The Brussels Post, 1947-6-25, Page 11{-�Ar6oTrf ENDS ':r\o sea LINGis r:::ITE♦7 THRESHER BELTING THE ECONOMICAL, MONEY SAVING, NON SUP THRESHER BELTING. ar•.- n YOUR ►Ililill��'" .....,, We Also Carry GOODYEAR MULTI V -•BELTS and Fractional Horsepower Belts Lazy, slipping pulleys waste your fuel at the take -off . • . rob you of constant, maxi- mum power at the thresher. Goodyear Klingtite Thresher Belting wipes out both these losses! It grips the pulleys as if it were a part of them ..: saves fuel as it delivers more power! Klingtite is tougher, too . . . reduces delays by avoiding break- downs . . outlasts other belting. Get extra -salvo Klingtite today and save money. tis' Phclle 55 DEALER .; . W. F iSCH-HER Massey -Harris Brussels, Orlt. Pur-o-lator Oil Filters for all makes of tractors USED TRACTORS FOR SALE Water Bowls — Harrows — Manure Loaders ae: Tires — Oil — Grease — Rubber Tired Wagons. Electric Fencers — Grain Grinders and Rollers. E. Rich rth & Sly; n Ethel, Ont. Phone Brussels 86 -r -B. i It will pay you to make las your headquarters for Grass Seed purchases. We have all lines, and our prices are right. We have the beat ,in permanent pastures at the prices. If you need a new stove we have it. Agent for Spas -ton and Roger's Magic Electrkal Lanes, Radios, Washers, Refrigerators, etc. For your Spring Cleaning, we have MartIM 3awott Paints and Varnishes. A. J. Pearson Ethel, Ont. Phone 220E-7 Brussel ansmaimir FREE ANIMALrr; SERVICE OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect Brussels '! L Ingersoll 2 1 WE DO THE REST! WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD. I CERSOLL, ONTAPIO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of WILLIAM HENRY RINEHART deceased, Ml Plaints against the 'Estate of Wililain Henry Rinehart, late or M'tsltcgnn, Michigan. who tied on the 23rd day of May. 144 a'- ;n- rinlrerl to forward full evil,"c:'s 1u flims' claims, duly verifi'-d. to the I ,e„ier;i.ened by the 2Sth day of Jon'. 1'117, after• which (Int e the assets of the Estate will he distriLuted, having regard only to the claims Orin 4. FRAM' DONELLY, K,C. Dederick Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate, 3t UEVALE George Yeo died at his home, Con- cession three Turnherry, in his SSth year an Wednesday, after a short illness. The funeral service was held for the United Church, Fri- day. The pastor. Rev, A. G. Hewitt o0flciating. Basial was in Wdngham Cemetery, 'Phe pallbearers were. Andrew Adams, Thomas Shearer, Harvey Timen, Andrew Miller, Raymond Elliott, James Elliott. Mr. Yeo was a son of the late Robert Yeo, a pioneer. and had livel all his life in the township. He was married in 1903 to Miss Susanna Reynard, of Ethel, who survives, with three sons; Clendon, of Southampton. Sperling of this village, and Wesley at hone; four grandchildren; brother William, of the same concession, and his young- est sister. Mrs, Fences Demman, London, Mrs. Yeo was one of a i'ssnlly of 13. (M-;tu a e"t7 George Yeo George Yeo, a life-long resident of this community, died at his home, eon. 3 Turnberry, on Wednesday in his RSth year, following a short i1l- ness. He was the son of pioneer Parents. born and raised on the farm which he successfully operated until a shorttime ago. He is survived by his wife, the former Susanah Ray- nerd aynerd of Ethel, and three sons, Clete dao,.Southampton; Sperling, Blue- ! vale; ant Wesley. at home; one brother, Wililam, Bluevale; and one i sister, Mrs. Denman, London. He WOG predecased by three brothers and six sisters, Robert and John of Bluevale. Joseph of London, hirs. Ring of Toronto, Mrs. Har- ! bottle of Onanbrook, Mrs. 3, J. Denman and Mrs. Andrew Holmes of Bluevale, Mrs. Hatfield of Michi- t gen. and Mrs. Walker of Toronto. Following a privet funeral ser- vice at his residence on Friday afternoon, a public service was held at the Bluevale United Chbroh. of which Mr. Yeo was a nmenmber. Services were conducted by Rev. A. G. Hewitt. The pallbearers, all neighbors, were Andrew Adams, Thomas Shearer, 'Harvey Thant, Andrew Miller, ,Fames Elliott, and Raymond Elliott. Burial was in Wingham cemetery. Rer:"i.si.zred Optometrig;q "Western Ontario's Mase Modern Eye Semi= ' ''hone 178, Narfiistori Memorials We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a memorial -and we provide only materials of un- ending serviceability. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and oar prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done All MODERN EQUIPMENT Wingham Memorial Shop 'Phone 256 R. A. Spotton KEFF ER'6 MACHINE SHOP fel Acetylene and Electric Welding Our shop h eduipped to do First Class Welding And La.ti-e Wrsyk Your Patronage Solicited. Good Service Assured. Agent for Surge Milking [Machines Phone 65-r-9 Brussels, Ont, THE BRUSSELS POST MORRIS Miss Mary Syang of Exeter te•ss'h- ing staff was a week end visitor tt•itlt Barbara Michie. Jas. and Mrs. Mishie and ,lir:. Mrs Isabella Vole, Myth. attended the Coir -Galbraith we4f1Mg in first St. Andrew's Malted Church, London on Saturday. Mrs, Roht, Granby was a week end visitor In London with rela'ives, Mr. and Mrs. l0r-n. St,ir and lir. Matthew Patyrt'' of 51ru•or' .pent the we, It enol with ,Tnhu n11 .les gip' is'. Mk, Laura Spelt. :af rhe• !Alt TV. pial iCite•1r"nor is spr'i tilt's hr var•:rtion at the home- of her parent a. I Over 30 members of the .Tial •stie Women's Institute attenriel the 37th anniversary celebration of the founding of Wont en's hest i f otos Which was held at tine 0.,\,C., Guelph, John and Mrs, Speir and family attended the Richardson reunion which was held at Seaforth Lions Park on Saturday, Mune 21st, Mrs. Ella Merritt of Grimsby spent a few days at the horns of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Armstrong 'he former's sister. Mr. and Mrs. W. 