HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-7-16, Page 3NOTICE—
Any one wanting; -Mala ':+I t,,i 'i! a
don e.
Phone 85-r-17 lirn:r.e'8.
in 1/3
We realize our nh1'gatioa when we
fill your order for a memorial —end
we provide only materials of nr.
ending serviceability. Design and
workmanship are of the finest, and
our prices are most moderate.
Promptly Done
Wine -am
'Phone 256 R. A. Spotton
"The World Council of Clharchesl'
4(':t; Idle theme of the \V.1T.S, meet-
ing h,•tl •11 the Immo of .lira. .1H'(14!
\'4rhee108 whit a r01811 lltIomlan„6,
d' "It menthe., "'1.1 eight visitors.
Ma's. lames ATfcirul 4(.411 IIF• under ,
anti Mrs. Allan 11."Tng1art tuna ia,
charge of the bear, "Ono Great
' •,'•' Airs. Amalltlon, Walton
sang a solo, At the (lose of tite
lueetl(i Mrs. Wheeler marl Mrs. Air-
Callnm served rcfrednncnts,
E. MrLagan s lalcin.; the sts:vice
';1 Moms:deli United Church 9tuing
the nh4enre of Rev. G. R. l[ag11
It will pay you to make us your headquarters felt
Grass Seed purchases. We have all lames, • and our priccle
are right.
We have the best In permanent pastures at the thea
If you need a new stove we have it.
Agent for Spartan and Roger's Majestic Eiantrizal
dines, Radios, Washers, Refrigerators, etc.
For yoirr Sarin Cleaning, we have Martin-fienuar
Paints and Varnishes. {]7
A. 4.{L
Ethel, Ont.
Phone 22-8'-7 brussels
Promptly and Efficiently Removed
Simply Phone Collect
JLlai'LittilSet.. a 3..
APA gt[ wLii1 a..,.
On the road ... mile after mile . .
husky, thick -treaded Goodyears deliver
safe, road -gripping service. The extra
miles you get from Goodyears make
them the best tire buy—by fart Get
mule -eating Goodyears today—we have
your size.
Brussels, Ont.
Phone 82
et AN A -B. -C.. D,slvell --Aiewo Be Ca'4fre/
-. 4. ♦ .. • ,+ # * e , ,
W D L 1 N(2 Obituary
* * * * * * * * 3, * * * >F ,1
With 8 b<u'k5rnat,d 1' ('01, whit°
111141 1411 l p(0ui,:8, 4(l 4116• Ki (NI Wi;
1'n1ted ('luucll 4(u II why, Jun,.
:'Nth, li(1•. W. S. lain; r 'sited it
I''r• 5;,1
ter of 11 I'S.('lea KOMI :41 1.11 ((3411 ILe
\V"" !II ?Tl:•,• -,I , - 1.1 Si.' '1
Albert Spclran, .:nn of lir. a
Mrs. \1'illlnna S111'11'11, 1L•.I;..r,1: .
Violet Reswetlu'rirk pia vo-1
weddilur music, Alias ltatt'ina 1.,
don of 1lra t0Pbin, (match❑ 1,1' t
groin% song' •'T'!t Walls li's'le 1'11
and dnrincc the •I.,101!r if ism '"41
tor. "Bertnise,"
1 n•+,,, 111.,,1,, Daren n ,., •, .. t•la�e
.,' 1,'o'5. ', ile"•1. St own rt, 1101•,
WWI (' "71,11 (-men "rtgr,t sr.o 1 with
' Malta nerklinn of nv1-„1 ',ill( and '1
;kilt mg,nt the mat"l,ln ii".
dw'rei full n fit 11.1a11,r`at 1.011 '•3' an.
01'6"'11'9 e'er- n gt•gnr nr np•I r1:. and
rarripd n bnnnitnt not pini( Delight
Fred C. Lowry
Fred C. Lowry, 111, re111- sl I: it Y
\\'.,1(, 11.4(1.54 ' 3115l:.,a•o, (111,,! .4.1'
urday to his home, 1:01 St- Clair
S1 11R+1. 3$113!' a short ilIt• as,
lOr. l,ttart'y, woos•• . :1'r, :lir.
Emma A. Lowry, :.tied Sep".:r1i. 111111.
wax l.Or1 .4:111. :1, 1'•i1. 111 Smelt'. (111'
:lel Ho camas to Port tin" i in 1353 (119
i I wnrkpd for in years for 111, t'1,1 41
flu, 1 N; ark.. He 010 ut.,t.,r,uan 1',.,r lin.
