HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-8-20, Page 8trnea�F�OtROVIIVC,Matet(ttleVSEWCRIVOISOMANWREG Retreslog HeaIth Salts English Fruit Saline Eno's Fruit Salts Grape and Lemon Salt Nottingham Refreshing Salts v Rexall Morning Salts Khovah Health Salts Certified English Health Salts 59c 49c 60c and $1.00 69c 59c D'l1 Qi ......... 50c • .. 29c Lime Fruit Juice, Grape Juice Citrie Acid and Tartaric Acid Refreshing Drops of Loveliness 'Blue Hyacynth' or 'My Night' Colognes Either one comes in a Fancy Bottle and the price is $1.50. Other Toilet Waters are Florida Water, Old English Lavender `365' Eau de Cologne Give Flower Fresh F ragance Films Developed and Printed, 6 f r Y ° tCi 9GG.I: 1' and fp_ •:: w. s.. :1 (TONER Cahn °OGF.dr w,.rt ;`FA NO. 62 TTr LEPHO F. NO. % THE BRUSSELS POST MOW AVAIL' Alg Ale At% Ole ON*, AK r:A A. WOO onnee24 Brussels, Ont. White Pique Blue Denim • • •. .. . 59c yd. i F_ 89c yd. Cotton Print Rayon Skin -tees PRINT DRESSES Boys' and Men's Cotton Jerseys 42c up Boys' and Men's Bathing Trunks 89c Wednesday, August 20.111, 1917 NOTICE DIED BORN Alberta Coal on about Aug. 25th 1 American Cement hand J. H. FEAR Ethel, Ont, NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the estate of ANNIE MARTH t late of the Village of isrusscls ink theBled Cpuntyenoraof Hur•an, ,v, who bout fifth day of August, A. D. 1947. TAKE NOTICE that all parties ' having claims or demands against the! estate of the above deceased must mail \particulars and proof of saran to the 'undersigned executor or his solicitors on or before the llth day of Septeln- Iber, A.D. 1947, upon whin elate the said executors `gill proceed to dial - bate the assets with regard only to those claims which shall then have Been received, 1 Dated at Brussels this eighteenth \day of August, A. D. 1947. Oliver I• I by his solicitors CRAWFORD & I3ETHERtI�GTON, Rrnssels, Ontario. A Square Beal The Year Round.j bon. ext.. ufor kl FOR SALE PULLETS Three r.,,onths to Laying Several breeds available Kolas Farm & Hatchery MOOREFIELD PHONE 609-r-33 miamEREEIRRRIONRSa e eh &Yaw 10 3609 Perfectly snatched —and the en` gagement dia. mond Is flaw. leas. wseAsal For HER ATTENDANTS W. G. LEACH Jeweller Brussels, Ont., 44 4 EAR -RINGS Dainty Hearts and Bows de- $Q® sign in Steil. Ing Silver. LOVELY PENDANT��++ Two•60Oz1e loveliness in sterling and Silver gilt. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ^-,^—_., In the estate of EMMA BREWER li tete of the Village of Brussels i0I the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the fourth day oft August, A, D. 1947. � TAKE NOTIOE that all parties having claims or demands sgainst the estate of the above deceased must mail 'Particulars and proof of same to Ole soliottors for the executor; on or before the tenth day of September, 1 IA. D. 1047, upon which date the said lexecutors will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which shall then have been received. Dated at Brussels the sixteenth day of August, A. D, 1947. Lillian Stanbury and Nettie Hobbs, executors by their solicitors CR1WFORD & IHETHERINGTON, Brussels, .Ontario. Wed, Th sJrs.Ili Sat.. Augsi2I - 2122 - 23 s,E-s .'FOR' �. 2Dresses for Swift's General Store Phone 22.r-11 Ethel, Oast. TONE CLEANERS & DYERS Mount Forest, Ont. Hat Blocking — Repairing Alterations A Specialty. Dry Cleaning picked up and deliv Monday and Thursday.ursday. T rode Fin1 Summ r (le ramme LE 4 Summer6Dresses must be cleared to it alive room for Fall Merchandise. IDOPI°T MSSS Agricultural Highlights For The Week The threshing and combining of Fall Wheat is practically completed in the County. This year's sample is small and shrunken compared to a normal sample, and yields have been down considerably running on