'I'. Amstong attended the McTavish reunion pinnic held at Moorefield Park on Saturday, June 21st. CRAN.J,aROOK Wm, and Mrs. Cameron and Baugh• ter Mrs, Art Marshall, her inrehand Arthur Marshall and little daughter Beth, all of South Orange, \..J., spent several days last week with Mrs. Wm. Cameron Sa•„ and Calvin and Mrs. Cameron. Miss Kate McNabb, teacher. is home for her summer vacation. The last meeting of the Mission Band until school re -opens in Sept- ember was held on Monday after school. Brief opening exorcists were presided over by Miss A. For- rest, after which games were played in the church shed. Lunch was served et the close by members of the W.M.S. There will be a showing of Nation- al Film Board pictures at the Clan- halves, L, Ryan. C. Ryan, F. O'Oon- brook school on Thursday night at nor; forwards, W. O'Sullivan, tic - S o'elook, cr �Tt W -dli,sday, .,Juan 2.5t14, ANI Walton Defeated Wade, D lau:rl. o it 1. GREY By St. Columban Connor; Subs, McGraw, Rowland Deputy Reeve S. Machan[ and Mrs. Meehan attended the County liomes Showing some of last years power 1''a1i °tt— :a1, ('cots; b"(.11'•'i,::,: Convention held in the Royal Con• which won the championship of the phreys, Taylor; halves, R. Dol Huron Football Association. St. Reetl, McCall; For war Is., Velum -ban edged out Walton 9 to 1 Bennett. Traviss, 1,. Doltuage, in a Clean, well -played soccer game R' Love• at St. Columban We;nesday night. During the first half of the game. St. Columban had control of the play. hut the excellent tending of Coots in the Walton goal kept the first half scoreless. About 10 min- utes after the second half got under way, J. O'Connor scored for St. Col- umban with a close -in shot after a scramble in front of the goal. live minutes later, Delaney tallied the second one for 5t. Columban by clicking on a well -passel kick. Walton, displaying a great burst of powers, kept St. Columban in ihei'r own end of the field for some time. Welton finally scored on a tricky shot from far nu: by Les Do•Image. O'Sullivan put the game on ice soon afterwards when he went in on the Walton goalie alone. lured him out of position and bang - ad home the winning counter. St. Columban—goal, V. Murray; backs, 0'. Murray, T. Murary; mase, naught Hn[-I. Hantikc.0 this weeg, L Love. ;yr other metnhw•3 of the It. County Home Committee, Miss Glenna Machan is visiting in Ite•fer•'r---Tt'ils',n ,\Ili:[. ITe,t:utl. Ri.'tthenr with her sister, Mrs. Doug. Whitfield. FARE AND ONE-THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRiP Good going all day Monday, June 30th, until 2 p.m. Tuesday, July lst. RETURN LIMIT; Leave destination not later than midnight Wednes• day, July 2nd. Standard Time Conseil any Railway Agent, a, GIVES YOU THESE TRADITIONAL DODGE QUALITIES... DEPENDABILITY SAFETY Dodge from the first insisted on "Dependability". It was the guiding principle when the first Dodge was planned and produced more than 30 years ago. Year after year Dodge engineering hnprove- menta give Dodge owners Extra thousands of miles of troublefree operation •- add to the traditional Dodge re. putation for Dependability. In 1922 Dodge scored a "First" in" automobile safety with an ell -steel sedan. Two years later Dodge again led with equal -pressure hydraulic 4 -wheel brakes for quicker, safer stops. Regularly, Dodge has added new safety features such ns safety glass, and Safety Rim wheels which provide protection in rase of e blowout -•until to -day there is no safer car on the road, COMFORT ECONOMY The thrilling Dodge Full Floating Ride results from more than 20 im- portant factors including Floating Power engine mountings; inde- pendent front wheel springing; balanced weight distribution; piss. ing the rear seats ahead of the rear axle. In 1942, Dodge Custom was first in its prise class with Fluid Drive - -the greatest motoring ad. vamcentent shire hydraulic brakes and floating power. Dodge cars have always been economical to operate -BIG cars - real value in every price class. The powerful Dodge L -Head engines have fewer moving parts, Among the many wear -resisting foie tures are "Superfinish ; an oil bath air cleaner which protects moving parts from grit; and four rings per pis- ton for gas,and oil economy. DODGE STYLE AND BEAUTY, throughout the years, has matched Dodge engineering end design. Each new Dodge is acclaimed as "more beautiful than ever" - each new Dodge has added new enthusiastic owners to the ever-growing list of satisfied Dodge buyers. TI'ME-TESTED DODGE ENG:ht4EERING -ll •0•US FOR OVER 30 YEARS ALEX ANDERSON BRUSSELS PHONE 82