HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-8-20, Page 5TELE BRUSSELS POST
S' .F„i t.
Save hundreds of hours, and
barrels of fuel by having your
tractor and farm implements
converted to rubber. Cost of
change -over is small compared
to the savings We simply cut
down your present tractor or
wagon wheels to accommodate
tire rims —• and equip with
Canada's Number One Farm
Tire—Firestone. We can supply
you with all the facts and
figures at a moment's notice.
Drive in any time for ftdl in-
E. Richards & Senn
Farm Equipment
Ethel, Ont.
Phone Brussels 86-r-5.
WALTON , One of these, a carrot relay, caused
A delightful eveniug was spent at
the home of Mrs. Within: 'I'nrnliuii,
16th concession of they 'rott"nship
when over 100 ladies gathered to
honor Miss Mary McDonald, teacher
for the past year tat Button's School.
seated in a obeli* decertpd with pink
.and white, the bride-to-be opened
the many beautiful gifts which were
presenter) to her In a chiid'e wagon
drawn by a tiny bride, ;Janna Smith,
and bridegroom, Iviarilyn Johnston,
with Marion Turnbull .acting se
flower -girl Miss NLoDoneril,; thanked
the ladies , and games were played.
Much' merriment. The hostess,assisk.
ea by her daughter, Mr .,1), I.aWless..
and neighbors, seryed lunch.
The regular naanthly meeting or
th•• tC;xnten'e M e=':nat•v Society of
Duff's United Ohurrh was held in•the
basement of the church. Mrs. J, Mar-
shall, second vice president, was 10
charge. u•ge. Each member answered the
roll cal with a favourite • hymn.
Plans were matte -for entertaining
the Baby Band. The topic for this
'month, "The Nations 'Get Together,''
was given by Mrs, 1h Travis, Mrs,
J. Clark and Mrs. Hazelwood. They
said every woman In Canada has
t re,pen ibilityy to h, t need Nh
L,u t•a•,•fy loan+.1 h(il)l Tins the
right to freedom from want, fr"e
i t-., 1' t 'n.:lulu of (111114)1,
tlurlty, t'reedolt! of 1,.+t:eten, itt•dofu
I, live ent his lift' el le -a h• chin:-.
. .. 4„ 1 injury In
his neighbor. Mrs. iliarehall elesed
the meeting wills prayer.
lC. .!, ti •nu�, t preshle4 at
.,....I ote,.iim> of the Wonten'a
w,r•iat'on when phots were• made
frit' n special meeting to he held In
• eu^te• when .firs, Ballantyne,
'Cornett.), will speak,
Mims Doreen Coutts entertainer)
h •• Fundy Seined clans a1 a Mimic
In- . the Tions Park. Among those
who attended were Donald Achilles.
Ronald ):nuns, Wayne McMichael,
TTerbe.1 Kirkby, Audrey 1Heeltwell,
Ruth Anne Ennio, Mont Clark, Bar,
linea 'Tolland, Vera. Watson,
Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. llny
'Bennett nn Sunday were Mr. and
Ml's; 'Stanley Brown and daughter
Vaughan or London, Mr. Jas, Long
end daughter Mrs. Malin and Mr,
,Jilin or Fingal, N.D., Aire, Norma
.Lang of Vancouver, 13.C., Mr. and
Mrs, J, C. Long and family .and Air.
and Mrs, Sant Burgess or Brussels
Mr :lest Long of Patent, Texas, and
Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Malin of Fingal,
N,D., who spend the tact ten days
With Roy and Mrs. Bennett left for
their. homes on Monday
Harold and Mrs. Com dson and
family, Milton, with Lorne and Mrs.
tIttol Gth'line.
Mrs.... George Martin end baby
daughtr. Patricia tee, or George-
towu ere,visitors vitt Geo. and Mrs,
6th line,
Sunday visitors at the home or
Jas. 5- lrhte were W. and Mrs. Bob
P ••'ziri, Guelph, tics.' 5Ittgaret Glenn
and Mi', Mervin Hayter, TIensall.
