HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-8-20, Page 3Suez Canal Still Under Protection Of Great Britain Britain may be pulling out of India, but that docs not Wrenn that all British interest and investment in that country come to an end The Suer, Canal is stili a lifeline to the )'cast, and the Egyptians want every Betish soldier evacuated, The I3ritish have been in the Nile and Egyptian area since Great Britain bought 176, 602 of the 400,000 total shares of Suez Canal stock, front Khedive Ismail in 1873. There was a financial crisis in Egypt and th'e British and French united to, control the revenues and expenditures of the country. There VAS trouble in 1882 and the Royal Navy bombarded Alexandria to quell the riots and disturbances. The Brit- ish then landed and won the Battle of Tel -el -Kabir on September 13, 1882, * 5 * On November 5, 1883, a British force of 10,000 was annihilated near Obeid in the Sudan, In 1885 General Gordon was killed at Khartoum, where he had Leen sent to investigate the military situation. The British under Kitchener, captured Khartoum on September 2, 1892, In 1914 the British proclaimed a protectorate over Egypt. It World War. II, the Germans and Italians almost took Egypt, but they were held at the frontier by the British attd eventually driven back, Now, Egypt wants all British Droops out of. both Egypt and the Sudan. Britain made a treaty with Egypt by which protection of the Suez Canal left open the treaty of differences of interpretation. As the Suez Canal runs through Egypt, its protection is of paramount importance. t, 5 5 The slay has often been told, and _there is no way of knowing whether it is apocryphal. or not, about the 'Ling -of Egypt laking a great inter- est in the battle plans of Lord Vdaa,cll, • even asked to see the plans at tate time. General Wavcll gave the Klug a copy, said copy having been faked and when the British advanc- ed on the Italians, among the cap- tured booty was the very faked battle filar whiiclt had been previous- ly handed to the King. That was the time when the rich Italian colony of worn in Cairo were baking cakes and getting ready to receive Mussolini. l.t is unlikely that the British will hand over the protection of the Suez Canal to the Egyptians. There is the right of properly there, and France has an interest, too. Tourists in Britain GF t More Gasoline Britain is to allow visitors from overseas who bring their cars an extra ratios of gasoline. Up till now under the gas rationing the only allowance to which they have been entitled was the home basic ration amounting to about 15 gallons each month tion the biggest cars. Under the new scheme it is anticipated that a supplementary tourist ration similar t0 the French system will be introduced, This is based on the size of the car and its fuel consumption. For a three-month period the scale is 132 gallons for care doing 10 to 15 miles to a gallon; 110 for those doing 15 to 20 and 88 for those doing 25 and over. i \. ntl- L lVi s1t c - (lin tt l-1 I l y u ,I .iello seep here, holds the Ina kInotlge he caught at Port Severn, (Mt., last month. This husky '1nlskie" weighed 26) pounds and Measured 48 inches lit length, and 17'..i inches in girth, Watching Their Figures—Pasquale D Angelo gets into some higher mathematics at the Can- adian National Ehibition school for fashion is how models. The young models lap up' their lessons with more enthusiasm than their geo tnetry theorems, but after all these CNE girls are learning how to model. That mattes a difference. Sports — And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") We all know that Father Time has a dirty habit of sneaking up on us when we're not looking; but, even. so, it's difficult to realize that almost 21 years have slipped by since the name "George Young" first crashed the headlines. For it was on Jan. 16, 1927 that all Canada went haywire over the news that an unknown Toronto kid had won the swim from Los Angeles to Catalina Island, for which Mr. Wrigley had•hung out the tidy prize of $25,000. * 4: 4: For those who cannot recall the fuss made over the returning young hero, we may say it was something like the recent dither regarding Bar- bara Ann Scott—renumber her?