HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-6-18, Page 2FARE AND ONE-THIRD
Ciuud going all daytMonda. Tuesday,
Juno Both, until 2 p•
July 1st.
RETURN MITI Leave destination
not later than midnight \\ cdees-
day, July 211d.
Standord Tinto
Consult any
Railway agent
The \V.'. ore ti i.. ef rat e ceee.•h
At W,lton held their n eetin,•_n
titre i2 In the c1uu,rlt. The tn_ettles
nod by the use of hymn 2t3, f•.;1
1 by the tweet 'foyer, Tee
rr:tary and trea-n,:: ,ea1 01011•
torts. Plans were made ':1 Trace
speaker from the Roble Hoed
Co. spend an even.;:: rash '11^
Ytadies In September. plane w --r;'
also merle for the tart-lel:I v 1 1 tv en 1
the annual elnurli Mettle 'a: .Ul:a-t.
else .avers were sent to Mtge Lewsof
lead Mrs. T. Willi.tr nen and
Thank You rant NV.1
Mrs. l\Tarehail Sr 11 r• - °`
completed and the 1. -iu 10.04
with the Mizpah Bsnsdh tine.
On. 'Weine,eety et:.tiu .. Jett 11 •c
Mystery. Play- ent Pled "Phantom
: else was present 4.1 in Walton
Cettemun '.Y Hall by the Young
People of Munro. The play ryas
ttn•.d, r tee ,,,spires of t1 ' W.A. Tit
the TTnited Church. 'Mtge PiiYllie
Cuthill and Mrs. Sack Bryan. pre-
sented musical numbers between
_,. 'same rat killed lee :•hick, ne.
epT rl)ximetely Dur: week old, belon
$nn' to W. E. Turnbull, lath comes -
sloe of Grey. The rat chewed a hole
through the colony hn,iee floor and
apparently dragged the chick.
,;s nc.nrnh the hole. Mr. Turnbull, upon
discovering his loss, tried to field
ie a sf1'l d Ali s
!!! Lies tT weeks, old.
i Pl t :., -r.10
Robert Granby
1 rubber tired wagon with 19 :nth
meet tires; 1 gond steel tired wagon.
Hume 4e -r-11 1io' Pirtterc .it
Massey-Harris hay load"••• bi 1
lie invader. IIs -aw the rat and
shot et R. The rat •?5i' Wea but is
believed to have t mortally
u't coded.
Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Ileeetwood.
1 •okra 11•'.. Edward I ryt:ns
•1• 1 -meet Convocation rf the T'ni
eeity of Western °Warta. Lonrho.
where Mr, Hazelwood aria Harvey
Rryans received the degree of B.A.
Phone 23-r 13
Wednes'.lay, .lune ! •i!l 1017
$35, to ;GO. A WEEK'. YOUR OWN
!BUSINESS. No boss, no timeclock,
independence- -The leading line of
Hume Service Products! Very little
honey required. Operate In town,
or if yon have the equipment pick a
rural area. Infomation and tertalosue
FREE. Famiiex, Dept. C„ 1000
Delorimter, Montreal.
One 111 1h. tub of Iahortenine be•
\1.1.'..werth and Ethel. Finder
,.,. •, , roll B. Vod,lee, Istl! 1 Bakery
e Shorthorn hulls ready for sot
Phone Brussels i5 -n=7 Thos. F
Cveraeas Boxes
• ,,,..,• 1I. V. Kerley rcceived
weed last week that since the Te -
1 ,rt: :rt' cern syrup from the list of
t coned foods, cans 0Attaining this
,-;•.mrnodity have been mailed iu in-
creasing quantities for transmission
overseas, However, in many eases
-c:s of tins with pas11ol lids be-
eeme detached with result that not
only the parcel, but other mail is
,•,r,sed by the sticky syrup.
P.e sets eeutaining corn syrup will
teehe acepted for matting unless
the articles are properly packed to
ensure safe transmdstimn and the can
tops are sealed with solder.
Ration Coupon Due Dates
Er;ahilehed Revel Watkins District
':.111alde. If you are e . rewire,
and between the area of "5 strict 55— •
it•eee 11' cart serum travel ontftt,
the- is your opportunity to get eetelp
lished in a profitable hn1ints' of
your own. For full particulars write
tech;• to The S. R. R'atkies Company.
