HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1947-6-4, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST PM* BeenteNetiotee• FOOTBALL SCHEDULE June 5 -Atwood at Brussels .Tune 6 -St. Columban ai Ethel June 10-13russels at Walton June 12 -Atwood at Ethel June 1$ -St. Columban at Brussels Tone 17-Brusesls at Ethel June 18 -Walton et St, Columban June 19 -Ethel at Brussels June 20 -Walton at Atwdni June 24 -Ethel at Walton June 25 -Atwood at St. Coluothan • June 27 -Walton at Brussels :June 2R -St. Columban at Atwo.., July 9-BrusesIs at Atwood July 4 -St. Celiimban at Walton 1,Tuly 5 -Ethel at Atwood 1 July R-Et:hel at S. Columban :July 10 -Atwood at Wilton !July 14 -Walton at Ethel r I • :. Wanted: A Humber 01 progress1ve fartner,‘ la NN't-i...t.itit districts who would 1 to 441 nal a commercial hits.]: a fled Raspberries, either for your lacal 11.11' or for •dotpi,,,, 14) recommended city deal 1114. ,..11-(14 I) "jIlolItH1 figures, prices ni 40:4,0c per (matt and deal r room la would indicate short supplies rTerYWIIIDre. enenurage a Wailed plantin, pat..114, a well known nursery jo sending a special r-pi-;;sent..ttiv. ;.f many years experience In commerical production. to 11a:so:tally in'tirview and educate interested iarmers in raspberry (NOW°. This should result in higher yields, longer patch life, less hand la'm' and when translated into dollars at normal olives a relatively high ratio of profit 14 assur. d. Because of the simply of 0. '11 1110'4:11:1, 0111,1 1111-44 can only be mut., for FALL PLANTING 1947, limited 40 0110 acre. If genstined;t hetere4led in berry grow:ng cs a to farming, write Box 41T. Carnpbellforei, Onicrio, ...an or 11110 10th, giving loriation of y 10 it Our speci;tlist will and completely itralytie 1 1o1irs, soil rei.aiismenis mienai.•• ation, up-to-ddate cultural pracrees. home InorRets and surplus shipping. p!ar.ting. i4441 ted yields 'and prafirt lter aere. Late replies cannot be covered. Early plows mere hewn from srorairsalla. Allow 1000, east. hon moldboards Inman 40 (0 aaad, '';i 1-r In Detroit Sunday Times Port, nitly. powerful '1111.irs the new Sunday feature "IVIE. and Mrs. ". it - Air.;-•:ealt-,11 by ,I0 ‘VESTBUIDOIC PEG - 1.1! PICTOItIAL RITIVIEW with mh 11,41.111t Sunday T1.1110A, starting *.• '1 1; Sanday's (June St issue. il WESTIIIZOOK 11'10,11 I.R. both Sanday 141 The Detroit T en, '1 loo Tnrontn 14 II fi 1,1or1 P.1.401'1111. (104 t. 590111 (111' week end at the ham,of .Tolm and Mrs. Peter 1 1,thee, Miss Minn Raker, Broads Ma."in and John r•tpailtitl the waddltu, of Winston MeEnchern in Gall re- cently, Kenneth McDonald is able to be around again after his recent operation, ait,e "lay "Lena Rivers" presented in Knox Church basement Bare by the YOU ng People of Bethesda Church was well attended, thirty-eight dollars being valived from the sale of tieicetc, Cleo Wesenberg and family have 1 ' ,,!11 - z 'a.. 1.4 11 '-14' 44 1-11, ..11111 nr :el'. A number of the 1 tdieE of the \V 11.S. and Y. 1i". cy from • ttended the Preshyte.lni held .1 .; -.1)7401'1110 Charch 1.111.1 on To -day last. Marra', T.' 1 .111 (Icon:liter Sharon A1111, 1.111 ()I are spending a few days. With her par- ents, Allen and IVIrs. Oa.meron. aux.mairataags....ie C". ....1r•Stra,,PC • 7774- • - -4.1% KO 9 1,044 t. 4;c p AS LATE AS 1794,wooden moldboards were hewn from tree trunks, and when the first cast-iron plows were made, farmers believed that the cast iron ”poisoned the land." Then came lighter weight steel plows. Soon plows were being made in factories at much lower cost than they could be made by the local blacksmith. Since 1847 when the first Massey plant started producing plows and other farm implements, machine methods have almost completely re- placed hand labor on the farm, Plowing requires more power than any other farm operation. Today on thousands of farms in Canada and throughout the world, Massey -Harris plows drawn by powerful Massey - Harris tractors speed across the fields, enabling the farmer