— only doubled and redoubled and with various hilarious sidelights sadly missing its the latter affair. For with that kind of money in the offing, you may be sure there were many helping hands outstretched; and before things cooled down, Young was probably carved' and sliced more Ways than any watdrmclon that ever ripened on a fruit -store shelf. $ d * However, directly out of Young's feat sprang the Canadian National Exhibition Marathon Swims, to be revived once again very shortly. We-, can hardly wait either, as for sheer lack of thrills and utter absence of excitement, those long - distance water -crawls beat anything we have ever seen in sport; and we can well recall sitting in the launch from which the swim broadcasts origin- ated and pitying the poor oafs at the mike in their efforts to make bricks without straw, and sound as if they weren't funding it hard to stay awake. 4, * * Yet, even though we've witnessed checker games that were, whirlwinds of action beside them, somehow or other the darned things gripped you; and, for all this superiority of atti- tude, no doubt we shall be among that Iulgc throng lining the Exhibi- tion waterfront when the day arrives —and so, most likely, will you. 41 * * Some radio stations offer ca.ela to the listener first phoning a report of an accident or other bit of late news, and we know one nen who wishes they wouldn't, "lily wife is a sucker for all these free radio contests, and always complaining because she never Tants," he says, "And every link they Make that offer over the air, I seem to imagine her sang time up and wondering if its worth her while to stick the bread -knife into MC, and then rush to the phone and report." * * * We are going to get the drop on all our contemporaries and be tate first to predict that, when November rolls around, Joe Walcott will win the world's heavyweight title by scoring a knockout over Champion Joe Louis. * * * We are willing to bet stoney on it too --out• only proviso being that our man must be allowed to carry a length of lead pipe, while Ivft•. Louis has to enter the ring securely blind- folded, We won't insist on handcuffs for Louis—although it might be a little safer. PARTICULAR. ABOUT coffee? Then try Maxwell House. It contains choice Latiu.Anierieau toffees. Expert Blending cote. bines them all in a superb Maxwell Rause blend that has extra flavor. FASHION NO.1 E; A young kid up our way recently sate his grown-up sister arrayed in her first low-cut evening dress. Asked for his opinion of the new outfit he said, "She looks just like as if some soda -jerk had been frying to cram one scoop of ice -creast loo many into the glass." * x: * The eminent Bob Feller, sounding off about receul attempts of the baseball magnates to curb his post - season activities, drags in such flossy and high-sounding phrases as "Isn't this a democracy" and "Didn't we fight a war for freedom?" and so forth, Personally, we would have been more inclined to go all tate way. with Mr, Feller if he hadn't added, "l'cn not doing this for myself—but for the poor fellows who only earn five or six thousand in the regular season." * * Somehow or other—it may 1>e a flaw in our early upbringing—when- e'er a man sounds that "not for my- self hut for the other guy" note too strongly, we begin to be pestered rvitlt doubts And when we look up the records, which indicate that Feller personally collected a mere forty thousand year before last, fifty thousand last Fall, front such after -season barnstorming, we won- der if Bob is really so disinterested as lie sounds. If so, all he has to do is give his less -fortunate team-mates the entire takings of this year's jaunt. It's a wonder he never thought of that himself 1 t: * * HERO ifWORSHIP. Abraham Linroh, was one of