HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-7-9, Page 1POS i' PUBLISHING HOUSE
In Brussels Town Hall on
Thursday, July 10th
Music by CKNX Ranch Boys
Under auspices of L.O.L.
No. 774
Admission 50c Lunch Booth
Ice Cream Social
will be held on the lawn of
Mrs. W. G., Leach
on Thursday, July 17th,
from 8 to 10
sponsored by the Women's
Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion
Admisison 25c
East Huron Agricultural Society
in Brusesls Town Hall
Friday. July 18th
Musk by Ken. Wilbee and
His Orchestra
Dancing from 10 to' 1.30
Three Dance Prizes
Admission 50c Lunch Booth
Seaforth, Ont
Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 10, 11, 12
Pll Be Yours
Deanna Durbin Tam Drake
This pleasant light romance inset
with effective musical panels, should
make happy entertainment for all.
Mon., Tues., Wed. July 14, 15, 16
Cloak and Dagger
• Gary Cooper and Lalli Palmer
This story is neatly packaged with
thrills, suspense, romance, action
and the blood and thunder of war.
Next Thurs., Fri., Sat. July 17, 18, 19
Never Say Goodbye
Errol Flynn and Eleanor Parker
You will want to see this gay--
light•hearted production.
e w
COMING—Adult Entertainment
The Big Sleep
Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall
Whosoever shall lose his life
for my sake dhal) save it.
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a, m. SundayaSchool
'Bible Class
11 a. m. "Remembering God's
Louie D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 a. In. Morning Worship
Know Thyself.
The Mission Band will meet.
Everyone Cordially Welcome.
Church of England
Perish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector
6,th Sunday Mer. rtinitY
July 18th, 1047.
St. John's Church Brussels
2 p. m, Sunday Sehool
8 p, m, Evening Prayer
St. George's Walton
1L 0 a. in, Morning Prayer
St. Davl'd's Church HenfrYn
11,16 a. m, Morning Prayer
V,rr::ch ..uidayy July 9th, '947
'n a * * m • H m ' Silver Wedding Anniversary
5 5 4lr A a A
Mr. and Mrtm, IT, 11. Allen and
daughters are holidaying at Port
• 8
Mrs. M. li'limbo re and daughter
Rochelle are holidaying with rela-
tives in New York.
Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Rapley,
London, were week end gnests with
Dr. and Mrs. Harper,
Mr. and Mas, Orville 'Whitfield
and family, St. Catharines, were
week end guests with relatives.
Nils, Bertha Letherdale of
ronto was a week end guest at
hone of Mr, and Ars. W. Porter.
• * *
Miss Luella 141c(Mtcheon cl
Detroit. Mich., spent the week end
at the home of her neice Mrs. Harry
To• i
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. David Hastings and
son David spnet the week end in
Chesley with the former'« sister
Mrs. Won, Moir.
u c 4
Miss Ma'y Helen llckrnier, Flhlt,
Mieh., spent the week end with her
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
* * ,v
Mr. Herb Ouninngham of Palnmor-
ston end Miss Dorothy Cunningham,
Toronto were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, H. Manning,.
* *
Dr. Shaw, Clinton and Dr. Milton
Shaw of Ann Arbor, 111111., were
Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. Shaw, Morris, Township.
'r 1 *
Dr. Lois Plum who has 'completed
her time as intern at Ottawa hos-
pital is enjoying a well earned
vacation with her maturer, Mrs. E.
G. Plum,
* * *
D. N. McTavish, Isobel McTavish
and Will and Mrs. Spears left Tues-
day moaning for a trip out West
where they wilt visit numerous
• • r
Mir. and Mrs. Mac Cardiff have
arrived home after a pleasant honey-
moon in Eastern Ontario and other
points. They will reside on the Sth
con., Grey.
• ce
Mrs. Fred Burchell, Mr, .and Mns.
,Stott Buchell and Mrs.'B. J. La1n-
bert, Perth and Mrs. ,T. B. Scott,
Winnipeg, were week ends visitors
with blends and relatives ne•e.
s • *
Recent visitors at the home of
Miss Carrie Hingston were Misses
Mary and Edith Me auchlin, Mr, and
Mrs. C. R, Hingston and Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Wesltett, all of T-broato.
