HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-7-9, Page 3ER ELTING Lazy, slipping pulleys waste your fuel at the take -off ... rob you of constant, maxi- mtun power at the thresher. Goodyear Klingtite Thresher Belting wipes out both these losses! It grips the pulleys as if it were a part of them .:: saves fuel as it delivers more power! Klingtite is tougher, too . reduces delays by avoiding break- downs . . . outlasts other belting. Get extra -value Rlingtite today and save money. We Also Corry GOODYEAR MULTI V-EELitS and ®giber Belts Fractional Horsepower J. W. FISCHER Massey -Harris .Phf,Dry nay ._..3gds9 Ont. �1 - - _=w..�:�ustrr.;nnmsa.�=.�„•R>i,4�. Pur-o-lator Oil Filters for all snakes of tracteos USED TRACTORS FOR SALE Water Bowls — Harrows -- Manure Loaders Tires — Oil — Grease — Rubber Tired Wagons. Electric Fencers — Grain Grinders and Rollers. i'ovre Ethel., OM. _:exurxsa,imealeamsszeeneumgem uchar. `s Died In Miehtgan f''t.• ,Iee tie, • t, . hold S' ttr.ley. .feee el. ;t!1:le ;a t Merlin I'llnteal 'Tome at .'.It. :Jen M'chigan, for ,Tns11n+, .emee 1'trl„ : '1 sit hie herb,. ':•itte-ti,y. .hire Mr. Cole was bm'n end eel, (1 if ,!h•' - hit' an 1 -get , Md. '.1 le',• tiity-fem. year. ;lee to Dere! Ager, Irving. ITh trend +r, 'firth„ free' tithe]. rlr't twee' r ! •,• : ,, ''Ig/ 811.1 fir. 'I few cervi w;-• eel ployed at the TT1!r1; !lee r•,, oty and one ren. Ih+•n^te W pix grateichildrr'n, n11 of ;1Tt. 1Tnrt'i THE BRUSSELS POST AUCTIC*� (aAt.0 of Household i ffect en be I To Lc .oil -t r1' Terrace• 1'`, MILL STfiEET, s LYTH Ir, 1 (opposite the, United Churen 19. rftiDAY, „WI.), 1 lth f'.,.mrot,:.ing et P.M. ed TERMS t.t .e.F• it" I"Htl ^.e-AF3(,R P303 LEW. ROWL.A1tD, A!tt.3nnen, r C �.D ,/t, (�a.i':+ i li? 00 K rel. \r t •I•n Ont I, • :..r:..,, 31 11rrv,'nun n:' li'h,d end 11 h 1 p l , I,.,, ;deter tem'te Steele n 411 fir 11'11 S^1,. Me•:. Sated, 313Zior of ('linin 1'.•,tt,.1 1,e11 11,1 .d1 Serrfnra A (laugh tor. Mrs. (lWWI:, JTa t t3m•Itlai pe, cscr1 att^'y throe year alrn. RPlat.13P4 and Denude who a !ended the 1u,n.era1 fin a Inner. were 'Mr and MN Tfewar-1 of 1)3'troit, '1Jirhigan, 21r. 1'. 11 �rhlin'an' 331 Sarnia. 31rs. TIr Ih Po1113rl of Saafnelh, 213. aunt 'MN Herbert Glazier, Mrs. Fred Cole Ms. l:i•ncs' Cole and MP^s. W. Polio ill, all of Strttfent ETHFT . The monthly meeting of ,ham W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Churl net on ,Tnly 3rd at the home of Mrs, L. Heath. The president wap 7e charge -of the meeting :3I3iell we rm eeei he singine Psetbn 1. Prayers from the Clod Tidingp were roan by several of the member,. The Serie- fere rendime was reed. Psalm 123 was read by Miss 1!, Fee•. Mathew chap 5 vs. 21-24 was road by Air- cardlrr. Enke ebinu. 7 vs. 27:36 was read by Dans Cnnninghnnl The Devotional Period' vias taken by Mrs S, Dunbar. The theme., The Lord's Prayer, Forgive us our debts, The Meditation. wan read by Mrs. S. Dunbar. Hymn 437 was sung. The Roll wag railed answered with verse of Scripture ennteinins the word Sun, The efrsriee was re. cetved. Hymn 542 0 Master let me walk with Thee was sung. Mrs R Cnrhornn was then presented with a Life MTenmbership ('ertifeatr • Mrs. McInnis spoke a few words in apprecistinn of the faithful services Mrs. 1 nehoran had rendered- to the snelety For a number of years, al way, willing to do her part in any Way to help along the wm'k er the ociety further the cause of lesions and for her regular attend- nce at all meetings. Patsy Riehords rid Siharm Cardiff, members cf the isston Bernd made the presentation. Ito tapir "The Church tabes root h1 Cella was MA in th *se parts by lrs, S. Dunbar, Mrs, Wright 006 rs. Turnbull. The minutes, or the st meeting were then read by the erretnry Mrs, Cntnliugham and pprnved, Hytnn 29 (The (.,mulles I1P foundatlion) was sung and Mrs. McInnis pronounced the Benediction. delicious touch o" strawberries nd cream, cake and cookies were errs( by the hostesses and a social role was 5 apelut. m a M T 11 M in s a 0 • A c t Phone Brussels 86-r-5, t. Colutnban Tops Huron Soccer Set PT. t'OLTTATBAN, Tlily 9.