HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-9-3, Page 1BRUSSELS POST
Wednesday, September 3rd, 1947
Picture Puts An
End To "Ignorance"
The special attraction, "Mom and
Dade' which is Doming to the Capitol
Thealtre, Listowel for a 1imated
engagement starting next Sept. 11-12-
22 puts an end to ignorance. It deals
with all teee delicate subjects of
hygiene and the facts of life, in a
cold, honest, frank, outspoken way.
"Mom and Dad is more than a
motion picture—in fact , it's three
motion pictures in otee—plus a h9•
glen commentator. Mr. Elliot
Forbes, in person. It is a vital and
.tremendously important event in
every community throughout the na-
tion, today.
Spatrkling, new and fu11 of mod-
ern 1946 zest and catchy dialogue,
"Mom and Dod"'is flret of all .en•
tertatnment, secondly an impress
sive warning, and ilnall9 proof
Seafnrth, Ont
* * *
Thur., Fri„ Sat. Sept, 4-5.6
Maureen O'Hara
Douglas Fairbanks Jr.
Sinbad The Sailor
A Technlcolored Arabian
Nights' Tate.
Mon., Tues., Wed., Sept. 8.9.10
Joan Crawford John Garfield
Fannie Hurst's Dramatic Love Story
Set to Glorious tviesla
Thur., Fri., Sat. Sept. 11.12.18
Roy Rogers George 'Gahhy' Hayes
My Pay Trigger
The "King of the Cowboys" and his
Horse Trigger" bring you the
season's top melee, and notion hit,
00MiNG-- .�
Smash Up
(Adult Entertnlnment)
With Suwon Heyward
that immoral living doesn't pay. It
has its highly educational moments,
in fact many ,dootore, nurses, heatib
officials and educators throughout
the country have driven miles to
witness it—bemuse of their inter-
est in just a single sequence.
Bemuse of the nature of the
story grade school-age children ere
not admitted. Ws ideal d i educational
entertainment for high school-age
and ,older however. In view of the
Satot that ate medical sequences
speak out the truth se frankly' and
boldly, .so that all may see, hear
and umlderstand the facts of Lite,
it Is shown only to segregates au-
diences'. There will be shows for
women and ginla only at 2 and 7
P, M. eaclsl day and for men and
boys only at 9 P.M, each night.
To the ladles of the Lcciot
Auxiliary tine regular meeting well
be held on Thursday evening, Sept.
4th at 2 p,m, All the members are
requested to be present.
School Opens
School re -opened hese for the fall
term wilt eleven beginners in grade
one. Mr, Gibson Willis is the new
teacher of Grades 3.1.5, replacing
Miss M. 'Galbraith who resigned et
the close of the Last term, There
are two new teachers ,on the B.C.S.
staff, Mr, 3..Srhnitz, principal end
Miss Josie Medd, The enrollment of
4 -he oontinnatinn school this term (2
sisnty-seven (twenty-eitr boys and
forty-six airier). That la twenty less
than last Year when tine ave"age
attendance was 87. This is due to
the school arra system. The enroll•
ment in Grade 9 is as large as
formerly there being twenty-three
who entered rnntine Minn eche())
here this year. The decrease is in
the other grades when students front
Grey tewnshin, pertitttlarly in the
Ethel area, are telling tile bus from
',here to Listowel.
"Hee that truetetly in .riches
shell tfall; but the righteous
shall flourish as the green leaf."
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday &stool ,and
Bible Class.
11 a. m. "Modern Prophets."
7 p. m. "Not Reckoning The
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
L1 a, nt, Morning Prayer
"True Crown of Glory,"
The Session Assisting,
Junior Congregation,
12 Church School :end
Bible Claes
7 p. m. Evening Praise
"A Dangerous Lenial."
Everyone Cordially Welcome.
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector.
R. W. Reniiedy,
Editor Brussels Poet
IDearSirpresent in our cnmmunflyy the
principal items of interest Is rho
At pre
earning vote on By -Law No, 9 or the
Waiter Work's By -Law,
Consedierable apace in your paper
has been given to the stthjeet all of
which stems in nave been devoted to
extolling the advantages ;.]aimed f'.r
this By Law.
