harrow Disc 2 riding plows Scudder gutting box Circular saw 2 H.P. gas engine International cream separator Fuel OR brooder stove Sap pan and buckets, 11F' acres of corn Doherty cook stove (like new) Heater Kitchen cabinet Sideboard Bed Five -tube battery radio' Other articles too numerous to !mention TERMS—CASH HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer FRED SMITH, Prop. ROBT. PATRICK, Clerk ", F, H'tsmatth kegasoerec Optometrist "Western Onkea io's Meet Modern Eye Bermes 'Thome 118; dtarristori Dining ....Mini table Kitchen glass oupboare Kitchen sideboard Kitchen range Kitchen clock Washing machine Kitchen stool 5 kitchen chairs linoietlm Tint ('•nn' I?;eclrir iron Rleetrle table lamp Wood box Flour hos \'trs el hosed Wash tib Wlieelbarrovi Garden trials Medicine rebinet Cushions Hall rank Book ease R toilet sets Carpet sweeper S pair drapes to 1 pat" drapes Rocking chair Wash stand Rleet•'nbuc Philro radio match Curtains WIelter chair 3 enrd of dry wood 5 ton or coal Other articles too numerone to numerous to mention. Terms of Sale: Re•ai estate, 10 per cent deposit at time of sale and balance in 30 days, offered subject fn i- serve hid, chattels—cash. Premises may be Inspected at. any time by calling at the home. LEW ROWLAND—Auctioneer NETTIE HOBBS and LILLIAN STANBURV, Executors AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects Thomas Street Brussels on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER '70th Sale commences at 2 p. m. 1 Bedroom Set Dresser and Stand 2 Mattresses and Springs Feather Tick 1 pair large Pillows 1 Looking Glass 1 Pair Pillows 1 Large Chair 2 Tables 1 Organ 4 Cane Bottom Ohatrs 2 Rockers 1 Stool - 1 Extension Table 1 Side Board 1 Kitchen Cook Stove 1 O'able s Chairs Electric Rangetde with Oven 1. Bench 1 P lint Iron 1 Arm Chair Pots and Dtehes Knilves, Forks and. Spoons and other arttelp Clothes Line Rake, Moes other articles for 611rd82 Step Ladder Laiwm Mower Scythe Long Handle Shovel Garden Fork Cross Out Saw Buck Sane Water Cam Coal Scuttle Bedroom suite am,d springs - Bedroom toilet set 1 wash stated 1 wardrobe Linoleum 214 yds, x 5 yds. (new) Linoleum 22 inohes x 2 yds. 1 electric iron 1A dos, dinner plates 1 set flat irons 1 oven fee electric plate 1 lantern 1 orow bar 1 toot warmer 1 kitchen unit TERMS CASH JAMES THUELL, PROP. LEW, ROWLAND, AUCTIONEER.