the greatest men who ever jived, and the opening of his long-sealcd private papers a mat- ter of world-wide interest. The fact that the chief interest seemed to centre around whether or not those papers contained anything scandal- ous regarding either Lincoln's par- entage or itis assassination just goes to prove—Olt, anything you like, * * * The Toronto Globe & Mail has beets editorially bemoaning, at some length, the poor showing Canadians make in international sports, and comes to the conclusion that we are becoming a nation of spectators father than participants. The fact that our daily papers devote double or three times the space to pro- fessional or "spectator" sport that they do to the amateur or "partici- pant" variety would, of coarse, have nothing to do with this condition. * * * Winston Churchill, who since his defeat in the last British elections has continued to talk like a good, game wilinar, flays the present Gov- ernment because it wastes'flrerions American exchange on such imports as tobacco. If Mr. Churchill had con- tinued in power he would, we take it, have shut down on the import of the" filthy toccd altogether. Except, pos- sibly, a limited number of high- quality cigars, 'EVE BY (RUBBING IN Brings quick roller. Greanoleos, f'ant•drying, no strong odor. terse oconomtad ow, 6sa 19-46 What Science Is Doing Influenza Vacctne Of more than ordinary moment is the announcement made to the Philadelphia Section of the Ameri- can Chemical Society that research- ers have developed a new vaccine capable of preventing influenza epi- demics such as took 350,000,000 lives after the First World War. This encouraging word cornea front an eminent authority, Dr, Wendell M. Stanley of the Rocke- feller Institute for Medical Re- search, Princeton, N.J., a Nobel Prize winner and a scientist Most unlikely to go about snaking merely Wishful forecasts. According to Dr. Stanley, the new vaccine, like three others al- ready available, has proved effec- tive in mass inoculations of 120,000 persons in a big industrial concern, but its crowning merit it that, un- like the others, itcauses no un- favorable reactions, such as chills, fevers or bodily aches. Medicine troves slowly and with caution as it should. But this looks like an important addition to the doctors' armament against disease. Particularly will the vaccine devel- oped under the direction of the fa- mous Dr. Stanley Ise of interest to laymen when the latter are told that some Medical sten believe there will Ise a recurring cycle of epidemic influenza next year. German Specialists Coming to Canada Importation of 14 German spe- cialists is expected to provide at least a thousand new jobs for Canadians. These Germans are technicians with the special know- ledge and skill to introduce brand new processes and products into this country, Says the Financial Post. Admittedly these specialists re- present the vey cream of the mil- lions of immigrants we could get from defeated Germany. Normally we couldn't hope, to attract many in their topnotch category. But, if we wished, we could secure many hundreds of thousands of poten- tial specialists front Germany and other countries in Western Europe. And out of those thousands there would be a great many who, seeing opportunities here that native Can- adians have either missed, or for some reason neglected, would de- velope new industries and create new jobs. Where would this continent be today had there been no immigrant ships to bring out the fathers and grandfathers of the Saunders, Fords, Burbanks, Edisous, Bells, and hundreds of others who have launched new industries or opened new territories? Certainly in Can- ada at least, we are not so far de- veloped that we can afford to pass up any offers of help. ISSUE 33-1947 Learn to Max And Live Longer C)1,' (':u„/ii hr.n• dise.ot' stands at the In"dd o', 11 list of the seven 'treat kitlels is clue to the increas- ing t',rnpullion of ()Idea people 111 our pupulatou. So says the Royal Baltic of