HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-7-9, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST —_ __..�_ FOR SALE— , Wartime Price and Trade i r 1,4 ' ' 1'le cute motors rewoend end re ' Board Information _ �M pat d. Expert workmanship. Moder- f - —.- _... ate pri, e,. New meters in-'.oeir. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS PUPS FOR SALE—. L,11• Lamont pion, rt.- Settger Inaustrers, 049 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. FOR SALE -•- 12 Pit:;; -- 10 weoles 01(1. FOR SALE— ' Tinned Speir PIL",,Q 27'1'12 Puildin- s-- 2-storev frame hnnee e5 x 29 with awl finishing and ' FOt. SALE.— fernare and a barn t0 i X10 with % n teal, ..i - I two( s }lamp•u,s 1 . its e0 red with }e 22; anel ron ni ne,• i lien l,m. b w lue -,ld. il Jag lc Work • Phone 21-r-19. shed. These buildin :1 ran be aeon el : t l _. l ii:r' ie i; ,,:_ eel at lot 3. rung 5. Grey l'a'p, Trade Beard anthorit,' to mei:,Phone elle-r-2 W eeey Rtephenlanl p, -vee. who awn velem: Ilan s •- .,t FOR SALE tiro„ „ ere ri , rr i'lmethy Hay. FOR SALE— A•—\o. Phis m holdty h1- been (has. Simpson, Moat -ale, Got, 1--50-acre Farm, good huilclin^s; j Plinne el -e le. 1— 75-net'r Farm, ;pod butldines, •'ii 1 the cowed el r_ • :aid ' hydro. . � F 1 BALE 1 -100 -acre Farm gond buildings -Screen doer:, 17 1 a ,1 in. but•,.-. I and silo. ni n wide, in good rouditicu. J. C. Long. 1 i Apply at The Post. Real Estate Broker l I 6)1111111Q' 11011.W. 11 ny I use lily put"til' otin11'l1g :near coupons for pteselvin71 pnrpnvr'? 1'u,1 may, prnrid+•d tl! •� T"•+ obtain their tvritte,a ant h 1 11,1(ion Puente forthis may t' trnnl your u, -erect bean .. ..... .• ,I' iii• Ration Adminietr,ltlo11, 10'ednosday, duly 9th, 1947 COTENTED CATTLE ADURO Pump, keeping fresh, clean water before your cattle all the time .. . when they want it . is the answer to higher milk production ... greater profits for you. the new DURO is the farmer's pump — built to give a lifetime of ervice . to provide running water in house, barn, stables, roultry houses, greenhouses, truck gardens. Convenience alone is wrth the cast ... but savings in time and labour will soon pay for t DURO Pump installation. IMPROVE DAILY i1VIN G EMCO Fixtures and Fittings are designed for Beauty and Utility. See how easily you can modernize Kitchen, Bathroom, Laundry • protect the health and add to daily comfort of all your family. - Visit us for complete details. WILLIAM GILLESPIE Phone 68 - rtissels, Ont. Cot 14111155 raFG. co. Lo noun-I4FmtLTOn-T00onT0-suoeu11Y-wlnnhPEu-vAnCOUVER IFOR SALE - 2 good lawn slot 1'-. 111,::1 i+wek c•.,S11 sale, Apply a' The Peet WANTED— A carpenter 10 :,tit a g,liltic• in a house. Frank Miller Phone 77-t'•;+• Housing Corporation. which is net A re' dill e of ibe 11a'.1im • lift., 1 and Trade Board. (1:—T am a farmer and will be Brusses Phone 94 , Ont. hiring help during the next. few �I_. ._ weeks, Is there any way in which i"' Nr'tiC1 to Creditors i may obtain .nntr (101:, n 11 you ale employing transi- ent labor for period; of leas .than WO '1. P1 , fur +p 'i0' f•: rut p;triose' such as haying or Harvesting you may obtain extra sugar allowances by applying to your nearest for'l ration board, Yon racy apply by mail nr in person, If you apply by mail you :Mould state 1110 number of neon employed, a t1t1111hei• of d07s they will work .total number of meals to be served, dates between which the men will work and complete details of she work to be done. y 8 Q:—Have pies been removed from price control? A:—Yes. All bakery products at which sort wheat flour is an ingredi- ent have been. removed from 11 In the Estate of WILLIAM OH ihnn,. SHARPE. - A11 persons having claims against the Estate of WILLIAM JOI1N SHARPE, late of the Township of Grey. In the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died oU er about the 9th day of Ma.rr11, 19d7, are hereby notified to send full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersigned Solicitor for the Exe- cutor on or before the 20th day of July, 1947, after which date the Estate shall be distributed laving ing regard only to the claims of the undersigned shall then 1 -ave notice. DATED at Listowel this 19th day of lune, A.D. 1047. FOR SALE— A number of yottn4 Pine. about 7 weeks old. IWm. Blake Hume42-r-3, WILLIAM T. S,k'ENCE +.