11=''1'ty 111'-rl:,o 11(110.86 company f,',4(]
11,•! 1903 until the 1011111. +'mpna--d npr!-
„r acing. Mr. Lowry len"knl fns (h,•
1, :ly 4(t' Port Huron until lie was
Iretired All -g. 15, 1141,
by1 He was a mem 11,r or molt (Ira
N t1 tint lod^e No. 374, F. C. A. A1., and
Pott Tluron lodge No. 14, iCnigitt'
of T'Villas.
He is survived by three taper...
111•;, TTaze1 :41athw:, Forest, OW..
Mot, Frank Turville, 'Cornn'o, anal
Mrs. Florence Beatty, Algona', 1'1'1
two nephews, Tack Lowry ail 1
liscilurdy Lowry, both of Brus-
sels, Ont.
The remains were in the Dewns
funeral home where fnnel'al '•err
Vice 1181'8 held at 2 p.m. Tues.
day Very Rev. Dean Austin 54
T1uPlan, rentor of Grace Ent4! -,-
Pal church, officiated. Burial took
place in Lakeside Cenleter7. 32on1-
hers of Fort C,-ratiot lodge cnnchar1•
ed Masonic rites• at the grave.
Six brothers oredeceasen him
namely, T?auret, George, Alfred,
Eddie, William and 1Vulter.
Mr, 111,1 Mrs. E. H. Matthews of
Forest and Mrs, Wm. Lowry, T.on•
don attended the funeral.
The flag of the City of Pt. Huron
was at half -least us a mark of
respect to a faithful Fortner c1l
nom, R1Pll-e1.1., nle'ao of the
3. '.l„ . ,.,.,,4 0f 1„1,n',.' Qhrl
a 111110 glrnp
767...!:;P11R•n '
of 11,111 1 .nq 7r 9'...., 831n1eln
1),11+11. honl,hu nr (al .,.
be.,•.t loon 10,,.,'.,. n,qa,• of hm•rlwirh
i 7t., 1..rant l h P,,•,1ag01n
cnnne,, woe tee, l.n l 0t rh•* h 9'1"'_
home, 1Trs. atowart 'e"Ptyed In a
rives of nrin,ted 41111( torso's, and w91,0
El rn."1411Vp of n'nlr 1.n4oq. 811. lrnc
sslotnt by r.,,., n"nn mi'c mot
wnrP 51110 slily Jersey and a om•sa•rn
of nink'roses. The Mob,. room was
..,.......1 1•, P°g1t411 lvititn IMP
11.14 ^rnl,trnl
11•nd i(,i 0,7140 1i;rq
Stephen Bntebert of Toronto, aunt
of the 1111(144, 1,1,11 j ton\ Five 011.1
friends of the bride 4w.'.pr1.
Ttatnr 1110 5,1(191 en.1.11n left by
tumor for mmillnn.a 'krn'Lolra and
rI11:'" at:1(11 r.'"1 noir 4. Pr”. ("11413“
1'11•±• ihn hold” rh0.n
9 1'1"9'r
d - 4444.
111'414414' snit ("1411 "avv. and white
8rressories. On their return lir. and
Airs. soeiran will re il'le on the
groom's farm in (Ivey township.
^lr'. A 11/41,-..t)7 (Ink'
The emtr~rpgat'on of T'ninn anti
firm- C11n'•o11 will arn1'sltin together
the rhllrrh here alt Sunday. July
0a of 11 a.m. with Rev. S. Brenton.
(hp minister, etnttlay Srhonl will
'rin0t at 1a o'rlork,
Ter. T. 7), and Airs, 9TerTver spent
the week end in Loudon.
Frlearls of Mals. 'Limn Evang regret
to hear she is not Progressing. as
favorably as they '.voul4 like,
Cordon and Mrr. Switzer and
your -a son, St. Catharines. were re-
newing arllttaintanees 111 and around
the village on Saturday,
Cecil, Clarence and Bill Small -
don. St. Thomas, acrm»pan'ied by
their wives spent Sunday with their
unite, George (T(m1, Smalldnn, and
other friends.
7111 and Airs. Moffatt, 'lire. W.
Ptricertt and daughter Tsahel, Clinton
pnfl Ch'1rHp and Mrs. Foeter. Flar1
end Mrs. Fester and Richard of
P ennsylvania and .Ver McC3rrn11,
Raafnrtla were Sunday vlsiterc at the
of 344n r F..ngn1.
Lloyd and Mrs, Vic -tel. Marion and
Sandra, Mrs. Flm'enee 10101151 and
111" A, Forrest spent. 411ndny in
Emil Martin, Thantesville, is 114)11'
laying at the home of Peter and
Ates, Baker,
Ration Cot:pon Due Dates
Coupons now valid are sugar.