5 • *
Miss M. Osborne, Mr. Harold
Osborne, 114r. Arthur Bennett and
Mr. Howard Trembeth, all or
Rochester, MY, were week end
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R.
W e,, •
John Gaynor is in Listowel hos
pital where he war taken Tuesday
after breaking his shoulder, Mr.
Gaynor fell from the foundation wall
of a house he is building and
suffered ,a bad break.
m *
BOSS and (Lawrence Lowe of
Englefield, Saskatchewan are visit
Mg their easter Mrs. Doug. Haming-
way and brother Stewart Lowe of
Brussels. 1t was 26 years ago tlieY
left Grey township to cattle in the
,Welt so they are seeing many
changes as well es renewing many
old 'hrtetdshlps,
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned till Ftrlday, July 13th at
8 P. M. for the erection of a. within-
ery building at Mtkel. Plane and
specifications may be seen at the
Cleric's office at Ethel, The lowest
or any tender not necessarily accept
NI, Security will be required.
Township at Grey,
3. H. Fear, Clerk,
Met, Oat.
Os Someday nr,unr•. Jaw: ''25, a
large number of relatives and
fHon uut+ go'ltered at the home of Mr.
anon Mrs. TTaavey McCutebeon an
honor of their 25th we1din4 auni•
versary. The ladies In charge bad
arranged the evening enterteinnlr•ni
which was enjoyed by alt.
Mr. and .lire. Ac(lulrhron were
Presented with several beautilni
et ft In eluding a lovely wedding
cake, :unmated with elver wets line
motifs. The followln„ address 11'ii
read by Mrs. Lorne Nichol.
Dear Florence and ITarvey,
We, your neighbors and friend.
have gathered here to night nn the
occasion of your anniversary of 7,0111'
wedding;• of twenty -firm years ago.
Yon both have been examples of
the highest type of neia'hha•1'nrse
When we needed you, you helped us
out. When we were In sorrow, you
Were there to comfort ng. When we
rejoiced, you rejoiced with us,
As a small token of our epprecia•
tion we ask you to accept these
gifts. Maythey ever bring you
happy' memories of your years with
1Tey God bless and prosper ynu,
and spare yon to live many mar0
Signed on behalf of your neigh.
bors. Mrs. T. Miller
Mrs. Jas. Smith
Mrs, L. Nichol
Mrs. J. Spear
Mr, liceutcheon made a fitting
reply, after which a bountiful hunch
was served.
A eu,'reaafrll ga"laa party wes
held on the parsonage lawn nn
Thursday evening het week under
the suspiees of the roman's A9S0el-
ation. Tables were tastefully set
and bountifully provided. A girls'
softball game followed in Victoria
Park and this was followed by a
program held in the church which
was as follows;
Community Singing—Mr. Layoock
Chairman's Address—Mr. R. B.
Solo—Miss Joyce Porter
Piano Duet—Mrs. L. Brothers, and
Miss Thelma Brothears
Reading—Mrs. Wilson
Solo—Mr. Lorne Eckmier
Junior Quartet—Misses Runk. Wil.
son, Dorothy Denials., Messrs. Law-
rie Conusins, John Wilson
Solo—Mrs. Harold Campbell
Solo—Miss Joyce Porter
Piano Duet—Mrs. L. Brothers and
Muss Thelma Brothers
Soho—Mr. Lorne 19ckmie•
J•nrnior Quartet
Solo—Mrs. Herold Campbell
Nattomal Anthem
The United Church
The Holy Communion was admin•
istered at the morning service in the
United Ohurch. Tho sermon sub-
ject was "Forgiveness" based on a
short selection 1:rni0 the Lord's
Prayer. A. trio composed of Misses
Thelma Brothers, Dorothy Dennis
and Meth Wilson sang "When 1
Survey the Wondrous °rose' 'by G.
B. Woodbury.
Melville Church
The 'Saeramentlr of the Lord's
Supper was dispensed at the Moils
lug service 011 'Sunday. Rev. George
Milne preached on the subject "The
importance of Communion."