Jr you aoald see til to print th'e
letter I would like to give a tow
Nes and VIPSR9 on the subject, some
of which maybe at variance to the
claims, ,ulreatly made
No one c.an doubt the adders fire
protection such a systems words give
or can anyone deny that the Water-
works would be a nine thing to
have IF—We will try and explain
this IF aa we go o11:
The exponents of the a h5me
rl'atm flint le we passed this By -Law
we would gain indueteles. Imrease
cnnploynlcnd and have general
nreepetllty for everyone. While we
rlo not think water alone would be
any greet inducement to industry
in view of the increased taxes', poor
a -e wer systems and inadequate hous-
ing, juett hely great an advantage
added inclmstty would be is n debat-
able question. Anyone who lyls
here during (he last depression will
recall only too well the steady low
of ,teanvsd'ents: through our village in
march of something to eat and a
place to sleep. They will also
remember that theca transients
were not from vella.ges. such as ours
but froth places highly indrlstria'iz-
ecl. Industries and industrial
workerts are good during the good
Vanes but when tlapreselens eo'r1P
and they come rather often. then
the places with the greet industries
feel it the worst. rn spite of the
intereesing amount of manufacturing
in our coimitry, agriciilture is still
the backboneof the nation and no-
where more so than in Huron
County.. Here we have a newt little
village existing solely for and from
the surrounding country, dependent
on that backbone. What could be
more stable?
Great weight has already been
placed on (the health benefits this
system wotuid confer on the village.
Dr. Berry to his report of the
unlavoureible results of the tests
made on the wells in the village did
seer It was. nrot made recently but
(Barnet say just how long ago.
I would be the last to claim that
under exlasting domd(ttons water
Oven any dug well is .the safest
water but everyone has nea.rd the
slam* of the well drillers the last
few years as they drilled many good
see welds in our community. If as
some will insist every house is going
to beoome a user of our water
system to 1t 'going to add to the
health 'Of our preante to have the out -
plat of 246 (Reeve's Estimate) septic
tanks flushed down our sewers with
every spring rain to settle in the
cellars of our homes? 1 don't think
that - as long ars the Medical Health
Officer hast kept records has there
been a case of sickness in this
community attributed to batt water
and our wells like the prisoner in
the crook must be [wonted to be
hinbremt until proved guilty. '
Note let us look et the, emit which
or eourse .huts Imperil, owners
cllreetly and oleo the tenants through
1 lnlereased rents: . No matter how-
Ineurdl the taxes are at?erted the
propet'ty owner will expect to he
-1 reimhunsed through rent for tits
1lnmreasrd t.exee and the improve-
, he makes on the propertyhe
rolls, if 11e cannot Fel' whore he
will get adequate rti11rns for Iris
investment 'there is no inducement
for him to keep up his property, er
in 4his ease to install the water. Just
how many employers tire there who
will - increase their employees
i. wages to cover this inei'r-asel rent?
Before we get to figuring what the
meronts in taxes will he let ns see
what we have been paying in taxes.
Telling the 10 years 1996.45 hu0lusdve
1 we bind the total average tax rate to
•e been MR mills made up as
14th Sunday follows ---County 4.66 mills, School 4. Lr,ss Poesillilitiee of Rpldrnties.
September 7th, 1947 14.1 and' Village General rate 14.75 1 g. More people to help ns pay for
St. John's Church Bruwwets mills. This period inehldad good 30131' systetti.
2 p. m, Sunday School those and bed. slow Iver 00 these 6. Mme owes to work.
8 p. m. Evening Prayer 9, rotas the school ln.1d op a nice 7. 59r0,pfee nm' 1:'smilies At nem
!� surplus end the' vi11:1 ; saw its )Mtaot.
t$t, Gaorpo's Walton ' people thrmngif the tongil tunas whet 1 R,A stop towards keeping our ifiigh
9.90 e. m. Morning Prayer ' relief was necessary, bought 16.(750 ` cohost
10,80 a. m. Sunday School, or Victory Bonds and rarriwt on tht. , 9. Putting our village farther
St. flavl'tt's Churoh HenfrYn usual services. Now in 1147 we ` sit;;td in fine fntnre.
a.^pd, liming 'Prayer
have Clomn4y 8.5 mine. School 10 +,n, This with Better Llvfna; eon -
10 a. 1t 1 gitatttay School.
10 Reasons Why Brussels
Needs the Waterworks
In presenting the case of installing
a water systole in a municipality,
toe much emphasis ie often put upon
the rose of suet a system and not
enough upon the beaeltn derived
As a mailer of fact —the only argue
mere a,.ainut such a system is the
Let us weigh such costs against
the uremen'doue advantages for the
system and thus arrive at a sane
Fust and to`emo31 Is the Fire
Protec't'ion', that such a system will
give us, and with tine proteotic,u
will come lower insurance rates.,
Everyone .realizes that even w:'11)
romptete Insurance protect ion.
money will not replace marry of the!
treasures palnstakinsly acquired'
through the many peere of a life's'
An adequate supply of Crater will
reduce what may have been a
dislasltrous fire to a small loss.
TbPn their is the e'eraetion of
business. Many plants emir re
nperetc unless a taa-ge :;empty of
water is available, and such plants -
1f attracted to our comnnmity will
(mice open themselves a large ner-
centa'ge of the cost of installation
and supply of such a system.
