HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-8-13, Page 7Melting Icebergs May Cause Ocean Levels To Rise ,. 111 the spring as giant glaciers crunch down to the fogbound west coast of Greenland, chunks break off with a violent roar and float away as icebergs. Each year some 8,000 icebergs are born, from MG..' "growlers" to huge masses the size of city blocks. They drift up the coastline, toward the Arc- tic: side of Greenland and down the Canadian roast of Baffin Bay with the Labrador Current, ac- cording .o Newsweek. About 500 a year survive long enough to menace North Atlantic shipping, and some range as far south as Bermuda (1,800 miles from the Arctic) before they melt away. One such iceberg sank the Ti- tanic, with the loss of 1,513 lives, in April, 1912. That disaster re- sulted in the International Ice Patrol, operated on behalf of four- teen maritime nations by the Unit- ed States Coast Guard. Usually the observers have plenty of sightings to report, in tlreir prior- ity radio messages. But when the Coast Guard's planes and vessels ventured out for the new season in May they were surprised to find an unusually small number of ice- bergs. No sightings might be good new., for seafarers, but the mys- terions disappearance was a chal- lenge the Coast Guard would not pass up. To track the problem to its source, the cutter Mendota, carrying a team of Weather Bu- reau experts, last week nosed out of the American base at Argen- tina, Newfoundland, in a high gale. For three weeks the observers would pry into the forbidding , 1,400 -anile west coast of Greenland to see if icebergs were still being produced. A tentative theory was that the lack of bergs resulted from a ser- ies of mild winters in Greenland -last winter was 10 degrees wann- er than normal. In Los Angeles, Dr. Hans Ahlnlann, director of the Swedish Geographical Insti- tute, reported an "enormous" rise in average Arctic temperatures since 1900. If the trend continued globally to the extent of melting the Antarctic ice regions as well as the plain Greenland ice cap, he warned, ocean levels would some day rise to inundate the coastal plains of the continents. Already, the increased navigable season around Spitsbergen and Northern Russia was a matter of "world strategic importance." Modern Rustlers Travel by Truck Saskatchewan ranchers' action in posting standing rewards for the arrest and conviction of cattle rust- lers provides an interesting remind- er that much of Western Canada still is pioneer country, although the old "aril(] tvest" is gone, says The .Edmonton Journal. Present day rustlers do not face the prospect of being hanged to the nearest tree if caught, but posting standing re- wards of $100 indicates ranchers feel the need for vigilance in pro- tecting their stock. The money may bring in information that will assist the police in rounding up the thieves, Stockmen admit rustling has dc - creased following the postwar bootn in black market beef, But they claim enough livestock still is stolen to warrant the payment of rewards for capture of the thieves. India, after the United States and the United Kingdom, is Can- ada's third best customer. Ra.nbow Corner is Start of New Horizon -Rainbow Corner is open again. A former military - club at Picadilly, Loudon, has re -opened for interviews of some of the 7,000 Britons who will fly on priority air passages to Ontario, under a new scheme just announced by Mr. J. S. P. Armstrong, Agent -General for the Province. Called `Operation New 1-Iorizon' the plan provides specially selected immigrants with all arrangements to fly to their new homes. Hopeful immigrants are shown writing out application forms at Rainbow Corner, beneath the badge of the Province of Ontario. Sports -- A tl d me Thing t r Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") Professional basketball has been tried in the city of Toronto -tried, and found wanting in just one vital essential. Tfie advance ballyhoo was o -nate and gaudy; press and radio support most generous; players were of the All Star Variety although, at tinges, they did perform as though they hadn't been properly introduced to one another. Just one thing was lacking -namely, cash customers in sufficiently paying; quantities. 