Slept. 0-I1.4, 2177 Mason ?t., MMMOntre't
elt I Que.
c1R SALE1__50-acre Farm, good buildings;
1 -75 -acre Farm, good buildings,; A shipment of Semi -Solid Butter- hydro,1
milk lust arrived. 1 -100 -acre Farm good buildings
Hugh Pearson, Wessels and silo.
2 -100 -acre Grass Farms.
J. C. Long,
A frame building 12 x 20 suitabin, Real Estate Broker lien house. Phone 34 Brussels, Ont.
Phone 10 +x
05 SALE—
1937 Dodge de- luxe coach. new Bargains In Canadian Approved
chicks for this ween and next.
mnto•, new battery, ;nnrl tiros,
sealed beam lights, heater, apply 10 Burred Rocks, New HampshlreS.
The Brussels Pont. White Rocks, Light Sussex, Black
Anstralorps, Rhode island Rede,
FOR SALE— New Hampshire X Barred Rock, Bare '
Cahill trailer with acronmotla.tion red Rack X New HamPsllire, New
Mr 4. Hampshire X Light Sussex, Light
Melvin (13, 9. ban Phone 50•x•14 Sussex X New Hantpshlre, Light
R. R. 3, Bruseste Sussex X Barred Rock non sexed
WANTED— 9.95, pullets 12,95, cockerels 8,95.
"_ good farm bandy for baying and Assorted Heavy Breeds non -sexed
harvesting. will pay ton wages or 8.95, pullets 11.95 cool erels 7,95.
better. White Leghorn X Ranee Rock,
Phone Brussels 35-r-9 Thos. Kerr Black Aunfralorp X Whit Legborns,
MAN WANTED— White Reek X White Le,1Orus 895,
Pullets 17.95, cockerels 2.95. White
For Rawleigh business, No experience iTe hams, 8,95, pullets 17.9'a, cocher-
nr capital necessary. Sales easy to els 1.00. Assorted Light or Medium
utake and profits large. Start lm• breeds non -sexed 7.91, pullets 10.95,
mediately. Write Rawieigh's dept Two week old add 5.00. three week
11LD-152-190, Montreal, Que. old add 1.1.00 per hundred. Shipped
FOR SALE OR TRADE— . C.O.D. This advertisemeu• must
1 Spartan record player. like new. acomipany Your order to twelve
beautifully finished in (lark varmeh these special prices. Also pullets
with hinged 112. Would trade on car eight weeks to laying.
radio or battery set. Tap '17th Ohicket•ies. Guelph. Out
Phone 50-r-17
now valid a. e 1125 to y.,;;
' end Cl to Y5 Each coapoe is good for
.rue pound of sugar er two quarts of
HE addition to this barn has
been made possible through the
banking services and helpful fin-
ancing of The Canadian Bank of
Commerce. You, too, may need to
repair, alter or construct new build-
ings on your farm.
Other Fanoimprovement Loans fore--
• Purchasing Form Machinery and
Equipment Livestock
• Purchasing Liv'tomos
• Modernizing Farm d Drainage
• Installin
• impInstalling
gElectric Power in9
d Breaking Land for Farm
• (,gearing an
Investigate the many advantages you hall
under the 17arm Improvement Loan plan.
Come in and discuss your financial needs
with our local Manager.
BRUSSELS BRANCH — W. Porter Manager
Oue rubber tired wagon or would
exchange o1 some pigs.
Quest Dobson, Ethel,
Phone Brussels 85.r-5.
Electrie nlotere rewound and r'
111ired, Expert wo•knianship. Mode•
ate prices, New motors in stork.
Bett0er Industries,
649 Ontario Street,
Stratford, Ont.
Heavy Dtlrty Farm Wagon with 1 -
inch tire must he in first class rot-
tlition. Also have for sale, Chicago
Aermotor windmill Stead rntnplete
with wheel and vane, cheap.
TTai'well Spe,lran,
R. R. 3, Brussels, Mono 20-r-10
Bt•ay pullets, cockerels, nun Imerel
Most varieties. immediate delivery.