Another compensation of flaying
Manufacturing plants in our 001n.
enmity would he that they will need
workers to operate thatr plants and
as tbtngs_ are now in Brussels many
of our young people would be
working en Brussels instead of being
scarltered through other comment -
It is because of the lark ni
employment of our young people at
home--d2rat our families are broken
up and the family lie is lost
How much nicer If we could keep
our famelles intact.
Many of these young people do not
leave home. by choice—hut ny force
of cirourestance, also you may be
aware that we are likely to 'have to
clieconein'tue our High .School in
Brnusseis and send our high school
pupils by bus to other centres, This
is beoantee the powers that be think
that we do not have enough pupils
to warrant the expense of running a
High School hese.
Does it not behove us to attract
Whore fa:miliest here and. 04O enable us
to retalo our High Sohool and not
have our ohildren spend hours
coming and going to an outside
school every day. In winter' this
will become an additional hazard for
08 rho worry about, wbenr the roads
are deep with ice and snow. Well
so •nisi It for that, but now we come
to another important tactor, Health.
18' 'something we do not value
too nlmoh until it is last, and then
we will give our all to regain it Need
many� the epidemics
r tf
1 the
that have carried away thousand's of
lives' in the past, have been through
unpure water and how can 'a. dug
well not far from a seeptle tank: or
Baelthoise, produce a supply' of
pure stealth prrrcltreing water, It Claes
not seem possible and, a test of the
water front 'stich' a well will prove
that. it is not possibie.
.And now to you who are going
down the hemestretet of life. to you
who Binet of neees,sity slay hove
much will ilhis 'net ter And hon cern
T benefit from such :, system? As
to the erect --a few moments spent
reading the letter sent. in by vont'
Reeve H. B. Cousins and printed in
feat week's copy of 'Thr P4ist'-will
rnnvinre you that it is not exorbitant
and the lnereast in tine mine 0f yncr
Property plus the lower inseranre
rafee `that. you will 115 able to obtain,
Ides your Better Fite Potecticn and
the benefits derived from .runttiite
water not to speak of the health
Oat it n -ill being you— should' mere
than eenrpemsat.e you by your small
l'ersestm out.
Summary of the Tleflhftts we will
1, Better 'Fire, rrhtertinn.
2, Cheaper Fire Insurance,
AD tar 'PrituitY
have 7 d 2, Better Health (0 (lettere
Bhr vale, Aug. 291,11. 1947
Mem' it ucsele, Poet
Dear Sir:
As a Subscriber of the Brussels
Morris 01111 Grey T,elepltons System
I demand that our Secretary -Treasur-
er Mr. Scott prepare a full and
complete itemized slatoment, of the
expenses of the ;aid Telephone
System. 1 nrete.relond that +hut' line
man wnr+ pails a salary but his name
seems omitted from the expense
account. Our depe e:eat'o,l .,c rnnnt
=ecros 4150 Large and ehon'-i be shown
how it i9 made up, also our Sundries
Account. Ain before 'hereis any
raise allowed in the rales.
1 aro, yours respeetfnlly,
A. 0. Simper/A.
R.R. 2, Bhteve.le, Ont,
M. D. Shedden wishes to thank
her kind neighbors and friends for
terata, eats and Yards during 'Yee
enforced holiday. Pleases In saY
improving every day and thanks a
And also to norrrrt someone on
age R9 instead of 86.
Brussels Girls
Defeat Ripley
Brussels girls' softba;7 team stern
am 11.6 vietory over the Ripley team
in. Ripley on Tuesday of this week,
The return game is to he played in
Victoria Park, Brussels, Thursday of
this week at 6.15 P.M. Don't miss
it. it will be a gond genre and our
gi10s •dleserve all the support we ran•
give them.
The United Church
The service on Sunday morning
was conducted by Mr. Wilson who
has returned Vont his vacation. The
set'ntou subject was `Religion and
Life.' Religion should be applied to
the whole of life. A man's work,
whatever it is, eau be done to the
glory of God. Misq Mary Helen
17clemier sang 'The Lard's Prayer'
in excellent voice.
Announcement was trade of the
resumption next Sunday of the
Sunday School and Evening Ser-
vice. The ISund.ay .School will be held
at 12 o'clock and the evening
service at 7.
Grewar:'s G:rooeterla gets fresh
peaches, plums — direct from the
Niagara Pen. It is fresh at Grewar's
you can be assured. If you want any
special kind of peach or plum see
our .fruit mean any of these mornings
he will get it for you. Open all day
Weeneselay as usual.
(Continued 011 7uu2131r• 1'ar;41 inions and Bettor Tlnstnoes for ns
Anniversary Services
of Union United Church
Sept. 14th, 1947
11 o'clock and 7.30
Rev. Harold Snell, minister for
morning and evening service..
under auspices I..D.L. No. 774
In Brussels Town Hall on
Thursday, Sept. 11
Dancing from 1.0 to 1 o'clock
Lunch Booth Admission 50c
in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Young, newlyweds
in Brusesls Town Hall
Friday, Sept. 5th
Good Music
Ladies please bring sandwiches
Collection at the door.
