HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-6-11, Page 2Huron Federation Of Agriculture f IFTH ANNUAL iht M[EM()RL\Li, PARR Field Day will b,: officiary opened at .15 p. m. iD.1 T.) by H. R. HANNAM PRESIDENT CANADIAN FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE PROGRAM: 9 a. m. --•-11.n! on County Jm:ior Livestock Judging Competition. 15.30 a. m. -Girls Softball. 10,30 a. in. -Junior Farmers Softball. .1.15 p. m. -Official Opening: Speaker, Herb, H, Hammen, President (ana,ilan Federation of Agriculture. Presentation of Prizes to winners of Essay Contest and Junior Livestock Judging competition. 1.45 p. m. -Running Horse Races, 1st (teat; best 2 out of 3 one-half mote dashes, open to boys and horses from Huron Co. lige for boys, limit 21 years) -$15.00, $10,00, 95.00. 2.00 p.m.-Seetion "Al". men's 1 -mile Foot Race, open. Prizes 95,92,92 2.10 p. m. -Running Horne Race; best 2 out 3, las-Mile Dashes. First Heat. Open to girls From H•umon Cn.-$15, 910,$5, p. nh.-Second Heats of Running Horse Races. p. m. -Softball Game, Men's. p, m. -Sports for Yoang and Old. p. m. -Sweater Gtrl Contest, winner to be crowned" Miss Hur- on." Prizes 925.00 and Special Prize of $10.00 donated by Snell Bros. & Co. Garage, Exeter. Total. 935. to winner, 4.15 p. m. -Hurdle Events, open to horses from Huron only -$56.00 in prizes. 4.30 p. m. -Square Dance and Fiddlers' Contest; 958.00 In prizes. 4.30 p. m. -Men's Baseball -Prizes 930 and $20. ATTRACTIONS AND EXHIBITS 1. Dom1n4o11 Department of Agriculture Exhibit. 2. Provincial Department of Health Exhibit. 3. The Story of a Newspaper by London Free Press. 4. Films by Nattonal Film Board. 5. Ontario Hydro Electric Exhibit. 6. Women's Exhibit. 7. Machinery Exhibits. 8. Motor Exhibits. 9. Canadian Canners Exhibit. 10. Cheese Factory Display. 11. Display of News and Pictorial Photographs by Stretford Beacon -herald• in Gymnasium. 12. Home Insulation Display. 13, Boys' Shop Work Exhibit. 1.4-. Girls' Home Economics Exhibit. Esreryhoy We -kerne - Band in Attendance -DANCE- Dance in the Gymnasiumto the music of Norm. Carnegie's 8 -Piece Mttidern and Old -Time Band. Pancinn9.30 p. m. to 1 a. m. ADMISSION 50 CENTS PRIZES GIVEN FOR NOVELTY DANCED Presentation of CKNX Shield to Township having highest number of points in Sports Events. RUSSELL BOLTON. W. R. LOEB, W. V. ROY, Preeiden,t. Vice -Pt rsident, Sec.-Treas. CARS 25 CENTS CITT'LDREN FREE ADULTS 25 CENTS THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, June 11411, 1947 Classified Ads FOR SALE- 11 young pigs 13111 Blake Phone 12.0-S FOR SALE- , '29 Model A Ford in good shape. Phone 11-r-12 30Iin Harman FOR Wheelbarrow and a gasoline store with oven (3 burner) iit•s. U. Denman Phone 88-r•2 NOTICE - Daring moved to Brussels my Phone number now is 56-r•O Geo. Wesenbnrg, Rawleiga Dealer, TEACHER WANTED For S.S. No. 7, Hallett (Protest- ant). State salary. Apply to K. AleVittie, Blyyth NOTICE - Range Shelters made to order, SxS ft., reasonable prices, Frank Mitchell Phone 25•r-26 COST - Car license plate and bracket No. 30x33 finder please Phone 2S -r-10. , Russel Knight, R. R. 2 Brussels . FOR SALE - Holstein cow and call 6 months old also a Durham Bull. Phone 17-r-19 AT. Fraser 8th line of Morris LOST - A sum of money on Sat ni'tla'.• of Sundady in Brussels. nattier kind- ly leave at the Brussels Post. AGENTS WANTED_. 535, to 960. A WEEK: YOITR OWN BUSINESS. No boss, no ttnleclods, Independence -The leading line of Home Service Products! Very little nonny required, Operate In town. or 12 you have the equipment pick a rural area. Infomation and catalogue FREE, Familex, Dept. 0., 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. "HELP WANTEu.-MALE" AN OPPORTUNITY- Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive. and between the ages of 25 and 55 - have or can secure travel outfit this is your opportunity to get estab- lished in a profitable husinese of your own. For full particulars twine today to The J. R. Watkins Company. Dept. 0-B-4, 2177 Mason St., Montreal, Que. MAN WANTED - For Rawleigh business, No experience or captial necessary. Sales easy to make and profits large. Start im- mediately. Write Rawlelgh'n Dept ML -D-152-190, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE - 1 child play pen 1 child's buggy, in good condition. Win, Martin, Barber Shop. Phone 106x, FOR SALE - A. good 100 acre farm, lot 19, con. 10, Grey Twp., 21 miles from O anbrook or Ethel. For further Particulars apply to Mrs. Queren- gesser, 19931 Derby Ave., Detroit 3, Mic'h., or Phone 83-r-14 Brussels. F, l-ftrrnuth Registered Optometrist "Western Dote i ors Med Modena Eye 