Abut Some started. Asst for list, If
you wand August cheeks, they 0100111
also be ordered now ton. Contrite
us soon for Bray Chiske. Agent Wm.
Glen Bray, Ethel,
Gond Memo house at tit West end
of the Village of Etbel, equipped
with hydro, hard water in hoose,
good cistern, newly decorated inside.
For farther peetleulars apply to
Wm. Spence,
Conveyancer etc„
Phone 22.5-3
Bniltlings— 2 -storey frame 11011105
25 x 29 with good finishing and
Menace and a barn 40 x 60 with ee of
it revered with steel rodflug• .ben
howse 14 x 52; and small driving
shed. These buildings can be leen
et lot 3, con, 5. Grey Twp,
Phone 111x -r-2 Wesley Stephenson
To My Cugtomers
I am now able to supply you with
wood at last year's prices. Order
now for next winter's fuel,
,John Falconer Phone 3841 WTngheen
or leave your order at The
Brussels Post.
O 1• 1 O ° 11
4t C'aluntban 2
Irides -es 4 1 2 1
Walton 1 1 0 0 2
Atwood 2 11 0 2 e
Ethel 2 0 1 1 1
A house and lot in the centre of
main ,street, Ethel, equipped with
hydro, a furnace, weft water In
house and hard water on back
verandah, A nice stable and
' garage combined suitable for
keeping chickens, For further
particulars apply to
Win. Spence,
112-47 Phone 22.1.9
For the purpose of assisting the farmers of, Canada to meet the
i•conoinic problems with which they are constantly confronted anal to carry on
the industry of Canadian agriculture to the advantage of the nation as a whole,
the Dominion Government has Neves al millions of dollars invested in free
services and facilities.
No other industry has at its disposal such a wide and varied range
of services and facilities provided by the Government. They include the
Dominion -wide system of Experimental Farms and Stations, the divisions
of Dairy Research, Botany and Plant Pathology, Chemistry, Entomology
and Plant Protection of the Science Service, the divisions of Health of
Animals, Plant Production and Livestock with their field services of the
Production Service, the Marketing Service, in which is centralized the
administration of all grading services of livestock and livestock products,
dairy products- poultry, eggs, fruit, vegetables' canned goods, maple
products and honey, and the Division of Agricultural Economics, which
serves as a fact-finding body concerning production and marketing.
Results of the research work and experiments of all these services
of the Dominion Department of Agriculture are made known to farmers
and the people of Canada generally through free publications, the press
and radio, exhibits and other ways directed by the Publicity and Extension
Those engaged in the industry of Agriculture, whether directly or
indirectly, are invited to make full use of the services and facilties as
outlined. They are free.
For further information write to:
Dominion Department of Agriculture
Ottawa - Canada
Minister, Deputy Minister.
The Women's Institute met at the
home of Mrs, George Hetherington
with the president, Mrs. J. IT. Snaith.
presiding. In answer to the roil
call "a place I should like to visit.
and why,11 most of the membere said
they would Rise to see the Rockies
and British Columbia. !Hiss ,Mar-
raret Cutts \'i) ,:n')ltn!el1 1en1-
potary leader for ih' Bete (Sleet'
hospitalization plan. Mise 1•lunna
Johnston gave a report of the dis-
trict annual meeting 0=111 at Ethel.
Mrs. A. G. Hewitt spoke on eur-
rent events in India. Palestine, and
The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian
Charm held their Stora meeting at
the home of firs. Elsie Cunningham
witch 21 ladles present. Hyn1n 141
was swig and the peaye • front tine
Glad Tidings was read by several of
the members followed by the Lord's
Peayer repeated in unison. The
Scripture lesson wee rend by Mrs. S•
Dnnbat The Roel was celled ere
swered by repeating a verse of
scripture containing tine • 00'(1 enrth.
The offering was then received. The
business period followed. Plans were
made for quilting the missionary
quilt and donations for the pale
were received. 1t wits decided to
buy a Life Membership Certificate
Mrs. Mclnmis read the meditation,
Hymn 199 was sung. The topic,
Medical Missions in 'India, was given
by Mos, Mcinmts and Mrs. Cunning -
Stant; Nurses Graduation Day. Mrs.