Guest soloists were Miss Mary
Helen Ecicntier and Mr. Dick
Smith, Miss Ecknrier rendered
"To -day d walked wheiro Josue
wanted" hyO'Hara. "How lovely are
Thy dwellings," by Liddle, wee the
title of Mr. Ssnith's song.
Tine evening service.^, have been
Sports Carnival Here W E D 0 1 P1 G
July 30th and 31st Kernaghan—D(tner
Legion Sponsors Sports Program
Two big days of 3p014e are hein•t
arranged, by the local branch of thea
Canadian Legion—July 30th and
A bigger and brine,•
sports is being planned. A popular ;
midway will be here both days.
Make your plans now to he in Cardiff—Caldwell dent, gave a splendid report nn he
P.n,rseels and enjoy 1-1fun for all. A lovely .gnu' 1rriridlnr wag «,item- 7''011 1. wort Two u••^- in4Xi, were.
Watch for bills with full inttra fo•Intzorl at the home of Mr. and Sirs. i'1 "ti'rd brine th leas•
tion, George Caldwell, Blyth, then Perth St.a T.istn•vnl and Pride (if
The local branch of the legion are ria;t hT. r•, Thelma Elizabwheneth was Tiu" 1 . Exeter. in in, era-•' in
alr'ndy hard at work to fill bath days united in marriage to Mr. Mark F,, rr..•mhrr�hip wan• 1',.1""M1 fermi
Cardiffson ho te , and Sir:; "t•"''1 )wise.•.
Frederick CardofifftoflaBruss1144els, 1t's. Nwliger p1" 1 nted the new
. The Ceremony took plere at 2.2.0 ir:.rirt Thrsity Prosident 111':.
on Saturday, June 2661, before a
At quiet Wedding took plaeo
July 1st, when Caroline Ditner
Mitche11, and I,1oyd Tieruaghao,
Brussels, were united in marriage
The cauplm will reside" tri Ti Plias els
Rebekah District Meeting
"'ICI In Brussels
The inaugural 10', ]in.,: of St1•a1
ford District •o. 5 was held foe
Dist t Iv t i it 11 in t,1'
r n cef•', lodge rooms Brnsselo on
friday. July 4th. Thera were -35
representativee and visitors mesret
The meeting was opened by Ars.
Mee,: \edirer of Humr1,. Rchekali
lodge. Clinton. !lire. Nedieer, who
is the retiring Dtstri,•t Dennty PITO.
with amusement and entertainment
for all.
Committers have been appointer)
ae follows:
Gotet eu1 and Finance --R. Shaw
Dance—M. Wineberg
Bine+n—L, Workman
Refreshment—Ladies Auxiliary
Sports—II. Thomas, re, Shaw
Grounrls—O. Doll, R. Campbell
Pnhlic1ty--11'T. 'Girineherg
Carnival—S. Lowe
Draw—Geo, Johnston
is—P,, Mr•WbIrter, J. Thuell
Theory Of Mu;ie Examinations
The following are the results of
the Toronto Conservatory of Music
Theory Examintattone held in 11u' '
sels. The name nppeer in order of
bank of summer flower made up of
pink and white permtee, lilies and
orange blossoms attractively arrane
ed in the living room Rev. M
,Milne of Brussels afflelatetl,
The bride, who wet given in
ma'irage by her father, entered the
living room to the stewing of the
wedding music, the Bridal Chortle
from Lohengrin, player) by Mrs.
Gerald Harris of Blyth. The brick'
was lovely gowned in a Door -length
gown of heavy white sheer with
fagoting. Her full length veil .,Y
silk net, trimmed with gold search+
and halo head dress ended in a
slte'et train. Her only 0(0,1111•'1]1
was a two strand nerklaee of pearls.
the gift of the bridegroom. She
Oracle T—Firat Class Honors — carried a cascade bouquet. of Ameti•
Jean Moffatt can Beauty Roses.
Mary Lou Macll'arlane
Betty Cousins
Grade TI—
Pass, June Work
February Exams, Musical History
Grade ITI—
Pass, Thelma Brothers
Grade II—Theory—
Pass, Joyce Jardine
Miss Jean Mioffatt, Wroxeter, won
the high mark of 94 in Grade 1
In promotion examination results
of Brussels Public School the follow-
ing should have read
Grade V—
Campbell, Fred P
"P" was inadvertently omitted
after Fred's mane.