4: k. l • Putting it baldly, the whole thing was a promotional flop; and while it's easy to be wise after the event. there were those of us who pointed out to the promoters -or tried to -what a mistake they were matting right from the start. They overlook- ed the fact that, while 1000 custom- ers at $2,50 apiece put just as much dough in the cash -register as 5000 at four -bits, it is by no means tete sante thing in the matter of building ftp n followit'r. Instead of making sure that the joist was packed -even with dead -heads -- for their first half-dozen gauges, they acted as if all they had to do was open the doors and have folks come a-crmad- ing, cash in hand And there's no- thing as chilling as a couple of thou- sand people trying to sound enthu- siastic in a place built to hold seven or eight times that many. * 8: * DISAPPOINTt1!ENT. There is said to have been gr'e'at anticipation among the black flies and nlosqui- quitocs of Northern Ontario al the news of the eminent Gypsy Rose Lee visiting those parts. Some of then] were even rumored as trying to 1!114 Bach's "Air for the G- Strinp" as they hotted and stropped their stingers. But, alas, Miss Lee, like a good trouper, keeps profes- sional costume for professional op- Pedro/ices, and so presents no softer target than any average camper. * e: 5 A reverend gentleman has re- cently conte out with a heated blast against wrestling and wrestlers `v✓a:rare Looms o11 Great Lakes Waterfront --With the Can- a Hatt Seamen's Union's ex -president, Pat Sullivan, beading a r vel talion which seems to meet with the approval of some shipowners, the C.S.L1, is struggling to maintain its siva; a some organized labor on the Great Lakes, Harry Davis, light, new president, declares his union is not anxious for strike battles, but that if shipping companies break contracts his Bien will tie up shipping. Cyril Lenton, national treasurer, and T. G. IleManus, secretary, help Davis count strike ballots in last year's waterfront fray" -one which we think is somewhat unfair. Having been, in our time, mixed up more closely than most folks with the - sport, business, racket, call what you like - of wrestling, we feel in a position to speak by the book. And while we have seen wrestling fans, male and female, stirred by excitement to actions that were hardly either po- lite or elevating -well, the might say the very saute regarding what we have witnessed at, say, a Rev. Billy Sunday Tabernacle. 4 a * As for the grapplers personally - take them by and large, the quietest, decentest, best -living bunch you'll find in any line of physical endea- vor. Wrestling two, three and four times a week, they haven't the tune, even if they had the inclination, for any real Cain -raising outside the ring. If some of their antics verge on the crude -well, as Shakespere said, "the drama's laws the drama's patrons give"; and modern wrest- ling is all of 90 per cent drama. Anyway, the are proud to count a large number of wrestlers, as well as many Ministers, among our per- sonal friends. And if we don't happen to attend wrestling matches as often as we used to, the same goes for Church service as well. 4: 5 * Looking at some cherries priced at $2.00 per basket not long ago, we, overheard an old -tinter say to his companion, `1 can remember the time when we could buy cherries like those as lone as 25c a basket." Then, after a pause, ire added, "Yes; and the taco -bits was just as hard to eget hold of as the two dollars is nowadays," * 4. * Swimming front Ireland to Scot- land a long-distance swimmer re- cently covered the 28 miles of tur- bulent water in. slightly over 14 hours. If you have any Scots friends, suggest to them that if he'd swunt the other way his eager- ness to.escape would have probably made ]nim cut the time in half. Then prepare to duck, but fast! * 4: * BRICKS AND LUMBER ONLY? It is reported that once Provincial Govern went has been informing prospcctide settlers front Britain that, here in our beloved Ontario, they can expect to buy comfortable homes for around $3000 per copy. If such is the case, we do hope they tore, they would probably have to do nvere also told that, at mach a fig - all the necessary building personal- ly. Runaway Mash What are the odds that you can disappear and never be found if you arc fed up with it all? According to a detective agency, they're about 1,000 to 1 against you. For every single wife who strays froth the household, more than a thousand husbands disappear...However, it's 2 to 1 easier to find the nlan, When yr!/ACK ACHES... Backache is often caused by lazy kidney acildn, When kidneys get out of order°geese Acids and poisons remain in the system, Then backache, headache, rheumatic pain, dis- turbed rest or that 'tired old' fooling may BOOR follow. To help keep your kidneys working properly -Muse Dodd's Kidney Pills, Time-tested,popular, safe, non -habit -form. ink Demand Dodd's Kidney Pills, in the blue Ihoa with the rod bond, Sold erervwitoro, las ia)panese Beetles Tour by Airliner -The Japanese beetle, since its arrival in New Jersey some 30 -odd years ago, has given evidence of be- ing much pleased with what it has seen and eaten of this country in more than a score of states, says the New York Herald Tribune. The ambitious insect is well aware of the value of air transport in get- ting around a land so much larger than its original home in the Pa- cific. Every Summer it makes use of planes, travelling as a stowaway or hitch hiker, and conning aboard clinging boldly to some traveller who may be munching liana bean vines in Ohio a few hours later. Now the Department of Agricul- ture's Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine has employed five girls to serve as inspectors at La- Guardia Field, with the duty of watching for outbound beetles at- tached to the back of a gabardine suit or iridescently ornamenting a wash frock. Whai Science is Doing Casein Brie3es Iiog (,tittles send" ti, be fighting a losing battle. Ler ; years ago. such bristles were us i ju watches until distil:1..1,d by the hair sprint; of steel. And for a long tittle tllc hog was the antlivputcd leader in the produc- tion t,i quality ',HSI les for paint brushes, writes W. P. K. in The Christian SCRIM! Alouilor, Daring the war, lintvrver, the hog was forced to take ;t barb seat by the appearance of s.ntle•tie bristles of various kinds, Anul now there is a new threat to his former monop- oly. A mistilre of casein, obtained from skint milli, and water is ex- truded through a suitable die and then subjected to finishing opera- tions The resulting hart]:• k round in cross section and black like horse- hair or bilat pig bristle and can be produced in any length or diameter desired. T'he rast•in bristles etre Said to be particularly well adapted for use in Paint brushes because they are re- sistant to oils and organic solt'ents. In defense of the local hogs it probably should be mentioned that most of tate hog bristle's used here conte from China and Europe. Not, we hasten to add, that c,ur domestic hogs couldn't raise nice bristles. 