Sgtnn, T. 1f. A1crieli '.or Oaki'llle,
spent the week end with his brother
Frank, of the, ttlu ane
Electric: motors rewound and re-
paired. Expert "Workmanship. Moder.
ate prices. New 'motors in stook.
Settger tnaustries,
• 1)49 Ontario Street,
Stratford, Ont:.
F, t .arnuth
Reg>"st erect
'Western Ontario's Most
*ideals Eye Seevtce'"
"'hone 118. tlarriston
I).1 Adt» oder eremltti 1:1;11
iro of 1lirndr and ue+itrltbgr• number-
ing around three !loud,eI. me, nt
tlu ,iant.,-town Ca:mttnuity Hall and
spent a very pleatient 'er711ui•".
\t'itlt, r't+ art^beetrn was in attend-
ance and supplied the nuttr'o ter tar•
dance. After lunch the fnllotvblg
t 1.14m home, ui Luta IO4 au
Davis.They wererot tic..:,. ,,:.
visit by \I'. and lir=. Ifne't
Penner and daugihter dudrey t'
Dr. i tel Mre Falser trach?., •ur.i
tions Jahn, Billy and Robert
(2-141 , (ere hol'rta.ylne donne tie -
past week at the home of tbelr
(rel,- .1..1 Sir$, -lin rind also at the
Lope wnv rt'aS by Alis, Jeanne home, or thud( 10011, 8 Aire. .Toe
lb-Len/an to Mr. alta Mrs. dark Shaw and Mrs. Amite Rae and
`';hatpin (11(8 511(5 bioiierrlt e') who 1x-111 and T)nnrnu m.88..„.1,1,1
were recently married. Rev, and Mrs. Ro_s ('tvtaIw raa14
1)ertr Ruth and Clerk: sons David and Pahl of Denville
This evening we have gathered an vte,ted Friday afterne.,n 0 itis .T. .T,
yam• haunt• to offer our sincere 'good and Jessie Stracllan.
wishes for your future health and Miss Susie Latimer of near St.
happiness. celharines t•isitine her aunt 1Trs.
Ruth we have lznanvn you all your ti'. 3% Bernard, nth run. of Mende.
ilfe and have found you cheerful and r. li'. ti'ilile, T:dmonhm. .Atter., t^
rly, reaio enteinvisiting Too. Me abb and renewiny
activifiendties wltothedyr wook orr platoy. Wourtt acgtiatntanee with old seltnnlntate,.
are glad to know your future home 1:1,.. Willi: wa$ a former resider pt
w ll not he far away, I7the1. He went to the west in
Now that pewee has been declared
end you Clark have returned home
we hope that 'you and Ruth will fill
an honored and useful place in the
neighborhood in which you live.
We are sure Clark you are willing
to share life's ups and downs with
Your wife. This was demonstrated,
-on Monday last wheel, You cheer-
fully roused from slnmher and pt'o-
reeded to assist her make breakfast
in the small hours of the morning
for your unexpected callers.
'We have a little gift for you with
which we hope you will purchase
some useful article for your home,
that will remind you both of the
many sincere friends who have met
with you this evening to wish you a
long h,appY prosperous wedded life.
We ask you to accept this one
hundred dollar bill $100.00.
Signed on behalf of your Renee.
town friends, -
• 'Eileen Plant -
Mary Bradshaw
Jeanne' McLennan
Lloyd Warwick
'Mr, and Mrs, D, D. Love and
family of Port Huron, Mich., spent
the week end at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Alex S:peiran, Miss Olive
Speiran returned with them for a
short vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Ross and
daughter Susan, Windsor' were
recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Hemingway.