I wish to thanks all my friends and
neighbors who so kindly remember-
ed me with flowers, fruit, cards and
lettens while a patient in St, Joseph's
Hosptta'l, London, it was deeply an.
Mrs. Thos. Williamson,
Walton, Ont
We wish to thank our many
friends and neighbors for their
kindness and sympathy shown to us
during our recent sad bereavement
for the beautiful floral tributes and
many cards. ,Special thanks to Dr.
FTa'per and Dr. McMaster, and also
Rev. Wilson,
Mrs. Kearney. Beatrice R Lawson
"Ti's. the soles of the people I keep
in view,
For I, ant the doctor of Boot and
And I serve the living and not the
With tile best of leather, wax, nails
and thread.
T earl sew on a sole or nail i
discontinued until September 14th. A.nd do a gond nob and malts i
CARD OF THANKS There to nothing snide about who,
Me, end Mrs, Wm, Balfour wish to I can do—
thank their many friends end neigh -
boors who have neon so kind to
them during Mr, 13a16ptur's sickness.
They also wish to thank all who
came and bellied with their sale and
all who so tiiougihftiliy bronight
baking. These deeds have greatlY
averred them and will always be re-
Street Improvement
. Much needed intprovemenis ore
being made to a number of the
village streets. The high drown on
them is being crit down thus widen,
Ing the streets,They are repairs
that have been needed for solve One
dmotorists are peitictila'1Y Plena -
ed to sae the work being done.
Doubt not my statement tar win
proves it true.
I 1511 give you a lift too in thi
Not only you but your family an
A great many patients cone to m
Wore out and run down, beside
feeling sore;
Though I don't use poultice plaster
or p111,
I eure all sink shoes, no matte'
how 111."
Mrs, Bill Rintt0nl, only sister of
the bride, was matron of honor.
wearing a formal gown of poudre
blue sills net and lace with matching
shoulder veil and carried a ;bouquet
of deep carnations and maiden hal.
Little Anne Rintonl, niece of the
bride, was the winsome little flower
gh-1, gowned in pink silk net over
nylon satin with heart -shaped head
dress of flowers and matching net
mittens. Sore had a 'colonial nose.
gay of pink and white flowers.
Mr. Frank Cardiff of Brussels,
was his brother's groomsman,
During the signing of the reels.
ter 114nns. Harold Phillips of Blyth,
gowned in a figured white silk
jersley dress sang, "1 Love You
Truly." She Wats accompanied be'
Mrs, Gerald Harvie who wore a
green printed silt dress with black
The bride's mother received in an
afternoon frock of grey figured silk
crepe' with white accessories and
corsage of white carnations She
was asisdsted' by Mrs. A. Armstrong,
lifelong friend of the groom's family
who wore a beige and brown dress
with corsage of Johanna. Hill roses,
A wedding luncheon was served to
immediate relatives. The table was
attractive with pink and white
flowers amid tapers and. centred by a
three tier wedding cake. Miss
Dorothy Drover of Hamilton Miss
Anne Phillips, Blyth, Miss Jesade
Little, Brussels WA, Miss Kay Mr.
Donald, Blyth, assisted in serving.
Lauer, Mr. and Mrs. Cardiff left by
motor for Toronto, Kinr;aton, Osman -
mite, Niagara noel Ottawa, For
travelling the bride donned a dress
of heaven blue crepe with white
aceosaories and corsage of rose ear.
mittens. She carried a blue east
with bleached silver fox collar.
Prior to her marriage Ole bride
was feted at eeve'al social functions.
Mrs. H. Philips and Mrs, Gerald
Harris entertained at a icitchet and
pantry shower. She also received
many beautiful gifts at a miacellan-
emie shower plann'd by neighbours
and friends at her home, 'l he
ladles of Mapleview school section
in West Wawanosh 'presented her
with a. folding steel bridge table
with floral top, Her mother enter
tailed at a charmircly arrnnged
trousseau tea.
Carrie L. Dunbar, of Morning Star
lad 11. Bi nspr-ls, with her• ef5eial
cotta• and Mee. lee '1 Little, alsn 0f
lio nfig Star logo, was rIrot 3
eenda •y-.renenrer fnr the 171.tr•iet.
