HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-6-18, Page 1POS f PUBLISHING HOUSE June 18th, 1947 Comingt4td y, Tuesday, e JUNE 23rd - 24th - 25th BRUSSELS 1 ONTARK;,, nesday -Only ill I fret RDaaK chnreh at Obegegeln. Neva ' NCA:: the ted Bap McCosh—MennaUni Scotia, the marirage Was solemnized i of Ruth feabelle. (toughie,. of Mr. iton,Nova Scotia, to Kenneth Robert and Mee. Hartley Mo'Kenna. nf Day- ,McCosh, son of 13r, and We. R, A. 'Melee:le Kineterdine. Rev. RR. 1Winchester officiated and Mrs. 'Win- 'ehester played wedding trinere, The bride wore a tiomelereib ,eown .of 'h1t1 net 017.3u satin with flonalmigth veil Janine from a coronet headd,.ess. She carried white roses. As matron or honor, the bride's mint. yr, $ Alice 'Ken' wore n fionalengte ' gown of aquamarine silk shantung and hat of white moan one earltd: roses. Misses Patricia MarKennee: and Katheryn Magee, in pink 'el powder blue reepeetively were bridesmaids. Percy CroebY was groomsman, Far traveling, the brief, wore a powder blue suit with erre coat and black hat. :'.fr, and Mrs MeCosh will reside in Kineardine 47 "I.1 4, .1 1 341, I BOLD! VT 2 VOUS AMO 2 MINUTES OF BLAZING TRUMP' "IT HITS THE NAIL ON THE HEAD" -KW YORK SUN IT APE& VW( RIGIT SoMeatela ! FEARLESS! Nriz, fdR7"1' • ELLIOT F00 BES 0 • I V IS I COMMINTATOt 4:4Aleatikip.1k"17 oo - eacezetersexceetteeleitereleireeleffMartailleetta 199 RE E elaeal•fam. Mere, elev. NUiL5111 ON DUTY Al ALL PiRPORLIANCit BORN ROWLAND—In Wingham hospital on Saturday, June 14th to Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Rowland—a de:righter, Cheryl Lee. FOOTBALL Ethel Vs. Brussels At Victoria Park Brussels on 1 Thursday, June 19th Game called for 7.30 p.m. sharp Admission — Adults 25c Children 10c Come and cheer the boys , to victory. Show me Thy ways 0 Lord: teach me Thy paths. Melville Church Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A. 10 a. tn. Sunday School and Bible Class. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. Guest Speaker:— Rev. Prof. David W, Ray, M.A. Kama College, Toroeto. Louis D. Thorapson, Organist and Choirmaster, The United Church OF CANADA Minister Nev. Hugh C. Witson 11 a. m. Morning Worship "Brother Saul." Reception of Members Junior Congregation 12 Church School and Bible Class. The evening service is with- drawn that we may join in the Anniversary at Melville °hamar. Everyone Cordially Welcome, .,0.141Mall.:1110 Church of Engiand Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr, Rector It. John's Chisprh, Brussels - 1.80 p. M. Sunday School 2,83 p. m, Evening Prayer $t David's Churah, Henfryn— NO Service. $t. George's Church, Welton - 4 p. M. Evening Prayer Rey, Hugh Wilson of Beustels w011 have charge df servloee. East Huron Agricultural Society DANCE in Brussels Town Hall on Friday, June 20th • Music by Ken. Wilbee and His Orchestra Dancing from 10 to 1.30 Three Dance Prizes Admission 50c • Lunch Booth Walton Garden Party to be held on Duff's Church Lawn on Friday, June 27 A good variety program Supper served from 6 to 8 Admission 60c and 25c 11 Sponsored by members of the 16th group and 8th line Morris of the W.A. Garden Party Knox Presbyterian Church, Cranbrook Friday, June 20 Supper served from 6 to 8 Entertainment— McGregor Concert Company of Caledonia culoals. 