to plow twice the acreage he formerly plowed with a four horse outfit. %day Mostoy-Halds maim. a type 01 ploW for ivory purpoo-wolliIns Pow., foul& Flew., di.. plow.. And Massey -Harris mowers, bind- ers, combines and other machines handle crops more speedily than would have been thought possible a hundred years ago. The past century has been one of steady expansion for the 1VI ass ey-Harris industry. To the farmer it has brought happy release from much of the back- breaking labor connected with farm work. -seet,••*. .T. 41 - NOTICE TQ THE FARMERS OF HURON 00ui4ry ceun tmrpr chlto-up (11014 4rf.4f City Itt;;, • ..;;;: th:, '1..1' 1'0'11.. I/ • P1;0111,1 (.111,11110,1 ',Ili, .19 HO, lirought to .I110 surface 11 filltivalinv ton,“ at' awl burned. Coloplisio., tne,,E. 101`, 10 11,0:', •ri ro. .100, id. Faifitt, ri:1111:•r t .tffeuller m1111:1,0 to not-. Glenn 1(..1ckmler, Insiwtvo.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of WILLIAM R I N EHA RT deceased. Ail violins against the Estate of William Henry Rinehart, late of Muskegon, Miehigan, lied on the 23111 day 01' May, 1411 ootrPd to forward run perliEttlarA their Maims, duly verified. to the undersigned by the 2811) day of June. 1947, after which date the acsr.t- of the Estate will he distrI1mt-d. 1101-1112 regard 1101y 40 the eltints Gem Merl. PRANK DONE:I...Y. K.C, Goderich Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. HENRY TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings - Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addres:nd to the undersigned and enderse,1 "Tell - 11P,'$ for Coal" wIll 'HA received until 3 p.m. (E,D.S.T.) Thursday, June V'. 19117, for the supply of (oat and :0140 for the Dominion Bnildings through - :tut the Province of On.tario. Forms of tender with speeifien- lions and conditions attaehed can be obtalfied from the Purohasing Agent, Department of Pnblie Works, Ottawa, and the :Supervising Archi- tect. 30 Adelaide St. East, Toront Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with depa r Yule ntal specifications and conditions attach- ed thereto. Coal dealers' numbers must he given when tender- ing. The Department reserves the right to demand from any successful tenderer, befetre ,awarding the order, a seeuirty deposit In the form of a certified cheque on n...-411l1-tpren beck in Canada, made payahl" to the order of the Honourable the Minister Of Public Works, equal to le pet tent of_ the amount of 'ho tender, or Bearer Ponds of the Domin,on of Canada or or the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent companies unconditionally gnaran. teed as to principal and interest by the Dominion oE Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified eheque, if required to maks up an odd amount. .Such security 10111 serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfilment of the contract, By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. t)epartment of Public Works, Ottawa June 2, 1947. 04,11111.1..CM? EARRINGS AS St1Matt • $4.O° ALSO PENDANTS BROOCHES ETC. atiNeatk THE PROUDEST NAME IN A.4.054 Shove lefl: $57.5° MATCHED SET:- -fuoELE4,A1 PERFECT! .W. G. LEACH. JEWELLIER MUSSELS, OWT ppoPti,' ffrittE K.NOW Ai-. Peter 110 WI4 I', I "oloyine 41 -4' 41)1.- 014 with fri 1.1'm Alf•N 11 111 last AloinittY. (1 ('('104: Jan spent the )14'(. '44 end Mitehell. Dr. Harper, who y .1 ':11-,. ,,t• for, ky,f),,Z. win twat twor his new daft,. here I his %VW+, MISR Claire Burhridge 49 Middle-, /on, Nt,ra Scathe, spen1 e:ipt week visiting in Tirusseis with 114r:.1 E. Trenserson and the Ilyint.? family, Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Hoover and 41r, and Mr', W. Smithson, London, Mr. and Airs. Duncan Merallum and Mrs, Bert Eray and Shavaa of Myth were Sunday visitors with Ili',, R. J. Hoover and Miss Beth Hoover. ails Florence Mc Naugh tot' and Airs. G. MeDowell visited with Mr. 1,te4 Mr. Nr.ri h. Allis M. Skelton mid Miss E. Forsythe ot Long liratielt and with Mr. 0101 WM. 111 01401A111 of