HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-9-10, Page 41
TlilL n.)5S12.S
._ L tdtt•s' tatted and W.A.
RI t
c�¢�eit rw r C d 1 „ill$ Of St. John's Chxrtin
FOR SALE -^a1.1, nt Mrs, Cl.
t 4.. in !)n « =1i. *•T 14 ?I.- ma of the (Mild 1
D4‘on S.•nt. tth tc:: 'a
i.i The ep"u't1
1,,. tit bytnit 404 Command ThY
rt•nur •ib„t-• "fish„wail by
may. lt. r by Mr. Rrrr. 'rt, '10•111tUr.
nine: ,ty L, • •r w ' 1-11V,•11 1, ,',11 St. Iffike•s
, e
1tLL^ 11,`111.' Ow ....tory of the
Yt \••n F=: pigs”
t: 1'ru!.a
r,. roan thought ALE^ ., trira1' I
:1',r•nt. ',1u, prim, ..4,-44441 rnt.d't i,r
Phu1a, )+;1 n •he L , r pest„ •1 .;11/ the le; i se h''t r ..is
1 (1,41A F.P. t •41 F: t 44 , lzir
intx.. hoar T1t. 11"; n• 1I , Os; 441 roar
bar,' ,.1.:. \ n,F r 1 !r• 1'44 ' ht =!:,• pe, Id. n . of the
_u• • tin :
,,1 t 1 d
OF SALE— !;,• 1 11,;n1144 I 1 vent n
„It,n -Naw' Italie.iivi ri l t•• 11, m,
' t1,t"4, 1 1 11
,1 tt.+•: P..+t,; 444-r-7 t .nr..t
1,1 11 1
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1.•r The
sit :. t 1 c 1ti m t sly A. bymn "The L or rbc i d
L 1 !1 11•(11 by
r tiro t 1 tit,'" w t ...
i FC.. P 1 E •.,u i r._ \ -.Hilt t¢
u I , 1 lira i:{ ta`lu. 1 ,t 4t Cch,e.
fay i -, t
, , 1 : ,f .t• 4-•haa`t
„ _ _ , 44rayi •+Ir e..cur 'Ct4a
• stl:l
R aA E 1 '- .1 by +h -
l' • . ,:aa:' ,.d':, iiit; am - * F;. i! _ N. 't nesting . and
.l, , trout of t 1, 1 ` tT, carr iss, ,;e¢fOrth,
:, ruin, in = > 1 r:) 1 (1 Miss C. Tshister, • 'Winghnm, wi 1. i
,' R+ry 'flue 1
n` ;myelitis:,
'Mr. and Mrs.1 A r. r \'me :, •ru.
4b \L \ lI me Riau y.
\-,1:1 4, ...L')• t,rl1-i,' , \ret• 11'--'+l "1
the United Church ,,n .411o4al_.. At t!++
1; Mts. oct'cicn ROY. N. i . .Cron
hello of Wroxeter Unite,( Church
was till. :,jir.tly r: H=-=
Rogers of filyth rnndurtell :in
n' ,. til,. R.•,.,: .1 n,mic wa-
rendered by the =.heir, t •u,te•l ht
1d• li,u•nl+I il;u4i1"44, v,4!,•;... .'4d'.
]Ir.. 17, R. lt'cSnI.1!I'on nl' Wroxecr
ila:al,44= .41..41:01 14411;441 feruw add(
to the beauty of the s='rvire:}.
CO11111111 111011 AOrvim, Was uli'"•)":l.l
�• i, r::' .:i-.• 'n 14u;‘
Presbyterian Church, Condnet+''rl b •
e!iutei.•r. Bev. Leland G. Tor.
geneen. Three members were =••
le- r 1411 •i'4'. The cltni"
sang "T,ead Me to tsalvarv." Next
`9'n:d,tt ernine ]ii'a T'rt:e Rt,=ru
4'r, 11 ntlsisanary trn;n !mill; w•!11
ably, s•1 the \\'.11.9 'hntlkofrerine i
meelin.g at 11:10 a m,
nal mrs T Seller. an.'
son' NValter. Morris, !,ill 'tit• Litilut!
Gare.. ss, Detroit, with AT '111+1 lTr44.
ierner Sellers: i)Tiss Hoten Tho.e.
son. Sarnia, with her parents, Sit•
and Mrs. George Thomson; Mr. and
Mrs, T. TT, Miller, 1,e1€''rave, gilts.