Grand Football Match
Toronto - Scottish
Huron All -Stara
at Victoria Park, Brusselt
Saturday, Septa 20
Kick-off — 3.30 P.M.
Admission ---• 35c
Evangelistic Meetings
Town Hall ---Brussels
Meetings every Sunday night
8 P.M.
3 P.M. --Gospel Hall on the
2nd Concession of Clrey
Speaker--Cliffc'r:1 Smith
Shelbourne, Ont.
lrverybndy Wrticolne.
A te 1r,ntamentE have been eerie
plated for the game Letween Toronto
Fr1 ttlehi and the Huron All -Stars to
be played in Brussels on Saturday,
Sept. 20 at 3.30 p.m. Soeeer Pane
over a wide area will have an
opprnituni:ty of witnessing a drat.
class Rune.
On Saturday, Sept. 12, the Lordon
O.N.R. team will play the return
Battle with the Brussels team at
Vieto'ia Park. In the firet .name,
played in London. the ilrue 'le 1,,,yei
were the vidttors with a 1.0 scene.
iI Is stop, '1 filet two ether exere tee
games will he physes in Brussels
eaten the next few days.
Melville Church
'Praotfire Good Fiahits' was the
sttbjeet of Rev. Mr. Milne'e sermon
on Sunday. The illn,trations were
taken. from the trial of Peter and
John recorded in Acts. Chap. 4, Miss
Olive .Ppeiran was greet soloist and
rendered '0 Came Te Our Hearts
And Abide' by Ambrotes.
Melville •Church Salida,' Srltn,,l
re -opens on Sunday, Sept. 6 The
evening services will alsn he re-
sumed on that day.
Engagement Announcement
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Davidson
announce the engagement, of their
only daughter, Isobel Joon. to Oliver
Richard Hopson, youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. TTopson. Bayflel'd',
the marriage to take place the
middle of September.
BY-LAW NO. 8, 1947
A By-law to ' provide Sot• taking
the Vote of the Electors on the quest-
ion of a proposed By-law for (ssms-
ing debentures in the sum not exceed-
ing the amount of $128,000.00 to con-
struct a waterworks system.
Whereas the Municipal Council of
the Village of Brussels are desireous
of installing a waterworks system
and issueing debentures in the sum
of $128,000,00 to pay for same,
And Whereas a Bylaw known as
No. 9, 1947 to provide for the same
has been prepared andwhereas it
is necessary that the assent of the
ratepayers be obtained before the,
same is finally passed.
And whereas n 1a desired to obtain
the assent of the electors by sub-
mitting the following question and
permitting the said ratepayers to
vote thereon,—
"Do you assent to the Mnnicdpnd
Council of the Village of Brussels
Passing a By-law authorizing the
issue of debentures in a sum not ex-
xceeding 8128,000.00, bearing interest
at a rate not exceeding three per-
cent, all payable on an ansoratized
basis within twenty years for the per-
erpose of installing a general water
works system?"
And whereas It isnecessary to pass
this By-law in order to enable the
P1ect ors to vote on the said id question.
Be it therefore enacted by -the
Municipal Cotmcil of the Village of
Brussels as tol1ows,-
1. The vote of the iniectore of site
Corporation of the Village of Brussels
shall be taken on the said question
as set out in the preamble on the Sth
day of Sept., 1947, between the hours
of 9 n'rloek in the forenoon and 6
o'clock in the afternoon in the follow-
ollowin'g p1ntt by the following Deputy
Returning Officer.
Basement of Public Library, Brussels
Robert J. Bowman, Deputy Returning
2. On the 5th day of Sept, 1947, at
the hour of Ten o'clock in the fora
noon the bead of the council or a
member of it for that purpose by
resnhution duly appointed will attend
at the Clerk's office in the said
village of Brnesels for the purpose ,of
appointing and if required to do so
will alpoint by writing sighed `by
himself two persons to attend at the
final summing up of the votes by the
clerk and one person to attend at the
Polling place flan behalf of . those
interested in and desirous of pro-
moting or voting in the affirmative
on the question •and a 111re number of
persona interested in a desirous of
. opposing or voting to the negative
nn the said question.
3. On the 9th day or September 1447
At the hour of tett o'clock in the
forenoon at the Oftee of the Clerk
of the said Municipality the 'clerk
of the sold municipality shall attend
I and num up the votes given In the
affirmative and those given In the
negative on the said question.
Passed this 5th day of August 1047.
1't, B. Cousins--Iteeve.
G. 1t. ClionPbe11 •Clerk.