1 Admission— Adults 75c Robert Bowman To Be Deputy Grand Master 'Robert Bowmen, of Mrussels, OP- torio wil lbe installed as District Deputy Grand Master of the 111',, pendent Order of Oad Fellows, District no. 2, with jurisdiction twee lodges at Wingham, Brussels, Wrox- elm% Teeswater and Blytb, at Ham ilton on Friday of thes week. Mr. Bowman will take over the office immediately following the instal. ration of J. W, McCarthy, of St. Cletharines, es Grand Master for On teeth. Committees of the Various branches of the Order, comprising the Grand Lodge of Ontnrio, the Grauci Encampment, the Rebekah Assembly, the Patriarchs Mintent, and the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Patritunchs Militant are meeting all this week at the Royal Connnught Hotel, „Hamilton to consider the extension of the present campaign enamored by the order to raise funds for the prevention and control of cancer, poliomyelitis, and tuber. Children 40c , Garden Party At Union United Church Wednesday, June 25th Play entitled Aunt Bessie Beats the Band Presented by Young People of Brussels United Church Supper served from 6.30 to 8 Adults 75c Children 25c RElTTTTF Seaforth, Ont NOW PLAYING— Next Thurs. Fol. Sat. June 19-20-21 Home Sweet Homicide With Peggy Ann Garner Randolph Scott Lynn Bari This pleasant comedy Is charming entertainment for those who crave a change from the 'usual eome.cly fare. Mon., Tues., Wed. June 23, 24, 26 Mom and Dad See advertising elsewhere Ir. this paper.' Next Thur., Fol,, Set., June 26, 27, 29 Double Feature— Blondie's Lucky Day with A. Lake Poem,* Singleton Robt. Stanton and • Galloping Thunder with Charles Starrett and Smiley Burnett e 01 01 COMING 111 Teohnleolor The Song of Scheherazado with Yvonne De Carlo Jean Pierre Aumont Muiestic Women's Institute The Sone meetmg of the Majestic Womenas. Inetihnte was. hellt. in the library on Jame 12 with 31 members and. 8 visitors. present. The meeting opened with the new president' Mrs. Cudenore iu the chair. The opening Ode was sung, the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The Re11 Gall was answered by the 'Obaracterla tics that make a charming Woman." The minutes of the May meeting and the treasereOs report were read and adopted, A reading was then given by Tenet Seely on Me arrangement of flowers. Following this a demon- tattration on table setting by Donna endlnons, Doreen Long and Doreen Menges. They explained, the Russian and English style of table setting. The ladies discussed the Picnic to Guelph an June 18 and as ntany who are able to go ,were risked to do so as a good time is anticipated. A short 'et:mess on Modern Dress- making has been exited for and the ledie,s hope to have as large a num. ISDKV1.111.111.111114111.3121.111.133•11113.1011.17,111, 13VI' as possible avail themselves of this opportunity to get some pointere •'• -making. This short course is expected early 111 the 1a1,1 exact dates will be published later A committee of Mrs. Ben Walker, Mrs. Wes. Kerr and Mrs. Dave McLeod have been appointed lo look after an event:re'o enteeleinment for raiseue, funds. Mrs. Wm. Miller gave an interesting 'wore of the Dietrict ,ernal at Ethel at which tro MDT of the Majestic members attended. Donna Otelmore introduced three girls, Batty Cousins •dressed in prop- er clothes for church; Lillian Lake dressed for Flume and Annette Camp- bell in play togs. Thep girls demon- strated, how to he well dressed end well groomed, God Save the King them closed the meeting. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. L. Alenek, Mrs, C. Finsehlin, Mrs. .7. Armstrong, Mrs. George Beare and Mrs, A, Brown. The meetings are to be held the seemul Thursday of Inaeh month in the Brussels Public Library unless otherwise advertised at 2.30 p.m. sharp. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Melville Church Rev. Samuel Herr, St. Paul's Pres- hYtellan Churn, Glace Bay, was the guest speaker at both services on Sunday. Melville Chen -eh Anniversary Rev, Professor David W. Hay, M.A., Knox College Torouto, wit' be the special speaker at the A.T1111. vers'ary services in Melville Church on .Sunday. The services will be at 11 a,m. and 7,30 p,m, Notice Tenders trill be received by:: the undersigned till Saturday, July frth' at 2 o'clock P,M, for the emotion of a cement machinery building at Ethel. Plane, and sepcificatinne nifty be seen at the clerk's office, Ethel. Tee' lowest or any tender not notes - eerily accepted. Security will be required. J. H. Fear, Clerk ANNIVERSARY SERVICES —IN— Mel-vale Pre511riterian Church SUNDAY, JUNE JUNE 22nd At 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. 4 Spe.aker—Reo. Prof.. David W. 1-.1r5v , M. A. KNOX COLLEGE; TOIRONTO. ORGAN RECITAL AT 7:10 p. foriaNiNkm;fiNoNoLimiliNgWAe. Bernard—evane A quiet but pretty weeding was Isolemnized at the United Church [prsona,ge at Ethel, Saturday, Jane till when RON'. Stanley E. Brenton united M marriage Margaret Isobel Evens, youngest daughter of Mrs. Bert Evans and the late Mr. Evens ef Grey townehip to Theme Richard Bernard, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bernard of Morris. The bride chose tar her wedding en informal gown of "Heart,: 11P.Stl," blue Jersey and white neeessar- ies. She ware a corsage of pink wardinine, lily of the valley and fern Miss Betty EVADe attended hey sister wearing a lime green crepe dress trimmed with natitheads and white aceeseories. Me George Bernard of Seaforth attended his brother as best man. A wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride", mother. The dining room was, prettily decorated with pink and white streamers and the bride's table centred with a three wedding cake. The young couple left for a wed - line trip to Youngstown, N.Y. The bride barrelled in a grey crepe dress trimmed with feeleta and grey topcoat and White acce.stfories. On their return Mr, and Mrs. Bernard will take up farming on the Oth concession of Morrie. Nolan—Quirk At 8.80 o'clock June 16th St. Iliney's Roman Catholic church, Mount Forest, wa.s the scene of a very pretty wedding when Mary Veronica Quirk, daughter .of the fate Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Quirk herame the bride 05 Me, James Joseph Nolan, Brussel.% only son of the bite Mr. and Mrs.. 'I'. W. Nolan, Rey. Fr. T. P. Doyle, parish priest, officiated .et tbe wedding ceremony The bride, wearing a floor -length gown of white sheer with unit era wreath .of lity-oiethisvalley and carrying a bouquet of talisman roses was given in flier -lenge by her brethelein-law Mr. Leo Coulson. Miss Kathleen, McCire, Toronto, wearing a floor -length gown of blue crepe and retrying a bouquet of carnations was her cionsin'e Merles - maid. Little Miss Ann Coulson, dressed in MAN'S Was. flower girl. Nohent Culliton, Stratford, was groomsman for his hretherindaw. Sister Watts Marie presided at the organ, A wedding breakfast WAS server) at Flits Lake Me. nuests were Present from Toronto, Guelph and St rat ford . 'Phe bride and groom left on a /rotor trip to Midland and ether points. Por travelling the bride were a rust snit with navy acceaslorles. 011 their return they will reside en thc groom's farm near Rrnitsent. Phelan—Deitner White lilacs. tulips and ferns adorned the alter and sanctuary et St. Ambrose Chinch, Brussels, Wed. nesday, June 11, at 3:30 a.tn., when Margaret Catherine, eldest daugliter of Mr, and Mrs, James E. Deitner of Grey twp, became the bride of John Louis Phelan, ctnly son of Mr. and Mrs, James P. Phelan et Mori -le 1117p. Rev, W. J. Phelan of St. Martins, London, uncle of the bridegroom, ornetated, and the wedding music WAS 1la210(1. by Rev. 8. 