HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-7-23, Page 1OS 1' PUBL,xSHIlT O I-IOUSI __ ._—_ _neayJuly 23rd, i947•
amoaannamonveamseacmiwarmwe Ice Cream Social
Frid'a•, July
w+ ���awit:. ,yat ,a! ...
To discuss the possibilities of installing waterworks in the
Village of Brussels.
Pressure has been brought .to bear on your council to take
this' step. Come out and discuss this problem so that we
may all know and receive first hand information as to the
plans and costs of such a system.
Dr. Perry, Director of Sanitary Engineering of the
Provincial Department of Health will be there to speak
on Waterworks and its relation to Health.
Mr. Roberts the consulting engineer who has made a
survey of the Village will present a preliminary report on a
Waterworks system and will be prepared to answer your
c uestionS.
Your attendance and questions at this meeting will be
appreciated by your Council.
O. 1?. Campbell, Clerk
Viillase of Brussels.
"'Where there is no vision the
people perish.
lVlelvddle Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11a. m, "By The Grace 01 God."
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 a. m. Morning Worehlp
"Whosoever Will Lose His Life"
Give Thyself,
Junior Congregation..
This a Service in Unloit with
St. John's Congregation.
Everyone Cordially Welcome.
scup. .,«« Ser ... ....e.,,a.+, s
Church of England
Pariah of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector
8th Sunday Atter Trinity
July 27th, 1947.
et. John's Churoh Brussels
10 a, m, 9undLy Senocl
11 a. m. St. John's congregation
will join wibh bhe United
Church for Divine Service
which will be in charge of Rev,
Hugh Wilsdu,
aeorge'e Walton
9,80 a. In. Morning Prayer
10.80 a. re, Sunday Salton!
8t. bavl'd's Church Henfryn
8 D. in. Evening prayer.
Bother Of Bluevale
Postmaster Is Injured
Joseph Senith of Turaberry town-
ship suffered a. serinuus head injury
this week, He was pushing a wheel-
barrow into the stable when he
slipped and fell striking the back
of his head, He continued, his work
but later was taken 111 and ex-
amination showed that he had suf-
fered a hemorrhage, which will
necessitate perfect quietness for a
couple of weeks. Mr. Smith is a
brother of postmaster A. I D. Smith
Final Gaines
At Walton
Monday, July 28th
7:15 P.M.
Adults 25c Children Free
Seaforth, Oxnt
Thur., Fri, Sat,. July 24.26.26
The Time, The Place, The Girl
Dennis Morgan Martha Vickers
An appealing Technicolor Spectacle
plus the music of Carillon Caveilero
and his band.
Mon., Tues., Wed. July 2829.30
Sister Kenny
Rosalind Russell Alexander Knox
A True Life Story of a
World Famous Nurse
Rev, J. Kerr and Mrs. Kerr are
Yielding in Toronto.
Graeme Scott, Welland, is holiday-
ing with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Scott.
Misses 'Sheila Porter and Mary
Wiillis are attending the United
Church camp at Goderlch.
The many friends and ueigiibours
of Mrs. Jrao. Simmonds are pleased
that she is recovering from her
recent illness.
Mrs. D. C. Warwick, Owen Sound,
has been a visitor with her mother
Mrs. A. C. Baeker.
Misses Betty and Gail Murdock,
Windsor, are pucks at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Beaker.
Mrs. D. R. Cunningham left 'Satur-
day to visit at the home of her
daughter Mrs, W. Pascoe, Olrhawa.
Miss Louise Rush anti Miss Jean
Robinson of Toronto were visitors
with Misses E. and H. Downing last
Miss Pearl Beaker, 'rononto, is
spending a two week vacation with
i her parents Mr. and Mrs. W, L.
An evening o1 pleasant Cil1011 L 11
inept was cponetotee by tint Bruseelt
Ladies' Auxiliary of the Cana'tiail
Legion when .they had an lee cream
. social on Thurtsday of last week
The somal was held on the :awn Lit
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Leneh. Those present enjoyed a
short program presided over by Mrs.
Leach: piano solos, Mrs,. L. Broth-
ers; vocal solos, Mrs. H. Tufts of
Toronto and Miss Tune Work; read -
Inge, Ms. R. W. Kennedy. Mr. L. E.
Cardiff spoke briefly. At the con-
clusion of the' program generous
portions ,of ice cream and cake and
tea end obocolalte milk were served.
