HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-9-3, Page 4"SAL Aft Patricia Schmidt's Own Story THE BRUSSELS POST 'Wednesday, September ^rd. 1'117 {' lassiTded d LETTER TO THE EDITOR I $1758 ttullually compared to SSO') (('nuniuur,i front i'a;:r.- (311e, and the Hydro hacl etsned contracts fig quite a number of eonsunler.e• FOR SALE— ,milks and Village '23.5 mills levied on I Hero we ktnow definitely of mo -one Barn 40 x 60. Straw shed 84 x ie. 1a total ee. •.:•ur:.; much gent er than I who wants the water at an unknown R. Bennett 111000 7 the previous ten yew perlcal, Thus comparing 1947 with the 10 years FOR SALE-- Mere we find the femme rate 111)Ilnternational sus engine, 1?y lir. 2 stills. School rate down 4 mills and j Lloyd alcoclt phone a3 -f^14 the Village rate up 9 mills. There • County rate we can be thankful the Phone 42.1-4 Schaal rats is no higher and we is in for another depression. In must accept the rise in Village rate r:r•e y00 may think 1 not like the ____..__ es inevitable as the servlee,s bought (title boy who cried Wolf, Wolf and with o0. money has been i1 no way, there wee no Wolf, let us see who superior to what we enjoyed heron. else cell see the Wolf. Phone 15x i' 'tt' on top of these greater and growing taxes 11.0 plan to add the ^•-'iFOR SALE— waterworks. Let us see what A pair of real good chrome -plated would app'e'ar to be the approximate this pl'd!oe. At the present time material a•nd labor is hard to obtain and then] only at th'e highest prices, In. the coarse of a few veers, certainly is not Hutch we can do about the before the 20 years required to FOR SALE— mitis the debemttures, title eoulltrY Dry hardwood, Clete. 1.. .Armstrong FOR SALE— , Hydro poles. 1 25 ft.; 10ft., 3502 100 10 t'110 Ha00(11 700:11 trn';edy. dead headlights suitable fur tractor. her dranlu-Palketl true story strafing Apply at The Post >11 The America!: Weekly, great _ _-- -- _-- .--- — NOW - - for the first time - • you magazine with this Sunday's (Sep- FOR SALE— can read the story of Patricia tetnber 7) issue of The Detroit. 150 Sussex Red Pull-te, ready to Schmidt, accused killer of levee Mee Sunday Times. lay, — Mervyn Pipe Plloue 51-rr11 ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE, Toronto 1,C Ontario. reet 'last. Please send further information and an application forts for the Ontario farm Setvice Force. ABs ' (16 or over) Name.. .................. ame.................... ....... ........... :address ........................... Town ................................................ ..............ta.... F1410 .4railable from ...... ONTARIO'S food crops are ripening fast and young people are urgently needed to help harvest fruit and vege- tables for a hungry world. The season of need extends from August 15th to October 1 5th and pay is good for every willing worker. For four weeks spent in the out-of- doors, one way transportation will be given you free. Return transpor- tation is also yours if you remain until harvesting is completed. Share pleasure and profit with the hundreds of young people who are volunteering for this important work. Fill in the attached coupon and join the Ontario Farm Service Force without delay. No mixed camps or accomodation for families. DOMINION -PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR AGRICULTURE - LABOUR, EDUCATION s FREE ANIMAL S OLD •DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect Brussels !. ingersoll Zi WE DO THE REST E FOR SALE— Helve Guitar with boots; in excellent condition. Apply at The Post increase in our taxes due to By -Law. Many ratepayers attended the meeting 111 the hall when 1Tr. llahent•s outlined lege scheme for inetal.liag and flnancin1 the system. I have talked with a couple of our Couneillore and they r++>'"•'t appear to know just how ,lir. Rohe.rte got 111 the pit;ruee hu: since he got til, and T believe 1st ennsider. able cost to the ratepayer;:, we will accept his figures, He snggeMed FOR SALE— that for tare protee>lon .1(1 Hydrant.: House and lot in the ill tete of he Metalled and rented to the Ethel, good location, apply to Village far 550 tier y -'a' pet hy9rant Wni. Spence, 17(11>l. resulting in about 5 m1110 1>cdng —. added to your taxes. The iniL11 t+ i i1 of^C Oaf! ((mum be FOR SALE— theme. '11 ltrltseels. 