+ 1 t 'Mrs. Ti. F. Garniss; George Ch t
i FOR SALE— v. A s�ii\? il, son with his aunt, Miss Maud• ;rt, ra1;1 cow iht., Sept 1;.• f c 'rs T t., t. t t:, ebur, Mie: f'r1,p I
19.17 .. t ,1 • WIT 11 her pantn,s nt i1'h+1:'
- iai h t tt; ar Ph:,r? 41.1 is , Miss \nd' e} Hauklu T 1)11 14,r
ih ❑,
•t 't`'rt x' encs et Bermes.
( FOR SALE— ,r h ' u 1 i 1 sen of
It 1Frttco. s, T ream 1
� n
Watching the men at work on his new barn,
Jim thinks of the friendly talk he had with
his bank manager. "I've got good land and
I can work it. With a little extra money I can
really make a dream come true .
So Jim got his bank loan. Soon, there'll be
new farm equipment ... improved livestock
. a well filled granary. More work for the
community, more farm products, more food
for home and export.
Helping people in all walks of life to profit
from their own enterprise and industry is
one of the chief functions of Canadian banks.
uo d -had, p0ssasi0n middle of
i k 1-tl.
rs.rf•ir \',',,+hill;;' Machine • =_ anti
60 cycles,
Max Oldfield — Phone ilx
SPONSORED 41, roan Sittig
Electric motors rewound and re-
paired. Expert workmanship, Moder•
ate prices. New motors in slack.
Bettger inaustrnes,
549 Ontario Street,
Stratford, Ont.
- .nom
1 ihl
woman hn
• 'rl. e
keeper good wages.
lir•. \1 TT P liter
Walter Rose Pnttl"9 Farm
Phone :15x
lT,•.•,t T,u
! m h•I . r'nites.
Moved hp Jas. 4411 ,vrle.l by
Ram '.leech that 'h•s n,ittr' 1944
I, 911 R Ingham TP4d4 'hue( Area
i Moved by jos. S'nill s^r•emled 'R•
Alr•'^k fleas re -.441 ne.'•n:ntts
m.o.....elated by time Road Supt. i.e
, —Carried.
ITni •et .Tehnatnn see-
nrlrrl by •Tos i 44111 that a grant - of
t4"rnt7 -,t'r rl P. •u. 71v-•. 1.4 the
North Tiaron Pinn limen'• Ass0cia-
t meet.
to i , iio;u•ueri n
In ` T Tctober 1917 at 1 n ±n. on
olol4M1 of (baa. r u'rn's and Harvey
The following accnnnts were paid:
S. S. No. 6, J. Spicer; S. S. No. 7.
ince, rhos. 'Pollard visited at the
home of iter daughter Mrs. ITIde,ar
Hollinger in Hamilton last week.
The many friends of Mr. George
E. Pollard are sorry to learn that he
hos been a patient in the at"atford
General TTospital,
There are several chanes in the
Morris township t44ar111'1; staff
whie11 r• -'t• reach; S. S. No. 1, Mrs,
Le1114e Anderson; S. S. No. 3 i
, W.
Catnetglet S. S. No. 4, Miss tesste
Tittle;- S. S. No. 5, G. McNlchnl;
- \t'4.4.Uer Short-eOd (*abutter sl n.00 idles T. ATrDOnalrl; 8.8 No. 5. Miss
MAN WANTED— { 11.11 XI. Griffith; S. S. No. 9. Mrs. Ti.
for Row] ;sit Rome. It.�al open'- I lohal (laOr(1 sheep '. slice Ind 13.00 Keeney: S.S. No. 10, Miss J. An
t damaged) nese; S. S. No. 11. 1), Lawless; S. 8
MontRawles lYs. lY dt, ML -1-47.0 Iv by 1085)ter (1 Loth damaged10.(0 No. 12, Mrs. Lloyd nosey.
Montreal. by dogs)
1 ti, Tirana (Sermon, powder and
_- WANTED--• —• black disinfectant) 450.00
Organist and Choir Leaderr-for theIC. W. Hanna (relief account) 17.93
Brussels United Charch. Duties to :Jack Wilson (relief account) 1.0n
11'1 •1 r°t 47rock rFllis Dratnl 162,25
tunity, We help yo'i *et started
commence in October. Apply to `.1''. r t .
