HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-9-10, Page 2JA C IIC S® N' C PO l_ IE
('0u'rI•:n 111: Juanita 1,'3un t but her
bm.tn,tot• In actually "El CzLhallt.To Ho•
Jo" (The (ted Cavalier), ku. wit through-
out the runntry,ide fur bin good deeds
for (he Ivor. but (ranted 1.0• sheriff
for taking the law into 5 ,, 0023 hands.
He would 1101 promise to morn for (he
girl who (0,340 to go with iota but rides
0s010 alone 10 neck Corrin.
And now the red-headed avenger
had arrived in Paisano Valley.
And as if it had been a mocking
greeting to him he had been faced
with evidence of more of Garvin's
ruthless work as soon as his eyes
had been set on the emerald range-
Night had rotate when Michael
Valdez drew his blue roan to a
halt 00 a small rise just above
the twinkling lights in a huddle
of :(dobe chvrllines. The whole
town -or Luna Roja, he saw at once(
was built (31/0111 the sprawling
white Garvin place, which he re-
cognized from Juanita's decription.
The tc,1,u it:Clf was at the north-
ern cud of the valley on the edge
of C:,ii.l11 leijo. From thcre Gar-
vin (((11111 I1001, au eye on 0(0(IVities
aeywilere 111 110 ;alley.
As be sett staring clown at the
sinister town,` no 0110 mould have
recognized the wandering vaquero
who L:ul e sl ridden into the
valley that morning. Tall and
stra,g(r, Ire sat -his horse in his
gaudy ;;p141;11 apparel, hat off,
111111 11' WI the first rays of the
010033 glinting 011 red hair where
the morning snit had shown on
1'0' ul,ll' etu1(10111, lie paused to
make rc•l tdmaissance. Then, with
deliberation. he inosened the scar-
let handkerchief front around his
neck and draw up its fids over
his lace until Only his tsar(( eyes
showers, hard and bitter,
X\ ail freshly luailtd si0-guns
and Winchester carbine, red-head-
ed :eel r.:trite-mad:c(1d, like some
panoplied knight of tine Middle
Ages, Ile rode down toward the
town of Luna Roja, In the moon-
light a .silver -decorated specter
You'll ice( so well-dressed in
thisl Pattern 4872 uses the Star
neckline to flatter your face, "
jumbo shirred patch pockets to
round your hips and diminish
your waist!
Pattern t I ler t 4872 in sizes 14, 16, 18,
20; 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42. Size 16
takes 354 yards 39 -itch.
(25c) in coins (stamps cannot be
accepted) for this pattern, to
roost 421, 73 Adelaide St. West,
Toronto. Prat plainly SIZE,
nn5viug on the Clings of the (rind
--one that none dared challenge.
He had not ridden into the
town's stain street when suddenly
out of the darkness a mounted
ratan sprang into the road. He
swung his horse across •the nar-
row trail which led into the long
street, blocking it,
flat E1 Ciel( hnd been long and
patiently trained for 51101 such an
encounter as this. With amazing
suddenness the mount reared. One
of Valdez' arms went out, the hand
holding something that for a mo-
ment showed crimson in the faint
moonlight -another great scarlet
neckerchief, The neckerchief
whipped about the pistol in the
astounded guard's hand. It was
tut'( front his grasp and, before
lie knew what was happening, the
barrel of the pistol that had jump-
ed into the red-haired malls other
hand crashed against the guard's
head. He slumped crazily from
his saddle into the dust of the
Valdez lifted his reins as he
dropped -the handkerchief -covered
gun of the outlaw guard into his
pocket, and the blue roan spurted
"Madre (le Dios!" gritted EI
;did Ion, Rojo. "Strangers must
certainly get a cordial greeting in
this town!"
* a *
He swung into the street and
noted that at the edge of the town
were the inevitable 'dobe shacks
that trimmed the outskirts of all
such small Western towns. Most
of the houses were dark, for the
peons must he no and at work by
daybreak, and usually sou11111 their
beds early.
Cautiously El Caballero slowed
down before the white -plastered
walla of the Garvin pace. Dis-
mounting in the blackest shadows
some distance from the sprawling,
pretentious dwelling in the center
of its patio, he trailed 1;1 Cielo's
reins and stole toward the gate
facing the street.
Garvin's house and patio were
completely enclosed by high walls,.
to which only the big gate facing
the street, and a smaller one in
the rear, gave entry, And the four
hlnrkhuuses Which Juanita had de-
scribed gave the whole place the
effect of a fortified castle.
From one corner blockhouse
carte sounds of raucous singing
and the twanging of a guitar, punc-
tuated by hoarse laughter. No
one wag in sight.