7 ro wood .Shed, possenion Wm. J. Rutledge Phone Tee e ti Hon, Geo, Dunbar, Ontario M111' Wee of Muntoipal Affairs, speaking at the Ontario Municipal Aasociedion Convention said "This spending spree of m!urnielpaltties can't con- tinue.' He warmed municipalities they were 1)0esing through " A dangerous period in the history of Ontarlo." He ran see this wolf, Prom the Editorial page of the (Rohe and Mall condemning public work at the present time. "it wile generally under'st'ood 000 Govsrrtmenrt had learned a great lesson from tibe depl'es.sion. 011.e5 WOO{ on "public investment" pro- grams 00111(1 be held in abeyance daring periods or high employment, and commenced as work -producing, materlals-ronsnming projects in pr-rindis 'nt sleekness, thereby stabiliz- ing both employment and producttou. wi'.11e ensiuring the taxpayer of the on1-1, with met by issuing deb'ntlnra 1r.r a 2>i cr,-d.'st pnssible value for his middle of Year period amountineto an annual dol]•ar." sun of approxi merrily 52600 which 9'ltat ];tutor can •nen this Wolf. would be met by the sale or water. From the Toronto Star speaking This would amount to anon, 250 a of the removal of all controls "The day per pereen. Many wend home bull^'f is that it 10 better to get on No. idea. No one controls out of .the way new. rrht'll would got seek on this gnnt> w-lt.=1' 1:.., mins and employment are "high 5 hills didn't seem merit to pay for than wait and have higher prices tine protection and olu• insernnce ' FOR SALE - 40 yours; pig's, also 206 year-old White Leghorn hens. Wm. Blake Phone 4t-l'•S MAN WANTED— ... for Rayleigh hosts, Real npuor- tunity. We help you get starters Write Ilawleigh's, Dept. ML -(.152 n, Montreal. WANTED -1- 0 rn4 t and Choir Leacher for the Brussels United Church, Duties to commence in October. Apply to Mr. D. A. Raun. LOST— • A gold watch with leather ('11ai11 (reward') also rack off truck 31'7 ft. square, Chas. Davidson Phon 1 57 FOR SALE - 45 <hunks and startel pigs; body - hard wood and limb wood also box stove good as new. Gordon Knight 43-r-25 FOR SALE— Electric motors rewound and re paired. Expert workmanship. Melee ate prices, New motors in stork. Bettger Industries, 649 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. FOR SALE— Bray pullets 31012 week, Also daydltl's end started. Prompt ship- ment. Ask for list. Go over your flocks, cull for good fall winter egg markets. Also dayolds and started, Order for Oct; Nov. delivery now also. Wm. Bray, Ethel FOR SALE— About 50 Leghorn -Rock 3)1111ets over three mouths old. Phone 390'-21. Brussels Or write Miss Ida Sellers, RR, 2, Bletevale, Out, result when incomes are lowered and rates would erne lend 2a/,c a day nnemplahrnen.t bas developed." was only $10 a year. 'l'hten it deemed Sorne01re down at Ottawa evidently on some that this was figuring every ran see the Wolf. house took water and the 510 a year From the above items it would was for every man, lvonlaa and `held uproar that tit' -s is not the. 1110st in the Village, In other woods a suitable time to lannrlt 311th an Ulan 11+''211 a home aeeesr04 at 52000 0m,ensive protect, Before taking ]could pay $10 (5 hilts) in his taxes on such a project there are many for fire ltr'Otertion if he had a wife things needed in our Village that and three children 10 that glome he would benefit all and noted or would fray an additional $50 tor should be pair] for out of current water, This would make $60 and receipts. To mention only a couple whether 11e pays it in taxes or as flrat sewers, second a public rest water rates 560 comes out of his room. These are only 2 of the pocket and represents 20 mills 011 many that T titelek every ratepayer his assessed value of $2000. wonl(1 app'nove of. W'111. the dawn name more 110111 on Other municipalities see going