Nelson Wggins (stamps nT School re -opened for the Fall term I
15 on on Tues., Sept. 2 with ;firs. Lyle Thrre will be ntfe:•ed for sale ht- •
(' 9'9 �., Nn'' R OO
y,..n•;'l'ies• ,4414 1..47
Have You Heard About
Ufe B�of er ti.o
tier Fos nras>1�rai e Proteedo
Qt Is the most complete Life insurance protection
60 be had in one policy. The Four -Fold Pr
4 onst5ta of --
(8) A monthly income for your dependents) if you dia
before reaching retirement age.
�) f you meetincome
accidentalydeath. dents doubled!
(3) Disabilityytincome hrough sickorness ort accident.
ne event of Total
(4) A monthly income for yourself at retirement.
the most his oder n form of Lilo
RE Insurauceprotectlon. Askyout
local Confederation Life repro.
sentative to {explain it full��
write for further parts
m � .
on f ty der e tion Li I
t orr'ic0 Association
J. C. LONG, Representative, Brussels
over C7.NX on 'Pne44day t'r'-tl;111 I Friendship Circle Of
w pl. :+4!1. Ila vitt h-, ess!cted h^
members of CI'anbreo't and T:411r1
1T, • 1T • ' - `1111( brie.' hart•
taken up resident., in port of tlr
house occupied by Stanley oma
\)+':, 1"cu,•P1•ell to tit•• village. Th,
newlyweds were present,/ with '1
real old-fashioned c•harh•al'i el::'
night last week. I
win, P11711 14 111 po"r 11eel'li 1191 1
s at the home of (1144 (laughter. Mrs.
Pro. 11r1?ar.ttld, Slob-.av:crt11.
Of United Church
The Friendship Chair' .1' the
free.) ('hnvch l"td their Septent1v^r
meeting at 111 home of Mrs. lc,..r.
Tyerntan with a gaol attendance
of members and visitors.
A hymn was sun;) followed by
a Scripture reading by Mrs. Norman
lir,1444- a••d
then a Tn•14444r by Mrs.
Taelt Lowry. Mrs. .Tos. Turnbull
gave a rr.4 ling "The Contagion of a
Stnile.l' w-h!rll cnntalneI a solemn]
theme for 444eryone.
The minutes of the previous
meeting' were read and then reports
fnntt 411 tre•tsnrel' and Sunshine
Prov, au4)19)
fund were presented. Plans were
Corn Whe•'.e1 IFin, Drain) 2,20 Gordon 11 teacher card an attend 1110. I nubile auction on 1'rula;•, ;1c 1nt11 1 n>a;le ,l'rtrg the hnshtFss dr rnssi0n
Geo. C. 14tartim, clerk, of forty-one pupils. The following 111y of Set tenlber It the hour of (W4' to have the next meeting in the
are the new beginuP;'e: ROSS Cantn•'ry "•incl( in the aft uT T•,a the t'1,llavv. i Corm of a trainer roast. The mem-
, T 1l~ � A, IS hell, Allan Dunn, Carmen Fischer, tug: 1144)4 are also 11449144)1 t0 make n useful,
Maxine Flesher, Willis ;Knight and ( P. of rnlr dere 0111U0144, tit•'' 11144xpen,sive article to be brought to
In the ahsrnrr'r of the nrestlr'gt Stoa*art SM1teiss: PraPertY Of the late Lmm n }3!" Il'r!'' ' the November meetin..
411 Ales 1Tcrrrr'ki44 nrrslrin nl
+hr. morting of the i\ M. ht the :firs, Dant Hnether presided for at the premises in Drussel;, Ontario. I MI,P. Thos. Gaa•nias 7v1r an fitter
Sunday School room of the ITni.ted the regular monthly meeting of the gthe dwelling 1101se add lot )•:tit' ' easing reading. Mrs. R. Cousins
Church and conducted the 074419ing W.M.S. which was held 011 Wed., . s1stin.g'of a one and 09144•half slm>' had the topic from the study book
ruses on the theme, 'The Bible Sept. 3 at the home of Mrs, John brick house In g0nl etradi(1 a, \.it rze n•a;•t." \tt>r the rlrsing
v44•• 1 ' Life." 'Mrs, BurdPl led in
»raver end acted as leader for the Schnook with an .tte+ndance of ten ale.hrir wiring, femme, and water hymn tl social tithe with various
4444slpnnsive reading. Mrs. W. J. psalm 1.03 was sung and all repeated supply, two-piece bath. ' ym(esta under the capable direction
Tohnatnn and Mrs. 'Laura
---.-an the Lord's Prayer. The 111111lltea were The following is a partial list f : of Mra. Tae. Turnbull were enjoyed.