5 MeDonald of Clinton, he Wilde'given in Marriage by !her father, was gowned hi white .ber r with gathered woistlin c: .1 Township bishop sleeves; embroidered t.,ti j Council Meeting and meant eart neekline aer•Vnted with pearls. Tier doteicnetilill wig ,'"ught with .1 haio ,142 1 she wore a neckline of pearls and pearl earrings, gifts or the gromn She Periled a raseade bremet livette Carnations end Brephene* She was attended by her Meter, Miss Nora Dettner, who wore a gown of er, en me ov realer 11-1 :i, ••+ «1 Mary Phelan, sister of the 'Viet. Arr.11.112^; o Town of nr+41'•• net -over -taffeta. Both gowns Wry,' similarly designed with gathered skirt'. square neckline and s11,11 gathered SIPPVPS. They were meth PIP net mittens Anil bra 1ilel 1' IT,' 1 and net headdresses anti colonial hnenets nr Senlerre Mr. Thome s Ph Ma a, of Sa Mt unnsin nr are brieemerem acted as best man, and the 'Mier: were Messrs. Gordon and Georgie Blake. jun. 71.1. lei; rer. u• :0*1' 0 1,, Ay. 01 S. Jamieson as Medical ()Meer Health was aceepred and Dr. C. eil41 to fill the vacriney 11. W. Code, 0.L.S., of London was appointed Engineer under tb., pro. visions of the Ditches and Water courses Art and also appointed to examine and report on any area a insteiretc,1 /tuner the Aimitelpel Drainage Act. R. W. Celle. CLS., was in to examine and report the ar, ,rr lb e.11 ,eine eve] ewe I, Mel dein• --The Kral! teT, Tiro mt Narrate The Hall, The Fred C'nx. TIH (;,'ant and The 11 •no,ro-r, The RathweiI and The Feltz Awned The cord rn et of Milli -line t he cement bridge over the Beanehamp Creek Derin et Let 21, e'en 10 tees The nuptiel high mere NINIF awareed in The Gaffney Censtrue- tion Go. at $1730.00. Iry Per, L. J. Phenol, or St. Angns- 1- the tine, also an uncle of the groom Rev F. J. iiricklin. Winehant: RPV. .T.I. Walton815ootoLitbbra,,.lryr Jthilcliug Irdnunmatier rd" Merowell. tendert; Rer. J. P The Boundary of the Listowsi o.te-fett, art Per. 1-• arY. aFfUltightliSeellenlnerlkni7etstr:stUtete;Pt3n airMann, IVIerlin, were in the semen0100110 - Follewing the eel -enemy. (001111,1 rt101(..;17,fetTlizra, of Grey tt.i,esbe:lblinne,;N:11Giete was served in the BrmISWIrk Betel illthe al Wire:diem, to about thirty-five eneete cesslensNldeplanstrid Sctleasfni°sea l.Lolt71:1 to 70 The 'U-shaped table was eentred with inclusive: Concession 2 and 3. Lots 6 n three-tier wedding rake, Later, a reerption was held at tier ;noir liewt,nlveeirGIP reeusli[Ce7iptiC4il onrer)ssliefl. bone of the bride's narente where a buffet luncheon wag served. '01 1' bride's mother received, wearing a nielearev flowered silk s''T'SPY diems with black accessories and wore a eersage of matchless earnations. The frenom's mother chose a blue-eree flowered marquisette dress with bin ek nereseorlse aol wore rorsaee of matchless carnations. Later Mr. and Mrs. Phelan left on rt motor rep to St. Catherine% Niagara Falls, Buffalo end other Points of interest. The aride chose for travelling ,a babypink silk jersey dress with aceordian pleated skirt and Reyhole neckline. matching pink net hat and black accessories She carried e grey -blue foe mat and wore a coreage of Roe. chasm Cain - talons. 'upon their return. they will re, side an con. 8 of Morris Twp. Guests were present from Dublin Drayton, St, Augustine, London. Merlin. Clenton, Saginaw and 133yth. CORNER STONES Rev. G. A. Milne, ALA. Education and Character. Many of the little ferrite, and smile of the greateet sins of life are the result ,of dulness. Edueation sIlooll he so arranged as to make dulness impossible, ter make life interesting and happy, We live in it wonderful and beauti- ful world, offering endless problems of varied and extraordinary interest —a world whiter it is entrenciee lo understand and dangerous to MIS, understand. How few hese been encouraged to try awl nnderstend this wonderful world. Twn great ?nulls in our present -slay system of ecineation .are that it