•;}etc Agent Conveyance. 01111 (`,.yanntiosioner GENERAL iNSii1''-ANLL, O 'FICe. .`?lf L Ui'i1. Iyit'iJ>V STREET,— -- - FOR SALE— _ 4 Hydro Poles 10 ft. long 1 Beatty Gas Washing Machine FOR SALE— — 20 acres of standing hay. A. R. Cameron, Lot 15. Con. 10 Glee On the 9th line of Grey at Cranbl•onit Corner. FOR SALE— Deering Mower, 0 ft. eat Beattie Windmill 25 foot tower Both as good as new. Charles Williamson Phone 37-r-17 FOR SALE— George White Thresoirg Machine ?,C x 50, self feeder, high elevator, straw cutter. in good condition. Sara Aleoek Phone 116-r 4. FOR SALE— in the Village of Walton about 14 acres of orchard and pasture land. An excellent place for market garden. For information apply to Mrs Mori -leen. Brussels. Phone 11.4x. aY U'yrNrw CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C, PHYSICIAN and SURGEO�russels, Ont. William St. Phone 4. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, lnlindstorno, and Automobile olice Boer?F. e" Get particulars of our Special Automohne v J. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 65-r-• Talker Funeral Home Day of Night Calls Phone 65 extra charge for Use of Funeral Home. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. No B. G. J. F. Harper, B. A., M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 9 p. m. Also 11 - 12 a. m., when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p. m. Sunday — Emergency and by appointments only. R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS Tuesday and Saturday all day — Offict open every day. Phone 20x — Successor to E. D. Bell Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. Phone Office 96 — Brussels, Ont. Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson PHONE 18-r-661 — SEAFORTH, ONT. Make arrangements at THE Brussels Post or R. S. Hetheringto, K. C. Barrister Office, Brussels. D. A. Rahn & Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 — — BRUSSELS. ONT. 1111 Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED — PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they wdil be looked i write to R. R. 3 Walton. y For inforniiatore etc., write or phone Lew. Rowland 1 G. E. Battery Raclin 1 Coleman Gas Iran Lloyd Alcock Phone 29-r-14. C. JOSEPH BENSON controls. Listowel, Ontario ie a, :. Solicitor for Garfield 9. Baker, Exe• Q;—Recently the lioacd taxed the enter% rental on my house at $45 a month. —'-- --- t believe this rental le too low, To, Grey,there anything 1 can do to have this Promotions At S.S. Na. $, decision changed? pro- A: You may append the decision or forms 's'upplied by the W.P,T.B. to the Court of Rentals Appeals but You most make the application with- in 30 days of the data on the rental appraiser's written decision, a The following Pupils were moted to the various grades: To Grade VIII -111th, Hart Joyce Jacklin Grade VI—Robert (tart Leola Jacklin Arnold Jacklin Grade IV—Ross Jacklin June Jacklin Grade III—Beryl McFarlane Yvonne McTaggaet Jean Hart Nelson Wcbee Grade i—Beatrice Weber Ronald Jacklin Dorothy Weber Vary Ellett Thirrny. Teacher FOR SALE - 12 kitchen chairs. large and small tables. cupboard and bed, fork, shovels and hoes. sealers and many other small articlee. Frank Millen'. Turnbel'ry St. N_— FOR SALE— S Burner 011 Stove with oven. 5 Tube Victor Battery Radio. Simplicity Gasoline Washing Machine nearly new. Lawrence Machan Pilone 50-r•19 FOR SALE— Bray ALEBra.y Hatchery still eau give you immediate delivery of ,hicks, day- old, some started, most breeds, They may soon only be hatching to order, so if want September delivery, they should be ordered now also. Agent Wm. Glen Bray, Ethel. MAN WANTED— For Rawleigh business, No experierce or eaptial necessary, Sales easy to make and profits large. Start im- mediately. Write Rawleigh's Dept ML -D-152-190, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE- 3LUEVALE Mrs. William Niehol,on opened her home for the