Canada's Newsletter on Ifeatdt The sest'it killers are not confined to any section of the country or to any class, but they do strike more di- rectly at people of advanced years. heart disease and diseases of the artetles represent file wearing out of the body, But it can Near it long time before it becomes threadbare if a man would learn to nye himself with the same consideration he would give to his tnachines. But ),,any a lean who would not dream of puttting too much pressure in his automobile tires, lays a constant pressure on his heart * * * Overwork isn't the real answer, at least if it isn't prolonged and stren- uous physical work. I)odota ques- tion whether mtutal wink- alone can cause undue fatigue. If it does so it is more likely to be due to some emotional tension. 'The remedy lies in change rather than rest, for the mind is practically inezhaostible. Men don't die of overwork, and a bad heart may do yeoman service for many a long year, if the facts are known and rudimentary pre- cautions are taken. And the first Mcautiou is letting down the pressut'e. The work won't kill you, but the drive may. There- fore, relax. it isn't so hard. It doesn't ,,lean a long sea voyage, or months in bed unless the pressure has been kept too high for too long. Deliberately, consciously slacken pace several times every day. Loosen your necktie and shoestrings. Put your feet on the desk. It may not be elegant, but it is a safeguard. Try it two or three tinges a day and for two or three minutes. Try letting the world look after itself, while you look after nothing. That is a fairly simple way to avoid a blow- out. 14,1 HIEC IKE0 in a dilly -or Money Sack, yor Iulek relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, tamp es end other Itching conation. use nuts, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless end telniess. Soothes, comforts and quickly calm Intense Itching. Don't au8er, Ask your druggink today for D.D. 0„ PREBCRIP'rlOM. Von 55111 En10y 5l1,y lar At The Sin Regis Hotel M TORONTO Every Room With Bath, Shower and Telephone Single. 52.50 an— Double, 05.60 nn Good Food. Dtnlne nod (Wetnn Nightly tht'rbonrne at Carnot, Tel. RA. 4181: e�txhry8c .... ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS OPP; — C,N.Ie, STATION CIGARETTE PAPERS Famous Pre -Wer Quality The only Cigarette Paper 1 131.U0 covet MADE iNFRANCE PUIu WHITE en solo in Canada Ifroo Sinning 111 (Doubt() IBools Automatic 100 Leaves e Pbr EASY ROLLING Oso ZIG -z,AG CIGARETTE ROLLER 0. Classified Advertising AGENTS II A'5)1',t) —_._..._�... ___...._... .._...._.......-.- OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Insecllelden. Mee( rIe 1.'10,0 C,uti 01101 u Homo and Ito in 1'0,1,1. 111,0! COMMUN. ell:, Dealer' Wanted. 51,1,0 R'o,ao G reuse & Un Limited, 'rot 01110. .m. OAS/ (111('00 ---_ .. Pitt/615'T 111:LIVERY on J. 4nudpvr'ise`ek old MIM, toil pulhda Whim 1., Manna. White Lmgho,n ,: 11,,1 ed Rash, Bo r'"1 1tL,a, x White Lech, u, W 111ln lturk x Wile. 1,,,;horn. Binik Aunt r;, lore ,: While burlier n, Ass,„'cif Motion* 0+11 Light b, rod Also day old ,nl,•li„ booked to Lader said 8 week old IL laying pullets. 1'9 r1, ron,pntue 'forma. :Ihu.e liutcharlee Lnnn,d, Pet WM. Onoorlo 1.3n 10. Pad„ cheap•,,, - n hove 4-6.6 week old pldk•,a, f0, prompt nh,paeul, In most y411.411•.. Think what limos well mean to a, Inns fall and w,0100 May Hatchery, 130 John N . Bon, OWI TR 1,Lst; W1•:L••IC old Marled pullets White Leghorn., While Leghorn s Bguard hock, 11021 ,•el 110,41 n While Leghorn.. l:ew Baap- Lnr r it 1111 s L,•gimrn, Bt,,"l, Austratorp x Wino, 1,•01,0,+ 131 90, Alem t 04 Medium (lad build Lr„•d1, 130.0). Leer week old add 6.:.0” per hundred. Five week old add 110.00 Pei honored Slipped C.O.D. Also day old eh,l.n booked to order and 8 ween: to toying t,uhe,n Top Norah Chickerlen, (tuelph, Ont, 1,101:514100 Ul't'Olt'1' LA Ls A 111 ,13LS;, of your own for only M. Intl odnee o r ,evolutionary patented house. hold nereonity. Write for full particulars. Box 116. 