I Preserves S25 to 5555 and 1'1 to Ila.
good for the purchase of either sugar
or molasses• the only two foods now
War.ti^e- Price and T'racle
c+a"d Information
_ r w r
* * 34
R;—Will you please settle an
argument? Can circuses and car-
nivals sell hotdos on meatless
A:—No. 0' reuses and ra('nirals
are not listed among grrnlps which
'lay sell hotdoge MT meatless days.
An evel'.t cannot be classed as
, rsere.d by an 111', anizatlell just
because that orgT.uizatton gets a
percentage of the 01310. It 113 8$t
actually be initiated and operated
113' the ol'galt'iT.,'tion. Booth; travel-
ling wide a show cannot 48811 $'et11er4
or frankfurters on nl1ltl"ss clays.
Q:My husband and 1 rent (11D
"Ti's the soles of the people T keep
In view,
For 1 am the doctor of Boot and
And I serve the living* and not the
W ith tate hest of leather, wax, nails
a.1111 thread.
i can sew on a sole or nail it
And do a good .lob and malre it
There is nothing snide about what
1 can do—
Doubt not my statement for work
. proves It true.
I oan give you a lift too in this
j life—
Not only you but your family .and
.A great many patients conte to my
Worn out and run down, besides
feeling sore;
Though 1 don't use poultice plaster
or p111,
I I cure a1,11 sick shoe.!, no matter
how ill."
Harness and Shoe Repair Shop
9russels, Ont,
• Deet la aa® ei1$*SYranen t1*2. APO
ten •
�aof years el bloom
ten rs real ye grAtoirm't. colamesto
Bhepryasattora Vasa gold, &a wow
e Piles hrearsoes Polka, ba
yes adequate paretealass.
We smite palet Ilmtaa'nare es eoetsl6'
ealecaed risks ka
reevewri Peopecv 1!'iess•rr, likort
levy, Res Claes, Maths LAMAR
stag obis gsmoaei itameatina
W. S. Scott
�i'erin, d:ty, JulY 1815. 1847
�- - -,---!
What's scarce now? Lumber, nails, plumbing or wiring equipment ...the list Is
endless. No sooner is one problem solved than another comes along. The
scarcity of materials has delayed the completion of many new Hydro protects.
This, combined with a greatly increased demand, has limited the power supply.
Never has Ontario used so much electricity as now ... not even during the
record-breaking war years. Another half million horsepower could be utilized
almost immediately, if available. Hydro plants fo generate that much and more
have been planned and are under construction. Some additional power will
be delivered this year , , . more in 1948. But it will be 1950 before the big new
Hydro plant on the Ottawa river can start to pour its 360,000 horsepower
into the Hydro system.
Why so long? It's because of the shortage of building supplies , .. a tre-
mendous quantity of construction materials and electrical equipment must be
sought and bought to build such a plant. The Ottawa lriver development alone
requires a concrete dam nearly half a mile long, in addition to the power house
and the thousands of Items of electrical equipment, small and large. Building
a new power plant often creates an entirely new community. it takes a long
time ... especially when materials are as scarce as they are now.
Few places in the world have as much electricity available per person as
Ontario has, However, it must be conserved so that new homes and industries
will all receive their share ... so that the wheels of our factories will be kept
turning and maximum employment and production maintained , , , use Hydro
wisely and there will be enough for all.
rooms i11 a farm tulusa. Can ear t -v to stretch materials which have
landlord raise our :rent without net, shunit 10 you report the matter to
mission of the Board. them.
Q:—I sent a wool dree; to the dry
cleaners and it has : hrunit so that
I cannot wear it. Shculdn't t;1•";
give me the value of th3 dress?
.A;—This is a nittt,r outside the
jurisdiction of the Wartime Prices
and Trade Beard. ,To; ice!•. we have
found that most l'eliabte dealers will
e e *
Q:—Now that bur','!' !. -,ii ...,
Finn lint why ,1:, 1. 11111";;!I I 6, w':';•,,
have forma -rd the psis.,
meals. rent'nue to give ,143 such
small servings of butter? Can't 111.-
Board force them t8 give decent
A:—Because butter is off the
ration list and the prize of meals has
ell- ,1 ne 1, 1,4rd does not
8'111t1'05 the size of servings.
* a.
Q:—My daughter bought a dress
and paid a deposit. TA U''• she chang-
ed iter mind and asked for ter
money bark, The store refused, Can
they do this??
A;—The Prices Board never re-
quired any store to return. mene7
Paid en a dppns'( .1n en arti.4le. This
is a nh-il matter and subject to the
agreement of sale,
When you give a fine gift, be
sire it's the finest of Its kind—
"The Excellency Group" by
A. PRINCETON —al Jewels $45.00 ft, DIRECTOR —21 li wds $4930 C. T*XASURER —2I jewels $55.90
'e Leach
Jeweller *russets, Ont