on the subje15.. Maybe 100% of o110 the spending 05000 refereed to by homes wouldn't take the water. the Hon. Geo. Dunbar. We are Then the 271.0- a day 1v0111d he lagging, When the tough tinges come reviser] upwards and the 56,1 would who will he the most envied? The go up, how high would depend an prosperous little Village tree from how few took:.tbe wa.3r, debt rtlnld able to cut ite taxes to While ell thio ]vas cl11101fi11g suit the times or the free spender around in the minds of some of our who will final she going tougher and taxpayers the Reeve published an tougher? article in your paper of August 27 No dinu'ht 1110513' of your readers entitled "Facts about the Proposed will censure me for writing this Waterworks System.' This wag letter' hurt T feel that ' to date all hitereeting reading even if parts of it came close to being fiction. Aunnnal opal -Ming costs 5400.? 1f we .are 'to .accept any of Mr. Roberts figures why not accept them all. From my notes of the ratepayers nleetliner Mr. Robert's es'tima'te of operating costs was 52300 per year. l daunt very ninon if the Reeve's figures- would eover the animal hill ear power. The .iifferellce between the two .estimates, le $1000, would he about 4?:1 mills. The number of possible rosi(enee and 1'r,ra 1erciad e01101110e'10 240 and 20 eespeotivsly we will accept with reservations. First there are over 75 houses without counting; severs] of the larger possible commercial ]reel's, who have already drilled wells send pressure sYste•me deliver- ing enol water adequate. t0 11101.)' needs. It Is too mtueh to expert that '011 of these will scrap them and sign on for water, hence 246 is much too optimistic a figure. if however we had 1.009 participation in the scheme, in order to raise $4000 the overage yearly hill would be 515 pea' house if we Use 206 (private plus commercial) users as 011' baste. However many of the houses will not and cantle) take the welter sineo adequate sewers are not there d•n dolts r -0"e of even the 2 or 3 taps. While one one only guess at the ao)nal number that will take water, it will be far from 100>1 which means 011.0 .1f two t11)11gs- 11eebe1' tint unite 01' greater deficit in make np by direct taxes. Mr. Cousins admits to a 12 01111 rade, add the 41,4 )Hills he is shy en operating costs, mid some more for the water not sold to the houses that don't take It and 1 think you will find the proposer] system would be a vw•y Hire t'rinq but very vert, expensive. We would firnly be given the worker. This By -Law has been emnpartd FOR SALE— A cottage with modern conveniences 6 acre farm, close to highway with good buildings 25 acre farm with Hydro and young orchard in village 15 acre farm with Hydro and excell- ent buildings in village. apply to JJ. C. Long Real Estate Broker Russets, Ont. Platte 34. WHAT WILL YOU BE WORTH IN 1971? Any spirited young man ;has no fear for the future. He's determined to "get some place" and earn a good income. t That's as it should be. But experience shows that the men who have built up estates on the firmest foundation are those wilo steadfastly invested part of each year's earnings in life insurance. For years they and their dependents have enjoyed the peace of mind that comes from financial security. Mortgages have been paid off and children educated. Now these men are taking life easy. What of yourself? What do you plan to be worth in 1977? Write for our booklet "Retiring h1 Comfort". ®s®a ARE INSIt tells how much you BEFORE YOU URE need to invest each year to get the retirement income you desire. C. , °y ;, &r do , Life HEAD OFFICE Association 1, 7. LONG, Representative, Brussels Alexander has moved to the apart- mei)nt. above. 1\Ir. Loeushttly's Misses Estelle and Doris Cunning- ham enterl.annee on 'fhul'srl," evening at their home at a miscel- laneous showon' in honour of ' Miss Elizabeth 000`, lode -elect ' i•f Saturday. Dnriug the evening, the guests compiled a Bride's 1300lt. The guest of honour was thee presented with many lovely gifts, At a suitable Hour a dainty lunch w•as served, men's Institute held 11, picnic meeting on the lawn at the hor1:? of Mrs. Stanley Wilson. Mrs. Ames took the motto, and also read an address to FOR SALE— Outboard motors, immeddate delivery, 4.2 at 5155. 