.o W. *
It looked like a good chance to
slip in through the gate, for El
Caballero Rojo could make out
in the dint light that it had not
been locked, but stood ajar a few
inches, But even as his eerie,
glittering figure reached it, a man
leaped out to block it.
I,iice a silver -decorated v.ra.ith,
the (tasked man dived at the
guard. Instantly his stronger fin-
gers found the fellow's throat and
cut off his warning shout. Once
more the red-headed avenger's pis-
tol barrel cracked on bone, and
once more a ratan sank to the
ground and lay quiet,
With noiseless footsteps til Ca-
ballero slid into the patio.
Across the courtyard was Gar -
vin's two and a half story house.
A swift glance told Michael Val-
dez that the one-story addition at
one end of the house was Gar -
vin's office, or "bank" as the land
hog preferred to call it, And a
light fanning out frotn the one
window facing the courtyard an-
nounced Raymond Garvin's pres-
ence there,
The time had cosec(
Michael Vadez faded into the
first open doorway in sight with
no more stir than would have been
made by a breath of night He
found himself itt a long corridor,
and at its end saw a iight staining
through a transom from the office
door that opened into the con-
(To Be Contlnucd)
... Tomato Time ..
At this tette of sear interest
ceanres um the 110sh, luaciotti vine -
ripened tomatoes. 'hlley taste so
gout( 111(1 ate .o good. .1115 common
complaint i.0 that the fresh tomato
season is too short and that is why,
l(1 111811, 1104(04, 11(1111,15[,100 appear
.11 every meal for the few weeks
when they are al>tu,d:wt.
The home economists of the C'on-
sumel' Seetioe, Dominion Depart-
ment of Agriculture, suggest recipes
for to1(11ti1 (liaises they have recently
tested and round to their lilting.
'They also give you their two recom-
mended methods for malting tom-
ato juice.
Tomato Mint Salad
1 slice onion
8 medium tomatoes
2 tablespoons finely chopped
mint leaves
3 tablespoons salad oil
1 tablespoon vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
bs teaspoon sugar
i•a cup finely diced cucumber
Rub salad bowl with slice of
(1,(011. Peel and slice tomatoes and
place with chopped taint. 111 the
Mix oil, vinegar. seasonings and
sugar well together. .add diced cu-
cumber. Pour over tomatoes. Chill
thoroughly to allow flavours to
blend. Serve on crisp slices of head
Iettltce Sig 0(1'01114(3.
• Cucumber Creole
2 large cucumbers (approx 5.0
inches long)
;;j cup mild -(savoured fat
3 cups chopped fresh tomatoes
OR 2 cups canned tomatoes
2 green peppers (cut in thin
Salt and pepper to taste
Wash and pare cucumbers. Cut
in quarters lengthwise and remove
seeds. Cut in fingers about t x
"". Melt fat in pan and saute CU -
cumbers until brolvucd. Remove
to serving- dish and keep -warm.
Add tomatoes and green pepper
to pan, cover and cook slowly 15
minutes. Season to taste with salt
and pepper. Pour over hot cucmn-
hers and serve. Six servings.
Tomato Juice
1. Wash tomatoes, remove core,
:tit into pieces. Bring to boil and
boil, covered, ; minutes, Press
through sieve or purser. Bring juice
to boiling point. Pour into clean
hot containers, leaving 14 -inch
heacispace in glass sealers and 14 -
inch in plain tin cans. Add 1 tea-
spoon stilt per quart.
Process 111 boiling water bath 15
minutes for pints, quarts, 20 and
28 -ounce tin cans: OR glass sealers
may be processed at :750B,, in an
oven with automatic (neat control,
for :30 minutes for pints and quarts.
(Do not process tin cans in the
'1ven 1.
2, Wash, remote core. Extract
juice, using juice extractor. Heat
juice to boiling point. Pour into
containers leaving 5 -inch head -
space fn glass sealers and ?3 -inch
in plain tin cauls. Add 1 teaspoon
salt per quart.
Process in boiling water bath 1
mi1111105 for pints, quarts, 20 and 28 -
ounce tin cans; of glass sealers
may be processed at 275oF., in an
oven with automatic heat control,
20 minutes for pints and quarts.
(Do no process tin cans in the
Mural Painting
To Be Executed
In 0. en Air of Ex.
Canadian National Exhibi-
tion visitors will have a, chance
to see young Eric Thorn in ac-
tion with his brushes as he
paints his prize winning neural
on the outside walls on both
sides of the entrance to the
Business Equipment Building
facing the (fain Plaza and the
Thorn 1s 1111 18 -year old Tor-
onto art student who won the
nation-wide mural competitiolt•
sponsored by the CNE. En-
tries from young Canadian
artists carte in from coast to
coast to compete for the $300
prize, Subject for the contest
was: "Cassano -Orn' band and
Our People." Judges were B.