an average of from 20 to 25 bushel Per acre. There Is quite a demand for Fall Wheat seed from fields that were not infested too severely with smut, and for a new variety, Cornell (&95, which is reststent to loose shut. Indications are that the acreage of wheat to be seeded this Fall will be tea or fifteen percent greater than in III x>. Considering the poor weather during the seeding period, and the (late date at wdtfch many of our fields — of Spring grain and Oats were sown, the yields of those fields sown earliest have been quite good, in fact some farmers have claimed that their oats are as good as last Year. Fields, which have been seeded down to hay pasture mixtures this .Spring, have gotten away to a renmarkably gond start, and In some 1 cases the young clovers aro up to I the band in the aheares. Turnips are making very good erect 011 growth even though late seeded, and with the constant reserve of mots - hire in the soil, as a result of our t. 8prtne, the posslhillty of water- er+ is not so great as last year. RACK I — DR.ESSSES Regular 12.95, Special 8.95 (No Exchanges or Refund) RACK 2 — DRESSSES Regular 5.95, Special 3.95 (No Exchanges or Refund) Ibex Flanellette Blankets 70 x 90 Blue' and pink borders Special $4.59 a pair. 120 pair of Pre-war Pillow Cases 40" wide bought from the war assets don't miss this bargain 98c a pair. we Truck calls before 1 p. m. on Mon. & Thurs. ro Watet cm u a seems to show p more when turnips are short of mnistute Dry Cleaning tobe left at for period which retards the F°RNJE YOi NG' growth, followed by a heavy rain siv Iwhirh makes it posstbte for .the BO'USSels turnips to absorb very quickly too much water from the soil, This I disease of turnips 0,1n bp greatly In - Shoe Repair Shop Just A : "lived Shipment of Rims for wagons cut down. Wheel and Axle Sets for 600 x 16 tires. TIMKIN ROLLER BEARINGS To make your own trailers or put on your old wagons. See us now while they last. All Sizes of Tires in stock Ethel, Ont. hrills S Phone Brussels 86-r-5. fisenced and controlled by maintain. Ing a sufflciemt amount of boron in • the soil at the proper time during the tnrnips growth, Many fields in he Oounty are now at that stage, the turnips being about one inch to one and a half inches In diameter, and the safest w,•37 to entmre the crop agadast this had disease is to dust I or spray the turnips with a 0000-'" nmt 18 containing the element, boron. if riultng about 49 to 79 pounds of the prepared dusting material will be sufficient for one hers of turnips Et may he applied with a pen duster, or a iotatoe duster, Mit the latter seams to give better results. issued by Lp1ROY 9). T)ROWV, Agricultural Representative for Huron County, Proclaim October 139h I As Thanksgiving Day iCanadians will markThanksigtving Day this year on Monday, Oet. lfiti. The date was announced by tlroolam- ' 0 -lob in en extra edition of The Canadian Gazette. White, Green Rose and Blue Broadcloth and Print. Men's Bathing Trunks Boys Bathing Trunks $1.98 .98c GIRLS ALPACA SLACK SUITS Sizes 8 to 14. years, Special 4.95 MISSES' ALPACA SLACK SUITS Sizes 12 to 18, Special 6.95 Men's White Broadcloth Shirts Sizes 14 % to 16 Men's Summer Pants Pre-shrunk, all sizes Regular 4.95, Special 3.95 Boys Long Pants Pre-shrunk, Special 1.98 200 Yards of Seer Sucker Regular 89c yd., Special 69c yd.. Women's and Misses' White Shoes in Ties, Pumps, and Brown and Wl it.Es " . =_: Oxfords Low 4 4.e..!3 Regular $2.98, Special $1.98. 60 pair of Misses Sandles Good sizes, Regular 2.98 Special 1.98 Men's Crepe Sole Brown Oxfords Special 4.95 Men's Carnp Shoes Regular 3.95, Special 2.98 THE ARCADE STS lions Sl Br r ssels, Ont. t. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family MOINTWOIWOWatiVeieMte Ir