HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-8-13, Page 40 Don't buy tires ... buy miles of
safe, dependable service. That means
Goodyears, because Goodyears' rugged,
d -gripping tread lasts longer . •
, more miles per dollar than any
: tire. Get this great mileage and
y bonus starting today! Come in
let us fit your car with money-
tg brand new Goodyear tires—
Brussels, Ont,
im,e In Bride
bf W. Thompson
Tii:,'llanet'. Yount;eS'
icklini_', T1strlccel. ',4,r;tn.4 the bride
-f \i'illiam Ra '1'h::n:nsnr.. Guelph.
on, of the late 1A•. and311•s. (1t ce,
-11omPs, m I.°
nony pewee -,.: d n 11=
f .-,n-r•. a., t tan: _.
The bride n'u e, ;1 lie.e_1'(14
.ngtit lett,-'. c..... ,
Phone 82
'Mrs. Hannan '' t e :,s !•\„ i h
until birthday las; Friday. Mrs. Coult
r es is not enijoy:11, .:. :1 health
present and is confined to Led were present to help
most of the 1,10.- 41i.. =1'•11 til'•
winter In Torous., 1v3,1, 11 •r '!'t'1"11.
ter, Mabel. who, Alun:: wI"It a
,m, i1^ 1''!; r r• 11... , 1°lo
Pariint; $ Parents. Mr, and M^s. * se * * e- w a:li. G. Newman. I{sect-t w, „, Op. Obituary '
'occasion of Mr.Newmans 72nd
birthday (O'.ut , r\ a h„t t
'. I , i.. thei- tn'ntli''s,
hill r•elehrtt,
. Muskoka district. For travail
the bride changed to an aq
gabardine suit, with brown access
a! .1 „ 't ('1•'.1:
Upon their return th,v 41111 resin Kitchener.
:at and accessories, 1 a .•.1rs;,e,e
f Pink res: s.
?civald. Pru=.141:, brotia,e.111-law
nod si of t:.
Ile 1(1•i,',4t
A wedding hreai:t,lt yeas served
.t the home of the brides parents
'or member;; of t!1.' intme:lia'e
'amilies. Later Mr. and Mrs. Thou:P-
,on left for a honeymoon trip to the
\9udalt',S,1a3',. fuxnt:sr. Frani; Is17
0 4
F 4r 4 * a e.
Mrs, Donald M0;Dun;lid
Th!•re passed away in Grey town-
ship on Tuesday. July 2"u.l, a 111. l' on
resirit'nt of this community in 111.
person of Sarah 3b•:\r!nnt wife of the
i �t% 3 Owl rc. !late Donald Mac1 oo:+',1 to her ninety
dvplti:a. a mall nine d h lr 1111 s1 year.
to her home Iter Mrs. roult, 's t ; 1Lnn tet n e td ui .lee ee re•
`,tltuu1 01 F:uox i Sile was hoard 111 Wroxeter and
eluding her daughter, 11".'"/''1"1 •1''ttn church gathered on Thursd.l,y aft.('••, resided thus until her marring,:
\-rrta, h,•r �„1t•i.. 1.3 Tt1.9-, �c'nfa ,h, or' when she moved to lot 13. eon. 2, Grey
Charles, and Mr,. Coin:-. "f l.i ,,, 11 rr:a= in. it1 ul where she resided con thymus'V nm•ti!
„c.., T^o•h1•• Il,'nry I!I(' t day for bathing In the cool and 1"-r ,hath.
•,m,l Mr- Diment , ,'+ t^neltah. toe' \ce '.•1,,'tr+ -' i ,+y !b' 1
41. he was
predeceased uy ]ter
other relatives, ' MacIver, Miss A. Forrest and 31 :' husband April 22rd, 2027.