K. Sandwell, editor Saturday
Night, and Canadian artist
Charles Comfort.
The small-scale prize entry,
enlarged .to a 12 by 18 foot
canvas will be painted by
Thorn lel gay colors on the
snow white exterior of the
Business Equipment Building
during the period of the Ex-
Erie Thorn, winner of the
$300 mural prize is also a fine
musician, 1t is to encourage
young Canadian artistic talent
that the CNP, sponsored the
contpetitio- which gives youth
1 Chanes to 001)1'055 III visual
form, the hope and power of a
free people.
Looking Very Pleasant—Camera fans found many outstanding
examples of their art at the 56th annual International Salon of
Photography at the C.N.L., including "Tito and jney," lay*
Jack Wright
+�..-Votaz, Fatovigy ca T ' & tit,
Everything Agannlls't
This Marriage
* to get (tarried, but my boy friend
* hasn't any stoney. He has re-
* enlisted in the Navy. I want to
* follow Lint until he is out, and I
* can't see waiting three years to
* ise with him.
• "11 e met live months ago,
s and we 1 es each other. W'e've
* had our quarrels (I have a hot
* temper) het we both suffered the
r saute torture 09 11011 we were apart.
"I met his
family and we
became close
friends. But now
his father has
found out how
Ile feels about
ate! lie blew up,
and said he was
not to get seri-
ous with any
girl because we
* are too young and 11e must make
* his choice. 1 ant 12, be is 21. He
* chose Inc.
* ":try parents lute him, but don't
* want us to (tarry now because
* they think 1'd be tno unhappy,,
* slrti;glin1 to Ret :(long, 11y people
* are e.rll-i„-rlu, and I've never
* had to know the value of money,
But I can't see throwing aside
* something we both want, and
* that's each other.
,• "1 don't avant to make my
* parents unhappy, but how can I
* make then( understand that we
love each other and know it's
"R. I., T.
Your paints knnta 310(1 two tone
each other. ,711 they are trying to
do is to persuade j'otr to wait to
marry until you ore reedy for it.
l'ot are not ready for '11arriage
naso. Oven if there were enough
money, to start on, you admit you
((could not bonne hole' to make it go
far. 1't t k,'.s a long, long time for a
girl who has been indulged to learn
hole to do without those indulgences.
It means practicing ceonnury, living
loithin a prescribed budget, snerifc..
imp all those luxuries your have taken
for granted since you (erre born
Now, so in love, yell are certain you
could manage, But you have nen idea
what it Would mean, 111011 it would
do to your disposition, even to your
.1114 you hove a hat temper! l'ott
rann>I help hurting even this Ind you.
Ione so much, Don't you ('valise that
an uncontrolled temper ran wreck
the hest of raarria!lrs? If you
haven't learned restraint now, lore
could you learn it under the pressure
Just As Good As
Macaroon Crumbs
When a delectable dessert ,you
wish to make calls for crumbled
macaroons and you have no macar-
oons, you can male it just the sante.
"Macaroon” crumbs arc made this
way: Mix one cep of dry bread
crumbs -they shouldn't be too fine
-with one-half cup of sugar and
two teaspoonfuls of almond extract,
Spread this mixture in a pall and let
it brown iu a slew oven. When cool,
break it up into crumbs and 115e as
you would crumbled I(1aca1'oolns, Tlt
difference cannot he detected in snv
dish un which they are used. -.-d?. 11.
1?. in the Christian Science Monito,.
1llt'',llac tension is l,olicved to be
one of (10 major (.1111504 of light
of daily association, plus the restric-
tions of a meager income?
Yon have committed one very
foolish act. You have allowed your
fiance to alienate himself front his
own people. You should have been
the one (0-.tUpport his father's ob-
jections, to realise that /1e is only
acting for his son's permanent hap-
piness. This boy has. three years
ahead of him it: the Navy before he
con even start his chosen career. To
burden hint, with a young, spoiled
wife might wreck that carer -and
wreck this marriage first.
You .ace, my young frield, 3'014
only want Each Other,
You will need the help and moral
support of both his family and your
aw>I, if yolir marriage is to s410(00d
at all. Now show how [nature you
are: Break the engagement, spend
the next few years learning flow to
be a poor mall's• wife (and all that
means) and cooperate with those
wiser 011cs who are giving y0(0 the
only advice that good Barents can
honestly offer.
Marriage 1Dill, be all the sweeter
for waiting,
* * * -
* Strange as it seems, p0(01(1s
* often do know best. If you arc
* resentful, aslc Anne Ifirst (at Box
* A, room. 421, 73 Adelaide St,
* West, Toronto) how to udder-
* stand.