One of the beet games of the
seas= was seen at Victoria Park
on Tuesday evening, when Bru:sesls
played St. Qdlumban in the first of
the semi -finials. It was an evenly
contested fame with the result
always in doubt. Both teams were
on the verge of scoring on several
ocoasdons with Brusesls always the
more dangerous team to the goal
area. The game Snded with no
score. The second game will be
Played at St. Columban on Friday
WHITTARD—.In loving memory of
a clear sonand brother; Tpr.l
Ross F. 'Whittard, who wns ]tilted
in action in Italy on ,Tuly 21st, 1944,
Peaceful be thy 'Rest dear Ross
It is sweet to breathe thy name
In life we loved you dearly
In death we do the same,
Sadly remembered by Mother, Dad,
Sisters and Brothers.
In loving memory of nay brother
Tpr. Ross Whit tael who was
killed in Italy. July 21, 1944.
Today brings back sad memories
Of a loved one laic! to rest
And those who think of him today
Are those who loved him best
Not deed to us who loved him
Not lost, but gone before
. He lives with us in memory
And will for ever more.
Always remembered by sister
Thur., Fel., Sat. July 31, Aug, i•2
The Plainsman asbtl The Lady
William Elllottt Gall Patriok
A Past Moving Actio'! Picture
that wilt Please AllWestet'n Fane
MATINEES•• -Saturdays and
Holidays et 2,89 p.rrt.
Mr. and Mrs, fid. Henderson spent
the week end in, London and Detroit,
They were acocmpauled by Mr. and
Mns, Tom TlIortubon and Betty Anne
of London.
Holiday visitors at the home of
Miss Bessie Moses, during the week
were Mrs, M. Tsrighaan end Vise 17.
Brigham, Blyth; Mrs. Roy Buchanan,
Harrow, Ont. Mrs. Te Bee'! with of
India; Me. Andrew Wilson, Van-
Mrs, Harry Rdcluiione, Vancouver,
B.C., was s. visitor with friends and
relablvee here !stet weep. It was Mrs. I
Richmond's first visit here since site
left Brussels forty years ago. Her
husihnd ie a district attorney in
Van couvor.
Mr, eied Mrs,. David MCnowe'll and
daughter Margaret Ann of, Chatham;Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petire% London
and Mr, and Mrs, Harold 'Carts and
daughter Marilyn, Toronto, spent
last weals at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Mohort (iemmiti.
Mildred, Carl and nephow Ross.
Ethel Student Among
Theatre Graduates
LLI:NDON. Jnly 19---" Lehorntery
Productions'' at the Grand Theatre
Friday night, were in actual fent
the L athe:410n of the
summer school of the Sheat'', all
int motive 1011r • -•ondartr•d by the
T i1h'r're!ty of eces,,,rn nnta^in an4
the London Little Theatre.
For a fortnight only, nn'lar dh•rr•
tion of Douglas McLean, of New
York, n smallish elnee of st:ldent"
has studied acting, voice, ballet,
fee, 11. t -up and eieetitlre.
William Ziegler, Ethel, was
autong the situdent, taking part.
I\lavq LeagLte Ta Da
Thr 1 -'i tl tiv
�aiy ;U - 11r.�oa Il : y 6&39^•
1. r•au he noted by+lat tnma;u t' portunities for service are unlimited.
!Your village on Saturday night For ow.,, thar1 they mire wr, haowe
11h r is , ., P.1: kin r 'a• run 1111 been the official agency dealing with
• t,,,.r, ',het ie 11311 � ninl'. 17 in one 1,,. ., ,,, c! the sea.
Tee • cervi T.eagne operat's rfatog
and hostels at the principal fenaru
':ret= where merchant seamen and
naval ra'hlgs ars made weir oree,
while ashore. When a seamen in
awaiting his ship be finis homelike
surroundings in Navy League ceuntress
and he knows that kindly nut-s3>s .
ears awaits him in the Sick Bay If he -
requires medical attention.
Canada's position as an ex/metier
nation Is of vital importance to erere;•
citizen. According to the Bepaidi-
mont of Trade and Commerce "fareigm.
trade creates once third of all Com-
edian jobs, builds one third of oar
home markets and provides grew
one third of every doilar you make.°' -
The real meaning of this iies in the
fart that we are dependent upon 3h
merchant seaman who man the •
slri s that •
Parking A Car y
On f.lefordev Night t{ ' 1 t 't✓
By One Who Was Late 1 t t
pi"'e to clout :r 'i'11� ' _,1 1nt
of eptents ahem 11:1'! Ole width
r:,r but that is not enough as they
net 111x1 011:0, to 1'f1111 ill.