hod charge of the worship service read and .approved and the roll call articles for sale; Refreshments 194414' served to end e,
Mrs, Budden read ,T"i'oPs 'm the life
)vas answered by •giving a verse Stadia couch `944)7 enjoyable evening.
end work of St. Tarmm�. Wycliffe, •
and William Tyndall. Facts. were containing the word "trli,st". '1 11e 3 smell lamp tables ,
give regarding the translation et pre,sirlent read a tether from Mrs. Congolenm rug
'he Bible and the effect of this in Cram informing us that Mtss Trent, DSTuing 700111 table I
England. Stringer. missionary 011 91111m1811 Kitchen glass cupboard
The president, Mr,. Rtanl.yy Dar• tootle he at Knox Church, Cranbrrnit 1 Kltohen sddeboard
1 nig, Presided for tit nleetlla of Kitchen range 1{ttchen clock 1
the Women's Association in the on Thurs„ afternoon Sept, 11 to
T'ndted Church ISA weal., anal
address .a Joint meeting 444 the - W.1.lshing 119110111190 Kitchen stool ,
Op44neel the 11144etfn,g with script u"v' ladles of Ethel and- Cranbrook non- I , laitchen ch4a!r44 linoleum
reading and tnayer. Tt was rl tri7d regationts, The word "thanks" (vas�FLat liners F:Prh'lr iron
to bold the bazaar early in vnvem- g•
her, nether than in Sepi44111b44) ns eluoseu for the October meeting 11'1i1'7tric titbit. lamp Wood box
1):'11 he'=n formerly arranged, Re.. which will he held at the home •'(,Flour box Wash home
f1' ehutrirts wore r:•ed by M1"11 Mrs. John McNah, Bliss A. Forrest i Wash tub 'Wheelbarrow
Emma Johnston. Mrs. 'n. T Pro• 11,.1 (rl'd far the slimly period. A I Garden hoots Madeline reh'nr1
cock. and Mrs. Jim fiohnsaon,
The public school in the village re- meddrttadion on the petition, "Lead ns Cushions )Tall rack
opened with no eatrolMent of 03. ant into temptation, hut. deliver ns hook ease Rash stand
There were three b>ginu•ers, Eleanor from favi]," was read and hymn run t1 toilet sets Electrolux
Mothersells, Loretta Fischer and Tan "Coati K:tndly Light') was sung. The Carpet sweeper
Phitro rndin
Mundell. Roy Mooney, a graduate 23rd Psalm VMS, repeated in unison, 3 pair drapes to match
of Toronto Norma] School, is the Fnii•otving prayer hymn 075 "Spirit of 1 pair drapes Ccrtalns
Mrs, J. H. Smith, Is attending the God. Descend upon my heart," was Rocking chair 'Molter chub
Women's Institute area convention sung. The chapter "'radian Leader- 3 (tot')1 of airy wood
at Guelph: Mrs. Smith. 1s the dela' ship for 'Me Chnrell in India" was 5 ton or real 2 Roekera
gate from the Bhtev1le W.I. Mrs' read by Mise Forrest and Shorter Other 11111101445 too numerous to 1 Stool
Dicheughtea, Ausoicitt rrvnrltngs were given h Mrs, 1119 nalmero115 to mention.
convenor for the area, is also at y 1 1 Extension Table
D. A. Rana.
A gold watch with leather chain
(reward) also rant oft truck 41(i ft
square. .
Chas. Davidson Piton,. 57
Otttboard motors, immediate
114,414,,"y, •1.2 at S1(12..",59 gallon - per
11919:' automatic pressure systems,
('0mplete with tank and fittings,
$109.50. 11/2 H.P. garden 'sectors,
5110. 1— H.P. garden tractors at
5330. At.taehments extra. Transporta-
tion prepaid anywhere in Canada.
Christian's Electric & Hardware
Oshawa, Outside.
Promptly and Efficiently Removed
Simply Phone Collect
yt^ Cr) ji' ruase1s ,(!e
Ingersoll , 1.
1550 laying Pullets, Leghorn & Rock
cross or Rhode island Red ,l: Refit
('nogg, laying good. Also one grad
wood heater used one winter. Apply
Wm. Ha7111011 Phone 21-1-10
Real live Country General Store.
good buildings, hydro and clean
stork doing a good business. Reason
for selling', ilPhealth,
Also a number of good farms, ,4411
sizes at right prices.