1., .,• •,,,•. K. 1T '1, 1(11- II {I'. 11 o -i. n. .\ plrnl. imu,•1a was
-‘1”1..,+t:+t •hl•la\y, I SPl•rPd b}- nrnn111ers of then l'on'14 She leaves to mourn the loss of a
Mrs. A. Armstrot„
Brussels, r 1 \ \. 111 iu• early hind utd denoted ostler•, hyo daugit-
Colldngwood to visit at alis 11,•1111. plug1 :.rent f ,ofr!,.11j rm irH. \ler 1,thno4on (Aurlel
of Dl. Robertson; Alred ,nu, played by the !nine men from and Mrs. James Clark (Marv) of Grey
! a folmor resle1Pmt of 1?lun111l1 , 1 Rrlarays and Cranbtook, bringing a township and throe sons Alex and
a yeterltlt of the cit • r; "' A a • very enjoyable nfternton to •a rin ,dorm Grey township and Stanley,n. call••,1 44 of Guelofph,
now drying at Mrs. Florence Michel 41(11 -1
•'•'i•'•I h „'• It
yid 11tH, i:arllwell-earned holidayy last week b3' Phe also leaves twl stepdaughtersAitehnson, Hamilton, tvi+h `1 fining on a motor trip ti rims north 9Trs. Harry 1Tt'Lcod oT Trahl B. G„
anti Mrs. 1Vili3am 1\TeLeod oP Melville
Mac and Mrs, Engel and Gordon Pae1r., and five gran'' children, Jahn
so -„gat in Str; rat ford with Will and t�rhma .Tnhnstot and Donald j
Engel and Parnity, and '[sable Clark of Grey township
'1 .\n„ • "ha••..o. 't.' ,i". •mrd and Thelma MacDonald of Guelph,
'kr-. Charles Fischer. Kitchener.Funeral was held from her late
,•,,r.o 41 rm. "P\•4rsl cloy- \spry their residence on Thursday, July 24th.
', :•' h.-' ::. C;,....... `1,uo".,1 n had Service being conducted by 'Mr. John
sisters, Mrs. ,Tr,hn !''rs"11...• aafl Mr", 3':10•' 14 of Hawke57i11e, Interment in
E. Plum, Bivtssels, Tlrussels Cemetery.
Ross rant, ,an .,rd Bliss Rnr,d,o„' '''lower bearers were three grand
a,.;...t fin a•:a 1ast week r'h
inConestoga and 'Curette. l'allhrarersildren. were David McLennan,
Mrs. Moyer. Detroit. spent s,'ca^ret Lnwren,r'e Willis, tie10,11 Breckenridge,
weeks with her sister Mrs. H. \. Murray Ross, Gordon Holt and
Keys. Russel Bradshaw.
Carole Cameron entertain a'1 i hriolds from a distance attend•
• frianris at bar ing the funeral were Mrs. Pearl
•,h,la•: party on :,a`cres''' Jackson, Robert and Wayne Jackson
Dnnr3e and Marilyn Pride, Water.„f Detroit; Mrs. 'Dorothea Thorns and
toeholidaying wird friends here
Geo. Robb
Mrs. William Abraham; Miss Nor-
, 1i..1t.,.. Hee. Y-. •\i'nlf'•Pal, and
Miss Margaret Pr,r•tn,.. Tlelgrnta.
with their grandmother, Mrs. J.
Izev 4(11'1 3114, i'an)Phell
9'••ren -1•, TTnlnleac;415, w'+h friend=
here: king MIDnt aid, Montreal
a former resident of 131,1av11P, and
Mr. and Mrs. W. T.. Snell, Bens=elS.
with friends here; Mr. and Airs.