The marks on the street are
prau•tirally obliterated and with ne
one but the drivers themselves to see
that parking is bone right it is
suggested es a reminder to "think et
year neighbor when parking," One
don't like parking on back etr'eets
any more than the other.
"The law ofdte of Messrs. Craw- 1 Jay Walking
fold d' IIstheringinn wili br cheer!) One of the general slogans used in
from July 28th to .August Sth except) the various centres, where safety Is
on Tuesdays and Saturdays when ; practised le "Do Not Jay Wallis
Att. ITrtheringtm will be in attend-; Tt le herd enough to manipulate a
ante from 10 a.m. until 5 part." car thrnueh the hvo blocks of the
business seotfon when an extra rew
Melville Church ears happen to be in town and with
"Open \Viudowe To Ffappiuees"
was the subject of Rev. Mr. Milre's
sermon 011 Sunday tam -nine. Thr.,
life of Christ W015 us't1 to prom
that happiness depends on what we
are, and not on what we have. Guest
soloist was tiers. W. 13redin who
rendered "Bless This 'louse." •
The United Church
At the morning eereace at the
United Church the- minister' spoke on
Self -Control. ',Every Man, that style,.
rth for the mastery is temperate in
all things" I Cos. IX, 25. MIss .Sean
Speiran. sang "The Stranger of Gali-
lee in excellent voice.
The United Church Congregation
will loin with the members of St.
John's Church in worship next
Sunday morning and for the foto
Sundays following.
Letter Of Thanks
On behalf of the Ladies Auxiliary
of the Brussels Canadian Legion,
nuay I take this medium of thanking
all those who participated in making
the lce Cn•eam Social a snccesstul
Also thanks to those who could not
,attend, but wibo sent in their
donations. Special thanks to those
who donated their services to the
Yours in Appreciation,
Mrs. W. G. Leach
o ,
ss ss i3va Et o
To fall in line with other municipalities
in the province, the people ask that
Monday, �``wug s' 03
And 1 hereby proclaim tb.ee same a
Public Holiday and ask that all persons
observe it as such.
R. B. Cousins, Reeve.
From the BaetSolltog Book by Bony Macboaold
Produced and Wrindn lar the, Screen by CHESTER ERSKINE' FRET) F. FINKLEHOFFE
r �
rrT i S120.
��pTT gt 7I Iiii�
i.vi � .� Ji.. � 'l..srl)a
cir,hel end of a track protruding
right onto the niirld!p of the street•
without having to contend with
"Say Walkers" Last week a man
walker! right into the side of a
slowly moving ca" and !line!
Lanced the driver to rollapse. Of
eneree the ,!rivers of sorb caws are
blamed but are they at fault? They
(-anent help if they happen to have
their ear in front of a pair=titan at
Oro pantirnlnr mown% Pedestrians
Intro to walk safely as well rs car
drivers do drive sefele en DO NOT
P early the merchandise
to and from the markets of thtta.
Through its Educational services
the Navy League snakes Canadian
missions of their dependance upon
the Sea, and in addition, sponsons
1 nation-wide youth training plro-
:;renllne that gives guidance to mantle
thousands of teen age boys.
The Navy League wil: hold its Tag
on Werthrtoiny. Sale ntlt, spenaored
he thy T.: 'lie,' Anviliery. Cann,tiaa
Legion. Brueeels. .1 generoue re -
sponge will neeslot the League to meet
its responxihilities on behaif of the
men of the Sea and Youth of
Recent Additions
To The Library
New fiction:
Roy—The Tin Flute'
Shute—The Chequer Board
Bristow-- To -morrow is forever
Coles----T•he Fifth Man
Adams—Banners by the 'Wayside
T.awrence—A Star Danced
Wehr—The Land of Mother (loose
Re -prints
Aldrich—Fong of Years
Loring—Rainbow at Dusk
Keeper of the Faith
Uncharted Seas
Stars In your Eyes
HILI ---'Pound Treasure
Keyes—Crescent Carnival
Fielding's Folly
Grey—Code of the West
Lost Wagon Train
Light of Western Stars
.manna Ames
Posen Gold
Brand—Dr. Kiiearr's Trial
The Fighting Few
The Public Library wilt be ctose.di
on the following dates--Augus- Teed,
6th. 10th and I9th.