—Play- ing the ilnal scheduled Huron Foot. bail Association game here last night, St. Columban beat Ethel, 2-0, to head the group with 14 points. lalhel put lip 'a good argument but lacked finish arounal the goal, and combination was lacking at times. With no score at half time it looked as if Ethel might pick tip some much needed points, but after the rest period St. Calunlhan put on the pressure. O'Rourke scored the first one at ten minutes for St. Oolumban, and O'Sullivan finished it off, neter being omtlawked on rev, en^al otm'csions, It will not be de- cided until newt week who is to meet St. Colomlyan in the first of tine play-offs, St. Oolnmban—Goat, V. Miurray; full-backs, T. Murray, F, Murray; half -backs, L. Roan, C. Ryan, F. O'Connor; forwards, Delaney, Mc- Quade, O':Strlliva.n, O'Rourke, Mc- Tver, McGrath, Malone. Dtilel—Goal, Brenner; full-backs; Ward G11.1; halt backs, Cox, Hald, Dare; forwards, C. Wa.rd, F. Ward, McFarland, Baynard, Smith, Dolt, son, Referee—W, Allen, Hensall. It will pay you to make hes your headquarters ler Grass Seed purchases. We have all fines, and our laic' as are right. We have the best ha perohaneut pastures at the &caveat prices. If you need a new stove we have t. Agent for Spartan and Roger's Majestic Eisebieaal Lines, Radios, Washers, Refrigerators, wte. For your Spring Cleaning, we have Paints and Varnished. A. J. ;Pearson Ethel, Ont. Phone 22-47 Be'ateele FREE ANIMAL SERVICE q7, OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect brussels `I L Ingersoll 21 WE DO THE REST! WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO Memorials We realize our obligation when we till your order for a memorial —and we provide only materials of un- ending serviceability. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are, most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done All MODERN EQUIPMENT ,�',•n I'nitr•d t'intre't servies In Knox Clove!, he•, Sunday at 11 a.m. On Smelly, .Tule. 12 Ihrr,• will be no ••'ret:•• here ami " eo'''n Will : ,!i,'ur` :,", 1'11:-1 serrlt,335 a.t Union Cluu•r.33 nt 11 :1.n: Mrs. Lynn levans is x1)21 n patient in the X. W. 1Tn,11:3 Kitr'hener. where die end3'r'sn.11 opsrstton last weeit. Tier nsrv" friends hope for her :needy eovery. e,. Fr.,l Martin, riemeee1n,., 3, spending. the summer vie:1 m wee, ,.. r9"• -9,13s twee. 1T,•. end Mr:.. el,e. etnn Mcllaebern. re'•ently married 1: Galt but now of Fie etilten 'pen sry"col Clays with the Batter family. T-Tona'y and Mrs. Gersalite ]rave moved to their new hone- in 13th-! Harold .Torklin and family 'erne.' onto the Cameron rarer, 10th ,•�;n . Wen last week. The well drillers Iran, 1," trilling wells for R01t. Engel n T T.ylle Gordon. The regular monthly meeting of the 1,V.M.S, was 133)31 at the hnrre of Mrs. R. TG McDonald with thirteen presere. The president. Mrs, Den. Intel:her was In the chair nrel Hymn ty s 1;,331 333 npenin.2 rind Mfrs. Hncther ietl in prayer. Mrs. .John Schnook gave the ser1pture rending' I'd 1r,•s Om,s'tead gave the topie from the study book, A verse con. teini'r "ne ar G•cd's premises was given In response to the roll rail and Mrs. Onnstead and :Vise Muri.'l Mae - Donald snug a met "Standing on the Promises," a.li singing the chorus The September meeting will be at the home -of Mrs. Icon Sehnoch and the word "trust" w"a5 chosen for roll call. The treasurer, Ms. D. Campion received the offering rind gave her report. Hymn 295 v:as sung and the Benediction pronounced by the presi- dent, Refreshments were served and a social time spent, Mrs. Allen Cameron presided for a meeting of the Lvlive Aid. 1# was n'rreed to -pnrchn::e several chairs for the basement and to paint the chairs daring the summer. Mrs. Cameron closed the meeting' with