Toronto. At the 1111011,11 (1Ir.et.1fl. 144 th,- Pr,,,,byt (Tian ('1111 '('4) of the IV, 2.1,S held in Ethel lust week :this. McInnes in welcoming the delegate, said .,01ely was ore•anIzEl 11 by Mrs. get-. John Dr, (1-1)1):) 411. Brussels. W11, Iiii1-10'111 1. -elf co` 1111,,: 1' with AllF, St. John'z Building rtulti The following donation, ill, received since our ftind for St. ;rants was closed. We gr t,f0 acknowledge them here. Previously acknowledged ... $2073.40 Knox Presbyterian Y.P.S.. Cranbrook 11 Oti Mrs, R. G. Ruckell, Hamilton 5.30 Mrs. D. R. Cunningham ----------1114 - - 42.0111.9u Previously included in to11: Wm. Bernard 12,4111 Special Prizes Offered For Brussels Fall Fair Several speelol prizes he offered for eorapetition at the Bro.- sets fall fair on Oct. 2 and 3, In the swine section T. Entoo Co, o1.f4iis speeial cash awards for bacon hoes, in addition to the awards nffProd by the fair board. In the hatw 11 section T. Eaton Co,. offeiis Milt bowl. for the best finished stee11 weight up to 700 lbs. 1131:•;r: son Co., of Toronto offer plated' tray to be awarded In the baking, domestic manufactire;. and ladies' work sections. Th., Canadian Bank of Commento of- fers a silver tray to be awarded to the eompetifor svorlog highest number of points in the exhibits of farm prodipe of all types. Competitors for the lat, award must reside within 10 1111:.-. of Brussels. FOR'SALE- Box spring coat, 5179 Id, can h.. Seen at the Brussels Post. dune 4141, 1947 ONTARIO REGULATIONS are now in effect in Ontario relating to the licencing and inspection of T z IST PS and the form and contents of all ADVERTISING _ MATTER pertaining to Hotels, Summer Resorts, Fishing; Hunting, Travel, Vacationing or other accommo- dation or facilities for tourists, • Interested persons may secure a copy of the Reps lotions by writing: The Director, Development Branch, DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL & PUBLICITY PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO HON. ARTHUR WELSH Minister TOM C. MeCAU Deputy Minister 16-47 Heron Old Boys As:aoolation Tr). 710V., 1 Plettio th • 111'" .1, •1. IloYs Asr,oriation Torwit,) vitt held at High Park, .44rea ninhher 1st Moor St.. 1111 Ft.iclay, :Inn 1:111), commencing at 4 p. m. Thre viii (45 • 'i ;• • .11 .f 'Ntrtit and South Huron, games for all ages and speclai prises for older pti:39.1 1•.., a basket ohmic with ad- ‘, •1,4 ;;......•;.; ',erred to 0 Ct Al) Iii,Ion'tes made welcome. . _ • • ,...1.02ZWEES11.41450,G1,1*........-....................+•...........-.4.r.,41•104*....11.0{915:46,Feefittigelh, Oil Filters fer all maket tructmv USED TRACTORS FOR SALE Water Bowls - Harrows -- Manure Loaders Tires - Oil - Clt.c.e-sz - Rubber Tired Wagons. Electric Fencers - Grain Grinders and Rollers. Ethel, Ont. 4...44•112=19AIMMINE Ricklards & Son Phone Brussels 86-r-15. 4WONMIMIES It will pay you to make us your headquarters for Grass Seed purchases. We have all lines, and our prices are right. We have the best is permanent pastures at the cheavest prices. If you need a new stove we have it. Agent for Sparton and Roger's Majestic Electrical Lines, Radios, Washers, Refrigerators, etc. For your Spring Cleaning, we have Martin-Sencrar Paints and Varnishes. • 1.41 00 *missal's Ethel, Ont. Phone 22-r-7 Brussels WV, TO OTID Do4) EAR" THRESEIE BEILTi You can eliminate both excessive slippage and too - frequent delays due to breakdowns, by installing Goodyear Klingtite Thresher Belting. Klingtits really takes hold of your pulleys . : reduces slippage to a minimum . . . saves fuel as it delivers more power! Klingtite is scientifically compounded by Goodyear for toughness. . . resistance to wear and weather. That's why it stays oai the job . doesn't let you down. . . and outlasts other belting by years. Get money -saving Klingtite today. IT DELIVERS ALL THE POWER ALL THE TIME, We Also Ca" Go oDIEAR muoi v-BE"s and FRAclioNt1/41- vioRSE P°W BELAS GOOID eINEAR Phone 55 J. W. FISCHER Masserllarris Brussels Ont.