1t is just that the local bristles are not long enough, due to the fact that American hog raisers do not, as a rule, keep boars long enough to grow bristles of the desired length. iTOP°.biTC1-9,y'ef8afittnseeasGs-At Quieki Star itching of insect bites, beat maty eczema. Nivea, pimples, scales. ambles. athlete's foot end other externally canoed akin troubles, Use qQulet.-oeeto ,eoothio antiseptic D 0- D, (PRESCRIPTION, Greaseless, 0o1,,k u. ltd. stops or yyour s0ttoneyy back, lour drugglet otodks D,. D D. PRESCRIPTION. ire ®%yotg%e° NE ENS riff NIS 0I On 'CERTAIN DAYS' of Month! It'funetionot monthly disturbances canal. you to suffer nervous tenaion-at such times - this is eery effective to relieve sueh symptoms. Lb®®�EFIN0 N a0 COMPOUND EDS 2 Special Remedies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment Mecca Pile Remedy No. 1 is for Protruding Bleeding Plies, and is sold to Tube, with pipe,or internal application. Prion 75c. Mecca Pile Remedy No.2 is for External Itching Plias. Sold u Jar, and Is for external use only. Pride 60e. Drder by number from your Druggist. fl -IES 1Ap50W104'13 Ay75 RO AGMS fl ]fie 50/0 W SUlifACE D4SECTICiID% Lasting Stainless, .(c 00°,°n lo°oW thl•s°°tonlbo 3-47 °�taeEHT 0 1 PEFU,v00pb.04 o- Guaranteed bq Good Housekeeping 4,0,4554=7Z 0R E e T0EA1 � iACE INSECTICIDE dydy!! Islet, 001100, rllAl, n•n astouluo44, ANIr. 4 0,00%v/wt., r` nuerenteedil Good Iloutokeeping ®PO0T0.do u1ud4f4 ,9-?eeii<lte & a' '''ui'.& 111111 Classified Advertising AGIONTs WAST101/ -OILS, GREASES, TIRES, l rotten kudos, Electric Pence Controtlere House and ]tarn Paint, hoof Coatings, ole. Dealers wanted. Writew'areo Grense b 011 LI014ed, Torn, i 60A155 elilelib. ""-- 3.4-'-0 WEEK old pulteta nuoedlote delivery. A aunt, for some wise p,,ultrs'keepe,•, 55'e 0805' You write noon. we have a limited ),stilly of dnyolda also. Order now tot Au0UM-Sep. (Melo, Dray Hatchery, 190 John N.. Hamilton. Out. TWO 10121EK old started rh:eltal Barred Woks, New Humpohlreo, New Ita,npohlre X (tarred L'ocic, Light Susses E New Hamp- shlrn tot.,, tall 10 95, pullets 18, 05. Assorted Heavy breeds 14.95, pullet', 17.03. White 1:'gh„n,. White Leghorn x Barred Rock. ltlmic Auottnorp X White Leghorn pullets :3 05. Assorted Medium and 1,I0ht Pullets 92.55. There weep old add 0.00 per hundred. 4 week o11 add 10.00 pet• hundred. Shipped ('.(I D. Also pullets eight wv„Ica to laying. Top NON, ,:s ,Icerles, 000114. Ontario. IttILD1NO 0IAT.EIHAL sews oleo and 0.5000 delivered U)Ywhert. J. Bray. Long rlra"ell. Phone rb:w T',a ,8,0 1979. Ill 01811SO Ol'PORTIE: N 1'rl 11b 1 !;1.1.01, of your 41'00 for osis' 524. Inti'„dire nor revolmlohary Patented house. hlde, nty. Write for full particulars. Cos 141.. 75 Adelaide 1C., Toronto. iNVENT'ln'-Let us help you uta that In- lent,en oridrn, patented or 005000nled. Our ,e',, n,ettlod to unique. w'0 contact huedro,ls r•f boron looping for good Ideas. Brite Baruw,,,1 Agency. 965 Keewatin Ave., Toronto. 0011150 ANL CLEANING HAVE Y00 soYthmg uesoa dyeing or clean- 'nt,0 Write to us for Information. We are rind to answer your questions Department 11, Parker it Dye Works Limited, 701 Yoage Street. Toronto, Ontario. ['ARaus FOR 8A5.12 GOOD 101 acres, well fenced and drained. Young orchard beginning to bear. All build- ing, In excellent condition, john 0100,1r. Rrummels, Ontario. FOR SALE. good grain and dairy farm, 130 acres, over 190 workable. Iota of running water good buildings. alto, fences, sugar bush and evaporator; email down payment, balance arranged; sett with or without stork and implements; 12 miles north Belleville. F, Elliott. west Huntingdon. P.O. 100 ACHES. high and low land. all tillable, buildings In fair ehape, hydro. 