is too narrow and not sufficiently interesting. Our system of education. all too often, defeats its own ohjeot, aol makes distasteful the vary things we wish to make delightful, Children are inspired with the divine gift of carriosity. They ask mere questions than tbe wisest man ecu answer, and want to know the why .and the wherefore of everything Their minds are bright and thirsting Inc knowledge. When they go to school their intellect t so often chilled instead of sharpened, and their lively interest in all things around them is crushel out. It is true that they learn much in sehool, hid, all too often, they lose what is, far more inpostant—tlie desire to learn more of the lessons which nature has to raftok Huron Co.Operative Medical Services The 'Huron Co -Operative Merileal S,rviees will hem three meetings in the county giving all 1010 OPAOKI are Intel' - no opportunity to be present and to hear all details of this Hospit. alization Plan dismissed and ex - Method. Mr. W. G. Nicholson, president, of Ontario On -Operative Polon will be the speaker, The meetings are as follows:. Exeter Town Hall OP Wel.. Stine !le, at 8.80 F.M. minion Agricultural Office on Thurs., JJttne 20 at 8.80 7').?. Winghaan Town Hall on 'friday, lune 27 at 8,30 P.M. Everyone is invited to attend, 12 to 18. Dote 2e to 35 inclusive. The Trustee Board of the Twp. Scheel Area asked for a rate of mills in addition to the 3 mills General School Date. The fnllowing amounts were Paid: Roads $862.83 Dept. of Health 86.00 Sheep 11,40 Bal Employers Liability Tne42.65 Strachan Drain 80.00 Relief 25.00 Next regular meeting, July 5111 itt 1 P.M. 5. H. Year. Clerk Trees For Lumber Wanted— if anyone has soft mtple trees It for sawing for lumber that they would care to give for the re -building of St. John's Anglican Chnrch, Brussels kindly notify . Phone Brussels 51-r-0 „T. H. Bryan Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs. 'Wallace Agar, R.R. No. 2, Bluevale, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter Leila Mae to Charles David Hay con nf Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Bay, Zurich, Ont, The marriage to take place the latter part of June, The United Church On Sunday morning Professor .e. J. Johnson :make in the interests of temperance. His [beide was "Are you Interested in temperance?" The choir sang "When *Teens comes into your Heart" by Haldor Lillenas. To the evening Rev. George Dunlop of Bele:rave spoke on the text, "lt any man will come altar me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and follow Inc.', The choir sang "'We shall shine as the stars." by J. W. Vanneventer, Foot Ball On Friday evening the Brussels team scored a decisive victory over St, Cohnnhan at Victoria Park. The first goal Inc Brussels ame SS a result of a free kick, and Sack Lowe was the marksman for the seeond counter. Bt. Columban failed to score and indulged in an orgy of rough play and fouls. The return eit a Bryn= to the Brussels, team added strength to the half line. An injury suffered during practice pre. vented Bill Stevenson from nartlet. Feting In the mat two games. Receives Degree Miss Greta Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jackson, Har. riston. who Is attending the Heiver, sity of Toronto rereived her Tictehelor of Arts Begree at the graduation exercises there last weelr She also received the Prince of Wales Gold Modal for attaining tbe highest standing III the Pase Course of the College 112 a class Of one hundree and eighty etudente. Mimi 1,Taeltent intends to ' eontinne her 1 education and major In History and English al the Univesitv next Year 1She is a grand -daughter ol the late Mr. and Mrs, John Robb, tortner residents of Bruseels,