350 gallon per flour automate pressure systems, complete with tank and fittings, 5109.50. lee H.P. 0a0110>1 tractors, 51 90, 3— H.P. garden tractors at 6330. Attachments extra. Transporta, tion prepaid anywhere in Canada. Ohrisltan's Electric Rc Hardware Oshawa, Ontario. "HELP WANTED --MALE" AN OPPORTUNITY— Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55' -- have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportun4ty to get estae Belted in a profitable business of your own, Por full particulars write}y wenn to Oln' leoI'[ydt'n ByLaw today to The T. R. Watkins Company. ( which also spread the debentures Dept, 0-0.4, 2177 Mason St„ Montreal, ever a 20 year period However Que. those .debentures called for only b publi:cety received by the Water- works By-fLaw has been favorable and to every question there are 2 sides and I think both sides should be 11e.a11d. I thank you for the oonaiderable space I have 'taken in your valuable paper. Be thankful T don't write many letters. Yours truly, R. S. Warwick. ETHE'L Personals: Miss Martel lOraluter, Ottawa, with her parents, Mr. and Mos, John Kllaeter; Mrs, Fleet Gotlden with friends in St. Marys; Mr, and Mrs, Len Sinclair and Mee, MON!a!ir; Hamilton, were guests at the F,ear•Elllett wedding; Dr. and Mee. Oolquhoun and Douglas, Aylmer with Mm. and Ma's, 7, 1T, ieear; Dr. and Mrs. Wardlaw with Mr. and Mrs, Balown, Idstowel, Mr. and eerie. Samuel Stuart; Monkton, with Me, anti Mrs, Sohn Howard; Mrs, F. F, h6r,�snuth Regosferect Optornetrisi '"Western Ontauao's Mai9 Modern Eye Seterbes4 (sone 118„ Har'rtsekri i I ACIMIVE SHOP f� Abet, lenlr"'d F4eta•l+• Welding Otic' shop is eduipped to too First Class WeldinP. .And Lathe Work Your Patronage Solicited. Gond Service Assured, Agent for Surge Milking Machines TORONTO Mrs, George Addy ant .lir;. 0111P, the two remaining 1000lhcr4 who joined the brooch 30.1 en ut>1:ul!zed to 1903. Mrs. Bowes presented then] with pins and haaldlta'l-h)(is 111 ap- preciation of their faithied services. Mrs. Wardlaw real the history of the 11renrh since Its organization. An old-flashioned spelling match conducted by 7irz. 130enron was much enjoyed. Games lied other sports were meld for the children and a picul0 lunch was served. 1\Irs. Wardlaw was appointed dele- gate to the area convention in Guelph. BTJ I FSS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D>, L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON William St. Phone 4. Brussels, Ont. Allan A. Lamont .gent for—Fire, Windatorro, and Automobile l ;et particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for fsanha 's. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 65-r-7 Walker Funeral Horne Day of Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge tor Use of Funeral Home. B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. J. F. Harper, B. A., M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 9 p. m. Also 11 - 12 a. m., when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 Sunday — Emergency and by appointments only. p• M. R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSFi.S Tuesday and Saturday all day — Offict open every day. Phone 20x — Successor to E. D. Bell __—____ __ Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. Phone Office 96 — Brussels, Ont. Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson PHONE 18-r-661 — SEAFORTH, ONT. Make arrangements at THE Brussels Post or R. S. Hetheringto, K. C.- Barrister Office, Brussels. D. A. R.ann d$Z Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer' PHONE 36 or 85 --— BRUSSELS, ONT. _.-.. Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED --• PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" atiel thew will be looked after immediately Or write to R. R. 3 Walton. For information etc., write or, phone Lew. Rowland