20 tulle. from Ottawa. off Prescott Highway. Wltb o, tslthrnit stock and equipment. Apply Sternug Nenblo, Kars, 11,11, No. 2. Ontario. 1'Olt SALE AIRFORCE SALE New P..C.A.P. Leather dress boots -17.06. F..0 .0.I•'. new ralnconte-94.95, Arlin' pante (new) -$:,06. B1aniteta-03,50. Write for Free Bulletin. Thrifty Sport Shop, 129 Church St., Toronto. DEA0TIFCL Black Corker Spaniel Bitch Puppies. Championship breeding, 50111 make exceptional Kennel stock. Write or phone Jack Merritt. IB James South. Hamilton. for Prices and pedigrees. BEAUTIFULLY mniked Bt ogle Hound, registered. Bred from imported sire. Promptly crated and ehtened. Phone or write Peter Porter. 350 or 1661 Burford. Ont. CLETRAC tuterp,llnl' tractor with 8 ft. bull- dozer, hydraulic 1101. Apply Geo. E. Pol- lard. Bruasele. Ont, Phone 50 r 19. ENGLISH Pointer pups, resi0tered. liver and white, good slow and field prospects. We, Winduor. 11 Nog:mesh Rd., Tomato, FOR SALI.1-Ayrshire 13011, Wtt0001e High- land Prince, 3 year o1,1. Robert Bucking- ham, I1.I1, No. it. Russell, Ontario, FOR SALE about 60 acres of timber con - 518(10 of Beech Maple g 1 e and very tall lean suit- able for logs. tion and bolts, very .all clean trert DotsoReasn. belble me quirk isle. ADp1Y Bert Dulu,n,. helburne, Ont FLAGS ALL Sizes Union Rieke or ('muuli00 Ensigns. aew'n wool butting, Special offering on 415 and 6 foot Union Juke. Fust dye sewn cotton. Discount ter quantities, Brighten your corn. mutin • or hone by flying a good quality flag. John Leeklo Limited, 77 w'elltngton St. West, Toronto, GOOD heavy maid Military NI nevem. mutable for farms, lumbering. m1um0 and committ- ing. Also five lorries and 2 bob sleighs. Write fur particulars. Percy .1, Borbrldge, 006 Plaza Bldg., Ottawa. GREAT DANE PUPPIES WELL 11.311111:0 champlonoltin stock with exreptonal blood lines. Fawn with black ma.its. 363 Brookdale Avenue, Toronto, HU. 0146. HASTINGS COUNTY, 2 toile, from Highway Na 28, 1 mile from lake, covering famous summer resort, halt mite to school. now 7 - room house with water and furnace, prao- tleally new barn, silo and Targe Cattle and pig barn, altpt'oximately 200 acres, 00 acres cleared, also additional 200 acres without building, fronting on lake half ratio distance, 60 acres sown to ones and seeded, 12 acres corn. Full line of machinery, new or In good condition. Apply VF', L. 11,011,1, Ban- croft. Out. PED1011EL English Setter pupa. Adam Landi, 11,5. No. 1. Pineatomt, 1 'miles Mutt E1frlda, Highway 20. TIRES 800 X. 18 - $8,00 We aro overstocked at the present of rood meed trade -In trey (guaranteed to be to ex. cellent Minuet An °Caere Maimed C.O.D. Special equlpmcnt for vutoanlzine Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON 011110 corner Queen and Fork Ste„ Hamilton, Ont, ONTARIO'S MOST MODERtt EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP Denten, Wanted AOENTS WANTED, IIAIR1)1 IISSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method. Information on request regarding olaeeee. Rebertson'e [iairdresaing Academy, 137 Avo- nue Rood, Toronto. DRIP WANTED GENERAL DUTY NURSES For Hartsdale Private hospital, 0100.00 month and full maintenance. Apply Dr. R. L. C,rrefoot atnrkdale, Ont, " 011101.7A1 E nurses. Apply to Superintend- ent. Kirkland and District hospital, Kirk- land Lake, Ontario, FRANKLIN Township, two teachers wanted. r'roteetmn, for modern up-to-date oohoolo. Duties to continence Sept. 2. Salory 91,600,00 with reeegnitlolt of previous teaching expert - earn, fitly dollars per ybar up to six yearn. Stale etualtfleatons and telephone number. Apply Mrs. Arthur Boothint, Seo. Tress„ Port Conningto , Ont. 1610L1' WANTED 2 PULLY experienced matt lab0reru, Iwo- arlaltrre, acro 80 to 40, 113 good health. Only capable men need apply. Yearly on" ployment. Good wages. '1'hoa. AlnuUo. Supt., Brueefleld Farm, R.It. No. 1, waln- fleet, Ont. O110D1t'AL DON'T WAIT -livery sufferer of fthoutuatle Pulite or Negri tis should. try Dlxon'o Reined.. Munro'', Drug Store, 815 135,1,,, Ottawa. Poutpald .91.00, 8110114,0 RECOMMENDED .