prayer. Wingham Memorial Shop 'Phone 25s R, A. Spotton At the recent examinations held by the Toronto Conservatory of Music in W,tngham, Isobel Dennis was given bowers in Grade IV piano. She is' a. pupil of Mrs. Russel Wilbee. • At the close of the School term a Try sltecessfnl picnic Was held on the 313)10al grounds of S. S. No. 4, Grey. At the lunch hour, the popular poling teacher, I Miss Doris Gal- braith of Gerrie, was presented with a china tea set In appreciation of her Work. Miss Galbraith is leaving the section after three years of service. Prlends• were pleased to eec Mr. and Mis. Robert Carr from Van'eouv er, P.C., visiting Ms, Tyndall Ritchie an'ri Mrs, Sinclair P1iip pon or Wing- leam, OM. Mr. Carr is the youngest son of the late Mr. R. Carr of the 3rd line of Grey, MP. and 111.0, Carr ere new living at 1001 Otllb3. Rd., Luiu Tslmnid, Vancouver, 13.21, All event of interest took place at the home of Mr, anal Mrs S. Meehan, Grey, on Sundial, July 6, when all members of the family of the late Cr. 10, anti Mrs. Spefran, 12 con, Grey. were together for the first time in 30 yeal's, There were 0 sisters and 3 brothers, namely, Gertrude, Mus, Martin Padiyerg, Ayen Alta.; Wilda, MIS, Harold Key's, Grey; Bertha, Mrs. .01ny Baauoe,• Toronto, Isobel, Mrs, Jolmt Noble, Hanover; Norma, Mrs. 13411 McNair, Brussels; 11'513, Mrs, S. Machan, (trey; Stan, of Etre''; Ernest, Detroit and Boss of Saginaw, Mich,. A buffet luncheon was served to 34 persons 5.101 the afternoon spent in reminiscing and general eniteuta.lnanent. FROM OFFICIAL FILES! Trow the famous, fearless FB1 agents light the nation's crime war with scientific training', ingenuity, tenacity and pa,tienoo - - with every Bair weapon •at hand, will be tont in The Daily Detroit Ttntes, in - a settles of articles, startingMON'DAY, July 14. Be 81100 to read the inside story of the exploits of the courageous G -Men, '`\ \►f--,///' MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND! 111a/1e;e t01Re0.0011.1 The same ingredients --rubber, textiles, steel and other materials- are available to all tire manufacturers. It's how these raw materials are processed, blended and compounded that make the difference between Goodyears and low- gttality tires. The exclusive Goodyear process developed through long experience and constant research- produces a tire unequalled for tough- ness, resistance to wear and other long -mileage qualities. Now, as always, your best guide to quality in a tiro is the name Goodyear ----the greatest name an rubber. ELLIOTT BROS. Brussels, Ont. Phone 82 EASTERN CANADA BARLEY CONTEST WINNERS The four top barley growers in Eastern Canada are shown above following the presentation of prize cheques and Awards of Merit at the conclusion of the Ontario -Quebec Inter -Provincial judging in the NationalBarley Contest. Left to right are: Father A. J. Lemay, representing the Seminary of Ste, Therese, Ste. Therese, Que., which placed third; the first prize winner and the Eastern Canada Barley King, Armand Fortier, Chalnbly, Que.; H, K. Nesbitt, of Britannia Bay,Carleton County, the•second prize winner; and Cifford Dale, Glan- worth, Ont., Middlesex County, who placed fourth. Judging in the Eastern finals was held during the annual meeting of the Ontario Crop Improvement Association at Toronto. The $25,000 National Barley Contest is sponsored by the brewing and malting industries in Canada and is conducted through the co-operation of provincial deparMnents of agricul- ture and the agricultural colleges to encourage greater production of top quality malting barley. The contest will be repeated in 1947. HERE'S THE VERY LATEST JN FOR GENTLEMEN l twizt BUi 0 VA xccUc Gi 11.0 UP When you give a fine gift, be sure its the finest of ha kind "The Excellency Group" by Bulove. A, ;PRINCETON -11 jewels $45.00 a. DIRECTOR -21 Nein $49.50 0. TIRPASiJREP -H jewels $55.00 e G. Leach Jeweller Brussels, Ong. ij It