Edwin Abra and son Cameron or
Owen•,Seund were recent visitors at
the hmne of J. J. Strachan and also
Pay 1/s a 7i0ien 4 Visit
'YOU... may need money. Why be
embarrassed about it? There are thou-
sands like you. Hospital expenses, doctor
and dentist bills, payment of income tax,
house repairs, overdue debts and other
emergencies dig deep into earnings and
savings. Why not see us about a Personal
WE... are making hundreds of Per.
sonai Loans daily all over the country. We
can help you with friendly, confidential,
prompt service. A call on the Manager
of any branch of this Bank is like a visit
to a neighbour. Unload yourdebt prob-
lems on him. He will gladly discuss a
Personal Loan with you.
Brussels Branch _— W. Porter, Manager .
Mr. anal Mrs. Darltl Porter and
Allan or Brantford spelt' a (mfti., •,1
days with Mr. and Att•s. Evw•,rr
SIt'. and Airs, Lloyd Artnstrone and
Ronnie of Alvdnshon spent last weedy
with Mr and Mr.s '?rerrtt Perdue,
H'erbert Jeschke., Detroit, and Miss
Martha Jt'schke, Toronto, are hell.
(laving at the home of their father.
Patel ,Tesehlm.
Jim and Mrs. Martin and two
children. Detroit, deem/mantel by
Mr. and Mrs. Stewarf wenn week pori
Visitors at the home of Allen
Cameron. ,Tim is a ernndson of qtr.
Ca m arum.
Fennels of Airs, Lynn Keane are
glad to know she is able to he home
ngein after being in tete K. S4 ,V.
Hospital, Kitchener, sine# Tune.
Lynn (:orlon is visiti,ie his
brother Lylle and Mrs, Gordon. -
' Workmen are busy these days on
the new building being erected on
the premises of Lloyd Mintel,
Church service on Sunday main-
ing, August 24 will be held in the
Union United Churob at 11 a.m. with
Rer. T. D. MacIver in charge
Mrs. J. D. HInmhtey, Seaforth,
spent Sunday with her sister Mrs.
Win. Sm:alldon
Harvey Hunter is in St Thomas
with Jas. and Mrs. McCallum.
Word was received August 9 by
relatives of Irvine Dunn that he was
seriously 1.1) in an iaola.tlon hospital
with spinal meningitis and early this
week word Same that Ile has been•
discharged from the hostpital. Tr eine
went west early in the summer,
* s • e • ■ s s •
. * * • • * * •
Miss Lida Gramm
Illness of a day duration cut•
minated in the sudden death at her
residence on the Prestou-Kitchener
highway on Thursdav, August 11,
of Miss Lida Gramm, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Granum,
The deceased, who was in her' 7a-th
year, was born in Thorndale and
lived tor several yea.•s in Cranbrook
before moving to Preston.
The late Miss Gramm was e
member of the Freeport United
Surviving are two brothers, Geo.
and Toho at home; and three s4sters,
Annie at home, Mrs.. John Ritchie,
Galt and Mrs, Alex Johns of Port
Allegany, Pa.
The funeral was held at her late
residence on Saturday afternoon, at
2 o'clock, Intertuent was made in
Mount View Cemetery, Galt.
Mrs. E. Srewcr
On August 4; 1947, at Seaforth Gen
eral hospital, fo1kowdng a short . 111 -
nese ,there entered into resta well
I known a.nd highly 'respected citizen
in the person of Emma Kellington,
widow of the. late-hEdmund Brewer,
who 'predeceased her 13 years ago.
She was in her 79th year,
j Mrs. Brewer was a member of
Bruseals United Church,
Surviving are two Sisters Mrs. N.
Hobbs, Toronto; Mrs, W. Stenbury,
Seaforth and five brothers Joseph,
Oliver and Fred of British Columbia.
I Bert of Cotham and Robert er North-
ern Ontario.
j The funeal was conducted tram
1 iter tate residence Tti'nberry St.,
Brusesla. Rev. - R. J. Hitzelwood
: 'offi'ciating in the ahsr'noe of Rev.
Patllheiirers were Pieter and John
Arntsitrong, Clayton Jordan, will,
Charles end George Brewer,
Interment wail its 13rtls$e113 ceme-
tery. ,;