-- Every sufferer of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis 0houtd try I1lxoti s Remedy, Muro'd' Drug Store, 168 Elgin, Ottawa, Poanmld 81.00, OPPORTUNITIES FII 8 WOMEN BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEA DOM SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant 81g010ed prore09ion. good wag0a nloueanda successful. Marvel graduates, America's greatest evident. Glustrated cats - [ogee tree. writ. or Call 6[ARVI51, HAIRDRESSING 005800L8 988 Blear fit l5'., 'Toronto Braacbee 44 Kine St., Hamilton A 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS 6'ETHEILSTONAU0N ,k Company Patent Sollcltorn. Eatabilobed 1890. 14 King West Toronto Booklet of Intormatlon on request. PEIRSONA[. OFFICIAL MauNnb History by R. A. Joaery Including Mutnbershin one Dollar, Write; ala0Nab Historical Aaaoototlon, F'olvet, Ont PHOTOGRAPHS' NG WAY Punto Service offers you 010 laleat In photo finishing. Pilme developed and ono 4001010 craft print 51 each negative com- plete In m,apeltot Album 900. Reprints 4c. For better quality and raster personal aervlce fiend your flints to Nu Way Photo Service, Sation A. Dept. C, Toronto. SATISFIED CUSTOMERS all ewer Canada RECOMMEND STAR SERVICE You get fine. "snaps" and prompt service (rem this big, reliable studio. ' ANY SIZE ROLL e or 8 exposures DEVELOPED and PRINTED 80e Roprinta from your negative. 40, 2 mounted enlar5Omen0o 4 x 6" 260. E0. targen,ents framed 7 x 9" in Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black Frame., 74e. If picture colored 040. Prints and enlargement. made from orbits of Inst negatives. Dent. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE ROK 110. ['087 OFm'ICE A, TORONTO WANTED 8YANTI11D-All kinds of dressed poultry. Top Deleon for top birds Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept. 2064 Danforth Ave.. Toronto 8, (We de coelom gradingl SAFES Proteel your BOOKS and CASH from RIRp: and THIEVES. We bus'e a tiler, . and Woe of Sate, or Cabinet, for tiny porpoise. Platt zea, or write for prices. ete., to Dept. 15' J. &J. `l'AY LO R LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 1411 Plaint St, Er„ Toronto Established 1813 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention - Consult I nearest Harness Shop bout Staco Harness Supplies. Ve sell our goods only through our local Staco Leather Goods ealer. The goods are right. and are our prices. We manufac- re in our factories - Harness orse Collars, Sweat Pads. orse Blankets, and Leather ravelling Goods. Insist on aco Brand Trade Marked oods and you get satisfaction. Made only by AMUEL TREES CO., Ltd. Wellington St. E., Toronto RITE FOR CATALOGUE c CIGARETTE PAPERS Famous Gala -War Quality Tu only Cigarette Paper MADEIN FRANCE on sale in Canada BLUE COVE PURE WHITE Free Burning Double Book Automatic 100 Leaven For CASY ROLLING use a ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE ROLLER 251 ISSUE 32-1947 MUTT AND JEFF -Well Jeff Can Tell Girls he Was Once A Life Guard Anyway NEITHER CAN 1 ' CAN I GET A CC,! BUT WE CANTRYj . 4013 AS A L•>..it CD Nj oN. LIFE GUARD HERR IN A .... 'o r,,,: s�� HURRY? GUT I CANT SWIM, p d WELL, T AUNNO! CAN VDU SWIM? SWIM?-ERiNO! BUT, ON BCY, YOU OUGHT TO SEE ME WADE! By BUD FISHER KIDDIES WADING POOL. tt(Xtn'fnr