J. C. Long,
Real Estate Broker
Brussels, Ont.
ll slabilahed Rural Watkins District
available. it you are aggressive,
and between the ages of 25 and 55—
have or MITI secure travel outfit,
this is your opportunity to get estab-
lished in a profitable business of
your own. For full' particulars write
today to The J. R. Watkins Company.
Dept. 043-4, 2177 Mason St., Montreal,
PAIMPL IY is the easy way to big
cash profits. Tf you have selling
ability. a small capital and a desire
to establish a profitable business nt
your own, join as! PRODUCTS
QUALITY. Sell direct from
rloor to door full or part time. Pro -
fleets said throughout the. year.
i' oils and tataing1144 FR175) on
request, FATTTLE - Dept, D, Irmo
Palo rioter, Montreal,
To The Consuming Pubiic--
9i', are in u pesdtio1 to 'help y01,1
end bring any prodnets you may
require of Raw1Plg'i's such as
liniments, Salves, Tonics, Fly
TLillera, D.D.T, and Minerals. You
m•., 1(1Y41(111 4.o crone to any 1ho1150 or
phone 5G-7.11 Rruaaets. and I'll
deliver or demonstrate any product
you are interested in. We etipect
1r have Pune Pepper this week,
Aslt for my Anniversary Special,
Grn, Wesenberg,
Flrus.sel1, Ont.
Of Household Effects
Thomas Street Brussels on
Sale commences at 2 p. m.
1 Bedroom Set
Dresser and Stand
Mattresses and Springs
Feather Tick
1 pair large Pillows
1 Looking Glass
1 Pair Pillows
1 Large Chair
2 Tables
1 Organ
4 ('ague Bottom Chairs
Cann•eron, Mrs. H, A. Keys and Mrs. t Terms of Sate; Real estate, 10 Par 1 Sid
M. Engel, After site closing Hymn cent •deposit at time of sal'' and 1 Kitchen Cook Stove
the Benediction was pronounced 117 balance in 30 days, offered subject 1 Table
the president, to r''servr hid, Oast-leis—cash. 6 (;;halts
The Ladies' Aid met wit11 Mrs. Premises may be in4PerreI a1 any
Electric Rangette with Oven
Allen Caaneron in the 711011'. llymn time by calling at the hems. 1 Bench
551 Weis sung, then 9149eral items of LEW ROWLAND—Auot'Onsee 1 Flat iron
business were dealt with, It was NETTIE HOBBS and 1 Arm Chair
derided to have a bee at the church LILLIAN STANBURY, Pots and Dishes
17(tv445, Fonts and Spoons and
other articles
�IkR4riA D€t� S Clothes Line
Mr. and Mrs, 1), C. Blackburn, We realize our 4)111igethea when we flIke ?Toed ether 91(144tes for garden
Step Tedder
r r e Board
P. F. t tMrnuth
Regwwf er'ed
Optornetriv'ti i
"Western Ontario's li11a9
Merlyern Eye Somme'
`)horee� 1X118,,, a' Hofi ica
KEa� F.�.:r yS
on Friday afternoon to paint the Executors
Chairs 144 the basement. B4r44. !Mea-
lier closed the meeting with prayer
nnrl 1(1191.11 was served by (ile 11nstes,s.
• Windsor, a'r7 guests of Roht, and fill your order fora memorial --arid ,Lawn Mower. un•
�rroisaA%t are Walks. ending serviceability, Design and
Mrs. Arthur 715.mtiton, Atwood, Workmanship are of the finest, and T,Ong }ThomeThome Shovel
Our chug in er't;ipped its est
Acetylene and Electric Mrs, Campbell this week, Theladies we Provide only materials of
first Glass will he the guest apeaker at the
171guic144 monthly meeting of. the
1'91 111 Young Women's Auxiliary in the
And Laa.the Vie!k 011)1.1711 on Tui-eeley, Sept. 16 at 2.044,
Your Patronage Soti<citmal,
Good Saralee Asstrrt
Agent for
Sorge ll liking Machines
All the ladies of the congregations
ore fnv,ted to the meetlag.
Rev. S, 0, Meatier will be In
charge of tate Presbyterian Soardcast
our prices are moat moderate,
Promptly Dona
M°, ,moria Shop
"Phone lab R. A, Spotton
Garden Fork
Cross Out Saw
Buck Saw
Water Can
Coal Scuttle