Mrs. Dunbar had the plensrr'•,• , !
presenting to Mrs. Nedi;e- a rigid
gold Past District Deputy President
jewel, a gift of the dist•let, The
retiring D.D.P. responded, in hei
usual happy nrarner, expressing
thanks for the jewel and for the
loyal support -of all lodge••: Mit ire
her term of office.
At the cin:;' a social hour was
enjoyed and a elite/Mid eiipp::r
se•verd by Mrs. Laura W111l01nson
and her lunch committee.
Mrs. Robeet Tyerman
A lifelong resident of Gray Town-
ship. in the person of Mrs. Robert
Tyerman, pawed away nt tate hem,'
of Dr. and Mrs, livers nu Friday.
.Tnly 4 in her 65th yea;. Born in
Cranbrook in 1QS2, slaughter 111
,Tames and )Mrs. Cameron, she was
married to Robert Tyerman in Sep-
tember 1907. They lived on. entices.
Linn 12 of Grey Township for their
remaining years. Mr. Tyerman
passed away six yours ago,
Although seriously i11 for 111071
than a year, with no hope for re-
covery. Mrs, Tyerman retained her
interest in her family and friends
until the last. and aiways had a
cheerful word for them.
She is survived by one son Ken,
two brothers, Dr. W. J. Cameron nt
Palmerston and Witte/14d Cameron of
Brutssels; and one sister Mrs, G. A.
Whiltelock of MOoae ,Taw, One
brother Alvin passed away in 1899.
Another brother, Gordon was killed
In action in 1918.
The relieral service was heid from
her late residence on Monday, July
7 and was conducted by Rev. I. Mc-
The pallbearers were Wm. Berrie,
Mark Cardiff, Frank Mitchell. Al-
lister Bird, Thos. Davidson and
John Dickson.
The beautiful floral tributes were
carried by Jim Cameron, Calvin
Cameron, Carmen Hntrhinson ani
Welter Oster.
Among those attending the hmerel
from a distance 'were Mr, and MIS.
Fired Oster, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Oster. Blyth: Dr. W. J. and Mrs.
Cameron, Mrs. F. White. )Tisa
Marion Haversnn, Mr. end Mrs, L.
Murphy, Mr. and Mrs, C. Hutchinson
and Mrs. H. Hutchinson, Palmers•
ton: and Mrs. H. Wilhelm. Witch.
Entrance Results
Lrui e Bowman
Ronald ('itntphrll
Lloyd Cardiff
Ia':•crhmth Cousins
Gerald Dressel
John Hugh Edgar
Shirley Ellis
(soil,' r Engel
Jeanette A. Gemmel
Kenn,-th Jaeklin
Ae.r•old Knight
Lilian Viola T:oIre
Doris Jalia MacLean
Frederick A.Irin Manic&
David Tan Mattison
11, • .Arthur )le(':0
Clar'111' 7-TrNic•hnl
claw d Morrow
Esther May Raymond
Helen Mar„u•, t 1tlntoul
Alma Smith
4,1,rtls Smith
Geraldine Stratton
Flora TnrnhnIl
Certificate' grit 1. 1 node" Regale.
Hen 10.5 — Kenn''th Schnook, Mae
Jerks on.
I' mile Iatillie
limier F. 11), 'low
Stanley Brown
Shirley Cumming
Roc: 11, kntier
Mauna Hayden
Juleu-a A. Heiban
Mary McDonald
Shirley Meehan
Marion 1Taut
Douglas Shaw
Regina Bowman
Ilnymond Chambers
Marie Connelly
('want Dennis
Bernice Doerr
Lawrence Doerr
Lavers Godkin
Lorraine Maloney
Stephen Maloney
Jack Murray
Pearl Regele
Robert Ryan
Doris Siemon
Thomas Sloan
Donna Smith
Lorraine Smith.