3rrarsr*'' ?hone Mrs. James Robertson • FOR SALE - 1 -50 -acre Farm, good buildings; 1-75sacre Farm, good buildings, hydro, 1 -100 -acre Farm good buildings and silo. 2 -100 -acre Grass Farms, J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker Phone 84 Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE - Electric motors rewound and re. Paired Expert workmanship. Moder- ate prices. New motors in stock. Bettger Industries, 649 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. Tile death occurred at Toronto General Hospital on Tuesday of Edith Lenore Adair, wife of James Robertson. Mrs. Robertson was well known to many in this district as her sister Ethel (Mrs. Praetl, was a former resident of Bluevale. Inter• meat took place in Wingham ceme- 118, tiarrisfan tery on Thursday. Get Money -Saving GOOD)VEAR Tires Today from ELLIOTT BROS. alVyearn win an lire test, but �l�zyee1 They yd ge ambig cash ssavingg ibroughextra mileage ... over and above what they could get from any other tire of comparable prig You Ian enjoy this great tire value, -too--get safe, super" -mileage Goodyeare today. n YOUR GOOD, ELLIOTT BROS. Brussels, Ont. Phone 82 • AN.ti,;O li4fa Rv�,lllbwel4...Be Ca tetfiit +eras x 'Mae'. •�n�aY?-J•S^':\�LE,0.,1'p'f'^i-MN",•,iN•T x,•Nn.Ff• n:'w..4'`%O 'A%5.11M^.wr. Vbg1.'11^ A(V.l•'iJi/i%p.•Yp"•Ykfn'Cy,b'JYp C+.'n.1 Wa:+:,..,1.•M'RM.,rXa.rra,IMIZtInitt. W.111 102,6M1Va:H,AOL.IW G. 0 Thornton, and Ma. sad Mrs. Church met at the home. of Mrs. John ton expressed warm praise Earl Hamilton with 26 present. 31'' to Mrs, Hewitt Dor helpfulness dur- Darling, the president, presided lo" 2103 her stay here and voiced the re - the W.A. session and suggested Drat of the societies over her de plans fora tea and entertainment pltrt:ure, Mrs. W. J. Johnston was to he shared with the wenn,; people. pianist. Refreshments were served Mrs. Shaw read the scripture; Airs, by Mrs. Hamilton and her assist - Darling read a poem. Ylrs, Howitt ants. made et donation of material to be made up for the bazaar. The host• esses were Mrs. Milton Smith anti Mrs. J. Wickstead. BLUEVALE Rev. William Blackmore occupied the pulpit of the United Church at Listowel on Sunday morning. lir. Blackmore was formerly a resident of Listowel. Be was ordained into the ministry of the United Chetah of Canada by the Lot,.don Confer- ence in session at Chatham. last week. Following with gifts from the Young People's Union and Sunday School, in which he had been ac- tive, also a gift from the session on behalf of the congregation. Mrs Blackmore accompanied him t Listowel. Others from here attend Ing the service included Dir, and Mars. Raymond Elliott, Mr. an Mrs. A. D. Smith, Mr, and Mrs J. Wickstead Rev. Mr, McFaul, Pontine, Mtrll., preached in the United (hooch here on Sunday 1norniug and COTI.diletetl the Bible class. Rev. Leland C, Jorgensen occupied 2110 pulpit in Knox P!'Pabyter!an Church. Mark 40th Wedding Day Mr. and Mrs, George Thornton entertained thein family at dinner Sunday evening on the occasion rf the 40th anniversary of their wed. The president, Mrs. Earl Ttamil• ding, Guests included Mr. and M's ton, presided for the nloteing 01 J. Wickstead, Morris; Mr, and Mrs the W M,S The scripture was rend Neil McLean, Toronto; M:•, and Mrs by Airs. George Hetheriugtan; Mrs. A. D. Smith, Bluevale; Mr. nod Mrs ,Ta.mes C. Johnston presided for Hilliard Jefferson, Donnybrook; Mr. the worship service, the theme and Mrs• 3, Marshall, Listowel; rind being "The church comes back in Iltr, and Mrs, Wilson Thornton, Blue- Asda"; Mrs. `ir. J. Peaock was vale. There were also 13 grandchil leader for the theme, those taking dren present, and Miss Eleano.' 11c• part in the dialogue on different Lean of Wingham. 'file occasion branches of the Asiatic mission also marked the anniversary of Mr' work being Mrs. Sanies Johnston, and Mrs. Neil McLean's wedclittg• Mrs. R. J. McLennan, Roma Breckenridge. Emma Johnston. Mrs. Hamilton, Ales. Fleming John- ston, and Mrs. Snarling Johnston. Mts. Peacock moved tnlat hospital supplies be sent to Miss Ella Hewitt of the Grenfell misison. Personals: Mr. and Mr„ T. T Field, who have recently returned to Canada from their home at Lone Brant -h, Cal., spent Sunday at the home of Miss Duff; Thomas o Strachan, Grey township, was ta- . ken to Clinton hospital on Satin.