HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-7-23, Page 4r liatreaffrelantlf=ituttOalatelet~.0410111ErthOOMMENIVEMNVENNWIPSIOSION Visitors To Town This is the Store to Come for Holiday Needs Photo View Post Cards of Brussels, Good Assortment. All Sizes of Kodak Films Developing and Printing. ' Scholl's Corn and Callous Pads 35c 1 Bathing Caps, assorted colors 35c. and 39c Floral Decorated Note Paper With Matching Envelopes 5SOc Box. Bayer's Aspirn Tablets •••• • • 18c, 29c and 79c Gypsy Cream for Sun Burn • • • • • • • • • • '35c White Shoe Cleaner • • • 25c bottles Double Duty Tooth Brushes - 50c For Gifts — Many Intresting Books, Pieces Of Fine China, Colognes, Toilet Preparations and Etc. F. R , SMITH s"'"F 4..ONE NO. 62 C Ga.91' and STATIONER 'ME IO tE RO..52 ague Clear ro 'wtalMCAg SACSeect CWielee MAY BE PURCHASED AT THE CREAMERY 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. SUNDAY'S BRUSSELS CREAMERY o. wr op, yours for the i:7k Ph fes. pia so 0 o to Pth f cks puIlets N new, valuable fully glustraied book written by poultry men Pte pa itrymon. fill plans, photos, Instructions and handy hints Atte $ . R pocktif sited toil book answering ail Your quos /Tom, preparing( brooder houses for chicks, nurraten wearier (*carr pullets,to ceiling for tayiny pons. Gat u kern row heel i+itae road dee or mit. Oiled to address THE BRUSSELS POST Phone 24 Brussels, Ont. , PREPARE FOR. SCHOOL — Wool Tartan for Skirts Wool Checks — Rayon C11ecks Pique for Blouses Woven Cotton Plaid Clearing — Summer Sports Wear White Purses 99c A Square Deal The Year Round. UMW TONE CLEANERS dz DYERS Mount Forest, Ont. Hat Blocking — Repairing Alterations A Specialty. Dry Cleaning picked up and delivered en Monday and Thursday. Dry Cleaning to be left at ERNIE YOUNG' Shoe Repair Shop S Brussels 10'ednesday, July 23rd, 1017 W IOU DRIVE OVER l ''•m ,'G 3 MILES AN HOUR II' YOU '' NEED] 1':,r_u�de t THEY TURN BLOWOUTS INTO SLOW LEAKS Just Arrived Shipment of -Rims for wagons cutdown. Wheel and Axle Sets for 600 x 16 tires. TIMKIN ROLLER BEARINGS To make your own_trailers or put on your old wagons. See us now while they last. All Sizes of Tires in stock Em Richards a Sii Ethel, Ont. . Phone Brussels 86er-5. Perfectly matched —and the en, gagement dia. mond is flaw- less. "And For HER ATTENDANTS A SIGNET RING Handsomely 10 kt $1550 gold. W. G. LEACH Jeweller Brussels, Ca% Oda EAR -RINGS Dainty Hearts and Bows de, sign in Steri. ®® Ing Silver. LOVELY PENDANT Two.tcnc loveliness in atorling and Silver gill, \,. colt ors lutes hr. 1mleiahamtnbi Worm Sem feagaenGy thror� irssiNTLY both Gra wd�o�s NeM .err out at ears SEE US TODAY ABOUT GOODi#EAR LIFEGUARD SAFETY TU BES ELLIOTT BIROS. Brussels, Ont. Tb. I.ifeG..,d has . sir clambers. If ssho,ober flattens, urlGVAeo Air to 2 -ply morns air e&amber N.D(*• du.tfor a ria at NOTICE Notice is hereby given tlie.t a Building Pe•miit 13y --Law recently passed by Brussels Municipal Coun- cil provides for the issue of Build- ing. Permits for erecting, repairs or alterations of buildings •within the Pillage of Brussels. where the cost of such erection, alterations or re- pairs exceed the sum of $100.00. Applications for Building Permits must be 'filed at the clerk's office where necessary forms may be scoured, and these must be approved and a permit issued, before building or alterations may commence. This By -Law will be strictly en- forced. Penalty for infraction will be $25.00. G. R. CAMPBELL, Clerk, Village of Brussels NOTICE The Township Council have purr chased a Dumping Place at Lot 20, Con. 7 and any dumping on roads is strictly prohibited. J. H. Fear, Clerk Notice Tenders will be received by the undersigned till Friday, July 18th at 8 P. M. for the erection of a machin- ery building at Ethel. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office at Ethel. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. Security will 'oe required. Township of Grey, J. H. Fear, Clerk, 11 tllei, Ont. Notice Is hereby given that in order to encourage cutting of weeds and other material by mowing or other- wise. The Grey Township Council is prepared to pay 2c per rod for all work done on roadsides. This also applies to mowing done on roadsides of adjoining property, 10c per rod will be paid for work Ing and seeding roadsides. STAN. ALEXANDER, Road Supt trice All Bonny wlil be packed anal sold only In my own palls tris season Please do not bring any empty Pao to say Honey Plant to be refilled. The Wallace Ross Apiaries SOAPORTN, ONT. KEFF MACHINE SHOP Lot Acetylene and Electni Our ahnn is eduipptd to etre bot Class &comer pDreiies must be cleared to make room For Fall Merchandise. DON'T MISSgTHIS CHANCEd.�,l RACK 1— DRESSSES Regular 12.95, Special 8.95 (No Exchanges or Refund) RACK' 2-- DRESSSES Regular 5.95, Special 3.95 (No Exchanges or Refund) GIRLS ALPACA SLACK SUITS Sizes 8 to 14 years, Special 4.95 MISSES' ALPACA SLACK SUITS Sizes 12 to 18, Special 6.95 Women's Blouses Regular up to 3.95, Special 1.98 Men's Sport Coats Regular 13.95, Special to clear 9.95 Men's Sport Shirts Long Sleeves — Special 3.50 +se Men's Summer Pants Pre-shrunk, all sizes Regular 4.95, Special $.95 Boys Long Pants Pre-shrunk, Special 1.98 200 Yards of Seer Sucker Regular 89c yd., Special 69c yd. 250 Yards of Drapery Material Regular 79c, Special 59c yd. 300 Yards of Wite Curtain Material Large and small dots. Special 59c a yard. 34 Pairs of Women's Shoes Broken Sizes, 1.49 a pcir. 60 pair of Misses Setndles Good sizes, Regular 2.98 Special •1.98 Men's Crepe Sole Brown Oxfords Special 4.95 Men's Camp Shoes Regular 3.95, Special 2.98 THEHES MSttia'riW sr p• •, ri 1..2'4', .. , ' 1.one 61 Your Patronage SoiicitecY. C A E TORE Brussel* Ont. Good Service Assured. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family ,Agent for Snorts 1laiikitig raachInea OWM ,y I t, Phone 65•r,9 Brussels, Ont.