• i 14,=ti1•zs. iTe,pler, with 11r.
and Mrs, J. H. Smith; Mfr. awl
Mrs. Dale and baby', London. WW1
(11,43110••P'4,P rowlor: MIS. Ed -
n-nrrl Rohertao11. b1t'eapmlis, with
her brother•, Eldred, and Sirs.
sn Pa 1
away ret en'.y' in ',t `.''`Marine+ 11
the• pr'r44111 '.'f 31r•s. (41' 1. kohl,
1'.:aid-n 10.1(00 was Ma,'ea"et McCrea,
a daughter or the iat4 Toter 10'1 1.1°
Mercies. former old time resident,
Th. 1 :Cho hr..d 114(11
:('1 1 1...411 ..
tia:.e tcc,; her`;9t,t year
1.1 rire.l Iy ', d,1n::htEr Mr .
rt P.:1411er 1 .,St. Catharines.Thea• w11.11ltendr•d tilt funeral irons
here were Mr. Jus Work, Mrs.
Wm. Hollinger and Alex and Mrs.
Alexander, Grey twp.
Become a
Nursing A t/evil
Fifth Course Starts September 2,1947
Age -18 to 40 Years • Good Health
Grade VIiI Education
This Course consists of three months' class room
instruction and six months' practical instruction in
While training you receive $60.00 per month less
maintenance. Transportation is paid for students
from their place of residence to the central school,
and free uniforms are provided.
On successful completion of the Course, graduates
will receive an appropriate certificate ftom The
Department of Health
Schools are centrally located.
Apply immediately to the
Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto
. 0A4eLO WYA4604eO4N.•a••r64LY�.
.1 ,r,... .1. r. iii_,.a ('.11141 •'1
their home on Sunday afternoon fer
a reunion of the Moffatt family, de•
scendants of the late Mr. anti Mrs. (4
1Tnfratt. ')nee.' Triflers of
Morris township. 'rhree of their
•Tune were present_•,Taira, Wing -
ham. C. B., Bhievat°, and Peter
of the homes' earl. Children a"'i
ornndritildren mlmherht1 alum+ 4n
were m•es5nt from
Quebec. Toronto, Inaer:oll, 1.on-
dnn. Whiter•in'
nob. WIngham, rind
11'('' ,:10. . 'lice ill 41411 1011 seri-
-1 and 111 -enjoyed n good time.
Pe"anus's: Mr. and•'.1Mrs. Harvey
^r• anti daughter Betty, To-
n:*n, are .pending August at their
11'ter home here: Mr, and Mrs,
t Tnrnlmil an 1 family, By-
ron, with Mr. and Mrs. Edward
.t „Ana on: 'Miss Joyce 'Black. Pc-
. . ';1,, her .ds#Ar. Mrs. Ehler
Fellers; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 111.
TT",••\.• Ft ittford, with Miss San -
1 -4 -nn: Miss Ruby Duff, Toronto,
with her sister, Mies Duff and
Airs. Althkin: Miss McKinn, Toron-
to. with her sister, Mrs. Arnold
fallow; David Thompson, Toronto,
with his brother. ,Tank and Mrs.
T? oin son; 'Miss Ethel Beattie,
4"ainrth. wi•11 11,.7 cousin. ',Tisa
erect; Donald Street, Hol-
land. spent Sunday at the Duff
h one; Mr. and Mrs. Tiny Mann and
"molly with 'Ir. and Mrs Murray
Tl'-- L'st.owel: M. and Airs, W.
Priv, and young daughter with
muerte at London,
Thi• Svnrlay morning' service at the
r'„it,l'l Church here was conducted by
Fa -1 :\nrlrlsnn of Belgrave, who
••,•a'he•rt from the text, "Come over
into Macedonia and help ns.” Miss
Delores Hamilton sane a solo,
Next Sunday the .".Tice will he buil
at a ,i el"rk In the the evening. Thrye
will he 110 nrnrnin. >r•r\•leo . Rev,
Leland C. Jorgensen preached at Kno'c
1.1 :,11 Chnrrh ^n the parable
'Thee Pearl of Great 'Price"
eva=ceuu:.�a"fi rr
.. +m•:.k: u.rz�-rsw�.a :.*:w.ca,;:;zr•u:;..�rctz�.:=:r�:.;,••:;.:s:.+��'.+�s+a'w
,a ed W„o.G
:liter ahtrr Flacon and Mrs -.Margaret
Rev. I. D. Mn4lv.r a't11 'hiss 'Mitchell and daulhte• Dianne of
llrlel anti Kenneth MacDonald Toronto; \4r. and Mrs, Andrew
re heard on the church of the air rmtttc dad Doreen of 'Walton; Mr.
rvice over CKNX on Monulay, and Mrs. John Coutts of Seaforth,
tv e
Pertnnals; Mary Darling with her
e'randmarr.nts. Mr. and Mrs. TT. G.