w0111e11'= meeting's of the United Church. The president of Ole Woman's' As,oria#ion, Mrs. Stanley Darling, conducted thv business which centred mainly around the making of plans for the Induction of the new minister, and arranging for an ,en cream anti pie social sponsored by the V.P.I?, bliss Elnma. Johnston of- fered prayer. The past president, Mrs, Alex McCrackin, presided over t h e W.M.S. meeting. The Associate Helpers secretary, Mrs. George Thornton. had charge of the wor- ship service as outlined in the Missionary Monthly Mrs Alex Me, Crackin gave a report of the meet- ing of the London Conference Branch Mrs, J. Wickstead sang a solo. Refreshments were served by the hostess, The W.M.S. of iinox Presbyter - inn Church met in the Sunday School room of the elvn'c11. Mrs. P. 'S. 1VLcEwen prealded and led in prayer. Mrs, R. P. Garnise read the scripture passage and Mrs. J. J. Elliott read the explanation. The chapter from the study book dealing with idle ministry of heal- ing was explained by Mrs, Walter Smillie. Following the roll call Mrs, Dillovy read the Glatt Tidings prayer. The closing prayer NIS of- fered by Mrs, 1 C. Jorgensen. 100 acre farm, Lot 10, Con 10 Grey, 30 aces of hay and 30 acres of grain, 5 acres of hardwood brtsh and the rest in pasture, barn 32 ft., cement stables, and litter carrier; frame house, pig house 24 x 35, implement house 23 x 24, 2 wells, Possession im- mediately at a bargain, price. Jacob Hollinger, Phone 33•r-12. Brussels, Out. AGENTS WANTED— $35. to $60. A WEEKI 7013R OWN BUSINESS. No boss, no talme010 11, independence—The leading line of Home Service Prodnotsi Very little money required. Operate in town, or if you have the equipment pick a rural area. Infometion and catalogue FREE, Famtlex, Dept, C., 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. "HELP WANTED—MALE" AN OPPORTUNITY- Established Rural Watkins District available. It you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 51 -- have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get estab• ltahed in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write todaY to The J. R. Watkins Company. Dept. 043-4, 2177 Mason 31., Moutreiil, Que. SANDY SIMPSON has been patiently improving his dairy herd. He saw his chance to buy a pure bred bull — and the manager of his bank lent him the ready cash to close the deal. Now he's expecting great things of his new calf; already he sees her winning her class at next year's Fall Fair. A few more like her and he can also see his milk pro- duction rising — as well as a nice extra income from selling his surplus stock to neighbouring farmers. Branch banks, in rural communities across Canada, help to build prosperous farms . . . and at the same time help 'increase the flow of food to family tables both at home and in distant lands. IAT A I.,TOl`I Personals: Mr. end Mra, Gordon McOavin anti Elizabeth have re. turned from their holidays in Northern Ontario; Mr, and Mrs. D, Lawless and Dianne et Port Cart - Ing with Rey, R. G. and Mrs, Ha2- el'wood. Mes, Angus McQoalg of Seaforth with relatives. Mr, Peter end Archie McGill -very and sister Miss Margaret 1VieGilllvefy called on relatives, Friday 010111 Wellsley. 1ilr. and Mare, Stewart Humphries at Blamilton, Mr. Bert and Miss Annetta Col - dough of Dinsmore, "Sask., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Bennett. Mr. end Mrs. Jas. Sanderson and children, Wroxeter, with relatives. Take no chanc s—have a bag of itd Oil on hand for each 300 chicks you brood It contains all the vital growth and health fac- tors so vitally needed by growing chicks "Vitafood will never let you or your chicks down" THIS IS ONE INSTANCE of how Canada's 3,200 branch banks play their part in the dally life and work of Canadians. ,AZa you? KNOW,. that chlctr "p to six weeks requlrr, • t square tool brooch.. .e each and, 11 00' to nine weeks, they ."!quire One square tool , bed HOU ; FEEDS ATWOOD.. _ ONTARIO.. fir IL a^ -`a r3•-�''r� •digs::.,, r• 'V' :r1� � t,_.-c,�: SPONSOR/D BY YOUR BANK Good For Ail Kinds •of Baking '.,�/�+ps .» W 111111 11AT BAEKER BRCaS1 Mee I *OW 111,444016