June Beadle. James Buchanan,
Cecil Campbell, Donald Cartwright,
Bruce Falconer, Shirley Falconer,
Tean Giousher, Helena Gwyn, Mar-
guerite Hall, Laraine Hamilton,
George Hamm, Delphine flunking,
Maxine Bunking, Doris Johnston,
Joan Kernick, Donald King, Jack
Kyle, June Lear, Dorothy Lydddatt,
Vera. Lyon, Carman MacDonaId,
Mary Merritt, Ella Nethery, Ronald
Philp, Evelyn Raithby, Marjorte
Roe, Johnie Seers, Floyd Stanbnry,
Margaret Trenin, Edward Turner,
Wayne Tummy, Bock Vodden, Karl
Whitfield, Douglas Whitmore, Nor-
man Wightman.
Betty Addison, Erie Anderson,
Loretta Marie Armstrong. Garfield
Baker, Ronald Broome, Patricia Ann
Brugge•, Fred Buchonan. John Cald-
well, Grant Chesney. Gladys Collin,
Andrew Davidson, Dorothy Dodds,
Robert S. Doig. Bernice, Dolmage,
Donna Fowler, Lorne Robert Goudie,
Marie Handy, 141arilyn Elizabeth
Millis, Ruth Holloway. Harry Jaen -
hi, Ruth Keyes. Muriel King,
Theresa King. Winnifred Icing,
Frances Lane, Loretta Melnney,
Eleanor McCartney, Patricia Ana
Meir. Dudley fl.iltnn, Kenneth
Moore, Margaret Moore Phyllis
Elaine More, Parham Nirhnlson,
We wish to thank those who weret. F7!Ronald Rennie. Grscc Riley. George
es very kind to ns dyeing 0111 recent ! Alexander Shaw Mavis Storey,
bereavement thanks to Dr. I Robert James Wallace. Catherine
and Mrs, Myers and Rev, 1. and Mrs. Walsh, Blanche M. Westeot.t, Stuart.
Wilson. Allam Wright. Barbara
Dawn Wright,
Certificate granted under Regula
tionin-6 W[Rtam Trapnell.
Wilda Agar, William Bain, Eliza•.
beth Bell, Murray Bradburn, Helen
Breckenridge, Ruth Brooks, Eimer
The Cameron 10801111
Margaret a.nd Ken Tyerman
I wish to express my sincere
Is hereby given that in order to thanks and appreciation to cnlr many Bruce, Mary Buslrfleld, Grace Camp -
encourage rutting of weeds andfriends and neighbanr'e who were ac
othermaterial by mowing or ether. (kind to me during my recent illness. �eli, Mary Campbell Betty C�•tsourre,
wise, The Grey Township Council1 wish to thank the members of 1 Lois Cruickshank, Barbara Currie,
1e prepared to tiny lc per rod Ynr n11 Morning Star Rebekah Lodge, mem- ` Ja.ccluelyn Currie. Mae Dawson,
work (lone on roadsides. This also bers of the Friendship Circle, also i Jacqueline Doyle Kenneth Dunbar,
the Young Women's Ausiiia•y of Oran- i Marion Felker, lawny [inlay, Donna
brook. And to all these who cont me 10it111. Nnrn Fraser, William Fraset
Hands, flowers, boxes and letters, it Barbara Gaunt Rnhy G.raY. Jahn
was all very muolt apptectated, Itnnn•a, Vdi•ian ltastings, Llaiue
Norma McNair JetTrrsoll, Dnuna .Trtfe, Flnyrl Jen
1)1)10. Fvriyn Lc,vor tIhirl(t'y Loek-
NOIICE , ridge, Margaret 1Taetnnis, Barbara
MacKay. Donis Marlatt, Lloyd Mo -
The Township Connell have pt'-" i 'Dowell, Arnold McIntyre, l ttymnnd
chased a Dumping Place at Lot 20, Markley, Melva 7-iontgoner,r, i.e
('on. 7 and any dumping on roads is i Verne Newman, Marilyn Newman,
strictly Prohibited,,
J, H. Fear, Clerk ; Continued on )lack Page
1 applies to mowing done on rnadsddes
of adioining property.
s ills per nod will be paid for work
Mg and seeding roadsides.
Road Swat
Harness and Shoo Repair
grussele, Ont.
MettRI E To Mr. and Mrs, R, (1
Matilde at Wingham Geuc'r•r
Hospital on June Rath --a dnnngi:tter•
Mary Jean.