Roe Farms Dehydrator
In Full Operation
Hnndr,u of visitni•c have Mowry -
eft the massive dryer on Hoe Farms
since it started dehydrating; the
acres of grasses and clovers from
the Roe Farms for use in their feeds.
Three huge oil jets in the furnace
Provide the heat of up to 2,000 de-
grees, and the finely cut greens are
brawn by ah' through the great rotat-
ing drum in which the moisture is
drawn out of the greene.,.hy beat as
the grasses travel 74 ft. in four tithe
The dried green's are then cooled
and ground to a fine bright green
powder containing all the original
vitamin, protein and mineral values
of the grasses, but with the moisture
extracted to about 5% content.
The dehydrator operates nn two
shifts Baily and turns out 400 Nage
per day -on a normal drying day.
This modern plant Is an indication
of the farming methods. of the future
and is an outstendtng credit to this
BY-LAW No. 4, 1047
To provide for the restriction of
the frac of Sidewalks.
WHEREAS it is deemed advisabie
to control the use of :Idewalks
within the Village of Brussels and
designate the nature and type of
vehicles or other conreynnces thnt
may travel nn the seine.
the Muniripal Connell of the Cerner-
-r.tinn of the Village of Brussels, as
1. That from and after the passing
of tots bylaw no person nr perenne
511111 drive, lead er permit any
other animal or wagon, wheel-
harrnw, bievele, sleigh or other
vehicle upon any sidewalk within
the Corporation of the Village at
RrusesIs nr on or along any font
Path or track intended for the ass
of pedestrians only, within the said
Village• except ever a crossing
ronatriucted for that purpose. Pro•
vided, however, that this prohibition
shall not extend to the asp of small
'hand Certs, baby carriages, or other
similar vehicles in Om normal
manner as intended that a side•
walk be provided for,
2. Any person guilty of in-
freetinn of the previsions of thea
' by-law shall, withtntt prejudice to
1 any other remedy which the said
,Ii IOnrtroration of the said Village et
Time -ole luny Otherwise he entitled,
I' npmt 0 cnnvktion before the Mitg'e'
I IIIIIIi trete under the pr(tvislens and pro
I,I eeedtngs of the Sommer, ("envie-
III tints Act., be liable to n fine of One
I! dollar and costs, whleh Bald fine
' when sie collected 11115111 belong to
1 the Ciorporn.t.ipn of the Village el
1, I RI'llsaels and shell be paid to the
Trensnrer thereof by the Convicting
ill Meeletrete.
PASSED in epee Conned till
clutch day of duly in the year of Ont
. a hundred n
nue thousand ninefli.n
�i fbrtyeeieG, n,
11. CAMPBELL, Cleric
Orchids To The
Girls' Softball Team
In e'ommen.title,• c, the softball
games played at 111 mumumble;eers-
mentes of the fifeeilletted park in
Wire -them the Fort Elgin 'Pintas'Pintasof
Port Elgin had this 60 say:
"Prier to fhe men's genre the
lassies of the W.0.A.A. champion
Clifford Tmperin.is hooped up in a
seven inning game with the girls
from leen eels. wi,uar'l s of a reeved.
snfthell 6rnanrcn in Gnplpii, All
fleeted nut In the reel duds the fair
young cannery maidens were than
Meet of the evening. At times the
able displayed sorb a smart brand
of hail that it made the men's gexne
lank like a street comer game o4
marbles. 1t. was without a doubt
the evening's best performance. TT;
fact we were so impressed that we
welt advice any men's chub In. the
s'mu't to taste a few lessons in base -
running and bunting. Tinder the
lights, they would be-ve made the
Toronto Sunnysiders perk ftp nlis€
take notice."
i Carnival Time
July 30th and 31st
Rrttsaels 1a the Mace to come 'ere
Wednesday and Thursday, July Mb
91ct. The monster f•ley leglieer
Carnival will provide a varied tpro-
igram of annrsententa for young antantold. Midway attractions, c�fthavll
games; cltildren'a reties; Prizes for
a I beet deeorntcd irit/eles; 'bingo;
rd n gehtee of chance; dancing•--tot•1ne-
d fun. Don't miss It. • S6ebills nraft:
watch this isaper for further aLB5'