- - day where he nnderweat an appen- d dectomy. . The women's groups of the United s___ "MM. RESTAURANT FOR SALE - in Village of Brusesls. Excellent Trade with very little Competition. Good Building with 7 ream apart- ment. Ready for immediate possess- ion. Price for quick sale due to health. Contact Contact - A. Coleman, Brussels, Ont., Phone 99. FOR SALE - Good frame house at tits Nest end of the Village of Ethel, equipped with hydro, hard water in house, good cistern, newly decorated inside, For further panticulara apply to Wm. Spence, Conveyancer etc., Phone 22-r-3 FOR SALE - Ares, Hatchery has Chicks for im- mediate delivery -pullets, non -sexed and cockkerels. Also some started, most varieties. We suggest you Con• tact ucc• soon. And if you want August chicks, they should be order- ed now too. Ask ns for prices. Agent Wm. Glen Betty, Ethel. FOR SALE - A house and lot in the centre of main street, Ethel, equipped with hydro, a furnace, soft water In house and hard water on bank verandah. A nice stable and garage combined suitable for • keeping chickens. For further particulars apply to Wm. Spence, Oonveyanoer, Phone 22-r-9 Et'tel, Ont. FOR SALE- Bargains in Canada Approved chicks for this week and next.: Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, W hite Rocks, Light Sussex, Black Austnalorps, non -sexed 9A6, pullets 12.95, cockerels 8.95. Assorted Heavy breeds non -sexed 8.96, pul- lets 11.95, cockerels 7.95. White Leg. Horn, X Barred Rock, Atistra- W hiites 8.95, pullets 17,95, cockerels 2.95, White Leghorns 8,45. pullets 17.95, cokerels 1.00. Assorted Light or Medium breeds non -sexed 7.95, pulelts 16.95, Twe week old add 6,00, three week old add 11.00 per hundred, Shipped C.0,D, This adver- tisementmust accompany your order to receive these special prices, Also Pellets eight weeks to laying. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. Mrs. Alex McCracken, accepted an invitation from the W.M.S. of the Brussels United Church last week to give the report of the Lon- don conference branch W.M.S. meeting held at Aylmer hl May. She was presented with a bouquet. Personals; Rev. and Mrs, Wil- liam Blackmore with Mrs. Black- inore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray. mond Elliott; Miss Florence Fowler with friends in eaforth. At a meeting of the settlement committee of the London Conference of the United Church, in session, in Chatham, Rev. J, A. Burden has been named for the charge of Blue - vale and Ebenezer. Personals: Rev. Leland (1. Jor- gensen spent Thursday In London where he met Mrs. Jorgensen who has spent two weeks with Mrs. A. G. Hewitt organized a relatives in illinols and Wisconsin; Baby Band, with Mrs. McCracken, Franklin McQuillan, St, Helens, as superintendent. Mrs. Edward with Mrs. Carl Johnston. • HANDS AT WORK... LEARNING MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR ONTARIO'S progress and prosperity are directly dependent on her ability to produce goods in sufficient volume to meet domestic needs and the demands of world markets. To keep production lines moving requires thousands of vehicles, powered by gasoline and diesel engines ... and these vehicles must be maintained in first-class condition. Skilled main- tenance men and operators are needed to keep a smooth and increasing flow of raw materials moving to industry ... to move workers to their jobs ... to speed produce to market. For those who master such skilled occupations higher wages, job security and better working conditions are within easier reach. Today, through the plan sponsored by the Department of Veterans' Affairs and other agencies, thousands of young workers are being trained to meet the needs of motor vehicle trades and other industrial needs of the province. Graduates of these rehabilitation courses are now ready to take their places in Ontario's industry. Available to you are veterans, well started on the road to skilled motor trades Ouch as motor mechanics, service management, service station operation, diesel mechanics and operation. Seek them out with confidence. They are your future craftsmen. Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) DIESEL MECIIAIJICS The Diced Course offers exceptional oppor. tunity for the average experienced motor mechanic. Shop work, with a combination of theory, covers all phases of operation, and is designed to give the student all essentials for proper diesel engine maintenance. Course available at Hamilton only. Vocational training courses in the arts, professions and trades are offered at training centres located in Me following cities and towns in Ontario: Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener, Windsor, Pt. IFilliani, Ilrochaillee, North Bay, Ouawa. ..:x ✓YiM ap,wr,Nv,nn TEP SEA the •deee 3 ps 1947 for out Fc flop: obta Age! Otta tett, Oat, Ta fora and spec ed t num T1 to tend a se cert in 2 orde of F cent Bea! Cana Rail COMp teed the afor cher .odd Sa gnat of t Dep Ott: i