�,•r rine, Harrisron; Jimmie Darl-
ing with Bill Gibson, Drew: Mr.
,and Mrs. E. R. 3,-,11 10141, Tllnevale
1 road with Mr. and Mrs. .Tack Ts-
htster, St. Clair, Mich., Mr. 1:1111
Mrs. ,Tames Moffalt4 and children
Bessie and Jim, who have spent
two weeks at the notate or 11r. and
Mrs. Burns Moffatt, started for
0151' home at Fairview. Peace
River district. on Sunday, they will
visit. at London and lngersnll on
their way and will be nrconpanled
by Miss Muriel Moffatt or Val d'Or,
One.. ,as far ne North Bay, Mrs.
Robert Ogram and daughter Beta,
Tnrrintn, with Mr, and Mr-;. Joseph
Greenway; Mr, and Mrs. T1, (4 .
Newman; Jiarrisbom, Mr. and
Lorne Newman ant son Donald.
Chatham, with Mr, and Airs. Stan,
ley Darling; Mr, and Mrs. Hoy
1,1'1 two daughters, Gnrdefic!1, with
Air. and Mrs. Elmer Sellers: Miss
Dorothy Dennis, Preston, with Mr's.
Roy Sellers; Arthur Gibson, Drew,
With Harry Darling; Mr. 111111 111tH,
.1. 1T. 3.111141', Ilelgrave, with Mrs,
It, F, {iarniss; Mr, anti Mrs. Inn:
sten Mo•peth Owen Sound yy'tli
Mos, Onulte5 MU'. and Mr,. Stan.
lay Darling and rumily with Mrs,
Excess Profits Tax Act
St•'ndc3rd Profits Claims
Recent amendments to the above Act provide. that all
standard profits claims must be filed with the Depart-
ment of National Revenue before 1st September, 1947.
All applications are required to be in such form and
contain such information as may be prescribed by the
Minister and the Minister may reject an, application
that is not made in such form or that does, not contain
such information.
The prescribed forms (S.P.1) are available at all Dis-
trict Income Tax offices of the Domini.an Government.
All pertinent information required on the form must
be included or attached thereto in schedule kw-tn. Ten-
tative or incomplete forms or these filed after. Slat
August, 1947, will not be accepted,
Department of National Revenue
James J. McCann, M.D.,
Minister of National Revenue.
ONTARirO'S productive capacity is the measure of her future
prosperity. To assure this province a prominent place in domestic and
foreign trade markets, skilled hands are needed. Increased production
of refrigeration units will mean a greater need for skilled servicing.
Veterans, basically trained in schools and ON THE TOB, will fill this
need as they are absorbed into industry. For those who have mastered
skilled occupations, higher wages, job security and better working con-
ditions are within easier reach.
Through plans sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs and
other agencies, hundreds of young workers are being trained for refrigera-
tion servicing. Graduates of training schools are ready now to take
their places in industry. Craftsmen of the future, they will have a share
in Ontario's progress—an important part to play in her industrial de
D. C. Guiry, 23, of Toronto, a veteran
of 15A months' service in the Royal
Canadian Air Force, is shown checking
the operating pressures on a domestic
training unit.
The Refrigeration Course gives the
student a theoretical and
practical knowledge of
domestic, commercial and
air conditioning units,
...•o••eeee aaa•• eo•e••e n eeeeeeoee•or