14esith and Our Challenge to Medical
Work in India, by Mrs, Cunningham;
Oen 3)11. Gospel be preeeeecl by ibTin-
istry et Healing by Mrs. McInnes,
Hymn 142 was sung and the meeting
closed with prayer by Mrs, Mc-
Innis, The next meeting nil lbe held
at the home of Mrs, L, Tlea,fh, Lunch
was served enol a social time spent,
The Women's Institute hell their
regular meeting et the home of Mrs.
J. T, Peaaoon last Thursday atm. -
noon with about 20 undies Present,
After singing the opening ode ems
repeating the Instituto Creed, The
minutes of the last meeting were
read anci approved. Tho 11011 was
called answered by n donation of
clothing for tine British relief.
Several Items of business w (t e Ilia,
is -
cussed. Mrs. Brenton favored with
a delightful piano solo, eerq e, T,
Felareot gave a. reacting entitled "A
Plead for the i3sa'm,r." Wire, Alex
Pearson and Mrs. Quest D01)5011
ware appointed delegates t0 Guelph
on June 18th, The meeting closed '
with God save the [ting Lunch was '
served by • the hostess ilssistccl by ,
the h0stess assisted by • Mrs, 1:.
Bowes, Mrs, ,4. Bremner and Mrs,
Conveyancer, ,Tate Pearson and a serial 111110 was
Et'tol, Ont, stent.
England; and Miss Mary Duff told
of the excellent numbers on the
new 1947-1948 Imagism, Mrs. Dar•
ling and Mrs. Hewitt assisted the
h.osiese in serving refreshments.
Miss Sanderson, Toronto, has 1,r -
rived at her summer home here,
ureampan:ed by \Ir. and \Ira.
George Donaldson, Toronto.
VINOXD—in Listowel Memorial Hos-
' Meal on Sunday, June lean, 1947
to Mr. and Mrs. John \9potd, R.R.
2, Atwood (nee Edythe Speiran) a
son Donald John.
WILBEE—Mr. and Mrs. Teen. Wilbee
are pleased to announce the birth
of their daughter June Elizabeth
al Brussels, June 17.
.''. 1', ,Ha:.,rntath
'Western Ontario's Mon
Modern Eyre Sraavize'r
'"h4.1,1V& f I, H r inose
'. � ._ . __ -°•7a^.v>s_:asis>,"z, rv-,-��c�^w'•-, ^—•..•w^:i=a�-a�•eice,Jtic3L�rrc.R "'�
1100 YEARS AGO, two good men
with a cradle and rake could cut
and bind three acres of grain in a
day. Then there still remained the
laborious task of threshing the
grain with agait on the barn floor.
Today one man with a Massey -
Harris self-propelled combine can
cut and thresh up to 50 acres in
a day.
Just think of the tedious, back-
breaking labor in cultivating,
seeding, harvesting and threshing
which the farmer of today escapes
through the use of modern farm
The development of labor-
saving farm machinery in which
Massey -Harris has played a lead-
ing part since 1847 has had an
important bearing on our daily
lives. Before 1830 the farmer pro-
duced mostly for himself and his
family; today he raises crops chiefly
to sell. The huge increase in farm
production brought about by farm
machinery during the last century
has been an important factor be-
hind the rapid climb in the
standard of living both on the
farm and in the city.
Today at the beginning of the
second century of its history, this'
company looks forward to a con-
tinuance of its service in helping
the farmer to produce more and
better crops, easier, quicker and
at lower cost,
iA 1ti 1 ' a +"e� i
FYI N 41
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Wtu anbbrr3wb uanrgrarb,U
Wier 18nwbbn bocsirmn r�'
! +1)0005, 0 05
-Nato 500010,61
,ancasswo .__ _ *a.="
t' ea"Ihh 'fntier0 aM1enP
Oo Mn op,Mle it.
furnish ITil'ni°ad.Ogg
riet d1 n Ien
cilllnr o manIe) operati
any op toodlo,. n
Ma any Hotrla No. 21
8ol rr p
Rola' p th Iladooahr
• 1v61 this machine you