Modern Etiquette
By Roberta Lee
Q. Should one begin a social
letter with au excuse for delay
in writing?
A. No; one should plunge im-
mediately into what he has to say,
and if illness has been the cause,
just make casual mention of 11
without too many details,
Q. Who pays for the gowns
worn by the bridesmaids?
A. The bridesmaids buy their
own gowns, unless the bride is
wealthy and asks that they wear
gowns that cannot be worn again,
Q, Should the hostess try to
finish eating before the guests?
A. No; the hostess should al..
ways eat slowly, so that she does
not finish before her guests do.
Q. If you have been invited to
the Monte of a friend and through
oversight have not been intro-
ducer) to some of the other guests,
should you call this to the host-
ess' attention?
A. No; it is much better to save
the hostess from embarrassment
by joining in the conversation and
laughter, and it is quite likely that
you will soon be talking to every-
veryone present.
Q. Should one leave at once
when visiting a friend .ha a hos-
pital and another visitor enters?
A. Yes, leave at once when an-
other visitor or the doctor enters.
Q, When should coffee be serv-
ed at au informal meal?
A, Coffee is served at the table
either during or after the dessert
- DOGS for Show
- DOGS for Breeding
- DOGS for a Family pet
In the Illikl'entn of maintaining a MAXI!
11)11111 of Purr )trod Dog standards, wo
offer our nerv(non and sive Yoa 5(p15-
((031 data on an phonon of Dog 5.100,
and Wain the Dog you Want, an you
Wont it --for Child, Growing )Sad Or.
Lonnie or nn an tdldorly Pernon'n Corn-
Imttlon, Ole, Please stale your Dog
Itarmirnmenln Age, Color, Seg. writs
REG. 40 t<eith .Ave„ Toronto
10, Ontario.
ISSUE 211-4,114't
Sunday SchO()J Lesson
Use And Abuse Of Wealth
l'ruv0lbs 11:2.1-27; 16 8;
Ecclesiastes 11:10-11; lathed 2:1.6
GOLDEN '11(331' -- Bolter is a
little with rifhle0nsness than great
revenues Without right..._ Proverbs
16 :8,
On a smaller scale and in a more
primitive way the lstaeliles of old
were confronted with all the prob-
lems of character and conduct that
vex and perplex the more highly
organized nations of today.
Next to the probicul Of establish-
ment of peace are the 19roblems of
labor -keening pe0(ile working un-
der fair: conditions and with good
living 'staulards ; and of wealth-
Iceepiug the power of .great: wealth
under 00(11101 in relation to tate
rights and interests of all,
* * m
So alertly problems in these spheres
remain unsolved that we arc apt to
fail to realize the great progress,
both in relation to labor and in rela-
tion to wealth, that has been made
within the memory of many now
living. It is not so long sines labor
was regarded as a "commodity" to
be bought, lisle arty other commodity,
iu the cheapest market, muter 0 cons-
onypetition for jobs that in tines of
unemployment was bitterly keen.
Then came recognition of labor,
and lite demand for a "living wage"
because so insistent that IIy 11Ow
reference to a standard of living is
a stressed factor in wage 11'21011a•
Bons and contracts.
e * *
Similar progress has been made in
011foreing recnt,uition of the rela-
tionships and responsibilities of
wealth. In the clays when labor was a
"commodity," wean(( was largely im-
mune from. governmental control
and from any sense of responsibility,
The prevalent conception Ivan that a
((tan's wealth 'was his own, t0 do
with as he pleased. Today we recog-
nize not only that health has social
ob 11911(lnts, but that society itself 16
a basic 1;(0((5( in the acquisition.
Front a Christian standpoint the
obligations of wealth are simple and
direct, What. a Christian has is not
Isis own, but is held in stewardship,
subject 1,, the will of God. That tie
the ideal sol forth iu the Now Testa -
meat, and the truer the Christian the
111me nearly will he attain it In the
((111!'!0111 use of what he possesses.
"1 run
going to gine you a chance
and put you on probation," said Mia
magistrate to the first offender. "X*
Indere, see that you avoid had cow
"Yes, sir," agreed the young matt
earnestly. "1 assure you you udfl
never see ole again."
'A COSY ROME is cosieo
still when you serve Malleo
well Rouse Coffee. So deli,.
elms it satisfies completely.
Expert blending assures
you coffee that's famous fou
smooth, „mellow flavor.
r,„4 04mlod Lots of Pep
Kidney -Li Pals
0001 iESS,wi011'UdSat
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,s14 014 Il gruel se,yo*e • r ( J
Gavay :
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