73 A0010100 W., Toronto. DY121Na AND GLEANING HAVE YOU soy Gunn neon dyeing or clean. mu? Write to us for Information. Wo are clad to annWel' your quer/Limn. Department 1i, Parker a Dye Works Limited, 701 Yonde Street. Toronto, Ontario. F AIROIS FOR SALL FOR SALT0, good grain and da try faun. 130 acres, over 100 workable, lots of running water; good bwlld,ng,u Ono, feneen, sugar bush and 0001,000101: Omntt down payment, balancer arranged; Nell rvitlt or without plod[ and Implements; 12 miles north Belleville. 1^. Elliott. Went Huntingdon, P.O. FOR SALE ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE --Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, 111.00 each. rear wheels; 67,60 each, (Tont wheels. SS'lle., ordering elate diameter and width Of wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd., 6 Wilt. aline Ave. Toronto, Ont. BL•'AUTLF ULLY marked Bente Hounds registered. Bred from imported sire. Promptly orated and shipped. Photo or write Peter Porter, 380 or 3661 Burford, Un. CLtetRAC caterpillar 5,06100 with 8 (t. bull- dozer, hydraulic lift. Apply Oso. E. Fol- lett!, Brussels, Ont. Phone 15 5 13. FOR HALL—Barn 50 x 80, Good Shape: bowie e4 0 35. Malt Card ,ll. R. 2, Brussels. Unto rio. FOR SALTl—Ayrfh+re Bull, WI -mato High- land Prince, 3 year old. Hobert 1150,0105' ham, R.R. \o, 3, itusee11, Untariu. GOOD heavy used Military Wagons, suitable for farms, lu nlUernlg, 01111100 Dud eoutruca Mg. Also live terries and d bob sleighs. Write for parheule re, Percy J. BOrbridge. 306 Plebe Bldg.. Ottawa. FOR HALL—Ayrshire Dun, Wynyate High. land Prince, 3 your old. Monett 13uoto,0s- hate, R.R. No. 2, Mussell, Dula„). GREAT DANE PUPPIES swam.. MA 14,1:190 championship meek with exceptional blood tines. 5'0500 with hh,ck maeko. 863 urookdnlo Avenue, Tw01110, 614x, 30 x Gu U00D1500 Hdlatator. 1t0hu,10 In 1044. New lOberaot 0re11e:. Thrower, Shredder. Sprayer. Price 51100.00 10aac Frey, 3tuv,I,e,wnle, Oat. 110UN1J I'I'1".S: Cross, African, lt,dgeback, Black and Thu; all Black 0111 Tau, malas 526.00; females 6:0.00. Wonderful deer fon dugs. Dr. A. h. Black, Brooklet!, 11111. IMPOIi'0ANT. To alt retailers. A bookkeep- ing and anemic tax service designed es- pecially lel' the "Meller retailer ut a coat so low that 00 wise lyus,nel,u rntut can afford to be without et. Vie 1101.,0 110111. lit v. Bend In today Cu,' full pal Oculars. .1A'l'.1tL.U1Tt513 BL141NL:sh ST n'r1,o1H, 130x 390, Delhi. Oat. LA 1RUE case Melt Alp hay .baler, hes with W'il'e. on robins. for sale 111 good condition and can be ;men working. Apply Dennis Ultmmnte, 11.11.. 150, 3, Aladoe, 0111. OTTAWA Buzz -Master tower naw', 6 11.9. room : only slightly used. M. W. Best. Ammeter P.O.. Vuuurlo. RtIGISTE1thID Holstein bull, 30 months old, soh of Governor Klug. APPLY ,Waunt Ueyer, 1L.It. 2, West Mord:Ion. (Mt. TIRES We are overotomtr,l In good used Trade -In Tired Willi high treads—nil guaranteed to be in excellent ninon. Special price on car Gem. All nine. -50.00. All orders /dapped C.O.D. from Ontario's most. modernly equlo- 100 11,0 ohop. Aloo 1611 line of retreads. Dealers wanted. BEACON 'rutuu Corner (inn, and York Nis., Hamilton. Ontario. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method. Information on request regarding ela0aea not,ortnon'0 Hnlydl'e001nn /tandem. 127 Ave. nue Rood. Toronto. RFLP WANTED GENERAL DUTY NURSES For storkdato Private 130o51)al. 1100.00 Mouth and full maintenance. Apply Dr. R. L. Cs refect, Mn Online. Ont. • 11154,1' WANTED GLIA D11 ATM uuroe0. Apply to Superhrtend' e1,i. Iflrhlatd. and Maoist hospital, IGrk. Io lid Lake, Otllarld, •• FItANR L114 TnWnuhtt,. 6100 lenehertr wanted, Pon extant. for modern u0-to.date school.. Duties IL cnnumenro Sept. 2. Salary 61,600.01 With II -manakin 04 I.fevl000 tl'oet,tog ooporl- ahre, Dili, dollars per year up to slit years, Stats quail( oaltonn 01,11 telephone number. Apply Ino. Arthur Bbothby, Sec. -Treat., Port C,'atmint:ton. 0111. MEW('AL U4nb 111'18 ours -- Every flutterer from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 836 Elg,,,, Ottawa. l'ostnatd 11.00. T1tl' IT 010ery nufterrr 01 ltheuinallc Palm m' Neurtt to should try Dixon's Remedy. Maitre's Drug Store, 833 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 41.00. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEA DING SCHOOL great Opportunity Learn Ha Ird reeding P10aeant dth-ntlled prof1Oolon. 00011 Wages, thousand,, oucceeoftit. Marvel grndu,tes, hnlorlca'a 0reate01 system Illustrated cats. Io1rue tree Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 306 Moor St W., Y'oronto 81'anch00 44 Ring St.. H0,011ton 4 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa PATENTS FETHE1tSTONA('(1Ii & Company Paten( Solicitors Eotabltohed 1890 14 (Gins West. Toronto Isooklot of Information on request. PHOTOGRAPHY NU WAY Philo Service often. you the lett- in 10 in photo finlehIng. Films developed 1,1,11 ono deckle craft print of each negative cern' Mete In snapshot album 30c. Reprints 40, For better quality and faster neroonal rondo( send your fume to Nu Way Photo Service. Satlon A, Dent. C, Toronto. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Thin btg. reliable 0ludio dame quality work AT LOWER PRICES Don't rink your (lime, Send them ea star ananohol Service. ANY SIZE ROLL 6 or 0 Exposures DEVELOPED and PRINTED 50e Reprint. from your negative. (o. Y mounted enlargements 4 e 6" Inc. ®n- tareenlentn framed 7 x 9" In 00111, Silver, Walnut or 01001, Penmen 74e, (f picture colored 040. Primo and enlargcmoate made from prints of toot negatives. Dent. OI STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 05035 125, POST OFFICE A. TORONTO WANTED WANTED—A.11 -kinds of dressed poultry. Tq Orleee for top birds Joseph Cooper Limited Poultry Dept, 2004 Danforth A70.. Toro0(1 6. (we do e0ntom grading, Be 011 Ore the n' Ts of the Wilson Fly fad Contest No. 1. I0t Prize -6100.110: Stephen Yaremko, Tangent. Alberta. sad Price -100.00: tlro. Clifford Moore, R.1t. No, 1. Barna' Corner, Luu. Co., N.S. 3rd Prize -026.00: J. Loucks, Neu-- burgh, eu-burgh, ('010010. 16 Oahe. of 50.00 earn; Male. 73ernadone Iioule, Ste. Anne Des Monts. Co. Gaspe, P.O. Arra. P. B. Smith, Box 117, Mons- benlc, Simkotrtlewan. Al rO, Will Curtin, R. R. No. 1, Bel wood, Ontario. hl vs, Berman Reith. Frontier. Sas- ltxleheW;u. Airs. Ludwine Bale. Box 411, Plotter Branch. Manitoba. Mro. A. 11. Greenwood, Wbltewood, Snnimtchrwan. Pant Albert Charhonncat. Cote des Porro,,, Ste -Rose, Co. Laval. P.Q. 51ro. R, M. Laudon, IL.R, No. 8, hernia, Ontario. Bogor Croleau. R.R. 1. St. Elie 4 0,10,0. Co. Sherbrooke. P.Q. AIr0. E. J. Shier, Srntno. Sankat- elle wan. Con. Ouellet. 77 ltuo Hl -Olivier, Quebec. P.Q. Billy lsreokslad, Bnir,laulcl. B.C. Ivy letter, Rochfort Bridge, Alberta, Mary A. C'00,00. Norton, New Brm, 0,0,,11, Airs, Jams Hoye, Bo: 146, Sun- dr,dn., (11,15,13. WILSON'S FLY PADS The cheapest, most convenient way of killing flies. No fuss, no must, when you use WILSON'S FLY PADS. Buy some today and let WILSON'S FLY PADS do the work for you. They have worked for 1 Canadians since 1880, Still only 10c. ROLL YOUR t ' Ii4 BETTER CIGARETTES WITH CI GANTTT 7' !MCC MUTT AND JEFF—Jeff Has A New Gadget For High Pressure Sales tranship By BUD FISHER ' ITS THE LATEST HANDY DPDAD oNLY 'l it 1i, 6r <Ft% (a �.�t t a MODEL DANDY #198 ( a/. ... „� ' .Noi NOP ��® . O ole t) r J' ? . r + flit iA 1A ;i ? ;,•;:..0I z.....„.: � (00 a• ♦ , O 000, %r 1 ' . 1 d "„ �-- o 0,0,= .� • .p ^ M-, o 1 �A. ''._4nY.,✓ - ` 4 1 I ` : o' ' t L l f'" t�1 4�4F X CAME r , AROUND THRU ,, YouR BACl< t s 0) DOOR' IT ; WAS OPEN! ��r,1yr ^O+ss �leka� oo i;o f, "ry 11 t r a, S „t, �! a. Y� ,n 3' ' ' 1 '11 11) PJ 0011 4 .-x0,. 1j0s^'' , pia ) i�s�t '1 rt./4 011, CAI2tRY DuMMYroar FOR" PRid1'Ed1-100 COQ �i,4.'4),/' pit l .. I JUST THAi FooT p o' tA, 4 .tae t yr' Ia NOW I NEED «HEAD PROTECTION • ! , -.•• ? 1*,� , n •L... • t' - — \ ,! , 1' s . <M : F! d;,, /lA- s {isa, . h�.a ; , , _•ra��w.��.�'.�}.,,� a � �l7Et+ ��.�,w